Lads Australia needs your help. We have organized cells across the country to produce and distribute propaganda across our cities and towns. We have had some good success with posters making online news and causing a bit of havoc among the normies.
Our groups are growing and we need memes, but in particular for females. Our group has a female counter part that is seeking to encourage traditional values among Australia's female youth. memes like pic related would be ideal. My girlfriend is a heavily active member of the group, and all propaganda will be sent to her for use in swaying the youth culture. Please contribute your best content and help us save our girls. Cheers .
Other urls found in this thread:
h ttp://
some of our results.
Use as few words as humanly possible. All this shit about diversity being white genocide will not phase one electron in the normie brain, because their conditioning will kick in, and they'll immediately write you off as a lunatic at best, a pervert fetishist at worst. Simple images of white fertility are your best bet, that's what women truly respond to. Pic related is shit I've gotten off of normalfag female social media, this is the crap they genuinely are emotionally influenced by.
This, we need families, cute couples, anything to pull the heartstrings of these girls.
Comparisons are great way to visualize what we want. When they see the left as ugly they will avoid it like the plague to maintain there self image.
Come one Holla Forums don't hold out on me we need you
This is our chance to influence the populace without having them here and shitting up the board with their ignorance. Please lend us your memes !
Don't have any good images to contribute but Australia really needs this. Women are taught here when they are just girls to not be feminine here anymore.
Thanks for your work and please keep it up.
Just move
see kek agrees
Run away goy. Don't ever fight back like a bad goyim
Cowards like you are pathetic
Check out abhorrent Australian memes
No this country is pathetic, you just don't want to admit that national socialism wont work here because people are fucking degenerates. It's okay, there is the future. Once brexit is all sorted, we can fix this shithole the right way or just let it burn if it's not worth it. Let me guess, you've never been to an Australian university?
Im enrolled in one. im just not a defeatist faggot like you. Me and the boys are actually out doing shit while you sit here with your thumb up your ass, so sit down and shut the fuck up while we do our thing faggot.
The country is apathetic not pathetic.
They don't give a fuck. But judging from the blokes I know, it can be done.
NatSoc may need some modifications to fit this populace. Every aussie knows shit's fucked, you gotta rile them up a bit.
Doing god's work, cunt.
You anons are doing great work, i'm working towards something similar here in yurop
The meme pages make great front for getting people involved. We are focused on using a positive message like pic related so when people see the left getting butthurt about it, they realize people hate them for wanting to feel proud of themselves. really wakes them up.
Does that have meme potential or is it too lewd?
Get rid of the first two frames.
It shows the progression from working whore to mother.
Too on the nose and over-elaborated at the same time. Also, nude in a central location of a poster detracts from everything and from the focus.
But the nude is "tasteful" and draws attention to the meme. Anyway no need to get too autistic about it I will refrain from using it.
yeah first too are too lewd, might appeal to males but not girls
They really are the intellectuals of society.
That makes it appear to be celebrating her being a whore then a mother. Having her cake and eating it too. This kind of message is damaging to women and families.
this exactly, we want a degenerate comparison eg.
Trash in, trash out.
If you actually educated yourself on natsoc and german/prussian philosophy you would be red pilling people and making bulk mates and organising yourself, not bitching on Holla Forums at me because I won't post infotainment jpegs.
no more (you)'s
Thats exactly what we are doing pussy. and im educated on Australian white ethnic policy because that's MY history. Not to mention my last assignment for uni was on Hitler. so fuck yourself
Woah you're a big boy! You must have been v& six million times! What's your course? (((Social studies)))? (((Politics)))? (((Occult Philosophy)))?
Biology and history
You wanna hide like a pussy that's your problem. this is Australia not your kike ruled states
get glassed, ya cunts
Learn some grammar you subhumans. I can't stand my memes being grammatically incorrect
You sound like one of these niggers right now
shit you're like neo from the matrix
Ballsy! ASIO will be following your every move and ATF is itching to seize your hard drive!
(They're studying hoistory at our re-education instutions. Thousands of dollars just for an intellectual status that doesn't even matter in today's economy. Stupid goyim.)
lol ok dude
thanks mate, legend
This thread is amazing
That org need to be abolished because they are incomplete and ASIS don't trust them (lel).
Holy shit this thread is the pinnacle of white idealism mods pls sticky i am 12
I can't help you with memes directed primarily at women, but good on you for creating a viable group. Here are the posters we distribute in America. To post them for a good long time, print out on laser printed paper (not ink). Then mix Tackey glue (or some other kind of good glue) with water. To apply the poster, use a paint brush to paint over the flat surface you want to affix the poster to and place the poster over it. Then paint over the poster to make it waterproof.
Has anyone considered targeting teachers?
I am a tutor myself
let me guess you're going to print these memes out and make a college for your assessment, apply for an extension, then defer for 10 years.
The reason why these posters are more effective than others is because they are simple and consistent. The more complex a poster design is, the less effective it will be. Many of the designs already posted here are simply not good propaganda. They are too complex or contain distracting images and material. Simple black and white, bold words on a black or white background that convey a simple and consistent message will be much more effective.
thanks mate big help.
Isn't that a little inflated ?
Have some more I found.
Probably a bit old stats.
Fin for real now. You could consider even printing out white marble statues all over the place, they embody an aesthetic directly related to fascism and traditionalism. Massive trigger against kikes if used correctly. Webm posted below.
The Jew fears the marble.
The typo in the first image is triggering me.
Cringey facebook-dwelling alt-right kikes up in muh Holla Forums
If we really want to make inroads we should take from Trump's book and target the average worker.
(Target at parents/Boomers):
Most of these memes just aren't going to work. Normies have been conditioned to react negatively to most of this shit, especially anything 'negative' about race, NatSoc, dark/military imagery and the like.
You've got to bait normies with shit that they like. Nice comfy union jobs, cheap houses, low taxes etc. Most normies don't give a fuck about muh Evropa, embody the normie and we might actually have some effect.
sorry mate but its already working
All serve their purpose mate. In cities with many "minorities" and antifa inside, many of those signal that "we're ready to fight you if you fight us". Such people don't need any convincing, as a matter of fact convincing is exactly not what you intend to do. Therefore you use the more 'violent' imagery.
Sorry to beat the dead dog but these maymays are cancer and only help the rabbis destroy our race
Some I made for a thread way back when. Different variants.
To appeal to average chicks you should focus on more modestly beautiful women. These are obviously models and the average woman will not relate to the message because they don't relate to women who look like this. In fact it could make them feel excluded and unable to achieve "real European girl" status. Focus more on fertility themes and how the choice to have children and keep a family is naturally empowering and "sexy". Women fundamentally want to feel wanted, and letting them know that traditional femininity is desirable to potential mates will work infinitely better than "just do it for your RACE breeder!"
The "Irish" chick in pic 5 looks like some asian hafu. Irish my ass.
First one is the best.
I like third one
Although statue in second one is incredible it's also kinda rapey. Find something more positive.
Third one is best.
Second one
Anything with a woman should promote modesty, children and not be some starving bitch. We don't want to attract degenerate sluts. We want to appeal to women with good taste and who want children. The two above are good. Others take note.
First one is top tier because it doesn't trigger the racist filter. Kinda goes in quietly and then boom later.
Need more appeals to women in a not toxic way explaining if you have a black baby that means your lineage will never have a beautiful blonde baby ever again you stupid fucking cunt
Those posters were fucking great, 14.88/10 mate, triggered the fuck out of SAlt.
Not sure the Crusades which were a push back on conquered lands would be the best example of conquerors. A Roman Legion would be a better image. The Crusaders = conquerors is a lefty meme.
A bump for all the slide threads.
Good, especially the kike figures.
Making people aware at all about jews is important.
Damage the jew, embolden the humans.
Good two way measure.
Maybe put up some neutral seeming facts, and less direct stuff, so it can reach those who are si brainwashed they can't absorb.
actually just put this post in an image
Of course kikes bring up muh nazi when they are no way relevant to the poster that is about present day.
If the holocaust shit could be shown to be absolutely and utterly proven to be false, a lie created for gold - it might be enough to change things permanently.
Or maybe if israel nukes america : )
Protip: Yandex image search is better than google for a lot of applications. Don't use the word "white" in image searches, unless you want white clothing.
Well said.
Yes! Also look at how consumer ads are written. No long sentences, no weird jargon, no big words. A good template is the white woman saying something personal. Normal women do NOT talk abstractly about nations or races or whatever. They only talk about themselves.
Think normal woman photo + short headline + short body text.
Headline ideas: "Why I Went White", "I Woke Up in Time", "A Prayer for My Baby", "Saving Myself", "OK I'm Done", "All I Want", "My Daughter Looks Like Me"
How about some regret-based concepts? "If I Could Turn Back Time", "If I Knew Back Then", "What They Didn't Tell Me"
Like this?
These are great! Maybe part of the text should be bigger as a hook - in the first one it could be "My baby" or "My baby is more important". A little skeptical about the word "invading" - sounds out of character. How about: "My baby is more important than any refugee. I won't risk my baby's future".
We need better ad concept skills. We have plenty of photoshop skills and reasonable design skills. Book related chosen at random from Amazon.
I think it's concept > graphic design > photoshop. Gotta nail that concept.
Advertising is still advertising whether you are selling soda or nationalism. You can't do a good job without knowing the trade. The exception is propagandizing to rebellious young men where being weird and edgy is a plus.
Also a humble suggestion: if you come up with a great concept, make a fast, shitty version and put IDEA in big red letters. Let some user with the right skills make a polished version.
ht … tps://
Thanks. Those are decent. I'm thinking that an appeal by men for this type of woman might be more effective rather than preaching to women it's how they should be. For example, in the 2nd pic, change it to him waking up to a wonderful, stronk, sexy woman who chose him to live this traditional life with.
Anyway, the point is, the women have to feel like they are choosing it themselves and are wanted and in control. Just showing babies wont cut it. Most women don't have strong biological urges to get pregnant until after 30. Before that, the poz drowns out the ticking of the biological clock in many cases. Somehow the "children can wait until I'm 40 after I get CEO" meme has to die. But the reason it's popular is because it gives females the illusion of complete control over their lives, while having a husband has been memed into "YOU'RE A SLAVE!" We gotta work on that.
On that note, maybe make some comparison graphics of a woman at 40 who worked her ass off and only has a bank account, an empty appt and a bunch of unanswered messages she sent out on to show for it vs. a woman who has children (legacy) and a devoted husband to happily grow old with. Just brainstorming.. don't mind me.
Yes for sure, any slut who puts on a dress and stands in a field is traditional.
So what if she's being paid for it? We need more women in the right.
BASED trad white womyn will save (((our movement))).
these are shills fishing for 'trad womyn' memes because they can use them to increase Patreon donations.
Nice try schlomo. Walk into an oven and stay there for the rest of your life.
stop trolling!
Brainstorming is good! One reason the ad industry does better than us is they separate the phases of ad creation. We often have one guy do the conceptual design, copywriting, graphic design and photoshop work. The resulting chain is only as strong as the weakest link.
I think your proposed comparison graphic can be strong, but is a lot to process. I also wonder if it's too "masculine" in thought process - I've never seen a detergent ad formatted that way for instance. However I can imagine a lawn tractor ad like that.
Maybe focus ONLY on the woman who "woke up in time" - or only on the "regret" woman.
Aside - I think most young women want to get married - it's usually the boyfriend who puts it off. The less desirable men are marriage minded. So the "party mentality" is somewhat camouflage for the girl not getting what she really wants, which is a desirable man to put a ring on her finger.
I like it!
Of course, because what's there to gain in marriage for a young man of today? He assumes a lot of liabilities and nearly zero upsides.
This there is a tendancy in these groups to sperg out and put up walls of text. The main focus of a good propoganda poster should be the picture and then either 1 word or a small phrase.
Thoughts on using this as inspiration for a pro-children ad?
"Children make life worth living"
"Children make the hard work worth it"
And then obviously find some kind of image with a women and a baby similarly matching these ads.
"Children gave my life meaning"
"Children gave my life purpose"
"Don't wait until it's too late"
Why the fuck would you target women? Just target white men and women will follow, because we will make them.
because OP's oedipus complex
lol, the shills are mad.
Really like the second one!
I like the concept. Still looking for a suitable image.
Nice ideas all around.
Go back to fagbook
based smoloko
Dude this stuff has too much text
You need more subtle arty stuff. Like this
Where are they from?
Some guy was posting them up months ago but no one noticed but I saved the lot
Associating anything with Hitler in this day and age is literally losing before you've even started. Why waste time using a meme that the Jews have spent countless years turning into something negative?
Use active memes and attractive themes to get our message across.
These are terrible. "Hi. I'm an unstable anti-semite. Would you liek too read my wall of text?"
White privilege is thousands of years in the making - the honor of our ancestors.
you can update that and remove the borders of brazil
Yes, thank you. I get so tired of these groups trying to tell the propaganda viewer exactly what they should be thinking. Like those stupid AV posters that said "we have a right to exist". That was frustrating because the imagery they used, a white guy breaking chains, was pretty good. But the direct wording just completely fucked it up, normalfag conditioning preempts that kind of autism every single time.
Dubs checked, these are what we need.
Utter crap. If your intention is to circle-jerk and preach to choir then bravo, but these will make normalfags think you're a socially undesirable sperg.
Those stopped the moment the kikes got the holy land.
Choke on a nigger dick, Chaim.
As I thought, a sperg reaction. You're just posting pictures that seem inspirational to you, pictures that everyone here has seen 1000 times. The point in the OP was creating propaganda that appeals to the average person, with an emphasis on women. Women aren't inspired by your imagery of literal knights in shining armor. Most men won't think anything of it either. Your autistic jpg dumps mean nothing.
Fuck off, Chaim.
read my comment here>>10068682
I'm not trying to be defeatist, I'm trying to think of ways to appeal to normalfags. That picture of the mother and child (or maybe younger sister) you've got there is actually pretty good, an uncontextualized image of white fertility with no direct political message to scare off average white people. That's what I think is necessary and where most pro-white propaganda goes wrong. What we have to realize is that most white people have been conditioned to regard us and our position as the province of losers, the mentally deranged, and the socially undesirable. Walls of text, natsoc-era posters, knights in armor, pictures of jews with the juden star on them, over-idealized pictures of models in wheat fields; all that instantly confirms the normalfags conditioning, and they WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU.
Top quality thread
Like them or not, I actually think RedIceTv's cooking show is right on the mark, subtlety is key
It is good. You can only go around shrieking "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE YOUR RACE" at white people so much. You need to give them reasons to come over to your side, things to interest them.
I wish anons would start doing Project Mayhem-tier operations. Billboards, signs, more publicity stunts, etc. Throw the truth up in public, where people need to see it most. Do a billboard showing how much local taxpayer money is wasted/stolen (especially in more corrupt cities) Basically, drop redpills in highly-public spaces for people to see. Even if they don't agree with it right away having those thoughts, facts, and feels in the public eye spreads our sphere of influence.
Agreed, messages need to be clear but not heavyhanded. The normie brain doesnt operate like ours do.
This. Normies will think they're just learning how to make butter, but next thing they know they'll have GRIDS and be praising based nationalist jews.
The message is eased in instead of force-fed, like episodes like this one and traditional European instruments.
This kind of content also fits in with the drive to really improve ourselves and our people, hell the last video shared she slips in a bit about fertility and the German goulash episode slips in an ending relating to ancestry.
Someone has to be partially ready to accept the message and this subtle stuff is great for that.
Why aren't you married and working on your third child?
And if you can figure out satellite signal hijacking
Fucking this. I'm all in favor of hard redpills – soft-sell the Jew and you turn into Jared Taylor, after all – but we want these ideas floating in the memverse, achieving critical mass on their own. We want our ways to go back into the mainstream, the way they were before the Holocaust was invented to make us better victims.
See that last statement I just made, about how the Holohoax made victims of /us/? You faggots instantly understand what I mean by that, but to a normalfag that sounds insane and counter to reality.
So either we're all insane people in a dangerous cult, or we're bearing an important truth that most people need to be eased into. I have faith in the latter, and work to put our ideas into as many heads as possible. The good old Jew-hating comes somewhere around Stage Three of the pilling process; not at the top of the funnel.
edgy Holla Forums kidz: the thread!
(waste of good digits)
woah! supercool! That's some Goebbels-tier oc!
hey Holla Forums
Yeah, you'll win a lot of women over with that. Elliot Rodgers-tier bitterness will get you absolutely nothing.
let's make some fashy goy maymays WN propaganda!
trips checked, you're right self-improvement is a great way to slip in pro-white messages.
Back to reddit with you.
What are you babbling about? That autistically bellowing at white women that they deserve to be raped by niggers, will make them want white children? That'll reaffirm the common belief that white nationalists (and anything associated with them) are neckbearded loser freaks.
Ah so you're just looking to reel in the shiksas, moishe?
He means to say that you aren't actually targeting the source of the problem here, which will just make them burn more coal as programmed
Ah so you're just looking to reel in the shiksas, moishe
Unfortunately (and this may come as a shock to you) if you want white children, you need a woman who wants to fuck you. And if we want white women to have white babies, they need to be predisposed to doing so instead of being cock-carousel riding catladies-in-waiting.
Honestly I'm not all focused on women, that was just what OP was addressing. He wanted to create new propaganda that would specifically target women, and I gave my comments in that regard. Other anons just started dumping jpegs of old shit that we've all seen before, as if that was an answer to OP's request.
I have a polish-irish waifu myself
And the source of that problem is kikes, correct. But as I said earlier in the thread, images of jews with gold stars on them HAS NO EFFECT ON NORMALFAGS. The conditioning they've had since birth has totally preempted that, you have to be much more subtle. Do you honestly think that ancient A. Wyatt Mann cartoons spammed on twitter or facebook has any effect on people? If you want to see good redpilling on kikes, visit E;R's channel on jewtube. He uses humor and cultural critique of things that normalfags enjoy to get his message across, and it's damn good stuff.
if it seems like i'm eceleb shilling im genuinely sorry, but it seemed like a relevant lesson here
I have a saying: fuck normalfags, you get what you deserve.
I hate them too. They disgust me with their wasted potential and nigger-like habits. But I think we need at least some converts in the future. Not even converts really, just enough to be bothered to fuck members of their own race and produce children, so we can keep this thing going. That's our responsibility. But It feels like trying to push a broken train with cement in it's axels.
I learn more about social complexities when I make a campfire than when I engage normalfags. You can have all the heat, and all the wood, but without oxygen it just won't go.
You can pour gas on it instead of lighting it up naturally but then you can't use it to cook food. You can fan the embers to a point where it will all instantly light up and and the smoke will be replaced with hot air.
You can put some leaves and rubble on a hot bed of coals that have appeared to have cooled and with some wind it will light up. Some leaves burn better than others, some are full of plastic and won't even work for fuel. You need to have some twigs in with the leaves to keep the flame going though.
Building up memes is like making a fire. Some compliment others, some smother the flame/hype, some are big and hard to get burning and some are feeble and in large amounts can make it easy to get the bigger ones burning.
Do you live in QLD OP?
No mate but there is cells in Queensland that do posters. like abhorrent Australian memes