US Republican politician and aide among several shot during baseball practice in Virginia, US reports say
Republican Congressman and 2 cops Shot in Virginia
Other urls found in this thread:
Are dems really going this far?
House Majority Whip Congressman Steve Scalise, aides shot at baseball practice in Virginia, Fox News confirms
It was at a GOP baseball game
couple of spicy digits already
1 day after Sessions hearing, is this connected in some way?
This is big. the guy is very pro-trump and has supported Trump on almost everything from the beginning.
Sure is summer here.
So has Henry Kissinger and the rest of the Chabad Lubavitch kikes
Doesn't matter. Democrat voters and their shitskin pets don't know that. They're gonna treat the controlled op like the enemy anyway.
Hey man, nice shot.
Majority Whip, Steve Scalise (R)
Good timing with the political assassination play, and Kathy Griffin's decapitation photos.
I'm from England, I'd cheer just as loudly to hear a traitorous jew-tool from either Labour or Conservative was shot dead
Democrats and the Media have been calling for the death of anyone to the right of Lenin since the election, they are going to own this. This is good for us.
(((Someone))) is trying to shut him down.
Did he make any recent "I will leak X tomorrow.." promises?
Nope. He is just someone who's been on Trump's side since the beginning. The Jews are catching up with realizing leakers already did their part and chasing after them is increasingly pointless. Fake news continuously getting BTFO isn't helping either. Jews are starting to understand shooting their way back into the White House is the only option left.
True user. It does seem that way. Even Comey is being put out as a scapegoat by Feinstein and McCain.
well i hope burgers will actually shoot back
and euros follow suit
this whole mess could be solved so very quickly
The sad thing is that the rest of the Republicans are so cowardly, they don't even have the courage to call out even the media for creating this situation.
It will cost the lives of thousands of Americans before this comes to an end. Perhaps that is (((their))) plan.
Where's the shooter? Where are the guns? How can 100 rounds in a full baseball stadium injure only 5 people?
If this is a false flag, then we'll soon be in civil war because it won't be the last
reason nobody else died is because someone shot back
Communists/Democrats are notoriously bad at killing people. One of the articles I saw stated that someone had a CCW and started to return fire. Sounds like the shooter was unable to do anything other than pin them down after the initial surprise.
Forgot to mention that Ron DeSantis congressman from Florida was on fox saying that he encountered the shooter in the parking lot and he was asking wether the people on the field were Democrats or Republicans.
Civil War.
It's inevitable.
Useful idiots taking their cue from the media.
Satan's Robots. Just doing what they are programmed to do.
Right now, it kind of is.
Wouldn't be too strange, I think. What little I have in my own room is almost all political material like books. I have very few items indicating my personal interests.
topkek, well that was quick
Did the shooter use a voice changer?
James T. Hogdekinson is the shooter. 66 years old. source fox news.
do we have more ?
His wife is named Suzanne M Hodgkinson
They live at 5941 Rolling Hills Lane Belleville, IL 62223.
James' old business
You really fucking surprised number two?
reposting from last thread
See the last thread, such as this post:
We need to start looking for usernames so we can run down his comments and likes on leftist news sites.
fox live stream
Kek'd irl
Good job bigguy
archive or old thread
Was hanging out with one of my normalfaggot friends and he had comedy central on, literally every other advert was either "whites are bad", "Trump is bad", "the right is bad", or just clips from one of their shows with that British born swahili nigger saying all three.
How is the congressman holding up?
Meme that he was radicalized by liberal media, fire up the sockpuppets lads.
Looks like he had another job in the late 90s, but both of his businesses are no more.
is h * * *
or h * * * @a * * .net
associated with the name James T. Hodgkinson from Belleville, Illinois in any databases age 66?
has phone number for his business
Second kikebook account
So will the dems own this? They've been calling for it long enough.
What are you talking about, goy? Only white Drumpf supporters are violent.
wife dox
Bernies America
Where we're going, sleep will get you killed.
That explains everything
previous thread archive:
I managed to archive his facebook before it got memory holed
the normies are digging.
He has been looking pretty ashi lately
daughter? dox
Superior Genetics.
I'm two for two today. Go figure.
You did good user
Have we started the fire?
I'm dead
Im still here user
Good shot, man.
Well he actually is propagating every day. Have you watched some of his "Resistance" videos? This sicko is batshit insane.
At least they are pissed off an spreading the news.
500 hours ms paint
I'm literally watching people argue about the shooter in posts updating in real time on the shooter's own facebook page. I fucking love technology
Brack Stovall - Alexandria
To be fair, just about nobody watches his videos.
Who's brock stovall?
Anyone got his birthdate? Last thing I need to check his illinois voter registration.
Shooting Suspect ID'd as James Hodgkinson
email is j * * * * @j * * * * * * * * * * * * *.com
mobile is + * * * * * * * * * 28
Thanks Masha.
Everyone with a twitter, mass-twit pic related to Trump and the Secret Services
yep, I think these must be those boomers with 4chan signs at the protests
Cool pic.
hey goldman sachs
Just a few steps behind, m8, read the thread
I'm getting a kike vibe from this one.
I suggest some rhodiola root
God Emperor Live imminently
friend of hodgekins, lives in the area. boomer hippie who probably has antifa ties
Think I just found him in the Heavy comments section
Shit, and of course, I fucking forgot the pic
dunno if relevant, but here you go
Archive of FB friends list. The numbers are dropping.
The race is on to find his Reddit account, it will be a goldmine.
Fox news stream, just mentioned his FB page but are waiting to confirm.
thanks hitler!
Also dailykos and democratic underground. Trying to see if he 'liked' any of his own comments but so far nothing.
get a grip on yourself man. Your jimmies appear bunched
What a fucking stereotypical leftist boomer fuckwit.
Religion of peace ??
Soros Productions®
Here comes the coverup. He'll be a Tea Party NRA Member Trump supporter by the 6pm news.
The time has come
It seems to be a parody account, I think. Needs confirmation.
Although antifa would still celebrate.
Pretty sure they make 30 replies to every Trump tweet.
Good thing Trump is on the case!
Trump speaking now
Ironing, get your ironing here
trump speaking NOW
Need to make a master list of social media archives on this guy for redpilling purposes. Im not autistic enough
Hmm. Any kids?
Masha is the default user Archive uses to archive facebook pages.
They can try to pull that shit but they will run into serious problems. A shit ton of people already are aware this guy is a lefty, and the evidence will continue to circulate as more and more normalfags pick up on the story. Also, the radical leftists will most likely take umbrage if the media tries to deny his leftism as they will want to hold him up as a martyr themselves.
Just his wife's son.
Possible daughter dox earlier in this thread.
Today there has been an attempt to murder multiple non-leftists politicians, that's what you get for allowing (((the MSM))) to brainwash the retards.
Yes, my jimmies are rustled
Wonder if they took him to the same hospital they took Seth Rich.
Trump giving thanks to the Capitol Police, uh oh.
Small businessman shooting republicans? False flag.
I was unaware of that.
Is this going to be the official shareblue spin?
was wondering how (((she))) got to all these accounts before I did.
If he didn't go through the motions he'd get a ration of shit from the lugenpresse user. You know that.
Kek, cannot wait for the damage control
What a statesman. His speaking cadence could use some work but still, great stuff.
Yemen has been raping the Saudi fucks. I hope their ship sinks
Hmmm, I enjoy it when sand niggers kill each other but I am always skeptical when they speak publicly about doing it.
Hopefully they'll have to buy another ship.
We need to take guns away from deranged Berniebros
for a blurred out birthday
The White Man Will Rise.
RIP Libs
$5billion US dollarydoos well spent.
His twitter
May his organs go to a republican voter lol.
I just assume 'berniebro' equals soros puppet. They all need to be wiped out.
Not the first time the Yemenis have had luck with an AShM.
someone want to grab his faceberg page?
So is today the day where all red lines start getting crossed? will we witness more attempts like this? Is everyone and their gun ready? Will the strong devour the weak like how it's supposed to be? So many questions.
Registrant Contact
Tanek Livingston
Tanek Livingston
6203 Et St.
Mount Isa
Postal Code:
[email protected]/* */
thanks gook doc, I wondered what happened if you didnt keep the blood in the body
Trump sounds pissed off.
forgot this little fella
Some digging on this guy is needed. This could be our Antifa connection to all this.
This is good for everyone but DC politicians. if they start getting shot more often maybe they will think twice about fucking over the people.
dead men tell no tales
Holla Forums can not allow our zionist allies to be attacked like this
Another win for the goat herders
yes, because they want to use demoshits and libtards to push that sort of narrative, wake the fuck up you retard, its not a falseflag. Plenty of old fuck boomer lefty types use facekike like that. If this was an attempt to censor and push some sort of policy agenda you would have known within the first 20 minutes of the press covering it and the presidents speech.
maybe Yemen have a palantir of their own?
I agree. His Facebook page went down shortly after the archiving. Something is fucky with that guy.
Holla Forums can leave
who cares, spread it
Would be a funny scenario
It's like they don't realize Holla Forums is still going to find them.
Radicalized by the alt-left
How do you stop a violent left you stop it with RWDS.
Manlet uprising
As opposed to their kikey kill all the murdering whites because WHITE AIN'T RIGHT and Thanks Trump! fuckery?
Somehow I think you need to reread and reassess.
Fat faggot.
He said he would never vote Republican, and would rather go green.
Guess we know why he couldn't shoot straight - you can't shoulder an AK with tiny turkey-drumstick arms.
32.6 bmi holy shit it all makes sense
he is only following in the zodiac killers example user
Hodgekinson might have been targetting old Lying Ted.
Remember lads, ignore the endkikes. They cant help themselves.
Found his Twitter
looks like Illinois gun control measures stop mass shooting attempts
Yeah I don't think someone should be getting anything from this fucker
reckon Randlet looked him in the eyes?
Check that screenshot of the Heavy comments, see how he capitalizes the first letter of many of the words, but not all of them, and not the properly capitalized ones?
Something is wrong with that dude's head.
Weird how News and Jews are one letter from each other.
full page
Oy veyyyyy remember the 93 million
hahaha holy shit, thats fucking blatant. Who the fuck is the guy who said that?
Sounds like he became the #cruzmissile.
It's a nudda shoah
Are we witnessing the rise of the Skelegates?
Pretty stupid to say right after no one died except the shooter
Well obviously the problem was that there was a bystander with a CC.
Tax the rich so socialists can sit on Twitter all day
think it's from the fox stream, don't know where they're getting them from
Whats perfect is the man on the back left just pausing to recite it to himself and just trying to process what he just said
Watch from
VA gobernor
the rich were taxed like that during your precious 50's
Can't argue with success.
Oy vey! Never forget 93 billion!
employment: "bottleworks" st. louis mo bar
I noted this in the last thread
Thank you for remembering the 93 million americans who died yesterday to gun violence.
You may be right user.
revenge is justified on something like this.
the memes
I don't give a fuck about the 50s. Past is gone, future is uncertain, now exists. Go back to >>>/faggotpol/.
Did Trump announce the crackdown on libshit hysteria yet?
Because if not he deserves to have all his support shot out from under him.
So shooter's wife is Sue Hodgkinson (Passanante) on fb. No activity since 2016. No leftist groups or posts. I checked out her nephew's fb too: Jeff Maria Price, seems he's a biker and supports veterans. They appear normal, I kind of feel sorry for them. I wonder why the shooter flipped out.
Archive of 2nd FB page friends.
HAHAHAHAHAHA god look at this stupid boomers fat dumb face he couldn't even kill republicans with a fuckin AR. imagine those arms of his flapping in the morning breeze with every squeeze of the trigger
If we could prove that I would never stop laughing.
Divorce can flip a person quite horribly. But I'd agree, I don't think that there's anything interesting on his family for now. But they surely are going to suffer due to his action.
cry harder, faggot
the rich aren't little babies, they'll get along just fine
maybe the wife was going to divorce him or maybe his debts caught up with him and he was going out in a blaze of glory. better choice than suicide alone tbh
Dehumanize Yourself And Face To Bloodshed
Is this Tasha, the daughter?
Yep, the fox stream
with that math all the people in america will be dead in 3 years
His blog from his Twitter page.
What the fuck kind of white person misses that many shots? Glad he's fucking dead, one less retarded faggot clogging shit up for everyone else.
Looks like it, with the mother in
Oh Jesus. I hope that the jews don't do to Trump and his family what they did to the Russian Tsar and his family in 1918.
it's 93 billion you nazi revisionist
Funny how someone who hates that "racist" Trump winds up with almost 100% of his Facebook Friends being WHITE.
Anyone got an ID on this guy's ethnicity? His last name is anglo, but he looks like a polack and he's from IL, which is full of them.
t. polack
Could this fucker look more like a fat Robin Williams if he tried?
I'm so excited user. I hope so.
The Giffords DMT freak was a language-obsessed democrap too.
Solipsism is a mental disorder.
Republicans are cucking out, calling for unity. I see a potential for 'hateful rhetoric' being banned, which means the left carries on and they crack down on Holla Forums.
This thread is being slid, keep it up lads
Yeah he could cosplay as Mork.
Maybe a fat alcoholic version with a giant lightbulb nose
yeah, I can see the Polish blood in him
t. chicago pole
That nose.
Looks like a octoroon 1/8th nigger.
I can muster no words but this shit is gold.
When the average American can go to Walmart to buy a gun that shoots 40 million bullets a second, it's no wonder so many Americans are dying to guns.
How did nobody check this?
That's be fucking terrible. Just like how the muslims attacks were used by the UK Tories to try to ban hate speech (read: white conservative speech) online. I don't see that happening, but the left will probably push for that and gun control in order to deflect.
Fucking Boomers
Lefty pol really needs to gtfo
Wew checked Satan
He might have a reddit account, but do we find it? Doesn't seem like he used his name, and everything we found so far doesn't have nicknames or something we can use.
does reddit allow you to search for an email?
Any word yet on why he lost his home inspection license? It was at the end of 2016. Right after the election. Did he have a breakdown and do something crazy?
this is Tasha, the daughter
Hodgkinson is fucking echoey as hell.
You'd need to see if his email was ever posted on reddit. Or try cross referencing posts from r/sanders with any reddits for the Illinois/Chicago area having to do with home inspections, or any of his personal interests. Not an easy task. We got lucky with Seth Rich.
checked. fuuuuuck
Hey your the faggot that was in my thread, saging it. Reported for shilling
Most gun violence in the US is niggers killing niggers, lots of it with either stolen guns, or crappy little RG-22s or similar crap. FWIW Walmart doesn't even sell pistols and most of their rifle stock isn't military-based but is for hunting/plinking, and they sell a good number of shotguns. Also, full auto isn't sold at Walmart, really isn't sold very much at all as it's illegal without special permitting.
Leftypol stfu, gtfo, esad.
Well shit.
FYI all MKULTRA mind controlled assassins and mass shooters have three names.
James Eagan Holmes
James Earl Ray
Lee Harvey Oswald
John Wilkes Booth
Mark David Chapman
Paul Jennings Hill
James Charles Kopp
Patrick Eugene Prendergast
Dylan Storm Roof
Seung-Hui Cho
James Oliver Huberty
Patrick Henry Sherrill
Nidal Malik Hasan
Jiverly Antares Wong
And now James T. Hodgkinson
Apparently? High chance that Bernie took this guy's money and so rather charge/kill himeelf them fsce his debts.
Bernie is responsible obviously
This shit works both ways
Remove the inner city nigger and America has just as much gun deaths as western Europe gun deaths. Gun countries like Switzerland have more guns then western Europe, yet less legalities or shooting because gun culture is ingrained into them for a young age and Switzerland is largely homogeneous white.
This cancer kike re-confirmed their kike agenda. They are terrified of a night of the long knives but in America's case, it will be a night of the long rifles.
Yeah user. This didn't actually happen. We're all fucking with you.
wew lad
Maybe the 30s in Germany, besides, we aren't stuck in the past. The future is bright.
Suspect paid for Bernies new house. Bern bots get no refunds!
Do you not have a middle name?
Doesn't look that she's into politics. Normal pictures, except for that 1 pride one
Do you not know what a middle name is? Most people have them.
Checked, but the reason people always use three names with assassins is so other people with the same first and last name don't get completely fucked over by having the same name as the shooter. It's just a form of being extra careful about the name you put out so that others don't get mistaken
Otherwise every Mark Chapman and James Ray would have to deal with this bullshit forever.
How (((convenient)))
Probably got it pulled for corruption and no amount of kvetching would get the gov to reinstate.
wew lads
Not very surprising.
That fucking beret.
Possibly went full-on Falling Down. Probably due to being MKULTRA'd
I hate to rain on your trips but people do tend to have middle names, you faggot.
Daily reminder
Kek. It's always great when a bit of shitposting spills out into the normiesphere.
Fucking boomers.
neat digits
any bets on how long it will take for a movie lionizing Hodginkins to come out?
Whips are called so because it's their job to whip up votes for their side when voting on bills. He was their to enforce party discipline. That Scalise was pro-Trump makes him a key target. He would be pushing congressman to vote Trump's way.
Well that's disappointing.
3-4 days actually
The shooter was a berniebot?
This also assumes the rest of the gun deaths are not "white" hispanics etc since they are reported as white or black
You guys need your heads examined to check for corrupted sarcasm detection drivers.
I'm obviously not being serious.
A Trumpeter during a battle ventured too near the enemy and was captured by them.
They were about to proceed to put him to death when he begged them to hear his plea for mercy.
"I do not fight," said he, "and indeed carry no weapon; I only blow this trumpet, and surely that cannot harm you; then why should you kill me?"
"You may not fight yourself," said the others, "but you encourage and guide your men to the fight."
He probably feels closer to Stalin now that he has people doing his will
This. The fact that this was a failure will be a huge blow against the left. Hope Scalise is back to work soon
mixed feels
divorce / trump salt / bernie no refund / a perfect storm if you will
You're aware that soldiers don't immediately execute captured enemies?
Autists don't install drivers they never use.
Bernie's statement
Immense kek
it is an aesop fable. i would imagine they did in those times. (ancient greek)
There's also the fact that it turns out Paul Ryan wasn't at the baseball practice, and was instead working out at the gym, conveniently. Reminds me of 9/11 and how Larry Silverstein just so happened to not show up for work that day. And it just so happens to turn out that all the GOP politicians who have been reported on as being at this event have been /ourguys/ and on Trump's side and not on the neocons' side.
Really makes you fucking think.
is this the same bob kraemer (Kramer) from the Veritas tapes?…
the guy that sent mentally unstable and violent people to the trump events….
archive didn't grab everything, screengrabs soon
Depends on the circumstances fam. There are situations where you're not in a position to take captives, so you shoot whether or not they're surrendering.
Oh my sides.
activated almonds mate
The Left flooded our country with immigrants who took our jobs. This shooter probably lost his factory job to an illegal. Broke, unemployed, and angry he looked for someone to blame. The media has been portraying the Right as evil for ages. Since Trump has been elected they've taken that narrative into the extreme. They wanted bloodshed so they painted us as villains.
There will be more men like this with misplaced rage. Our best self-defense is offense. Kill all Leftists. Tear down the Media establishment. Drain the swamp. It is time for RWDS. If we let the Left take this scalp with no retribution their violence only escalate.
To be fair, Ryan is a known crossfit dweeb.
checked, interested to see where this leads
I'm hoping Scalise gets lionized and starts leaning more no-bullshit hard-right against leftists. I'm hoping a ton of these conservative politicians do. Nothing will make someone go full-on RWDS than being literally shot a by leftists.
Dig lads. We're bound to find an antifa connection. Today is the day Antifa gets declared terrorists.
"Working out" is code for getting fucked up the ass in the locker room.
Sirhan Sirhan didn't.
Is Pelosi having a stroke? or is she always like this? fucking hell
Well that's a bunch of horseshit. Leave it to (((Bernie))) to peddle such tripe to the gullible masses.
She's been like that for roughly a decade user.
She is basically like Hillary now. She constantly fucks up in her speeches and looks like shit.
What the fuck is Pelosi talking about?
She's always like this. She's a walking skeleton.
Skinwalker ranch user here
Randlett is a prairie nigger shithole
looking promising, he's linked to a gorillion activist groups
The sacrificial baby shortage is hitting the kikes hard.
We have higher almond activation energy and find other outlets for buttfrustration that do not include gunsperg flailing.
notice how rushed the whole "don't react to violence with violence" narrative seems now? they were going to try and spin this guy as a ebil KKKonservative.
she's should shack up with McCain, they would split the bill on a live in carer.
Can someone take this dumb cunt nut job to a mental hospital!
Yeah, it's great. The democrats have absolutely terrible leadership with senile hags like pelosi and hilldog. The longer these people keep the limelight, the worse they'll do
republicans clapping for pelosi a democrat that pushes for there death are they retarded.
Checked for adult diapers and prune juice.
Then his method of execution shall be crucifixion.
Someone put Scalise's head on this pls
They are clapping to get her off the podium. She is a wreak!!!
That's how these things always are.
If it's a conservative white man that does something wrong (which rarely ever happens), then it's "take this shit to the streets and burn this motherfucker down"
If it's a muslim, liberal, nigger, or anyone else? Whoa there, we need to come together and unite! Don't let """hate""" get the better of us! if you kill your enemies, they win!
White leftists are shrinking in number - either they are being converted or not having children. The left is becoming the party of the shitskin horde. They will start fielding younger, browner people in politics. These old hags have seen their day.
They are controlled opposition.
They wouldn't split shit, the insurance these fucks get is crazy. OPM is the shit.
they should boo her
There is a really embarassing crossfit photoshoot he did a little while back.
But then she would start gyrating and rubbing her ass on the podium.
he always looks completely miserable. ==WHO HURT YOU==
But that's a double sword for them. Importing and relying on shitskin voters was a deal with the devil. Because it's caused a major rift between white and shitskin democrats. If they cater to white liberals, the shitskins will hate them and won't vote for them. If they cater to what the shitskins want (read: kill whitey) then the white liberals get pissed off and leave. It's a lose-lose.
They will no longer be able to run with white (or even (((white)))) democrats soon. But the problem is that the dindus that will replace them are incompetent and have low IQs. They make for good voter cattle, but they can't lead or administrate. So their whole apparatus is screwed.
Is today National Chimp-out Day in America?
I'd do her tbh
No, San Francisco is an open-air sewer with gangs and armed homeless and shit filled streets.
Its Trump's birthday. I foresee much lefty violence before the sun sets once more.
What I'm saying is this all seems like it went off script. Everyone looks jittery and picked.
he probably got tired of hearing how boomers never do anything
So now, we have to say boomers never do anything well
what did you expect from them?
That old bitch hasn't been able to gyrate since the 90s.
Gas all scum
a civil war
Where does this info come from?
Trump's birthday. All the liberal fags must be thinking they are sending a message by chimping out.
Nancy H. Pylori
This is probably the most likely explanation.
There doesn't seem to be any exceptionally spoopy alignments going on or anything.
No one can save us from this grimdark future.
I warned you.
I'm not bothering to archive because it's not worth clicking anyway. But Paul Ryanstein wasn't at the practice. How convenient
Do you think they're looking for new members?
6/13 was an inside job
That's a parody account, unfortunately.
Even pavement apes can hear that number and realize it's complete bullshit. 93 million a DAY? It's nonsensical.
Is this Hodgkinson?
Woah, got hirez of that, user?
It certainly appears to be him.
you nose it
It's either him or Urist McMoldInspector.
Enjoy, friend.
Just like grandma used to make
reluctant check user
It looks like him.
Who could have predicted this?
You're a twisted one aren't you?
Kek likes gmilf tiddies I guess
so what? FBI doesnt know that. Meme it.
Sure is
Yes. What are you waiting for??
Kek likes everything fun and weird.
from the republicans?
lindy li is running for us congress, this has to be bob kramer
How can we further escalate?
fucking hell just when I thought I could finally get some sleep
Wife email domain:
Do we have any more news from the people shot?
These are all the people who liked Bob Kramer's post about his cat. They must have personal relationships with him:
The power of autism never fails to amaze me. How could you find this?
Exactly why we need to let them know that.
meant Bob Creamer, I'm fucking burnt out on no sleep
Holy autism Batman
Start including an archive link within your screenshots. Otherwise they're useless.
Lad, its a parody account.
I can barely keep up anymore. What was the end result of that London apartment building? Did it collapse or is it still burning at least?
Checked for where have you been?
Building is still burning
Many Britbongs left homeless
It burned out. But there was no jet fuel, so it did not collapse.
Lolbergs are cancer.
You mean gooks and shitskins
Steel-reinforced concrete buildings don't collapse due to fire.
(((Workplace violence))) shooter on the rampage in San Fran.
Those aren't britbongs, fam. Look at the pictures and videos. Not a single native briton to be found among them.
Checked for its true and you fucking well know it - and if you deny it, you're just another shitty shill.
5'5"…. when will they learn?
CNN is running this article now "House hearing on gun legislation canceled after shooting". Someone trying to scare congressman to take away gun rights from americans?
Sky News says that firefighters have made it to the top floor, but haven't searched the entire building yet. I think the fire is mostly out, just smoldering.
Some fire still going, but seems minimal.
lindy li personal photos with all the top Dems…It would make sense that she'd be friends with Bob Creamer aka Bob Kraemer on faceberg
Right Wingers are the real perpetrators, here.
Sounds good. Let's hope for a hot summer in America.
Civil war is coming…
Was that report that someone in the dug out with a ccw was able to fire back and cause the shooter to seek cover actually true? If so that would kill any attempted argument against guns, would it not?
I'll take things that never happened. Like fucking clockwork.
need sauce on this
to a normal person, yes, but not a congressman.
Haha, taking bets on the Communist spinning this into being Trumps fault
Also, how the fuck do you have an AR-15, shoot around 50-100 rounds and kill no one? Fucking Bernie fags fail at everything.
just a coincidence that he was involved in investigating child trafficking goyim
Is Thomas Chittum required reading yet?
Probably not true, but it would be somewhat satisfying if so.
War is very close now.
A lot of massacres are stifled this way, but this detail usually gets memory holed.
guarantee you that rat Ryan orchestrated this. He's such an obvious fucking pedo.
Look guys the (((left))) is calling this guy some sort of "hero". You heard it here firsts, this is just the sort of wholesome "working man" the left was looking for to start their revolution. Check out the Holla Forums threads there. Some are also calling this a false flag an a "conspiracy".
/leftypol /res/1769987 .html
but user, this is an above-average, upper-class american.
Exclusive picture of him just before shooting
Walmart is quietly removing guns from all its stores at the behest of ZOG.
I rarely shop there, but every so often I'll go into a Walmart that I haven't been inside in years, and the whole place will be rearranged with the sporting goods section a husk of its former self, with the firearms section gutted.
Okay then Bernie fags
I've never fired a gun being a dirty fucking Canadian, and I understand they're harder to use than people imagine after playing videogames or watching movies, but I'm still pretty positive that I would be able to have the patience to at least get one kill before I was stopped.
The dude fired 100+ rounds, and hit 3 people with zero fatalities.
UPS worker went postal, shot 3 then topped himself apparently.
Just saw that this is the top story on drudge:
Congressman Details Hectic Moment Under Fire: ‘We Were Sitting Ducks; Gun Saved Our Lives’
holy fucking shit
The worst(?) thing about the final season of Samurai Jack? What did he mean by this?
Them digits. I didn't know dwarves were real. This little manlet should have shot some more kikes.
I figure I'd at least put a hundred hours at the range in prep, nowhere near enough to be skilled but it'd be something. These shooter always have like zero practice because if they were patient and committed enough to practice they probably wouldn't be the kind of people to commit casual terrorism
So if we turn up the shooter's antifa connection, can we push to get them declared a domestic terrorist group?
It would be SO comfy mining the salt from that.
http: //
Heh, Flag day is all kinds of hilarious.
I hate these people.
lol nah, gas yourself jew
Keep it coming, more and more people are getting sick of this
Still, it's pretty sad that some dumb alcoholic leftist was able to just wander into a baseball practice session with 45 congressmen with a rifle and even get away with pulling off a shot, regardless of whether he missed or not.
For fucks sake, a small team of people who actually knew what they were doing could probably take out the entire congress no problem if they're that incompetent. Scary as fuck to think about. What the hell is going on over there? Were the Secret Service and police asleep?
Antifa won't be labeled a terrorist group unless they have traps open and ready for every single person funding them. If they did it know they'd scurry away like roaches.
Besides Roof, weren't they all lefties?
When can Trump unleash JSOC on these fucks?
Reports/witnesses are saying that "he kept unloading and reloading mags". Gun jamming? Also he was using an AK.
Something something they cry out in pain as they strike you something something
Is that confirmed?
loving these dubs
This reeks of a planned attack. An actually spontaneous terrorist with no inside connections wouldn't make it to the gate.
Loughner was an (((independent)))
So…. This was literally the kosher sandwich in meatspace: pawn of Gommie kike attacks Ziostooge of Israel.
Nobody with a brain cares.
Somehow I'm only mad at the Al Jizz+. The rest is just sad. I think his brain was 100% replaced with fucking talmudvision. There's nothing left; this is a textbook shabbos goy.
Some say M4 carbine - not sure where he'd get one of those though.
The Hill has audio of some of it - maybe /k/ fags could tell? I dunno.
^ no idea how to rip the video from their site.
It's also sad that that has to be such a concern.
What ever happened to civility?
Saw it in the witness video statement here:
Then you should be cheering for Scalise, jewboy
Jeb called, told you you're being a cuckold.
Spoiler that shit.
wew lad
Not an argument kike.
Interesting. Any ballisticsfags here? I thought 7.62x39 would have a much higher probability of fucking someone up than 5.56. Which would make it surprising that everyone that was shot is doing perfectly fine.
Never change, Holla Forums
not really
it's called security theater for a reason. The actual security is nothing like you think.
from absolutely anywhere? plebs reporting this shit use generic terms, don't take it literally.
Not all congressmen have security details. Only the house whip Scalise had a security detail because he's in leadership. If he wasn't there with his security, it probably would have been a massacre.
M4's are banned from the public you fucking idiot.
Like no walmart sells guns anymore.
Well then, sure was (((convenient))) he was there, eh?
jesus christ, anyone know what script will allow it on that site?
Wait, was anyone else targeted? If not, this really does stink of Jewish fiction.
Rand Paul was too.
It wasn't a baseball game… It's a sporting complex that's open to the public, put your gun in a sports bag and you could walk right in.
Yeah, what the hell? Are we sure he was or wasn't specifically targeted? From the stories it sounds like the shooter was trying to kill all of the congressmen. Were they all the target? Did he have orders to kill a specific one of them first and then go after the rest?
Distance is a factor. It sounds like he was firing from far away, since he missed so much.
Not only is accuracy going to be lower from long range, but the bullets' propulsion will dwindle.
There were about 45 congressmen there. Sounds like the bernout didn't care which ones were there, as long as they were repbulican
He's also a dumbass that I doubt had any training.
Checked for what a dummy. Did he hit any other reps?
Some may still sell them, but it's probably down to like 50% by now. I'm just saying the meme of "going to Walmart to pickup beer and a gun" is coming to an end because they're phasing them out. The Waltons are globalists on board with the anti-gun agenda, and they no longer need the revenue from firearms sales.
Now that information is coming out, he is probably just a retarded garden-variety tier leftist. Not an agent. Probably had his life going down the shitter and was propagandized enough to think this would help. Probably heard some representatives were gonna be in a field somewhere, asked people if they were Dem or Repub and then went to town, or as best he could. Probably going to see more of these idiots with all the brainwashing and propaganda going around good. give us an excuse
You sound really stupid, are you a woman?
More shooter goodies. This guy really went off script and may have started the shooting before (((they))) were ready.
dubs confirm
There are two possibilities:
1) he's just a dumb normie leftist who bought the MSM's garbage about IMPEACH DRUMPF TWO SCOOPS
2) it goes deeper than that and this was an organized hit on the trump-loyalist wing of the GOP
All the surface info points to #1. But we should still keep the possibility of #2 in mind. It's still quite odd that this leftist from halfway across the country was able to get into a baseball game of 45 congressmen with a long gun without issue. It's odd that all the congressmen mentioned so far are trump-loyalists rather than neocohens, with guys like Paul Ryan being absent. And the story just lines up almost TOO perfectly with #1.
I'm not saying #2 is definitely correct, but we should consider it. Either story is fine because it's still favorable to our narrative, but everything is awfully convenient.
He didn't know enough to set up a couple hundred meters away and shoot over the hood of his car.
I disn't even know any still do. I haven't seen a walmart with a gun in it in at least 10 years. I'm sure it depends on the state.
Not sure I buy that yet. Why was his scoial media scrubbed so quick?
Wisconsin here. Our Walmarts still have bolt action rifles and and shotguns.
Was there ever any doubt?
The hearing that was canceled was a hearing to deregulate gun silencers fyi
It doesn't have to be an agent for the (((powers that be))) to want to scrub a social media presence if it doesn't fit the narrative. Sure, I keep the option open of him being an agent or guided by zog, but I am leaning more towards leftard simpleton
Good point. We need to see if this guy did any shilling work after he cratered his home inspection job.
Pretty sure a bullet going like 90% the speed it left the chamber at is going to fuck me up hard, especially larger rounds. Hell a bullet going 10% of the speed it left the chamber is still going to royally fuck you, probably still kill you if it hits a good spot.
My rural Missouri town Wal-Mart still sells guns and ammo.
effective range of guns is usually 300-500m user
Well he hit several of them and they didn't die, so my point stands. He supposedly used an AR-15, not a sniper rifle designed for long-range. It doesn't always work out like in COD. This is implying the whole thing wasn't a false flag anyway.
What we want is an understanding of the truth, not to simply pick and weave whatever most benefits us or tickles our fancy. Could be either one or something along their lines as you suggest the concept of loosely 'attracting' unstable elements and merely stepping aside to let it happen in your desired venue is a favored tactic of many who employ assassins since it is safe and has plausible deniability for instance, but just follow the evidence and determine the conclusion from that.
This. It's normal for hill staff and congressmen to participate in team building activities aside from work. Most of them just drink heavily. Sportsball is probably a better pastime.
t. DC Local
The victims might have just gotten lucky and got hit in the meat instead of anything vital like large arteries.
What exactly would be the angle?
You missed one:
3. This was one Jew group sending a stooge to attack another Jew-friendly stooge, killing nobody and creating the foundation for any number of narratives.
The debates would be pretty painful to watch. No one willingly tunes in to see Rachel Maddow. Now Donald Trump debating the Rachposter, on the other hand, would be quality television.
What do you mean by "false flag"? Are you thinking that they faked the shooting and that all those Senators were just playing the role of crisis actors? That seems like a stretch.
Not the point though.
Were any other reps hit? Very (((convenient))) that a high level rep with security detail got hit in the hip and nobody died but the shooter.
Everything everywhere is a FF. The 'false flag' idiots are like cockroaches.
How far was he? Story sounds like if he had a pistol he'd still be in range. We also don't know where they were shot. In the foot? Just winged? Could have gotten hit in their bullet proof vests.
Commies and ANTIFA on terrorist watch lists and declared terrorist organizations, when?
false flag != fake shooting. False flag means something is perpetrated by a different party in order to do something while blaming the outcome on a different group.
In this context, the false flag is ZOG attempting to take out pro-trump politicians while blaming it on bernouts. We saw the same thing last year with the chicago trump rally riots, which were carried out by clinton shills and blamed on bernouts.
Randlet was there. I wouldn't consider him loyal.
Don't pay attention to the false flaggots. They are all InfoWars retards who think that nothing ever actually happens in the world.
Could just be explained by him being a bernfag.
The kikes wouldn't false flag an attack from the left or mudshits at this point. You seem to want people to believe it's only a false flag when it's from the left. You're very suspicious.
But he's certainly not a neocon.
There's a more sinister reason behind it.
False flag doesnt require crisis actors bro.
It could be a false-flag in the form of more depth than initially appears.
Again: A leftwing Jew stooge shoots up a park full of Republicucks, kills no one in a ten minute shootout, only rep of interest is a Ziocuck who gets a non-lethal wound to the hip, shooter killed by that Ziocuck's security detail. Seems… kosher.
But he also supported Clinton. They're going to try to absolve the left of any blame, not crack down. They're not worried about the "people's revolution", at all.
Why not "true republicans" angry at secretly liberal Trump. Just doesn't make any sense to pin it back on the left.
But the guy who got shot IS a neocon.
Why is someone pretending otherwise? Scalise is Ziocon as fuck.
What a good day that will be.
It's beautiful
This does not seem like a false flag to me and I'm a believer that Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing were both false flag, but there was lots of filmed evidence and missing evidence to prove those. This event seems real and it only hurts our ultimate enemies.
Anyone had luck finding his posts on and yet? Seems like the type that watches that garbage 24/7 and got radicalized by their hatespeech. He had to leave traces all over the place.
Scalise is not a 'pro-trump' anything in any meaningful context - he is a 100% ziocuck.
But it doesn't hurt our enemies!
What are you talking about?
2 cops/capitol police security detail, a staffer, and the Whip were hit. I see what you're saying now. I wasn't there, I can't say, but yeah it is a bit odd.
No, yes and yes. This angry dwarf went totally off script and started shooting too soon. (((They))) probably don't want to throw shit at the fan until September.
My dude, that's how assassins are always publicly named to avoid confusion with another Bob Smith or whatever.
holy shit niggers
A bit odd? Its sketchy as fuck.
You're not getting what I'm saying. False flag does NOT MEAN that something didn't happen. It just means that the perps pretend to be part of a different party. For example, the holohoax is NOT a false flag, because no attack took place at all. It'd be a false flag if the kikes gassed 6 gorillion of themselves and blamed it on germans.
And I'm NOT SAYING it was a false flag, personally. I'm just saying it's a possibility that's worth being discussed.
The only possible narrative I can see is developing a legal structure to crack down on (initially only leftist) groups and media, that is later used like the patriot act etc against non-left media, white nationalist and militia types.
hahaha. if only
That's one avenue.
Another is the obvious gun control angle they always go with.
Another still is solidification of neocon Ziocucks as 'pro-Trump reps' (see it in this thread)
Further, seed of violence - now when the various hostile agencies (especially (((those))) ones) want to pursue violence, they've got a narrative ("copy cats!"), etc.
That's just off the top of my head.
The 50's taxation was WAR taxation that they refused to lower after the debts were paid off. The rich then resisted this taxation through offshoring, then reagan altered the taxation so a rich person would pay the same as a upper middle class person. What does it even matter anyway, the government is spending 200+ billion a month in quantitative easing. The central banks own over half of the stock market. The economy is a lie. Giving every American a piece of that 200 billion a month would go to better use then keeping stocks from crashing. But if stocks crash the USD becomes useless fodder. Can't exit a system when your up to your neck in liabilities.
Basically the same thing Mummy May tried pulling no the britbongs after Manchester. Put in hate speech laws to "fight extremism" and then use them against right-wing dissidents.
And I still want to get to the truth, regardless. If that means keeping the possibility of this being a false flag in the back of my mind, then so be it. I'm not going to rule it out wholesale
Impact force is likely to be more related to the hardness and strength of the given materials involved rather than the energy of the projectile. Basically, a bullet going through a nigger at mach 3 should have roughly the same force on the tissue as a bullet going through a nigger at mach 1.
I know it isn't, I'm just being an autistic pedant.
t. turboautist
He was not some dumb hic. He was a baby boomer which are the class destroying your civilization to get a pension, these are the people who did not breed enough for the nation to survive.
He was a working man, blue collar, middle class. A tradesman, working class.
He had a house, a truck, a job, a wife he talked politics after work.
We was a fucking white male.
He was likely a man pussywhipped by his shrew of a wife.
He was pissed about his health care, the only thing that demographic cares about.
This guy was perfectly sane, and willing to die for (((his))) cause.
He was hardly the dumb hic.
that's wrong though, a bullet going mach 3 through a nigger will have 3 times the force of a bullet going mach 1 through a nigger.
Yeah that was a great non-sequitur. "Hey we got a shitskin problem, I guess we can't have anonymity on the internet."
No, it won't. It will have 3 times the momentum.
He literally was though
it'll be 3 times as fast, with the bullet weight and whatever it's hitting being still constant (the nigger) so even by your definition of impact force depending on what's hitting, what it's hitting doesn't change, only the bullet speed does, it's still X3
No, he wasn't. He gave that up.
When you support the Red Jew, you give up your Whiteness.
did we push a shill to murder kek
not really, you think a bernout is going to do anything right?
that's not a working man. It's the type of job someone gets to do as little work as possible and have licenses and unions to keep it among themselves. To be fair, it's the thing most trades tend towards, but doesn't involve work.
but then we can't classify them as traitors, only enemies.
Yes really. This whole thing smells kosher.
No, they're still traitors. They gave up being White for Jewish Gommunism - hard to be more of a traitor.
I get what your saying, that you're not contesting the fact that it happened or not, and I still think it isn't a false flag. The reason is that the shooter is commie and the incident was admittedly halted with guns.
No anti-gun angle, no anti-Trump angle, no nothing that could be used against anyone except leftists. This guy wasn't affiliated with antifa and was not some kind of ranking member in any group, so it seems practically impossible to even use him as a reason to put new restrictions on white nationalist groups or anything like that, in the name of shutting down antifa.
No mention - whatsoever - of the bystander with the CCW that saved the rest of them by engaging the gunman while everyone else found cover until the police arrived.
Really makes you think.
because that didn't happen. The guy with the gun was Scalise's security
the other user noped 'he's a fuckin white male'
let's not needlessly confuse an issue
of course it's kosher, everyone involved is kosher. That doesn't mean some old leftist might not decide to be an hero for the cause.
My definition of impact force is literally the force the bullet exerts on the nigger's tissues as it carves its way through. Force literally means the units Newton or pounds, not energy, not momentum, not impulse. Force. Kilograms * meters per second squared:
Force = mass*acceleration
If a bullet of the same mass going through a nigger at three times the velocity exerted 3 times the force on the nigger (and therefore had 3 times the force exerted back onto it), the bullet would have to slow down 3 times as quickly.
To put this into perspective, this would mean that if you fired a bullet into a nigger at mach 1 and it barely didn't penetrate, then in your scenario the bullet at mach 3 would stop in the same place. I'd have to do some calculus to make sure, though.
This is where material science comes in. The pressure at which a material fails (in this case monkey flesh) is constant. So a bullet with the same cross section, with the same mass, can only exert roughly the same amount of force regardless of the velocity, as long as it's higher than the ultimate strength of the material.
I'm completely ignoring hydrostatic effects and other complicated shit though.
My point was that energy isn't force and higher projectile energy does not equal higher impact force beyond a certain velocity.
Fug; guess my info was out of date.
And I explained to you why that was appropriate. The guy isn't White, he gave that up to be a good goy rebolushery.
When you've got a bunch of kosher fucks, none of whom die except the obvious stooge, well…. I wager digging will show this guy didn't just decide to do this, but was guided to it by (((someone))).
Could you livestream a demonstration on yourself?
Petition to declare Antifa domestic terrorists?
Don't know why that replied to you, or was turned into greentext. Sorry.
The ironing
I forgot that kike said that shit. This is a great trolling point.
Ok, this is where it's time for FBI and DHS to unmask U.S. citizens and start stomping on their gonads.
Leftists DO NOT want to own this at all. I've been on Twitter for the past hour since I heard of this and I've seen shit ranging from "him asking if they were Republican or Democrat might not have been linked to shooting, just innocent questions" to liberals saying that he has ties to a church, so this could be Christian extremism. Then I saw this.
I think we need a full court press to get Antifa labeled a terrorist organization. This is the time to do it. Get this going on 4pol, Twitter, Facebook, and leddit. Now is the time normies would press for something to be done.
steve scalise is dead
Holy crap, someone is actually talking sense in D.C. after this. Unlike that cocksucker terry mcauliffe.
Although I could see how Detroit-area congressnigs would use this as a way to do some gun-running in D.C. and Baltimore.
Where did you hear this?
Video of shooting released
It not trolling, holy projection, Batman.
This guy was batshit on so many levels it's almost a goof.
Post more about his daughter, I'm feeling rapey.
I'm an idiot, I misread that.
I would rather go a step further and tie this, eric clanton, blm, etc., to the soros organizations. Especially if the trolls aren't trolling and Rep Scalise is a really dead.
It still hurts like a bitch though. Tell me you can easily walk off a 5.56 round at 1000 yards vs 400. Most of these charts don't take in to account the human experience of being shot. It hurts, user, its a lead slug punching a hole in your body and bouncing around like a pinball at impossible speeds. That's why the Dallas shooter killed so many cops. He just fired 7.62x39 into a large crowd of blue. It didn't matter where or how many he hit. The large volley of slugs destroyed those police officer's innards and caused maximum damage from the range.
Funny they call him a GOP shooter. It's like calling the Orlando gunman a gay shooter, or Dylan Roof a nigger shooter.
it isn't treason if they aren't in the same group they turn on
I see what you mean now, but when they're all kosher and there are millions of leftists getting the same indoctrination and social support for their ideas, a guiding hand at low level is unnecessary. But yes, possible.
Sure thing, Benjamin J. Osborn of 209 N Hickory with Neo-nazi and radical rightwing Milita ties who has accessed plans for nerve gas manufacture and has threatened to "gas the ****s [offensive anti-semetic term censored]"
tribute time?
inside knowledge
All reports are saying the injury was critical and that he was in good spirits/called his wife before going into surgury. Not dead.
Will this shooting tank Jon Ossoff's chance of winning the Georgia congressional election?
So, are we going to get this petition rolling or what? Get this shit trending on Twitter because normies are FUCKING pissed off right now.
No matter what happens next it suits us.
The left will keep looking crazier and crazier and some zioshit got shot so it's the cherry on the top.
Or, maybe he was a dumbass who didn't know how to shoot. It's possible that his sights weren't zeroed, and this dumbass didn't know the difference.
Also since 2 cops were shot, it wouldn't be a bad time to ramp up Blue Lives Matter propaganda, just to stir up extra chimpening.
And that's from the NY Post. The effort by the (((msm))) to turn this berniebro into a Drumpf supporter will be relentless.
Doesn't that petition already exist, or did it's timer run out or something? I don't know the details on how those things work
Not with that lightbulb on his face.
5.56 stops fragmenting at like 200 yards. At 1000, it will be subsonic with an energy of 75 foot pounds, 75% of the muzzle energy of .22 lr. It will hurt, but I bet someone could walk that off.
I didn't know they stacked shit that high!
Checked. Anything for extra chimping. We need to drive them over the edge. Make the golem break the leash.
What's it like getting shot in the ass with a high powered rifle?
See this oldie but goodie from Dan Pronk, former special operations medic on why he would rather be shot in the ass with an AK rather an M4. (Includes some graphic pictures so those of you that don't know what gun shots look like, thinking of poor Rep. Scalise right now. Poor lad.
The act that removes you from being White inherently makes you a traitor bro - you can't willingly give yourself up to the Red Jew without immediately becoming a traitor.
You may cease to be White, but in doing so, you are a traitor.
More than possible - likely.
A Berniebro attacking a GOP baseball game with a long-arm who manages to only wound 5 people, only one of whom is amongst the 'targets' (ie GOP) and he doesn't die, whereupon the Berniebro is capped by the target's security detail.
Stinks. Like matzo and foreskins.
In many regards, I agree.
But I disagree in that it creates associations in peoples minds.
A Ziocuck getting shot but not dying isn't necessarily a good thing, at all.
He loved Israel.
See above? That's what I'm talking about - they're going to try to make you feel sympathy for this Ziocuck scumbag. And that's never good.
I wonder if she's going to put the republican logo over her display picture now
I see your point but it does give us a window for redpilling. We just have to spam stuff like the USS Liberty or what they've done to the holy site of Christians, that will make people ask questions.
No, of course not. They'll do filters for france, fags, etc, but you'll NEVER see them put on an american flag filter for an attack on US soil
x-ray of .223 (M4) that hit upper femur….(ouch!)
Just heard on radio that Rep. Scalise in critical condition after multiple blood transfusions…. pretty serious injuries.
checking blackjack dubs for MK Ultra motive
user I know that the average height for americans is shrinking because of all the spics and chinks coming into this nation, however the average white guy is between 5'10", and a lot white guys are around 6'+
t. a king of manlets at 6'
maybe this lad isn't full of shit after all
The left better hope he doesn't die, or the right is going to rain hellfire on them…
God damn.
Here's hoping he's got some serious will to live.
He was using a gyrojet???
Why does everyone keep saying it was an M4? Was it literally a select-fire M4 or was it just a run-of-the-mill AR-15?
chimps weren't involved, and the media will make those guys heroes anyhow, waste of effort
you're needlessly complicating things. He was white, unless someone digs up that his mother was jewish or whatever, and he held an anti-white ideology. Millions have done so before, that doesn't make them cease being white. A jew doesn't cease being a jew if he rejects judaism. It's genetic. This faggot may have been a fat pleb of servile extraction, but he was white
lurk Holla Forums and see how little they know about shooting. It's not remotely surprising.
you're trying too hard, sinead
fuck- thats not a good prognosis
because people are retarded. almost certainly an ar15
Got a Colt AR with M4 stamped on the receiver. Pretty easy to be confused.
Holla Forums, this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. You just need to take it.
I'm a europoor with no gun license.
Forge the iron when it's still hot. There might not be another opportunity like this.
A lefty going nuts and shooting neocons then getting stopped by a CCW holder doesn't hurt our enemies? How exactly do you figure?
Anyone got that image of some woman on facebook telling anyone who's below 6' to go to the gym?
He lived. Not a very good martyr.
hes bleeding out hes dead no why to close up a baseball size hole.
Hes dead
The sure as shit can't bury this one as an attempted robbery.
See>>10082741 not for much longer
"GOP shooter"
fucking incredible
Their subversion has no limits. It's subtle. Beautiful in a way. Fucking disgusting
You never know, people can be surprisingly resilient, and with a virtually limitless supply of fresh blood, anything is possible.
its bad, but the kikes and braindead leftists will just ignore any implications and move the goalposts
Im quoting article in my post, fag lad. By former special operator….talking about M4 wounds.
No way Bernie-Blaster had an M4. I've seen different reports saying he had an "AK" (meaning, prolly, off-the-shelf SKS), others saying AR15. Saw one that said M4, but come on…. we're talking about media reporting on firearms. They NEVER get their shit right.
I am going with assumption it was AR15 (for gun noobs, this means it shoots a .223 cartridge also known as 5.56mm) or SKS (shoots 7.62x39mm cartridge)
At under 100 yards, either one is going to do go right through a person like butter leaving behind serious shock damage to surrounding tissue…. discussed in the article I linked above.
Note: Pics I posted are from that old article, NOT of Scalise.
Stop vagueposting. Were you there? Are you at the hospital? Spill the beans nigger.
um, guys
what's wrong with his benis?
start checking the post IDs user, the guy claiming he's dead isn't the same guy talking with you
Yeah the left will ignore it, but by no means does this in any way hurt us. It'll be rhetorically useful to us for those in the middle. It helps the left not a single fucking hair.
If dubs the zioshit dies.
This guy is Trump's friend…
I'll fucking say so.
Probably and ak variant given the talk of 50 to 100 rounds being dumped.
It's got a watermark.
That's clearly not an image of his actual injury, just some faggot leftist's attempt to meme him to death.
Bad wording of title, article itself says shooting at GOP
NOTE: AGAIN, I posted this picture of gunshot wound x-ray. It's from Article about battlefield wounds… NOT a picture of Scalise…. old pic.
not sure why 50-100 rds would imply it was an ak variant
why does this sound exactly like the fucking Seth Rich case?
What if he dies and during the special election he's replaced by a democrat? Democrat shoots republican dead, and the republican gets replaced by a democrat?
I think more blood would flow for sure.
Sorry friend, I misread the ID's and reply chain, and in hindsight you're not the faggot leftist I'm talking about.
SKS doesn't have detachable mags like an ak. Slower to reload, ergo not as likely to be able to shoot that much in the time given.
kek, what a moron
First it was that he went to surgery and is doing fine. Now it's critical condition. What the hell?
That's good, no more fence sittters, then we redpill about the zio menace.
bezmenov was right.
leftists need to die.
webm that shit cunt
It's almost like he was meant to die regardless of what happened, all the unimportant staffers will live, but this guy certainly won't
I'm too much of a faggot, but I'll try
Nevermind, apparently youtube-dl can do that without an account
Not going to happen. Louisiana's 1st district is a GOP stronghold. Republicans typically get ~80% support there
Why does this have jump cuts?
The video has jump cuts but it's supposed to be linear cell footage lol
oops, didn't read the chain you were responding too- didn't realize you were speaking exclusively whether it was an sks or ak.
What's with the jump cuts and bleeping out cursing
Looks like footage is from NY Post they may have edited
Force, energy transfer, etc., are to some degree immaterial. A fucking bean bag from a shotgun transfers more force into the target, with less lethality. So does a baseball bat to the ribs. Also, energy and momentum are different issues, the momentum of a bullet is very small - M=FxM and is conserved, the momentum of the bullet is only slightly more than the energy of the recoil on the shooter (which is reduced by the action of ejecting and chambering rounds). The energy increases with the square of the velocity, but that doesn't matter, either.
What's important is what the bullet does with the energy. Which is, penetrate and fuck up tissue.
People die from gunshots in only two ways, and neither has jack or shit to do with energy or momentum. Either a vital organ is damaged (brain or upper spinal cord = instant death, heart = several seconds later death aka Saint Skittles, other organs = delayed death by some hours or days), or the person exsanguinates. This might by helped by a large vein or better yet, artery being severed, and is certainly helped by having enough penetration to make both entry and exit wounds (twice the holes for twice the bleeding out), and might be helped by a wider permanent wound channel aka higher caliber, tumbling bullet, a hollowpoint that actually opens as designed (not as common as you'd think), etc.
Bullet placement is always key. 22 to the head is more fatal than a 44 to the belly, both in total and in terms of quickness.
While the energy degrades over distance, any centerfire rifle caliber is potentially fatal up to a mile or more - IF and ONLY IF it hits the right spot on someone. Maximum lethal range is different from maximum effective range, the latter of which has to do with hitting what is aimed at.
If you get shot by a rifle from 50 yards and it hits meat then you're not suffering a "superficial" injury nor will you be "fine" for a very long time, if ever.
probly got played on tv and is long so they chopped it up and censored
The doctors at Medstar are on the Clinton payroll. I believe during the Seth Rich investigation it was even discovered that one of the attending doctors had family connections to Podesta.
Scalise is fucked, poor guy.
True, but it's rather convenient who got shot today
We'll really know the fix is in if it turns out that whoever ends up replacing him is more of a good goy who opposing trump on all the important things.
Or hell, it doesn't even matter if someone good replaces him. The replacement will no longer be the Whip. Keep an eye out to see if the Whip position goes to a neocon shill
Maybe they'll finally get serious now.
I don't see where that is claimed…
The shooting lasted about 10 minutes from the accounts I'm reading. Obviously dead time was cut from that video.
Just them. Not all of us. Can they really make that for themselves exclusively? Fucking bastards for using that language either way.