Do you hate liberals or ancaps more?

Which do you find to be worse?

liberals because anclaps at least you can ignore.

I'd rather in liberal democracy than mad-max wasteland

Yeah but it's not about where you'd rather live, it's about who's followers are more annoying.

Liberals, because theirs enough of them that they can do things.

Ancaps I haven't met a single one who didn't come off a sleazy, unhinged, or was a pedo.

Liberals because they have actual political power and people take them and their ideology seriously. Also politically active (social) liberals are smug and paternalistic as shit to boot.

Nobody takes aynclaps seriously and I don't even know if there are any over the age of 30

There's ancaps over 30 unfortunately

An caps.

Their ideology is nonsensical and has no basis in reality unlike liberalism. It's entirely based on the most idiotic and arbitrary self flaggelating moral system, yet these autistic fucks are so smug about it as if it's the apparent objective truth. It also results in a much more hellish society than liberal democracy if actually implemented.

I can understand why someone would be a liberal (ignorance of better alternatives etc.). I cannot though for the life of me understand why anyone would choose to be an an cap over an actual anarchist.

Would hunt down and politically persecute/10

ancaps are mean spirited retards with fuck all power
liberals are generally well meaning retards with a moderate amount of power

Liberals are the worst

obviously liberals

ancaps are the logical conclusion of liberals op

Liberals. Ancaps may be smug about an ideology that does not even work in their own theory, but liberals are smug about an ideology whose theory they do not even know.

But isn't fascism the logical conclusion of ancapism?

Did you lose an argument?

Did you lose an argument?

Which liberal, which ancap?

love life and anarchy

or anita sarkesian

not an argument

Ancaps are liberals.

An-caps are Fascists in the chrysalis stage, so them.

pretty obvious

Ancaps are more fascist than fascists. And fascists are jusr authoritarian liberals so its kidna a hard question.


Ancaps are anti-state liberals.

I would prefer not to

That makes no sense.
Liberals support a strong state that in theory 'regulates' capitalism.

That is irrational.
Liberals are statists, ancaps want to abolish the state.

ancaps are just anarchist liberals

obviously them, stateless capitalism must be horrid

I have hate enough for everyone.

Ancaps are too stupid to be dangerous.

They're both liberals, and are equally insufferable.

Probably ancaps. Many liberals that I've met are sympathetic toward far lefty ideas, but are too wimpy and classcucked to want destroy Capitalism. Ancaps are just horrible.

Probably ancaps. Many liberals that I've met are sympathetic toward far lefty ideas, but are too wimpy and classcucked to want destroy Capitalism. Ancaps are just horrible.


Ancaps seem like people who took the concept of "free market capitalism" to its natural conclusion, found something horrifying, and then went with it
But liberals have much more power and are much more capable of subverting leftism, so liberals