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TF2 Fandom in a nutshell

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This list is shit and makes contradicts itself.

Gen1 Eevee have exactly same designs with weirdly same shape of head.

Now go look at charmander.

10/10 perfectly shows how pokemon community is.

Eevee is a Cat/Fox so a distinctive head makes sense. Pikachu is supposed to be a mouse.

Kingler's design makes more sense for a crustacean since they have more complex body structures than a reptile would have. Also that pic of Charmander is weird as fuck anyway, mainly because it's drawn partially head on.


I don't think you thought through this argument too well.

Have to agree with the other user, what a shitty list.

What a shitty post.

Not an argument.

This thread on the TF2 forums made me regain hope.

Neither was yours, moron.

Still not an argument.

Here's your reply.

You are both stubborn, illiterate niggers. Can I join in?

He can't give an argument because you never presented one in the first place.

Pretty good list

Not an argument.

Didn't betrayed the TF2 community by killing the private servers?

I don't understand the question, but Valve did partially ruin the game by removing manual joining of their untouched servers, if this is what you are refering to. That in combination with the lack of votekick options and autobalancing so that it doesn't end up being 12 vs 6 fights because of quitters has worsened the experience a lot, and we should be seeing regular private servers (read: servers not filled with unncessary effects and flash) flourish as a result.

This is assuming that the majority of people playing TF2 aren't too retarded to find their own servers, of course.


