Agitprop against Holla Forums

Holla Forums agitprop

See anyone pushing this:
>>>Holla Forums1759296
It's leftypol

>>>Holla Forums1760351

Don't be fooled when they say 4pol, they mean 8pol.

Look at their catalog, see how many threads are about Holla Forums

good thread didn't die for this, anchored shit

Other urls found in this thread:

Holla Forums has become actual SJWs. Showing once again that the Left always regresses and degenerates.

take the real redpill, sionistas

Physically cringed.
Hidden and reported

They're SJW and don't see it. The cognitive dissonance is palpable.

They have always been SJWs. See their discord it's a bunch of autistic teenagers fighting to get the attention of the 2 trannies

Pretty summer move, T_D. lurk more

Kill yourself you cringy lefty/tard/ this isn't cuckchan

I don't care what anyone thinks about my user status. It's legit been here before the run up to the elections
kek, they use this as "proof" anons are defecting from pol to leftypol

Identity politics

90% of the lefty/pol/ userbase is straight from reddit and various facebook groups. They bring the worst cancer to this site without consequences.

>>>Holla Forums1756518

Nigger can't spell successful, and thinks Will Smith isn't retarded kek

Will remember this next time I troll that shithole, I think I made that mistake last time I trolled leftypol.

answer: affirmative action. maybe not in the form. in substance, absolutely.

These are the rules from some commie subreddit but could be very well from lefty/cuck/. They are essentially identical

For blank science gay definitely
Bama was virtue signalling and a massive mistake
I don't really know what Will Smith's story is, he's a shit actor

I find it hard to believe people like this exist, they need to be purged


Imagine having the brain of a jewish tranny.


Some teenagers who have no clue or deeper understanding about philosophy or ideology might fall for it. I think that attention whore evalion is a nazbol now.


I can only image what it looks like

I remember my "Soviet-boo" phase because I thought Soviet Nationalism and the Red Army aesthetic was cool. I was like 15 at the time though. When I actually got a job and started working it became apparent to me I wanted to live in a worker-conscious and race-conscious place, not some multi-kulti hellhole where my children would be abused.

Also being a Commie when you're young makes it easier to come to our side. You skip the cucksverative phase and go straight to "gas all bankers"

What do you mean? These faggots have posted a communism general like a thousands times now on 4pol

I'm talking about their agitprop, not their open shilling.



…. So female communists are either retarded or degenerates, that makes sense

check 'em

Leftypol memes really are shit

wew kys

Leftypol faggot can't into reading


I would've if I was British, no other worth voting for tbh

Actually 90% of Holla Forums are Holla Forumsacks trolling the few legitimate lefties on the board


There is no right or left, such language was invented by Jews to build their unnatural system of politics. In reality there is your tribe and then the other, you fight the other or trade if you cannot destroy the other. That has been human politics even when it has seemed not to be.

You see this is what happens when you build a church with no eyes - essentially what Marxism is.



Tbh you're right. Because division was there to d&c our culture.
It's always been subversion.

I'm not talking about muh left.
I'm talking about the sjw Jews and niggers in leftypol subversively stirring shit here.
Fuck off leftypol faggot

How was that post lefty?

Leftypol names the jew but they don't believe that holohoax was faked by the jew. They don't believe in holodomor

I took a gamble, it wasn't really.

The stalinists boast about that and getting rid of jews.

But the others are pretty cucked.

Good show.

I was literally thinking about it this morning.. spoopy synchronization effect.


We all should browse both. Truth has no bounds.

Didn't happen though
stalinists are a mess

Hey it certainly shits on Cho's high score.

You need a vpn, leftypol claims to be tolerant but as soon as you let on your from pol you get reported, banned and have to cycle ip
They seemed to get easily offended regarding niggers

The cheek of these fuckers

Idk, I've met hardline Stalinists but they are jew friendly, most anyway. If we just made them realise the JQ (hell, that post above even had one noticing Soros was a 'porky'), I'm sure everything else would be fine print we could use them as bullet sponges then easily eliminate them once the last Chaim has been strangled

Tor seems to somewhat do the job. It does waste time though.
I've been banned so many times with actual honest discussion though. Like we'll be 30 posts into a debate, then they'll effectively rage quit the debate.

Notice the eyes of the people in
They still have their "soul" so to speak. That is, they haven't understood the reality of their universe. Only the material.
Don't even bother with the macrocosmic. They refuse to acknowledge why religious memes are so important. They can't see why they are important.
When you show it to them, they ban you. It's like they live in fear of this truth. Of showing the fundamental fluid nature of their reality.

We haven't seen anything yet

They believe that Soros, Clinton, Trump and most politicians are in the same camp.
I think it's better they believe that. They cover our blind spot.

Truly Holla Forums has gone down the drain.

Fucking commit suicide.

Go back to reddit.

you faggots are the SJW, you literally call yourselves "identitarian" which means identity politics to anyone who isn't a fucking faggot

It's funny because they like to call us id/pol/ and bitch that all we care about is "identity politics" like the SJW's. Little do they realize is they're actually SJW's.
Lefty/pol/ is like the girlfriend that obsesses over her ex in a frantic way and stalks him day and night and does she behind his back. They're a bunch of unfunny retarded faggots living off their Mummy's bucks I mean just look at them

we care about class you care about skin pigments. The SJW don't care about class and do care about skin pigments. Ergo, you are the SJW, retard. Just too hopped up on being a self serving retard to even see it

[x] checked
[x] kek'd
how will Lefty/pol/ ever recover? top keks!! xD

Oh boy. A real 'maledom' would have her in tears the morning after.
Most are tapped in the fucking head. Like they have the urge to destroy everything around them.

Some people just don't break, instead, everything becomes painful and the only way to deal with it is spread it to others.
Probably why Holla Forums became Holla Forums initially.

keep it up cucks


Also Nazbols better remember the brownshirts and the night of the long knives.

It's not just skin pigment which sets people apart it's their mentality, it just so happens that many many black "people" have the mentality to violently kill everything they see. SJWs base their ideology on skin pigment, gender, and body type, their entire platform is making themselves the victim, but at the same time they want to abolish those things to make everyone "equal" sound familiar? If you took away all the minorities in the USA and Europe chances are crime would be almost completely erased, no one can deny that. You think that you can just up and educate people and they'll want to walk and talk like you, you're wrong.

You know jerking off dudes is gay as fuck right? I thought you guys hated degeneracy and yet here you are circle jerking. Who is going to eat the biscuit?

Nigger are you seriously taking that bait?

AND the ideological meme.
The left is only part right about that. It pinpoints that there is a meme that draws people together for race.. but the meme exists because of the skin colour in the first place. It exists because there is an easily identifiable grouping.

You have to balance the issues of a multicultural grouping vs a homogenous grouping to find out which one is more pragmatic.

Never has a multicultural grouping existed for a long period of time until the modern age. It's too easily subverted because foreign entities can blend in.

No it isn't you bigot!

waste of dubs low energy you will never meme like Holla Forums does

rolling for based farage to win pm

Lol this is a total fantasy. There are probably maybe 0.00001% of the population that really genuinely just gotta kill stuff. Must criminals, like the vast majority, are petty criminals living in shit and reacting to it.

and so do you, its just a buff white dude instead of a fat genderqueer, nonetheless, its stilll all skin deep shit.

And you guys bang on about muh white genocide, making yourselves the victim

Yup, sounds like you

Same difference if you took away all the men particularly the ones in-between 14 and 30 You're shit is radical feminist tier.

Oh right, I'm wrong because you said I'm wrong. No really I'm sure education doesn't actually educate people, you are literally just shat out at birth and NOTHING about your environment can have any effect on that at all, its just literally all in your genes, like a white kid that gets anally raped and locked in a cage until age 30 will actually turn out less violent than a black kid that was privately educated and then went to harvard.

You're out your fucking mind mate. Its hilarious really

Yeah kind of like how they say, "Identity theatre" and then turn around and self proclaim themselves as AnarchobuttfuckosyndicilomutualcommunistLGBTdragonkin amirite?

quiet faggot when an adult is teaching you a lesson

good i would never want to eat the jizz biscuit which you guys gobble on so hungrily

On top of all that nonsense you top it off with
Kudos, the bar is lowered every time you tranny kikes post. I didn't think it was possible.

You've never seen black people in real life have you?
They're an extremely small minority in my area and they already have criminal gangs.
I've been nearly mugged several times. They didn't have any minority here less than a decade ago.
The natives here even hate them even though they're of dark complexion too, they call them "skinnies".

Epic dubs, you are a scholar and a gentleman sir. I tip my hat to you.

What is "m-muh poverty causes racism" for 6 Million

You think I give the slightest fuck about this anecdotal evidence which is just your feels? I do not.

y'know the white people in my area like, totally rape all the time, the white males, i like, saw them with my own eyes bro believe me, every one of them, a rapist.

World IQ map, if your theory was right the countries would all be the same blue-ish color, right?

Also for any Italians ITT check how purple Italy is. All those carbs in the pasta must be beneficial for brain health or something.

I think nobody really believes that.

Remember, so called "educated people" with high educational standars and whom have read plenty of books, to read also science books.

phenotype = genotype + environment


is this how you guys prove this isn't a circle jerk? By saying a bunch of made up anecdotal evidence is epic? My god. Do you have no self awareness even at all?

google the phrase "inter generational spiral of crime" and just knock yourself out fam. Most people learn this shit when they are like 15/16 its basic as fuck

but then, you are less than basic obviously

Get out of here, Asian Jew.

if you believe that education doesn't change people, that is what you believe.

Way to weasel yourself out, fam.

In reality, they're using MORE VPNs hopping around their own board to artificially inflate their numbers, which is a tactic they've used ever since the "featured/random boards" feature was added and codemonkey's randomly generated list of boards didn't feature them on the very first run while crying that not being featured first was """"""""""""CENSORSHIP""""""""""""""""".

Nigger, if there's a version of that that DOESN'T censor the names and pictures you best get onto posting it.

You mean a camwhore is a retard? Who would have thought! If only Gex weren't fucking retarded and never tried to defend her, maybe he wouldn't have given up entirely on saving Europe, America and its people because he got banned from a board once. What a faggot.

wew lad
I'm glad the closest I got with that was just liking the soviet/russia anthem from a musical standpoint (a chorus and full orchestra does wonders for a national theme, improves the US anthem greatly as well. Should do that instead of have some solo person sing it before a sportsball game) and liking some of their guns like the AK and RPK. Both being things I can like today without it being a betrayal because even at my weakest, I was never remotely a commie.

Is the jew mad? You sound mad.

Holla Forums doesn't have any ideas that are close to realistic so half of their threads end up being about pol

Asians lack creativity. They solve progressive matrices pretty good but they can't create for shit. Also it's like a 5 point different between Asians and Europeans, whereas the niggers and spics are literally 35-40 points lower. 200cc's of brain volume lower as well.

They are. I've posted a fair amount of bait on Holla Forums but this was the first one that got me banned, and instantly to boot lel

You loved it didn't you.
Don't lie hun.

I bet there's no need to jerk over at Holla Forums, considering most of you have no penises or use chastity cages.

This is the worst trolling I have ever seen in this thread.
On both sides.


Yeah apparently not considering on a daily fucking basis they commit hundreds if not thousands of crimes. A source for that:
Have you seen even seen the fucking demographics for an American Prison lately? These are not petty criminals, it's built into their fucking culture they're raised like that.
I'd rather be criticized for having buff white dudes on my team than having smelly sweaty fat blue hair dyed cunts like you, yeah sure. Oh and isn't it Anarchists that also HAVE to accept anarchofeminists? I've seen antifa carry Tranny and a whole assortment of made up LGBT flags like pansexual flags, ect. I've seen them sport those flags.
no u
Yeah nice counter argument dipshit.
What God awful analogy was that? Who the fuck said your environment had nothing to do with anything? Last I checked most of you anarchocuckboys grew up in stable loving homes and go to college and you STILL turn out to be violent weed smoking degenerate faggots.
You're out of your fucking mind, or high, or both.

The worst part is that they also kick out many of the libertarians - the true lefties.

But statistics don't follow your anecdotal evidence.
Maybe you saw a really exceptional case. Stats show that niggers are more prompt to violence and crime.
Of course, this behaviour could be either "genetic" or "cultural".

You will probably attribute it to culture and education, but there probably is a genetic component to their retardation. Most civnats would try their best to educate them, and a little progress can be made, but ethnic nationalists (which i am not) want to preserve their own, their family, and their people, not even bothering trying to educate or help other races.

Remember that each and every animal fight for their own (genes) and against others in a competitive way. It is natural and reasonable to fight for your own.

This little "way of thinking" is clearly lacking in your leftists perspective. You are unaware of yourselves. You try to group everybody into classes, which to a certain extent could work, but inside a class there is too few homogeneity.

Try to read more statistics, try reading science (neuroscience for instance, not jewish "psychoanalysis" nor other fake science). Educate yourself.

Ching chong fuck off back to Hong Kong (((chinkeyes))))

Epic BTFO Holla Forumsro

Well then go on ahead and take a look at Africa or some nice African cities like Detroi- OH WAIT THAT'S RIGHT! You can't because you'd be violently killed by niggers.

Um no try again sweetie, it's raised testosterone levels and diminished cranial volume and IQ. When you're genetically predisposed to violence and poor decision making you commit crimes in a white-built society, who would've though.

It's good to stay sharp. My commie-refutation here helps me win arguments with audiences in real life. The pre-made points they always try and bring are easy to refute.

The "class struggle" was invented by Uncle Schlomo to distract you from caring about skin pigments.


They're trolling you fucking retard.


Hierarchy is what built civilization when you take it away you have no structure, humans rely on the system of leadership and obeying, it's built into the rule of nature, even the best and highest of us die. Leftists want to do away with it because they hate humans and they hate nature.

See the problem on Holla Forums is that there are so little arguments against us nowadays.
That's why we need Holla Forums. The jester.

Ignore this shill tactic. Truth does not fear investigation, Shlomo!

Waste of dubs. Get this (((Asian))) shit off here.

So? It's not like they're baiting in a "u mad whiteboi" way, they're just trying encroach ideologically. Even when they're "ebin trolling" you still have to refute their commie bullshit. Most users here are lurkers so everything you do is seen 10x over by the lurkers. It's important for them to see communism as a literal meme ideology whenever it's brought up.

Yes. Education and moral values changes people. A lot can be made to revert their animalistic condition of african american ghettos. Their mean iq could be raised to 85 or so with a lot of money and effort from white's part. But what most ethnic nationalists want is to preserve their own people and culture, so not bothering with other people and cultures.

You fail to understand this because you are unaware of the importance of your own life, your own genes, your own family, your own people. I know that you can group people according to "classes", but never forget the importance of your own genes and family. They should be the most important of all.

yup. they are all poor. Oh right you think black people got poor in the US all by themselves.

LOL. I suppose being a slave class a piffling 300 years ago had absolutely nothing to do with that…..

Your arguments are so surface level its a joke. You are a naive psuedo intellectual and you have no analytical skills.

This doesn't change the fact that your ideology is all about identity.

no i believe firmly in equality. You believe in hierarchies

Im comparing you to a radical feminist, with ease, calling me a dip shit doesn't change that, its not an argument

you did you fucking faggot when you said education didn't make a difference. Jesus christ, reading comprehension so low you can't even read your own shit. It amazes me you managed to turn on a computer to type this shit

If you want to investigate that shit, go to Holla Forums.
Holla Forums seems to be more focused on current affairs and doing proactive work nowadays.
Also go to 4chan where they're still developing the young-lings.

Do not post on soros/pol/, you will just attract them to come here and start raid threads like >>10062487

That wasn't fresh back in 2014, goonie boy.


If you love egg fried rice so much why don't you go join the Viet Cong, faggot?

And also because they're on the lowest level of the hierarchy. So they want to flip the system on its head so the weak, ugly, cognitively impaired people are on the top.

It's pointless. Most of us see it. We're trained meme Jedis user.
Go to 4chan and reddit if you want to "change minds". The minds are settled here. But we could always use the other forums to spread what we know.

Top kek, you shills get worse every day.

We're not living in a country with a swastika on it's flag yet, which means our work isn't done yet.

Argue if you want.
Commies have no power here. It's like a blind man stumbling into a shark tank.

look i created a meme where one side of the argument gets one line and the other gets about 20, it must be a totally unbiased sourced.


not funny or an argument good going nice one good job

i was being sarcastic you retarded fucking autist neck yourself

pick up any history book

so you're telling you're not an SJW but testosterone is also bad. Oh okay yeh you're nothing like them AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

really google "inter generational spiral of crime" please read, for your own sake. i don't give a fuck what you think, but at some point you are going to fucking embarrass yourself with this shit and it wont be in an anonymous forum.

No class struggle was invented by feudal lords claiming ownership over Germanic tribes in the early medieval period.

Oh whats that? i'm an actual real traditionalist and believe land should be held in common and all power should be in the hands of a folkmote? Oh you don't know what that is do you? because you actually don't even have the foggiest idea what white culture is

Hint: its democratic and communist


Yes, goy, let them take over!

in fact that goes for all of you fucking ahistorical retards.

im going 2 sleep, 2 things for you to google

1) Inter generational spiral of crime

2) Folkmote (it usually has an umlaut above the "o")

I did. Where's the African achievements?

China as a country maintained its sovereignty and culture Africa did not PLEASE TRY HARDER this isn't even in any way a like for like comparison its fucking cringeworth tbh how stupid you are yet how smart you think you are.

It's about 40+ flags. Leftists have so many fucking ideologies I can't keep track.

Holy shit you're STILL going off?
No, education will not make a difference, we've tried it, when they come into our school districts and move to our towns they turn them into shitholes DESPITE being given equal opportunities and DESPITE being given a "I'm Oppressed card." Their entire culture revolves around violence and anarchy, which is why they try to steal culture from other people. When the South "Oppressed" them and made them stop killing each other they became God fearing civil human beings who developed their own westernized culture. When they were given the "freedom" to make their own choices, AKA, vote for a system which would turn them into voting bots and degenerate them to what they are now they took the chance because they thought they were setting themselves free from the "Evil White PPL!" Your "Equality" is what turned the niggers in the west into monsters, not Hierarchy.
You can't even punctuate your sentences properly and your sentence structure looks like you're from reddit, faggot.

Arminius would split you down the fucking middle with a sword.

We aren't becoming them
They are becoming us
If anything, leftypol is being infested with Strasserist types, not here. Let me remind you this is a good thing.

Society is split into lemmings and radicals. For a revolution, we must consolidate all the radicals into one camp. Alt-left /thirdposition/ kills the lolberg and the T_D cuck. Corporate-cuck alt-right normies OUT!

10/10 had me going for a minute

not an argument, you couldn't tell me what a folkmote is could you? Admit it to yourself that is a phase of history you just don't fucking know a thing about.

Night faggots, you're a bunch of morons its kinda cute

You can't be an extra-speciul snowflake with just a hammer, a sickle and a red star, can you? ;^)


If they even say anything remotely positive about jews, that's it, their argument is discarded.
We are vaccinated through that alone.

Your bait is as soft as your cock.

Kinda cute how you're hitting the ejection seat on this thread because your condescending attitude and jewish argumentation style yielding no gains for your side

The more they fight. The more they see the reality.

I feel a bit like Darth Sideous now.

Even jewikikepedia invalidates your egalitarian delusions, you helicopter deadweight.

Actually read Germany Tomorrow.


Wtf I love Stalin now.

Nigga, 8/pol/ is even more irrelevant than we are. If we're going to subvert anyone we have far bigger fish to fry than you guys.


If that was the case we'd be ok with Jews and Albino Niggers
It's Genetics you fucktard

Honestly the smaller (((they))) think we are the better I say

Are you fucking retarded? I'm typing this as a fucking spic living in Colombia, a country filled to the brim with narcos and leftist guerrillas.
Can you really say to my face that our shit situation was caused by whites, and not by ourselves, being violent and insane savages who want to earn money the easy fucking way?
How the fuck are you all so dense? How can you still follow an ideology that has caused just so much destruction?
My city had 3 fucking leftist mayors for 12 years, and now it looks like an African-tier shithole, litter everywhere, violence has skyrocketed, and those three fucking faggots always blamed "muh evil capitalists", shit still makes me mad.
I hope one day you all get to hang from lamp-posts because I really want to make lefitst scum suffer. I have fucking endured 12 years of pure concentrated leftist shit, not counting the many massacres performed by communist guerrillas on our innocent farmers.

If you say Jews are white then you explain the drug problem and the leftist problem
But Jews are not white despite what leftypol says

I vomited a little in my mouth

Thanks for announcing on your own board that you're shilling ITT and confirming that screaming T_D at everybody is a Holla Forums jew tactic

Isaiah Kirby, get the fuck out.

Dubs confirm. It's high time that they're shut down.

Pathetic jewelry puppet faggots desperate for attention. They are probably getting desperate since everyone is getting redpilled from their idpol and degeneracy.

Why do they hate the Nazbols?

Is there an actual source for this? I can't stop laughing, I made a bait thread on Holla Forums six months to a year ago following the "logic" of 'collective ownership of the means of production' down to the nitty-gritty details.

P1: human labor is integral to the means of production
P2: the replenishment of that pool of labor over time is as well
P3: females are, materialistically speaking, babby (human labor) factories
C: collective ownship of the means of production entails democratic ownership of the wombs (the means of reproduction)

The real redpill on 8pol and 8leftypol is that both are hugboxes for special snowflakes for people who don't want to see arguments they disagree with

Halfpol is the true Holla Forums

Prove me wrong stormfriends

t. moderate

le enlightened centrist.jpg

Hey left/cucks/ isn't "gender identity" a spook? Then why do you accomodate all those insane tranny abominations in your groups?

biologi is a spokk famalam

Why do all these cucks do the columbine duct-taped grips thing? I always thought they would consider those kids facists.

Something that coincidentally only occurs in black communities.

It's the same moralfagging that took over fyad and birthed the Clinton goonsquad. They are people with weak conviction who scatter at the mere accusation of being a Nazi and go for the equally fringe but more acceptable political theory as a cover, only to later end up believing in it themselves.

We get it, you're a centrist. You're basically comparing oxygen to Zyklon B and saying "Well they're both a gas!" You're pathetic and still years away from understanding how to argue; lurkmoar.

Yeah, I kind of baited them and herded them there. Let's have some fun, shall we?

Why do people fall for this crap?

Its more of a fashion statement. Like those kids who wear jeans with holes in them.

Dubs checked.

