German Women are Cucking German Men

(From table 5)
TFR of German men: 1.27.

TFR of German women: 1.67.

German women are having 30% more children than German men.

i.e. with men other than German men.

Other urls found in this thread:

Table 5

Sheesh, there actually won't be any ethnic Germans left in a hundred years or so.

Having a niglet is some sort of hip status symbol for Western women.

This is probably news to you, but a larger percentage of women have children than men do, everywhere. More men die alone than women, it's common sense. A woman can achieve nothing in life and still have a family.

Is this one year taken out of context of every other year? Did you control for the harem effect that comes from a declining culture?

Feminism, yes!

but with whom? if it was with German men than the TFR's would be the same.

Is anyone surprised by this?

Spandrell called and wants his article referenced.


The methodology is all over the place.

great site. the reason i didn't reference it was because i didn't know if he wanted to be associated with /pol. i don't know enough about his politics.

German men should just move to America if redpilled. Fuck Germany, let it collapse, it's easier to collapse and rebuild than maintain in its corrupt state.

Not necessarily true. You're operating on the assumption that there are only monogamist relationships. Remember the 80-20 rule: 20% of men get 80% of the women. Genetically speaking, you have on average twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors. Think about that for a second.

i understand that. but then the other men getting more than their share of reproduction would still be included in the german man TFR if they were german.

0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10 is an average of 1 German male TFR just as much as 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 is an average of 1 German male TFR

That doesn't make any sense. Unless your family is riding the incest train you have the same number of male ad female ancestors.

If they are including "new germans" in their research, then of course it's skewed. If I remember correctly the migrants nearly doubled the young male population of germany, while the female numbers barely changed. Most of these shitskin men are welfare leeches with no family, wives, or children. They are just roaming gangs of single men doing drugs, going to clubs, and groping women.
That would make the female fertility rate increase only because the shitskins are artficially padding the male numbers.

Pretty sure this is framed in a way to demoralize German men. There's no way that 3 out of 10 white women are having mud babies.



Think livestock.

Except that US immigration law makes it next to impossible for any redpilled European to immigrate, especially if they've been convicted of "hate speech" for posting a joke about niggers on Facebook or jailed for questioning the Holocaust.

Just like people keep asking why Boers don't leave South Africa if they're so oppressed and targeted for genocide; Europe refuses to let them in at all and tells them they deserve genocide, America makes it next to impossible for them to immigrate, and most of them can't leave because the niggers steal all the assets and money of any white that tries to leave, trapping them there.

PffffAhahahahahahahahaha. German isch auber allies.

In every country around the world, more women than men get to pass on their genes. This is common knowledge.

Your German sucks, dude.

Wow what a great idea! If Frederick were truly great he would have given up when schlesien and east Prussia had been captured. He was facing four world super powers. If Bismarck was actually a good leader he would have not unified Germany because that's hard. If Hitler knew anything he would have let the Jews keep their power of Germany and let Poland keep killing Germans, in fact he should have just moved back to Austria and given up, because fighting the Jews is hard.
Why do amikäfer always suggest the best thing for Europeans to do is to move to their shit hole of a country? It makes no sense.

Men don't necessarily know when they have a child though, whereas women always do.

Why are burgers constantly trying to get everyone to abandon their homeland

I'm getting real sick of seeing this.
Piss off faggot there is more of a nationalist spirit residing in Europe to begin with.

More like America is fucked and Europe still has a chance.

I can't wait to see politicians hanged.

Don't let your memes be dreams, user.
Make it so.

What do, Holla Forums?

That’s bullshit, but your sentiment isn’t wrong.


This can't be stopped; however, whites may finally come together as a minority. Of course by then we lose the majority vote, but still. We will be like the Jews were, without a home. It's not the end of the world. Whites will always be here, and will someday join together as a single Identity.

The whole idea that whites will completely go away is BS

Just stop being shy. See a chick you'd like to talk to? Just do it, what's the worst that will happen? She'll tell you "Eww you're disgusting go away" Laugh it off and leave, she has zero impact on your life if you don't let her.
The shame of losing an argument on Holla Forums is greater than being rejected by a Woman.

It's certainly possible. At any rate the actual number of reproductive age ethnic german women is pretty small, fewer than 15 million age 35 or below. Now of those 15mil or so, at least 2/10 are mudpeople. Stats show that 70% of children in west german cities age 6 or below are of a "migrationshintergrund".

The birthrate of Germany is hovering at like 1.39, and a lot of THOSE are likely mudpeople. That means that the population of ethnic german women could more than HALVE inside a generation. That leaves you with like 7 million, an increasing number of which will be shitskins. In 100 years, they're gone altogether.


just b urself

My point exactly. It's fucking nothing.

What's next Germany? F or miraculous recovery?

Whites will never be completely gone. Minorities tend to join together. Whites in small groups will even secretly prefer other whites. We will be like the Jews were: a minority without a home.

No shit. The more pozzed the country/region, the more pozzed the women. And the more pozzed the women, the less happiness they're going to offer you.

Europe is poised to be minority white in what, 10 years? Where is this 100 years bullshit coming from? In 50 years there wouldn't be a white person left on Earth at this rate, 100 is just stupid. There will hopefully be full blown race war in the streets in under 5 years.

That's for the whole country? Goddamn, it's as bad as I feared. I remember visiting Berlin a few years ago (yeah yeah I know bad example) and even compared with other big european cities, the lack of children was really noticeable. There didn't seem to be that many mudskins (I was braced for much worse), but no white children anywhere. Even in Amsterdam there were european children running around playing soccer in the streets or walking to school in the morning.

You really should stop being a cuck and not worry how someone feels about being talked about by Holla Forums.

I'm not

That "muh holding a beachhead on the Injun Africa" guy that wants us burgers to flee back to Europe to "make a last stand" gets on my nerves too if it makes you feel any better

I'm not talking about whites in general, I'm talking about ethnic germans. Sure I probably overstated saying they'll go extinct, but that's only factoring in degeneracy, migration/immigration and lack of inclination to have children. When you add up the sheer numbers of women who have been assaulted/molested/raped, you can start to see how it's possible for no more white germans to exist this century. I guarantee that none of these victims of mud-touching will be having children. They're traumatized, doubly so from their own government and society basically telling them it's their fault. Once african and mid-eastern shitskins reach the 25% mark, which they will soon, the constant assaults will only get worse, and the government will provide them all the cover and leniancy they need.

A replacementrate of around 1,1 seems plausible if you adjust for cucked government racial statistics. As "Germans" will count towards German birthrates. (pic1)

So that gives what, around 25-30 years where the whites will still be a factor capable of doing anything? Unless there is some major focal point event at a later stage.

84 average world IQ by 2100. Space exploration not happening.


it doesn't matter if you're 2-5% of others' gene pools, you're still gone. Lurk moar if you think white genocide is just hyperbole.

and look how fucked up they are because of it. and unlike them, there aren't other benevolent or neutral races to shelter us or occasionally defend us and make special rules for us and give us monopolies on certain livelihoods.

kek. Thanks for your power m8!
I'm not shy actually. Just didn't find anyone suitable yet. Most of the chicks here unfortunately are degenerates. Should i go for it and try to convert one?

Thanks, u too!

I wonder how many times he goes to Holla Forums and faps to the jailbait

Germany has about 10 years to get its shit together before its conversion to islam is assured.

Kekked and checked. Fucking based.

You wouldn't be. Whites will tend to find other whites. As I said, minorities tend to stick together. White genocide doesn't mean no whites will exist.

Don't tell me to lurk, when you can't even think.

Whites will exist, we will just be a minority. In time eugenics with designer babies means most people will want cute(white) babies.

I'd be shocked if 3/10 of white women had babies at all nowadays, nevermind specifically mud ones

if whites were a minority, niggers would be breaking into our houses and hacking us to pieces with machetes, like in South Africa

minority white = whites being massacred

Lol That's a troll account, a very good one.

I think that's a fair estimate. Beyond that it looks pretty grim. If whites did try something in Germany beyond the 2030 mark, it would likely get squashed. Muds have massive arsenals hidden in their mosques, we can assume this based on the huge weapons caches which are occassionally seized in the Balkans; where else would they be heading? Also arabs control all the organized crime in Germany now, even Die Welt reported on it, Dirk Jacob described how it's all made up off extended clans of migrants, and they're directly tied to the religious community and the mosques as well. And on top of all of that, there's the government which is firmly in control of anti-whites, and by 2030, most of those government officials will likely be shitskins.

I can see why you would think this, but it's still incorrect. Intelligence and money will hire protection, and have better strategies. If force was all that is needed to survive, the animals would've beat us.

whites don't operate that way, when intermingled we tend to form ruling classes that fight amongst ourselves and die off or go live alone innawoods, not ghettoize or breed like niggers on scraps

at some point a population has to be isolated or protected to survive, and whites are the only conservationists, I would tell you to look up madison grant if you weren't obviously such a kike to think you can buy survival for a people.

To be fair, I thought similarly to you just 5 years ago or so that whites would just be another minority and can just bide their time. But if you haven't seen stats and historical examples, then you really didn't lurk.

Are you retardeded? Germany is 90% white because most of the people who are considered having a "Migrationshintergrund" are from the EU. More than 3 mio. Germans moved back from the Soviet Union since the 90s and they are also considered migrants. It's far from optimal, I give you that, but they're still at least a decade away from our own migrant crisis here in the US.

Your last picture is from a presentation from a guy called Aladin El-Mafaalani (look at the bottom). Seems legit, bro.

Wtf are you talking about? The US will go down faster than Europe and that's a certainty. There are 700 mio. Europeans living in Europe. How the fuck will some muds conquer them? If Germany will fall under 50% Whites, muds will move to other countries because of no more gibs.


Well once the turkish brithrates that are declining we need a new batch of what? YOU GUESS RIGHT MORE REFUGEES to keep the motor of replacement going.

This is what they want and this has to be stopped

Well this image gives the whole situation a new meaning, women do not just want to get fucked physically but they also want you to fuck their heads.

Post more stupid fake articles to exploit right wingers because they react more to bullshit news than left wingers because you want to exploit their natural inclination to not believe the mainstream media after they have proven to paint a sophistic bullshit narrative.
And then come back again to tell everyone that they shouldnt trust their instincts to be exploitable. Mongoloid.

it took the US about 60

USA will be destroyed shortly. America is the reason for the refugees.


America never had a chance, it never will either. Europe has always been the only possibility.

Do you know what i wonder, one of the first thing the military does before waging war is to measure refugee streams, and since i have respect for the military i would assume that they would know exactly what would happen, wouldnt they? And they would also know what kind of crap would go to our nations.

Why not to Israel directly? If I'm gonna be a slave to them, might as well walk down to Shlomo and hand him the fruits of my labor directly than through that kinda proxy.

You are giving state employs way to much credit.

But you have to take into account that the Netherlands only has a population of 17 million and Germany of 80 million. So even if the population drops, it will be larger than in most of the European countries. Then there's also Germans in Austria, Switzerland and other neighboring countries. Spain and Poland are almost as large as Germany, yet they only have half of the population that Germany has. It's not as bad as it looks. We simply need to orchestrate another baby boom after solving the (((globalist))) problem.

Na i want to estimate correctly. And they are also bringing in NGOs etc. i m pretty sure that there is some real intelligence behind that. And i always estimate correctly.
The journo friends that think that the migrants are "are more valuable than gold" and think of "engineers and doctors" are the usefull idiots.

And in a way instead of having a harmonic society we will have the american model, just like in those breeding stats, a lot of low education people producing the workers and the elite that is highly gifted and controls the goyim.

Fuck off we're full.

The globalists are monkies that rely on certain memetic elements, mostly perceived intelligence but in essence they are only above average and they believe that shit just like leftists believe gender is a social construct because it requires a certain kind of intelligence with blenders.
I assume we just simply take that away from them.

I was going to offer some Europeans a place to go if shit hits the fan since i own a lot of properties in the mid states, but holey fuck if you guys don't want help then fine. Good luck defending yourself from the mudshit horde and still allowing your women to make the decisions for you. I'll be improving what i can around here and make sure my sister and her husband have a place to come to if shit hits the fan in Greece.

Threads about how bad things are in Europe always degenerate into autistic screeching about how terrible America is. It really gets your noggin joggin.

No, it isn't. America is just the excuse, tomorrow it will be "global health concerns", next week it could be "climate change". The fact is, this plan was created well before any of us were born, right around WWII, the Hooton plan. They'll do and say anything to flood your country with shitskins. Now you attack white Americans for what the kikes have done, what a lovely side effect for them!

Their leaders don't represent the people

That's not how cucking works. Other men are cucking German men.

You're right. They are indeed rather stupid. And all of their power stems from millions of morons that are consuming their trash. We need a severe financial collapse, so all the cushy jobs are gone and women can't go study shit and waste their lives.

There is a little bit of difference between some loud mouths that explicly formulate an agenda and the regular market drives along with human psychology.
In a way i would assume that there are some people that really think that way and the natural market dynamics that allow that kind of behaviour along with the often cited "ten stages" empires which is more like the high risk low reward. Now combine both and you get what you see.

What he formulates is just some natural behaviour with a intentional vector. The art is the Nuance.
The "jews" really want to do that, everyone else just goes along given the framework.
So for example the government and cooperate monkies see that they need new monkies to exploit so they bring them here, there is no real intentional vector for that. Other for example the american military that wants to fight their wars and our monkies stupid so they dont have many problems which at the same time is a cultural export of their shit and their ideology.

That's assuming they are actually German and not (((New Germans))).

Portions. Unless genocide occurs, mass sterilization, or mass deportation, then no, countries like United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden etc. are done. Just as done for as the US. Doesn't matter if the mud population is 10% or 35%. 500 years from now the entire population will be mixed and their genetics will be inferior. They will no longer be European. 90% German and 10% African is not German. Unless these drastic things occur, which the population will always refuse to let happen, then it doesn't matter if immigration stops today everywhere. The current residing populations of muds are enough to pollute our long-term genetic makeup and kill us as we are today–pure. Not a single person here can present a case in which any of the above drastic things occur to prevent this. As a matter of fact the US white population has a better chance of survival than Germans and Swedes and the like, because the US will indisputably balkanize in the future, leaving minor to major ethno-states to rise from the ashes (they'll be easy to form in such a situation). This just can't happen in a place like Germany. The "Union" can break apart far more easily than any single nation in Europe, and if it does, the formation of ethno-states is almost a certainty. Even if just a small one landlocked with enemies on every border. Ethno-states will rise in Europe, but they won't be places like Germany, and they won't be within Germany. Germany will not collapse as a country. However as a result of witnessing the destruction of the Germanic peoples across Northwestern Europe, other Europeans will begin to shift Right. Especially as the new refugees come swelling in from their west, with much whiter skin, and stories of the horrors left behind.

Your are violating my interests and what do you expect my friend? And most of you are just some mildly intelligent idiots if you want my opinion.
Not just that you think you can harm us, now you will see it unfold.

Worry about your own country first faggot go kill some mexicans

Don't be stupid. The US constitutes the main globalist hub and thus all machinations originate from there. For fuck's sake, more jews live in America than in Israel. And there are a fuckton of white Americans that work for them. It doesn't matter if they know it or not. I'm not attacking WLP or Rockwell, but the regular Joe doesn't give a fuck and is as much to blame as a stupid German who doesn't vote for the AfD.

~90% and 65% really aren't the close to each other.

Well aren't you a smart one.

Convert to Islam and marry 2 white women and an Arab (daughter of a high ranking imam)
Use your access to encourage white converts to breed with white women, not niggers.

I'm not even sure what will happen next year and you're prognosticating half of a millenium.

shhh he's just posting his cuck fetish don't respond to him

Wait let me sum that up in a picture.

If none of the above listed circumstances occur, then yes, it will happen, just like it did to Greece. Unless you're suggesting the modern "Greek" have any relation to the Greek of old, other than by name. I can not see any possible circumstance that can make mass deportation, mass sterilization, or genocide occur. Not one. The US will balkanize before this becomes an issue. White men are the thing holding the union together. When it collapses, we will be preserved in a far smaller ethno-state. The chances of that are high. The chances of any of the above occurring in Germany, Sweden, France etc. is near zero. Give me one example of how a genocide, mass deportation, or mass sterilization will be made accepted by the majority of whites in these countries. It's impossible. They will wind up just like the Greek. Through mixing they will be exterminated. Europe will live on through other countries who genes will be wholly European. That won't be found in Germany. As any 50 random Germans what they think of implementing the above, and nearly every single one will disagree with it.

54% "white"


And to add my friend you will give me a lot of money every lost hour and day you will give back to me in goods and money you fucktard.

Give me a break. Those muds in Europe aren't the Ottoman Empire with its highly organized armies. Those fuckers will starve to death in their own shit and piss. They are mere pets that need caretakers. Should the welfare state suddenly stop, it's over. Good luck to them trying to enslave 700 million people.

They marched 20 miles a day packed with enough gear to build a mobile encampment and trained vigorously year round.

It's just the result of 70+ years of (((American))) occupation of their country.

That trollpost is just so great! It warms my heart every time.

Can't be true because the Rebel Media e-celebs say that race-mixing amongst White women is a myth, men are the ones mixing with Asian women, and if you mention White female rates of miscegenation then it's just because you're a cuck fetishist.
So stop mentioning it, unless you want everyone to know about your black bull fantasies.

Its literally the exact same thing that is happening in the US, anywhere you go where patriarchy has ended will be like this, if you let women run wild and let them be free to do what they want they WILL flock to the local chads and WILL institute the 80/20 rule

The biggest problem here is, these European peoples see them as "human." "We all bleed red." "We're all the same." The vast majority of them do. So, if things get bad, it won't be muds vs. Euros. No, it'll be Euros doing what they can to survive, muds taking their portion, and Euros being content with that because they see it as much needed assistance. That mindset won't change. Once they've been made part of the "tribe," they're a permanent part. Unless you can explain to me how they could possibly be removed while only ever, at most, achieving a tiny minority of support. That's why I see Germany and Sweden and the like going the same road of mongrelization as Greece, while white Americans will not, because once balkanization occurs, that tiny minority has near free reign to create an ethno-state. Balkanization is nearly impossible in a nation like Germany. It's inevitable in the US. Any mixture of African or Middle Eastern DNA into the population and the country is effectively no longer ethnically European. Greece is not an ethnically European country. They will never achieve what the true Greek did thousands of years ago. They're intellectually incapable. Soon Germans and the like will be as well. Not only will Germany become like Greece, but fleeing Germans will breed out their blood to Slavs as they flee east to safer pastures.

This is true, but the total population of reproductive age Germans in Germany is about 30 million and dropping. That's not disaster levels yet, but with a birthrate of about 1.2 or 1.3, that population may drop by about half in a generation. Hey, that's not good. Like you say, a baby boom is definitely necessary. Poland is experiencing one right now simply because government policy gave loans to child-bearing women. If something along those lines could be implemented even at the regional level in Germany, you'd start seeing some positive effects. Granted I don't know much about deutschlands federal structure, so I dunno how feasible that would be in the current system.

Thinking in terms of these grand numbers is a mistake. How many of those europeans are mudskins? How many are diehard leftists? How many are elderly and beyond child-bearing age? I wasn't talking about Europeans in general either, I was specifically talking about ethnic Germans.

This just means more men are single.

Will be more like a split more or less, you will see that in ideology and also in accumulation of resources which also will result (beforehand) in ingroup outgroup behaviour. And everything that comes a long with it. But germanys case i would rather view that in little mosaic spheres because berlin degenerates are really different to bavarian people.

Source on that please. For poles having a big spike as a result of government spending.

Don't bee yourself

Start trafficking weapons for the happening, women love dangerous men who can live outside the system by their own rules. Think of it this way the whole German legal system is going to collapse in a few decades when the majority of the cops are Muslim.

"Germany was not given to you, it was taken by your ancestors. You must do the same."

You're so naive. You'll see how civilized these cucked Europeans will be when all the monies go down the drain and it's no more bread and games. Germans survived times that were much worse and that Americans never had to experience. So, I'll give them a shot. I don't know why you hold Americans to such a high regard. They got easily subverted without giving any real resistance. I wouldn't put my money on them. A huge chunk of them will probably try to free the blacks and spics from all kinds of oppressions. And then there's muh gunz… to protect some jews, I guess.

That big empires ceased to exist because of mongrelization is only a hypothesis. We don't know this for sure. I won't go into this, it's too complex and you seem to think inside boxes.

We're looking at 25-30 years for significant changes. I don't think that the EU will survive even 5 years. I don't think that Merkel will last another 4 years. My instincts tell me that something will go down, probably even this year. And if not, some neighboring country will pick up all lands if SHTF because of demographic changes. Maybe a Poland-Hungarian empire or Russia.

There are 770 million Europeans. I guess 70 mio. are non-white.

Man its sure is Summer.


Everything is about america. It can be a fucking thread about Malaysia with nothing but Malaysians jibbering to each other and shit becomes something about america. It's like some fucking tic people have on the internet.

Unless its about Texas, then fuck merica, Texas and shit.

The only solution is for German men to get back at them by having children with non-German women.


Why should anyone move to a country that is full of niggers, jews, spicks, gooks and sandniggers?! Also keep in mind that political correctness, SJW's, feminism etc. all originated in america.
In my hometown we don't have gay parades and/or violent protest like at Berkeley. Also the jews own and control everything in your entire country. Why move to shitpile like america aka israel 2.0???

Is "Hitler did nothing wrong" an appropriate way to open a converstion? Cause I don't know any other.

So honestly, how often do you actually see a white person in Germany these days, specifically one with blond hair, blue eyes?

Everyone's family has been riding the incest train. Think about this way, you have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents, and so on. By the time you go back 2000 years, that's more people than have ever existed on Earth.

It's not that hard to find a non-degenerate, just go after the wallflowers

There sure are a lot of people who can't into definitions in this thread:

Greece, Rome, South Africa… every white country that has experienced non-white immigration has fallen. Especially the ancient nations we know were once white: North Africa, India, Iran and even America. They have all succumbed to the poison of tainted blood.

The only country that survived was Spain. Study the expulsion of the moors and you will find the way.

Next election AfD will have over 50%
So 5 more years of this shit, because Merkel will win this September.

Britain and the US are still on the upper hand.
Which suggests the elites will preserve their whiteness and let the migrants into the rest.

Because things are about to get a little dry in 3rd world areas…
That's my conclusion I got from this anyway.

They're turning the anglo countries into the safespace for whites/jews. That way they won't have starving third worlders.

While I'll fight this, I know we won't defeat this. Clearly the elites realized this is the only way to save the world without mass "actual" genocide.
They'll next make it so whites are pushed into these anglo countries.
Australia is already doing that… but this area will be a waste in 10 years time - no fucking water here.

Nice ID

This is the one time I wished there weren't dubs..



I sure hope so. I've all but given up hope on America maintaining it's white majority and am now hoping for pure survival as a tribal entity amidst a hostile state and hostile rival racial factions. I don't wish the same fate on European nations.

Don't be so easily triggered. We Ameriburgers welcome european (white) immigration with open arms, if you choose not to come, fine,we hold nothing against you. Congratulations on your town being unafflicted by sjw sperging and shitskin rapescapades, I wish I could say the same about mine (located in the middle of urban bluestate faggotry)

When I was in Deutschlands grorious capital, not that many, though more than I anticipated in a city like Berlin with it's history. Had a really nice chat with one ethnic German family in Koerner Park, most well-behaved and intelligent children I've ever seen.


I don't want to be right.

Self checked

Kek plays games but I think we will have to lose some countries to win this long term… you're probably right.

This is a caste system emerging user.

India and Japan are two notable countries where this has remained effective.
Will be visiting another one of them for work so will have a better idea of how the two compare soon.
Dried, white dog shit and cheese I think.

that's a funny way to say kikes

and burgerland isn't all berkely and portland and NYC

please name this magical non-jewed country you come from

double dubs wasted

Let's belt the women to put them in the line. We are their boss because they want the authoritative badass guys to protect them.

Not necessarily. One of the really surprising finds about DNA testing was that a large percentage of men in the past (it fluctuates depending on period) never reproduced at all.

What's most likely happening is the German "Chads" are having a shit ton more babies but the average Hans is having few. Some race mixing is obviously taking place too but not that much.

The manosphere guys describe this phenomenon really well.

I think the large blood bank studies that were discontinued real quick after this started becoming common knowledge between 1999-2005 showed that paternity fraud in sample sizes in each year was between 25-33%. Now obviously no one is going to be confused about paternity if the baby is not coming out looking like the same race, so this implies the women exposed by this are still fucking their own men, just reproducing with a select fewer of them.


If it comes down to it, Texas will probably be the last free state on Earth.

What's the "definition" of German in Germany?

Cyprus is pretty un jewed as is UAE.

Do not denigrate our brothers just because their leadership sold out. Ours did too.

The government separates actual Germans from ones of migration background but not very intelligently since returned actual Germans from other countries are sometimes lumped into migration background.

It's more honest than other countries, at the very least.

Grow a sweet mustache, get a haircut, get your best suit, and get to work. Don't forget your coat.

If you really think about it the unity and the Forced evolution virus was a great allegory for the multicultural agenda of turning humanity into one race.

Forced evolution renders us sterile can be seen as forced progression leads to the collapse of civilization

Im 26 and can't get a job because I have a domestic violence charge (misdemeanor from bruising an arm). What should I do? Im thinking about getting SSI

No White man would touch a Mudslime woman unless they are degenerates already. Partially because you get shanked for trying.

After the country was flooded with young men, what else do you think would happen? Xenophilia is en vogue for western women.

is this some cuckchan garbage?

Mail order slav gf

Why do potential employers know about your criminal record?

Go back to AOL faggot


It's going to sound cliche at this point but you need to stop fapping.

You sound like you lack drive. Use your natural biological urges to create drive. Give it 90 days without porn/fapping and see what happens. Take up some other hobby like martial arts where you can meet people/learn useful skills.

White women don't want to fuck shitskins, so what does this mean?
They've successfully ghettoized areas of Germany.
When you chase down the whiteys, the rich virtue-signallers can move but the poor whites can't leave.
Kids are taught that being white, the most rare and beautiful race in this world, is boring, and being some one-in-a-billion nog or gook is better. They never explain why except "duhversity". Duhversity is a forced meme.

This was really funny. Great delivery.

I'll like to see more of these well compiled.

Never underestimate Germans.

Why? Germany is now going through stuff we went through during the 80s or 90s? Maybe even earlier because we started at 84% (white) in 1965 when (((they))) opened the floodgates. And we didn't do jack shit until 2017. And Trump can't deport legals, can he? I don't see why Germans are being singled out for being supposedly uniquely cucked. If the AfD moves into the Bundestag (as the opposition) in September, they'll have accomplished more than we did back then. Despite facing jail time for hate speech, i.e. free speech.

Brexit only made them double down and accelerate their plans for irreversible unity. You'd think the Germans would have awoken by now but just look at the polling data. It's a fight between Merkel and (((Schulz))). Nationalists are nowhere to be seen. The AfD, who are moderates and don't even want to leave the EU, can barely maintain a vote above 10%. They'll vote Merkel to their deaths.

that fucking unsuppressable smirk gives them away everytime

Really doubt it's that many tbh.

Germans are a shitty people anyway. Throughout history, they're serial underachievers. And even though they're getting hit hardest by this migrant crisis, there is literally no backlash like in France, the UK, Italy, or most other European countries. They deserve to be bred out for this. If they won't even protest a little against their own destruction, what point is there in keeping them around?

What are you sliding schlomo ?

There's nothing to slide right now.

idk why you'd even defend a people who can't even reproduce correctly.

Germans on the whole are a great people. They are really conscious of both their image, their place in their world and they are committed to what they do, be it science, economy or warfare.
Unfortunately, these trait have earned them the ire of the envious Anglos, who managed to browbeat Germans into intellectual and political submission.
I do not doubt that having peace in Europe is a great thing, but haven't they paid enough for the sins of their grandfathers? Not to mention, having fostered a cancerous political elite that uses Germany to promote globalist agenda, Germans must rid themselves of the tumor they host. EU might be benefiting them economically, but it also brings in unwanted refugees and other problems that will destroy Germany long-term.

No one can help Germans but themselves. If they keep on voting for the same shit, they will keep getting cucked. No amount of wishing or advising or praying will change that. Someone must fuck Germans up real bad before they see the light.

even your pic depicts them as brown lmao

England, France and Germany are the only European countries that have historically mattered and achieved things after the Renaissance. Sorry, my buttblasted friend.

Then why are you sliding it

at least they want to have kids, too bad germies are nothing but weak numales now

Unlike you and your failed ancestors we Germanic people are bound by the soil.


This is BS. It is explicitly mentioned in their program that they want to reform the EU back to a union of sovereign nations and if this is not possible they have to follow UK's Brexit. AfD's program is very good, much better than Trump's in my opinion. You can find everything that Trump proposed and a lot more like increasing birthrates, banning gender ideologies from schools, stopping immigration and deporting those welfare leeches and also leaving the Euro as a currency.

I don't really know if this belongs in the thread but it is sorta related.

I'm from Germany and I have those two beautiful Aryan Female friends. One is working a Nurse, she has a fierce and strong personality but doesn't want to have Children because She thinks it is to dangerous now days.
The other one has been indoctrinated by a Gypsie Bitch.

How would you solve a problem like this?

Your gonna have to go past reason and cut straight to her feels. On a subconscious level she wants kids, at least a little bit. Make her feel like despite the danger you can take care of and protect any possible offspring. It would also help if you have a plan of where to settle down.

So if the times were right or if she felt safe, she would have them.
Protip:all girls feel safer and more cared for if they are in relationships with strong men.

I have a feeling that she would be a good National socialist, I mean she already hates Refugees and Niggers and she is just 18, so she has plenty of time to get red pilled.

That is the entire reason for negative birth rates. Children are expensive and time consuming and Whites, unlike niggers and dune coons, think first before having them so if the overall social climate is bad, they hold off until later.

Fuck off rabbi

German men have outnumbered German woman 105:100 for decades. Add to that the fact that men are more likely to have a second family after divorce and there is no cucking epidemic.

100% this.
Be the man she needs.

No. Her fertility is already starting to go downhill. Females will do anything to match what the good husband / good father type seems to look for.

I fucking hate this meme. We all know about the dysgenic qualities of late birth, but 18 is actually prime time, with 20 being perhaps the fittest age, as mental maturity is catching up with the biological maturity, which by that time is fully complete.
Remember that whites mature later than non-whites and that gestation period of longer than exact 9 months is common among white mothers to be.

That's true for males. Not so much for females. Marrying a sub-16yo girl was very common in Europe for a long time, because fitness wasn't about maturity.
Just because we don't have significant data for female fertility before 18 does not mean females are unfit until then.
As a teacher I had a few 14-15yo students who got pregnant and kept their babies. Most of them (well, 3 out of 4) became very good mothers. When it comes to motherhood, fitness is about dedication and selflessness. Not "mental maturity", whatever the fuck that means.

Pedophilia shill detected.

Dude, no. We have medical data that covers both ends of the spectrum, teen pregnancies are viable and healthy, but carry their own sets of dangers and developmental issues, on top of our cultural setting - world we live in is more complex and burdening people with kids at age of 15 is nigger-tier.

Why ? Isn't it a fact that women were married much earlier in Europa for centuries ?

I would like to discuss more about it and, may I say, some leads to educate myself on the matter, but I'm afraid it's quite offtopic to the current thread. Isn't it ?

Agreed. That being said, in a homogeneous and peaceful white society, would kids be considered as "burdens" ?

You must consider that children still require resources, which a 15 year old will not have, nor can she muster unless she is with an older man, not to mention our culture has moved to acknowledge the fact that we as whites can and must afford the time to educate ourselves and teenage age is ripe for that.
Given that at the moment more and more people fall into the trap of perennial childhood (people in their 20s and even 30 still behaving and thinking like they are 15), I don't think our attitudes are ripe yet for the traditional mode of living. Get people in their early 20's to marry and have kids without divorcing first and you will have success.

It depends where they did their research.
They are based in Rostock, in eastern Germany.

Eastern Germany has up to 30% less young women than men, because of gender birth ratio 1:1,06 and because young women migrate to western Germany.
Thus, the numer of children in east Germany is divided by a far larger number of men than women, resulting in different TFR numers.

Completely agreed, but yet again, marrying same-age partners isn't traditional in Europe. A white man has more value at 30 than at 20, and for the woman it's the opposite.
One of my pupils had her boy with a 25 yo male IIRC, and the girl family, while devastated at first, accepted them as a couple and everything went quite smoothly in the long run. Although I acknowledge that they went through a very hard time, both families being quite poor, the main reasons for their problems were from the outside of their new family.

That's fine with me. Still, if a woman wants a big and healthy family she should consider engaging early. I have yet to find biological reasons to not breed at 18 (the kids my pupils had were very healthy, except for the race-mixed one of course). Cultural and contextual forces that subverted our traditional way of life shouldn't be accepted as the norm, at least on the long term.

And tha's why all life should die.


No Kampfy. I will not fuck off. I will continue posting because it triggers you.

And I'm right. And you know it.


Whatever Kampfy. Filtered.

The map suddenly stops at the Dutch border.
These things obviously don't happen in NL

What will realistically happen in 15 years when the demographics get all cucked up? This shits ruined my future and my children's future. I've lived in Saudi Arabia for 2 years and it was shit. The religious police whipped my mums ankles.

it was already proven to be a hoax by some russian to 'troll' the chosen tribe.


I'm jewish. We are nomadic people.

nomadic people
taking what is there for the taking
never sticking around long enough to build greatness

0:49 – Holy shit! She married the Happy Merchant himself! I've rarely seen such a grotesque racist caricatu- Oh wait, that's his face.

It's very ok to to only hire white people, you just can't say it out loud.

Was in the same situation as you.


This video breaks up interaction with women.
Yes, the guy is "pick-up artist", and can be pretty degenerate, especially if you get really good, but in its core everything that he teaches is to be fucking confident in every environment that you put yourself in.

Have done random approaching of women for a year now, in the first few months you will get pretty much non stop rejection, but with time it gets better. Out of 10 approaches now I get 2 numbers. Out of 7 numbers 2-3 will respond.
Out of 7-8 responds you will get 1-2 dates.
Its a numbers game, so go watch some videos of this guy or search for RSD in jewtube and go make some approaches.
It gets fucking fun

It's the foot in the door pedophiles want to allow them to marry 12 year olds.

Society has agreed on 18 being the age of adulthood and consent and that is perfectly fine. Having kids at 24 is perfectly fine. What Western society lacks is a stable enough economy and infrastructure to support traditional families like that, because no 24 year old today can be a breadwinner for his family.

There was never a "Stop Trump" PAC. It's already known that its symbol wasn't even theirs, but of an Italian truck company, and that the group they were emulating was called "Never Trump". Although this tweet redpilled some people, it's from no actual organization or group affiliated with a PAC or politician.


I think what you need is some friends to hang out with, so you can actually ease yourself into conversations with people and actual socializing. Friends are more likely to smoothly introduce you to other people and that way you will be given opportunities to meet girls, not to mention, having friends is beneficial to your self-esteem and mental well-being.

Where exactly do you live?
I have friend in Swabia, he seems to be able to walk into any bar, order a large beer then starts chatting away to anyone he meets while drinking, and he tells me he doesn't like people very much.


I have 2 kids and will have more with my German woman… but I am still white… so the numbers are kind of misleading. I am only 4% German, 67.6% English / Irish, and a mix of other European… Soooo… yeah. At least I am not a sub-human, but kind of baity post OP.

Thats normal you Idiot. Women always find a partner while in every society some men dont. Because one man sleeps with multible women, but one woman only gets pregnant once

I wouldn't say "done" so loosely. Those countries might become caliphates and majority Arab/African, but that doesn't mean that our descendants couldn't reconquer them decades or centuries later.

The issue is the genetic admixture. Look what Arabization did to Persians and North Africans.

Have most people become so spirit-dead and brain-dead that they aren't naturally repulsed by the presence of such disgusting arrogance? That woman oozes with holier-than-thou.

I realize that, but I also think that pockets of pure whites will survive, and conquesting decedents of ours that remained completely pure will be able to retake the soil. Kind of like how the Dorian invasions worked in ancient Greece.

I want to stop so bad and I'm not going to use any excuse for not doing so. Thanks for the reminder, though!

Thanks user. I'll have a look.

I know. I kinda lost contact to most of my childhood friends except for a few which I don't meet on a regular basis because they bore me way too much and are complete normalfags. Since then all I do is working, sleeping and sitting on my computer. Also I'm pretty picky when it comes to meeting new people since I took an overdose of redpills.
When I used to be more socially active it wasn't hard for me to engage in communications actually but most of the time I was making a clown out of myself for the others because I just didn't give a damn what anybody thought of me (which really isn't a bad thing but just wont work when trying to date a girl).
Oh great, I'm from Baden, that's next to Swabia. How old is he? And where are you from?

Checked. Will do.

Trips decided.

does that mean only alpine race is left there?

best of luck, does the gf have few friends or ones like yours? Because they will poison her as well. I had a girl that as a teen claimed to want to nuke israel (and no I wasn't even anti-jew back then) and she was gone too long once, came back an evangelical, now she's a progressive church's woman preacher and her sister is a coalburning propagandist for the enemy as well.


Exactly. Pure blood whites can retreat to the Arctic, then reclaim the continent after the invaders have removed all the forests. We need to take seeds with us; they will last for decades when frozen.

So let's sum that up…

1) OP ignored the definition of the term "German" (by the state), which includes everyone with a German passport and doesn't mean only people with German heritage. Therefore the fact that not only other Europeans are included, but also non-Europeans.

2) OP ignored the fact that many "German" women with non-German heritage marry non-German men with the same heritage, which statistically counts as a German women marrying a non-German but is in fact only a Turkish girl that is being married to her cousin from Turkey.

3) OP ignored the fact that 2) in reverse is also possible, which means that two people with a migrant background and the German citizenship count as two Germans having a baby, which alters the interpretation even more.

4) OP ignored the fact that the TFR is per person and not every man or woman has children, but that it's for women easier to get a German man than vice versa. While Turks for example just order a partner from Turkey if they fail to find someone in Germany, mostly even pressured by the family, see 2).

5) OP ignored the fact that there is a relevant number of mothers that register their children as fatherless/father unkown and that there is a certain number of German men that don't even know that they are fathers.

6) OP seems alarmingly delighted over his own non-facts and purposely used those numbers out of context without even trying to gather more sources or to interpret them.

tl;dr OP is not only a faggot, but also a cuck and a shill. He is a faguckill.

but there was a homeland for greece to get invaded from. They are destroying those homelands for us now, so there won't be future white conquests.

If this continues, there will be no "nurseries of nations."

Also, TFR needs to be calculated longitudinally. So aspects of changing racial demographics for each sex need to be accounted for carefully. Without the raw data, we are at the mercy of whatever agenda a statistician might be pursuing, consciously or subconsciously. If there is an agenda, it might not even be a demoralization one. Given the state of Germany, the intended impression might simply be "look how much more tolerant of foreign partners the women are compared to those bigoted men".

Well she had this one hyper virgin friend, the Guy tried to grab her ass a bit after she told him her boyfriend left her for an underaged Girl.
In the end she threatened to kick him in the Balls,if he won't let go.

The result was, that Karl (that's his actual name) badmouthed her everywhere.
He got what he deserved tho,became a Marxist,liberal Satanfag who is still a Virgin.

Sucks about your Girls Sister,but maybe there is some hope after all.

Meh, what's the difference between a childless woman preaching to a church that the jews are great and bring in them refugees and a girl who fucked a nigger directly spreading jew propaganda? I can't tell.

My point was keep yours on the straight and narrow now, and don't weaken. Not sure what a hyper virgin is, but it's a good kind of normal for them to take it a bit too serious at least until 18 or so.

I wouldn't be so sure, Texas wanted to see El Rato elected president.



Start doing something, anything really. Fuck women. Seriously. We're all fucking dead men who lost the fact of having children a long time ago. Think about it, you're working hard all your life to prove yourself to a woman. These women don't work at all. And for what? You put all your trust into one and they are TAUGHT to leave you whenever they wish to. They aren't taught responsibility or hurting people or helping anyone.

They aren't teaching them how to treat a human being, its all about what the world can give them. Don't bother. Especially in Germany. Give up the idea of a family. If a woman wants one, go ahead. But realize that you are dead. You've been dead. These Jews? They want you dead. Your government wants you dead. Your women want you dead. Your family wants you dead and regrets having you. Your universities that built up such a reputation are destroying both that and your reputation. Your fellow countries want you dead. They want their citizens dead. And guess what? The majority of Germans, Europeans? They want to BE DEAD.

They all want to die. And so recognize that you have no future to look forward to. No big career. No happiness. No life. Just ruins and the decaying organic matter of your colleagues. You will sleep where you fall. People who live any other life are deluding themselves. Niggers, Women, Muslims, unless otherwise stated are all going to live a life of pleasure, masturbation and hedonism. All on YOUR dime. Your friends think that they deserve to life like that. That you deserve to be a slave. White men. You. Me. We are hated. Everywhere. Be unapologetic.

The one thing you can do to honor your ancestors, other than learning their works, is to live with the same spirit and bravado of a 19th century man. Live like the characters in a Dostoevsky novel, incredibly flawed but terribly memorable. This is who you should be. Never be afraid to feel your emotions. Reject the status quo. Live like you have nothing to look forward to, you don't. Build your own little castle and live in it. Live like the men whose names you will never know and whose bodies that the world loves to walk all over. Be the man that they hate. Love your body and spirit and history. Spit in their faces. That is the way to do it.

Kek appreciates you, user.



A woman can have 3 children with 3 different men, and those men count as only having 1 child. There you go.

The data we are using is just wrong.
The same research institute has released a more profound analysis instead of relying on this sample of this study. The result: TFR of German men: 1,35. TFR of German women: 1,42. See Take into account that there are 1.05 men on 1 women at fertile age because of gender inequality at birth, meaning some men will lose out.

So calm your fucking tits.

You do realise the point of the picture is to show we're talking about arabs and europeans, right?

With enough experience you'll find that you can say almost anything to a woman as long you personally don't give a fuck about her reaction. You see, if you're thinking about her reaction, then everything you do is already in reaction to something she hasn't done yet, which is noticeable, and highly unattractive.

Jews are not nomads, they're parasites. Nomads willing leave countries without shitting them up. Jews destroy everything they touch.

How do you know?

But does this not also count all people with German citizenship? In other words, this includes mudslime women who are "German" according to the state. Right?

But the data is wrong anyway, as I have already pointed out in .

Yes, but its worth noting that the largest disparity in the number is probably because "German" mudslime women are having 10 satanspawns with some fresh off the boat invader that is not yet a citizen.

There's nothing in this world that can black pill me quicker than the thought of white women fucking niggers.

Fucking jews.

As an Arab can I just say that you guys are fucking retarded with this feminism bullshit. You guys should actually blame the German rules and also German parents.For example, from where I from there is no such thing as, "I am 18 now, I can do whatever I want, I can marry whoever I want and my parents can't stop me." From where I am from, the parents can and will stop them from doing whatever they want. They still control their sons and daughters. German parents should be more strict over their children. Have arranged marriages for fucks sake if you guys are desperate. Pathetic.


You can't "control" your children if you're white without getting gulag'd in modern western countries. You can if you're not white because the system is just anarcho-tyranny.

The government in the european and white countries is corrupted so the solution is to execute the traitors. You really think we can do these things as you said? No it is not possible at this moment.

German here.


Damn, right in the feels.

I had a fucking bad day today but his actually cheered me up. On my way home I said to myself pic related. It's people like you that make me not give up entirely. Thanks man.

P.S. I made that post solely out of fun. Was fucking worth it.

Bitch is gonna catch some hands if the kid doesn't look like me. Thank God

Realistically, why wouldn't Germany want to push for the EU? It's in control of the EU in every real sense, so they have more to gain from it than any other country.

women are not really people like most of you virgins understand

they are property, vessels to gestate the continuation of your line

rape is a moral imperative

No, the goal of the EU is to keep Germans down. You all think that Merkel is "in control". Such a nonsense. She's the figurehead of the cabal, she's a marionette. Germany is in control of nothing, it's occupied. She's used by Brussels and decides nothing. They want the world to blame Germans again.

The average German suffers greatly from the EU, only international corporations and banks win. The globalists crush weak EU states and the German taxpayer has to pay to bail them out. The fucking taxes are out of control. Look at all the monies that flow from Germany to other EU states. Look at Target 2 (embedded video)… Germany sells REAL goods like cars to other countries, although she knows that the money that she gets is printed out of nothing because most of the banks in weak EU countries (Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, etc.) are broke, i.e. only promises. So Germany essentially has bills outstanding to the value of 795 billion Euros and those will never be paid back.

If you compare the Euro to the Mark that was there previously, everything got twice as expensive as before. (((Joschka Fischer))) once said that the people around Germany will always be jealous of Germany because Germans are very industrious. Thus to avoid conflict you have to give away their money, it doesn't matter for what purpose, you might simply sqaunder it. The main thing is that Germans have nothing and thus the world is saved.

Forgot video.

Baby not being half me is a fucking death sentence for the wife.

Stupid bitch

Blah blah blah. All I read is fucking excuses. If the majority of the German populace did that then the government won't be able to do shit. Also, I forgot to mention that parents being able to control their sons or daughters is heavily impacted on the way they are raised. Parents should discipline their children from a young. age. If you guys want to see change in the country for the good, then take action and stop whining like a bunch of pussies.

the jews are outrageous liars not good liars
same as the jew is neither smart nor wise merely cunning

what the fuck are you talking about the swedes had their empire 1658-1718 and the russian empire and the austrian-hungarian empire

and the dutch and spanish colonial empires

No they won't. If even now, after the migrant invasion the afd still isn't polling better than Merkels party, Germany is completely gone. It's populace doesn't care anymore, they're demoralized and have given up.

Do you want us to believe (((polls)))? If nobody cares, why is a red-pilled book #1 Bestseller in the whole category of "books" in the German Amazon right now..

Persians and Arabs have done surprisingly little interbreeding, do you know what you're talking about? The interbreeding has been done in Iran is Turkish rape when they passed through, Mongolian rape, (and one generation of rape children get filtered out fairly quickly, compared to hundreds, especially since the conquerors only take other noble wives) and with high caste Indians. Iranian diaspora maintains their breeding hygiene as well, which is why you see Persians only breeding with Persians, Whites, high caste Indians and (sadly) Jews. Go to Westwood (largest diaspora Iranian communities) in LA sometime and look at those who live among them. Only Jews and whites really. Even in Iran proper, if you look at an ethnic map, you'll see the other races are colonized by Iran and their Territory thus administrated, but the Persians stay in their traditional homeland. Polite sage for offtopic

-t. kebab allowed to act like lawless anarch in white country with natives subject to tyranny

Empires built on exploiting people who were even bigger niggers than themselves. Name one Spanish philosopher or inventor.

Also Austrians ARE Germans.
