


Sorry fag im originally from 162xcsa89df.onion dont judge me xd

Lurk more or fuck off. Shitposting is not tolerated here much.

The black nigger in the last pic got away with chocking out a 3% and ran away like a bitch.

Im asking for help that is all my friends.

and into the trash it goes

What do ya want me to do my man? Im asking for help and I dont punch right.. If yall dont wanna help then W/e


Good, fuck off. Nothing of value was lost.

Your right, well just the the communists take over. ITS COOL…

where do these threads come from? who are you people? why can't you just do the polite thing and quietly off yourself?


Don't worry; all these people's faces will be added to a database and they will be dealt with in time. Now go back to reddit. Lurk 2 years before posting here ever again, 10 years before making a new bread.

try /baph/ brother

Why don't you start yourself? If you live there then you probably know where to search.

Fuck off you degenerate waste of space.

Thinking you represent anyone here by being a drunk 'alt right' in public.

This thread should be latched onto the jew populated PamGeller thread that has for some strange reason been stickied.

stopped reading there
I have a feeling that this thread is going to turn like the other "le kekistani XD" at Trump rally faggot. Just call it a hunch.

Why do kikes go to protests in Roman armor? Romans hated Jews, any historian will tell you that. Then they have the gall to kvetch about "Nazi salutes". Fucking jews.

I hate these people, but I also hate you for making a shitty thread and being a faggot.
Go away.

Probably not even a kike. Most likely a good goy, thinking that plastering a jew star on his helm will stop people accusing him of being wayciss.

Meant for: .

Public drunkenness is not befitting a member of our race. Leave that to shitskins.
Also >namefagging
Also >shitposting
