Gotta Catch Em All

="I don't know who created Pokemon Go, but I'm trying to figure out how we get them to have Pokemon Go to the polls," she said, as the crowd shrieked.=

Humanity is lost.

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Oops. Forgot the sauce.

Is there a word that accurately conveys unbelievably strong disgust? Because the words "unbelievably strong disgust" aren't accurate enough for this shit.

And you know that people are going to eat this fucking shit up, that there will be people who will vote for her SOLELY because of this.

If Shillery had some purely theoretical shred of self respect left, it's just been lost.

Honestly this will likely greatly backfire with those who feel disenfranchised by our government. It shows them that she can't be taken remotely seriously and how her selfish ambition is all she likely cares about.
Well she's got the meme loving millennial vote. Great.

just be glad most high-schoolers and all middle-schoolers are too young enough to vote


How long until all presidents do this shit to get people to vote?


There are no words for it. But you can be sure that Bulbapedia/Bulbagarden fags will vote for her now just because of this.

They already done, this is basically just "HERE HAVE THIS SWEET WITH OUR PARTY SYMBOL ON IT AND THIS PAMPHLET!"

There are no minors at my workplace, but everyone under 30 is talking about Pokemon all the time now. Make no mistake, a lot of pokefags are of voting age.

More sauce, this time archived.

Either because it's trending or they grew up with the anime or at least played Pokemon Gold.

Nothing but disdain for the staffer who came up with this.

Filename doing it for you?



It's because it is trending, i was at a wedding yesterday and faggot i KNOW don't give a shit about Pokémon Go.

But user, Trump IS a Pokemon now, so is still one step ahead.

this is some "how do you do, fellow kids"-tier manipulation, and if it weren't for the fact that they are hooking people with a mobilepleb game, the worst part would be that this is actually going to persuade gullible "young adults"

I think they'll go to the spot, get whatever they need, and leg it the fuck outta there without even acknowledging her existence.

It sure is.

why is this allowed?

They're 'of voting age' but how many are registered to vote? How many have actively expressed their desire to cast their ballot in November?

The young rarely make an strong impact in elections. They just don't turn out in numbers. Majority of them don't give a shit about politics at all. The 18-24 have been consistently underrepresented in polls since the 1970's… when the voting age changed from 21 to 18 (twenty sixth amendment) and even though this has been changing in recent years 6/10 young eligible voters didn't vote in 2012 (note that 2008 and 2012 both had increased youth voter turnout in the first place largely due to Obama - Clinton will not be able to summon up the same desire in the electorate).