Guilty Gear and BlazBlue

How come Guilty Gear is generally more liked and gets more attention than BlazBlue?
What's better in one and worse in the other?

Probably the fact that Guilty Gear has been running on longer.

Guilty Gear has better game play
Blaz Blue has better waifus


She is not on XrdR
Dizzy is not in XrdR yet

As someone who's a fan of both.

I like the mechanics of the specific characters more in Blazblue, but like the overall mechanics of Guilty Gear more.

I like the music and character design of Guilty Gear more, but like the aesthetic of the stages and UI more in Blazblue, also Blazblue has my favorite individual music track.

I like the faux-2D art style of the Xrd games a lot. I also enjoy the Blazblue story mode a lot (mostly for the Gag Reels).

I think both series have their merits, and always look forward to a new release from both series.

If. Fucking. Only.

Vanilla BB felt like a bootleg GG with generic animu art. They expanded on that but can't really say it got all that better.
I don't mind BB not being my thing but it does bug me that GG is starting to look a lot like it; Raven got redesigned to look like the fedorafag, all the Aria clones is starting to look like the swiss army knife chicks thing from BB and new Baiken looks a little too Kokonoe for comfort.

To say something positive of BB, I like Bullet because T&A and the music is absolutely fantastic (as far as personal favorites go, it's easily on par with GG, if not better).

Regardless of which is better or worse, ASW are insufferable kikes for foisting disc only re-releases. I want to get into Xrd but not going to fall for that bullshit.

There are places where BlazBlue is more popular?

I found GG easier to learn.

in BB I like hakumen, arakune, and tsubaki, while in GG I only really like May. But GG has better characters overall, with BB having a lot of forgetable double ups. Ragna is better than Sol, but Sol is funnier as a more clichéd bad ass. Pot is cooler than tager.

I wish more people played BBcpe online, so I could practice more. As it is there are way more matches available to me in GGxrd.

>piece of shit

I feel like I've seen more Makoto and Taokaka on the internet than I've seen Bridget

Is BlazBlue even on EVO?

Because Guilty Gear was once a good game where they genuinely valued and respected the competitive community. Too bad they screwed the pooch with Xrd. Also like Xrd, BlazBlue was designed from the beginning to be a Guilty Gear for Retards.

I hate Xrd's art style with passion, but did they fuck up gameplay too?
From videos it looked pretty much like Reload with shitty visuals.

Xrd essentially takes a steamy dump all over the wealth of mechanics and character improvement that the XX series had steadily been refining over the course of a decade. It is this respect for the competitive community that made it such a widely lauded fighting game by the time Accent Core came around, and it is the same reason people generally think less of BlazBlue and Xrd. Because their stated goal from the beginning was to try and be a Guilty Gear Lite. Problem is, once you've played the genuine article, why would you want to bother with the Lite?

Didn't most BB characters get designed around being parodies such as Bang, Racheal, and Platinum being the more obvious ones?

All the nips are playing the arcade version of CF instead of CPE. So it got booted to AnimEVO. Then again it was shoved off to make room for Pokken.

Accent Core a shit. A SHIT.

BB only has one tolerable waifu, and maybe 3 tolerable characters (outside of playstyles) because of its insufferable "self aware" anime style

if we aren't going to talk about fighting mechanics, everything about GG packs more punch and has more soul to it, making a game around heavy metal definitely leaves more room for creativity than the self-ribbing but at the same time serious story of blazblue (both games have pretty nonsense stories mind you)

its indicative of the different mindsets between game design of their respective release times too. guilty gear is full of experimental shit in both design and gameplay, a undead woman wielding a giant living key, a robot who you have to stop from overheating mid gameplay, a man who fights with the spirits that possess him, a dude fighting with billiards and a dandy vampire, all these things to this day stand out

blazblue is just tweaking long existing archetypes like rival brothers and animal girls

Of what? I'm not seeing any.

the issue with their parody nature is it only ended up being well applied to ragna the bloodedge because his character is kind of aloof and not that edgy, the rest don't expand on the parody

"oh lets make a billion year old loli, you know as a joke" but she's still just a billion year old loli with no actually ribbing at that trope. for example the pretty okay anime Shingeki no Bahumet has a ancient loli character, but they have a proper laugh with it because she has an old ladies attitude

underrated post, sums up my feelings.

bang is making fun of hot blooded naruto types, but they don't actually make fun of it, he is just a hot blooded shonen character. rachel is just a ancient loli, platinum i can't throw my dice in on cuz i was sick of rereleases by the time they were playable

I think +R basically hit the pinnacle of what Guilty Gear is, but I am cool with Xrd kinda rewinding back to earlier versions of XX and trying something different (and easier) with the major tweaks to the RC system and stuff like Blitz Shield.

Do I think Xrd is inferior to +R? Yes, but +R will always be there, and hey, who knows where Xrd will end up with the amount of time XX got for revisions.

Its Nu/Lambda right,Right?
Murakumo units are the best.
Noel a shit tho

BB fans, everyone.

ah but Noel is an insufferable moeblob
The others are just cute
Also they are technically robots so it satisfies my half-assed clang fetish as well

Xrd is a piece of shit and anyone defending it literally hates videogames.

Accent Core on the other hand is the greatest fighting game known to man, the greatest fighting game we will ever know.

Nu > Mu > Lambda
Hakumen the best waifu tho

I just got bought +R the other day and I'm having a blast
Will anyone novice play with me, none of my local friends like fightan that isn't fucking smash bros

Scarface has droopy tiddy though. Maybe she looked like that in her 20's but she's spoiled milk at this point user.

Your waifu is out of date, expired.

GG literally has a character based on tits and another on ass to cover all tastes.

I don't think I could have said it any better myself.
aside from adding that the third core game original releases had some pants-on-head retarded redesigns

what kind of name is sol badguy?

A pseudonym, partially based on a nickname that Freddy Mercury once had.

Coincidentally, Sol's real name is Frederick, and he is an in universe fan of Queen, to the point that listening to Queen and Queen's "Sheer Heart Attack" albums are listed as his hobbies and likes respectively.

Shit man, what's your timezone?

I have barely played those series but i'm currently looking for some PSP fightans, are this titles worth to play on PSP?

muh dick

For what fucking purpose?

Commuting and work breaks.

GG has better character design and better gameplay.

If I were you I wouldn't play fightans on PSP because you'll have to use the d-pad, try a different genre for PSP

guilty gear is more technical fighting game while blazblue is mashy fun with characters based on completely different gimmick

at least until chromophantasma went for guilty gear audience and removed all the fun and ruined Jin for me