New Hasbara initiative to combat anti-semites

Israel's new Hasbara app

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate the Jews so much.

Connected to DWS and Awans

oy vey goy

The more they try to make me not hate them, the more I hate them.

There will be a DLC aimed specifically towards stopping hate on Holla Forums with extra rewards and gift packages


Same gas them all

REMINDER: That kike also funds the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Emails between them and the ambassador of the UAE show that for the past 3 years they have been soliciting the UAE to undermine Qatars standing among the other sand nigger countries. When the leak was announced it was promptly shut the fuck down by that "qatari jihadists hacked bahrain, wait no it was russians that did it" bullshit followed by the cutting of diplomatic ties and then the terrorist attacks that followed.

b-but the cool kikes on this board said Hasbara was anti-Israel and antisemitic?!


Does it generate insults? Oh wait my bad it isn't Hasbarafag app

Hey, I didn't do it for free, bud. I got the April 2017 Best Goy badge. That's worth more than all the money in the world.

Wew I'd never noticed jews before, now I fucking hate them with the firey passion of a thousand supernovas.
Cool app jews.

Funny how it never occurs to them to stop being evil

There's literally nobody who ever said that on this board you disgusting endkike shill.

Yous done good, ya goy bastid! Mazeltov!

Where you in the thread for that kosher march against sharia or any of the Le Pen threads?

Are we learning Hebrew now ? Isn't there a translation for that disgusting Jewish word in a goyim language ?

Anyway, how can we subvert this app ?

If it's anything like the old Megaphone, we can just install it and leave redpill comments, vote against Israel in polls, etc.

I was here, as was this endchan shill filling the thread with hebrew and calling everyone a shill.

Nigger, the OP of a stickied Le Pen thread was accusing anyone who didn't support her Zionist party "Hasbara".

Not "anyone". Just you. Because you can't accept discussion. You kept spamming the same shit and called kike anyone who gave you proof you were full of shit.
And you're an endkike shill. There's a thread over there where you litteraly say you were preparing a copypasta for the French elections.

Everything you're saying is a lie, but thanks for revealing yourself. I guess the app works and sent you here?


It is. There were multiple posters in the thread that you accused of being Hasbara, I was the "Hasbarat" who pointed out that you somehow missed Marine Le Pen's numerous in admissions that she and the party are in fact Zionists, in your post "debunking" the fact that FN is "Zionistic in nature".

I know that this could potentially be either more effective for them or backfire more obviously, and I hate them for this shit, but not as much as I hate them shutting down archives and suppressing pages and books quietly that only people like us would notice

For normies, we need a Kike Predictor. Take their names+ faceberg or linkedin, base it on city, schools, acquaintances, politics, sexuality, whatever and determine the likelihood that they are jews. Kids can joke around to see if their friends are jewish, and accidentally find out more about Ms. Meyer the modern art teacher

This is why you need to stop posting and get back to lurking. The worst mistake you make every time is to consider our ennemies as a homogeneous and consistent entity. They are not. You can't wrap your head around this, and this is why you're called hasbarafag.

no goyim we need special privileges OYYYYY VEYYYY

I just have one question. Is this app free, or does it cost sheckles?

The holocaust never happened, but it should have.


The jew mods and their Tel Aviv sentries are already here, for some reason are insane with rage over the fact that any user knows what a jewish hasbara is

The usual response from these kikes are thus:
Image attached was created by jew mods and their sentries to help identify antisemitic goys on Holla Forums

Here's this jews OC he made and posted on their controlled and mod-stickied threads on Holla Forums during electioneering for promoting jews like Gert Wilders, Tommy Robinson and every other jewish alt-right/neo-con etc to help his team of hasbara jew identify the non-compliant pol/acks to their jewish agenda

Butthurt kikes kvetching and wailing over the notion than any pol/ack copuld ever know what they're up to all over the MSM and including these boards also.

|For the last year or so these hasbarats where posting in praise of cunts like based stickman, mossad handled Gert Wilders and Le Pen and obviously the ZOG Emperor Trump himself.

Now anybody that looks in on Holla Forums lately thinks it's an official conservative kosher supporters club.

You were told a very insightful message here
Yet you decided to sperg out like you always do.
Let this be a lesson for any legit Holla Forumsack here : hasbarafag has always been, and will always be a fucking shill.



Yet it's (((you))) kvetching and wailing about genuine anons calling out you jews pushing and promoting every zionist neo-con in world politics or any of their agents

Each of your posts is an agreement to the general consensus : you're a faggot shill.
Your memes are shit.

Methinks (((you))) need a change of your IDF issue nappy, (((you))) cowardly cunts know your time is up, hence your determination to infiltrate and control every means of communication that we make to separate ourselves from your jewish collective.

Yet still here you are telling us how based every neo-conservative shabbos and crypto is really ourguy

This pic needs some update, hasbarafag came up with new buzzwords.

You and your hasbarat pals look like complete cunts here TBH

Bump just to highlight how open the jews are on this board and casually they boast about managing these threads

Never change hasbarafag.

Lost your smug anime cartoon girl pic folder?
You'll probably find it next to your tortured animal gore-porn one



Wanna guess how we all know you're a shitskin ?

"Ms. Meyer told me her grandfather was brought over with Operation Paperclip, goy!"

shill projecting at it's finest

You faggots are so obvious it hurts. You don't even know what you're trying to hijack anymore do you?

Check IDs you endkike shill, mine hasn't changed.
Now that's projecting.

What crypto currency does ADL pay you in?

How much of a kike do you need to be, to ask money for protecting your people and the future of your children ?

Just downloaded it on my zogphone. Search for "" it'll be interesting to see if any Chans are included or if they use proper agents to shill on here.

Do you do collectively work to destroy these boards for free then?

dumping your cp folder efraim?

You truly are at the absolute the bottom of the barrel, hasbarafag.

See how they derail threads

What I thought most ironic was that they tried to target "conspiracy focused" people who would be most likely to see through their bullshit. I'd wager that most people wise to the Jewish Question got started simply by questioning the banking system and American foreign policy. I had no idea what jews even were before then, but when you look at who is in charge of all these corrupt entities, you have to be a fucking retard not to make the connection.

cringey shit really

No shit. They love their shekles from their evil bullshit

Can't refrain yourself from speaking hebrew, right ?
Here's a white family. You hooked-nose subhumans did a really bad job at genociding us.

gg u got me


It appears one of them actually was tho

Does anyone have a link to a download for "Marching to Zion," then? I watched it recently, and there isn't a better hope for redpilling my religious family than that, and I'm pretty sure this thing will get it taken offline.

bump for awareness

It explains everything anons

They're losing and they know it

Why are you always posting that disgusting creature?

Very funny how the thread about jews increasing their shilling efforts gets completely and utterly derailed, with all of the usual suspects involved, including assholes and geckos.
What a cohencidence

This so hard it hurts. Maximum damage control, and also a huge signal that funding is increasing and they're trying to get it for free now too.
Ovens in 30

Indeed. And they never have, nor will they ever consider doing so.

And that right there should make it clear to anyone – even those equipped with only the bare minimum of actively-firing neurons necessary for supporting involuntary bodily functions – just who these cretins call "Daddy".


You are not white and never will be.

so it's for goyim only. and good goyim at that.
the insanity of expecting jews to do something for free!

that's its name.
they're by definition what the dictionary would call shill.
hasbara kikes are a particular kind of shill, so it's a word that can come handy.

A name that has only been used by endchan shills. By spamming it at every legit Holla Forumsack you have definitely discredited it as a "handy" term and worse, made it look like a tool of subversion. Hence, the "hasbarafag" namecalling (which never fails to find out your particular kind of intruder).
Not that this should be regretted - the less I see hebrew, the better I feel.


On Holla Forums you just click the Call him a TRSodomite button and collect thirty shekels of silver.

Who needs kikes with Hasbara games when we have anons like you?

Are you fucking serious?

Ugh. What a Jewish way to go about doing it too.

I still prefer "JIDF"

Fuck off, goon.

Their most brainwashed supporters do it for free
fucking stupid CIA Mormons


Yes he's serious, the word was not in use on this board until the Syria threads.


If there were a pc version of this maybe, but since it is android/ios only that means it will probably be sending off user data for improving the experience :^)

I guess you could try running it in an emulator, but its probably all one way communication just sending messages along the lines of go shill here goy/fellow chosen. The android version can be legally decompiled if it is relaying user data somewhere to see if t poses a security risk.

I poked around on that site earlier. Like the description says, it's mostly a list of Problematic™ Facebook posts, with literal good goy points awarded for defending Israel. An account there can be linked to a Facebook account, and to a Google account (which is needed for that whole "send an email to UNESCO" thing).

Can just use a web browser (be sure to use a VPN or proxy or something):
Dunno how people bypass the SMS demands of Facebook/Google/Twitter/whatever nowadays, but the site itself has comment sections…

You should of seen the slide on 4cuck when this was posted.

*Should have

I'm getting tired of that shit.
