Is this game worth playing? I've heard that the people who worked on Severance:BoD worked on this

Is this game worth playing? I've heard that the people who worked on Severance:BoD worked on this.
Also Castlevania thread

Definitely not. It's underwhelming at every turn, story-wise and gameplay-wise. Unless you just like to hear Patrick Stewart run lines.

What about the sequel?

If they did it really doesnt show.
It a shitty Castlevania but a pretty decent game, its better than crap like God of War and Prince of Persia , for example.

Pic not related.

Sage is not a downvote reddit

Diablo - Hellgate London
Megaman - Mighty Number 9
Psychonauts - Broken Age
Bayonetta - TMNT'16
Nights into dreams - Sonic'06
etc. etc.


I think that all Prince of Persaa games are bad

I didnt really liked it.

It was ahead of its time back then. And to be honest, even after it, no game has implemented such a cool and well done time reversal gameplay mechanic.

And what was wrong, aside from being rushed by ea and the resulting early bugginess, with Hellgate London?

You say "being rushed by ea" as if it's resulted in one flaw
I dunno if as the result of being rushed, or because of something else, but game has very little good anything.
Cool setting? Some cool armor designs? Overall game was very bad.

It's nice little God of War clone.

They why did you not post a Castlevania game?

It's a little better, but I think I ultimately dropped it due to way too many QTE's. This was within 1 hour of playing.Give it a pirate and see for yourself if it scratches the itch.

Don't know, i'd say so, for PC, with gfx mods.

Disregard negative opinions. If it is beneath your expectations you could fantasise or make something better.

You should never consult others before playing something. Should pirate it, spend time altering it to impress you. Play it and if enjoyed it then pay for it or buy something else by the same people who made it.

Not a bad idea to buy it and get the most out of it. May like it more with more familiarity with it. Like music, may feel like a mistake, then you get it.

yes, but dont expect a castlevania game

Learning to expect the most from things, know that what is there is good, is an essential part of character.

Looking for flaws you will find them. Should be going for perfection.

In games that is a good reason to go forward and battle your way through opposition.

Know what you want enough and may enjoy the results of building it, integratin that feeling of there being more.

Castlevania could be done in 3D well.
Lower res to 240i. Use TAA and motion blur. Focus on effects.

Try to make landscape and castle eerie. Everywhere looking different. Rooms seperating areas that form their own theme. Strangeness, try to avoid or survive that. Camera low and character close. Various weapons, no damage difference but attacks that fill unique functions:

Whips for distant enemies, taking a long time to hit and requiring timing on button press (when on enemy) to cause damage. Weapons also useful for different environments. Whip for swinging on hooks. Axe/Machette for woods. Knife for locks. Sword for people. Even a bow theif style to douse lights to pass enemies and to light pathways in areas where the light holds off monsters.

Slower weapons for more damage and the more you use a weapon the more damage it does, faster to use, more moves.

Just need to make Castle interesting enough to want to explore it. Resident Evil was in the right vein.

Hidden rooms and such forming something so much better the rest feels fake.

Using space so rooms are larger than they should be would be good for realism. World feeling large and places substancial.

Second stick to rotate camera, when swinging weapon, weapon swing going in the opposite direction of camera movement. moving camera around during swing also perhaps shortening swing, or extending it, another weapon used if attacking again diring swing while camera moving, in direction facing.

Retain high quality medieval looks for all equipment, showing it on character. Nothing Japanese or stupid, such as rock armour. Improvisations yes, magic keep to a minimum.

Could pick up and buy additions rather than replacements. But those for customisation perhaps as well, with damage and traversal clothes being torn. Bought things coming cursed, imitations of the found items, fight for the seller. Some exceptions, seemingly less powerful unique items, that come in handy or last, enable some progression or some invisibility. Suiting the environment a kind of bonus in initiating a test to endow with items. Master the existance in an area, know what is local to it and get by without damaging any of it. Defeat it's enemies or projections of them, some bosses when bested revealing they are part of the place, demonstrating what isn't.

No clear way progression path, grinding as an alternate to the secret way forward/up/down, beyond. The more you play the further you can go. Actions better the more they are done. Also cheat options for sacrifices, alleigances etc, eg: Double jumping (a climb or thing to be raised), water walking (could be pillars just under the surface that would be found if not for cowardice), the area to be bathed in light with night vision (otherwise move slow and away from monster growls or run past them, unseen but deadly growl back etc).

Demon's Souls otherwise provides an alternative.

It costs performance but setting Full RGB range, deep colour & hdmi super white may be worth it.

The appeal is the world being vastly more than you. Ok if it moves slowly an your actions are impaired. Makes the world more dangerous.

Elements within games may still be good even if the overall game isn't.

Good things could be exported to something that deserves them and the rest made better, accompanying what suits them.

Trying to make things perfect may always be right.

Should be able to if done enough, standards of what is done ahead of the doers expectation.

Players can be the ones to raise them, with the doers going on ahead.

This wasn't the result of rushed development, this was the result of no development. They put a barebones product together and produced it with "promises" of fleshing it out later. One bankruptcy later and now it's a chink F2P travesty.

What was the last good Castlevania game, and why was it pic related?

That's not Adventure Rebirth

Don't listen to the haters. It's a decent GoW clone.


Fuck off fag

IMO Aria of Sorrow, but Holla Forums is too cool to like Metroidvanias nowadays. I think even SOTN is considered shit now.

I like your idea

I tried to give this game a chance but it just keep pissing me off

your dodge move has no invincibility frames, and the enemies can't telegraph for shit so i felt like i keep getting hit unfairly.
also the chapter 1 and 2 bosses were the same thing and they were both shit.

after playing for 2 hours i wasn't impressed.

Good taste. Forgot about that game!

That's correct. IGAvanias were a mistake.

It's an average game. I wouldn't say it's super impressive nor super disappointing. It's not Castlevania though as the only thing it shares with the series is a whip. Music and art for some zones are great, the combat is pretty mediocre, and I personally liked the story. LoS2 runs about the same way in mediocre gameplay, just better controls than before, I didn't particularly like anything else about it. LoS2 takes back all the character development of Gabriel in LoS. I'd say try them out if you're still mixed so you can make up your own opinions about it.

The 1st is worth a playthrough but the 2nd one is just shit all over

It's a decent game. Not great. Not bad. It may not be castlevania but it's pretty good especially the dlcs. The sequel looks prettier and controls better but is not as good as the first one in other areas.

It's okay. It's kind of harder than your average God of War(mainly because you know who is a completely bullshit bossfight where you have to cum on the guy's knee and the hitbox for it is wonky as shit) and it's got that third person cinematic railroad platformer every game has to have now where no timing or skill is required.

Mirror of Fate is one of the worst metroidvanias I've ever played. It's so bad in fact that the map goes ahead and tells you where all the secrets are you little baby, and for 100% completion you don't get anything besides a secret cutscene which is basically every main character in the game looking constipated.

I haven't played 2 but I hear it's very rushed.

What is the best Metroidvania and why is it la mulana

Also are there any good Classicvania clones out there? Doesn't have to be a carbon copy, just tight controls with a whip main weapon.

Check out Rusty for DOS and PC-98.

Is the Alucard DLC worth playing?

Honestly, as a guy who didn't mind it, I wouldn't say so. It doesn't really do anything special that makes it worthwhile in some way.

I actually really like it. I think it's super comfy. I still go back and play it here and there. The second one was good but I was disappointed with the ending. Mirrors of fate was ass.

In my opinion it's the best part of the game.

Already played it. Got anything else?

Alucard is significantly more fun to play than Dracul. The DLC's story revolves around you going around the castle setting up protections and placing shit for your Dracul. It's pretty short and doesn't take long to knock out.