No Man's Sky is looking amazing, right guys?

No Man's Sky is looking amazing, right guys?

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funny op

real talk: what will launch actually be like?

will journos defend their hyping of it when it turns out to be a tedious and boring game?

will fans enter a star-citizen-like state of denial about it?


Unless they ride off the VR train, I doubt anyone will go and play it for very long.

You just scan animals

Has less to do and less variety of environments than Pokemon Go.

Nice clipping through that asteroid, by the way.

What if Starbound had less gameplay?

this was a gameplay trailer where was the gameplay???????

i can't actually play the game??

You know, some weeks ago I would've said that nobody will buy a game without gameplay, but after the success of Pokemon Go I'm convinced that No Man's Sky will also succeed, one way or another.

I hate modern games.

If they port to linux or DX11 support for linux comes out I'll probably pick it up when it goes below $20

Depends what I hear about the planet variety and if there's anything to break up monotony of fly>land>grindresource>fightrobots>fly

There aren't enough invested fans to go full shill citizen.

You require a critical mass, a number of individuals so indoctrinated by their own delusions about the product that when in an echo chamber forum they form a perpetual hype generating structure. They produce their own outlandish claims that can't in any way be substantiated but are carried by enough individuals that people outside the structure start believing them.

This is the same kind of phenomena we saw with Holla Forums and meme production.

It's gonna be like Battlefront 3, very positive opinions about the surface elements like the gwafix but very divisive opinions on the gameplay or lack thereof. A lot of people will play it for about 3 weeks and then it will be completely forgotten.

modern console users and pc users actually have much higher standards than smarphone drones so maybe not.

who else pre-ordered smash that like button

I'm expecting some kind of mess with the servers or something. Other than that, moderate to high success and then a drop. To be honest, this has potential but I highly doubt it'll do anything noteworthy.

Just like me.

So why does most of Holla Forums hate this game?
Looks a bit like Elite: Dangerous.

Retards nowadays buy games on the perceived hype alone. Those millions of dollars on marketing are that matters basically.

Honestly, i think its going to sell fairly poorly (1.5-2 mil copies), then people are going to realise ite shit, a good 1/8-1/16 will refund it, the fanboys/shills are going to monitor the forums to supress all negative discussion, and the game will fade from ths public eye in 2 weeks.

I'm not too sure about that. As you know, the advertising has been rather aggressive and effective at selling the game based on premise alone. A friend at Gamestop also told me that they have received more preorders for NMS than most of the other August releases combined. Most of the normalfags I know have bitten into the bait as well. Then again, maybe Pokemon Go distracted them for a bit.

I know at least 2 people who bought fallout 4 and loved every fucking second of it.
One of them bought skyrim just for modding, and spends hours setting up and configuring mods, to play for minutes, then gets bored and goes to play something else, repeating this process every few months.
Now, the other one of these fellows is hyped about no man's sky, and literally nothing will convince him that it will be anything less than the best fucking game ever to grace mankind.

May god have mercy on their souls.


almost everything should be running client side

But user, how would we be able to play the meta non-multiplayer online then ?

I can do that in Metroid Prime and experience actual gameplay at the same time

Star Citizen fans have the "I invested my kid's college fund on virtual space ships" thing to drive the commitment.

I just want the game to come out so I can laugh at the disgusting tranny developer and her (yes, it's a FtM one, I'm not enabling the insanity) whining.

Nothing will ever be SC tier because the biggest reason people are so invested in it is because they are literally invested in it, financially. It's why so many people play League of Legends despite knowing that it's a shit game or at least even shittier than an alternative like Dota because they have already spent so much on LoL champions/skins. I know this because I have several friends that hate LoL but play it because they're already so invested in it.

It flew too high, and just like Icarus it will burn.
They hyped it too much raising unrealistic expectations and it's gonna be flawed in many more aspects too.
It will still do a lot of money on preorder because normalfag scum.
To everyone ITT: i will fucking rape your sister and feed her your mutilated genitals if you preorder.

So what do you actually do in this game? All the comments on jewtube just keep spouting off the same vague shit like you can upgrade your ship (why), you can scan animals (why), you can get resources (WHY)… Is there base building or something because I don't get it

me and i want to die

Space is cozy man.
I can see the appeal of this game, but they could never pull this off.
What would you need to make a game like this engage you anyway?

As an user put it:
You can do everything but not really

It seems like the main meat of the game is the ability to name an animal whatever you want after you discover a unique one.

Like, I'm pretty sure that's the whole game.

You can engage in dogfights, but I never saw any videos that showing new guns or enemy types or anything.

So it's literally nothing and normos are fucking hyped for it.

No Man's Why

Might as well shitpost since this is the designated thread.

The only sandboxes I kind of enjoy are the ones where movement is fun and collecting resources or powerups increases those movement abilities. I'm pretty biased because I generally fucking hate open world/sandbox games anyway but if this game is just 'you can hop from planet to planet' with no end goal then just why. Maybe if there was a story or the chance to bump into other players and get into shenanigans or something I'd be interested but I can't find any info on these things

Looks like a hipster no gameplay version of Starglider 2.

Pretty much my opinion on this game



The whole objective of game is to reach the center of the universe. For that, you need a faster ship. To et faster ship, you fly plannet to planet and grab resources. Rinse and repeat several dozen times and you've won

why would you need a faster vehicle to go farther?

Limited fuel I suppose, meaning a faster vehicle is more importantly a more fuel efficient vehicle per mile.

So it's Spore 2: Even Less To Do Edition.

It's because the first ship is so slow it'd probably take you several days of real time to fly to the centre, or something like that

But Spore actually had quite a lot to do.

That isn't how space works, you just need to have that initial burst of inertia and there's nothing to slow you down, sans the large objects in space.

Best Case Scenario: Subnautica IN SPACE

Worst Case Scenario: Every planet is the same in a different color

Have they confirmed crafting yet? Every trailer so far seems to be "you can scan fauna/flora". Do I even get cash for that? Can I be a dandy guy in the space, hunting new animals with my cat and robot buddies?

Cause that's the shit I need to get interested.

I meant in the galactic age.

the intergalactic no-fun police will actually come and attack you if you kill animals
no companions AFAIK

It's basically the same as the new zelda. You gather resources to craft better equipment, and you use that better equipment to help you survive in your journey, with the goal being getting to the center of the universe.

To be more specific, in order to get to the center, you'll need a ship that can do FTL travel between systems a far enough distance to actually hop between system to system to get there. In order to get better ships to do that, you need to get the resources to construct those ships But in order to get those resources, you'll need good suits and mining tools and weapons too to actually be able to withstand the atmosphere and temperatures on planets with the resources you need, and to build those, you need resources as well.

All of the resources in game are built of a fictional table of elements and the compounds they make, with the atmosphere and oceans and such on each planet being built off the same table.

So the gameplay is hopping from planet to planet, system to system, mining better resources so you can build better shit, so you can then go to a plnaet you couldn't before and mine rarer shit there, and repeat. There are also factions you can do missions for or attack to get resources via allying with them or raiding their trade lines.


You can craft ships, suits, and tools (which are your weapons/mining equipment/scanning shit in one)

ships vary in their weaponry, health, speed, and FTL distance
suits vary in health, jetpack fuel quanity, what tempature ranges, atmosphereic/ocean pressures, and toxins they can withstand
Tools vary in weapon type/damage/ammo capacity, scanning range and type (IE, does it scan a radius around yyou, or in a line in front of you) and what resources it can mine.

I'm aware, but I don't think the devs know or care about how space actually works. IIRC they already showed a demo where you could hear sounds outside of your ship.

Will there be combat?
I'm sure exploration and discovery will be comfy and all that, but it'd get really boring, really fast without some action to mix things up a little.
I don't know if it's just me, but I can't just enjoy sandbox games without a little conflict.

What the fuck? Who thought this was a good idea?

not only that but it kind of goes against the whole "discover new planets and name them" thing if cops are already there.


Does anyone else think this is going to be the Starbound of space sims?

It is exactly the reason why I am not touching that shit. Exploring 18 quintillion recolors is not fun or interesting.

walking simulator in space
doesn't even achieve the base requirements for a game: goals/gameplay.
given the pretentious hype around it, I am seriously surprised peter molyneux wasn't involved with its development.

To pirate it and be a space pirate

I would have said Spore 2.0, but that works too

My ass. There are console retards and PC cucks that fellated the shit out of Gone Home and Life is Strange.

and yet combined those numbers don't even equal a tenth of the people who stare at their phones all day """playing""" Pokemon.


Get ready for it.

Here it comes.

People who own consoles also play smartphone games

Its basically a tech demo
A best it might be a comfy game to fly about for a few hours if it looks pretty, at worse its just going to be a big sandbox with no tools to play with

isn't it always online?

aka Starbound IN 3D

No no no, I've been reliably informed by sonyggers on this board that console gaming is chock-full of hardcore gamers. Phone games are surely beneath them :^)

Pretty much the same as every other SJW developed game. Plenty of dick sucking by game "journos."
Without a doubt. They'll call games uncultured or the game is too sophisticated or some such shit.


i just want poptop porn

Yes, animals can attack you, as can a race of robots or factions you piss off.

Nope, you can play it offline, you just won't have access to the names other people give to their discoveries.

Factually incorrect.

They aren't on all planets/systems, and if you are planning on being a pirate and raiding the in game factions anyways, then you'll be wanted to begin with so it would make no difference.

Not this faggot again.

whats wrong with some faggot who knows a bit more about the game than the disinterested majority?

dude cmon

Can you fight back?
Do you have a selection of weapons?

You know that feel when you desperately want a game to be good, but you've been alive for a while and know it's going to suck and can see the train wreck coming from miles away?

Same thing with star citizen and evolve. People have really cool ideas but they have no clue how to execute them and it just crashes in the end.


That game is free though. Would it have been successful if it was retail? probably not.

Stopped reading, filtered.

I want Holla Forums to leave.

This. As soon as evolve went free to play, it got over 1million players.

same but why would you have to be Holla Forums to despise jews?

people called it jewtube before pol, newfig

jewtube isn't a Holla Forums thing. It's been called that for a very long time by various groups


I don't get it.


I called it jewtube until I realized faggots weren't joking. It's not a "muh racism" thing, it's a "you fucking retards" thing.

I really wish the vision of the united states was carried out so all you faggots could have your own mad max state to run into the ground with your retardation.

Yes, obviously.

What weapon you have is tied to what mining tool/scanner you have, see and

An example I remember seeing in some extended preview the main guy was doing was one mining tool he had equipped shot a constant laser, while another shot slower blasts.

get ready to be deported beaner

well considering literally the entirety of google's owners and top dogs are literal jews, not figurative ones, literal jews, it's actually a very accurate nickname for the site.

Hope the game scores average, already have a folder ready for all the salty screen caps I'm gonna take from neogulag

cry some more faggot


She needs to learn a lesson, so I guess I'm preordering. I'll just shoot you before you mutilate me though.

Even the non-English and lefty boards?

couldn't care less about the social yank shit around it, but, actually the game looks lame as fuck, i don’t know

Pokemon go is free and I would say it's way more of an App than a game.

It does look nice.
But when you actually play it..
Should just slap a frame rate counter and a futuremark logo on it.

I'm not voting in this election because every candidate is dogshit, but you retards who think trump is the "new obama" who will "change everything"…weew lad.

can someone fill me in on how this game is liberal kike shit? i've not been in any of these threads before. was kind of wanting this game.

Main dev is FtM tranny that supports Alison Rapp and despite saying
Wants less white men in videogames.

they lost a customer at FtM, thanks for the reply

I await the autist that will power through the game and make it to the centre of the universe day one so we can all see what disappointment awaits there.

thats too perfect to be true. are you being sincere?

a black hole made from the density of everyone who had high hopes for this game. it just kills you. what the hell did you think had enough gravitational force to keep the universe from flying apart?

Real talk: ________Yes

FtM > MtF

At least they're trying to man-up

It does indeed my fellow Holla Forums user.

lol nah
women are born sociopaths with histrionic personality disorder. they're already fucked in the head beyond belief. their very existence is parasitic and they leech the life out of anyone who makes the mistake of befriending them.

add male hormones into the mix that fucks their brain up even worse, and words can't even describe what evil they're capable of. male hormones worst case scenario can cause full-blown bipolar disorder, the hardcore variant that'll get you institutionalized cause you scream at demons and try to pull out your own intestines.

except this abomination is still hating men despite claiming to be one. also this . Women in general are only useful to put your dick in.

oh nevermind actually i was thinking of female hormones. i'm drunk.
all male hormones do is aggravate their sociopathy and make them even more aggressive and angry at the world all the time. basically they'll drain your bank account without blinking an eye, they don't care.

what is a word for a heightened state of amusement but not exactly having fun?

I need to see more of that Emoji

i'm glad you agree, i like talking shit about women any chance i can.
here's an outline of histrionic personality disorder, it basically just describes [every woman ever] but apparently men can get this disorder too, i would assume that any man who has this is either gay or a MtF

Exhibitionist behavior
Constant seeking of reassurance or approval
Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval
Pride of own personality and unwillingness to change, viewing any change as a threat
Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior of a sexual nature
Using somatic symptoms (of physical illness) to garner attention
A need to be the center of attention
Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification
Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated to others
Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
Making rash decisions[4]
Blaming personal failures or disappointments on others
Being easily influenced by others, especially those who treat them approvingly
Being overly dramatic and emotional[6]

Underhanded, double-dealing, scheming, contriving, plotting, crafty, false-hearted; egocentric, insincere, deceitful, calculating, guileful.

just look up mawile porn

Here you go, since you asked for it.


Use very low resolution and have more effects. Make worlds use more geometry. 8GB of RAM is enough for a lot to be saved.

Use 60fps. Blur cockpit during combat otherwise cockpit filled with information, like Steel Battalion. Once in combat too late to do anything but use terrain, aim well and go very fast.

30FPS except when close to objects.
During combat textures lower res, terrain in speed blur auto high speed. In high altitude fog covering complexity of landscape so basic form shown instead. Also clouds.

Don't keep moving on combat and ship shot down. Repair gameplay on foot. No landing while in combat.

No audio for dialogue. Story of wipe out students from universe.

I'm not saying both groups aren't bat-shit insane. MtF is just such a pathetic pathetic faggot, pussy thing to do. At least FtM in their insanity said they wanted to try hard-mode.

Sounds like a confession. Go kill whatever raped you.

I'm a rat-faced chink who lives in commiefornia, Holla Forums hates me for existing. I don't go on that board even though I share similar world views, but way to project


it ain't hard mode anymore, now they can get jobs that require experience or education they don't have on the basis of being "underprivileged" as a tranny.

is that how it works? i thought they got points for being transformers


Fuck off gook.

Degenerate. Guess why it looks like shit.

Picking a direction is good gameplay. Enemies abound, a lack of entertainment is enemy enough. See some suffering fuck it off. Remove parasites etc.

Build a world with parts from others, the clash forming good worlds that give the parts paradise.

Aid variety in worlds. Worlds that are stagnating or systems that feed off others fix.

Basically murder every fucking student everywhere. Good worlds.

Worlds that are dying, get them what they need, or get them somewhere else. Or force the ones who did it to die with it use their matter to return what they ruined.

Don't need to build problems. Should try building perfection.

Is that a real emoji, or did someone edit one? I want to spam this to normalfags that spam me cancerous emojis, oblivious to how it shows their retardation.

Wouldn't it be better to just have, say, a million planets and spend more time on making sure they're all unique?

Eating at a buffet restaurant isn't as fun if all the dishes are different kinds of tacos.

you again? kill yourself fam

Holla Forums generally praises gooks, other than maybe the vietnamese and the south koreans.
i'm not saying they'd allow you into a white utopia, but i don't think they'd genuinely shit on you right now given the circumstances. the western right needs allies badly right now.

Not interested. No effort gone into production.
Hawken in space, then some on foot like Deus Ex would do fine.

The Jew fears the samurai.

maybe dont drive them away then

If you're fucked then make a start by not eing happy about it.

Fix it. Deserve some respect and for the locals to be right in helping you.

There to take and they'd be right to kill you.

Having high expectations from them is another first step.

Using stupidity as a base to sprea is an attack on them and what little there may be of yourself.

Twre is standard and it shouldn't exist amongst those who pervert it. Of you aren't seeing it you don't deserve to. Deserve to in making it.

forgot to add fillipinos, my personal least favorite flavor of chink. they're the niggers of the east, i'd nuke them bad.

don't know what you're talking about

Take your meds, randy

But I'm not fucked. I have my master's and a good paying job, and not that anyone will believe me but I'm well off socially when it comes to women. I'm just dead inside and hate everyone besides my dog and my garden. Also I think No Man's Sky will be shit due to the blatant lack of info and gameplay footage; I mean how long can they milk the 'duh map is huge' talking point

you kind of put the guy down. essentially said hed be tolerated only because things are kind of bad and that hed have to fuck off either way if the mission is achieved.

Holla Forums only praises nips and doesn't even know more than 2 gook races exist

the mission won't be achieved, the right can only make baby steps in the direction they want.
but since we're talking about idealistic visions here, if the entire world did agree to take up national socialism, he should want to fuck off voluntarily anyway to be with his own kind in a chinese utopia.


what if he doesnt want to eat dogs?

that only happens in the slums, which wouldn't exist anymore in a natsoc world.
why would he want to stay in a white utopia and make children that don't even look like him, and partake in european culture and religion that doesn't belong to him? i think this stuff is common sense. if i was a gook, i'd embrace my own blood, not force myself into what whites have going on.

anyway i'm drunk as shit and retarded even when sober so i'll shut up now

It's a gamble for him. The 'honorary Aryan' types are fine with them, the WNs would second class him. On the other side of the fence are mostly Jew-controlled factions who want to blanda him into a slave race of muds.

So basically it will be Minecraft with a spaceship.

It sounds like starbound but the capcops come after you if you try to have fun and build.

i know Holla Forums , i know all of you are just shittaste teeangers and all oldfags are gone to another imageboard

what are you even talking about?

You'll need at least 10 terraflops to handle all that.

I'm decently excited for it. Will definitely pirate it since there is a GOG version.


I'll keep it short.

Stuff like that.

There's trading?
They made an actual language or is it generic gargle?

Yeah you can make dosh from trading. On the latest video of Sean talking to IGN (I think), he says you can learn alien words from monoliths on planets. They're used to talk to some faggot NPCs. He didn't go much into detail, like everything else.

Consolefags/Normals will buy it in droves, there'll be one billion LET'S PLAY NMS videos on Youtube and then it will die out with a whimper 3 months later and nobody will talk about it anymore except here.

why would a game where you can do anything ever die out? if you got bored of no mans sky you could simply do something more fun, in no mans sky

Game looks downgraded as fuck compared to what it was at last time they showed it. It was just under 900P and 60FPS on PS4 in some of the previews but it looks like it took a major graphical nerf and went 1080P 30FPS on top of that.

Game looks blunderriffic already.

It could potentially quicker drop off than Uncharted 4 which absolutely bombed out after Overwatch came out (And UC4 already has some of the press saying they overrated it a bit and Doom was the best game released in May) depending on how the actual game is.

Even your low expectations are more ambitious than the real game.

I'm also a chink, at least three quarters and most Holla Forumsacks don't seem to mind. The problem some of Holla Forums has with some Asians is all the gook and chink posters who come out of the woodwork to shit up Nip threads with the chink/whore holohoax.
Korea needs to be gassed tbh, all of it and also most of southern China.
Gooks aren't that bad if they didn't grow up in the yellow kike shithole that is South Korea.

Some Holla Forumsacks are starting to take a liking to Flips, ever since President Punisher took office and started a purge that country desperately needs.
Like a 1000 criminals and drug dealers dead so far, over 60,000 surrendered and Duterte has only been president for like 17 days

wew im sure none of them were just people actual criminals and drug dealers killed and labeled as such. how edgy can you get

I'm not even counting the ones who died by vigilantes, just the ones from police raids who decided to shoot at cops like fucking retards.

Is she hot

When you only go on Holla Forums and dedicated shitposting Holla Forums threads, yeah, it is.

There will probably be more editorials skirting around the actual quality of the game and talking toward a lot of imagined lore and diversity bullshit.

Minecraft actually has way more gameplay and challenge than this.


and it remembers what you have done

why is life just a series of disappointments?

You want to talk disappointments, I was recently gifted ARK in spite of my reservations on early access shit.
I've only put 2 hours into it, and I want a refund for something I didn't even pay for.
Spent just 30 minutes figuring out how to collect resources and get started, and it's just fucking boring. Sure there's a lot of shit to kill you, and you die almost instantly because spawning rules are like "nah fuck your location, have a few death snakes".
Yeah, okay, sure, you harvest shit, you build shit to stay relatively safe, but this is all shit I've done before, this isn't new or exciting, tame a few dinos which make as well be battle mules and again, this is shit I've done before in MINECRAFT, it's not new or exciting, the player models and customization of them is retarded looking, the exp grind is fucking boring, watching dinosaur models clip through rock walls is stupid, and most of all, I'm not having FUN while grinding for exp or surviving.
That game is a severe disappointment, and runs worse than minecraft, taking up 50% cpu time to DOWNLOAD MODS while at the main menu screen, and allocated what appeared to be almost 8gb of memory before even entering a server.
If these fucking faggot indie developers keep making games that perform worse and worse on better hardware, soon I'll need to build a computing cluster just to fucking run anything.

Aryan Race mod update for that shit game never ever.

I liked the social aspect of Noctis being mediated through its really lo-fi terminal. I liked the last alive in a dying universe feel it had, too. It was cold yet comfy.

I remember one planet where it always rained and there were what looked like pink kangaroos. Every month or so, even though it's years and years later now, I find myself thinking about those pink kangaroos.

Case study in why you shouldn't show your game 6 gorillion months ahead of time.

I'm already bored. Feels like Spore 2.0.

Effectively describes most milennials.

I pictured full McIntosh and Chris Chan while reading that list.


I just hope its something we can use to spoil the retards who are excited for this


Sean Murray is a big fan of Molyneux, actually. He sure seems to have learned his marketing practices from him, too.

What's at the center?

Yes, this was pretty evident from the beginning.

If only Mojang had realized they just needed to rip off a couple of Forge mods and apply a piss filter to their game, they would have nothing to fear for another 10 years.

All those things are done by currently existent space games though. Even the alien language shit, if you want to go to vintage games like Captain Blood.
