The Jews have propagated anti smoking ads to start a second aids epidemic. They've imported plenty of Africans and middle easterns with their promiscuous ways to spread aid further. They also use climate change to distract us from the Extinction of animals and general lack of care the actual environment we live in the "environment for the future". To let mosquitoes breed like rabbits. Anti sugar ads would have been a better route to Target in on, you can't disagree having a sugar addiction is worse than cig one
(((campaign against TABACCO)))
Other urls found in this thread:
Smoking is what makes life worth living
they also promote (((free love)))
Op here not to mention how we all know the media has affected the modern American culture, soon after Trump is outta office we'll be flooded with African Muslim migrants
Smoking is literal cancer you corporate shill
Put a fucking bullet in your head and save your loved ones the trouble of watching you commit suicide over the course of decades. Kill yourself, you fucking yid.
Either take your meds or, if you're self-medicating, stop taking them.
Hitler gave a gold watch to friends who stopped smoking.
Jews also try to ruin any businesses that are competition to their agenda
I would bet that you could find tobacco tycoons that were anti-Jewish tricks shortly before the (((campaign))) started.
rambling of a madman. reported.
Smoking is obviously the aryan way and the jew trying to stop it is another scheme by the jew.
This. Too happens so often and so many newfags don't see it.
Sure, but wtf does that have to do with an anti-smoking campaign? This thread is retarded.
Hitler also did not gas the kikes.
Just because he did nothing wrong doesn't mean he was always right.
The jew was an ENORMOUS part of the tobacco industry, you fucking pleb.
Best goy.
Kill yourself, kike.
what a strange psy-op thread
the original post doesn't even say HOW you think anti-smoking ads would start a second AIDS epidemic unless you're intellectually dishonest
Yeah good one, faggot.
Your nose is protruding, Schlomo and Mordekai.
You're not worth it, cunt.
Kill yourself, kike.
Smoking supports (((them))). If you insist on smoking, grow your own tobacco if possible and smoke sparingly.
Of course it's not worth your 0.06 shekels per post.
How so?
For fuck’s sake.
You're not fitting in, faggot
What a fucking tragedy.
Yep, this is pretty much the definition of a retarded shill thread.
Smoking is pleasurable but it fucking kills you. It is the definition of temptation. Of course kikes would push for smoking, especially if they can sell the tobacco.
I smoke but I shouldn't. Nobody should, it's bad for you. That being said, I don't know where the aggressive anti-smoking campaign came from or why. Could just be one of those things. Gay thread though OP.
Also stress relief, emotional stability and the best substitute of the herbal jew and other (((pharmaceutical))) products.
Also a major source of income for predominantly White farmers.
Who work to finance their debt to the banks. It's jews all the way down.
Kek. Every jew stands on the nose of another jew.
Yeah because White people should just die out and stop primary production and self-sufficiency because some of us are indebted to kikes as if nobody else is.
What's your so redpilled job that does not in any way contribute to the ZOG's pyramid scheme?
If cigarettes didn't have so many harmful additives I'd say you had a point. Again, I'm not sure why tobacco use is so shilled against. Wasn't there a study saying that right-wing people are more likely to use tobacco or something? I think they compared countries like Poland and Denmark. I can't remember what it was called now.
Yea, nah.
Smoking is implicitly white
If you can't downright outlaw it, subvert it. See the alt-right for example. No big loss there though, smoking was never (physically) healthy after all, it just helped many bad goyim through and in my hometown's case the tobacco industry practically held the local economy as self-reliant and unkiked as possible for my country's standards.
This is so retarded, its like saying peoples who drink water are Nazi. Smoking is bad for your health, no amount of "studies" gonna change that fact.
More good for your soul than bad for your bodyit's not like you have a soul or that you use your body though, Schlomo.
Smoking is a proud asset of European (especially eastern european) culture that has been under constant attack by kikes. If tobacco was jewish like you and hitler are trying to meme, there wouldn't be smoking bans in every public place and there wouldn't be constant attempts in liberal states like commiefornia and hawaii to raise the smoking age to 21.
Tobacco (mostly farmed by nigger slaves) MADE the american economy in north america viable, without it it would just be a shitty farming outpost on the ares-end of the world.
Fuck off, grow up, and grab a cigar already faggot.
Explain please. Also, AIDs mostly affects the homosexual "community" so I don't see how that's a bad thing.
Kike shills/newfags, kike shills/newfags everywhere. This place is pozzed.
Clearly there is no slippery slope here. Can we legalize weed next?
I already said its bad for you. Read the thread before you post lad.
I hope so. All the autiste LARPers on this board need to get some good sperg out material.
OP sounds schizophrenic but what he says is not so far fetched.
AIDS' second leading cause after being a sexual deviant is substance abuse, which is more likely to occur if troubled White men can't have a cig instead. Also smoking makes you more level minded in every aspect regarding self-control except use of tobacco lol, from anger to sexual indulgence.
Trump, among other significant leaders, have inspired me not to smoke, drink, or engage in any reckless behaviors. I've lived my whole life so far without being dependent to a substance, and I've no clue why so few people live similarly that such a lifestyle is considered abnormal.
Guess I'm with the kikes on this one.
He probably just need to light up a fag and calm down.
Weed is degenerate and a jewish tool to fuck up white's IQ and fund mestizo cartels. Nobody is arguing for weed to be legalized- this isn't /liberty/ or reddit's libertarian board.
The people who shriek that "smoking is bad!" just seem to reek of the same mentality jews have when they say "pork is bad!" or muslims when they say "liquor is bad"!
So fucking what. Fucking everything can give you cancer, every god-damn food and drink product sold in the states has some form of fattening chemical in it unless you are a die-hard organic like the Iron-Pilled nationalists. I bought a scope for my Remington 700 recently and the package said that "this product contains chemicals known by the state of california to cause reproductive harm".
OP here, yes smoking is bad but the point is all the anti smoking propaganda is a huge distraction from general public health, lead in water, sugar addiction, obesity and just not a well balanced diet
That's what I meant. I don't smoke, but I don't do so for different reasons, not because I follow what they tell me.
Yeah, because nicotine is definitely similar to narcotics in terms of behavioral change.
I think it's mostly quit smoking drug companies who're pushing this quit smoking craze on people.
If there was a drug that would reduce drinking addiction there would just as much hate twoard drinking.
Said no smoker ever.
(((Aids from flooding of African immagrants with aids and the promotion of lgbt sodomy))) with the distraction of public health from anti smoking campaigns
Aids from rapfugees spreading to whites and thier children, (((race mixing))) and just general promotion of drugs via media
Just like homosexuality, amirite?
Not saying it's good read the bread
By "they" I meant Jews, not smokers. My mistake.
I have met good people who smoke. I just have many relatives who succumbed to many problems when they took up smoking. Quite a few of my ancestors' lives were cut short simply because of smoking. I've spent most of my life witnessing how my father went off, back on, off, on cigarettes.
When it comes down to it, smoking is a complex issue that has its own fair share of kikes on both sides. Why should I meddle in those affairs AND cut my life by about 5-15 years when I can just say no?
You do realize if weed was legal, people could legally grow their own, thus removing the whole cartel angle.
I got that but that was my point.
If kikes were pro-tobacco you would not miss a day over the media telling you how much of a regressive ignorant bigot you are over not smoking yourself to lung cancer.
this is retarded and totally not made by leftypol
Unfortunately everything today, even White Nationalism, is on a side of the same shekel. The predictable "alternative" pro-smoking kikes are mostly there for the profit tobacco makes.
Suck dick nigger monkey take the time to grade the thread, I assume it's hard for 3rd grade reading level, you probably were the kid you stuttered and took an hour to read a paragraph infront of class in middle School
Strawmen aside I've seen way more fatasses than smokers die from coronary disease at pre-80 ages.
Incidentally also more suicides of people on (((clinical))) treatment of depression than those who decided to "treat it" by smoking their way out of it personal experience included but I admit the second one might be selection bias.
Wow, peoples died because of unhealthy lifestyle? You made a good point user, I'm gonna buy a pack of cigarette… oh wait!
I'm all for smoking real tobacco in you own roll, but you're sucking on jew cock if you smoke those gas station pack cig cancer sticks.
Smoking these great indian brand ones I bought on a reservation. Now I know to stock up anytime I roll on through south NY state. Seneca brand is good stuff.
Where they import shitskin spic labor to work and then retards who use it are usually the type who can't afford shit, so in the end tobacco users will end up passing all the health costs onto taxpayers all while they (farmer) profits off of it. It's just like pharma jew with opioid abuse where everyone gets fucked by kikes.
Kikes have their hands all over the legal issues of tobacco. From class action lawsuits to the ad campaigns against it. It is the kikes best ponzi scheme ever, lawyers on both side end up getting rich where the tobacco growers loose out. It is also a state tax scheme as well, need to raise extra cash just add 20 cent tax on a pack of shit chemical laced smokes each year. I have been RYO for 10 years after joining a tobacco grow co-opt, a pack of death sticks with natural chem free tobacco and tubes cost me 65 cents and I have cut myself to 10-11 smokes a day.
Guess it's a blessing that I don't live in a 60% White country then ;^). Also don't eat fruit and vegetables, their farming is even more kiked and beanered out.
This, what the fuck does OP mean? What is the connection? Slide thread until proven otherwise…
check my singledubs
this dumb shill shitfest is so see through i see their skeletons thread confirmed spoopy
the nazis actually made anti-smoking campaigns
Step in front of a bus.
I watch too much TV so I've seen these ads early on. You should all watch more TV to study your enemy. Really, these are terrible ads with an obvious degenerate premise.
They seem like the kind of thing MadTV would have made in the early 2000's to make fun of existing television ads. Now, the world is satire and satire is reality…
They also push pseudo-science that prevents people from looking up truths. For example, this same campaign pushed a myth that there are over 2,000 carsogenic artificial chemicals in a single ciggarette. This is not true in the slightest. These aren't even made by the FDA. The FDA makes some shit ones too but these ones take the cake and are still being showed on all the TV channels
Smoking is degenerate. The natsocs were the first to recognize it, not the kikes.
I'm good. It's a complete fucking waste of time and I don't need to assault my brain with more garbage just to know kikes need to be gassed more every day.