Where were you when the biggest food reviewer on Youtube became redpilled?

Where were you when the biggest food reviewer on Youtube became redpilled?

Reviewbrah has recently swollowed the big red one

Reviewbrah is indeed clearly fully redpilled but he has chosen to remain apolitical when it comes to his content. I think this should be respected; I actually enjoy his radio shows for the fact that they are degeneracy and politics free, he doesn’t feel the need to shove his opinions down anyone’s throat instead talking on topics and in a vulgarity free style reminiscent of a politer time.

He is a pure soul enduring life in a twisted and wicked age. Leave him be, he is a ray of light.

source/archive ?

Is he /ourguy/ bros?

Also post brah memes

He has been one of us for a while, but he is a gentleman (autist) and seems like he doesn't believe it is polite to force politics into everything.

TYPICAL TRICKS. You see something pure and you feel the need to dirty it, to destroy it. I know just what you are.


I have been listening to Reviewbrah’s VORW shows for a couple of years now and I can honestly say that the world would be a better place if more people were like him and less like OP.

More like Holla Forums and /fit/s adopted son.

How to tell if a non-political YouTuber is right-wing:
- They don't inject their politics into their unrelated work.

No idea how many lefty YouTubers I've unsubbed because they couldn't contain their faggotry.
Hell the amount unsubbed during the election was insane.
If you're going to make a political video completely unrelated to your usual content then give a heads up for fuck sake.


Somebody call the ADL! Call the jewtubes! We gotta attack this goy!!! This sort of hate speech can't be allowed. Call the fast garbage food chains, call em alll! Anyone who attacks the foundation of Israel must be done away with!


This is him, right?

How the fuck does this guy have 240,000 subs

Look at his about section, the normies cling to him not knowing what he knows.

this is you right?


Hi, Reviewbrah.


I was considering subbing to and buying a First Membership for Rooster Teeth prior to the election. Then, literally as I was just about to do it, I chose to instead watch a quick video first. This was the first video in which they addressed, and bashed, Trump. I close their membership signup page, and ended up dumping them after not too long.

Cow Chop is their only channel that I watch now, being only the group that doesn't shit talk Trump. I now have a lot more free time than I did previously.

inb4 someone calls me a fag

That would be JoeysWorldTour in size at least. Who by the way is the epitome of what's wrong with modernity: obese, feminized, retarded mystery meat with no sense of honor, self-respect or standards, only consuming like a good goy. With rivals like that ReviewBrah is bound to be redpilled.

Why do we care about celebrities?

John is literally Holla Forums incarnate


Anyone remember when he literally said "dindu" in a food review?

lol he deleted that vid a day or two after it was posted

Food reviews always sounded stupid to me so I didn't check him out but I decided to watch a few yesterday then this thread pops up. Coincidence?

If I ever saw one of my daughters wearing something like that in public I would give her a one way ticket to the middle east. Even the one behind her is pushing it.


you gonna post it with sound or?

Old New buddy

Exact same with me. Fucking hivemind shit.

- They don't inject their politics into their unrelated work.
works irl too, usually

This. Let reviewbrah be, let him do his thing. no ones going to redpill anyone by sperging out like a flaming autist in his comment section. There are plenty of redpilled jewtube channels (despite jewtubes best efforts) that do address politics and racial issues directly.

Um, sweety…

He's already redpilled.

No I know that, I meant don't go into his comment section trying to redpill his general audience. It'll only isolate him as a content provider.

I fucking love that flag.

Is this a joke thread or do you actually believe this picture is real?

Reviewbrah is a gentleman among a world of boys, a true god amongst men.


I would fuck his mom's asshole until it looked like an Oreo Blizzard


Why won't his mother buy him outfits that fit?

He buys old suits at Goodwill. He should get them tailored though

That family doesn't spend much on haircuts

Why do you care so much about this guy? He's literally just Filthy Frank for "smarter" preteens

Get out


I concur. 2nd pic is really unnecessary. Brah would never entertain using such language.

I can find no such twitter account.

There's nothing about him that's reminiscent of Filthy Frank.

Sound source?

You don't know what you are talking about.

Fuck you. Leave Reviewbrah alone. He doesn't bring politics into his content. He is redpilled, but he stays apolitical in public on purpose. Leave him alone you fucking insufferable cunt.


Which fast food sandwich would Hitler like best?

Link to that tweet??

Photoshop. The guy is ok tho, reminds me of an fallout game/50s guy.

Your heart knows the answer

what has the guy far left done in the past to make him sweat so much in the presence of God?

Those are the eyes of a God fearing man, and it's not about what he did, it's about what he's seen.

Not his account. His real one is @TROTWOfficial.

About that "gangstalking" shit, ReviewBrah may just be a schizo.
Schizophrenia doesn't mean you're off the walls fucking insane like a lot of people think it does, it's a mental disorder characterized mostly by not being able to understand what is and isn't real.
Gangstalking doesn't really exist, the vast majority of people who think they're being gangstalked are likely just schizophrenic due to one of its main symptoms being extreme paranoia.

It also has a tendency to creep up on people.


Oh shit, really?
I've never noticed that, what videos can you point me to where it happens? That's still just regular stalking, not gangstalking

Provide proofs.

Holy shit, just noticed he and his father (?) look like Jeff Sessions, complete with the pointy ears. Fucking top tier Southern genetics

Their social media manager turned out to be a lefty kikess. "Since then, the first enchantment ruined."

Reviewbrah is the best. He always pretends as if his amateur radio hobby is just an innocent pastime. But we all know he's busy searching the frequencies for signals from the Black Sun.

When you have your style down like reviewbrah, do you even need to?

Leftists not only make sure everyone knows what they are (they live on virtue signalling), but they will try to sniff out other people. They will just bring up politics the way sports fans bring up sports, and come at it like they're assuming you agree with them. That's how they feel out whether you are left or not. If they shoot their sonar at you, and get a weak response, you're now on their list of suspects. Hiding your power level isn't enough, because it's the enthusiasm of your response that they are looking for.

Leftist: Donald Trump should be impeached, right comrade?.
You (trying to keep your job): hmm… yeah… maybe…

You're on their list now. The fact is, even if you hide your power level, your lack of enthusiasm is enough to get the gears turning in their heads. They don't have the evidence to take you out, but they're scrutinizing you very closely. They're waiting for you to slip up so they can ruin you.

I'm not talking about the regular bluepilled normie who thinks gays are funny on TV. These are the hardcore ideologues. The type of people who make their entire existence about politics. The good news is you can spot them easily. They broadcast their ideology to the world, so you know to be careful around them. Maybe you won't stoop to faking enthusiasm for leftist causes (doing so is extremely painful), but you can stay a step ahead of their machinations.