Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Escape the Cave Edition
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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Escape the Cave Edition
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About a decade ago, well before my redpilling, I read Viktor E. Frankl's book, 'Man's Search For Meaning'. In it he described his concentration camp experiences which back then I didn't question the details of like a good goy and his conclusions about what should be man's purpose in life. My recollection is foggy and so I only remember those parts that seemed most interesting, but in light of new perspectives I wonder about this book again.
Anyway, recently I've been curious about any other user's having read it and have opinions on it and Frankl himself. For background Frankl was a self-attesting Holocaust survivor and the psychologist who developed 'Logotherapy':
1.) he's a kike
2.) the holocaust didn't happen, but it should.
do we really need anything more than that on this subject?
I think we do for truth's sake. It could be that there is merit in it despite the source's accounts and (((nature))). Even if there is no merit to his ideas, which could well be the case, we should understand why that is so such (((reasoning))) cannot sway us in the future nor others around us.
Basically if it is a trap I fell for before, I want to know how it works, where its flaws are, and how to dismantle it. Just knowing if it is a trap or not isn't going to help me from stepping on a similar one in the future.
I am using Ipad so is it bad?
Asking again as my post is
I ordered the Jaico Publishig house edition of Mein kampf which comes with a DVD documentary, anyone own this edition?
Should I still learn Greek and immerse myself in classical Greek culture when I don't have the slightest drop of Greek blood?
You're a good man. It's a funny thing how true the adage of not being able to return to lies after seeing the truth really is.
Hit the nail on the head, it's exactly why we can outwit them.
Dismissal without knowledge just makes all of us look stupid. I think some anons worry that people will somehow go back to the kosher egalitarian delusion after actually seeking truth or just consider the enemy to be a waste of time. Nothing could be further from reality, I wish I could help you but want to encourage regardless, we've been successful because we take the time to learn tricks, traps, and rhetoric to adapt against an opponent that does not abide by any rules. Preparedness is key and I look forward to your eventual analysis.
Why does anyone still come to this board
you should read the ancient greek philosophers.
I need a redpilling on aztecs and general amerindian populus.
They are always depicted as an advanced civilization crushed by the ebil spanish empire.
Where they savages or actually an advanced civ deserving of respect?
Also, if they where advanced, what happened to them that they declined so much to the point of being lazy mexicans?
Modern Greeks (outside of the islands) are barely related to the Ancient Greeks either
In my opinion, it would be latter. Especially when you consider that people to the north were still talking sign language.
I know Canada is a fucking terrible place, especially the cities, but is it that bad everywhere? I heard Alberta is pretty okay, are the urban areas there also enriched?
The advanced sites were built by ancient white people.
red-niggers came, enrichement ensued and then they had that shit where they cut the heart out of people so the blond haired, blue eyed sky-gods would return.
they got fucked over when Cortez and other spaniards came, with their blond hair, blue eyes, syphilis and tuberculoses.
now they are mixed mutts who are as smelly and lazy as every stereotype indicate.
Got non-pozzed sources on nutrition/diet? Is the mainstream attack on (red) meat and fat a jewish trick? What does heredity/genetics have to do with diet? I know europeans can process dairy the best. Is dairy still a shit or a good source of nutrition? Should I strictly calorie count to cut weight or focus on cutting carbs or both?
Also I'd appreciate any traditional recipes that would make for good everyday meals (relatively simple and healthy). Like the dutch stamppot: coquinaria .nl/english/recipes/DutchWinterfare.html
Any evidence for that at all?
lurk moar, feggut.
meat aren't bad, and neither are carbs or fat. the problem is that people eat too much of it. don't drink soda, try to stay away from processed foods, and buy a real bread from the baker instead of that shit bread in the supermarket, it will fill you up more while being better for you.
genetics have little to do with general diet, except alcohol tolerance in japs and lactose intolerance in parts of Africa. it's a great source of nutrition, but quite a fatty drink. like most shit in a good diet, you need to train: humans weren't meant to sit on a chair all day, doing jack all.
If you want to lose weight, watch your calorie intake, but mostly exercise. go on a bike ride over the countryside, walk around the neighborhood, do jumping jacks.
Crazy religion but they had a fairly advanced civilization, art, trade, and impressive architecture.
They were almost completely wiped out when they made first contact with European explorers and contracted European diseases that they didn't have immunity to.
Greta post feg
Why did the mods delete the NFP thread?
Oh wait It's because they're kiked and don't want to allow us to discuss any potential for actual activisim
i've been to some greek islands, most of them look like sandniggers
Seems unlikely imo. A legend isn't very strong evidence; there are similar legends about superior Gods or earlier people who've departed even where there is no other evidence for a historical basis (c.f. Eliade's 'The myth of the eternal return').
It also seems improbable to me that a group of white people would have been conquered by Amerindian invaders, that Amerindians wouldn't have a greater European admixture (as happened to Aryans with the native Indians) and that there wouldn't be more evidence of remains.
The lineage and exploits of the white race are far more reaching and great than most government approved propaganda will tell you. You have to remember that whites are the last remnants of cro-magnon/neanderthal hybrids. A genetic makeup which has given us superior intellect to the subhumans at the expense of fertility.
If you examine archeological evidence from throughout history you will see a cyclical pattern that repeats itself from india, to asia, to africa, to the new world; Where whites create a thriving advanced culture only for the subhuman menace to rise up and either out-breed the whites or outright kill or drive them off.
Human history is a history of the struggle between quality and quantity.
Can you back up with facts?
I really want to know what made them decline to the state they are now.
This. Good info and make sure you pick up this book as well.
How do you go about red pilling family that are very leftist? My dad is a boomer liberal that remarried to a Jew that was a former banker in England. Her and her family is about as kike as you can get. My sister went to an all girls college and now she hates whites and is making a living counseling convicted black rapists.
Is there anyway to turn a leftist? I was a leftist almost in highschool and what did it for me was shrooms and 9/11.
I was at some used bookstores recently, and was trying to recall that thread about Himmler where the OP hadn't read mein kampf for fuck's sake and couldn't remember what books were considered good. Any recommendations on quality books to keep an eye out for would be welcome.
the cornniggers and their jew lawyers steal artifacts and prevent remains being analyzed regularly, and there has been very contradictory results, I don't know if their southern cousins do the same. I'm not saying we wuz chiefs, but it's too obfuscated to say. There is evidence of early europeans in the new world, and the cycle is always that we (at least the nordics) take over, build a civ, are the ruling class, fight each other, get swamped by shitskins, disappear. Who knows.
1. How much do you know about psychology?
2. Would it be worth the time investment?
At any rate I would not count on it. As people grow older their way of thinking tends to solidify to the point where even if presented with conflicting evidence they will refuse to change simply because of habit and comfort. Which is not to say that peoples outlooks cannot be altered/corrected but the first step is always to remove people from a reinforcing environment (ie dad's jew wife or sister's college) and then beginning the de-brainwashing process.
You need to use baby steps. Learn how to make them arrive at desired conclusions in such a way that they think it was their own reasoning that led them there. Indeed you have to view your interaction as you guiding them not as a confrontation between adversaries.
As a starting point you might want to look into how formal debates are structured and how debaters try to sway audience favor. After that look at and familiarize yourself with logical fallacies. It should be noted that because everyday interactions ARE NOT formal debates that people will resort to logical fallacies and instead of simply calling them out and stating "X is a logic fallacy" you need to be able to more effectively use fallacies to counter their own. I.E. if they make an appeal to emotion it helps if you can make a bigger appeal to emotion.
I've seen a division between nords and meds in this board. Is it intentional shilling or organic?
Is any of them better than the other?
Of course! Romans were not Greek either, but they learned from and borrowed Greek knowledge in order to build their great empire. The Renaissance is enabled by the rediscovery of Greek and Roman knowledge by non-Greeks too. Get on it!
I think that's what I'll have to do then, and when I am done I'll make a post about it.
As other Anons said, the Aztecs were a well-advanced civilization with some pretty fucking savage tendencies. Aztecs would basically farm the local tribes for sacrifices, and thus all those tribes really hated them. They declined because their culture was annihilated, replaced with an alien one that doesn't properly address their nature, and their genetics got all fucked up thanks to the Spanish.
I think it is like America in the sense that the urban areas are Enriched while the rural areas are less so. The cold might help keep the darkies at bay.
Genetics basically optimize your body for certain food processing, either through activating or deactivating proteins in your body during digestion (lactose tolerance is a result of deactivating genetics that turn off lactose production after infancy) or the cultivation of bacterial gut flora that conduct the vast majority of digestion. Best example of genetic predispositions for nutrition I know is that the Japanese have evolved to house gut flora that successfully unlock the B12 complexes in seaweed. Seaweed is hyper-nutritious for them therefore, but is merely fiber for everyone else because he lack the gut flora to break it down properly. This is why the Baton Death March in WWII killed so many Americans despite the prisoners getting the same rations as the Japanese soldiers.
The myth that fats are super unhealthy comes from the 60's sugar companies trying to shovel their products everywhere. Link is to (((NYT))), but it is fairly accurate:
Best way to figure out diet is to go over to /fit/ on halfchan, look over their infographics and suggestions, then set up a series of dietary tests with each food/combination to see how it affects your system. Studying classical diets of your ancestry could help you determine good places to start since it worked well enough for them and they likely evolved somewhat to enjoy that diet best.
You can thank the Ottomans and the religion of peace for that.
you know what you need to do
I've never seen anyone actually shilling it. It's just a difference, once you learn it you can recognize it just like you can tell how very different germans can be or irish from the english. Nothing wrong with it either, we're all in it to keep whites around, nordics and med and alpines etc.
different. we all have our place, and the inevitable historical mixtures means it's only really useful for getting the feel of local cultures and peoples.
Actually, I was given this book by my very Jewish psychiatrist when my parents made me go. I still have it. However, you are an utter faggot for actually reading it.
you know what you need to do
Fuck my dad and kill my sister?
don't leave out your inlaws
What do? Did the system just sperg out for a sec or is it legit fucking with me? I also apparently exceeded the limit of verification attempts so I will have to try later again.
My reading was for school alongside Night, which is a (((masterpiece))) as we all know.
CIA likes opioids because Big Pharma likes opioids.
Big Pharma gets money from injured soldiers and sickness.
Weapons industry gets money from making the tools for that injury.
Importing injured and ill niggers that are considered 'equal' to everyone else, equally deserving of life, is a way to farm cash from the government paying to keep them alive.
This is why humane euthanasia is illegal. Hospital costs.
Monsanto gets subsidies to feed niggers that can't support themselves.
Intentional HIV infection of another is no longer considered attempted murder in California because it gives Big Pharma lots of $$$.
Unless they are a young male brother/cousin, you don't, because that young males are the only demographic that can be consistently redpilled with discussions, jokes, and infographs. Older males are too entangled in the system's way of thinking for you to bring them out of it without some major life changing event happening to them, and even then it's no guarantee. Females are sponges that absorb the politics of the most dominant male in their life, so again don't bother beyond the usual shaming you'd use for bad behavior.
But even then, making your family relations political is a pretty risky thing to do with little pay off compared to making friends or acquaintances political. If you ruin the relationship you've done serious damage to your support system and made everyone's lives more unbearable.
The patter in other places (India, the Middle East with the Hittites, Central Asia, Latin America) is that Aryans conquer then interbreed with the native population rather than being conquered.
I don't rule it out, but I don't see any strong evidence for it tbh.
Great speech by Hitler about the relationship between Greek and Roman civilization basically the same thing that Hegel said
genetically swamped is the same thing, I didn't mean to imply militarily conquered. They die of from fighting, non-northern diseases, or get diluted into just some genetic statistics even with a caste system.
Thank you, white brothers.
Never go against the grain and realize that change has to come from within (the other person). Find something they'll be interested in and that they'll research on their own and then drop slight hints or give purple pilled recommendations (of media/books/articles) to them til they come our way on their own. I've done this successfully with a cuckservative (((gamer))) by talking about gamergate and a libshit who cared about muh poor palestinians by hinting about the jews' nature through their role in that situation.
Act mostly non-political and jovial. Everything's a joke and you're just having a good time. Have restraint and don't drop truth bombs on them, just hints and breadcrumbs here and there infrequently. You must have control and patience to see this through. If you can't hold back and want to drop the spaghetti, don't. Just spend your time elsewhere. You may have other talents more useful to your goals.
Also, follow >>10071681's advice. Young men are the most worth your effort and women aren't worth any effort.
Im looking for a diy for a
Infrared cam to peak through antifa black masks but i dont know what kind of cam to get.
Can i find a basic bitch setup at walmart and g from there or what?
.. help.
I know there was a thread but I only saved this have of that thread
please no bully for being mobilefag
Also .gif unrelated
No. Pozzed outside the extreme north and south.
I have a question.
I am a fucking plebeian and I require more memes to become even more powerful. I was once linked to a website from Holla Forums. This website was sort of like an alt right Holla Forums version of Memebase or Cheezburger, and it was basically chock full of red pills in meme format. It had a few different ways to browse, like genres of memes you wanted to look at like Cheezburger has. Background color was primarily black and red with some grey highlights here and there. If any of you wonderful people could give me the link to it again, I'd really, really appreciate that.
It was a 9gag style site right?
I've never actually been to 9gag before, but I looked it up to see if it looked like it. Yes, 9gag does seem to resemble it.
Looking for this maybe?
Anyone have the pic proving Spencer is a CIA nigger?
God bless you user, you've found it and you've made my day! :D
Why do the Jews hate Russia so much?
Putin has never even suggested anything 'anti-semitic'.
It seems unlikely to me that it's just historical memory of the pogroms, since they're willing to strengthen Germany to use as a tool against Russia. It also wouldn't explain why their hatred only started recently.
It also seems unlikely that it's only because they stand in the way of total Zog domination, because that wouldn't explain the hatred of the lower-level Jews for Russia.
Because Christianity (orthodox) has gained quite a bit of influence there, and continues to grow daily, and where Christianity gains a significant amount of power, the rest of the world tends to converge on it. I wouldn't doubt that Putin thinks of himself as a man of God who can and will bring out the best from Russia, given enough time.
Why, why do niggers smell so wretched? It's not like they don't shower, where the hell is that stench even coming from?
what the fuck did you just say nigger?
That is a very technical an scientific answer, so I made you a professional illustration for easy explanation.
I'm secretly Ben Garrison as you can tell
If Holla Forums would make a game, what would it be?
Does anyone know of a non-pozzed DNA/Ancestry testing lab? Nearly ordered a package from pic related before my (((senses))) started tingling and I dug him up.
Look up racial differences in apocrine sweat glands.
I would love more history games. Think of all the wars and politics that gets swept under the table. The Hussite wars, the south and central american revolutions from Spain, manifest destiny in America, the communist revolutions in Africa during the later 1900s, the red guards in China, not to mention my favorite period between WW1 and WW2 where communists and freikorps really went at it all over Europe.
If not history I would love a game about urban/suburban survival during a social collapse. Think about watching the riots like normal or listening on the radio when all of a sudden someone starts shooting. No one knows who shot first but now the entire situation is going downhill as cops and rioters march out day and night to try and control the streets. That or just surviving a disaster like an EMP or flood, something real instead of just zombies or a silly invasion by North Korea.
For a while I've been trying to fill in this map according to who Holla Forums agrees with and opposes globally. Essentially, a map of which countries could be considered /ourguys/. So I suppose my question is how badly did I fuck the map up, and what should I change to improve it?
for clarity, red is /ourguys/ and blue is the enemy
u wot?
honestly i dont think you can work it like that when it comes to nations. for example while Holla Forums generally supports Syria, i dont think you could ever call any mudslimes 'ourguys'. its just nice to see when the jews dont get their way
I know you're right, I just get autistic about maps for whatever reason. It's fun thinking of who might be allies if it all went to shit in a WWIII scenario. In a perfect world all of Europe would be red, but this is not a perfect world
the fuck? No state organism on earth is ourguys now, except Syria or Poland-Russia(and Poland-Russia is pushing it). We still have a long way to go.
Trying to quit porn for good. I'm far more angry and agitated and fucking hate it. How do you do it without feeling so damn stressed out?
South Africa should be a mix of blue and red tbh
Welcome to Holla Forums been doing this for awhile now.
I can't find the most recent… looking now.
this is why i love you faggots
Almost sperged out because of South Africa. Then it was depicting major influences.
>I just want my country to be relevant and white again
np bb
redpill me on Atlantis
Is Afghanistan Eastern-influenced? I always thought the present government was a Sunni extremist pro-West regime, like Saudi Arabia (last I checked, apostasy remains a capital offense). The Taliban have their own color, but I think of them as neutral since they have engaged in (defensive) armed conflict both with the USSR and the USA.
Boy do I hope the Taliban win. In the long term, I think the only other option is Islamic State, which continues to grow there despite setbacks. And IS is of course internationalist and enemy of the West's enemies/anti-Team East.
Either located on the atlantic coast of spain, the azores, the bahamas, and some even suggest Atlantis itself was the location for 'Atlantis'. Wherever it was, they were the remnant's and survivors the previous civilization's Armageddon. Their technology was vastly different from the technology we see today outside of the fundamentals of physicals and mathematics.
Sound technology and the usage of frequencies/magnetic energies that were tapped from the earth.
Atlantis is/was a real thing. Even the Egyptians before the Mycenae Civilization came to power in Greece (1600BC - 1000BC) knew very well who the Atlantis were and why they were destroyed. I don't have any infographs. On my worktop.
America is on it's way to becoming South Africa 2.0 in 100yrs.
Yeah, they are middle ground leaning Red. Mostly due to their tribal ties and economic influences from Russian/Chinese and Iranian influences. They largely outweigh anything Western in nearly a decade which is scary to think.
This is the most recent.
1st image.
I stopped making these threads after they would constantly get Archored over and over.
An old hellenic peoples that got pretty degenerate as time passed, they favored gold and Kronos/Saturn, remind you of certain ((((somebodies))) So in general conclusion, degenerates with high technology that lost a war to the rest of the Greeks, who also had great technology, it seems. Thats the info we have, at least. Then catastrophic events happened, either by the war itself if there actually was that gigh tech, or simply the earth going through its cycles.
Give me the most comprehensive evidence of the Holohoax that is sure to finally convince me. I am skeptical, as are many other anons i'm sure.
Against the Holocaust*
Multiple comet's strike in North America around this time of the 'Great Flood' that has been proven. They melt much of the ice caps which has again been proven due the amount of flooding and water that spread across the land rapidly, moving tons and tons of rock, dirt, organic matter, etc. Again proving that mutiple strikes on the glacial shelf cause a massive flood.
They were wiped out due to the water's rapidly rising. And flooding much of the coastline, islands, cities, cultures, species, etc…
Not due to war. War may have weakened them and made them much more ill prepared, but the Greeks at that time did not have that technology. There was, HOWEVER, a city not far from Greece in Bosnia did have similar technology to that of the Atlantians and Egyptians. They were killed in this war you're speaking of.
It's also interesting to note that this Pyramid in Bosnia is much larger, and that monuments have been found to dwarf the Giza Pyramids.
The Temple at Cholula in fact which is double. These precision archeological works were only completed using this 'Sound Technology' which has been known since then but dismissed as magic/unreal.
I made these ages ago. Trying to map humans.
Muh 6 guhjillion.
The Leuchter Reports
I highly doubt that
Also, the shift of the North Pole. Which if using the mathematical alignments of all major ancient sites, including Giza Pyramids, Tiwanaku, Stonehenge, Tenochtitlan, and a few others.
All point to the North Pole being in Alaska
Which is really interesting as well.
For me personally it was lectures with Irving. But he only planted the seed, but considering how fast things moved after that im giving him the credit.
is Identity Evropa okay or jew controlled?
Nazi Germany would have gone bankrupt had WWII not happen. They could back up the public deficit with the gold, jewels, paintings, etc that was confiscated after annexing Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc.
Change my view.
Depends on the protagonist using 'Identity Evropa' as lead goy or help their fellow kinsmen. Always be wary and inquisitive. Listen to your gut. Jews always give me a strange gut feeling, even before I find out they are a jew or not.
so anons does shit really have to get MUCH worse like beyond swedecucks levels everywhere before we have a solid trend back to nationalism?
I talk to hwhite people all the time and many of them will agree on what the problems are with economy, with "immigrants" in general and other things like that. But when we talk about college applicants or bank system, or even how laws and court practices are intentionally convoluted to keep the middle class shrinking and the population getting browner - they all find one excuse or another.
"oh if a black is smart enough to get int college hes alright by me"
"if they dont smoke weed they are okay by me"
"they do the hard jobs us citizens dont want to do"
"senior folk need someone to pay taxes"
"whats wrong with seeing various foods in town, i dont mind some diversity"
"ah you cant do anything about the banks anyway"
"you want to change the law? get a degree and work inside the system!"
After such topics get breached and these types of answers get said nearly everyone I talk to thinks the conversation is over and they don't care for answers to these problems or even think it is fantasy that these things can get fixed.
What the fuck.
blessed dubs
a jew cant blend into white society to anyone that cares to notice
Well first of all by the time they annexed poland it was a world war so you don't even need to explore that far to say its bullshit they would go bankrupt if not for WWs.
The main reason they could work their economy is that the government could issue money without creating it as a debt vehicle that immediately owes interest to an (((external))) entity.
You want arguments to talk to normies so you don't need to immediately explain why (((external entities))) are immediately a problem.
Another reason the economy worked so well is because instead of just randomly throwing money at anything requested by politicians there were specific objectives of improving the infrastructure and at the same time employing those without work with the money the government printed. This caused value to be put into the economy as soon as the money was payed out and allowed an upward trajectory of finances that payed out to the people instead of to the banks and other financiers.
There was nothing to go bankrupt and the money was not inflationary nor debt based.
Talking about stolen gold is nonsensical because you had allies taking it too, how is the economy of the (((modern))) west any better? Inspect the debts and monetary inflation of any (((western))) country and observe where the money comes from and what it is based on. The kool aid can't flow forever.
(checked hitler dubs)
got it user, thank you for the advice
Can I get a full rundown of everything Trump has done so far? I know the heavy hitters like the death of obama care and the supreme court nominee but they don't exactly resonate with a normie. I'd just like to be able to rub it in the face of an idiot easier.
What's a good job for a Holla Forumsack? I got out of the military recently and my primary goal is to raise a big white family, problem is I'm not that creative when it comes to making money. What would be a good trade to start with?
any source on that Churchill info?
law practice/law enforcement - become influential in your community. Become a judge and benefit your people and let your morals guide you ;-)
When you want the evidence about his tax dodging in 1949 and thereabouts, you are not going to look in his own tax files, you're going to look in the files of those who employed him, like the Time/Life Corporation of America. That's where you look. And when you're looking for evidence about who was putting money up for Churchill when he was in the wilderness and who was funding this secret group of his, The Focus, you're not going to look in his files. Again, you're going to look in the secret files, for example, of the Czech government in Prague, because that is where much of the money was coming from.
Recently I've been finding it disturbing when I hear or read people say that they hate kids. This, obviously, comes from the 'childfree' types who were never going to reproduce anyway, but to read post seething with venom towards kids comes off as alarming to me, as though the person doing it is mentally ill.
Why such a horrible view? Obviously kids can be bratty and spoiled but there's a lot to learn. For adults to say that they outright hate kids just because their kids is, I don't know what the fuck I'm even trying to get at.
Simply put, why does this mentality develop in some people and why to such an extreme degree?
Why do women behave so illogically with regards to rape? They are utterly horrified of being raped, but they fantasize about it. They demand men protect them, then actively seek out dangerous situations where rape is extremely likely. They open themselves to sexual violence then blame civilized men for not protecting them.
I know women are jewed and whatnot, but even this goes so far beyond the conditioning. Women are conditioned to open borders to invaders and undermine society, but their own actions undermine themselves and contradict their own interests. Why?
Leftist propaganda.
Why it takes hold and develops? Because leftism is cancer.
As long as it takes places in industrialized nations it just opens up doors for further (((immigration))) pushing.
Obviously the women need to be kept in line by the men.
Weak men who do not keep a stranglehold on their womens actions become bred out.
If you consider the grander general actions of any group of organisms on the evolutionary scale then you will see patterns that are perfectly compatible with the fit survive and thrive law of life.
I'm not talking about women's lack of loyalty and pursuing the strongest mate. I'm talking about how their shit testing hurts themselves if a man fails.
Basically, the strongest mate is not necessarily the one who rapes. Rape has a strong correlation with dominance and aggression naturally, but a women putting themselves in dangerous situations is not necessary securing the best mate for themselves.
This behavior runs contrary to their OWN genetic success. It's illogical on a genetic level.
Damigo's background seems like a red flag to me; ex-military and prison time are both suspicious.
I haven't been following him to comment on his actual activities however
Because women like submitting, but only to the right man. Fantasies of being forced to have sex are about having sex with a man they'd choose to have sex with anyway, but without the guilt. Look up hypergamy.
In reality, rapists aren't men who women want to have sex with (otherwise they wouldn't rape).
Fantasy scenarios aren't the same as real ones.
It's not really 'illogical' (in the sense of being contradictory) since their desire isn't rape per se but rape by a certain person in a certain situation.
They do? Most of the time women get into dangerous situations, it's because of their incredible naivety or stupidity (women are in general very bad at understanding men)
Because it's easy to misinterpret what your instincts are telling you when it comes to kids.
When a baby cries for hours on a plane flight, who do you get angry at?
When a child kicks the back of your seat during a movie and constantly talks, who do you get angry at?
When a child asks you too many questions and never stops, who do you get angry at?
When a pack of teenagers disturbs you at a mall, at a theater, at a store, on the streets, who do you get angry at?
You might have answered "the parents that raised them," but the normalfag answers "the baby/child/teenagers."
When you see the costs of raising a child, whose wallet do you reach for?
When you see the daily time costs of raising a child, whose schedule do you worry about?
When you figure out that your vacations will have to be scheduled around a child's school schedule, whose vacation plans get disrupted and restricted?
To the normalfag, the answer is "mine" and they fear it. To you, the answer should be "mine and I'll happily give them up to ensure my children get a good upbringing."
And finally, we come to the most important consideration for the normalfag.
When your children are in the next room, sleeping, how can you have noisy sex?
What will happen if your children walk in on you and your wife in flagrante delicto?
How can you fuck other people and go out clubbing and going out for one-night stands if you're supposed to be in a monogamous relationship for the rest of your life?
These questions terrify the normalfag.
They feel fear, and children are the root of that fear, and other people's children are annoying, and media keeps pounding the idea that having children leads to a personally-restricted and often tumultuous life, locked in with a wife you hate and children you don't understand. So normalfags come to the seemingly-logical conclusion that children are to be hated as drainers of time, as bringers of misery, as leeches on the wallet.
So they hate children, and hate them, and hate them. Then it all comes crashing down in their 40s as they realize they spent their life loveless and alone because they feared giving up temporary pleasures. Now that those temporary pleasures are mostly gone anyways, they have nothing to show for it but regret. Women turn into crazy cat ladies and bitter hags. Men kill themselves.
And you know who's to blame.
For example my boss said he got a new shotgun on the cheep i said how much you jew the bastered down to he says 100 bucks
Nephew ask me to day why the nazi flag was censored in the new call of duty ww2 trailer I said JEWS MADE IT ILLEGAL TO SHOW that stuff in EUROPE and he said why its just a game ? i also said they can't even carry a pocket knife HE SAID THAT SUCKS
Are there any symbol to represent natsoc and ethnonat aside from the swastika?
The fasces?
I think it has to do with being propagandized and completely out of touch of the natural world besides their urges to fuck and eat and feel good. But I have nothing to back that up, and what I've read of history makes it sound like that at times kids were hated. I've been around too many evil women as babysitters and teachers and the like to think that it's necessarily something unusual.
And sometimes it's purely intellectual. Most of the girls I knew who were adamant about not having kids, had multiple kids before their mid-20s. Maybe a lack of social pressure or instinct just means a few more of them pass their more fertile years.
Gotta look to biology. Sperm competition is one theory, but some form of 'cheating' happens in almost every species. Rape fantasies put their bodies in risky positions, ensuring competition. Sure, some of them die doing it or get left without support, that's nature for ya. True or not, stop looking at women as rational actors and look at them as animals, and their behaviours will fit the pattern better.
only where they have more to lose than they gain from different genes. So it has to be somewhere where the women MUST depend on men to survive and bear children. And in those places, there is less rape and physical harm involved and a higher likelihood (historically) for that behaviour to be tolerated either in other men or in the women. But always some amount, because at low frequencies there is some benefit.
more like men naturally protect, and women will nag about everything. they don't really understand a need for protection because they are less likely to be harmed. Where it IS likely, they tend to herd up decently and if not follow orders, at least allow themselves to be protected. Some don't, and there hasn't been much to cull them recently.
It's animal behaviour. Learn body language (sorry I don't know a good recommendation, many are crap) and a lot of this stuff will surprise you with its simplicity.
*NOT be tolerated
What's that?
surely you mean the Hakenkreuz.
It used to be that the flag of your country meant nationalist nation state…..The Hakenkreuz has only become this symbol because the jews have used the "ebil nazi" propaganda to target the nation state itself…. only nazi's don't like immigrants etc….
Holla Forums (some of Holla Forums, I mean) only glorifies police, imo, because the position has potential to be good, and they get to whack a nog here and there.
Some of you tend to forget these fuckers defend them, too, in fact more so than whites.
You think an all white nation would need massive militarized police units to quell the rampant violence and murder? Of course fucking not.
I knew a nig broke into my house, he was my neighbor. Everyone knew he broke into everyone's homes. Cops wouldn't do shit because they never catch him.
He did go to jail after I had someone knock on his door and he came out to speak to them, they turned around and walked off and I confronted him. Well of course this multiple felon pulled a gun on me. My neighbors called the cops and he went to jail lol.
If there were no cops I wouldn't have had anyone knock on his door, I would have set his home on fire and the moment he came out I would have shot him.
What is going on with posting in the last few weeks? Is it Holla Forums fucking off for E3?
thanks man
Too bad we can't do that kinda justice anymore, only they can
What was get?
If kikes pull the strings of the Left, why are leftists so anti-israel? Why isn't the left being fed a pro-israeli narrative?
Because jews are white and only whites can be racist :^)
That actually is the only reason, we know they don't care if a country has traditional values that are antithetical to leftism if that country is brown, so they don't hate israel for it's govenment policies. No they hate israel because ''jews look white to them'.'
What are the movie clips used in this webm?
I really want to know what is the one in which the woman draws a gun out, points to the head of the jude and smiles.
Read my post again. It makes sense if you consider that all women want to be kept in line. Do you understand yet? Unfortunately for them their options are often
any questions son?
Your fire is rising brother.
What's the deal with Alphabet selling Boston Dynamics to a Japanese corporation (Softbank Group Corp.) on Friday, June 9th?
The only "explanation" I've come across so far is from some guy named Richard Windsor, an apparent institutional analyst at Edison Investment Research, stating "how [Boston Dynamics' robots] would be able generate value for Alphabet shareholders was always unclear."
This really seems like they're not telling us something here. Wasn't Boston Dynamics under direct contract with the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that previously showcased prototypes like the "BigDog" quadrupedal walker were specifically designed with battlefield applications in mind and, if they were under contract with the US Department of Defense, how can anyone question how said projects would "generate value for shareholders" upon completion?
The only thing I remember about that movie was "Fuck you, Sally", which all the boys in my class used to insult a girl called Sally for months.
She got bullied because of her name?
Distract yourself with something - yes, it's that simple. I've seen people recommend books - but that's not enough for everyone: in that case, go outside.
Do something to keep yourself occupied - I'm a hobbyist photographer myself and I have a blast exploring areas in which to take my next photos. I cycle to said places, as well, so it's kinda good for my body.
Cycling can tire you out, depending on the level of physical activity you've been doing until now, and if you happen to think that a quick fap behind a big bush is a good idea, it's not - from personal experience, fapping tires you the fuck out - while you may have had the energy to do an extra 20 km before, after fapping you may find it hard to do even 5 without stopping.
Does anyone have a link or archive to the thread about the law office calling the ones investigating, I think it was debbie wassmer schultz office, using a voice changer and the law office's own number calling the ones investigating them or the guy that died? I know I'm not being too specific. The OP was a screenshot of the caller ID showing it was DWS' office.
This was the OP I believe
But the info we have speak of Greeks fighting the war, hence the Egyptians priests phrase towards Solon: "You Greeks forget easily, you are like young people in the soul, but you don't remember your past". The whole Atlantis was basically a war between 2 major "tribes", that both had hellenic culture, at least this is what we get from Plato, who heard it from Solon, who was told by some Egyptian priests. They also regarded Solon as a great man of old world there, lel. Also, we are told of empires that probably spanned the entire world, since we get info about America, even. The location is probably right in your first picture, right into the Atlantic ocean, this is the location Plato mentions. In conclusion, there must be a connection between the peoples living in that area of Balkans, and the rest of the southern/central Europeans, such as the Greeks, maybe Italians, Dacians, Illyrians etc.
dont have anywhere to post this OC
we should really have a dedicated original content thread for people to post in whenever they find inspiration. i feel like production of OC is a very significant element to why this place is potent and successful, if you can make it entertaining, people will spread it themselves even normies.
What's the craziest fact you could tell me right now? Something crazier than pizzagate, magick is real, hitler invented flying saucers for example. I want my mind blown.
I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised if the jews asked the alien for the bioweapon to wipe the humanity out and replace them with transhumanity that have no freedom and wills over their life.
I saw this on brit/pol/, it really makes you think. The historical context does make sense as Druids operated very far from home even before the Bronze Age, see the "Blue Eyed People" who invaded Egypt at the end of the Bronze Age. As well there still was a large Celtic population in Syria back then before Muslim conquest and this would explain the depiction of the race of the man himself.
Also the tactics used by this druid, if so, matches the ones Romans described of others. The plentiful curse upon bread and fish, the raising of the other dead, and knowing of what is to come. Further what about the be back after 3 days, does that have any significance for Jews? It does for druids. Then the interfering with the Semitic custom of stoning which to us may seem unapparent but has been apart of their culture for millennia and still practiced today, how does he get them to stop, he doesn't, he instead shows that by their ways they do not see the targets who deserve them, very typical move seen all across the territories. The crown of thorns have you ever seen any criminal forced to wear it before or even after this case? Druids were known to wear the crown of Holly which has thorns, called The Holly Crown, "the holly and the ivy when they are both full grown…the holly bears the crown, O the rising of the sun…", the druids used Holly to survive during hard conditions. The peaceful adoption of the faith by Celts very quickly centuries later has always been weird, not to mention the explosion of inventiveness from Ireland right after converting writing about steam power, siege machines, and watermills during the Darkage from a people thought to be country folk.
I guess its just from an old book, like a lot of things. Though at first I thought it was a bunch of musings taking it all apart only leads to more questions.
Wow, there are some gullible fuckers on this board
What i a confiable DNA test I can get worldwide?
Alright Satan I'll do my best.
wasn't one of those things caught on nasa cam of the sun harvesting energy?
i would like to add that in southern america there is a lot of religious types (naturally right-wing) that are just dumb southerners and put up 'stand with israel' signs bc of religion
at the same time there is a lot of anti religion (anti-christianity) propaganda spouted by the left to be le edgy atheist. this draws an easy conclusion for the dummies on the left to make:
religion is bad, israel is religion, therefore israel is bad
the day you guys achieve a white homogeneous society whats next? would you want to make all the world white using war? would you promote a world where nations differ in culture and identity but they dont mix between themselves and coexist in peace? if you choose the last option…
wouldnt be too pretencious to live in peace forever if nations differ so much between each other. i mean, they will not have nothing in common, lets say, an homogeneous white christian france and a sub saharian country of africa
What do you mean "What's next?" There would be no plans after that. We would have fulfilled the 14 words and secured our existence. We would then have kids and teach them the ways of our ancestors, then they will breed and do the same.
There will be a time in the future when our way of life is threatened because life is struggle but we can only do the part our brief existence allows us.
Why do the jews have to make everything ugly? What does their fascination with modern art come from? Why deconstruct, destroy, and degenerate?
Someone sould sent Kurt Eichenwald the new Patreon logo full-page animation
I feel you, I have a lot of OC I don't know where to post.
What would be the quickest way to redpill some girl, in her 20's, liberal university, no job, raised by a single, leftist mother - a total stranger, through her social media account?
That's not a good branding update. That looks like shit.
I mean I get it, distracting yourself with something to steer away from porn.
But what do you do when you're so stressed that you're near the point of "fuck this" and browse around porn video sites for hours?
Any ways to remove the stress, preferably without harming the libido?
Both look like shit but maybe he was going for "it's good in comparison"? Patreon is even worse than the jeans and red shirt balloon.
Was your redpilling quick? And you're not a facebook stacy, are you? Also, watch inception. You need to make her watch something that makes her question her own beliefs by herself, because if you show her TGSNT she'll just shut it off
r/ing information on Agenda 21.
Can you be more specific?
Why do woman have to worm their way into all good things and ruin them?
Why do organizations cuck out so often for them?
When will the madness end?
It's all rhetoric I just needed to vent.
But that's wrong. Women just do what they are told is the right thing. I may sound like a white knight to you but mostly it's not their fault, they'll instantly become "redpilled" as soon as the dominant society is redpilled. They'll even think they arrived at the correct conclusion by independent thought, because we tell them that being lead is shameful.
I know user, I said it was rhetoric, didn't i?
It's that I saw that thing while looking for a countdown to the race-start (in case it escaped my mind), and well, what does anything on that fucking paragraph has to do with attending and watching a fucking endurance race? IT'S NOT A SOCIAL GATHERING, IT'S MOTHERFUCKING LE MANS.
As i said, just needed to get it out.
Think of that as containment zones though.
The minimum wage was invented as a racist, sexist, eugenics measure.
What is the pro-white Eastern European food? I want to import them into Australia.
Well said, user.
Just post it in a thread when the topic is related.
Articles and other online reading materials are preferred. I haven't read up on it for a while, so I need to brush up on it. The I'm looking for information on the implications of Agenda 21.
Are Chileans honorary aryans? I read it from Miguel Serrano which Holla Forums recommended me to read, I know he's Chilean so his opinion might be biased. He does point out that the Mapuche managed to wage a war for more than 400 years defending their territories and that they managed to beat the Spanish. I don't know how true this is, but I have a Chilean friend and he's quite intelligent although he looks like a lite-mexican (a little whiter) but he told me Chileans were dumb. Anyway, I'll repeat my question.
It sounds like your friend is the indian equivalent of a "high yellow" black, just his non-white side is indian.
The thing to keep in mind is that S. America is a very mixed bag. In terms of European heritage among S. American countries, Argentina, Paraguay, Costa Rica and I think Chile have the largest white populations. Even Hueland (Brazil) has a large white population. There was speculation during the third reich that the southern territory of Brazil was so dominated by Germans it could potentially break off as its own country.
Pure Indians only dominate a few countries like Guatemala and Bolivia. The mixing in S. America is very extreme with large black/white, indian/white, black/indian mixtures. The largest racial group in the Americas is the mestizo i.e., white/indian mix and they dominate most countries, like Chile. In Chile, whites are mostly Spanish (who do have celtic, germanic and some arab/sephardic mixture). There are German, Italian immigrant goups, too. It's a hodgepodge of European nationalities with Spanish as the base, like Anglo-Saxon/Germanic is the core US population with a dash of other south and eastern europeans.
Whatever regions niggers and their admixtures dominate tend to be the shitiest e.g., Hueland. Anyway, in terms of any redeeming potential and who's honorary, Ameri-pol will have different feelings about it, Euro-pol will have different feelings about America and S. America.
My personal opinion is I'm in favor of supporting racially european peoples anywhere.
This question is technology related:
Any thoughts on uMatrix vs NoScript?
uMatrix x1000
Is it wrong to breed with a Chilean if I'm white? Haven't taken a DNA test but I think I'm fully white. Thing is I fell in love with a Chilean girl, she looks whiter than a lot of americans, but she has some indian traits in the skull, plus brown-blackish hair. Probably around 75-90% white.
Is it race-mixing or is it fine?
Kind of related question, but this one without personal interest but rather curiosity.
Which races of Asia would Holla Forums let survive? For me it'd be the Japanese and the Mongolians, Koreans are the Jews of Asia (both SK and NK). Chinese (at least the China of today) are probably Jews as well. I'm wondering about the Filipinos.
As white or whiter than many US "whites", so I'd say go for it. Plus, Chile is a nice country.
Why didn't they follow through with the full plan? All they did was fuck the economy. Now the niggers are just getting gibs (and even more of them are getting gibs cause you can't pay them a low wage to work either). Did they really think a lack of funds was going to stop them from fucking each other and having children anyway as well? What a short-sided group of morons.
Yeah I really am starting to like it, but for some reason it's not blocking certain inline JS attacks like the kind you can see on this testing website here:
NoScript blocks it though.
Anyways I'm just playing around with these two plugins now, trying to determine which to use. I like the grid in uMatrix a lot though, it's very good to see exactly what you are allowing to run per page.
woah I feel like I found Holla Forums again
that place is great
We don't have a choice nigger. Just turn them all against the jews then turn the rest against mainland China. That's a bigger fight than our lives will see the end of.
where can i get the new HD shlomos for the creation of OC?
I really don't mind people eating dogs to survive in poor country's but Jesus fucking Christ if you don't respect the life being sacrificed to extend yours you gotta get the rope. Fucking yellow niggers…
What a low energy cuck.
learn2read bubby
Remember how extremely old companies used to have those elaborate depictions of people enjoying their products, random unrelated regional artworks or spiffy looking lettering? Turns out that it used to work really well when people's access to information was smaller and thus they spent more time on each individual part of an advertisement, but nowadays they have to make sure everything's catchy so the six seconds attention span of normalfags can be filled with as much info about their product as possible. Hence the ugly as hell designs, simplified characters and shapes and use of swift imagery.
And that's not stopping at branding or art: look at any random music video produced by (((the usual suspects))), they have no timing, the pacing is always as fast as possible, each scene is split into multiple 1-2 seconds long skits interpolated with more 1-2 seconds long skits. They fill your attention with as much information as possible, without any regards to the quality as long as the message gets across. I remember one particular scene in Look Who's Back when Hitler stops for a full minute to soak in the silence and I was shocked at how used I got to fast paced transitions in anything and everything. An actor stopping a few seconds filled with nothing sent a stronger message than years of watching the telly.
By the way, I asked it in the old thread and I wished to have more replies: I want to learn about military doctrine and related terms, so that I don't look like a massive tool when I read up some news about it. What are good sources for learning that stuff? And what about older but tried and tested military doctrines?
Not a question, just an idea.
Recently some friends of mine (that are pretty left, ironically, but laugh at the memes I show them and always say OY VEY all the time when I visit) started saying BIGOT.
Pretty simple, but we could take away the power of the word by making it into a joke/insult.
Just a thought.
To clarify, they call people bigots just for laughs. We could use this.
I do that with the word holocaust.
You should do this to any of our enemy's keywords.
Holy fuck that's funny.
You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? Ever see the one about lions?
Vid related
"The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. and for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight. And never slacken. and never tire, and never lose courage. And never lose faith."
What do you do when you're biologically a Beta male?
I've gotten past the ego, I have a strong ego, but the social anxiety, how do I fix it? Doesn't help that I'm a mischling.
thoughts on the idea of creating anti-gentilism as a common term in the public dialogue as anti-semitism is.
That approach doesn't work, at this point it is DEMORALIZE YOURSELF AND FACE THE BLOODSHED
Would China have turned out better under the Qing Beiyang government, or a reorganized RoC administration?
how is this allowed
Should the Tricameral Constitution have been enacted?
Ancient Greeks were the very first people to explore the Americas. They left archaeological evidence behind them that supports this, e.g. a fuckhueg Delphic Epsilon symbol was found on an Amerindian temple, axe designs are practically identical, etc.
What can reinforce this theory, outside of itself, is that Greeks made superior feats of discovery remembered up to today.
What are anons's opinion on the corporal punishment?
For criminals I don't care, it depends upon whether it is an effective means of reducing crime (studies on this would be appreciated).
There is empirical evidence that spanking children is counter-productive (i.e. it doesn't make children more obedient in the long-term) and has long term negative effects
Also niggers do it the most.
Nice digits but…
good fucking luck, mate. But I suppose anything is better than being a full-blood kike or nigger.
What do you think of Reason, Purpose, and Self-Esteem as values?
What about pride, productiveness, rationality, independence, integrity, honesty, justice as virtues?
If these are good things, why are folks so quick to dismiss Objectivism? YES, I realize Rand was a kike and her rabid followers are lolbertarian sperglords, but what's specifically wrong with some of the ideas themselves?
fuck that quote hits me hard. funny how a lolberterian kikess sums up pretty much exactly what some of us stand for right now.
Anyone have the pic proving Richard Spencer is a CIA nigger?
"wasn't one of those things caught on nasa cam of the sun harvesting energy?" Do you have any source for that?
Try Jdate ;^
Exactly my point.
I suspect quite a few here went through a lolberg phase, and Rand herself was a shrill yid with weird romantic fetishes. But a broken clock is right twice a day. Do these factors automatically invalidate everything in Objectivism? Are we obligated to wholesale dismiss the ideas of an undesirable?
So I'm essentially equal parts west/east/Scandinavian European other than the fact my great grandfather was a Prussian jew who emigrated to Canada as a teen before the Bolsheviks completely fucked everything up - somewhere between Krakow and southern Lithuania.
Anyway. I was asking about him and my grandfather told me he was a 32nd degree Freemason. Can someone tell me if 1925-1950 Canadian masonic lodges and if they actually were 'legitimate' lodges, or the kind that we see today - full of niggers ??
Empirical evidence? Or (((empirical evidence)))?
I'd like to see some non-tainted sources to show for that please, especially since it's kike psychology that pushes so hard for simple spanking to be considered "child abuse"
There's a reason it's a natural reflex in parents all over the globe - Kids test what they can get away with, and no amount of "please don't do that, Timmy" is going to stop the little bastard from pushing every button he can.
You are putting the cart before the horse here. Values aren't these concrete forces that part of nature, like gravity or magnetism. You have your own soul, and you can try to describe it with those words. But words are just words. What if our definition of purpose or honesty is so vastly different that we can't even understand what the others refers to when he uses these words? Either define all these concepts for us, or stop trying to bury life in an avalanche of letters.
Damn, I should have read my post at least once before posting it. Still, you can figure out what I mean.
I see what you're getting at, but I'm still not convinced. Obviously, the strongest factor of dismissal is that Rand was a weird hebrew. But I don't see anything suggesting the values/virtues are bad in and of themselves.
Again, she could be writing about how her virtues are bananas, internal taxative lactatives, and classical music. It means nothing if by bananas she means being honest about how you make your breakfast. And that's the problem here: Rand deliberately redefined words to her own liking, so what you wrote means even less. Again, define what every word means for you, and then see what happens.
Like you are?
Honesty, Integrity, Productiveness, etc…those are fairly intuitive. They only become dastardly if you imagine they have unknown negative qualities.
I didn't define any words anywhere. Listen to Molyjew himself explaining it. And again, they might seem to be intuitive for you, but that still don't make them any more defined. And without definitions you are dabbling with feelings. Are you some bitch who needs to cuddle his bitch soul with nice-sounding but ultimately vague words?
I take that for a yes.
Military History Channel comes to mind, then Historia Civilis. Then there is some airplane focused guy with MHC, but I don't watch him.
If you are ready to waste hundread of hours on reading military manuals pdfs, try to find The Ar/k/ torrent.
For some gun related content, there is always Forgotten Weapons and InRangeTV. World guns ru is also a good site for gun info. For fun stuff there is Polenar and CarniK Con Before you watch CarniK Con, get some popcorn and soda for maximum enjoyment.
This may sound autistic or nit-picky but I can't help noticing how, seemingly out of nowhere, little writing quirks keep showing up one day and becoming increasingly common. For each of these, I can estimate that I only started seeing them X months or Y years ago.
"This is my point.
I feel like I can't even call it out because people getting autistic over Reddit spacing has poisoned the well. Where are these people coming from? 4chan? Reddit? Twitter? Are they just non-native English speakers?
Well, this is going to be one hell of a bizarre question, so bear with me.
I've been talking to a blonde white woman, and she seems intelligent and levelheaded, except for one detail in that she has a lactation fetish and wants me to suck milk from her tits. Aside from that she appears to be free of tattoos or other markers of a poor character.
Is such a person worth courting?
Yes, you dumb faggot!
unless, of course, she's employing a method of trickle-truthing, and her fetishes are much more extensive, and she's luring you in with vanilla ones with hopes of converting you to the more extreme and, frankly, jewish perversions.
If it's only that it's not that bad.
Spacing out sentences is a mark of a shill; two spaces after a period is the standard in certain kinds of writing.
The spacing in front of question marks is a key signifier of a non-English speaker.
The rest is just faggotry.
You mean like von clausewitz or do you mean more tactical stuff?
Honestly, Clausewitz is very strategic and academic. If you want more tactical and practical stuff, I'd suggest whatever platoon and marine manuals you can acquire.
Good point. Any fetishes I should be cautious of if she brings it up aside from ones that are obviously degenerate?
No mate, you're smart. You should be able to recognize the overt warning signs. That said choking, fake-rape, roleplaying, mild anal, etc are to be expected fantasies, as she's a woman. But anything delving too deep into strangers, reversed roles, too many toys, voyeurism, and the like are indications that she's too broken and you'll have a fucked relationship.
but wouldn't the stench be contained in the cranium? or does it escape through the orifices like some kind of defense mechanism
The question mark thing really grinds my gears. Just the way it looks is retarded and clearly wrong.
What happened to RWDS Entertainment?
I got spanked alot and it didn't screw me over. I learnt to understand the consequences if I cross the line.
The way it works is that every time the subject does their undeveloped version of thinking, the "brain" sends a signal in the form of a smell through the nerves that is then absorbed in the rest of the body and expelled through all available pores and openings (Ears, Tear canals, Asshole/Mouth, Gunshot wounds Etc.) I just realized it has no ears, don't know how I forgot that
It isn't a defense mechanism per se, as they themselves are not aware of this happening. It is however a defense mechanism that we are able to smell them from extreme distances. (Our sense of smell has evolved alongside and to compliment our superior marksmanship.)
I'm not buying the "don't spank your kids it's bad!" kike meme.
Every single spoiled, arrogant, vain and disrespectful person I've known growing up came from "lol just let the kids, what harm can it do?" households. The type of parents that let their kids lie screaming on the floor in shops, while they just giggle on the phone about how sunshine is being a strong independent child with a big personality.
Why is rational thought so hard for people on here?
I had a lab coat on while writing that comment, ergo, non-anecdotal and completely scientific.
Yeah also why would we be allied with an Islamic state?
But the actual evidence shows that corporal punishment makes children more rebellious.
And I'm not buying that one, simple as that.
Lots of "evidence" that faggots are just normal people, that niggers are just as smart and productive as us, that white fertility is dropping so we need more shitskins to mix with asap and that Hitler personally exterminated 6 gasillion jews every day from 1939 to 1945 with his only lighting being a human skin lamp.
It is not hard for us to think independently. If the children are allowed to do anything they want to do then they will end up as the spoilt, whiny and self entitled adults. They are the future that will govern the society and I do not want them to rule over people and be tyrant.
Anyone got tips on making a video or blog viral?
Get PRISMed, kiddo. Best solution for Applefags like you is to get an Android tablet and then flash it with CyanogenMod, then customize it. The botnet will be minimized, but never entirely gone. At least it will be better than the datamining central your IPad (or any Apple product for that matter) is.
Out of the hundreds of very well-written documents and documentaries out there, one of those is the book "Breaking the spell: The Holocaust-myth and reality" , which I think you can find at >>>/pdfs/ .
The problem with Der Ewige Normalfag is that he always has a pre-packaged "box" of thoughts and opinions in his mind beyond which a barren desert lies, but this is to your advantage too. Depending on the approach you want to take and the time you got on your hands, you can devise systems or answers through which such arguments are easily countered; don't forget, they are bottom-of-the-barrel scraps, and shouldn't be difficult once you learn how to argue. Of course, having the right evidence comes into play and I think is more important than argumentation itself (at least when talking to people who want to listen anyway). I've found a very good list of book recommendations if you want to take a look, they're about argumentation and reason. Start from and look for the posts below it for more.
With new content creators, virality usually isn't artificial. If you make good shit, people repost it elsewhere, then those who like the repost will repost it elsewhere too, etc.
It is called an ANR. I've been in several.
There's one famous study that everyone cites claiming that corporal punishment is bad, but if you look at the data, the author didn't distinguish between corporal punishment and physical abuse, because they a (((progressive))) who already believed that all corporal punishment is abuse. Turns out, kids from abusive families don't turn out too well, and since they were lumped in with the kids who received physical discipline, it dragged the whole group down.
Not a question.
Just Google's new anti-family propaganda for Father's Day.
From what I know they started doing original works rather than covers, but it hasn't gone anywhere really.
Dehumanise you pleb. Fuck going to war demoralised.
Neither, both organizations were corrupt as shit. There was a fascist organization in China called the Blue Shirts Society they did some good stuff like improving infrastructure in poorer areas. They would have been better for China than the Qing, RoC or (((CCP)))
Does anyone have any archive links (or just links) to the thread(s) about the congress shooting?
Why haven't the Democrats consider the idea of replacing the blacks with "model" immigrants such as Asians or Indians?
no it looks like trash. Looks likea fat dude
I would really like to get my genetic tree tested to see where i am at. I know that 3/4 are burger anglosaxon blood. But the other 1/4 is a bit of a mystery i cant track (and honestly is probably just more of the same anglosaxon). I know about 123andme, im not going with them but i have seen a few people here go the morman route with ancestry. What would be the best place to get your genes tested? Preferably a company that doesnt steal your shit and doesnt assign unknows to nigger genes.
I did natgeo. I forget the name of the company that did away with the 'eastern european' marker and started calling everyone 'jewish diaspora' instead!! It's not 23 and me, but it's the other big DNA company, that's why I didn't go with them.
I'm not sure if natgeo "sold" my shit but at least they didn't paint me a jew/nigger. At the time I purchased the kit I didn't realize that because I'm female (pls no bully) the test can only track half my DNA, the matrilineal. If I want the full thing I have to get my brother to do the test (my dad is deceased). If you're a male I imagine you would have twice as many results as pic related. hth
What is a "jew"? Not even Israel can come up with a suitable definition. Bet any 3 anons here would have 3 completely different answers, so what does that say?
Can I get a quick rundown of that Bryan Tew guy? Who is really?
getting your DNA tested as a woman sounds completely useless
Can i get a redpill on marijuana? Are the medical applications its supposed to be able to provide worth all the trouble? And then recreational use, like alcohol and other drugs, is lower than nigger-tier isnt it?
Damn near anytime its brought up by anybody i talk to, I immediately get irrationally mad. Like antifa 'i cant even' mad, and when im asked why i get mad or why i dont approve of it, i cant come up with a real answer. This made me realize that i ultimately know very little about the subject, so i thought to educate myself. Can anyone provide some unenriched information?
Tell those faggots to google Cartel Gore?
You have to keep marijuana illegal because adults who use it usually have criminal histories and a lot of them are wanted for serious crimes. This is how Jewliani cleaned up Jew York City, by enforcing "the little things" like hopping turnstyles, pissing in the streets, and drinking/smoking weed in public. Those people got arrested and SURPRISE they're dirtbags wanted for much more serious stuff than dude weed lmao.
This is the reality. But people will screech autistically about how every pothead they know is an upstanding citizen (stfu you're a white college kid) and the classic "I actually drive better when I'm high."
This is the equivalent of sheltered white suburban people who support open borders because their maid/landscaper is sooo nice and hardworking! Utterly oblivious.
Bottom line, marijuana is degenerate and if we make it legal it will be harder to get dangerous criminals off the street BEFORE they hurt people.
I do think marijuana needs to be descheduled though because it would make it easier to be studied. It does have medicinal properties but so does fucking alcohol and look how people abuse that substance…
You're using that word wrong.
Not that i disagree with your stance, but thats pretty much all i can say about the subject is the thing . I want to be able to back up my belief that its filthy, degenerate, etc.
Is there a point to your post?
It's a humorous clip summarizing the relative inoccuousness of thc. If you're curious try it for yourself (preferably alone) and see what you think. Worst case scenario you'll feel paranoid for a couple hours then get hungry.
same user
user, i get the feeling youre in the wrong place.
Jews are a race - this is not in dispute, based on genetic research; sephardic, mizrahi, ashkenazim - no matter, they're all jews
Jews are an ethno-religious group; like other such groups there was selective pressure in favor of specific traits. The comparative study of religious texts was a highly-valued career path and ability, one of the reasons why there are so many kike lawyers. In-group solidarity was also highly-prized in societies where they were very much apart - you don't stick up for your own, your community is fed to the wolves.
Jews are iconoclasts - most jewish intellectual movements were caracterized by a strong animosity for the traditions of the gentile milieu in which they lived, going back as far as the spanish Conversos in the 16th century. The collective belief that gentile culture is toxic to jews and must be undermined is not a new phenomenon.
Jews are worm-like, parasitic, shapeshifters and defilers.
Most importantly
How did Paul Dillett become gigganigga?
So can I get a quick rundown on what are Nazbols ?
Links or some infographics appreciated.
Anyone got those more of those pepe tarot cards?
I'm now conflicted with respect to giving up pornography.
On one end, porn is filth, but on the other end, it amps up your sex drive and makes you ready for reproduction. If you neglect your sex drive entirely, you're letting it waste away.
Is it more just "masturbate without porn" that's the key? Or are there other ways to make sure your sex drive doesn't diminish without masturbation?
I've often heard the espression "direct descendant," as in "I'm a direct descendant of Napoleon."
How is a direct descendant different from an indirect descendant?
I would also appreciate.
Masturbation without porn is the key. Porn is ruining your perception of women and causing you to become numb to certain things you may like because you're getting it all the time in porn, this causes you to seek out new plateaus which leads to degeneracy.
In your example; Indirect would imply that you are directly related to Napoleon's uncle, or through marriage.
Not going to waste time researching this meme ideology: national bolshevism is exactly what it sounds like: i.e. complete bullshit. Not even wikipedia knows what it means. Taken literally, its just a code word for Stalinism, a system which, although decent for murdering one's enemies (give credit where credit is due), is completely inept at everything else. Bolshevism is egalitarian and judaic to the core; Nazbol is designed for confused teenagers who are too chickenshit to admit they're commies.
I have the ones from 0-21; don't know if there are more.
0-21 is all the guy made.
checking double dubs
I figured - great series though. Grew up in the 8-bit era and i've always liked that art style
I'm sure he's still around here somewhere, maybe he'll make the numbers and the backs of the cards so someone can come along and make a Tarot program with his cards.
Thanks user, these are great. Custom versions of tarots, chess and other stuff like that are a weakness of mine.
If your answer is "Placing economic sanctions on almost every member state of the EU in the region", you're retarded.
Keks will
Do we need to indenture the people with the disability to the businessmen in order to discourage them from hiring the illegal aliens? The red tapes is removed so they do not waste on the unnecessary paperworks.
Where's scratcher ticket user, how ya doin buddy
Does anyone know the origin of this lion symbol? Is it a legit anti-com symbol?
Lions like that are very common in Sweden for different logos. I highly doubt that it has any sort of anti-com relevance.
appreciated, however the symbol also appears as tattoo on this guys forearm
Does anyone have the picture of ancient cave paintings of Gondolas?
Sorry, thought I had it on computer but cannot locate it. Just some pic with text relating to ancient spirits and long legged spirits drawn on cave walls, maybe from alpine area.
Looks a lot like the Swedish military lion (with its benis still intact, before it was removed after feminist demands).
You can look for that in the webm thread.
Cannabis has a fuckton of beneficial uses other than being smoked by niggers and low-lifes. Recreational use, the thing everyone and their mother are focused on, is one of the many, which has sadly been solidified as the only use for it in people's minds (and is the reason today's (((elite))) pushes it so much). If people were actually informed of the other ways you could take advantage of this plant, I'm sure a lot fewer would think of smoking it and would instead do something more productive with it.
Here is one from 1270
Frank Little was lynched August 1, 1917. He was half Indian and full communist. What better centennial gift can we give to his IWW comrades than doxing all of them in his memory?
Does anyone want to dox some antifa from Missoula, MT?
They did a few major demonstrations. One in Whitefish, another to support rapefugees, and a photo op for the Missoulian (local lugenpresse rag).
They organize themselves under the banner of the International Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies), Queer Insurrection Unit, and the Alliance for Intersectional Power.
I'll post all the images I have and any links which might help.
Jay Bostom and Tyson Gerheart seem to enjoy the attention, but let's unmasked the masked.
More images.
Even more.
These people are retarded, no wonder theyre losing.
They're retarded, but still relevant. If these guys can get a dozen people to show up somewhere, get the media to cover them favorably, and only have half a dozen people operate with their own names.
They have shown up to support refugee invasions and crooked Jewish realtors so much for class consciousness. They are enemies of the White race and our culture. Traitors who must be exposed.
That being said the articles can be pretty lulzworthy.
Nazbol exists mostly just to be provocative.
It is essentially the personal creation of Limonov. Limonov is a poet/novelist. He claims not to be a Jew but got out of Russia on an Israeli visa. He got known by being edgy and provocative; he wrote a semi-autobiographical book in exile about getting fucked by black hobos in New York.
When he moved back to Russia, he created the National Bolshevist party. From his past, the conclusion that he was just trying to be as edgy as possible naturally follows. But to be fair to him, he obviously is committed to it since he went to prison for trign to start a rebellion by ethnic Russians in Kazakhstan. His party is also (unlike the Liberal Democrats, the mainstream nationalist party run by a Jew) not controlled by a Jew.
The only real coherent ideological strand is Russian imperialism nb. this is not the same as ethnically-based Russian nationalism; Russian imperialism is civic and based on a common culture. They've attacked people for being Jews in the past but have also condemned racism etc. He also used to write for an English language magazine, the eXile, run by a Jew (Mark Ames). They mostly just attack Putin's establishment (and the other oligarchs) for corruption (not unjustifiably imo); they're one of the few parties he doesn't (seem to) control. They do so with stunts rather htan like an ordinary party.
tl;dr - Don't look at it as a coherent ideology, look at it as an edgy anti-establishment group inseparable from its provocateur creator that's totally unique to Russia
Are Anglos, a.k.a. the eternal anglo, Aryans or not? Back on cuckchan, I think they made it fairly clear that ugly Britbong anglos =/= the peak human features of a blonde Aryan. However, I think all I've heard hear is that aryan = natural European blood/heritage. What's 8ch's stance?
Im aware it has the benefits, but would it ultimately be beneficial to society? Should it only ever be used for its medical benefits? (are there even any other benefits aside?) How are we sure the studies up until now arent fabrications by (((them)))?
And is recreational use not a sign of decadence, and moreso, of weakness? An excuse i see often is that the high helps people "appreciate sounds, sights, touch", etc. How is one not able to appreciate these things to begin with? Does that not mean the person wanting the high is feeble-minded?
And how would we go about regulation and abuse? We have enough unresolved issues with alcohol (another substance i feel that should also be done away with entirely), what good would come from making another stupifying agent freely available?
They wear masks, but it's not like they EVER face consequences for their views or actions. If any conservative was protesting, yeah, cover your face because your views are like so problematic i can't even.
These people cover their face because they know they're going to commit crimes.
Prophesy/mysticism/general medieval age question
What can be said of Askenazi Hasidim, Sefer Hasidim, and Judah Ben Samuel, if anything?
I was doing a little research into Jubilee years (specifically the use of a shofar, as it relates to the "strange sound in the sky" phenomenon) when I came across a Jew article (archive. is/qBual) in which a name came up which I don't think I'd ever heard on here. As far as prophecies I'm not sure what to think because to me it's all hearsay, however one thing did catch my attention, and that was how the man who translated this "prophesy" was characterized in his Wikipedia page.
Taken from the "controversy" section on a German wiki page for journalist Ludwig Shneider
Firstly, who do you think wrote that? What did they mean by this?
Secondly, is there anything of importance to this Judah Ben Samuel guy and his magical Jew cult of Ashkenazis?
Thirdly, because I assume my ignorance is showing, where can I get the best history lessons as it relates to anything worth knowing, based on this post.
Thank yous kindly in advance, anons.
I believe I read an Uncle Adolf quote here once that goes something like this "If Germany shall fall, the next revolution will come not from Europe, but from America". I cannot find this quote or anything close to it on jewgle, so I suspect it may be a fake quote overlaid on a picture of the Fuhrer that I saw it. Does anyone have any information? Danke
cTacpha teat
Sorry, was testing captcha.
I don't give a fuck about recreational use, it can stay banned for all I care, unless we gain advantage of the other useful properties of cannabis. People don't even know that not all kinds of cannabis are psychotropic, just those that have THC in them are. Cannabis sativa, for instance, is a plant which you can use in your diet like any other, and gain a good nutritional value off of (it's even used in protein supplements and isn't that hard to find on the mainstream market). Furthermore, you could gain paper (good for preventing deforestation) and clothes off of the various kinds of the plant. That's what I remember right now, I'll post a list with all the uses of it that I currently don't have in this device.
If we were to ban certain artists or genres, what would they be?
Not Oasis, that's for sure
THIS is some of the shit i wanna know. Thank you, i appreciate you taking the time to educate me, even if only a little. I wasnt even aware that the THC is the psychotropic and not the plant itself, or even that there were kinds of cannabis without THC AND that are healthy for you.
This subject is definitely something that we here are very divided on, and although we most likely wont be able to separate the black from the white (metaphorically), a consensus definitely needs to be reached. Again, thank you.
Since you're interested I'll dump everything about it in my meager folder in one post.
Effects of cannabis smoking on health (most here, if not all, are negative, hence my stance on banning recreational use but supporting the others):
Thanks for giving me a laugh m8
Dunno m8, haven't researched that shit or anything tbh. Just posting for the ones interested.
That's HEMP disphit. When it's used for those industrial / nutritional purposes no one calls it "cannibis sativa" people only refer to it as that when they are spreaking in reference to its effect as a drug e.g. compared to the effects of cannibis indica
What was the name of that Scottish political party that has the Torys by the balls? There was a big to-do about it not very long ago, where a radical Christian conservative minority party managed to seize enough seats that the Torys need to go through them to get anything done. What was that party called, again? I can't find anything about them.
Try the burner mobile app.
Much appreciated, user. Im feeling a little smarter already.
From the look of things, THC and its A and V variants seem to be the psychoactives. So would it be accurate to say that the other compounds found in cannabis are not psychoactive?
Yes it would be accurate considering it contains nearly 500 chemical compounds. Do you live in a country that has blocked jewgle
Does anyone have that picture of the sickly vegan beta male shopping through avocados?
Do you think because of recent events and the driving force of the Don to where he is now, that the kikes regret setting up events for good ol' 9/11?
What makes communism and socialism not work?
A bunch of reasons.
1. It has impossible goals. It seeks to abolish class distinctions. How it seeks to do so I'll cover in the next bullet. Class is an inevitable and natural thing. There are great examples in both the USSR and China. In the USSR the Nomenklatura became the new elite class with infinitely more privilege and power than the bourgeois and aristocratic rulers they replaced. In China during the Cultural Revolution the elite was "rusticated" meaning they were forcibly relocated and made into farmers. Their children quickly rose to the top despite being rusticated.
2. It is constitutionally illogical. We use syllogistic logic to arrive at truth. Meaning that we analyze positions relative to the existing evidence and against self-contradiction. Essentially if x then y. Marxism uses Hegelian Dialectics. Hegelian Dialectics arrive at truth by positing a thesis, countering with an antithesis, and arriving at a synthesis. I say something, you say something, we arrive at a shared conclusion. This allows for ideas to be formed without concern for evidence or contradiction, so bad ideas propagate. Applied to class conflict the proletariat was the thesis, the ruling class the antithesis, and the classless society the synthesis. Dialectics were also applied to their legal systems, agriculture, and to our culture to disastrous effect.
3. It ignores human motivation. Normal people have a stronger national identity than a class identity. History, race, culture, and religion form stronger bonds than economic class. WWI was a clear demonstration of this. Dialectical Materialism considers these factors to be "spooks"; meaning that they are the result of false consciousness and can be ignored.
4. It is considered to be a perfect ideology. Marxism cannot fail, but it can be failed. Real socialism has never been tried. This allows them to escape moral culpability for their actions. Strategically this prevents them from reworking their ideology. Think of the word lumpenprole. Proletariats are the vehicles by which the revolution is achieved. Lupenproles are proletariats who shirk this duty and refuse Marxism. Realize that attitude deems any popular rejection as a moral failure of the people. The Frankfurt School escaped this trap by being willing to rethink Marxism, which is why Holla Forums considers Cultural Marxism to be epistemologically distinct from Marxism.
5. Marxism is very complex, but not effective in the slightest. This means that Marxists have to be intelligent enough to memorize this dross and disciplined enough to never consider how stupid it is. Arrogance without results is the domain of fools.
Bit of an opinion based question, but you can couch the answer in fact by looking at the world around us.
They don't regret a damn thing, imo. Since 9/11 the world has been plunged into a permanent state of terror, in fact an ever increasing one. America, the worlds greatest military, is now permanently planted in the Middle East right on israels doorstep, and all the kikes have to do to ensure their continued safety is set up a few shoahs here and there, and then that mighty force of goyim will act. While that's happening they can continue doing whatever they want. The Jew thrives on chaos and disorder because it allows him to hide. Ever since 2001, chaos has been the norm.
However, the worst to assume when operating in chaos is that things will remain on a predictable trajectory, and things are getting fashy pretty quickly - not necessarily Trump, who is pretty keen on protecting the Jews, but certainly with the rise in mainstream acceptance of hard right views. Ten years ago you would not have heard of white nationalism anywhere near as frequently as today. Countries like Poland and Hungary were widely seen as "shit Europe" for vodka fiends and sex tourists, today they are the last bastion of sanity (and perhaps the first step on the road back to greatness), and all this chaos discounts the wild card of whether Kek is a real entity, some kind of subconscious hive mind brain fart, or something more mundane.
Things are certainly coming to a head. The lesser kikes are taking every opportunity to shit themselves in public, whether the reptilian hyperjews are concerned or not is a different issue. I have a feeling the next few months will tell.
Thanks. What does Cultural Marxism propose and try to achieve? What is it?
Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School acknowledges that Marxism failed. The primary culprit of this failure is the culture of the West. The goal is not to create economic Marxism, but to destroy the culture that makes Marxism impossible. It says all of this openly, but the mainstream considers this to be an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
Critical Theory is the weapon that they use. It combines Hegelian dialectics with Freudian analysis to deconstruct a target. Identify a victim class (thesis), blame an oppressor (antithesis), propose a "solution"(synthesis), and pathologize opponents as mentally ill or blinded with hatred (Freud). With Feminism they empower women against men to deconstruct the concepts of sex and family, while calling any opponents misogynists. Critical Theory makes sure that we have constant conflict and disorder in every part of our lives. Repeat ad infinitum.
looks way better on the left (as a nurse)
That image is incorrect.
And what is common core?
I don't know as much about this, but its pretty similar. Common Core seeks to abolish reality as well. Students have different abilities, i.e. IQ, and this is problematic to social engineers. You can only help under performers improve so much. You can far more easily stunt the gifted. The goal is to create something so confusing that gifted students perform about as well as their duller classmates. Textbook Cultural Marxism.
The embed video covers this in more detail from before it was called common core. A Common Core architect admits this here.
Well it's not only that but about improving nigger results too.
The issue being that whites, blacks, latinos, etc all benefit more from different approaches to learning.
Common core seeks to boost niggers and bring down whites so they meet at the same average
Multiple intelligences don't really exist. It's not that other races don't learn like Whites, they're just not as good at it. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study found that the average IQ of Blacks raised by rich, White families was 89 at adulthood. A 4 IQ point gain given the best of circumstances isn't really worth anything. Kansas City gave Black schools a literal blank check to no avail. If you want to address "educational inequality" it's way easier to make Whites perform worse.
Here's the Kansas City experiment.
You can throw all the money you want at it. But if you're doing it wrong then more money won't help in the slightest.
Where the aztecs savajes?
I've seen the indian abuse by the spanish to be used as a demoralizator and to justify the "spanish where the real savages". Did the spanish bring them civilisation or did they just destroy an advanced culture?
Does anyone have the screencap or archive of the thread that listed many different muslim rape gangs in various areas of the UK?
Found it. If anyone else was interested:
Anyone around from the old spicer threads remember the fag making some kind of blockchain based imageboard with a console interface? Did he died? His blogs are down and so are his twitter and youtube.
What does fascism propose?
I have so many questions.
Who are the good/bad goys in the Syrian conflict?
What is the (((US)))'s interest in it?
Will immigration go into full throttle as planned?
How long until the US of A is Eurostan 2.0?
What was the name of that Jewish Bolshevik uprising in Germany that made everyone pissed off at the Jews?
just get a load of this turbokike. a special breed of jew not afraid to get her hands dirty.
Thanks for the sauce, brother.
Many things can tell if the phone number you're giving it is a legitimate number.
England has been invaded by many different populations and is a mix of so many genotypes. There are the people's who built Stonehenge (closest to "native"), Celts, Romans, Saxons, Jutes, various viking raids/conquests, Normans, and most recently, various muslim/pajeet populations. I'd say it's highly likely that a group of "pure" Aryans came in and intermixed as well. At the very least they are as Aryan as their Celtic and Germanic proportions.
Go outside and fuck real women
Anyone have that webm supercut of Kike Enoch admitting to being Jewish?
Does anybody have any screencaps or resources as to what a good, non-degenerate definition of art is?
Twitter helps useful idiots to be verified and help disseminate garbage at face value, which helps cement narrative from the top down. A perfect example of this is Ashly Burch. She's pro-LGBTBBQ (fitting, due to being groomed by her girlfriend Sarah Elmaleh a la Les Liaisons Dangereuses), often switches out 'sex' for 'gender' for extra smug points, pro-diversity, pro-refugee, and just about everything else on the checklist of liberal feels.
While she's a perfect example of a useful idiot, to what degree does she truly believe in the nonsense she tweets and retweets? Articles written by Shaun King or anything pertaining to 'muh Russia' narrative are among the nonsense someone with her reach sends out on a pretty consistent basis. As a talentless mystery meat actress hack who got where she was through nepotism and championing social justice, she ended up as some weird industry appointed Che Guevara (while her girlfriend is more of a daddy's money Henry Kissinger type). Hell of a reach to spread nonsense people take at face value.
I wouldn't have ended up on this site if it wasn't for the exodus in 2014, and I'd like to remind you all that no matter how awful things are and will get - at least you're not Anthony Burch.
Does anyone have that font that mimics the writing style of Sarah Andersen?
Spanish destroyed them by racemixing for long time and the diseases almost wiped them all out.
Here's a summer question: why do some whites tan differently than others? during the winter I am as pale as snow, but during the summer unless I have prolonged, intense sun exposure, I never burn, but rather acquire a nice tan. pic related is my tanned skin vs untanned
honorary indian
You have olive oil skin. White people can be tan without the sun. I am pale but I cannot get tan despite being sunburnt before. I wonder if it is bad that I can't get tanned?
I remember this video.
He gets so close to identifying Jews as the problem.
Masturbation lowers testosterone
Did europeans, traditionally, care where they lived? What I mean is, did people who were part of an ethnic group cared whether they lived in a region traditionally tied to their ethnic group, or were they content to move to a different location in times of war or disaster?
Britons did, their tendency towards isolationism and gettin homesick was legendary
britons in general or britons as opposed to anglo/saxon/norman/etc.?
Britons. The native people who predate the anglos and others.
Pre-Rome invasion accounts by explorers describe an island of fog, forests and murderous natives who do not like visitors.
But Briton mercenaries could often be found on the continent and are how chainmail spread from Britain to the continent.
Accounts of these mercenaries and their behaviour paint them as great ambush skirmishers and sailors but militarily backwards and obsolete in other fields (something that would haunt us when Rome invaded)
They also frequently mention their strong desire to finish up whatever it is they had been hired to do and go home, and how they would frequently display behaviour we'd today describe as being homesick.
The fact that blacks aren't better than whites at anything doesn't imply that they aren't relatively better (i.e. less bad than whites) at some mental tasks. Your post has nothing to do with the previous user's claim.
One of these is visual. The Common Core maths method makes arithmetic into a visual task. This means that it is easier for blacks than if it were an abstract task (the normal method) but probably worse for whites (relative to if they were taught with the normal method) because the normal method is simply more efficient.
All kids start of counting things by vision, blacks failure at abstractions doesn't mean is wrong.
If they have less ability overall, than saying that they are relatively better at killing small animals than performing calculus compared to whites, has no bearing on anything.
The issue is more they can learn but they can not learn the same way whites can.
They don't think or even perceive the world the same way as us.
explain to me why insurance on vehicles isnt just sate enforced usury
newfag here, since i dont post on other threads i figured this might be a good place to start.
So, we always here how the J*ws are trying to push for interracial children and lowkey white race must be wiped of the planet. What's the endgame to this plan? i figure only Jewish race will prevail pure. And then what happens when this earth doesn't have white race anymore?
I'm pretty aware of the IQ and all that.
It means that blacks will perform better under common core, and whites will perform worse.
This is the reason (at least one of them) for implementing common core. They've been trying (and failing) to narrow the gap between blacks and whites for decades.
The fact that blacks will still perform worse in absolute terms does not imply that the worse performance of whites and better performance of blacks (relative to an ordinary curriculum) and so the gap will be reduced.
I don't know what your objection is.
World communism, with jews in charge and nobody to challenge them
Well there's a few theories.
Some put forth there is no plan. Either because Jews are multiple groups of independent jews pursuing the same general survival strategy or because they simply lack the long term planning ability on this scale.
Others say the basic idea is to create two or more human races.
A slave race and a master race. With the jews taking the role of masters.
I'm jelly user. I'm Greek and I can't get a tan unless I pour half the sun-cream on my body, and still I will get burns if I stay in the sun for more than 1-2 hours, sun here in summer means 38-45 degrees.
why did this happen? what significance do these artifacts hold that the jews want to seize all of it even though it is not illegal to own them?
sorry gents, linking to a post here that I couldn't find in the catalog but knew the post number, ignore this
Good resources for arguing with commies? I know "idpol" was created by communists but I need hard, undeniable evidence.
Communism is about denying the undeniable. Proof isn't hard to find, but they have been trained and rehearsed in the art of denial.
Communists believe in equality, which any reasonable person cannot possibly believe in. Their ideology is constructed from lies from the ground up.
If you want to troll Communists you have a few options.
1. Tell them the truth. Holla Forums is always right for a reason. They'll chimp out any time you mess with their narrative.
2. Put on the mask. Act like a Marxist who is excited about the shitty parts of Communism. They call these people tankies.
3. Advocate for business friendly progessive, Liberalism. Talk about the importance of diversity in high finance.
Any of those things is worth more than trying to prove Communists wrong. Class Expiation has replaced the concept of guilt, so they declare someone to be helpful or non-helpful to the cause on account of class. Oppressed=good, oppressor=bad. They are incapable of rational or moral decision making.
Why did they do it to him?
Does anyone have the two-part image of a dad and his son/daughter playing in the park on one side, and the same father committing suicide with SJWs running in the park on the other side?
I've been a fucking degenerate faggot who has slowly come to the realization that I've been wrong about all my beliefs and previously held convictions in the past, and I want to change and work to help spread the truth about the Jews, White Genocide, Ect.
But I've got such a checkered past that I don't think I have a chance. I've been a furfag artists for a few years and I've got quite an incriminating history of gay furry shit that would easily come out an haunt me if I was found out.
Hell, people I knew in college knew about my furry shit, and they're hard leftists. I'm terrified about going public with my views and doing more damage, or somehow being doxxed or found out, ect.
What do I do? How do I move forward to help the cause?
Write under a pen name.
Did we they ever find out who shot out those transformers in Metcalf, CA a few years back? Do we have any more information?
You keep quiet and do not give areason to be a terget. Lay low, faggot.
not a question, i just wanted to pass the message along that the >>>/bog/ has been reclaimed. Feel free to send faggots and shitlibs there.
Does anyone have pictures on Hitler's art compared to other students at the time? I recall his art being rejected while other, more degenerate art was passed.
He was rejected on the basis that he drew like an architect and predominantly drew buildings and landscapes.
Things that architects drew.
With the professor in charge of admissions that year advising Hitler to become an architect as he was clearly better suited to it.
So Hitler built a nation.
Don't listen to this faggot. If more people are willing to potentially sacrifice themselves and their career (I wouldn't suggest this if you have a family that relies on you for sustenance) by revealing their true political stance, then it will no longer be a sacrifice to do so.
Literally Avram son.
Please explain.
Dogs are an aryan invention an our most loyal animal partners. Why the everloving fuck would you be ok with peasant chink insects living off of their flesh?
Chinks dying off is a GOOD thing. Don't fucking literally offer our animals on a platter to keep their cancerous race going. Get that jewish empathy propaganda out of your head right now.
I have read Mein Kampf, and being the first book of its kind that I read, it certainly changed my worldview.
I am thinking of reading either The Culture of Critique, or The Myth of the Twentieth Century next.
For people who have read both, which do you recommend I read first. How do they compare and connect with eachother?
Dogs are just inbred wolfs. 60% of dog breeds are genetic mistakes and aren't even worth the bio matter they are composed of. I see no reason not to eat those.
CoC is basically an examination of jewish intellectual and political movements, while The Myth is philosophical work. Imo The Myth is way too dense and complex for you to start with.
My recommendation would be Hitler's second book.
Nothing to very little.
Thanks. Adding to my previous question, has anyone here read Ostara Publications' The Myth, and if so is it as shitty as is their Mein Kampf? I mean this in a sense of not proof-reading obviously computer-scanned text.
The school had programs for architects. They refused to let him in anyways.
That's because he didn't meet the educational requirements for an architect.
His time after that was spent as a labourer on construction sites while he supplemented his education to make up for the fuckup he'd made of it in his youth (primarily to piss off his father)
Asked this question in another thread but this one seems more appropriate.
Idea for Youtube subversion
Those "Top 5 animals who X" videos are insanely easy to produce, usually a bunch of stills with basic zoom in & out for effect.
What if we made 100 jewtube accounts and posted "top 5 parasites, pests, infectious diseases" etc videos with the number 1 being (((Jews))) ? Would this be something that Holla Forums could get on board with?
what if you made one first and then asked that question again with your sample?
I have a question not Holla Forums related I honestly don't know where but I want a water filter for my shower and kitchen sink. I've done some research but I can't trust anyone really, everyone's out to sell you something. Someone point me in the right direction.
Seemed legitimate to ask the question first, that way i don't spend 2+ hours of my life on a fruitless endeavor; i have a feeling that "false advertising" jewtube videos might get shoah'd pretty quick so maybe somebody had some insight. When i get to it i'll post the result.
Every time I look at the terrible arts then I feel sick. Why is this? Their arts tell me that they have distorted view of the natural world.
Only really exist in non white countries who don't give a shut about dogs.
T. chink. Just because spics and old cat ladies bred bug eyed toy dogs doesn't mean that dogs are food. The more dead chinks, the better. 1 dog life is worth more than 10 million chinks.
Im looking for combat and training manuals, field manuals and guides i want to make a colelction of military PDF type books, does anyone know where I can find an organized colelction?
I already have /k/'s ARK/doKument, does Holla Forums have such a collection?
Any suggestions?
If you're so knee deep into the furfag art shit, I'd suggest you just keep on drawing and answer commissions, patreon etc., yet at the same time you should use all the acquired cash from your promotion of degeneracy and invest it in projects that go directly against it, i.e. start using that money to better yourself as a human being by getting fit, arming yourself and improving your own life, as well as spending it for anti-left causes. None of us can erase our pasts, but we can use it to our advantage.
Cyanogen mod is dead
It's replaced by Lineage
1. Can anyone tell me what is the deal with "net neutrality" and (((they))) want to be push it to become a thing? One of the major red flag for "net neutrality" is that (((George Soros))) supports "net neutrality".
2. Why do the (((MSM))) push for the global warming narrative? Won't be easier to push a "there is no such thing as global warming" narrative like how Fox Jews does that and that the goyim can buy more oil?
3. Any Red Pills for the Civil Rights movements actually being a communist subversion with Race baiting mask behind it? The only thing I know is that Marxist Lucifer King Jr. is a commie degenerate nigger who plagiarized all of his works.
As a euromut (mostly Polish&German, with Very small parts english, irish, and french) with brown hair and hazel (brown/green mix) eyes…
Should I find myself a beautiful blonde haired-blue eyed girl? Or should turn my looking more toward a girl who has brown hair as I do? Or does that even matter at all? I know 'white european' is what truly matters here, but just thought I'd get your opinions.
I have begun to believe in the theory that the people who were the ruling class in ancient egypt, and built the great civilization and gave rise to all of its innovations were actually whites, as genetic evidence is beginning to support.
However, when it comes to the south american theory, I need some harder evidence than what the spanish conquerors said. Because IIRC, there is no mention in their actual ancient lore of Viracocha being any sort of fair skinned, let alone light eyed.
I just haven't seen any of the evidence, but if anyone has any solid evidence or interesting read ups on that situation, I would gladly delve into it with an open mind. I find it hard to fathom that generally stupid amerindians were able to accomplish what they did back then.
Can someone point out the flaws in this design?
When you know beforehand something is going to be white guilt propaganda, can you do something to undermine/subvert its influence?
Give me the red pill on vaccines friends.
Exploit implied things that are supported by the creative work.
It's so easy once you get in the habit of doing it. If you were ever a troll on any platform you should have a second nature knack for doing this. Starting a fire somewhere and letting leftists do what they're programmed to do causes a backlash.
1. The concept of vaccines is not inherently wrong but the way jews use it is what makes it wrong. Not all diseases can be treatable or are efficiently treatable by having a vaccine crafted to combat it, especially diseases that mutate so fast that by the time a vaccine for it is available, it's already mutated into a different strain
2. Vaccines are compulsory, mandated medication by the government, the list gets bigger every few years and for things that are not a threat. The diseases that were "used" to prevent it are constantly reintroduced by shitskins who come from countries where having cleanliness and proper hygeine is enough to fight it.
3. Vaccines are poorly manufactured, constantly being found to contain the disease rather than being used to make your body fight it off. Often you will see that labs where these are made are created solely to make them and they do a poor job doing so.
4. Most important - Because of the above reasons, jews have made vaccine shots payloads for heavy metals. The metal itself differs but is usually mercury (under a different name, typical jew tactic) which even though it's supposed to be banned is still used and the CDC admitted this under court.
5. Heavy metal toxicity has been known for hundreds, even thousands of years, to be a way to make someone stupid and to cause problems with the brain, see Mad Hatter Syndrome. By injecting a child with a high dose of heavy metals, whether it be mercury or aluminum, they slowly but surely develop symptoms that are classified under autism. Thus, "Vaccines cause autism" is slightly inaccurate as the vaccine itself won't cause "autism" but the heavy metals will. But which is easier to say?
6. Autism itself does not exist but is an umbrella term for cognitive symptoms. Remember that psychology is a jewish "science" and autism is a poorly defined illness which relies on a spectrum diagnosis tool because it needs to be so broad to be used in diagnosis. That said, vaccines sometimes cause severe side effects such as inflicting the illness it was supposed to prevent. What you're looking at when you see a child being autistic is likely the effects of a brain dealing with mineral depletion (heavy metals attack minerals) such as zinc.
7. Zinc deficiency leads to low testosterone. When boys are low in zinc especially because their body lost it due to heavy metals in vaccination, it will be poor at producing testosterone come puberty.
I could go on but this is the basic gist.
Somebody tell me the truth about Elizabeth Nietzsche. Was she really misrepresenting Friedrich's work from a (justifiably) anti-jew lens, or are those jew lies?
I grabbed a bunch of historical, and philosophy books from Barnes & Noble recently ("B&N Classics" labeled book were $5 a piece), and, predictably, if they can squeeze it somewhere into the introduction, they mention the evil nazzees, and the poor persecuted noses, which is the case with this copy of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" I bought.
Thank you for the in depth answer. Would you happen to know any good reading on vaccines?
Seems like a waste of interesting research subjects. The cat people and everything else on the moon could be used for medical and pharmaceutical research. They have carbon fiber bones, which is interesting by itself.
The only downside to vaccines are the chemicals needed to stabilize it, and impurities introduced during manufacturing.
I've been reminiscing about election shit lately. What was Hillary's "pneumonia", really?
Are you implying that it will be a massive overhyped flop like Ghostbusters?
How deep down the ground is deep enough for the wall? Also, go for the Berlin Wall design of having the outer borders of the wall shaped as to prevent cars being rammed into them from doing too much damage.
Are they swimming in peppermint gelato?
Recommended books on psyops / persuasion / cointelpro type operations?
I'm looking to increase my ability to spread influence and propaganda
libgen's download mirrors haven't been working for me lately, has anyone else been getting errors?
I've seen the fact that, in average, east asians have a higher IQ to prove that europeans are not the master race.
Is there any comeback to this kind of argument, or are we inferior to asians?
I know azkenazi are a falacious argument because they are the result of the inbreeding of various families.
As of this moment, the east asians and the azkenazi are the only races with higher average.
Empathy, creativity, the fact that IQ is an indicator of future intellect in children and not at any point a measure of it?
Seriously niggas.
IQ is worthless for measuring anything
Yeah, IQ doesn't tell you what character traits a people will have. Ashkenazi jews have the highest average IQ, but jew characteristics still dominate. Low IQ (and poor) whites are still less prone to crime than niggers as a whole.
Does nofap cause prostatal cancer?
The ashkenazi is thing is a myth from what I've heard and Asians may have a higher IQ on average but they imitate they don't replicate, meaning that they don't invent anything new they can only improve upon what's already been built. I've also heard that since they are the product of miscegenation the original Aryans who were there must have been even smarter - I don't think that is a leading theory but it is a theory none the less.
Being great at one thing doesn't make you the master race and one genetic trait is not enough. For example there are plenty of really insanely intelligent people but not everyone with a 150 IQ is successful. Why is that? Well it's because that's only one piece of the puzzle. There's loads of autists with enormous IQs but they can't function within society. Again, you just have an IQ and assume everything else will fall in place.
What makes Aryans unique is that we are made in the image of God, we are the only ones that have the breath of God in us which is what gives us an unparalleled spiritual connection. There is a collective unconscious and supranatural dimension that only the Aryan can tap into but miscegenation will weaken or outright destroy this ability
Many have written of this, Evola, Jüng, Serrano.
It isn't.
In fact the example of high Ashkenazi average IQ is a clear demonstration of how genetics, not environment, is the primary factor in determining intelligence. I don't see why any of us should deny it.
High Ashkenazi average IQ still cannot explain Jewish prominence in society.
If the race war doesn't start what happens to us? Where do we go? My country will be browned by 2036. We could head to Italy but I don't think it will be any better there by then.
by we I mean my wife, our kids and I
Personally I'd head to Iceland.
Loving this thread.
Anyone know where I can get more images like these?
Very Holla Forums and high quality yet someone with graphics arts talent was involved, very good visual.
Whatever became of this? Perhaps I missed this happening, perhaps it was covered up, but this seems to me like something we would take considerable interest in.
Michael Aquino
he post over on Holla Forums and /gg/
Something's happening. There's a buzzing in the air. I can't tell if it's good or bad but it's close. God be with you patriots.
that doesnst help me:
Best US state(s) for a Holla Forumslack to move to?
Bump for this cause I want some good pictures.
The wall itself won't be underground necessarily, since this is based on the "existing" wall that's already up.
Since this is for maximum cost efficiency I think these designs would be able to prevent diggers, jumpers, and car crashers.
Spics in my area very often have names like "Dennis Michael Ashland" &c. Some red haired shitskin might have a real driver's license and SS card saying her name's "Priscilla Wentworth". These aren't fake IDs at all, WTF? Is some 'refugee resettlement' agency providing state-issued false identities for the invaders?
Can you be more specific?
For persuasion you'll want to look at books about NLP which seems to work more effectively on emotional minds rather then logical minds. Psyops and Cointelpro I think your going to have to get a biography of a spook to get much, I would think books about those subjects would mostly be kept from the public. Though if you have the time you could "reverse engineer" it, by reading about psychology and then applying it to how things are around you. I.E. individuals that resist growing up become much easier to control, then look at how often we are told it's ok to not grow up.
Guy was/is (forgot if he's dead yet) high up in the CIA, founded a lot of psyop methods and founded a satanist temple("the temple of Set").
Somewhere that isn't slowly genociding whites, make sure you partake in some way with government functions to prevent it.
make them yourself or wait for a fashy thread to pop up
This may be a bad place to ask but I'd like to ask anyone here who is or was an electrician;
What is the most effective, least risky way to fuck up an electronic substation?
Just for educational purposes. Tell me what not to do.
its the best place to ask rather than making your own thread
What is the ideal fascist (NOT national socialist- I'm more Iron Guard) system of land ownership?
I live in america and the whole concept of mortgages and "the american dream of owning a home" seems like the worst fucking jewish pigshit I've ever read. Anyone who believes they "own" their home when they're in debt to jewish banks for 15 or 30 years (that can be foreclosed or confiscated by the government at a moment's notice) is more mentally ill than the worst chris-chan trannies in my book.
However, communism's idea of complete state land ownership is idiotic as well, as with all things communist. Feudalism seems better than the previous two options- but that didn't work out well for some reason I still don't understand.
The Roman Empire's system seems like the best where only very select few citizens of the state are awarded with land for exceptional military service- but then why hasn't something like it been used at all?
You seem to be a bit confused on Roman land ownership. Any Roman citizen could own a piece of land if they could pay for it. In fact, the Roman concept of property rights was in some ways more "Ancap" than our modern one in the sense that a landholder held absolute rights to their land. Furthermore, the practice of handing out land to the military caste as a reward or incentive for service is essentially the basis of feudalism and was practiced by pretty much every civilization with a concept of property rights. Check out
Feudalism works great for heavily agrarian societies. However, once a society begins to urbanize, certain (((merchants))) start using the debt-ridden consumer culture that accompanies an urban environment to amass great fortunes. With money comes power, and eventually the urban bourgeois reaches a critical mass where they hold more money and power than the landed aristocracy that is supposedly higher than them on the social ladder. A struggle naturally ensues and the landed aristocracy inevitably loses out, since they have less money. Viking raids, the Black Death, the rise of the cotton industry in the New World and the consequent collapse of Europe's wool industry, and of course the Industrial Revolution all caused Europe to urbanize, and their feudal systems fell as a result.
Regarding Fap Material
I am well aware that pornography is an insidious tool of the kike and thoroughly degenerate, but I am curious as to where the line is drawn as far as erotic imagery or images of women in general? Bikini/underwear models? Topless pics? Tasteful nudes? Or is any remotely scintillating imagery strictly verboten? Enlighten me Holla Forums.
Why even masturbate to pictures or videos? If you really have to do it use your imagination or get a gf.
Sitting in front of a screen smashing is nothing but pathetic.
Ok I will bite ..
How to destroy jew central banking fiat currency ponsi scam?
Start by not depositing your money on the bank, redpilling people into stop trusting their money to the jews.
If enough people, say a couple of millions to a billion people, start withdrawing their money, the banks will suffer a deficit in cash. That will force them to print more money which will only create more inflation to Weimar levels, crash their bubble because there is no way to pay the people withdrawing money or they force stop the use of paper currency and change to digital.
All options will only create more chaos and in one way or another force them to make mistakes.
Also always having a plan B for if the economy crashes, that is why the buying gold for some or land for others. Food, water and shelter is a must for everyone.
It's different for individuals. Whatever certain level of sexual gratuity is too much for you to handle without being compelled to expel valuable energy that could be put towards better use is the level you should avoid. What's more important than ridding the world of pornography, is instilling the desire to do greater things with that energy.
If a husband and wife want to engage in anal sex why shouldn't they? Who are they hurting by doing so?
Why are some posts deleted from this thread for no apparent reason? It's not the first time I see it, for example the post quoted was perfectly normal. Is it because the user got banned?
I regularly check back into this thread so I notice quite a lot of posts that I remember were there not being there anymore, and they weren't shilling or anything.
This is true. Compared to making my own thread for a single but controversial question, this is better. But the reason I doubt this is the best place to ask is because I've been here a long time and know that anyone who ever asks questions about this kind of thing on Holla Forums immediately gets called an fbi agent and then no one will dare answer me.
Also, my question here will probably go unseen. Not many people frequent old threads. I really would like an electrician to educate me on electronic substations.
What does the character in your fictional story want to do? power outage for a few hours? not an electrician but I'd assume any small-scale damage would be fixed in hours, so cutting the distribution lines would be easier in your fictional story
I'm writing a fictional story about the near future. In this fictional story, a small group of fictional nationalists want to knock out the power to a major economic center in order to weaken the stability of the dollar and thus precipitate the collapse of a fictional government dominated by an ethno-religious group. This will hopefully push the lemmings into action, especially if the economic collapse leads to large scale Black rioting and ties down the police forces.
I think that the character in the story wants to cause massive economic and structural damage to the electric system and the economy or a major city. What do you think would be a good plot idea for this?
My current rough draft has him toss molotov cocktails at the most vulnerable parts of these hypothetical substations. This should take less than 30 seconds. However I'm interested in any other ideas. Preferably less risky methods that don't end up with the main character dead. And of course, the less expensive the ideas the better.
I'm wondering if any anons here successfully redpilled their significant other. I just got a new girlfriend, she's a great person but she did trip to places like costa rica to help build wells and other things. How does one go about redpilling some one you love and don't want to show your power level to? Is there a good sequence to show her some truth gradually? How did you guys go about it?
Yes, it has become quite bad for some time. Somebody's really trying to railroad things into a direction on Holla Forums.
IQ isn't everything. The jew does not use his intellect to create, discover or innovate, as it is not in his nature. He is only capable of manipulating, destroying, and subverting. Asians are also smart and have invented a few things (which they love to point out at every chance) but not comparable to Europeans. Their problem is that they think too rigidly. I've known many Asian classmates capable of regurgitating info and doing mathematics that they'd practiced for hours but were slow to comprehend new concepts and their meaning. They were slow to make connections between concepts as well. You see this a lot in Asian culture, where there is a strict adherence to following what everybody else is doing with not much in the way of doing your own thing.
Anyway back to the kikes: they are a parasite who cannot survive without a host. If you look at the history of Israelites, they never worked in trades to produce things. They left that to the goyim while they profited from usury. This alone would not be so bad, if they didn't also attempt to subvert our culture and project their lack of morals onto us. This is the real reason they were kicked out of pretty much everywhere in Europe. People were not able to stand their filth and degeneracy when it was pushed onto them by those in control of their money.
You could take a page from Zankyou no Terror and have the character be a really intelligent guy that uses tactics because he has superior genes, and since he's such a DIY enthusiast that learns fast, he made a quadcopter from Instructables, YouTube videos and Arduino parts from AliExpress. You know, make the story believable.
Then he put a small thermite bomb into one of those drones, and flew it into the step-down transformers of a substation. Since he had convinced a bunch of other loyal friends to help him with his task, the electric grid was overwhelmed by multiple attacks, and the racially-diverse communities took longer to have power again due to social unrest, which led them into the downtown in search for food.
I really wish there was extreme transparency on a board like this. Like an option to see "every post" that was deleted (or close to that, maybe without images or URLs for legal reasons) and the reason why the post was deleted.
If this board gets as bad as 4/pol/ I'm not 100% sure what bunker would be best tbqh.
Do your research again my fellow jew you will suprised what you will find. Big part of jew driven immigration to Europe is to destroy what is left of Greeks and their culture that the west empraced .
Keep in mind they hire a shitload of Albanians because of cheaper labour
Ancient greek dialects still spoken today in some places in Greece but the country is cucked thats true
Please respond
Roger, I looked him up and he seems to have many books just didn't know if there was a good one to start with / suggested reading order. Thanks though.
Still looking for any faults in this design if you guys could help look for some. Or just give suggestions.
Unfortunately our wall budget doesn't cover alligators and moats.
Ive read a few threads about how to protect yourself from being tracked or traced back through your printer (little dot matrix stuff printed on the paper), but i havnt seen anything on tracing a digital image back (psd, gif, jpg ect.). Is there a digital finger printing system in place, and if there is how do you flush that info? Memes get passed back and forth all over the net, but can they get traced back to the OCC?
Any of you fags in NOVA? What's the least cucked town to live in?
Mindwar (2016)
Depends on how paranoid you are. Metadata should always be stripped (easiest way to do this is with utilities designed to reduce filesize of images, for example this
Now, another thing to consider is that if you were the first one to create a file it will have a unique hash. Supposing the NSA tracks every file hash and the first time it was ever seen, they could know what IP posted it if you did so using HTTP (instead of HTTPS) no matter the website. I'm not sure if CloudFlare reads files but it's a possibility. But then again I don't think govt. agencies care about who made a particular meme.
There's another layer of mind fuck, steganography. Consider pic related, it's a banknote. Try opening that in Photoshop. I can't for the life of me figure out how this can possibly work. look at that image and tell me how the fuck can any hidden data survive that much distortion??
Sorry forgot pic
I'd like to ask a personal question to other anons.
Do you have this feeling in you that no matter what you do or do not do, either way you'll never be happy again in this life? That you're basically dead inside and have become impervious to feelings of happiness?
That's how I've been feeling for the last 5 years or so (I'm in my 30s btw). Things which ten years ago would have made me feel ecstatic, leave me completely cold today and even annoy or bore me. At this point, I feel like it's victory or death for me, with no "Option C" so to speak.
Exactly. It's not like you're a robot, though, if you have friends that share your beliefs and acknowledge them. But happy?? Yeh, not going to happen even if we "win", there will be much work to be done.
Same here, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the interesting times we live in. Life is a game, and if the stakes weren't high it wouldn't be a very good one.
I feel much better in 2017 than I did in 2015. Many things I used to enjoy are now seen through the lens of how they were meant to destroy us all, and it pains me everyday, but I see it as motivation to go on.
Hang on there, Goebbels.
Why does the following shitpost not exist?
I'd be okay with it if the stakes were lower than
And I won't forgive the boomers for letting the difficulty setting slide to max level either.
What happened to that Berlin-Aleppo march which started in December last year?
What is Holla Forumss opinion on Jung?
One side seems to say he is a kike lover, the other saying that he is a völkisch bruder.
I've been eyeing Man and his Symbols for a while now, it looks decent.
I think they're in Greece. Look it up, nigger.
Exactly. And yes, I do have friends who share my beliefs, in fact all of them do but as you said we're not robots and we'll have to rebuild for a long time.
I can't say I'm enjoying it per se but I admit these are very interesting times to live in.
Thanks. I don't necesarily feel better now than in 2015 although I think it also has something to do with my age.
Once you're past 30, getting older kind of takes it's toll, not so much physically (I'm much fitter than the average man of my age) but mentally.
Not a question but I see a little bit of Tay here :,,,,(
anyone have the webm of how the monetary system works and how theit makes it impossible to pay the us debt
I suffer from high-functioning Autism and really severe OCD (not tumblr-esque OCD, the kind of OCD where you wash your hands until they chap and bleed and sometimes can't even walk on carpeting at the bank because of the stress and all)
Now I've been very successful at college (just graduated with honors from Community College with a STEM focus) so I'm not a NEET by any standard (I would be a wizard if I was born 10 more years ago though- I'm 20 rite now).
My question is: Given the fact that in most fascist regimes people like me would be sterilized to prevent further contaminating the gene pool- should I go ahead and get myself a vasectomy so I don't fuck up the gene pool any more? Or is sterilization only a last resort for white people like Chris-Chan on Autismbux?
I've always fashioned myself as an intelligent person, I usually learn things rather quickly. I got into politics 2 years ago, from stefan molyneux and ron paul. Eventually, I worked my way here, and I've been here about a year trying to consume as much info as I can. To better understand the complex philosophies that many on Holla Forums appreciate and hold, I ordered some Evola, and also tried reading "The Myth of the 20th century"
Needless to say, this shit is dense and complex. Since I usually learn quickly, it really knocked me on my ass to have to constantly go back and reread passages, I even tried taking notes as I read and going over them afterwords to gain better comprehensions of what was being written.
Am I just not getting it? Or did I jump in too quickly?
My real question is: What can I do to better understand these complex works? Where should I start? Are there better books that are along similar lines but are more geared toward 'beginners'? Or are there any reading strategies/reading guides anyone could share with me? I'd appreciate any insight or help.
Also, damn, I always knew these people didn't operate off of "bigoted ignorant rabble" as our school systems would have us believe, but trying to read this has given me a better insight at just how intelligent and well-read/well-thought these people & their like minded contemporaries were.
Why no-one is talking about how Tillerson lifted Refugee limits? This is bullshit
A friend of mine is utterly blackpilled. Says the world is ending in 50 years because the kike on a bike Stephen Hawking said humanity is past the point of no return and the world's biomass or some shit is overwhelming the planet or something and we are going to collapse unless we leave the planet. How true is this and how can I slap some sense into him?
no one
whos told you otherwise?
are they having hwhite babby?
The real Hawking died a decade ago and they've been wheeling out him out as the replacement for Einstein as the Chief Science Priest ever since.
Ask him why Hawking is still alive after all these years from a disease that should have killed him years ago, and with a completely different set of wonky teeth.
Also your friend is just being edgy.
a history that doesnt include lampshades made of skin oy vey
good answer, if temporary, at least
doesnt matter
get a healthy european wife and help her be fit to match your ascension
ill give you a tldr on these since they are deep questions and im sure someone can sketch out the details for you
1 its a word play its just a grab for controlling internet
2 global warming ignores real pollutants and real dmage to the environment over bullshit that is inconsequential and not man made at all - infiniteshekel grabs here is the most important for jews, number 2 is it allows them to use bait and switch for when people get interested in reducing the major pollutants in residential dwellings and resource gathering methods
3 its part of the narrative - same as feminism - most of the rights fought for already existed nearly everywhere - it caused controlled opposition backlash - and it allowed over the top solutions that got applied to places that never had these problems (affirmative action)
i cant help you with this but the evil nazi meme is injected into everything these days, its in all major entertainment, even when its not jew made, because its such an easy meme to exploit
if we leave the planet without solving major issues being caused here (racemixing and feeling bad for the weak who show no sign of remorse) there will be no good future anywhere
Would anyone be interested in a discord dedicated to the study of these languages? We could have a channel for as many as we like.
it sounds like you need to discuss particular pieces here with pol, QTDDTOT threads are ideal for that
as for understanding every single thing in works written many years ago - that begs the question - what are you trying to get from having such an understanding? you could spend years on a handful of books to understand 99% of them or spend a year reading a few dozen books and coming to understand the parts you were confused about earlier by having a broader base of understanding
ive come to many conclusions that clearly came from earlier reading material - and discussions on places like Holla Forums just over time - things click into place
it may help you to learn a bit about the authors and the social issues in their times
and thats where more reading comes in
I guess people like you would be heavily employed in the war effort as technicians or engineers. They'd probably let you get a free pass if you were of any use to them, unlike communists who just kill faggots when they outlive their usefulness.
Also reminder that Uncle Adolf was a huge autist, look at the footage of him sitting down and rocking himself like a little kid or his copious amounts of Disney artworks.
a discord?
A discord channel. Check out the site. You only need an email. Grab one at
it sounds to me like you need to continue bettering yourself
dont ever feel defeated, we are all with you
ill keep that in mind, need to clear my plate before i can engage in live chat again
shit son
which one do you mean? i have many different ones
is it the rothschild one?
I just saw the 'thou art a saracen' image somewhere, but now I can't find it. Anyone have it saved? requesting
I take random statements calling someone a jew or jew lover or good goy with a lot of salt. Like the anti christian rhetoric.
I've read some of his works and he has a proper approach to psychology, unlike freud (fraud).
Interested in this too but modern money mechanics from chicongo fed kikes = horses mouth and one of the best (and practically undebunkable) explanations out there.
Not a quick, easy webm though.
Hello fellow Anons, my question is;
anything else that's at this level/quality particularly showing the later ~37 etc rallies? and TOTW is probably one of the finest pieces of cinematography I have ever seen. Holy fuck did she know what she was doing or what… absolutely enthralling and captivating stuff, let alone a huge, Zeppelin-sized red pill.
P.s. I can't find the original thread where this was discussed a few months ago :(
Thanks, user.
She (Leni Riefenstahl) also did
1933 – Der Sieg des Glaubens
1935 – Tag der Freiheit
1938 – Olympia
How would you feel if nations were suddenly dismantled and replaced by corporations?
Hitlerjunge Quex
Hans Westmar
Der Große König
are also pretty good.
Stupid question. The answer is obvious.
What do you mean if?
All governments are corporations. They even use your birth certificate and 'expected lifetime productivity' as collateral for stock trading and shitty kike loan guarantees.
See pic related for but one example.
That's the SEC own website ffs.
Thank you so much, user, Heil!
Can someone redpill me about other right-wing forums?
I get 8ch is anonymous but full of shills and 4chan bans anyone with a vpn.
What's the take on TRS or Daily Stormer? safe or controlled op? stormfront looks fine.
Are there any other forums?
TRS is run by a man married to a feminist Jew. I advise caution on that front.
So 6 jews died during the shoah? Seems about right.
Been wondering this myself for a long time.
He's a fucking idiot that thinks people should reproduce or have families because the world is already doomed to die in 50 years. I did a quieck research and told him the only ones saying such things were online rags with no links or sources to said research and most of the results were saying that the world's oil will dry up in 50 years. Hawking said 100 years, but seesm he's been saying that for a while now. Apparently he's been a doomsayer for many years now already, and says he has no answers to that and the world must be multicultural and that retarded shit. Also, the ones reporting on such things were, as always, the usual suspects: The Guardian, HuffPost, CNN and their ilk. I couldn't take him out of his leftard doomsday mind but shifted his thoughts a little with some African, chink and shitskin redpills regarding overpopulation, pollution and environmental destruction.
I kept telling him that. Kept telling him that giving up was not the answer and that little by little is how change starts, but he was deadset in defeatist mode. Truth be told, I got fed up with him halfway through our discussion, but kept going on because I'm no quitter. Eventually, he deflected by changing the topic to film and entertainment abruptly after I deployed the shitskin redpills and he moodily agreed. I've lost a lot of respect for him though, and now I don't feel like hanging out with him much.
If I might ask of you a favor, does someone have the screencap talking about gene modification on humans in the future?
The first picture was some sorrt of furry realdoll if I remember correctly
Apologies if this is not the right place to ask.
TRS is dog shit.DS other than Anglin looking like an albino nigger puts up good material at least btfo's my sides.SF seems legit however its worth mentioning that all sites pro WN are heavily infiltrated by fbi/cianiggers whether the creator or general pop is legit or not.
So tread lightly user and take it all at face value.
I would like a discrod for learning latin
Someone explain this new reverse implying arrow. I think I get it, but am unsure of why it came about.
what is the long term goal of the mass immigration of muslims to Europe? do the jews not realize Europeans will revolt long before they are overtaken or do they not care?
I wasn't sure whether or not to post this question here or Deutsch/pol/, but it doesn't look like things are boding well for the Alternative for Germany party. Marine Le Penn had 14 to 1 odds and she still didn't win, as you can see things are even worse for our German friends…
Also, I'm quite surprised this isn't getting talked about more, not here nor anywhere else (unless I'm just blind and haven't noticed), this could very well be the election that makes or breaks Europe (unless the French elections already sealed that coffin).
I haven't cast any bets yet, but can the Germans pull this off? The recent failure of #Morethanarefugee gave me a lot of hope, but I still don't know if that's reflective of the current attitudes in Europe, let alone Germany. After all, nationalist candidates like Marine Le Penn and Geert Wilders seem to be failing throughout the continent.
With that being said, is it going to be worth it to make a wager in this?
I might add and is pretty good.
It is disappointing though not many active places on the internet you can discuss without heavy shill influence or getting outright banned for asking the JQ
I might add and is pretty good.
It is disappointing though not many active places on the internet you can discuss without heavy shill influence or getting outright banned for asking the JQ
Holla ForumsNiggers, Holla ForumsEuropean and Holla ForumsTheDonald are good as well.
Has this been debunked yet
Get out of here kike
I didn't mean anything bad by this its just every time you try to deny the holohoax this gets spammed at you and i just wanted to know if someone debunked it yet.
You are likely to be useful to them so they will use you as long as you do not pass the bad genetic down to the children.
Why are people still breaking links in their posts? Links have been disabled since the hack a few months back. Does breaking them do somerhing useful or is it just force of habit?
Eye witness and survivor testimony of the holocaust, all these things we are told 100% happened and are 100% true because the eye witnesses and survivors told us.
The following is a list of things that are 100% true and 100% happened:
-People shot while INSIDE gas chambers
-drilled a hole in someone's ass, then filled with air until the person exploded
-germans pushing up to 3,000 people into a single gas chamber
-cars smashed into walls and throwing their cargo into ovens
-organs removed, refilled with material and then put back in
-blood is great for combustion
-a giant electric-chair/platform that could kill 10,000 at a time
-using a pistol to shoot 12 women with 1 shot
-drowning children
-death by hot steam
-air bubbles killing
-dogs castrating people
-dogs being trained to fuck women
-hitting machine used for punishment
-children made to drown their parents
-infants put inside soccer balls and played with
-wives forced to drink the blood of their husbands
-45 guillotines
-people drowned in oil wells
-people gassed on the spot not even inside a gas chamber
-set on fire
-drained of blood
-ss men bicycling inside gas chambers in between gassings
-peep holes in the gas chambers where inmates where forced to look into
-gassed in a market square
-forced sex changes through injections
-blood factories draining children
-explosives in soup left for starving jews
-pregnant woman giving birth while being gassed leaving an impossible to remove stain
-ears cheeks and hands embedded in the floor
-masturbation machines for killing boys
-books made of human flesh
-sausage from human flesh
-gas chambers having traps doors which after gassings the bodies and bones where crshed and a conveyor ran the remains to a furnace
-clothes made form skin
-candy given to kids before sending them into a gas chamber
-tatooed skin being very valued by german soldiers
Stupid question, but as someone who pretty much entirely avoids movies, I've been thinking of watching the LotR trilogy for the first time with the understanding that there's nothing pozzed about it (which there wouldn't be if it held true to Tolkein). Is that the case?
I don't recall it being muh poor shitskins like a lot of modern fantasy/sci-fi movies like to one up each other on. I don't even recall if there is a nigger or a shitskin in there. But with massive thing like LOTR, I think it's the length that should be your biggest fear. Especially the extended version. I don't know a single person that could survive it start to end. They always give up by half of second movie. But sure, I mean, it's not cancerous like modern nigger pictures.
I've no problem with autistic length. It's only appropriate for the books really.
I own all three extended editions and have watched it all in one setting. All it takes is a little autism. There are shitskins, but they are foreign invaders in the third movie.
I guess if you mean it draws on a fairly straightforward sagas and the likes
After recently catching a bit of it on TV recently it dawned on me that they really aren't that great of films. I mean in actual composition there's quite a bit of the scenes that don't come out well or are well paced, not to mention the switching between the different groups. Honestly it was a massive undertaking and is a fair adaption; there's definitely a few scenes and plots (mostly Jackson's) that I would completely eliminate. I do think the best part of the movies really shows with WETA's special effects and the films' relatively small budget
The login is broken and a bunch of thing that used to work don't now.
The comment window is stuck at the top of the page and no longer floats in the middle of the thread.
Embedded videos won't pop out so you can scroll and read while they play.
I finally got to login by hitting the bypass page link the normal login window will not work at all for me.
What gives anyone understand why?
Saw RotK at the nationwide early premier at 20 some theaters country wide, got a commemorative film cell of the movie. It was extended edition of LotR and FotR, pizza, and then the premier of RotK.
ok, just to be sure if i understood.
central banks, which are owned by banks, create money out of nothing and lend it to states at its name value with an interest. correct?
but if that's correct, they created a certain value, but where does the value of the interest come from?
could it be that cyclical economic crises are basically and probably always had been us being unable to pay for that money that doesn't exist?
feel free to expand, disprove, make fun of the very likely obvious nature of this post…whatever. thanks for the attention.
I think this documentary is right down your alley.
Are your friends niggers? Or just normies with no attention span?
Listening to embed related, and it struck me: You could use this song as pro-white propaganda, a bit. Thoughts?
This one too perhaps.
The whole theme of the Alan Wake games is light vs dark.
What do they mean by this sentence in this video about quantitative easing?
What is yield and how does asset price inflation reduce it? Isn't selling a near infinite amount of assets to the government at an inflated price a pretty good fucking yield?
yield is the Year-on-Year return on an asset. Once you sell it you get profit from it, not yield.
Say an asset costs 100 and yields 4, a 4% return. If it then costs 200, it will still only yield 4 - so its yield is halved to 2%.
Then what does the government do with all these low yield assets?
Do net.
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Does anybody have the a. wyatt mann where the fag is having trouble holding up a sign?
We could meme the cool s to become a white power symbol. It's made with 14 straight lines, wich could be memed into representing the fourteen words. Also, if you put two of them together, it looks like 88, referencing the HH.
Is it a good idea?
Alright, I've been doing NoFap for a good four days now, and I just drank a few liquor drinks.
Ordinarily I can't handle my alcohol worth a shit, but this time I hardly feel it. I can type just fine, I'm not slurring my words.
Were the NoFap fags right when they said it makes you stronger?
Im doing NoFap as much as much as I can, i can tell you for sure it gives a slight energy boost (especially on the 6th-7th day because of the increased test) , the goal is to set your sex drive aside and focus on something else. The more you do it the "better" , so to speak. Try doing 30 days and make your own conclusions.
nofap makes you not waste nutrients in producing semen that will not be used. Also, it helps root out hedonistic life choices. I think the effects of nofap are psychological too but I don't know very well.
You should do it as long as you can. If you think you cannot contain it you should take a cold shower to stop the lust.
Also, don't edge.
>>>/nofap/ for encouragement and more information.
I only did a no fap for several times, mostly because i was in hospital, and after 3-4 days a 40year old average looking nurse became really attractive, no thanks.
not a question but I didn't want to make a new thread and I thought you guys would get a good kek out of this:
Have you guys read up on antisemitism lately :^)
context: on my kikebook some dykes were arguing about a Jay Z song that calls out the jews and one of them was defending it saying that he didn't mean it harmfully but then someone told her to "You clearly don't know much about anti-Semitic propaganda; I'd recommend you brush up" and linked the above
Is there a place for Baneposting in the coming world post-happening?
Any screencaps you took?
I do feel more energized. I still edge at times but not enough for it to be an issue.
Still though, I'm amazed at how capable of handling shit I feel. No wonder the jews want us to give in to sexual impulse, it weakens men.
Anyone noticed, that Robert Goebbels articles are missing almost any information on his family as of several months ago?
IIRC, he was related to Joseph Goebbels. But that connection is gone now. From everywhere.
Well i m over energetic by nature, if i wouldnt fap and a titcow would jiggle her boobs past me i would have to look for ants under my skin.
do people here actually believe in holohoax exposure or do they believe it happened and are smug that jews died? also do we like mengele or not? hes pretty fucked up. inb4 d&c
here, user just for your nice digits, enjoy the ensuing brain tumor. and these people are all recent fucking graduates at a decent stem school…
There certainly people that believe that the holocaust never happened since well the media and the establishment lost credibility big time.
It also has some other vectors to it.
Little more complex than that i would assume.
Where's the thread on all the recent/current impeachment rallies?
Yeah, I guess that's why he took all their money in exchange for his shitty music.
Jay Z is the biggest drain on the black community's economic diaspora. And they deserve him because they're stupid enough to throw away their money on him even though they can't afford it.
Because be a graduate in a decent stem school esp. in murica doesnt really make you a competent well rounded individual esp. if they neglect the "traditional" sense of a university which in some aspect means a broader sense of knowlege.
They are as far removed as their subjects they study, which would be really common for people with specialisation and hugboxing.
Never let women have higher education. It doestroys them.
My question is how i can get drunk to death?
Well they seek a strong "pimp hand". If she is actually gf material, which means nice boobs and intelligent and you have shot at grabbing her, you would change her really gradually. Just prepare some shit you look at innocently with some models that arent wearing sjw glasses or a tumber haircut but in a context that doesnt make it obivious, naturally they would want to imitate that.
Girls usually follow the current mainstream stuff, you should view that as following a trend other than a political ideology.
Unfortunately some people will believe outlandish shit like this simply because it came from a "survivor's" mouth. I told my uncle about how inefficient all of that would be, and the only response he used consistently was
What should I do if I want to resurrect /rwss/ on another political forum?
The picture you posted seems more like symbiotic relationship, the more blobish the antifa friends become the more aesthetic the frogs become.
In a way it is like posting cuckporn excessively thinking it will set off the frogs while all it does is making them move further away from that.
Like that rainbow flag that is hissed for a certain duration of time and then replaced by a nazi flag.
this, it's depressingly true; don't take women or their beliefs that seriously. They'd change those beliefs like they would change their hairstyle. That's why women that tend not to be "degenerate" have large, varyingly detached and non-conformist (seemingly heavily internally conformist from the outside) social circles
The SJW stuff (and not just that, other variants of other political spectrums) prey on the female psyche for that matter, and in consequence of the beta male mind as an extension. But that is just one side of it. Works with other shit aswell, that is why you get a 100k+ spaniards to protest for taking in more refugees while their own youth is largely unemployed.
why is porn and masturbation jewish?
Porn and masturbation has always existed, the jews just believe that they can control it.
Sie werden dieses licht aber niemals stimmen können.
stormfront looks like shite to me
it has such low post count
stormfront is too well known. i'm sure all the real nazis use tor or something
part jews happily genociding and degenerating everything good around them
part "elites" thinking they can have voters of any race to perpetuate shitty government they rule over
and yes, many muslims love to kill jews but also many extremist muslim sects ((((isis))) are jew psyops controlled opposition
the dark sun is rising
if you think "political" wins are the only way european whites own the world, then you have not been paying attention (or are very very new and havent yet swallowed any redpills)
you should be able to tell by the "le" shit all over that first image that its a high school aged jew or jew lover
do you need "proof" to "debunk" someone calling you a faggot?
are we getting raided by reddit?
welcome to pol
youll learn how wrong you are
it wasnt decent
and most of all
just getting a stem degree doesnt mean you are rational, it just means you have a particular degree
who in current year+2 still thinks college is something of a feat or that intelligent people are more likely to have a college degree in any age group?
looks good to me, doesnt seem like a new thing though seen it before
If you met a modest virgin QT with trad values, still capable of bearing children, but permanently wheelchair bound due to injury. Would you pursue it?
Why are so many people on this board against everyone on the altright? Any time someone that is altright is mentioned there will be people calling them counter opposition and kikes, is this because of shills?
because alt-kike is a "movement" full attention whoring e-celebs begging for donations and trying to sell you shit=in it for profit or they're just feds
Because we are wary of opportunists and provocateurs who do not care about ideology, and people who operate openly to gain attention go against our philosophy. They aren't necessarily our enemy, they just aren't us.
You don't have to donate to them though they put out free content.
Does that content offer anything that we cannot read in books, or surmise through our own experienced perspectives? Typically no.
I am really struggling with this. wonderful woman, completely untouched by poz-world. I also happen to be fascinated by biomedical tech like prosthesis and nerve-digital interfacing and I'm also from a strong engineering background.
I have no idea what that would actually be like but if the only thing wrong is that she's in a wheelchair that shouldn't be a deal breaker.
So here comes a very oddball question
I was watching 'The Greatest Story Never Told' recently and I noticed during the end credits on one of the last episodes that some sort of strange code popped up on the screen for a few seconds. Pic related.
Besides the obvious 2013 date, any ideas what it is or what it means?
Drink… more… Ovaltine?
winter-chan pls lend me ur strength orz
You may never 100% redpill a woman, but you can easily prove to her that you know better by simply making predictions about the world using your forbidden knowledge. When you turn out correct she'll naturally trust you more, and you get the opportunity to share why you knew what was really going on in whatever situation it was that you analysed.
Ultimately, as long as she listens to you and respects you, she won't do anything stupid keep in mind she's still a woman though; I mean that with no malice and she'll be pretty happy to stick around and give you a nice house and children.
In any case the best place to start is with what affects her personally, which is most likely feminism. Now I'm pretty sure feminism died a cataclysmic death sometime around 2014 when even normies were getting sick of it and that Milo faggot got famous, but its remarkably sticky and will rear it's head in many ways. Be ready to counter that then you can move on to gender differences, once you're talking about inequality it's a good time to go through cultural differences, before taking on the more taboo subject of racial differences. If you've done your job right, there won't be a huge resistance to it, but this is second only to discovering the jewish conspiracy in terms of thoughtcrime, so don't expect immediate effectiveness.
Humor is a good bridge to uncomfortable subjects
Reverse osmosis filtering is really good, it's very effective at removing a lot of the heavy metals found in municipal water. The problem is that even a small unit will set you back at least $1k
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Why do some people say that the economy cannot function if we don't keep some people unemployed?
Please respond.
Where can I find sources about the Jews being removed all those countries? Not the list, the sources/explanations.
The general consensus is that nowhere in the US is "good" to move to, but some places have varied benefits:
That's interesting, but where can I get leads to start the project up again?
well, you should consider what is the cause for the wheelchair was it weak genetics? if so then you should totally be close with her and share ideas and maybe maintain some sort of relationship, but I see 2 problems with having a family:
What IRL value do esoteric practices like freemasonry, Kabbalah, hermeticism etc. have that are explainable to the common person? I have been hearing about esoteric and occult practices since I was 10, but many years later, with all the knowledge I got and all the shit I've heard from Holla Forums, I still can't figure out why certain people like Crowley and LaOyVey tried (and others still do today) so superhumanly to apply so much meaning to what are essentially spiced-up congregations of virgins/degenerates (or both).
Given current demographic trends, European people will first become an outright minority in their own lands within the next thirty years. Thereafter, they will become a tiny minority, and shortly after that, will vanish completely under a flood of further immigration and miscegenation. What can we do?
i wouldn't assume it's permanent. that could just be what some jew doctor told her. the human body is capable of amazing things and the medical industry depends on its victims never figuring that out;
Does anyone still have this font stored somewhere?
You are extremely ignorant on the subject. Crowley and LaVey were degenerate LARPing retards. LaVey's Satanism was purely materialistic. I recommend you read some real esoteric literature such as Manly P. Hall, Max Heindel, or Miguel Serrano.
The so-called esoteric is by definition not for the common person.
It is because those who flee the truth of reality and the harshness of the eternal struggle to find comfort in being worshipped as celebrities are always exploitable degenerates.
If you want drinking water go with distillation. Good luck.
Don't give up on brothers who have lost their way. Guide them so they will help raise the fire.
I'll go with that, however I think you underestimate the degrees Crowley had earned over the years and the praise he gets, despite being a degenerate.
Leave the common person out of my question then.
Did anything come out of the story of that North Carolina school?
I would beat the fucking shit out that spoiled little bitch until he could no longer speak. Then starve him for a day just to show him who's boss. Goddamn, what is wrong with parents these days?
I've seen radfems use the fact that males form in as females and then turn into males, to justificate that males are an error and need to be exterminated.
Is there any disproval for this?
What is the book about over sexualization of society called? It has a latin name.
I'm glad this QTDTTOT is up, retains some old pol feel without adding to shill/catalog-sliding paranoia.
Brothers never forget that your ancestors fought everything to persist in this world and bring forth heirs. Your y line is very important. Minimum 1 son even if you already have 3 kids (absolute minimum of kids) to continue the legacy.
Let us not forget the women, many died giving childbirth in past times, cases that are these days often foreseen and very often healed with modern medicine. There are instances for certain where the mothers existed with young children while the fathers died due to war and skirmish. All your ancestors are the reason you are here and now.
Your blood is your legacy. The words we use today are nothing like the words they used 3,000 years ago but you can be sure many of the genes are in you now because they were successful.
No matter what struggle you face it is not existence or the facing of this struggle that defines you. It is your ability to persevere through it and see something better and higher than the pain.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
libido dominandi
Thank you.
"Butterflies also start out as caterpillars. Which would you rather be?"
I assume this is exactly the case. What are the seriously practical applications of bi/quadrepedal robotics within the next 50 years? Military applications are done more effectively by personnel and Google doesn't want to be directly related to the western MIC, so there's no use or demand for novelties like Big Dog and the like. Yeah it's cool but will an investment in the technology pay off? I and shareholders agree that it certainly won't in the short term.
Now who here wouldn't do that if they could?
I can't give any nutritional advice, but I can give you some general advice that I personally endorse
Stay away from all sugar, especially liquid sugar (soda); sugar replacements are just as bad or worse (aspartame, xilitol, sorbitol) bubblegum is pure cancer; keep a large water bottle with you all the time, it'll make you drink more water; use a non-fluoridated toothpaste (there's no downside to doing so); basically, if the label has more numbers than words then stay away from it
But the most important advice I can give you is to get a perfect sleep schedule, go to bed at the same time every single day. For that I highly recommend installing f.lux or a similar program and to stay away from blue or white light sources at night - because blue light is interpreted by your brain as sunlight, if you're looking at the sun all day, you won't get sleepy when you should
Is this tweet real? Is there an archive link?
They don't need to be debunked because they are a load of rubbish cobbled together by an idiot.
Re:sovereign man stuff. Is there any validity to the "Secret Social Security Accounts?" I've seen the idea of trusts/commercial accounts being created upon birth with you as collateral or some variation thereof multiple times. I'm obviously skeptical, but given what I know about the federal reserve and all the shoddy shit kike bankers do, it really wouldn't surprise me. It really would just be a contractual verification of what we all already know: we're slaves.
I'd try some of the techniques (ie using fed routing numbers in combination with your ss) but am concerned about fraud and the legality.
If there's an user that is well-versed, please, link me to suggested resources.
What do the (h) and (u) next to file names mean?
Is it okay to marry a 27 years old deaf girl? She is religious and wanted to have 4 children.
Why wouldn't it be?
Because the deafness might be genetic but I don't want to be a rude dickhead for asking her that if it is genetic or caused by the disease. I can afford the IVF assistance for her if she agree to use the donated eggs to avoid having kids with poor genetic quality.
She is inferior and you are a traitor.
I didn't say that she is a nigger, you idiot.
Ask her. If you're too worried about her reaction to even ask, then you definitely shouldn't be getting married.
People like to talk about themselves. Ask if anyone in her family is hearing, how she grew up, etc. If it is possible to fix surgically or with a cochlear implant, and if so, would she want to. Ask about the deaf community. Feign interest if you have to and you could figure out all out on a first date.
Okay I will risk it. I hope she doesn't turn out to be a slut.
I will heed your good advices. She is sweet and kind. She cooked the nice lunches at the church and I enjoyed it a lot.
It's there to save the file with either unix time filename or another tipe of time measure wich I don't know the name of.
I've found this encyclopedia which claims to be an unpozzed version of wikipedia.
What are the characteristics of an aryan face and skull?
We've known that the kike jew has promoted the Negro in all forms of entertainment for decades to increase miscegenation, but to what extent is there a scientific aspect to this beyond the psychology?
Is the CIA using supersoldier technology to give Negroes an extra edge in athletics? Because it seems that ever since the '90s, the deck was stacked with Negroes in every mainstream sport, and they became the champions of every sport.
Heck, I remember when the NBA was full of Whites. And I remember when Lebron James was drafted into the NBA straight out of high school and he looked like a 30-year-old man.
Something just seems off-putting about the idea that Blacks are superior at sports and that Whites suck. It's a relatively recent phenomenon. Is there some sinister science behind it? Or, is it simply a case of affirmative action in college athletics being used as a side entrance to higher education for unqualified Negroes and, due to their disproportionate representation they took over pro sports?
Pardon me if this is /x/-tier, but it's something I've wondered for a while and would like to hear Holla Forums's thoughts.
I had this question myself some time ago and went searching for the answer.
I ended up finding an interesting website that I think you should check out. I can't say if the information there is one hundred percent accurate or not, but it will at least get you started.
Does anyone know if there's an etymological link between the words "Goyim" and "Golem", it would be pretty damning if there was a linguistic link between those two terms.
Are most of you circumcised? Should I circumcise my new born when it comes
Keep your hands off of your baby's dick. Foreskin is there for a reason.
It's primarily down to particular kinds of sports.
The muscle layout and types that dominate in blacks and whites are different.
A white guy has a much easier time building heavy slow acting but strong muscle. This is why the worlds strongest man contests are always dominated by white guys and in womens weight lifting its all white women.
So the core strength of a white guy is always going to beat that of a black guy on the same workout regime and diet.
Blacks meanwhile have a lot of twitchy fast acting that isn't comparable in the weight/strength ratio but dayum is it fast. In games like basketball, tennis, sprinting, etc? That faster muscle movement is more important than overall strength. So in such events the blacks will perform better overall.
Stamina is where blacks tend to suffer though.
They'll get worn out fairly quickly during intense physical activity. Hence why long distance runners and multi event athletes are white as fuck.
Another important factor to consider is that a lot of black pro-athletes can trace their lineage to a very very specific region in Africa. Where the locals seem to have gotten lucky with the development of a variety of traits beneficial in modern sports.
A view of the .pdf linked in one of those faceberg comments
If you can't argue against that, you're the error indeed and should kys ASAP. We can't afford even more sub-100 IQ tards running around claiming they're Holla Forums.
Pics and link related. The link talks about the functions of the frontal lobe, a part of the brain superior races have bigger and more complex.
It's an argument based on a lie, as fetuses are genderless until a switch activates, wich makes them devolp as a male. If it doesn't activate it will devolp as a female.
Nipples are there as it they may be necesary.
It's unargueable as it has based on a nonargument, it's equal to saying all women should be killed because they are weaker than men.
Thanks for the guides. Is there any comparison between jewish faces and skulls and european faces and skulls?
You mean Israeli jewish, or the more European side? Many Israelis basically look like Arabs, however the others are "White-looking" but you usually notice something's off (mainly, the sloped forehead, bigger lower lip and deeper eye sockets, kinda like a Neanderthal).
Remove the IR filter from within your camera and you may get lucky. I had a google for you and apparently night vision phones can see through some fabrics and the only hardware difference is the removal of the IR cut filter It looks like a thin transparent piece of plastic before the camera.
I did it on a webcam to try and catch my asshole neighbor climbing my balcony and stealing my plants.
Oh yes, I forgot you need a source of IR illumination to really penetrate through the clothes.
Tell them to stop getting their science from science fiction, see below.
Sorry, but that's a semi-falsehood from Jurassic Park. For some reptiles and fish, sex is determined by genes as well as hormones. For primates it's genes only.
iirc the line is "all the embryos are inherently female and require a hormone to become male, we simply deny them that". Don't feel bad. I took that as applicable to humans as well for a while too
trannies blown the fuck out
A side note, anyone else not able to watch the Telvi-sion anymore? I cut the cord years ago, but my family is glued to it and there's some really degenerate shit like condom adverts on daytime TV. TV has always been kiked, but damn I get rustled by just seeing it on now. I feel like this was just reprobate things you'd see on MTV, VH1, and BET in the early 00's
Is jontron jewish?
He has the big lower lip and hooked nose.
Croat and Persian
Thanks will check it out
I like this. Try making the black lines thicker and the background red
Neopotism probably.
Not really successfully that I know of and I've been there done most of that, leading up to such things.
What it really is, is actually understanding ledger/charge/discharge etc and commerce basics. Commercial law including contracts, remedies, structure of corporation/trust/etc is also critical to empowering yourself to actually using this IRL.
Check out Winston Shrout and Creditors in Commerce. Early Dean Clifford is good too (I have tested it and it works on all entities lol)
Read law and be interested in it. If you don't have this, you've already failed. Seek the rabbit hole. UCC is the end.
GL. P.s. don't do anything, until you literally spend years studying it and know exactly what you are doing. If you can't explain it to someone simply, gtfo.
How advanced were East and West Africans in history? I'd like to believe that they had very few actual kingdoms and never culturally progressed at the same rate as the rest of the world (to confirm my racism), but I always see people who are "educated" in history claim that cultures like the "Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Great Zimbabwe, Kongo, Kitara, Buganda, Zulu Kingdom, all those medieval Swahili city states, and Benin" were indeed as advanced as at least Europeans at the same time and doing legitimate trade with Middle Eastern civilizations. Were these actual kingdoms with cultural artifacts such as relatively grand architecture, pottery, art, etc? Or were they kingdoms in the sense that they were villages of huts with a leader?
Could a well read historyfag help me out?
Is vid related acurate?
can someone point at the things wrong in this video?
I wouldn't call it accurate or inaccurate because its so painfully shallow and barely scratches any surfaces as to not offend people or express any particular political viewpoints. At least its not complete liberal insanity though so I would call it harmless
Give me the key points so I don't have to watch your stupid shit and I'll rebuttal.
It was mentioned before on the board.
Why the fuck is flatearther shit linked at the top of the board? Has the mason finally decided to discredit us as we've outlived our usefulness?
There's a thread on >>>/sudo/ where people can request Codemonkey to highlight their board up top
flatearthers doing the jobs Holla Forumsacks won't do
What's the deal with the anti smoking campaign? Like all mass propaganda, I can't help but assume (((they))) are behind it.
But tobacco addiction "is" harmful; is this the one example of (((them))) memeing something useful?
The thing is, there are plenty of unhealthy activities in which Americans participate. From soda drinking to fast food, there has never been as big of a propaganda fest as the war on tobacco.
My only explanation is that the tobacco industry used to be the bread and butter of the ebil rasis south's economy, and therefore if they were going to pick a cause, why not destroy the last bastion of based white society in America.
Smoking is bad. German medical scientists were the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer, decades before the link would be accepted in America. NSDAP leadership supported the results of this research and waged an extensive anti-tobacco propaganda campaign.
The mass media campaign around it, if I had to guess, was originally motivated by jewish lawyers wanting massive anti-tobacco lawsuits.
jews will find a way to profit from anything. but smoking is profoundly unhealthy and stupid. There's an anti-smoking video out there where a tobacco exec is quoted as saying something like "The only people left who still smoke are the stupid, the young, the poor, and the blacks."
Also, the settlements of those huge jew lawsuits mandated that the tobacco companies themselves spend huge amounts of money on anti-smoking campaigns.
No doubt because they knew the tobacco companies would be forced to hire jewish advertising firms to conduct those anti-smoking campaigns.
I'm trying to remember an article I read here on Holla Forums a while ago about some third-world government that was purposely making their citizens addicted to heroin. Like there was either a campaign to hire drug dealers using federal funds to spread the heroin or else it was leeched into their water supply or something. It was all to make the population passive and docile I'm sure. And I think the nation's citizens caught wind of this and revolted back, not sure though.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I used to draw these in my books all the time, all the kids did. Then I got older and started drawing swastikas instead. Thought I was just being edgy, but I guess I didn't know.
feminism is probably the best place to start as the other user said, but take it slow and keep it funny. If she likes you, she doesn't want to get upset by what you're saying, so give her the option to just laugh and not respond. Don't demand a response or an opinion from her.
Useful details:
Anyone can see the contradiction between "anything except teaching men not to rape is victim-blaming" and third world immigration, and the internal contradictions of feminism wanting to have it both ways at once: violence against women is a separate and worse issue than violence in general, but men and women should be treated equally. The link from feminism to multiculturalism is easy just by rephrasing the same arguments and seeing how unacceptable they are. Don't mention the Jews for a long time, even as a joke - the programming is too strong.
There are women on Holla Forums and they probably all come here because of partners, but they could all be autists. Then again, bringing your girlfriend to Holla Forums probably isn't the outcome you want. When people say that you can't redpill a woman they're thinking of shit like this
There's a song I've seen posted here a few times from Quebec called Degeneration. It draws you in with the male line building up the farm and then selling it to move to the city, then hits you with the female line: "sometimes you wake up crying after dreaming of a big table surrounded by children".
worth continuing with this video? it's pretty rough still, suggestions for clips are welcome
(warning: cancer)
Here is how I've handled this sort of situation. Simply ask this question:
There are able-bodied men in Costa Rica, are there not? I'd wager many of them are unemployed, loafing around doing nothing useful for their community. Why can't they dig their own well? Why do they need a white girl from America to travel thousands of miles at great expense to dig a hole for them?
Do they really need money to dig a hole in the ground? Really? They can't procure their own shovel and donate their own labor for a few days for the sake of substantially bettering their own community? Okay, suppose that's true…. for the price of one airplane ticket to Costa Rica, you could surely buy them a shovel and pay them to dig the hole themselves, for themselves. And if they can't be trusted to dig their own well, then surely they are beyond all hope and digging a well for them won't do anything substantial to help them in the long run.
After explaining all of this to her, if she's still wants to go, then explain to her the real reason she wants to go down there is because she wants a vacation. Tell her that she should go on a vacation with you.
Powerful stuff.
Does any one know anything about Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 3? In the wikipedia article they dont even mention it. Is it just that some split the work up in 2 and some in 3?
So in Miguel Serrano's "Nietzsche y la Danza de Shiva" he mentions that the "right turning swastika" (left hooks, clockwise moving) is a symbol of the "exodus from hyperborea"
So I've been thinking about this quite a bit. The jews and poles were the only countries with right turning swastikas. But also, I was thinking how the Mudslimes run around their black cube CCW - which is the direction of the hitler swastika.
Also, he mentions the Cathars believed in Lucifer as "Lucibel" which is similar to a light/bulb due to the root of the word bel which shares with bulb/flower/bull - which is why Lucifer is portrayed as a bull demon.
But why would people like the Cathars worship Lucifer/Venus/the Morning Star and why would the muslims worship the left turning swastika motion?
Why would they be running around a black cube? What the fuck is the cube? I've been thinking about how a cross is a cube, unfolded. We all know the bible is mostly a metaphor and stolen nonsense or mistranslated. We've also recently found out that Jesus actual name properly translated was "Jason". The Cathars and Druids also worshipped a "Jason". Who the fuck is jason?
Also, I remember the Reich inner-earth map thats been floating around here (not saved here sorry), where it shows the "light" that illuminated the inner earth, with a square box around it (if you arent a newfag im sure you know what im referencing). Is the box something real? Is the box something we have to open to truly be illuminated? Is that why (((they))) worship Saturn/Satan? Is running around the box CCW somehow keeping is closed shut? Is Pizzagate some sort of homage to Kali so the kikes can hold he power and keep us from our true potential?
I remember Edgar Cayce talked about how Atlantis sunk due to them having access to an unlimited energy, which they lost control of – causing a sinking of the peninsula (atlantic shelf). Then I was looking more into Saturn and its kike-hexagon and the (((spiral))) at the center of the poles.Then I read an interesting article (
(see photo)
So essentially what I'm thinking is that its no coincidence these faggots worship spirals, hexagons, weird cosmic numerology/cosmic cycles and whatever else – obviously long before we got the sat images in the 80s. Is this the secret? Are the planets the source of energy that we once had? When the pyramids were stargates? when the sphinx was a tunnel to the inner earth? Am I on the right track here?
I also forgot to mention that in that map, the poles have the esoteric "Tet" symbol on the north and south poles. The tet symbol has 4 levels (4 cosmic cycles). Tet represents the spine or resurrection of Osirus, which the pyramids line up with the stars of Osirus. Also, the Gral (the moonrock the Cathars, Knights Templars etc guard) is supposed to be a star that fell of the "crown of lucifer" which is supposed to come from Osirus. And of course we all member
With the whole September 23rd shit coming up, and the end of the Kali Yuga in 2025 - what exactly is going to be happening here? Obviously we've been overlooking Osirus.
Has anyone else realized their connection to nature recently?
Life is fascinating, beautiful, always complex yet simple in its capacity to change.
>/polk/ now has
It's known that the Anhenerbe collected vast amounts of artifacts and manuscripts from around the world during the time they were active.
I'm sure some of these items, including manuscripts, were the only copies extant.
After the war, what happened to everything? If they truly are hiding out in Antarctica then maybe they still have a lot of stuff, but what about the documents they left behind? Seized by the government? Destroyed?
If they are in fact destroyed, then some of the ancient knowledge they would have had is now lost forever, ever shrinking the amount of information about our past.
Since I know it will be brought up, an exception to this is Kenyan marathon runners. Due to growing up at a high altitude, they have incredible red blood cell counts and respiratory systems in general. This environmental adaptation is what enables them to win the long-distance contests.
Do you enhance your mind and your body as much as you can every day?
If it means peddling bullshit and lies while speaking nonsense and whatever is already popular in the (((media))) I would not take the money.
Memes are powerful. I might make a million dollars peddling a lie but then might become a victim to my own (((success))).
You, have much to learn.
Who cares, it's nonsense because mixed race are weak and making a swarm of shitskins doesn't mean shit.
I honestly used to think that I need to "debunk" anything that might look to a normie as "evidence" or "an argument",
Then I realized that if I spent my time refuting every lie and half argument and reiteration of those same lies, I would never create or push nationalism forward. I would be at the mercy of the liars forever.
Think about that.
This. Read up more biology related to any subject and you will find redpills for a lifetime.
How is it based on a lie if you just confirmed it?
Yes it is based on genes, which are activated during development not immediately at conception.
Your gut feeling is correct, you would need to study some archaeology instead of textbooks, if you know how bad textbooks are biased (and getting worse in this decade).
I'll be honest someone going out to help nonwhites is deep into the marxist cult so you sure picked a challenge.
You'll need to honestly start with helping them find out about their family history. I find that once people identify with facts that are interesting about themselves they are easier to show facts to that continue the rejection of the marxist kool aid.
Not saying it is impossible but it is like finding a girl with a feminism tatoo on her forearm, for me it would be a dealbreaker.
You are most completely wrong.
Seriously user here. Old enough to be all anons father. What you guys call an "old boomer" cuck. lel…Believe it or not some of us are hard core red pilled mother fuckers like me.
Thought you young anons would enjoy this. This is the Allegory of Plato's Cave. It is a three minute vid. I think you will love it. As creative as you guys are you will probably use it somehow.
The escaped prisoner from the cave is a freshly redpilled user that goes back into the cave to redpill his captive friends but they think he is some sort of strange creature and they can no longer relate to the freshly redpilled user
Highly recommended. I love you young anons that are carrying the torch and trying to make a better world. Mean that from the bottom of my heart. I can't explain how good it makes me feel to know you guys exist. Carry on…
Redpilled Boomer Cuck again. An analysis of Plato's Cave. Highly recommended. Love you young anons. Carry on…
better quality
not better quaility after posted. as good as i got though.
Great analogy, gramps (you're probably twice my age).
These days I find split between young/old redpilling is actually pretty even. Lot of you old fucks are getting sick of the dinosaur kike media you were forced to watch as a child.
Damn right we are getting tired of it. We didn't grow up with the benefit of the internet so we didn't know any of this growing up. We didn't even have cell phones. Only knew one person with a cell phone in college and it was a bag phone as big as the New York phone book.
I was always an independent thinker and a leader so I redpilled earlier than any other boomers that redpilled. NONE of knew about the stuff you guys can learn today. Those of us that know are pissed as hell though because we have watched it go down the drain.
We grew up with cartoons like Popeye The Sailor Man and watched Leave It To Beaver and Happy Days. Homosexuality, transgender, and all that shit was not on TV anywhere. We watched the Dick Van Dyke Show, Mary Tyler Moore, Lucille Ball, and shit like that.
This shit happened quick too. At first it was just a few gay people on tv a few years ago, then suddenly they shifted the roller coaster into high gear and this shit is off the chain. A lot of boomers, just like todays young people might not want to live that sort of lifestyle but they have been shamed into tolerating it just like you guys have been. Matter of fact your generation not only tolerates it but thinks its just the way normal life is because you grew up with it.
Makes me sad and very fucking angry. I have been doing my part online for many years. I was one of the first warriors. We didn't have a meme culture so we did it with blogs and forums. You guys have a good thing going on with this meme factory because it it highly effective. You guys can push a message into a brain in seconds. People had to want to sit and read our shit for long periods and it wasn't very effective.
Glad you guys are doing what you do. I salute you. We need young intellectual warriors. Carry on…
I honestly think you have lost it.
There is blood and there is will.
Spending all your time in possibilities without actualizing only stunts you.
I have a few questions I'd like to ask on the homosexual question:
Can someone give me sccienrific evidence as to why homosexuality is a dangerous thing to allow? What are the typical homosexual defending points that fag supporters like to use and how do you counter them?
Wasn't homosexuality considered a mentally illness by 90% of scientists, until the late 70's when a thousands of irate fag protestors were at the front door of some science institution? Can anyone give me the details on that please?
Sounds like you travelled a very similar path. We too had cellphones later in school but they were candybars or literal bricks until the Motorola V3 pretty much.
I was last of the 'grew up with popeye and loonytunes and other non-PC bs' type generation you mention. Internet was big part of early teens but we got to see how it started, where it came from and the framework better than someone just plonked in to the middle of it today.
The hardest part of redpilling your generation is that utter infantile umbilical cord to kike media, which is very hard to slash. It takes them being directly lied to about something they can easily debunk, e.g. 'there are no fires in your area, Goyim, it's all under control' meanwhile a fucking 10m high firestorm is half a km off… I know a few that literally had to have this happen till they stopped guzzling TV as verbatim.
As a band called death put it so succinctly;
I too remember an age when male role models were strong men. Lady rolemodels were strong women or good traditional women.
You didn't get this Xi-fag-ciswhateverthefuckery of today.
They tried to shame us too, plenty bought it but what is funniest about your age is the inherent racial/anti fag stuff that was once deeply ingrained, makes it harder to totally convert.
This is the weakness of your generation. They were pre-red pilled and now 'corrected'. This has often broken the conditioning in my experience. That said, you are the hardest to red pill on the kikes - that part has never changed cus muh ebil naziiieysh.
Funny how you started on forums, same here and was active online before chans existed too. You're totally right, back then though information was far less diluted and shilled - It was easier to find stuff condensed and accurately collated. This is what red pilled me as a young (and definitely needing more guidance) 'wanna-be NS/WP/WN type' in teen years. E.g. knew the kikes were bad just not how bad and subversive (and literally was pro-gas even though I wasn't totally sure it didn't happen lmao). Definitely the sort of stance that usually does more harm than good, that's the 'easy' way to go, exactly what the kikes try and push us as. Since teens hated non-whites rather than trying to work with them as NS principles would of course prefer. In fact, I kept away from chans for almost a decade, that said there are plenty of other routes to reach this place and similar.
You're also totally right regarding the memes. They have significantly evolved. Hell if you really want to look at it, NS/Symbology is almost a meme too, just much older.
First meme I can remember that crossed over form the net to normalfags/boomers even was All Your Base. 2002 or so?
That really made me realize the power of the internet back then. Luckily the kikes didn't pay attention till later ;)
Thank you for dropping by and your words of wisdom. If you have any more historical POV we'd love to hear it - history always repeats and you've been there, done that. I salute you rare breed of oldfags for leading the way for us. Because without your efforts, we would've had no inspiration to begin leading the younger groups of today.
gee idk did you try googling AIDS, faggot?
Another thing to understand: pedophilia is not a sexual preference or orientation it is a perversion/fetish therefore any gay, straight, dyke, whatever type person can be a pedophile. Since most people are straight, most pedophiles are straight. But this is like saying white people commit more crime than niggers. Proportionally, gays may be a small minority of the population (however overrepresented they are by kike media) but a huge number of fags are pedophiles. There are stats to back this off to google u go.
For such a tiny group they are extremely dangerous to a healthy society, capable of inflicting massive damage.
That is to say nothing for the rampant drug abuse in homo communities…
P.s. Always said back in the early 00s as a bit of a geek, something which was no less true then that it is today;
It is our destiny.
Sieg Heil
Aren't most pedophiles bisexual, though?
How do I take three threads and somehow combine them? (Pic related)
Anyone know a online store that sells a T-shirt with Yuri's face on it?
Why the hell was this thread shut down so quickly?
It didn't do anything too crazy (though the OP was a bit of a faggot) and was delivering a lot of good old and new redpills while the other thread was stagnant from little activity after months of being anchored. Why did mods want to stop there being a new fresh redpill thread?
Where did that thread with the post of the german punk rock music go? It was a meme picture of the little girl listening as the faggot/pedo thinks out loud what is she listening to. Tried searching all of Holla Forums and Holla Forums to no avail or I am just a faggot.
Those kinds of threads pop up on Holla Forums pretty regularly, did it have anything in particular about it? If not then just wait until another one pops up or look it up on and if that isn't enough then you might really be a bit of a faggot.
Red Pilled Boomer user again. I think the thing that makes homosexuality a danger to society is the fact that it has been weaponized. The word for it back when I grew up was "queer."
When the kikes decided to weaponize it they changed "queer" to "gay" because queer had a negative connotation in society. The word "gay" made it sound like something better. When I grew up "gay" meant a happy dude with a smile on his face.
In my opinion homosexuality, in and of itself, would not be the danger to society that it has become if the kike media had not weaponized it because homos would stay quiet in the background like they used to.Nobody was really aware of them when I grew up because they minded their own business. We knew they existed, and were an aberration of nature, but we never even thought about them unless we rarely ran across the rare and seriously flaming ass on fire feminine dude. Then we just laughed and snickered and make jokes among ourselves. They left us alone and we left them alone. They were out of sight and out of mind.
Homosexuality would have remained a rare occurence and would not spread so quickly if the kikes had not packaged it into a product and jammed it down peoples throats 24/7. It would remain isolated and wouldn't spread because nature has a way of keeping aberrations of its plan under control.
Now we have little children sitting in front of the tv, or on youtube, having homosexuality sold to them just like its a coca cola or bubblegum. Little kids don't know any better and that makes it a danger to society. The kikes realize that they can make massive changes to society if they can train a generation young because it only takes one generation to create massive changes in society. Kikes play the long game because they can afford to.
Kikes have a formula for societal change. They take a concept, such as masculinity, (or any other target) and they desecrate it. This is known as "hollowing out the vessel." They see the human being as a vessel, a carrier, for whatever they want to program it to be. So they desecrate and defile the positive and beneficial principles of people so that the vessel will be "hollowed out" and can then be refilled with something of their liking.
Most here believe that the holocaust didn't happen. You can find holohoax threads, and watch all the documentaries you can on it, like david cole in auschwitz, or the holocaust sections of TGSNT, there's plenty of media you can read/watch on this that makes a very convincing case.
No idiot, what genes you have is determined at conception. Do you even know what chromosomes are?
user, I…I, don't know what to say. I hope you are just really young and don't understand what the word "genes" means.
Maybe you are talking about "jeans" instead of "genes?" Jeans get activated around puberty when teenagers start unzipping their pants and playing with each others genitals. I'll assume that is what you mean.
Assuming all new/high quality lightly used.
G17 +3 mags, mossberg 590A1, some cheap bushmaster ar15 + 5 mags, 100/600 ammo, plate carrier, training for all.
Best starter pack? Any better ideas?
Yes/No, X item over Y item w/ short description no wall of txt please, no bolt action please.
Thank you.
hd, shtf, util, easy parts acquisition, plentiful/cheap ammo.
I got a friend who processes personal information (names, emails, street addresses etc.) of dozens of Israelis on the daily. Is there any way I can use this contact to Holla Forums's advantage?
How do I stop masturbating multiple times a day?
Ill think of some degenerate shit to jerk to, then I'll try to correct that by jerking it to normal stuff, and by the end of the day I've jacked off 10 times. This is getting frustrating and my penis hurts,
If they aren't high ranking officials or rich you probably won't find anything useful. If so, try to get a trickle of info started from your friend, but don't rush him if you think he might shut it down.
Buy an AR15* and a plate carrier* plus 3-6 mags* and ammo*(HOLLOWPOINT OR SOFTPOINT, FMJ 5.56 SUCKS**). Make sure you pick up a pair of knee pads too.
*AR15, PSA makes great stuff, don't let the price turn you away. After you order this, just pick up a lower and parts kit plus rear sight(or order, don't cheap out on sights) from your LGS and slap it together.
*MAGS, GI mags are some of the cheapest and most durable magazines out there, and if you really want a fancy window just cut one out/drill holes(after disassembly), it is aluminum after all.
*PLATE CARRIER, The one I linked is quality, idk if you can find it cheaper somewhere else, Ar500 is minimum, anything below and you should go w/o. Buy some mag pouches too. JUST DON'T BUY CONDOR OR ANY OTHER CHINESE SHIT. The chinks can make some good stuff, but not here.
Also if you want to, buy a slick plate carrier and a chest rig, more versatile IMO.
**AMMO, Use this to find good deals. Don't buy reloaded ammo, only factory sealed. As for why no FMJ, basically 5,56 relies on velocity to be lethal (to tumble reliably), past 300 or so yards(16 in barrel) you will be punching a 5,56 MM hole in somebody and not much else. HP or SP greatly increases the chance for a lethal hit at ALL ranges(expansion if you were unaware, look up some kiketube vids on it), because even up close 5.56 may not even tumble. 5.45x39 (Russian ak74) fixed this by having a hollow area in the tip of the bullet jacket, which destabilized the round when it enters a human, unfortunately 5,45 is less common than 5,56 due to import bans.
AR15 is more versatile than both for HD, SHFT, hunting, DOTR ect. Plus only having one ammo type and weapon makes everything easy and lighter.
Just make sure you also have an IFAK( Individual First Aid Kit) with a clotting solution, compression bandage, tourniquet, AND WATER. Also super glue>bandaids
tl;dr, get an AR15, plate carrier and first aid kit.
Am i allowed to post risk threads on fullchan like on halfchan or will that get me a ban?
You'll get banned.
Nobody with a constructive, full life dedicated to self-betterment in the pursuit of our ideals has time to jerk off multiple times a day, you degenerate. It's called sublimation; channel that energy into something positive; read, exercise, write, learn marksmanship and/or self-defense, start a Right Wing Death Squad - idle hands are the Devil's plaything.
Can't you design your own using redbubble or something?
Saying "it never happened" always sounds weird to me. Nobody can deny that jews were rounded up in the ghettos and then taken to the camps. What is disputed is the (((official story))) that the purpose of the camps was extermination, and the number that was killed. There is more evidence to suggest that the camps weren't for killing than there is evidence to suggest they were. For the first point: Zyklon-B is very bad at killing humans and Germans would not waste resources on exterminating potentially useful people during a war. As to the second point, there are multiple almanac sources showing that there were nowhere near 6 million jews in Europe at the time, and that all of the figures were estimates. Nowhere near 6 million bodies were found, and cremating that many bodies would be impossible and incredibly resource-consuming.
Is there a searchable database of antifa faggots? Thought I saw talk of one a while back. I hire college-age interns from time to time and I need to make sure I get the right people. I also might be able to add their names to a local "DO-NOT-RENT" list that landlords use to dodge human garbage in my area.
Did they round up Jews?
Was it a "death camp"?
Was it possible to kill 6 million and cremate the amount claimed?
It's like Sandy Hook. I might be in the minority here, but I think some guy did go in and shoot someone, but I think the figures are bullshit
What's it called when you own stocks in a company and you actively try to get other people to buy stocks there aswell so that the price goes up and then you sell your stocks high?
There has to be a word for it. It's so common. It happens all the time
pump & dump, at least related to cryptocurrencies.
What happened to the sumerians? which populations derive from them?
Was Walt Disney aware of the Jews and their tricks or was he just another blue-pilled lemming?
Checked and thank you very much.
In relation to buying stocks it is called 'buying the dip'. Or 'buy the fucking dip' in some circles. That's in reference to the dip in price when viewing said stock's price over time on a graph.
Question for all the anti-trump Holla Forumsacks (who I suspect most are shills):
Should we have just done a write-in for Jeff Shoep of the National Socialist Movement en-masse instead? Would that please you?
Slowpoke here, just heard about Senate Bill 1241. Did Trump and/or Pence say anything about it yet? Will they oppose it?
Yeah, I got one
This Net Neutrality crap, where's the proper stance on it?
I see a lot of companies that are liberal/Jewish owned. For example, YouPorn and PornHub, which are Mindgeek, which Holla Forums demonstrated was owned by a David Marmorstein Tassillo.
If they're Jewish and opposing it, does that mean it would be a good thing for the Net Neutrality should pass and make it privatized?
There is no proper stance. Both mainstream positions fucking suck. Either you're pro-NN in which case internet services and infrastructure gets categorized as a federally managed utility under the FCC and now you've got govt bureaucrats and kikes incrementally regulating and chipping away at your ability to not get fucked with as a citizen. Or you're anti-NN and you're giving the greenlight for kiked up corpofaggots to designate which bad goy sites they don't serve, and what kinds of users and bandwith uses get lowest priority on the network. Oh and don't for a second think that even if the case of NN ending, that the FCC will stop colluding and ensuring that nobody but Charter and Comcast get to get within a country mile of decision making or modification of physical infrastructure.
Is "net neutrality" a jewish trick? Anything promoted by pornhub has to be, right?
disregard, I did not notice the post directly above.
ayo FAM someone gimme dem Merkel is a kike memes quickfast plz
thanks, anons, my HDD is kaput and I lost all of my redpills
Why do people here say Whites and Asians ever exceed greater intelligence when there's been multiple records of blacks succeeding in schools and on intelligence? There are all-black schools in London that have shown nearly all of the students with high GPA's. Is there a catch behind all of this or is just ignorant pride on us?
For every one nigger in the west there are a thousand jenkem sniffing, toddler raping, hiv spreading, food stealing, slave trading niggers dinduing nuffin. And that's including the same ones that already do those things here.
Currently the shills are doing an opposed shilling technique to create noise and astroturf controversy among us. You can see right through it because the ones who pretend to be us are strawmanning our own positions (ie unironically using nazi, a kike slur for wn/NatSocs) to then be "btfo" by flawed reddit-tier contradictions and ad hominem. Steel yourself against their faggotry.
Most of those are of high white or asian admixture, and not actual negros.
someone give me a quick morality check on whether lowballing (giving someone a low offer on something they are selling with a fake email to make their price go down) isnt hebraic or african
I want to start making videos, but I'm not at the point I want to dump a bunch of money on it. I want to make a few videos, test the waters before I invest more time and money into it.
Recommendations for video editing software ? What do I need ?
Learn how bell curve population distributions work and how averages work. If you cherry pick the top of the curve you can make any group look intelligent.
the simplistic icons with the least text feasible serve a couple goals:
a) reduce the amount of work (and therefore headcount/payroll) done to localize the brand for international markets. especially with an eye toward places where the locals don't use our alphabet.
b) associate common shapes to which no prior commercial meaning can be ascribed with brands (meaning these same 3rd worlders don't need to read for this to work)
c) allow the company to reduce the scale of individual advertisement spending down to where they can respond effectively and economically to developing trends on an hours/days scale rather than months/years.
d) attention doesn't have to be positive, as long as it's attention. think pic related and not kardashians.
Is there actually any evidence of chemicals that increase the incidence of homosexuality in the water supply? Unironically asking here
I happened to ask for video editing software in one of the amateur gamedev threads, and they recommended me a free, open source tool called Shotcut. I've used it a bit, it's sometimes a bit buggy, but I was able to make the basic multi-track cuts and simple edits and transitions that I wanted to do.
For video format changing, I used XMedia Record, and for screencap, I used Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). Instead of streaming, you can have it just output to a .flv file on your local disk and convert it and edit it up later.
Finally, for downloading YT videos, I used Youtube-dl, again I believe it's open source, but it runs via cmd prompt and you feed it in a target video url and it does the rest.
I know Holla Forums is against net neutrality, but forgot why; what is the reasoning behind supporting the abolition of net neutrality?
I came here just to ask this. I was going to say I understand what net neutrality is but not the hidden implications of it. Arguments for it seem to be just "muh throttling" and I haven't really heard much against it.
Look up xeno-eostrogen
You are passing on deaf genes, tho.
Also I don't want to sound like I'm wearing a fedora or something, but religious people tend to be on the insane side.
Not all of them have deaf gene so I think everyone should have genetical id card to carry on so when the mate can request for gene id card from them to find out that they have bad genetic or not.
ask her you dolt
If US dollars are deleted every time the US government sells an asset, then how do the US government raise money by selling government bonds and such? Also what does the article mean by 'existing assets'?
Picture is from an article published by the Bank of England
Literally wikipedia tier:
Youtube-dl also has a gui.
Hey I have been having a crisis of faith recently. You see I have been a Catholic my entire life, even was supposed to become a Knight of Malta and everything. But the more I am thinking about it the more I have doubts and the more I start feeling more attached to the old stories of my people, the Celtic gods and all that. The thing is I am starting to consider converting but whenever I see these fucks running around doing the same thing they don't understand the meaning of the stories. I was raised with these stories with my father reading them to me when I was little.
So I guess overall, how can I convert to my ancestral beliefs and not be associated with all that neo-pagan horseshit that tumblr and shit pushes?