DOTA 2 is a fun game

It's like league but for people with more than 2 brain cells.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, with 3 brain cells.

I tried many multiplayer games, easiest way to enjoy them is to find one uncompetitive so you won't get pissed because of shitty teammates.

A polished turd is still a turd.

I'm just surprised people didn't get triggered even worse than this. Usually there's at least one guy-Oh wait here he is

One guy who never played the game, but fell for the "LE ASSFAG MEME XD".

I play solo unranked Dota drunk quite often.
It's a fun timewaster if you play offlane teamfighting/ganking heroes like Undying, Centaur, Spirit Breaker, etc., you just show up to fights and throw your weight around.
Supporting is alright, since you can roam around and try to kill people, but carry is too much farming and creep management, it bores me to death.

Damn, I didn't know you could read minds over text posts. Remember, your favorite game is perfect and all dissenters are either stupid or lying.

Everyone else, have a nice thread!

Ah here's another one angry that his memester kind already got called out so he resorts to illogical extremes.


You're all smalltime.

4 months clean!

I dunno I like to try hard in games sometimes cause I have fuck all else to apply myself to but really I just like to offlane with shitty invis heroes and do stupid shit and see if I can still win.

Creep management is easily the reason I like Hots most out of all mobas.

At least it is not as bad as in LoL because there the support role is just one giant shit hole. You are important to protect carry and can win your team a game by doing this but alone, you do shit.
But yeah from what I know about Dota 2 meta you are actually doing something there.


Want to try out some assfaggots. Is dota better than lol?

Does lol has more cute waifus?

Is it really really gay to play mobas?

Since Holla Forums have told me they all cancer i NEVER tried any assfaggots kind of game. Well, except maps for warcraft 3.

Pfffft are you actualy so desperate you want to say "y-y-y-you're just angry!!!" when I'm literally laughing in your collective faces?

They're really hard to get into, but if you enjoy games that you can basically eternally keep learning more of and get better at all the time then they're probably worth playing for you. As long as you aren't the cucked kind of person who gets super mad at bad teammates.

Sounds like dark souls.
People are probably going to be mad at me instead.

I played very little of dota, around an hour/day for 2 weeks. In those two week I've had a lot of fun with the support characters, particularly Vengeful Spirit and Omniknight because they had some incredibly fun and well thought out abilities.
On the other hand 90% of the matches I had were unbalanced(either someone wouldn't connect, or would leave for not getting the character he wants or would leave for dying instantly or not being in the lane they want) or were one sided stomps.

So basically my impressions were, great game, horrible community. Horribly community makes great game not so great.
How right am I?

that's about it, the character design and abilities are pretty well thought out, you can find some amazing combos or surprising new strategies and uses for most heroes.
Community sucks balls and is infested with RU/BR players.

I'll probably go back to playing it soon enough.

Such is life in 1k mmr. trenches.

When someone leaves you are not stuck in the game and can go get a new game. Dunno what to tell you otherwise because it never happened to me back in the day when I started.

Personally my experience in Europe is pretty good and people don't ragequit instantly, and I'm 700 mmr.

Does it have a mode where you play against bots?

I'm not a big fan of human interaction in this kind of games, especially when you're starting to learn how to play.

In short yes. It also has an easy mute function for both voice and text which is very nice.

post porn


I really need a party to play with, solo queue "as a support" is hell


it is a challenge game and i like of playing it

o k

what a surprise



Hahahaha and cucklord over here tried to claim I was the angry one.


It only gets fun once your teammates have a slight idea of what they're doing. Say, 3kmmr

Here's your reply


Dota keeps Dota players quarantined from us neurotypicals

So keep playing

Words you'll never hear a neurotypical say.

I don't know whether or not to climb myself out of the trench or be productive with my life

Supports don't win games. So never play support. Always mid or carry. If you want to support get 4 friends to play with.

Offlane Tidehunter is also one of those heroes that can just win games, but the general rule is that if you want to win you go carry or mid.



I'm sick of bounty hunter on my team recently. unless you pick extremely greedy the kill gold ruins you late game. the enemy teams inevitable 4 carry lineup gets stacked if you ever give up kills. game losing hero.

same user here, had to switch VPN

So Dota is the type of game that gets better the more you play it and not the less you play it(like Warframe)? I kind of want to get back into it since my brother's been expressing interest in it. We've been playing Smite but I just wasn't that much of a fan of the game and he got bored of it as well so we haven't been playing anything.

Even starcraft "get marines to win" 2 is better than this shit f2p game lmao


There's a mute option for both voice and text chat.
And yes, there is a bot mode which gets pretty difficult at higher levels.

Good hero to extend the game 20 minutes more as the golems slowly become completely useless while your carry gets his first item at 40 minutes.

That's of course assuming the bounty hunter gets any track kills at all. If we're talking shitters then I don't know how valid that assumption is. Especially if the enemy team is already ahead (which is the assumption)

Fuck all MOBAs

yes there's also the fact that the hero does almost nothing. it's powerful in pro games because they can exploit vision and maintain an advantage.

The golems are just a bonus to help take down objectives. Still, Lion best support, or atleast he was.

I haven't touched the game since they removed SkellyKing

Take a look at how the skill changed.

The only reason bot mode is hard is because your bots are retarded, making it occasionally unwinnable.
I've seen some stupid shit, but the bots are by far the stupidest.

Bot mode is never unwinnable since the bots can't deal with ratting. The question is whether you want to actually bother with ratting instead of just leaving the no-penalty game.

Dota2 is probably the best ASSFAGGOT but it is still an ASSFAGGOT.

I saw the worst sides of 4 close friends and 7 acquaintances through dota.
I like the game. I like how much shit there is in it and how many laning strategies there. Nowadays I play solo, even thought I used to stack with 4-5 people.
But it simply brings up the worst in people. Anyone who is a sore loser, a perfectionist, a competitive fag, a guy who loves to nag, the guy who watches your every move and complains or mocks about everything, the guy who is never wrong even when dead, the guy who is never at fault, the guy who knows your build better, every single bad behavior quadruples.
It's a pain to play when it shows you how terrible your friends become when on it.

That said I still like the game. But I can very much understand why people hate ASSFAGGOTS.
I understand that as a guy who lost friends because of it, distanced himself from friends because of it and as an RTS guy who loved the modding scene of WC3.

I always randomed. I can't remember if its supports or carries that are harder to win with, because the bots are really bad at committing to fights.

People hate ASSFAGGOTS because its a shit genre, you just need to stop sucking and git gud.

There's nothing BoTs, Maelstrom and Necro3 can't solve.

Pic related.

I am gud. That doesn't stop people from crying about shit I can't change or shit that I cannot help them with.

That's how things go sometimes, sometimes it was even worse.

I am really surprised that I have so many fucking images pertaining to Dota 2 saved, I think I'm just gonna start dumping the comics here.


I like ASSFAGGOTS but I hate how it's being balanced by leddit's e-spergs these days.
6.82 was a mistake.

It sucks, yeah.
Reddit balance is fucking retarded, only putting attention to esports cancer and never to pub play.

I still remember the six gorillion pages of asshurt from Techies after one e-sperg complained on his stream.
One patch later he was nerfed to the ground.
That day was glorious but it made me finally give up the game because of how shitty they have treated all the heroes I played.


I don't get pinoys often because of location, but I did yesterday.
not mad at all, shit was hilarious.
no wards, no courier, time to battle and scream in tagalaga with wailing music in the background. like watching a circus.


Oh so Dota 2 is one of those games where the balance team basically goes "so we listened to reddit" every patch note?

That's all Valve games these days.


Almost all Valve games have been doing that. It's a shame because I really enjoyed the game before all these really out of no where changes were made to fuck up various heroes, add new mechanics that ultimately hurt the overall game and other bullshit. Custom games are still breddy good and if you want to play some FUN in ASSFAGGOTS then I recommend playing the IMBA mod since it makes almost every hero ridiculous.

Is QoP buttposter still alive?



Thanks icefraud.
Today is a good day to be a Visage player, one of the 12 visage players.

Does that hero even scale well? What does it even do? I like the +100 gold treats it makes though.


it's more like "listen to reddit and do the opposite"
and that techies nerf wasn't after a whine, it came after it crushed in a pro event, like a lot of nerfs.

I'm still not happy about how strong the comeback gold is, it needs to be reduced even more. I'm glad it's there, it punishes throwing, but it's still broken.

I never played any of these games, someone describe them to me.


Said no one ever.
There are no words to describe how good and happy i feel now after getting that monkey off of my back.

Posting some old images, also, does anyone have the MEGA MILK drow ranger?

Really because from what I saw they have taken their suggestions in the past.
I only saw the fallout of that when leddit did bitch on for a whole day about Techies so I didn't really see any of the pro shit because following the competitive scene seems really fucking shit to me.
Regardless I wish they didn't get nerfed that hard. It's near impossible to anywhere near as effective as you used to be in the early game because it takes even longer to set up your land mine traps.

What was the techies nerf exactly ?

Well, I'm 700 mmr and no one here has more then a quarter of their brain so I have gotten ultrakills as him. His W and E ability are fucking insane at any point in the game and the W has a 4 second cooldown, so in teamfights you are doing 350 damage every 4 seconds.
His E is almost overpowered, some sniper shoots me with assassinate when I'm 400 HP? Meh, just a 200 hp decrease. With Solar Crest and Shiva's no physical carry can target you, it feels like he is hitting you with a plastic sword.

Level 3 familiars with aghs (another core) do about 600 damage in 3 seconds, if you have it off CD you can kill anything no problem. Stun duration can be over 6 seconds if you micro right.

He's a great hero but the Familiars need a buff, 3 hits is fucking stupid and any agility hero can take him down in seconds and just feeds a stupid high amount of gold. Should be 4 shots from a ranged hero.

There is no word to describe the pain

Oh and pic related is my stats, just to show off my e-peen.

Halfed cooldown, damage, mana cost, basically making you to place double the amount to get the same effectiveness. Remove the land mine limit it's not like I've ever hit that limit to begin with but maybe others have and make all his mines give gold.
It doesn't seem like much and I think giving gold on killing mines and the quelling blade buffs were fine but you have to take double the time to place land mines hits hard for the same effectiveness before the patch. Techies relies on time more than anything in the game so to me it was a massive nerf, forcing you to use remote mines more.

I'm just salty because this is the second time a hero has been completely ruined for me because of nerfs.

Techies nerf was probably the best thing to ever happen to the game because it means I have never ever seen a techies on my team ever since.


Forgot to mention for the 4th pic

That is huge. I remember how much time it took lategame to put up enough mines to kill a carry.
If that is doubled techies is pretty much dead.

But techies was genuinely fun.

Those ability comics or images or what you want to call them have always been ultimate cancer.

No shit

eh, I'm still 52% with techies. they also added aether lens, can mine safer and the remotes do more damage.

As long as they're not on my team I don't care. Techies is a worthless loot pinata.

Me too user, me too.

Yeah, that's basically visage.

Techies wasn't like that before the huge CD on suicide.
And in general can zone people out very well.

This reminds me. Probably the biggest cockblock for techies players was the huge CD they added on suicide. But that was long ago.

get rekt

Yes they were. And in the rare occasions where they do get it off it means nothing.

Then you are either biased or you have simply never seen a decent techies.

I also spent probably around 500 euros on this game.

You're pretty much forced to either have half-effective land mines and a full remote mine stack or full land mine stack and half a remote mine stack using the same amount of time.

I might give the game a go again. I haven't played it all that much since that nerf since I was already of the verge of quiting when that happened.

Low lifes. I'm around 3k as well. Kill me.

From what I've seen, Icefraud just hates Techies and probably wants to remove him since he goes against every other hero. But that's what makes him really fun.

You play a late game carry and I'll play Techies. I'll make sure you'll end up having enough time to farm up all your items while absolutely ruin the supports and heavily traumatize the carry.

All LoL heroes are either straight rip-offs of DotA or bland and forgettable.
DotA has interesting items whereas most LoL items are simply stat boosts.
Both are filled with cancerous fanbases and are very difficult to get into.
In summary, both are shit but DotA is less shit.

Dota has objectively better waifus and husbandos, though being better than League characters isn't very hard.

Yes I'm sure in some magical special universe you live in techies is always top tier. In my universe we have invis detection, stuns and silences. Or just pure undiluted damage.

Why would you ever play just a late game carry against techies when there's a techies gold pinata running around ready to get ganked infinitely?

Because counter picks exist? Why would you have an all melee team against a Techies? Because he was picked too late for your team to change. He's a situational hero like any other hero.

Not always. But there are good ones.

Let's all share our good plays lads, this is probably my proudest moment as Visage.
Also this is my first webm please no bully

How're you enjoying 8ch? :^)



It`s facing either people who fundamentally doesn`t understand the game yet think they do, failing every time they attempt to fill a role

or people so try hard they streamline their game to a few current meta heroes, making the most tasteless games possible


played the game since war3 days, using bnet before garena became a thing

I never had a good enough PC to record, but now I do.
And I figured out that AMD VCE exists.

Reminder Heroes of Newerth was the only good assfaggots clone.


two teams of 5 brain cells

I'll upload something if I ever do something impressive. Reinstalling the game now. See how much I hate it still after the shit I've gone through and see how much salt I can mine.

You are just wrong.

Keep moving those goal posts son.

They did a Tribes Ascend, but that doesn't mean it wasn't true at some point.

You can't even concede in dota 2 and still has this shitty automated report system.

Personally I don't even think that DotA is a very fun game, it's a satisfying game. It feels like every play, every kill, every move you do that ends in reward is like a high that keeps on giving.

I'm pretty sure that concede or GG was to weed out the bitchasses that give up at minute 10. It would be okay if all the people in the game agree though.

Look I'll level with you that HoN was amazing to play despite all of its faults but when you say
Then holy fuck you just need to stop.


Please explain.
Do you mean it's not real criticism because you shouldn't play without 4 other people anyway?

What the fuck is wrong with you.
In dota you have an actual chance of a comeback and games that must last to the end.
It makes it worth winning.
In HoN and LoL the first time a team seems ahead and the concede spam starts.
It's fucking dumb.

And as a bonus conceding was taken straight out of LoL.

First it was Undertale.
Then it was Overwatch.
No reddit will normalize even Dots trash here.

wew lad. If the Techies player was good he wouldn't end up in a situation he would be able to get ganked infinitely anyway. You can use your remote mines as wards and see where they are from being destroyed. It's like you've only played with trash Techies players or something.

I still think the option should be there but since the comeback gold mechanic's been introduced it's very likely to come back if your team knows their shit.

In short he wouldn't be playing techies at all. Because you're not going to find any game where he wouldn't be ganked infinitely no matter what composition there is.
Why am I hearing this from a guy who talked about all-melee compositions?

How the fuck do you lose 1.5k MMR? Did you just spam one hero to get up like some retard? You're the reason ranked is so fucking terrible.

What are you a potato?

You have no idea what cancerous behavior concede introduces to a game.
Throwing, collosal chat spam, anti-team plays and even fountain afk become normal if you refuse to concede.
A game that can be fought for 30 minutes or more ends at 10 minutes in because 2 guys died.
It never even gets to the point of defending towers.

It's high tier cancer.
And it leaves even the winners blueballed, since they get too little action.

It's not like there aren't any comebacks in HoN.
Unlike LoL it also doesn't have such a shitty vote system.
Do you really believe a few more comebacks are worth all the hundreds of wasted hours with your team sitting in base waiting for the end?
I would even be fine if DotA 2 at least had an anonymous 5 man vote requirement that only works after 20 mins.
Even if all 5 people on a team stop playing you'll never see them trigger gg by leaving because you can never convince everyone to do the same because it was designed like a bizarre prisoner's dilemma.
It's not like pushing a base in without resistance is fun either.

Was just calibrated there, my team never fucking listens and only farms when we should be pushing.
Oh we just won a teamfight and 3 are dead? lol im ursa i jungle master

This never happens in DotA2.

It's pretty easy to avoid the enemy team if you know what you're doing and know where the enemy team is at most times. Use smoke to get past common ward spots, use stasis traps to cover your traps and occasionally use Remote mines as wards to keep tabs on the area around you. It's not that hard if you have even an ounce of map awareness.
Because I'm using an extreme to explain counter-picking? I can use a more reasonable example if you want.

It's just a suggestion.

It does on Russian servers, which also means European ones regardless of language settings.


So you either missed the point or deliberately moved the goal post. Either way just stop.

Iouno I can usually win no matter how hard my mid feeds as long as I play some shitty rat hero and make the enemy team feel like they can't leave base without me taking a rax or two. Also playing with friends is good.

Yeah all those games were merely my imagination.
Saying nope won't erase those memories.
Fuck off.

Happens quite a bit in my ranked games when my team gets wrecked.

Never seen it in my games. Never seen it on anyone's stream and never seen it when spectating my friends. I'm sorry for your loss.

Whats your MMR

Did you mean 7k or what?

I'm trying to say, why would I pick Techies if he gets easily countered by your four other heroes? Even then it's still possible to fight against that if you know what you're doing.

Its not just my MMR is even my shitter friends MMR down in 2k and streamers who make smurfs too.

Seven zero zero.
People never listen or communicate here, just retards who fucking farm and jungle when 3 or 4 are dead and we could take down 2 towers at the very least, maybe even push for the T3.

Techies is always a good pick if you have someone who wants solo offlane. With techies if he gets a few kills in laning phase it wins the lane and if he gets a kill or two later on then it is a free objective. I've won a few games where I just farm like a pig and some idiot techies makes space then gets pick off and I just attack click down lane.

Would be cool if I had dotabuff plus or something so I can see my win% with techies as a team mate.

If we're posting retarded webms heres one and if you're wondering why no one bought detection it's because it was an inhouse game.

You really shouldn't be so harsh on people at that MMR when you are at that MMR.

Stop picking dumb heroes like visage and pick your best 1v9 hero. People are always bad until they hit 5k anyway.

I went from 2k to 3.5 by picking Medusa every game powerfarming then just winning and to 4k with Omni and other supports. It is easy to climb consistently, if you are winning some and losing some it means you are at the MMR where you belong

Did we ever find out who was the d2j ledditor who posted that on leddit? I remember how mad everyone was they wanted to blacklist them.

It was someone from /d2g/ don't think anyone from the game actually posted it. Cause I posted it on /d2g/ and someone asked to post it on reddit.

I still haven't played a MOBA and never will. I love the porn all things considered.

But visage has my very best win rate at 66%, it was 73% for a while.

If you learned the basics on a good hero your winrate would be 100% at that mmr. Then after 60 straight wins you will be in V High skill and get to experence a real game of dota.

Do you think a 4k invoker or slark spammer would drop a single game in your bracket?

Yeah fuck off faggot.
You clearly have never been in this bracket and never will.
You can't carry a game 1v5, that is impossible. Even if they are 3 levels and 2000 networth behind, they can still shoot off everything they have and kick your shit in.

sub 1k shitter everyone

okay dude

In this bracket you can.

Obviously HE can't

Once more, you clearly have not ever played in this bracket.
DotA 2 is a team game and relies on the 5 players on your team to all coordinate properly and use their abilities well to gain a upper hand in fights and take the victory, but no hero in DotA 2 can do all of that alone. You need stuns, slows, disables, supports, anti-carries who can take care of heroes like PA and WK. No hero can take up the role of 5 heroes alone.


Oh boy I am having a laff rite now. lad just wew. If intelligence was finding excuses for problems instead of solving them you'd be very intelligent.

You'd be suprised, in this MMR if you were to go tower pushing alone most people TP in and stab you in the back. Playing solo against 5 people is impossible.

heh you're pretty good troll kid. Stick with me and we could go far in this shit hole ;)

Have you ever seen a good storm spirit?

If Assfaggots are so great, why are halfchan generals about them such shit holes?

A few, probably smurfs.
Still, orchid and he's fucked.



I have such sights to show you!

What enemy heroes would you say get Orchid early enough to give Storm Spirit long lasting troubles as a hero (before he gets Linken's or BKB) and how often do you see these heroes?

If we assume a hero is changing their build to counter storm. Wouldn't you say its fair to assume the storm would build to counter the orchid first of all?

Of course I have no argument because there is no argument I told you how to win games factually and you disagree and said it isn't possible I showed you proof of me doing it and you are still in denial.

As for 'insulting your intelligence' you must first display intelligence to me before it can be insulted, saying things like "1v5 is impossible" and "700 mmr players will surprise you with their super on point tp rotations" Really does not give me much confidence in you. I guess not everyone can master game basics or understand how to win games.


What if storm purchased a bee kay bee?

SS is a carry, the number one counter to a carry is denying farm.
That is what I do first of all, if he doesn't have enough mana he's fucking useless.

almost a =YEAR= of being Dota2 clean

HiRez is a pox upon videogames.

I'll quit after this compendium is done… I have almost lvl 250 compendium.

You give me the feeling that you've never seen a Storm Spirit when you say that. I almost want you to tell me the game plan of Storm Spirit because you make it sound like he's going to farm like a carry.

Don't underestimate this guy. With his 700mmr game sense not only is he never wrong if you introduce a concept to him that he doesn't comprehend it means it doesn't exist therefore he can never be wrong. Oh and other players are keeping him down he is fully not to blame.

Deny his farm and fuck him up early if he gets cocky, until level 6 storm spirit might as well be a ranged creep because he will constantly run out of mana and the most use he has until then is just to drag people.


Which lane does Storm Spirit usually go to?

With dota I am engaged the whole time. With HoN there is high chance of a 10-15 minute concede.
That leaves me empty as a winner and as a loser.

Oh it does happen. But it is much more rare as compared to HoN or LoL.

Concede is a LoL introduced mechanic. It's for people who cannot handle losing.
If you have that little time, don't play dota. Go for another ASSFAGGOT.

Middle, so ask someone to gank if you people are so pro in 3.5k.

You were the one complaining dude, not me.

So do you often play mid Visage? Or do you just always gank middle?

Storm can safe and jungle too.

Wait we also need to know how often the enemy ganks middle. Do you often see enemy teams ganking middle?

Reminder that Storm Spirit was just picked out as one hero out of many that could 1v9.

Last time I played 4 players couldn't force concede that early.

Im pretty sure you can play these assfaggots game only by slapping the mouse with your dick

Pick an easier one. Storm has a too high skill ceiling for this guy.

Even Sniper mid will win you games all the way until 3k as long as you have map awareness and stack ancients for yourself and buy your own wards.

Maybe if you are under 3k MMR that'd work.

It wasn't me who even suggested storm in the first place. I'd just go for the lowest hanging fruit and say Slark since he's been the most popular/successful combo to spam last I heard.

I played a game of 1v1 midlane against ember once as visage and won, and once against Invoker and Sniper in a real match, won both of those too.

That doesn't answer anything. Please answer the questions so you can destroy the "myth" that Storm can 1v9.

ih when

You won't get a coherent answer out of that guy and he'll never understand any concepts no matter how much you try to spoonfeed him. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to do something more productive like push a boulder uphill.

I am convinced that he is a SEA monkey you'll never get through to that creature.

>not solely playing fun tier characters like Timber, Mirana, Pheonix, and Chaos Knight

IMBA offlaners

Carry/ roamer

Maybe you just have fun roaming and offlaning?

Controling only 1 unit bores me out of my mind.
Also people on shit level MMR dont know how to counter so it's possible to solo the enemy team

What made Meepo so unpopular again? Nobody plays him anymore like they used to.

Easy to counter by anyone with half a brain, also lots of nerfs in the past major patches even though literally nobody complained about him.

He's still great for climbing up if you spend the time to learn him.
People mostly underestimate him since "all meepo pickers feed" was a pretty big meme

Try calling them mobas

Storm Spirit isn't that good of a hero in the current meta, he had his fun but now is pretty dumpstered and runs out of mana quickly.
A lion has everything he needs to dispatch of a SS. Stun, hex, suck him off and then end it with a fingering.


You better let all the high MMR storm spirit spammers let them know that storm spirit is no longer meta and can be shut down by lion instantly.

You know even though on dotabuff they are still winning consistently and Lion is not even close to being a valid counter to storm.


Do you even look at stat sites? It would really help a garbage player like you. You have ideas that you make up in that little gook brain of yours that just aren't true.

You need to be realistic and in reality, right now you just play poorly and try use terms you have no idea about.

So you still refuse to answer the very simple questions. Ok.

i came here to say this way too late, good on you

came here just to post this

Two years here nigga
I just realized the game was shit and stopped wanting to play

Now I just play h-games all day


Only because of customs. Too much autism with the real game to have any fun or even learn the game.

OP, if you don't stop with the random reports then I'll delete this thread

What are you talking about?

Someone's reporting a bunch of random anons because he cant handle the bants

Lion is a great counter against him, hex and spike so he can't dodge it and just drain his mana, he's dead in seconds if you have some nuker or carry to back you up.
SS can't do anything if he has no mana, and with the nerfs he has gotten that makes his ult rely on you getting near perfect farm and there being no room for failure while laning.

Let me explain how lion can very easily with a nuker or carry kill a SS.
Lion initiates with a hex, taking away the ability from SS to zip away, then he uses his E ability, mana drain, to drain his mana. After that he stuns which doubles as a nuke and another disable, while all this is going on your nuker or carry is dealing high damage to him constantly, and when he is low you can finish it with your finger, killing him most of the time if you play your cards right because SS isn't the most tanky of heroes.

You mean all the people who incessantly come here to shitpost and ruin the thread? That's me. What exactly is not just shitposting about that? Why should they not be banned?

People can post whatever opinions they want, you don't have to take them seriously or even read it.


So basically "come in and shitpost all you want, shitposting welcome"? Why does anyone get banned for anything other than disagreeing with Mark then? After all it might just be their opinion.

Who would have guessed?


Like tears in the rain. Let the game go. Valve have shown their true colors and if you really want to play dota then load up your TFT game and jump in without the crate bullshit.

Wrong, I played support all the way to my rank. You can win solo games easily if you have a good teamfight ability, ganking abiliites or something that scales. I mean the #1 winrate hero on dotabuff is a support. It's just rubick requires too much team coordination with pretty much everything he does which makes him awful for solo-queue.

Yeah, when I spammed 280 games of rubick it got me up -1.5k mmr.

It's like league but not shit or pay to win.


Oh yeah, denials are so tactical, gj op, you changed my mind about a game I have 30 hours in.

Damn this place really is reddit

They're about as different as Quake Live are different from Halofags.
Both are shit but at least one somewhat resembles vidya.

That is like saying Battlefield and ARMA are the same.


2nd exodus fags in a nutshell.

I don't think anyone is noticing the irony.

Careful, undertaint wormed it's way in here using that reasoning.

Fuck off nigger.

The only reason GO is better is because it has mexicans jumping off bridges. Otherwise it wouldn't have shit.

Nigger, that game should be allowed to be discussed to.
Just because tumblr likes it doesn't mean it should be banned faggot.

Great argument

One is a f2p game with jew practices while another is being used to spy on bad goyim by spawning rare pokemon in areas that google can't map. Feel free to keep grinding that axe though. :^)

Never thought about it from that angle

If you ever walked into their thread you'd see we'd be better off getting rid of those autists, it's literally MLP tier fandom, no surprise considering it's some sort of offshoot of Homestuck.

Really working on improving board quality I see

You idiots don't get what people don't like about these games and this genre. The gameplay is fine, like a multiplayer top down Action-rpg. Here are some of the problems:

Really trying to defend your choice of company I see.

Insurmountable. I'm retarded.

So what's the reason you go into threads about games you don't like just to bitch about them?

Yeah, because I chose a company. That's what this is about, not autists deciding what is a game and what isn't from what they like or dislike.

I said that exact same shit about 200 posts back into the thread, but thanks for stating the obvious

awesome thread, here's some porn

Yeah, it's also missing the turn based aspect from Chess, the first person aspect from FPS games and unless somebody is picking Io there is no ball like in many physical sports, terrible.

Yeah, DotA would improve magically if there were 7 lanes instead.

Depends on what you're calling significant, since DotA is always changing, now Chess though, that one is stale.


Another terrible thing, this can not be allowed in a roaster of over 100 heroes, everybody has to be the same.

People where using bots to make money, shocking. What will they think of next?

Fun post, user.

There is a certain range of complaints you only ever hear from people who don't play the game and never from people who actually do, though.

Filthy casual.

If being autistic was bannable faggot then you and half of Holla Forums would be gone.

The nice thing about DotA (when compared to LoL) is that you have immediate access to everything that influences game play - meaning all Heroes, all skills, all items etc. Which isn't the case for LoL.

>implying shadow banning sage bombing games that aren't on Holla Forums's not-hivemind list of games makes the board less like reddit.

Play with friends

Of course none of this makes the board better, but that's what the faggots that do this shit believe.

Looks like we're on the same page.

MLP tier autism being bannable would make the board a better place.
We'd get rid of waifufaggotry and 4am who both do nothing but blogpost as well.

but if you just banned the entire autism spectrum the entire board would disappear.

That's mostly a problem in the lower regions of skill, once you get a bit better at the game leavers should be a pretty rare sight.

Not really, IceFrog is pretty good at balancing. The thing with him is just that he's not afraid of completely flipping the table on the game and reworking major parts of the game balance, which can lead to some confusion during the early days of the patch.

And shit being somewhat broken until further tested, but I think Icefrog is one of the few faggots who are crazy enough to try new shit instead of just playing it safe when it comes to balance which is pretty refreshing.

If there is no courier you buy the courier. No matter what hero, no matter what lane, no matter anything. And you flame your team while buying it, otherwise you're as deep in the trench as you deserve to be.

He's a support hero with a good burst dmg in the early game and a nice presence in the late game since you can theoretically stun people for 9 seconds in an AOE with Agha.

DotA is a fun game.

Oh are we not the accepting, loving community you were hoping for? Seriously, did you not expect people to be ripping on this game when you came into this thread? Op's post is clearly a bait. There are plenty of fucking places you can go if you actually want to talk about Dota.

So no answer then. Just deflection.

I knew this thread would get sage bombed, I am just using it to point out how this place is basically reddit 2.0.

Seriously though how many times have you seen:
and here we are acting like reddit.

DOTA 2 does have best waifu, but it is still a shit game.

It's not an issue about dota. It's an issue about not being able to talk about anything at all apart from the 20 or so games the board allows to talk about.

Found the reason.

I think that is because it got popular behind the average anons back. Without a big advertising campaign and paid reviews on gaming websites people were still using back in the game and since humans don't like to miss out on something they just convinced themselves that the game is shitty anyways and they are the smart ones for not playing it.

There is surprisingly little overlap between the two groups. Dota players are actually a pretty insular group to begin with.

e.g.: CS:GO, TF2, GTA V, Garry's Mod, Civ 5 - all were affected by Overwatch free weekend and lost 8-15% PCCU. But not Dota 2, no sir!

At this point, I'm not sure Dota 2 players are aware of existence of other games.

It's kind of true, back when I played dota regularly I never played any other game.

They aren't, it's a lot like meth. Once you try it you're not gonna need another drug until it slowly takes away everything worth living and kills you inside and outside.

If you start a thread out with a bait, you're gonna get shit responses.

Why are DotA-likes called A-RTS when they're more like team-based action-RPG's?

Best waifu

Laning phase is the best part of the game.

DotA was around long before professional esports was a big thing and developed that stuff by itself

Yeah, having the best f2p model in the industry really is a bad thing.

Go ahead, grab 4 friends and go get yourself those 5+ millions at the next International.

That's pretty much how it looked like in WC3.
DOTA was like a tumor who overtook every other custom map.

Even if it wasn't bait don't pretend like you guys wouldn't have tried your hardest to downvote sage spam it.

People do realize that this doesn't really do anything that can't be "countered" with a single bump, right? If people don't want to bump a thread that's their choice, even if it usually is a good sign to spot somebody who's just a tiny bit butthurt.

But does it have best husbando?

I wouldn't call it a tumor since deep inside it is a good game, but Mobas do seem to have a really weird effect on pretty much anyone that plays them though.

The worst thing is that usually ends up in a lot of the people that stop playing realizing that they hate the game because they've been playing it way past the point when it was fun, and then they end up here shitposting and saging threads because they don't like it.

It's like a never ending cycle of shitposting.

Personally for me it's just how hypocritical people on this board are being.

Every game gets ripped on here. I liked Spec Ops: The Line and that thread was getting bombarded with hate but I still had a nice back in forth with some user about the storied meaning. Deal with it.

Always thought this was a strange argument to bring up against a game:

Well see from my personal experience and the ones of the friends I was playing it… None of us really liked it anymore, and yet we just kept playing.

I think this might be the only game that I hated that I couldn't stop playing.

Yeah it's not really that bad, but it certainly killed custom games due to the playerbase's autism.

I was never a fan of RTSs so I guess that side of the problem never really affected me

And now Dota 2 is probably the best place to play those types of custom games again. Strange how that works.


heroes of newerth was more of sequel to dota than dota 2

It's certainly bizarre

It's a case of this place is literally becoming a reddit-tier hivemind. Everyone is being conditioned to accept Holla Forums's blacklist of games because they get bashed pretty much any chance they get conditioning anons to dislike them so they get bashed pretty much any chance they get conditioning other anons to bash them so they..

Nigger Heroes of Newerth is the lowest common denominator trash of the lowest common denominator of trash.

lets hear it

Amun Ra or whatever his name was a fun hero though.

Aren't all the heroes in the game exact copies of Dota heroes?

They made new ones. Like Electrician.

There were a few original ideas, but mostly Doto clones.
Bombardier, Parallax and Rampage are pretty cool.

Some are clones, some are partial copies like Parasite and others are completely new. I really wish Lifestealer like parasite with the level 1 infest.

for the most part, but most or all of them have twists to them as well. such as the chipper who rumble in lol is based off of but not as fun, cool, or effective as.

i meant to add that there were plenty of characters completely unique to hon, such as the chipper

Ah alright, didn't know. I played very few games.

Same, but I played Electrician in the few games I did do. Shame about HoN looking and sounding like such a piece of shit or I'd have stuck to it.

Last time I played it was still running in DX9 or lower, not even sure. And this was while Dota was already out
pretty unreal

there were also plenty of tweaks to the games mechanics and of course items giving it a different and i would say faster pacing. i think if you were to give it an autistic nickname it would be dotas project M.
which is why i call it more of a sequel to dota than dota 2, since it actually changes some things around.

I last played back when LoL could be bought on Steam.

You could get LoL on steam?
Didn't know that

i do not remember such a thing

DOTA 2 is DOTA: the standalone.
HoN is pretty much a complete DOTA clone with a couple of new things, but they fucked themselves over with that art direction and by not just going F2P from the start when all the competition did.
LoL is watered down DOTA for camgirls

For a short while you could. Google it. I should know since I bought it and played it as a casual game for a year or so. Then LoL introduced comp games and it fell apart pretty much over night.


Makes sense, since Dota 2 is just a continuation of DotA in a new engine with some QoL features on top.

I'm gonna need a citation on that one. I like plenty of games Holla Forums hates. You're making a broad overarching statement on the entirety of Holla Forums even though there are at least 10 people in this thread defending the game.

That was only in Europe.

Probably one of the best heroes they came up with.
Didn't they both introduce spell charges and vector targeted spells with him?
I really miss those AoEs that taper off to the edge or in reverse in DotA.
I forgot how much more important skillshots were in HoN.

I don't think it looked that bad.
It was supposed to be a successor to WC3 and it honestly looked amazing back then if you compare it to the original DotA.
It's just a shame that they never got the budget after losing to the other big 2 to make a decent overhaul.

Obviously DotA is lot more polished with more complex particle effects lighting higher resolution and so on, but the art direction wasn't bad,… maybe not marketable.
A lot of the hero design especially was really cool.

Too name a few, Zephyr, Thunderbringer vs Zeus, Slardar vs Pestilence, Pharao vs Clock, Bubbles vs Puck.

Also the combination of animation, sound and particle effects if not technically better was fucking amazing in HoN.

Just compare the Silver Bullet with Finger or see Deadwood punch, Pharaoh "Rocket", Legionnaire Decapitate, Gladiator Whip, Plague Rider ultimate or the Pyromancer baseball batting.

I'm getting too nostalgic.

looked like ass with a shitton of particles and mismatched colors to me, even back then, I honestly started playing lol because while also looking like ass, it didn't have the particle and color fuckery HoN had.

yeah lol was alright for a while when i started playing it. there were some balance issues but at the time everyone felt kind of powerful, by the time i quit most heroes felt like pool noodles except for a few that they allowed to stand out for whatever surely jewish reason.

chipper was so damn fun
it was either him or fuckin panda, i dont remember who came out first.

i remember when that son of a birch released the sound for his ult was broken and would play for each unit the secondary debuff affected, i wish they never fixed that. video related

it was definitely weird. it took a little while to get used to i dont know what i would say was off about it, but i felt the same way the few games of dota 2 i played.
i always just chalked it up to the shock from coming off of warcraft 3 but that may not be the case.

So the last time I have played was the patch when they changed voids backtrack. What's new? Any hew heros? What is the current meta like?

Nothing too broken, elder titan is popular now, there's a much larger variety of heroes on competitive level now. I think this patch is pretty balanced

oh and also they made earthshaker a meme

I want old icefrog back!

Also post custom games