
I'm downloading this game for the first time. I like grinding. I'm a grinder, Jerry.

What starting frame and weapons should I pick? I have a curse where I always pick the worst starting items possible in video games.

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Pick any old gun and shoot yourself. Warframe sucks.

I think you should sooner kill yourself, than play warframe in it's current state.

Oddly similar reply structure.


They're kids anyway.

Fucking same, I actually downloaded warframe and picked a guy without knowing what the fuck he was and I regretted the moment I clicked select and with no way to go back, I started the game and realized to get the character I wanted I had to grind the fuck for it.

Made me drop the game a few minutes in. Shit sucks.

Who did you pick?

I swear if you say loki

Loki is, and always was good for endgame, when properly modded

Honestly, starter weapons don't really matter. Just buy a Strun or Strun MK1 from the shop for credits ASAP, they will carry you easily up to Uranus.

Look, once upon a time ,the game could have been good, but it's not anymore.

Who even gives a fuck about the shitty ass lore. As long as the gameplay, level design and objectives feel like they're made for three different games Warframe will never be good.

He's always good, period.

I think is was the katana wielding guy, excalibur I think. I can't remember the starter frames but I wanted the chick one but choose this guy thinking I could just delete the character and restart like an MMO. Turns out I couldn't.

I'm well aware that the GAMEPLAY fucking sucks.

Hell, i soloed most missions as Mag (horrible first choice) by going melee and stealth attacking all the foes because Ninja

Anything that was just "kill everyone" was a breeze and easier to do solo than everything else.

And holy shit, when I got Ash and had a Kubro that gave me stealth, I just used shurikens on everything and killed everyone via bleedout damage.

But the problem is that the game you START playing… never changes.

Same three game modes, same old bullshit. by the time you're all set up to handle a mission rambo style, you ARE i nthe end game with end game equipment and there is nothing to do.

It's called a meme, you fucking newfag.

What an exquisite meme

Warframe has that one problem every MMO has but it's multiplied by a hundred.
You grind so you get better shit so you can grind better. It's just boring as shit

Only really good thing with Warframe is the porn and the game itself is just okay and mediocre in the end if you look past all the flashy space ninja stuff.
Don't play it by yourself or you will hate it. At least have a buddy you can grind and talk shit with or it's worse than aids.

Nyx best robofu

The main creator that was good for Warframe porn is gone man. I gave up months ago on this game I would recommend anyone else do the same.

I really don't understand this kind of complaint.

Play the fucking game. Do you like first couple hours of it? Then you'll probably like it all. Complaining that "I played it and then the game didn't change into a turn based RPG" is stupid.

I'm not even a big fan of DE, but I read comments like this and think BUT FOR WHAT PURPOSE?

Start with a MK-1 Braton and Excalibur, since if you want to build Excalibur later he's at the far end of the star chart.

Since the revamp of the star chart there's a much better in-game progression from planet to planet now.

It's not like that user, it's more

Man that shit pissed me off. I liked Warframe because I thought the Tenno were some Posthuman entities of flesh and steel, and that shit was legit. Then that expansion came out and LOL NOPE, YOU'RE TEENAGE GIRLS PILOTING REMOTE SUITS, WE LITERALLY A SHITTY ANIMU NOW.

God dammit, DE.

Excalibro > Volt >>>>> Mag

Also, they still sort of are

I could do without the angsty teenage pilots, thanks.


The gameplay's soulless, the lore's shit, and Watt fucking went nuts trying to sculp the ultimate Wraith model.

If there was any worth to the game, it's gone now.

Just because they don't annoy you constantly like ordis does doesn't mean their parents just, like, don't understand them, man


Fucking hypocrites

I will side with those recommending Excalibur. Even after all the nerfing it's still one of the most powerful and versatile frames that can carry you at all levels in all situations.
The only downside is somwhat bland appearance, but at least it has cool spine plating which you'll be seeing a lot.

Overall it's not much more confusing. They converted all the keys into relics, each relic has its own thing that it drops.

Fissures will open up and will be of a random mission type, you go to the fissure that matches the relic type you want to use, you open it up. Each person that brings a relic gets their own roll on a drop table and then at the end of the mission everyone can choose freely from among the 4 drops for what they want.

The only confusing part is Void Traces and Relic Refining, which is basically just — don't seal that fucking fissure too fast, bring a Nekros with you to desecrate to pick up Void Traces, and when you get 50 (Flawless, the most cost and time-efficient one) of them refine something with a low % drop chance of getting something good into a better relic with a higher % drop chance of getting something good.

Then use that key to get a better chance of getting what you want. This is mostly what people wanted in that you actually can do a mission and influence the drop table instead of grinding out 40 minutes of a boring T1 or T2 survival and grimacing at AABC drop tables.

My only real problem is the way fissures spawn enemies means that I just sit on top of them as Mirage with Hall of Mirrors up spamming alt-fire on my Azima and it kills everything, even the buffed nullifiers, because they spawn in such a small area around the fissure.

But monhun doesn't make you wait hours to get the armor you want.

That's a trade off for being free to play.
As far as grinding and progression go WF and MH are very similar.

Are they still leaving bugs unpatched for months? Did the focus system ever become not shit?

All the warframes in the game are constantly undergoing reworks so any of the starters are fine, I recommend Excalibur just because he is the easiest to use and he is considered one of the more "meta" frames. Just go to the wiki and browse through weapons to see what you want.

The game is a good grind / shootfest if you're interested in it. It really had begun to fall apart lately due to the fact that DE has a bad habit of adding a bunch of asinine extra content. Stick to the gun part and you'll love it. I have so much fun just building different loadouts and running 200+ level missions. Tenno Soccer and PVP are garbage.

There is quite a barrier to entry, but if you get over that the game becomes more of a fun-simulator than a grindfest. I'm one of the betabros who played before the game even his steam. And I only really like the shooty part.

Protip: Build everything the moment you can and you'll never have to wait for things to finish.

Oh, and Saryn + Torid is love.

Depends which bugs you're talking about. Game-breaking bugs? Probably hotfixed quickly. Annoying bugs? Will stay for months.

Zenurik, Naramon, and Vazarin are still the only ones with any good stuff and all the good things about them are passive skills, so it hasn't added much interesting to the game aside from a free 4 energy/sec from Zenurik actually opening up a bunch of Blind Rage builds for non-toggle frames.

I just want hot biosuits.

As much as I love having a stand in the game. It is kind of sad that using it is mostly just to activate the passive.

I think they need to make each version of the focus system actually function differently rather than just have the few seconds of shooting out waves of energy. Flying around with a death beam might be cool for the actual damage thing, but I'm much rather have my CC be done instantly at the target location so, you know, I could take advantage of it?

I wish I could transfer my account from the pisspoor4 to PC.


Why does DE let circle jerking faggots be mods?

The game is fun. The "Game" parts are fun I mean.

It feels like a giant tech demo that got out of hand.

I really wish they made a full experience around it.

Play Dark Sector instead.

To expand on this, the best way to get Void Traces is to bring a Hydroid, Nekros, Trinity for energy, and anyone else you want.
When you're closing the void fissure, at 30%/60%/90% respectively an eximus unit will spawn. This eximus unit is the only one that drops void traces, so make sure you kill it with pilfering swarm, then have Nekros desecrate the body. At least 20 Void Traces/run every time. I however, tend to get 25-40 in one run. Also they're effected by double resource boosters, so keep that in mind.

Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention, the longer void traces are left on the ground, the less you'll get when/if you pickup the drop. They deteriorate over time.

If you have a video that explains it in a succinct way in a better manner, go ahead and link it.

The only fun thing was Wave 80+ Defense and Survival 2 hours + and those don't exist anymore. So why even play?

Loki was my starting frame. No regrets from me.

Am I the only one who seriously wants to fuck a MOA?

Oberon a best

I always liked the theory that Tenno were robits made in the image and memory of legendary heroes for use as soldiers of fortune.

You can still actually go to the void in Void Fissure missions, and do Survival and Defense in them.

Also, why wouldn't you still do 2 hour+ Grineer survival and wave 80+ Grineer defense?

Look at that ugly ass Superman colouring. Gross.

Judging by the lack of porn: yes.

I didn't realize that I wanted to until just now.

But then a Bursa would show up and I'm pretty sure it would fuck me.

Actually I'd rather just cuddle with one, they're fucking adorable.


No thanks, man.

But yeah. MOA's are adorable.

Is it bad I want to spank that ass?

i wanna frame dat ass

what kind of melee system would have worked in a game like warframe?

that muay thai in the teaser would have been way better than the stiff kick boxing and disjointed nigger dance stances we got in game

Path of Exile is way better grinding.

Not even joking.

You still playing? We should form a clan, if just for the meta chan-talk in games

This is why I actually hate playing with people from imageboards. They can't hide their power level, and have to spout memes everywhere.

Tenno are controlled by kids
If you're attracted to OP you should probably kill yourself

I was always partial to the idea that the tenno were some sort of energy beings that animated the warframes.

Way to kill my boner, you nigger.


I want to pet a MOA.

I wantto fuck it

I'd probably fuck one as well.
After petting it



I played this from open beta before the 4th frame was even introduced, took a long break since update 8 of the void and have only returned to the game 3 months ago.
I'll tell you right now: The game is great in its gameplay department: the gun feels great, movement is fluid and you can bulletjump to go as fast as coptering before without being limited by stamina because they abolished that system. The weapon designs are often great. Melee has its use now.
But it's utter dogshit in every other department: the >story is a mess. The dev added a fucking sport minigame to distract people from how shit the game is. The balance is utter bullshit, they just nerf anything that's viable. They wanted to reduce the grind so they abolished the void drop system and replace it with another system that served no purpose in reducing the grind whatsoever. And they still ignore the fact that Warframe has no end-game where your trillion times forma'd weapon is used to its potential. All the changes and fixes also made it horrendous for people to start out with.
If you've never played Warframe before, you're looking at a solid 500 hours experience, and from that point on it'll start degrading fast because there's just fucking nothing different from all the grinding.


She looks like she's made of food.


still doesnt stop me from fapping to them

I am glad I am not the only one who thought that. Eye-displays are fine, by all means, but screenface is shit.

Incidentally, I have this. It is terrible, and I hate it, but fucking hell nobody draws anything on moas at all life is suffering.

The Warframes apparently have SOME form of sentience, considering yours was able to pull a sword out from their chest on their own to save the precious little child from getting raped by Stalker, while said child was unable to control anything. So your bait fails in that regard.

You could always ask in a drawthread and hope that somebody takes your request


you say this like its a bad thing

Patting a service robot's head to reinforce it's self-learning algorithm when it functions as expected sounds like a good design for user experience. I could see the effects being positive on the user too.

does service robit have pusspuss?

I was thinking more of a cargo hauling robot, delivery drone or a big industrial room cleaning machine.

Probably not

Stalker is a warframe that released itself and killed it's tenno, absorbing his void link

Isn't he just a regular Tenno who remained loyal to the Orokin and now seeks revenge for the Tenno genociding them?

God help me, I'm about to start playing again.
I've been clean for so long.

Don't. It's going downhill at a startling pace and there's a good chance that whatever you liked has been nerfed to shit.

Been looking to join the clan is anyone from InfinityGrind that can invite me still active?

post ign then fam.

I'll be on tomorrow to add anyone who wants in and waste some time grinding.

Every game is shit. Especially the ones you like.

Don't worry you won't last long.

When he first hesitates to strike your warframe, the sentient (whose name I forgot) said "I know what you are thinking, you are asking yourself "was I one of these wretched things?", implying he identifies more with the warframe rather than the tenno

why and when did you stop playing?
a lot has changed in the game, the game you played and dropped is significantly different from warframe now. or maybe you're just addicted to grinding?

hopefully you'll drop the game for good.

Name is cavador

You guys are no fun. I like the idea of the super serious Steel Meridian sitting down for a meeting going 'We need to clear out the grineer once and for all! We need a killer, a steel eyed murderer who'll slaughter thousands if need be!'

Everyone freezes as from the back, little Susie chirps 'I'll do it!'

I just started playing, is there an Holla Forums clan?

Warbros (past) prime

dead clan, If you don't mind, post IGN.

goes forf anyone who's still stuck playing this shit heap.

names Molascow I added you thanks.

So how much platinum have you guys jewed from other players?

Not counting the thousands I spent

what did you sell to make all that plat?
teach me your jew ways rabbi.

That only encourages the goym to buy more plat from DE. Wouldn't it be better to try and break their market?

You ant the truth? Originally I bought platinum. 1K & 50% discount (€22) and then again 1K @ 75% discount (€11).

I used it to originally bolster myself up with slots and potatos. I only got one colour pallet (classic saturated). I used the plat to buy things cheap and re-sell but that doesn't work anymore in CURRENT_YEAR. So I invested again to just keep improving my grind effeciency (buying a mod here and there).


They recently just fucking nerfed the standing you can get @ max rank but for early game its the same or better now. The syndicate missions + loot build, gather all the items. Do it every damn day. MAke sure you have your sigils on at all times.

Syndicate augment mods sell for 10p each minimum (i give for 5p to the clan bois). Cyngas Stock from Perrin Sequence sells pretty well these days.

NEVER sell the weapons. They're worth 20p min, 30-35 at best. While costing X4-5 the amount of a mod in standing. This means it's literally better to sell syndicate augment mods for plat and then buy the weapons with said plat. it's crazy.

It's pretty much monopoly. You have to make an absolute dedication to profit. Do that and you win the platinum game. I've been selling augment mods since before and after the greedy pull nerf. I can tell you now, they're the most steady way of earning plat.

but to level them requires DAT GRIND. So yeah either invest or deal with the grind.

There's also prime shit which is harder to sell regularly but sells for higher plat but to me frequent business @ lot plat amounts is way better than sitting there staring at the trade tab for hours waiting for someone to buy your shit. I'm going to sell Mag Prime again + all her augments in a jew bundle. Last time that netted me 380p but that was before she was dropping again.

It's a long-haul game. I'll answer more questions if you have any since I kinda rushed this post because I gotta head out just now.

assuming I play for 2-1 hours a day and am just now starting with the syndicates, how long am I gonna have to suffer before I can get stable?

know how to game the void relic seeding mechanic for optimal returns?

appreciate the answers.

Goddamn fucking Perrin Sequence piece of shit wants a scindo prime blade from me to advance my syndicate status. Fucking one of the rarest prime parts of the game, can only be farmed on T3MD (I'm on ps-quads) which is also a rare as shit key to farm. Yes, I mad!

Well it doesn't matter how long you play as long as you max out your daily generic syndicate standing and do all the missions + always get the booster sigils for free (and always wear them when doing related missions) then about a month I think.

Not counting any potential grind you may have to face for the sacrafices. I think the last ranks require prime parts, potatos + 100k+ credits, things like that.

It's tough but I garauntee there is a constant market for it because of this. I've traded the same syndicate items to MR23s and MR4 noobs. It doesn't look like this trade potential is going away anytime soon because nobody wants to invest the effort.

If you need more immediate plat, are you in the clan? I can spot you some basic plat if you want for slots n' shit. If you want to make some yourself, get sets of shit that people want. I really reccomend MAG since her value is only going to go up. Also get in touch with what's going to be vaulted next.

It's a new thing so I'm only getting used to it myself. Nekros is mandatory to get more Traces per run. The same missions that gave out keys now give out relics so I think that's high level grineer interceptions etc. However I'm not sure since i haven't needed to grind for keys in a long time but I'm assuming I'll have to because the new relic system is shitty. It's even more grindy even though they said they're looking to reduce the grind. Fucking BS. Doesn't help that it's sleeked to all hell, either.

Ok so the meta right now I have for relics is this. PLAY WITH CLAN BUDDIES. And specifically ones you trust, preferably with mics and have at least some idea of how long people plan to grind with you. With that, there's many advantages.

For example, with NEO keys (which are the rarest right now) you can all take TURNS using the ones you've leveled up to max rank with traces. That way you technically have the best relic efficiency since you're using less duplicates (or ranked relic duplicates). In otherwords you run less risk of 2 rare drops happening within 1 run which is bad since you can only pick 1. This only counts for playing with friends who you know are eventually going to cough up a ranked relic, though.

With randomers there's no hope. Go to recruit, say "H Meso/Neo XX" followed by "[Warframe Part]" to let them know what exactly you're gunning for. You'll get PMs but there's no way to confirm if anyone will actually use the right relic since they're dumb and haven't added that to the UI like they did with dragon keys.

I don't run for prime stuff much anymore. Glad I got the syndicates done before the relic market crashes with no survivors. In the past I actually used to buy like 10 T3 Sabotage keys (3p per key) and just run a fuck load of them for Nyx BPs. That would net me 50 ducats per keyshare with clan/randoms and I'd make the returns easily with plenty of profit from selling whatever Baro had that week to people who missed it.

I'll check if I have it. You in the clan?

Just checked I have scindo prime blade (2 actually). I'll trade it for cores or some shit if you're in the clan.

I guess I'll go with syndicate grinding then, only bothering to farm primes when new ones come out or vaulting occurs. speaking of primes, got a vaub prime chassis and blueprint? I need those two for a set, as soon as I sell it for as high as I can go, I'll trade you back 50% offer stands for anyone who's willing you can count on me to not just build it, don't feel like gathering alertinum and oxium for it anyway.

nah, ill just make some on my own.
thanks alot for the offer though.

That would be great. Is there a PS4 clan? Thought you guys were talking about PC.

It's the infinity grind on PC

Bummer then. My PC is a toaster, so I won't be leaving the PS anytime soon.

i played warframe a long ass time ago should i pick it up again is it worth the grind

bumping with ancient warbros autism


how many devs could have jumped ship since the closed beta days? I hear that the earlier frames and grineer were made by a contractual artist

I hate how the game looks now.

Wasn't most of the older stuff made before work began on Warframe?
Excalibur and Grineer are both from Dark Sector and earlier.

maybe, I think that the artist behind most of the early beta designs was the artist for the darksector concept.


Just check warframe market site for buy/sell offers and pm them in game.
Most people just leave their offer there and don't bother to check if theres lower prices posted after theirs and you can really jew people over sometimes.
Saw a sell for dragon nikana p for 20 and a buy offer for 50 and jewed both of them. 30pl profit.

I'm sure I could put in the work like that but such things bore me. I'm fine for plat now anyway. I just trade syndicate stuff and occasionally some rare mods and primes when there's a lull in activity in the clan like waiting for someone to join so we can party up.

I spent probably 200p buying clan emblems for people.

oh well…

Check out this thing. It never released afaik, but DE made a different game under the same name that had Excalibur, the Glaive and I think it even the infested.

Keith Thompson did volt's concept. Don't know if he did the other starters. Check him out sometime, his art is amazing, has an eerie feel to it. Reminds me of castlevania games

But why did he design them to look like they have boners?

Because they have boners

Why are here arms so small?
Why are her lower legs so small?
How can hers spine bend like that?
Why are her hands different sizes?
Why are her thighs so big?
What the fuck is up with her knees?

Because boners.


Holy fuck these are fantastic, thanks user.


Nova main

The warframes have sentience of their own, kill the operator and go hug that ass.

Technically, on a MOA, it'd be a gunpat.
But it's cute. Technicalities aside

If I pat a firearm I don't want that firearm to be that somethings head.

Well, that's what I mean. It's more of a helmet gun.

The firearm isn't it's head, the head is the little thing underneath.

Honestly, this game would be very fun if it had a ranking system a la DMC or Platinum's games.

not before it embraces character action gameplay and stops being a "loot game"

where do you get the highest tier relics now?
Is interception the only way now?

Well it still needs some form of addictive draw to keep people from coming back. Really just slap a combo system and a style meter, as well as some form of incentive, in game monetary or otherwise, for the best performing players in the evaluation and you're set.


Or better yet, have better level design and less grind focused content

Did you guys see Titania's power demo on the last devstream? Seems cool. It's the last thing they show on the devstream.

Sooo, is that the rebecca who started shit with the warbros and banned their leader?

Get out.


Post your IGN here and I'll give you an invite. Full lab researched.

pic related. There's a Warframe room at the bottom. Hang around and you might get a grind buddy. If you're dying of mic-lonliness say you're in the server on the clan chat tab in-game.

Why don't you go buy a dremel, and grind your wrists open with it.



Really, he needs a rework ASAP. He's outclassed as a support frame, and isn't good enough as a solo. And now he got the lamest passive of all, making wildlife fight for him. If they wanted him to have a "nature's protector" feel, maybe he could summon his own animal companions, that would vary depending on the tile set.

Our maybe give his kubrow a passive boost or exclusive power. How about enabling companion commands for your kubrow? Allow oberon to issue""follow" and "stay" commands. Actually, this later option would be better than summoning. A powered up kubrow would really improve oberon without the need to rework his abilities.

Warframe is cancer. I can't believe I spent an entire month playing that shit

Monster Hunter is cancer. I can't believe I spent an entire year playing that shit

I gave a fuck about the lore.
It was pretty fucking interesting before they pulled the "we wuz kidz" plot twist out of their ass.
That being said, I stopped playing months ago. I was only around 150 hours in, thankfully.

It's a shame because Oberon is my favourite frame in terms of appearance. I really dig the whole druid vibe.

His concept is great. But I can't enjoy using him. A shame his rework is most likely to come only when his prime version comes. Much like nekros and Chromamy favorite frame

never played that

no need to be upset user, I'm pretty sure every one can agree that warframe's grind is objectively bad, regardless of whether or not you like grinding.

people only play this game as a time waster now a days.

I´ve got 500 hours in that shit until Ive had enough
Warbros #1

Now that you think of it, the first thing that comes to mind when you mention cyber ninjas would be Guyver or Gray Fox.

It seems that they did their hardest to avert those comparisons.The whole thing bring in space, huge arsenal of weapons, logical pinnacle of this all would be to put pilot somewhere outside of frame AND not make it aliens-related.
And to be honest they were building up for it months before that cinematic quest release, everyone saw it miles ahead.

Well it's the same as WF but with dinosaurs and talking cats.

I'm not upset, monhun's grind is just as bad if not worse, yet nobody shits on that game like on WF for some weird reason. I blame literal weeaboos

I actually enjoy the gameplay. I might get bored with it after a while, but the same can be sait of most if not all games. I've spent more time with WF than some games I've purchased, prompting me to buy some plat for it. I'd say I got a net gain from it already. And if one day I drop the game, there's always the chance an update might bring me back to it after stirring things up a little.

squandered potential : the game

stopped playing when I realized I'd need to be on call basically 24/7 to get the stupid fucking items I need.

It got gay and boring long before that

looking for somebody to play with
IGN Smiiya

His healing needs to be unique. You should get extra resist poison when he's healing and on orb hit it should instantly remove all debuffs and prevent further debuffs/status effects for sometime aftewards. Being able to command even trained animals like grineer cats/dogs would also be cool.

Allies that get hit by his heal orbs that are on full health should gain over-health similar to overhshields. He needs to do everything that trinity can't.

You need clan invite?

I'm in some clan I don't interact with right now, might as well join you.
Add me and I'll pm you once I can accept, okay?

it might have something to do with warframe being mostly cheap and anti-fun in most places and the worsening grind due to greedier devs, whereas monster hunter is a single purchase game with conistent quality from what i've seen.

I haven't been able to play monter hunter yet however.

I can't invite you when you're already in a clan. Leave it niggah.

I want to fuck Rebecca in the ass while Steve watches.

Did they unnerf my girl Trinity yet ?


Unerf never ever.

I too want to fuck Rebecca with the power of a thousand suns. I like to think she is into angry/hard fucks. Damn those lips must look hot as shit sucking dick.


user, you are talking to individuals on a site where people discuss waifus. Don't pretend that you can claim higher standards all of a sudden.

Is that one of those memetic doujins especially made to convert /clang/ fetishists into scatmen?

His heal actually does remove the toxin DoT from those flying gas fuckers when you heal.
Personally I also prefer oberon to trinity if I have to play a healer, since his armor makes him a lot more independent and tough while his heal skill costs less energy.
He could defitnetly still need some love though, since the rest of his skills are kind of meh. Why in the origin system haven't DE given him a "wild hunt" motif? Just have him summon local animals based on the tile set with his skill 1, follow up with crowd buffs for skill 2, his regular heal as skill 3 and a toggleable crowd speed buff/summon skill as his ultimate and let him keep his group heal. That way his ultimate will let you run wild with a horde of monsters causing untold havoc untill your energy runs out while the rest of the time he becomes a minion master/buffer frame for support.

I just started playing, but could I join too? Apparently the game is much easier with a fully researched clan

post IGN ill invite when im on


My nigga, he's my favorite too.
It sucks ass that basically all he has as a 4th ability is an auto-turret with ridiculously short range.
I was thinking he'd have something along the lines of his second ability, that buffed your whole cell with OP as fuck abilities if you used it right. Ice is my favorite, especially with the Grineer making them shoot at themselves.

It is, much, much better than doing it even with a clan that only has partial research. There are a bunch of weapons you get from clan shit that are definitely worth maxing out.

what ways do you dick around in this game?
the only ones I can come up with are fasionframe and learning to rush entire missions with autistic speedrun like movement where you never lose momentum, or miss a shot.

Surviving in endless missions for longer than an hour.

Don't act like you wouldn't.

I've never found the source.

Or looked for it.

is there any good sleek left in the game

i used to play so much, but now that the fast is gone, what's the point

Volt is still fast last I checked

Fuck user, what do I do?

I still play her, she's still a tank.

is he

is he really

I know user. She's practically unkillable.
Still, no more self damage Blessing Link. That's been taking a huge toll on her.

well that was a glitch user, sorry


Blame /d/, they had Warframe threads that attracted fucking autistic degenerates like Octoboy.


Your joke would work if not for the fact that I'm not just talking about futashit, read the first post I replied to.
Octoboy draws scat and other disgusting shit.

I dont even play Warframe I just like the smut

What are you, a faggot?


I remember thinking that melee 2.0 would have at least given us melee animations with a good feel of heft and flow, not shit like this.

I would have preferred the system they abandoned where you collect moves for your melee weapon and create your own chains, if only to make sure I avoid looking stupid with melee.

That actually sounds awesome. Of course, sometimes it would even be useful for certain frames and their passives, like chaining together a bunch of slam attacks for hydroid because they spawn tentacles for him now.

Westerners shouldn't be allowed to make games with martial arts in them.


All they have to do to fix him os let vex armor boost spectral scream and effigy's damage. Done. Only then you'd have a reason to use those powers.

So, I played for a few hours so far.
Discovered I had an old ass account from 3 years ago or so.

I'm not into the grinder but I like to waste a couple of hours on this every once in a while, so I'm willing to drop 40€ or 60€ in platinum.

What's the best thing to buy with plat that can't be otherwise bought or is stupidly hard to grind for?
Already have some slots so far.

don't buy plat without a discount
Don't buy plat without a discount
Nigger you better not have bought plat without a discount.

Some of them are good. I haven't played in a long time but I remember the Redeemer's was just delicious.

Once you have the plat, buy all warframe corrupted mods, slots for frames and weapons, and you MIGHT buy a rare prime part that you are having trouble aquiring.

and maybe some cosmetics. Fashion frame is endgame though

How get discount?
A few days ago I had -75% off or something.
Can I get that again?

I have two parts for a Laton Prime.
Google it, people say it's pretty good aparently.
But I have no idea where I can get the third part or the blueprint.
Mastery rank is at 3, so it's too low for sorties, which I'm guessing, is where the prime stuff comes from.

If you're lucky.

It's not. Relics/Void fissure missions is where prime stuff comes from now. Sorties are for lenses, time-limited weapons and chances at potato BPs, exilus adapter BPs, gold cores and the rarest drop of all… legendary core.

Just FYI my GPU is ded and my sister took her one back so I can't invite any ya'll to the infinity grind clan anymore. I'll forward your usernames to the clan lead, though. He doesn't check the threads but I have him on steam.

How the fuck are those suposed to go?
I get how they work. But only 1 in 7 enemies drops that yellow piss globe, and while it does add 10 seconds, they spawn too slowly.
Or spawn and fall down holes.
I haven't managed to close a single one yet.
I have a max level Strum and I'm currently leveling a Paris. Maybe gonna make a Laton tomorrow.
Which one of these three should I toss a potato in to carry me?
The Strum got some mods and deals a respectable ammount of damage, but it still kills shit too slowly.
I'm starting to miss E.Y.E.

The reveal ruined my lewd fantasies of Tenno bonding by taking turns porting their consciousness into female frames to cuddle each other and hold hands

Those missions are a bitch to try and do solo. But they are easy enough if you are in a group. More tenno increases the enemy spawnrate.
Also, they are changing how the whole mechanic works for the frissures, and the new way they work seems to not have the time limit, but instead it just increases the difficulty of the mission the frissure is in over time.

Also forgot to mention, if you need a superweapon to carry you, I would recommend a Galatine or Twin Grakata for that potato. Either one is deadly on its own and becomes one of the best weapons in the game when properly modded and upgraded.

You in the clan? If not, join it and tag along with some bros. They'll show ya how it's done. Don't forget the mumble server I talked about. Just be sure to encourage others to join ya because they're all MSN faggots at heart.

I wish more people played PVP. it's such a great feeling to get sliding kills

I'd rather just play a different game if I want PvP shit.

All discounts can be earned as daily login bonuses.
-25% gets given out like candy
-50% is not very rate at all
-75% still isn't that rare, but Wil require more waiting.

Tbh they should rip off souls and let players with the max rank in a syndicate invade players with the max negative rank in the event syndicate.
You get pvp, it's quick, with the way revived are handled now it isn't that big of a loss, the syndicate assassins are more interesting, and there is a logical in universe explanation for it.

She's a robot
She has no internal organs

Out of all the things DE could be working on to fix their fucking game.
Because the community being retarded with emotes in chat and stuff like making your Warframe meditate wasn't enough. These are the things sometimes I feel like could be time they could be spending on making the game less shit.

Any word on separate coloring of armor and scarves?

And wall scrolls

what do?

Just grind plat.
Or those are steam skins? Jew trading cards then or some shit.
There are ways.

Do we know if they're going to be tf2 style sprays or Overwatch style sprays?

I highly doubt that DE would risk letting someone have something triggering as a spray.

what are you talking about? Why are you asking me?

Well I just watched the video someone posted in this thread of the recent devstream they're calling them "gliphs" and it's just a fancy spray shit basically like a glowing .gif you can put on whatever. Again pointless shit. I'd rather have dmg 3.0 or whatever the hell they said they were going to replace this damage system with because it's better than the first one but shit is still shit you just use the same 3 builds for everything.

Well maybe at the very least we'll have access to the grineer/corpus/orokin alphabets as "glyphs" and we'll be able to use then to write niggerfaggot on the wall.

I like the way you think user

can I get an invite too? name is 3K_Halogen

Anyone know if there is more than one channel for recruiting? Because there's only 11 people in recruiting right now.

I want to fug Rhino

just try recruiting in clan chat.

Go to options, change your chat region.

It's under 'gameplay' and changes your region all over so you'll be matched up in general with users from said region. Just remember to change back if you want to keep your net steady or are actually on at peak times in you region.

how are the warbros/warbros affiliatie clans?

what kind of dead are they? terminal cancer kind? or dignified?

do you miss the old days where this game had a promissing future and warbros were #1?

Dead about 12 people get on in NFA. I can only imagine prime being even worse.

Welp, Mag Prime, Boar Prime, and Dakra Prime are all supposed to be vaulted at 2 PM ET.
I used 10 relics, and even though the Boar Prime Barrel is supposed to have a drop rate of like, 20% according to their legend, only ever got one barrel. Keep in mind, between me and recruited pubs from recruiting, that's almost 40 nu-keys, which means loot tables are and forever will be fucked for this game, not to mention that the legend for the relics will be misleading as fuck. I say almost 40 nu-keys because at least one fucking faggot purposefully used the wrong relic to get everybody else in the cell to look the other way until the end of the mission, at which point it was very obvious that the reward he got wasn't from the relic everyone wanted him to use. Thanks for taking away any way of checking to see if someone's lying DE, no wonder your game is fucking dying.
So in conclusion, all they really changed this update is
1: no multiple rewards per key,
2: sped up the usage of keys to 4 times (more if you consider endless mission times) what they were before,
3: took out any way to see if someone was lying about having a key,
4: added a really low amount of content considering how long it took to push out this update, and
5: buffed nullifiers despite them already being a plot armor based enemy.

I haven't been playing long, so I'm not up to date with void keys/relics, but weren't all keys replaced with relics? What do you mean by "sped up usage"?

And if a player lied to you, it seems more like the guy was a shit head. You can't blame DE for that.
The nullfier buff though… WHY. Those guys are unfun as fuck to fight against. Expecially as Excalibur.

In a classic keyshare, all 4 players would take turns using their key. You would get a reward every time. Although it may not be the reward you want, it was a reward none the less. A full round with a team doing keyshares would net you 4 rewards.

With the new relic system, everyone uses their relic (formerly a key) at the same time, and you must choose which reward to take at the end.

In otherwords, 4 keys = 4 rewards

Now it's 4 relics = 1 reward. (assuming you're sharing and not solo-ing).

This means that people are burning through keys/relics faster than ever before, with no real better chance of getting the thing they want in relation to how many net keys/relics are being used per game.

The latest patch they just added the UI to show which relic they're using. But before that very recent update, people were going in blind with trust. And yes we can absolutely blame DE for this since the key system was better. Although flawed and not 100%, players did keychecks. Each player would flash their key, everyone would decline it, and so on until everyone had shown that they did indeed have the key that the squad wanted to grind then.

Yes people could leave at any time, but that literally only ever happened to me once in 100s of keyshares. The key flash at least showed they had the key at all. With the new relic system, people could say they had X relic but did not and we could not even do a check.

At least now they appear like dragon keys as equipment.

Because DE don't like fun and barely understand their own game… mainly because literally nobody who makes final decisions in their offices plays the game for real. They all have dev accounts with infinite platinum if they wish. Even if they make user accounts (which some have) they'll never truly feel the grind and the true financial wall that is being a real player. They always know in the back of their minds that they can skip the grind with another account or hack because they're the devs.

Not a single one has really WANTED a new hard-to-grind thing, and gone through the grind start to finish. This really shines through when they nerf frames that are there to help ease the grind. Like Greedy Pull augment nerf. Atlas Ore Gaze augment nerf. Nekros nerf.

All they see is more grind = more people paying to skip it.

Considering that before this update, you could at least do a keycheck to see if they had at least one key before you started, yeah I can. The point wasn't that the dude was a dick, it was that before there was a way of checking if they had a key, and now there's not, you'll just find out after they've fucked you over.
Everybody in a cell uses a key now when you do void shit, and at the end it'll show you everyone's rewards, and let you pick the one you want the most. Basically you use keys 4 at a time now, but they got rid of multiple rewards per key.

That's much better, actually.

Like if you don't like the core gamplay loop, why are you playing? Why are you even grinding for boar prime if you don't like grinding for it?
To use it to grind for another gun? To use on missions that you can already reliably beat?
Shiny weapons and prime frames are rewards for journey, not destination.

Now I'm not advocating shitty DE's practices, but I think you should just stop playing the game if you don't like it.

Never said I don't like it, only that it has always probably been too much grind, DE has said they're trying to reduce it, and all we've gotten is the grind getting more intense. I don't mind the gameplay loop if they even attempted to make a meaningful change to even hide the reptition.

On my own? How COULD I enjoy the monotonous missions that DE has?

They can't even do defence/survival right. Take Space Marine, where you face wave after wave of enemies but they throw in objectives to capture and secure specific locations, or kill/headshot goals in a time limit. Doing them nets you bonuses. If DE did that for WF and the bonuses were to skip to the next wave or get the next reward instantly, or for survival skip a few minutes or even right to the next rotation, that would be amazing. So much more engaging, fun and meaning behind it to actually encourage you to git gud, cooperate in meaningful, grind-reducing ways with your friends.

But right now, the only way to enjoy the game is from missions that aren't completely terrible and mic'ing it up with friends.

To answer your question as to why I'd grind for boar prime. It would be to fucking sell it for platinum of course.

I take this attitude. Except they're not even rewards, they're just potential platinum to me, or things to make me more effecient at the game, to either help myself get new content or to help my friends and the clan. I like helping noobs and encouraging them. Spent nearly 200 plat giving clan emblems to new comers to spur them into the clan loyalty, and have given some extra starting plat to new players who are struggling but show promise (and never asked for anything).

I like the game. I just know a lot of what is bullshit about it. However, I think you should fuck off :)

how fast is this game dying? the amount of players is one thing, but how much are DE's whales compensating for them?

I don't get you, I'm sorry.

It's not dying at all. It's flourishing. Financially that is.

Ah well, I haven't reached a point where Void Relics matter that much to me.
As in, I know you can get good stuff from them and all, and already made some plat solding some drops, but I'm still in the "make favoruite weapon, kill shit with it" phase and I'm having fun.

Though, I hope they fix that by the time I get there. While trading for my first time I met a guy who was "buying luxury items".
Just buying pretty and nice stuff because he liked it. For someone like me, that sounded kinda insane, but I hope to get there one day.

Worst comes to worst wait for a 75% off coupon from the login lottery.
Or just stop being a nigger and buy the plat outright. I get not wanting to support DE, but you are still supporting them by playing their game regardless.

At least get some taste in huzbandos, user.

mag's history.

Whoa hol up, you be saying it's shitty that it's hard to grind for shieet that you wanna sell high?
But nigga if it was easy to get you wouldn't be able to sell it for any good plat!
Make up yer mind yo.


I make small trades anyway, but that's besides the point.

My point is that it the grind is not only intense, it's exceedingly boring for certain mission types. They need to make it more entertaining.


That phase will likely never go unless you play literally nothing but this game every day. There's always a weapon to forma and try make more viable.

Well I don't buy things for luxury or collection. In fact I hoard platinum quite a lot until a sleek (glitch) comes along that is entirely abusable for a few hours but find out I need X mod or X sentinel type. That's when you might need quick plat to jump on the glitch. Like with the abonination pets. I spent some plat rushing the incubations.

That didn't turn out profitable for me unfortrunately but there's been a few sleeks in the past that did and I'm glad I had the plat to fund them.

Why is half the Warframe porn futa, Jesus fucking Christ I don't want this /d/-tier shit in my porn.


Shit, meant for

Post your most horrifying mutant please.

Not that guy, but I have a few


So was Valkyr literally sliced up alive?

Are these poor animals suffering?

No because lolrobots

They're more akin to evangelions - fleshy cyber monsters with huge and pompous AMBIGUOUSNESS about their sentience going on.

The scientific term is "conciseness". "Sentience" is more of a philosophical term.

Sweet jesus

It's not all that ambiguous, it's "whenever we fucking feel like it". DE can't write.

So you are either a glorified RC pilot or an intangible sense of responsibility that gets the war frame to do what it is supposed to. So much better than being some mysterious hybrid that was most likely a dude who was permanently altered to fit inside the suit, including novel concepts like free will and shit.

You play as teleporting cyber ninja that can cast fireballs and deflect bullets with whips. What science?

You really need to read up those codex entries. However tasteless, current "lore" is pretty consistent through and through, especially since they gave final word on Dark Sector not being canon. Warframes ARE copy-paste from evangelions, right down to man-eating rhino being for all intents and purposes EVA-01. And all of that was established long before Second Dream quest release.

I'd fuck number 3 if I knew where the fuckhole was

Why the fuck would I waste my time reading all that text that not even DE gives a shit about? If they did it wouldn't be stuffed in some corner no one ever looks in, it'd be actually evident in the game itself, show don't tell and all that. You're making yourself suffer user.

Didn't hear about this concretely until now, there goes the biggest draw story wise.

this game is super-boring and repetitive. glad i uninstalled this turd after a few hours.


What about the "Oros"?
I've been reading about the lore since I'm new to it.

Seems like that besides the Tenno controlling the Warframe, there's also something called the Oros that is inside each warframe, and it's what causes them to not die.
Maybe it's like their own Will that sorta sleeps when the Tenno isn't using it.

void traces are affected by smeeta double resource drop buff, resource buff can stack if smeera casts it again before the last one expires. to do this you simply hold off on collecting the tenth reactant until the desired ammount of buffs are applied.

get on it now though, DE is quick to patch fun, and reddit isn't helping with keeping this a secret.

Don't die, thread



I've been waiting for this

Who on PS4 here?

Also rate my control scheme

You are scum.
But I hope you're having fun.
And man, you gotta swipe that cheese grater in the middle to swap powers? That looks painfull as fuck.

christ, why are kavats so fucking difficult to get? you need 10 genes to make the damn segment and then 10 more to make the fucking thing. And they almost never give you dna when scanned. I got 7 from a farm but I had 2 vaubans holding them still. I pity people who have to chase down the fucking things.

Cryogenics is fun. I feel like fucking Sub Zero but swole.

Try bringing an Oberon into a derelict mission and let him do his druid shtick.

I am.

Once enough scar tissue forms you don't even feel it.
Don't be a baby.

I barely use the touch pad. It's mostly the power weel on L3.

I just like having X as my"repeat power" button.

Putting jump on R3 was the best thing I ever did, along with melee on R1. Now i almost never take my thumbs from the sticks.

And swapping square and circle would be feasible, but irrelevant to me.

And i like changing camera sides when shooting off corners.

Just like buy it.

I want to cuddle Rhino to sleep.

Christ on a pike
And that's how you kill it for me.
As in, I already didn't have much interest in archwing after trying it because it controls like ass (key to ascend is also the key for forward boost, what kind of idiot thought that up) but after this forcefed grind I might just throw cash at it and buy a better archwing on the market.

And now I want an Archwing I can use for solo play.
What's the best archwing and weapon for solo play?

I'm not sure there is one.
Regardless the problem isn't the lack of an archwing for soloplay, but that the entire archwing part of the game is half finished, with barely any mods, no real rewards from missions insuring you can easily go 2-3 missions without even getting trash mods, piss poor balance, especially in the new prusuit and rush modes and so on.
Ever tried fighting those fucking shield fuckers on high levels where you'll need 6-7 hits on them in melee to kill them, while any time you do so you take unavoidable damage from passing through their shields? Sure you can manoeuvre to try and avoid it, but between each hit the fuckers turn to face you, so its only a matter of time before you are hitting that shield with every hit, and they come in groups of 3-4 of the damned things at a time…
The whole thing is just a classic example of a half thought out idea with no proper play testing, being implemented because it sounded cool in the staff meeting where it was suggested to people who are never going to bother trying it out.

I don't even know how to kill them.
Best results so far is to let them get near, dash behind them and then turn 180 and mellee them.
But 50% of the time, they instantly turn 180 too and that results me in headbutting their fucking shield for half my shields.

The Imperator doesn't help either. Low-level missions seemed fine, but as soon as jupiter, it's a pain in the ass to kill anything tougher than a sheet of paper.
Let me guess, the only thing this shit gives you is mods so you can form more mods for it?
And the mods are 1/10 of the variety you get for the rest?
Think I'll just keep trying to dodge and bruteforce that 3 signal interception mission.
If I can manage 2 without killing anything, I think I can manage 3.

Oh this reminds me:
How the fuck do people make sorties?
I have very basic shit. But I thought "Well, maxed Excalibur + Maxed Galantine will surely carry me and help out"

But half the enemies in Sorties are one-hit kills for me, and the other half are two-hit kills.
I've managed to do some of them, but I was mostly carried by some serious badass looking motherfuckers.
Those guys just jumped and walked around like nothing and they didn't give a shit.
How the fuck do they do that, I want that shit. I wanna be THAT level of badass where you stare at 23 diferent greener that are lvl80 and say "Psssttt, nothing personal".

*One of them had them all suspended in the air, and some other made every enemy on the map move slow as fuck, it was amazing. Is that with the 5th ability you later get?
I unlucked mine today (that kamehama thing) I'm wondering if I picked a good one because I tried it on a boss and did no damage for some reason.

AHAH, holy shit

How even come up with this shit. What the fuck.

I think that's how you're supposed to do it. On lower levels you can also hit them with the archwings missile spam, or work with a mate who can shoot them while they are facing you.

Essentially, except they are archwing only and rare as fuck. I've been trying to get something to help my archwing gun for 10 fucking mastery levels with no luck.
For extra fun, note how much XP you get on archwing missions too. Next to nothing.

Hovering mid air sounds like one of several ultimate abilities some frames get. Like Rhino's Da Worldo! or Zephyrs tornadoes.
Its just a matter of getting the right frame with the right abilities.
As for guns, you need the right weapon, upgraded and with several forma installed and the right uber mods. Check out some of the build vids on youtube.
Cheapest way to get something like it is to get a 50% crit chance gun, and max out a crit chance and crit damage mod for it. Synapse would be a cheap possibility here, but Dread would be better if you can get it. Then just cram as many high damage mods in there as you can. And try to get some of the primed damage mods. Then you can start breaking the game.

Sorties are intentionally "end-game" content. The best thing you can do is probably put together an Irradiating Disarm Loki build and you'll be useful all the time.


That was probably Zenurik if it looked like something was holding them there.

That was Nova's Molecular Prime, which depending on your power strength can make enemies go slower or faster.

I recommend Zenurik for the 4 free energy per second it gives you after activation (iirc it's called Energy Overflow.) The actives generally don't matter, it's the passives that are good. Naramon is also good for perma-stealth if you're a melee player.

I'm running with Paris Prime and Galantine.
On regular mission, Paris has like 125% crit chance so everything dies in one hit, save for though fuckers were I either hit the head or kill in two arrows.

Galantine is the most fun I've had in a while, but when I saw the price for Tempo Royale… well, that kinda made me sad. Gonna have to settle with some other stance when I find it.

On sorties I kinda spam Radial Blind with excalibur when I have to fight. Sneak atacks with Galantin deal 10k to 12k damage and that one shots most of things.
When it doesn't, well… I got legs for a reason.

For damage, I usually take the base damage mod (serration for the Paris for instance) then slap 4 elemental types combining them (currently with Corrosive + Blast. Everything has fucking armor and corrosive handles that. Blast keeps them on the flower for me to whack'em). And I top it with +Critchance and +main damage of the weapon (piercing in the case of the Paris)
Might replace the last one with +% crit damage, since I don't think +30% puncture is really increasing my DPS all that much.
Galantine has a similar set up right now.

Frost is one I got recently and I can really hold out for a long while with it so far. Snow globe is 10/10 for now. Extend makes it not as viable against ranged enemies (they tend to get INSIDE the globe now) but since I'm mainly melee, suits me just fine.
The other 3 abilities… meh. Don't really see the point.
Radial blind did that and gave me sneak atacks while lasting 15
Not seing the point, my sword is longer
Costs the same as 2 snow globes while being half as usefull.

Otherwise I got Ash. So if
is right, I think I just gotta make a crit build for it and there's a perma-stealth frame.
But Ash is plenty of fun by itself. I think my first Prime warframe might be that one since I already have a part and the blueprints.

I am unfortunately

Btw is there any Warbros like clan in the ps4 ? my current clan fucking sucks, the warlord is a swj that loves life is tumblr

Tempo Royale is great but it's not like other stances are bad.

In lieu of Tempo, I'd recommend Cleaving Whirlwind, especially because the Broken Bull combo does a ridiculous amount of damage.


It's really hard to play this game solo. Half the time I'm praying for someone else in the queue so I can have some help, and I'm too shy/proud to beg for help in recruiting or clan.

What happened?

So I caved in and got back into this game a few weeks ago.
Currently trying to farm Nyx Prime before she's put in the vault while trying to remember how to properly play and mod stuff.
Actually having kinda fun but the new relic fissure system is pure cancer.

Anything in this world is better than grinding Survivals for prime parts.

Well true but when you are stuck on 9/10 void fissure thingymabobs and they stop spawning it gets really annoying. Though at least the relic isn't used unless you crack it open and extract so you can use it again if you fail.

If you're running Ember for quick Exterminate Fissures, make sure you're not running an Overextended+Stretch+Cunning Drift build for World on Fire (or the same build for Equinox) because the fissures start spawning on proximity to the player and if you kill enemies at too far of a range the fissures will just never spawn, and then you get jack shit.

What OP builds/archetypes still exist? I know that Trinity and Mirage are kill.

Might explain why since I've been grouping with a Ember when that happened. Thanks for the advice.

Resonating Quake Banshee for obliterating Interceptions
Stomp/Roar Rhino for CC or buffs
Spore Saryn for Berehynia etc

Also, with the new relic system I think they're not going to vault anything else, since the whole point of blowing up the void was to make space for everything. Since the relics each have their own drop table, when a new prime release comes out they just need to make new relics, not shelve old frames and weapons anymore.

I don't know, think of all the platinum and prime access dosh they get by making things exclusive.
also jesus christ saryn prime is sexy

post more cute or lewd frames

oops, didn't mean to spoiler




If you have a good clan with research, get the Amesha and level it up. It's supposed to be a 'support' arch-wing but it ends up being extremely tanky if you spam it's first and second abilities.
Yes, the rate at which Arch-Wing mods drop is fucking bullshit, but I'm autistic so I still play it because I actually want to collect all the frames one day, and Atlas is a bitch to get.

Why is it so hard to get prime? Its fucking hard as shit when you're playing alone…

And looking up info about this game is fucking impossible since everything changed so much recently.

Prime frames don't actually get that much extra.
Take Nova Prime for example, which gets 25 more base shield and power, than regular nova.
Prime weapons do get a flat bonus to damage though, I think. But not so big that some of the best DPS weapons aren't prime weapons. Like the Twin Grakata and Galatine.

Point of prime warframe is to look pretty, not to give you an advantage. Basically you earn prime because you're dedicated and put a lot effort in, its aim it to give you the feeling of accomplishment, of being "elite" both in terms of gameplay and in-game lore. It's a very cool concept really.

But of course you can fucking buy it with money which completely defeats the point, because DE are greedy lazy faggots. And to incentivise you to buy their shit they make more tedious rather than challenging to acquire without spending dosh. So just another great concept ruined by faggot devs. The entire game is like this.

I'm probably the only one here that doesn't think that frames are sexy or lewd.

Gelatine doesn't have a Prime version though.
Yet. When it does, I'm all over that like DE's devs mothers over my dick

I hope you realise they're actually having sex in that last image. Shoulda spoilered it.

No they're not.
They're making love.

Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime have already been announced alongside Nekros Prime.

I have regular one and while his abilities look cool I never managed to make them effective. I just don't get how you're supposed to play him.
But at least he looks ok.

Max range and efficiency and only press 3 because all he's good for is more loot rolls.

I'm expecting a kit rework before they drop him as a prime frame.

But this looks beautiful.
I don't use shotguns but for this I might start to. Is basic tigris any good?

the Tigris and New Loka's Sancti Tigris are fucking godly especially after the shotgun buff. Not sure if it's still in but there used to be a bug where enemies killed by the Sancti Tigris would gib but duplicate gibs would explode out from the body as well.

Prime Tigris is going to be reaaaaaaly fucking good.

Not so much in comparison to the regular Hek with the Steel Meridian mod on it.

Sancti Tigris from New Loka on the other hand is god's gift to shotguns.

Sucks that New Loka hates me then. I like shotguns.

But Ceaphalon Simaris is my waifu now, and nothing is gonna break us apart.

*Cephalon Suda.

Simaris is a mean old jerk who masturbates to synthesized Grineer.

Suda is purest Cephalon, and she's curious about me.

If you're in with Steel Meridian, they have some good shotgun mods and the Vaykor Hek is quite great.

With Acid Shells (from Kela de Thaym), and Shattering Justice, the Sobek is a monster, and relatively cheap to forma.

Clarification: Acid Shells is from Rathuum after beating Kela de Thaym. You can also get this little life-saver and Vulcan Blitz if you favor the Jat Kittag.

She only wants you for what you know

Is Atlas worth the farming? He looks pretty cool

Well, I know plenty about sexual fetishes.
Pretty sure we can make this work.
People have sexualized Warframes.
People have sexualized MOAs.
And I can't find r34 of any cephalon.

Two questions:
Where do I get Forma easily?
I'm currently farming relics for it, but it seems a waste to pick forma instead of some Prime parts.
And how much Forma should I drop on weapons?
The Paris Prime I got for instance, is topped off with 58/60 and at best, I could install it another mod that would take it to 62, so it would require one forma on one slot somewhere.
I'm not really sure if I want to grind 30 ranks again though. At least before mastery level 10.

All his abilities are pretty bad except for I Cast Fist.

It does a shitload of damage.

Void fissures, build a forma a day to keep the pain away.

Depends on the weapon and the number of Primed or 10-rank mods you slap onto it.

warframe-builder.com/ has builds for just about everything.

Here's a random Soma Prime build for instance.

Generally if a weapon has a good amount of crit, you pump crit. If it has a good amount of status, you pump status. If it has neither, you pump straight damage, but it depends on the weapon type.