Niggers get absolutely BTFO by white man in Newy Australia. Apparently the sudo dogs were going around trying to start fights all night and they met their match. watch them drop like flies
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I aint clickin that shit
Make a webm.
OP Is a faggot as usual.
I haven't been to Face "Give me your personal info for me to analyze for more shekels" book in a long time.
Perhaps user can provide Webm?
Not webm but here you go.
use this website if you are scared mate.
You dont have to visit the page just drop the URL
heh, short but sweet
Not scared m8
Just a low enegry OP.
This should have been posted in the nigger thread.
Check the catalogue
Good vid .
Not OP worthy.
As always even when out numbering the enemy niggers are useless
This is the kind of video that would benefit us to be more popular. so if anyone is brave enough to use a Facebook, actually go to the site and like it so the world can see niggers get dropped.
We have webm thread. This didn't warrant a thread.
saged and reported
Good to see Australia still has that Cronulla riot spirit
pussy kikes hate seeing white mans strength
i second this. future op should make sure to post to the webm thread instead.
these nigger btfo videos are fun to watch but a single video doesn't need a dedicated thread. in the future, post to the webm thread. or at least that nigger hate thread thats up currently. webm thread is usually on the first page and easy to search for in catalog. videos get more visibility there too.
Amazing what getting the first hit in and not being mentally intimidated can do in a fight.
Niggers drop just like any other man.
they drop easier if anything, he dominated them with ease
good shit, all it took was one punch and those niggers were down.
I can't describe how euphoric this made me feel.
Just wait until legions of poor angry pissed off whites finally break and start using superior brain power for coordinated strategic violence.
Shitskins really have forgotten how vicious whites can actually be and are literally poking the Lion.
what a SICK CUNT
It's called Boxing dude. He didn't push the guy. He pushed his knockout button. Really hard and fast. We all have one.
that was me
Post pic of you and your long hair with timestamp or it didn't fucking happen you LARPing faggot
This guy shows the right idea. You need to prepare to fight gangs of niggers. Not just one. Niggers fight in packs. They're unpredictable. You gotta attack all of them around you. If he didn't, I bet that second one would had monkey booped him on the top of his head as soon as he turned around.
Nice to see. Needs a moonman soundtrack, and if you're really feeling creative, a moonman face swap.
You should be life-banned for being a faggot if you do not post proof.
The comments on this are pure gold. Practically no one is defending the nogs - we all know they're total cunts. Newy coming together as a community to celebrate niggers getting smashed haha.
Good fucking work Australia. It's hard not to feel demoralized when niggers practically get away with attacking white people. This really lifts my spirit.
Damn, this is even better. If something like this happened in the States everyone would be trying to defend the niggers. Or if they had to face the facts they are shit they would be making excuses saying "They're not ALL like this."
Don't you mean.. met their master?
Around blacks never relax. Aussies need to find their pride as is they are as cucked as Swedes.
Great job aussiebros. Keep up the good work. These filthy niggers need to be put in their place.
Kek appreciates your devotion, and so does Australia. If this video goes viral, lots of disenchanted young bogans will probably go coon-hunting.
Note to ASIO: such a situation would be very unfortunate and I do not condone it :^)
One Punch Dingo
I dream of a day, when a few good, strong, intelligent men make all the difference in the world. I dream of the days when we can all unite rank and file in the meritocracy of Truth.
Good job cunts, send those exotic dogs back into the jungle.
Bumping because Newy is my hometown.
Any other Nova castrians lurking here?
Truly the primitive ape-men of the sub-sahara are a Jew brought curse. I'm sure the scheming yid has weaponized the abbo too.
gawddamn that was a nice straight
This one beautiful picture.
Grew up in Newy, all my fam still lives there. Proud as fuck watching the local lads smash those sudos.
you stupid nigger. you stupid fucking nigger. here, fixed it for you
I have a boner.
When are the Knights gonna sort themselves out? That fat jew cunt ruined your club.
what the fuck are you on mate
Its so embarrassing I'd rather not talk about it. Also I was unaware Tinkler was a kike, though he did rub shoulders with the (((Saudi's))) so it shouldn't surprise me really.
Yeah mate i made the thread because all my mates are liking it ahah
We must secure our borders or the shitskins will swarm over us like African mosquitoes do to the migrating buffalo.
We need to stop them at the gate!
full vid:
I dont think he is a jew but he might as well be, he was ringing up players in the middle of the night abusing them when they were complaining about not getting paid.
Reverse the aussie or fix the flag, your work isn't done yet.
You could have fixed it, you lazy cunt.
this video should be renamed 'valhalla eternal'
Absolutely sick. They should have just let them lay there.
I think they wanted to see if they're dead, that way they know not to fuck with the guy who laid them out.
Fuck these nogs are irrational
I had one trying to hit me the other night for telling him that he was in the way, I couldn't understand a word the monkey was saying.
Sudos are flat out the worst immigration mistake we've ever made
touched the green shit up a bit
webm version
you gotta berserk rush all of them. every single nigger in the vicinity is fair game
No-one cares that one person beat up another person, it's not politics and this website isn't WSHH for white people.
This board is not for politics only either you newfag. Holla Forums does not stand for Politics, but for Politically Incorrect. Anything that is politically incorrect is on topic.
Lurk for 500 years before posting again newfag.
fuck you faggot
this was definitely thread worthy and made me smile
kek, nice one mate
All the faggots saying it wasn't thread worthy are spear chucking coons.
UPDATE: APARENTLY GUY INVOLVED IS A WHITE PRIDER, connections are trying to secure an interview with the him. (((social media))) Is calling him the Australian Thor.
it's fucking great propaganda, it demotivates leftist
This, as if this doesn't pump up your spirits, and its given a chance for the white nationalists to come out of the woodwork>>10078846
like they are in the comments for eg.
It's not hard at all. The niggers outside America are a bunch of lankey manlets. Even in America, niggers are shorter than whites.
Totally worth it mate. It's worth celebrating all victories. Only a prodigious faggot wouldn't like watching a few sudos knocked on their arse.
Oh jeez, the diversity bureau at the Ministry of Truth is not gonna like this sort of blatant racism!
Obviously these 3 men were just walking across a zebra crossing and then 2 white roving men came out of a local bar and rushed these 3 black men. They were assaulted without any reason other then for being black. Facebook showed pure racism comments and we told FB to censor and delete all the content and to report all users to us for hate speech.
This bloke gets it
Great video m8
I agree with you Americans have a warped view on sucker punching or at least it seems this way.
Rest of the world
Do Americans not have lots of street fights? I don't really understand it, when somebody approaches you very aggressively, it is fair to assume their intention is to fight, when get punched you should have done:
a.) Be prepared for it
b.) Not acted aggressively
Is your society so far removed from consequences and actions that being aggressive with other people does not merit a physical response?
I saw a view of this from the balcony above yesterday. Goldenbro handling his biz then back for a drink.
Always know niggers never play fair, shitskins don't have honour or anything of the sort resembling civlisation or the civilised. That's why they are so shit when not attack in packs and even then they're still shit but more than that is the infamous nigger sucker punch. Always remember there are no rules in street fighting. All is fair in nigger moments.
Blame Hollywood.
Is that the golden one :^)
Blame our school system for the current generation.
Someone starts hitting you in school? You are expected to take it until a teacher shows up.
That, that is the reason we have generations of people who are aggressive shits but unable to take what they dish out. ie your typical Antifa that flees when someone with forty extra pounds of muscle and bone hits back.
Is it the black clothes that make them look like stick people, the high concentration of vegans, or the fact they are offspring of 'sneak fuckers'?
I don't know fully desu. But our Jewdicial system will prosecute you to the hilt if you do hit first, even when provoked and the bastard cracks his head on the pavement and dies or turns into a potato. And as you probably know, prison sentencing guidelines are much harsher here than in Britistan or Yurope. Partly, I think it's harsher as a subconscious or not way to try and remove niggers from society and cope with their ridiculous crime rates and recidivism. But what applies to niggers has to go for everyone to be "fair". As Europe goes downhill, you might find popular support for harsher punishments and stricter crackdowns, and things like bar fights are seen as too risky vis-a-vis getting dragged into court and facing felonies. I know of young guys, now felons, because of some dumb fight they got in and somebody got seriously hurt.
need to stomp them out when they go down
Yeah American teachers are fucking cunts, specially the women. Can't throw a goddamn snowball cause it's "violent."
The way I see it is three parts.
1. We may not have as many hand-to-hand street fights as other nations, or if we do, they are spread out more disparately across our gigantic landmass. In states that have proper firearm laws which reflect the intention of the Constitution, street fights are pretty rare because you never know when someone's just going to shoot you back because they were scared that they might get seriously hurt (i.e. George Zimmerman). The likelihood of getting shot increases the less "street-smart" the person you're attacking is, because they are more likely to be terrified and shoot you.
2. What this guy said:
3. America has a culture of not doing this type of shit simply because up until about 60 years ago you were incredibly likely to get shot (see reason 1). This is because America, historically, was a lot of small disparate self-sustaining communities spread out over a large landmass. In small communities, everyone knows each other. And everyone has guns. This type of shit only happens in urban areas, but that's a given for just about any nation.
good stuff
AHAH fuckin dropped CUNT
That was a professional no-frills beatdown.
All these have merit in my opinion thanks Anons. Here in South Africa people fight a lot, but for the most part people do not get aggressive unless a fight is going to take place. It is changing with the younger generation as the laws and schools are doing pretty much what you guys said.
People avoid fights with niggers because you end up getting arrested by nigger policemen, then going in front of a nigger judge, to get "guarded" by nigger CS, in a overcrowded nigger prison, so when people fight with niggers here it's usually fighting to seriously fuck him up and get away from the scene.
This makes a lot of sense. America is truly unique in so many aspects
some more info would've been nice
Didn't get it from the news, it was circulated Facebook first
What is with Australia and all their big, built blonde men? I swear they're more viking than Sweden.
I hurt my wrist and I haven't done anything in weeks. Every time I start my wrist stars hurting again. I've almost given up, but I'm going to will myself back into it again. I don't know why the fuck my wrist keeps hurting. I never had this happen before. On a positive note I'm gardening for the first time in my life, so I should have a bounty of nice organic food to eat in the coming months.
Australia is a spartan like culture where being a "hard cunt" is highly valued. couple that with a very high white population and you get this. Gym culture is extremely prevalent. If you don't workout your a scrub and pretty much only faggot lefties don't go to the gym regularly. Fitness is our way of life here.
black shirt guy staves off a nig on his own as well, obviously overshadowed but still
Do i hear "world star" being yelled in the background in an English accent? weird to hear it in another accent other than ebonics
Fucking hellfire. When it began I snorted because it looked like the Ausperger was trying to suck that animal's dick. Then the playback hit 0:04 and I let out an involuntary bestial howl that scared the fuck out of my dog.
Apparently you have not met our sniveling kike plaintiff's attorney industry. KO a nigger and it will probably cost you $50k. They feed on feral niggers getting their just desserts and then take 50% of the judgement.
The best part is the guy screaming "thats kutz brah, thats kutz" as OzThor breaks the one hit law twice. Is someone cutting onions around here?
I have found American women to be really aggressive and try to start fights with much larger men because they somehow think having two xx chromosomes makes them immune from getting their ass kicked.
Niggers always act like they are the biggest badasses on the planet, even if the can't fight for shit and are facing off against someone much larger than them. Blacks are like orks in a way. Their society is so violence based that if you can't fight you need to at least be able to pretend like you can in the hopes of faking out your opponent and making him back down. This works on white Americans for two reasons: 1. Blacks always travel in packs and if you knock the first one out you'll have to fight several more, possibly armed, niggers. 2. Hollywood has convinced Americans that niggers have superhuman strength and abilities and that any fight with them will end in you losing because "they are stronger than whites".
It's for this reason I am so pleased this footage of a white lad laying out several feral negroids is making the rounds. There's a whole generation of white kids watching that video, seeing for the first time what Hollywood has repeatedly told them was impossible. No better way to break the conditioning than watching real footage of niggers getting their heads kicked in.
That's why "Epic Beard Man" was so popular. An old man beating the shit out of a nigger on a bus resonated with people who dreamed of doing just that but were too afraid to live the dream.
Then the jews somehow twisted that beautiful story and made it into a movie about a mexican beating up neo-nazi skinheads on a bus.
Anyone who's lived around niggers knows that they break pretty easily, and they're only advantage is to fight in packs and waylay actual humans.
shill datamine thread
have another (you), this is excellent
Blame Boomers
My father always taught me to let them hit you first, so that you are justified.
But my father grew up in a 99.8% white neighborhood, and whatever independent brains he had were flushed after 25 years in the navy.
My Navy dad also told me this.
Then the navy fucked him over after decades of service.
It's time to stop fucking about, if an invader comes into your space and even looks at you wrong
If a jew tries to earn money off it by being their lawyer.
I had the same problem when I really started training hard (cross training Jiu-Jitsu boxing kickboxing weight training yoga) I was putting a lot of strain on my wrists.
My solution was to isolate things I was doing outside of training that was putting strain on my wrist–for me it was getting in/out of my car, or getting up from sitting on the mat. I was putting all my weight on my wrist to stand myself up. Also dial back the training a little, but don't baby your wrist (wrap it and keep it too protected) because I was doing that too and it seemed to make matters worse.
Good luck.
HAHA! Oh fuck. Poor kid. Well at least you had a father. Sort of.
Stop straining yourself moron. What are you 20 something? You have a whole ahead of you? Wait a year and work on your legs until they look like George St Peirre or you'll have permanent fag wrists and lose them in a fight.
You're over committing to your strikes. Jiu-Jitsu should make your wrists super strong unless you're over gripping like a scared white belt. Chill the fuck out.
If you over commit to a strike, you lose half your impact. The trick is to pull back so fast all the energy gets left in the opponent.
See 1-and-a-3rd inch punch.
The good old pile driver.
That was 7 years ago. Anyway I don't believe in chink magic, and this is coming from someone who trained for years in wing Chun. True you shouldn't push through with your punches, like my coach said out like a piston in like a piston. If you're always pulling your punches when you're hitting something you're limiting your power. Anyway drop the chink shit. Muay Thai is really the only Asian striking style worth a damn (except for maybe sanshou)
Just havin' a bit of a chat, m8.
It works though. Not trying to lead you astray. I accidentally ripped my door off the hinges and sent it flying into the next room because I was arguing and walking past it.
Wing Chun is bullshit, except for knowing a little trapping (which is good for one strike and nothing more, especially if you don't want to end up on the pavement wrestling). But Karate teaches the same thing. It's intention and snap as well as the boxing stuff that makes for a knock out punch. That's why Mike Tyson always went into the ring terrified and wanting to kill out of fear he said.
Snap doesn't = pulling. Snap is in the body and forearms. Pulling is in the bicepts.
Bruce Lee wasn't chink shit either, he was MMA.
Meaning I barely tapped it with my big knuckle to move it. But it was the same form. Intention is the real "chi"
Depends on the state.
When everybody and their moms could be packing a firearm the last thing you want to do is start shit, somebody gets into the wrong person's face in NH or Texas and they have a good chance of getting shot on the spot.