Which group do you think is worse for the white race?

Which group do you think is worse for the white race?
Jews or Christcucks?
Personally, I say Christcucks.
Jews are malicious and evil, sure. But it's their nature. They can't help who they are.
While as Christcuckolds are just ignorant and passive sheep brainwashed by a Semitic desert cult designed to uplift Jews as their masters.

Without Christcuckery, the world would have no Jews to this day.

It's scared
Time's nearly up.

With actual Christianity, all who deny Christ (Jews Included) would be skewered by justice.


And the first butthurt Jew worshiper pops his head in with his weak and feeble arguments.
This is gonna be a fun thread.

The only kike here is you.

You're right. The only way to truly be white is to worship Yeshua bar Yosef.

Great, another autist thread. Christfags are what they are and we all know it, why do you insist on getting them all rilled up for no reason?

What is the point of this thread? Do you have any facts to back up your "claims"?

Sure, goldberg. The problem is the white god-fearing christians, not the jews!

Nice synthetically perpetuated Divide and Conquer, prancing infiltrating delinquent

Great another autist thread. We all hate christfags but there's no reason to get them all rilled up. They're going to be insufferable for the next couple of hours now.


It's a raid, and these people are receiving payment while regurgitating instructions.

Sorry for double post, OP is such a faggot that the board is glitching.


We need to get rid of the (((poison))) that is keeping us down and allowing jews to control our countries, Christianity, but it will die on it's own so there is no point attacking them, just sway redpilled people away from it and focus on making a juden-frei world.


Actually I doubt posted because I didn't think the first went through. It's the same ID you fucking nigger, lay off the tinfoil.

If it's the same post why's one saged and one not kike?

I knew it was the same ID you inference lacking cunt, I was speaking of you and your inbred Kike brother son in OP.

Proof of christnigger paranoia and stupidity though.

Absolute half-wit or conspiring member.

Because I screwed the first one up. I said that you nigger foot kissing, Jew worshiping faggot. Now neck yourself.

these (((Christcuck))) D&C threads are getting awfully tiresome.

Nobody raids Christianity threads. Our enemies want us to be complacent good goys. So in this context, yes it's retard paranoia over me screwing up a post.

You've been bouncing around every point I've conducted. No variation of insults would save you, I posted earlier in this thread. You only advance against the opposition in which your feeble tactics can counter. A trick of infiltration that applies to attempting to swindle crowds. Won't work here as every uttered statement is documented and laid out conveniently and clearly. You are a fiend and a liar, and your desperation to pin your argument through evasion is enough evidence.


What is D&C for 500 points?

OP is a faggot

You're a fucking retarded autistic faggot but al least everyone reading this can see that. Anyway I'm not posting in this gay thread anymore. You're all faggots, OP is a faggot and Holla Forums is going downhill in quality with the increase of your particular brand of mental retardation.

Kill yourself jew

Yes, they create Christianity threads to operate as Divide and Conquer cysts to weaponize religion against whites, which undermines the "greater good" mentality and stability within our in-group interests. Conjuring a claim to the degree of "nobody raids here" with no reinforcing evidence is once again only a trick that operates well in physical crowds.

Only one statement in this assessment is correct, Holla Forums is dying but not due to spiritual retainers, but secretive ambassadors such as you.

All Abrahamic religons are equally cancerous.