Whats been your most disappointing vidya experience that released this year?

Whats been your most disappointing vidya experience that released this year?

Pic related. Easy, brown and linear bar one lovely zone mid to late game and the story and bosses are the worst the series has produced.

Whats your big letdown of [CURRENT YEAR] so far?

Mine is dark souls 3 too.
Couldn't even squeeze 100 hours out of it, even DaS2 was better.

No way. DaSII was way, way worse.

At least DaS2 had more than one valid & fun playstyle.
The only thing that DaS3 has going for it are ~3-4 decent humanoid bosses(Cinder, Champion, Nameless and Dragonslayer)

and at least ds2 didn't have level design for casuals.

Did anyone ever suffer a death in DS3 from falling or a trap that wasnt the skeleton balls in carthus?

Its flat wide open areas designed for children.

Fromsoft has changed.

That balls was really bullshit tbh.


I can already feel Metroid sinking into another six year hiatus

No they haven't. They were just forced into making two games they didn't want to by Bamco. Just you wait, when the third Sony exclusive game they release(as per their contract) that too will be shit.
Dark Souls was never made to be a series, what you're seeing is the result of a one-off being turned into a series

Straight paths with gauntlets of strong enemies with bonfires every few seconds is not what I call hardcore, it's just lazy.

The strength of a Souls game is having interesting and complex level design with a handful of checkpoints with looping and spiraling shortcuts.


Haven't gotten around to DS3 or Rise of the Tomb Raider yet, but so far the biggest disappointment is Necropolis.

A Souls-like Rogue-like? How could it go wrong?! By having absolutely no fucking variety, that's how. A rogue-like with no variety, what's the fucking point? I tried to like it but after two near identical runs with multiple floors also being near identical, it was just…sad. Hopefully the dev can add a lot more variety and not have the gall to charge for it as DLC.

Seeing as DS3 is the only game I've bought this year it wins by default.

I'm trying to reserve judgement until the DLC comes out. Souls DLC has always been the highlight of the games, from DS1 to Bloodborne, so hopefully DSIII's dlc can turn the game around like DSII's dlc did.

Zero Time Dilemma

You're factually wrong and also stupid for buying a video game before it was a year old.
2 is the best Dark Souls game.

The Abyss DLC was shit, though.


Either Dark Souls III or Zero Time Dilemma.

Maybe Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition for not being definitive in any way and barely having any additional content, but it wasn't all that bad.

das2 was shit, dark souls 3 was better.
fuck you.
you people are the same fags that shat on Re4 when it was new, and yet now would say "its good"

Always sad to see brand loyalty indoctrination in effect.

How dare people have their own opinions right?
Also, sage is not a downvote, friend.

Nah, nigger. I've been saying since Scholar that 2 is the best one.
Because it has the best combat, the most content, the most balanced multiplayer, covenants that all are different and work well, and regardless of how you feel about smurfing and le sick epic trolls on le noobs, soul memory was a good idea.
The only thing 2 did wrong was permadeath on enemies. And even then, Ascetic that shit you fucking pussy.


i thought "ah it'll be a fun little romp like the other games" but it actually trumped TLOU in padding

i was a fool for giving naughty dog one last chance

For what reason would you 'get around' to Cis Raider? Last time I checked, free will gives us the ability to not play bad games.

Is scholar really better than vanilla 2?
I've dropped about 150-200 hours in vanilla 2 before dropping it.

I only really played DS2, 1 was shit and 3 had me bored in half a hour

Like I'm saying, Scholar makes it the best game in the series.
It's not worth buying again, though. You already played vanilla.
Scholar just makes the game what it should've been, it doesn't make a new game.

Mexican Evil 4 is shit. Fucking mexican peasants ruined the whole fucking franchise. Nobody cares about the president's retarded daughter. Nobody cares about the president or the stupid midget for that matter. Just let the niggas die and shoot the peasants at the border. Problem solved.

Didn't pay a dime but I still feel cheated.
It was expected to be bad, but it still managed to blow me away at just how bad it was.

To be fair MGSV came out last year. It's still sad that the game came out as such a disappointment.

I really can't believe that Naughty Dog decided they wanted to make serious interactive movies now instead of fun platformers or games with some sense of lighthearted fun.

If DS2 and DS3 weren't direct sequels then things might be better. DS2 is really bad Dark Souls fan fiction while DS3 is just a bunch of "Hey you remember Dark Souls right?"

Armored Core and Tenchu potentially died for this.

They probably did die for it, From's next game will probably be Dark Souls reskins forever.

Two AC games have released since Dark Souls came out, it's probably not dead.

You should be so lucky, any future game of any franchise From puts out is going to be stained by the popularity they've gained. Can you imagine a 2017 King's Field or Echo Night?

Not Armored Core! I mean they only made 20 fucking games in that series, it really got smothered in the cradle. Tenchu is a shame though.

I've played 0 games that have come out this year

The censorship and cut content is of course unforgivable I dont want my games to be shat on anymore fam. I just want to have simple fun like the good ol days

It amazes me how they managed to casualize a HOI game to a point where even Arumba was able to play it.

As long as you pirated or bought XCX used then you have nothing to apologize for.

XCX was a good and fun game, still mean to go back and finish the post-game content. Nothing to apologize for.

Although I think that guy has forgotten what year it is

ACV and VD didn't get anyone new playing it when they came out. I'm overreacting a bit but I'll will forever be salty on how Souls didn't pull any new players in for Armored Core.

Also A.C.E. probably died for it too.

Zero Time Dilemma.

Can somebody ITT spoil the entire XCX game for me? The Nipponese version that is.

NOT SKIP MOVIE ACE R killed ACE, dude. ACE Portable was just a shambling corpse.

I'd be disappointed in W3 Blood and Wineif I bought it. It's not bad has fun content and the new area looks gorgeous but it sure as fuck isn't worth it's current price.

Saving Lolis: The Game, was extremely disappointing. Why didn't I see anything on Holla Forums about how terrible it was? All I ever saw was some shitty panty controversy, then nothing. Did I just miss the thread(s) entirely?

Once the censorship thing happened, the section of Holla Forums interested in JRPGs immediately memory holed the game.

I heard, after dropping the game, that it bombed in Japan and was in the equivalent of 20$ bargain bins within 2 weeks. The person I borrowed from paid 60$.

2 has some of the best lore because it doesn't TRY to be a direct sequel.



Meh, I liked it.

Better than SO4, and FAR better than any other RPG on consoles today (not including Vita and PS2, obviously).

In the very least it gave me some Ara, which in today's endless parade of moeblob childhood friend twincest garbage I'm very happy for.

SO5 is essentially a mediocre PS2 game.
That's saying a lot about today's line ups.

They turned worst-girl's panties into diapers. Nothing else was changed.
Reminds me of the faggots who still get uppity about Senran censorship when only the ages were removed from those games.

I get not leaving any place for censorship and always being against it, so don't buy new and let your voice be heard, but once you do that, come on already.

You look at this and tell me if it's censored.

if this is bait I fell for it.

I played 4 too, and this is far, far worse than it.


you really wanna compare that to 3's lore

It would have been fallout 4 if I had still expected anything from it.


The "lore" for all dark souls games fucking sucked.
Only DeS had a decent story, and even then it was eh

I personally enjoyed the game, I beat it twice trying out a sword+shield knight like I usually do then went and tried an archer type. It wasn't as good as DS1 or demon's souls but I still had a good time.

I thought the armor sets were far cooler than a lot of the stuff from DS1 but the weapons were all carried over which was disappointing. I really don't get the hate over the locations being brown, for fucks sake 3/4ths of the locations in dark souls were dirty brown towns, sewers and swamps. The only exceptions were anor londo and the crystal caverns and DS3 had those gorgeous snow areas to break it up. The general feeling I got playing the game was Miyazaki just wanted the series to end already so the world looks like its dying in reflection to his own feelings about the series.

I don't have a most disappointing of 2016 because fucking nothing was released in 2016. All the cool shit got delayed so I've just been sitting around waiting.

The online focus was a mistake, separate servers from Japan was a worse mistake
All I want is one more to end the series on.

It's my personal opinion that 1 had the best lore until it shit the bed.

DaS3's shameless fan service doesn't make DaS2 any more coherent

Pokemon GO

I guess it wasn't really "'disappointing'". I wasn't expecting much anyway.

It just ended up being even more underwhelming than I had expected.

I'm usually one to complain about how 1 shit the bed halfway through in many ways but lore/story isn't one of them. What part of the lore do you think was handled poorly in the second half?

Everything about Izalith, and a lot of things about the tomb of giants.

I'm not talking about level and enemy design, I'm talking about the lore

Or were there story bits related to those two areas that you think are worse than the rest of the game?

i know it was late last year but i was absolutely flabbergasted by how soulless, bland and truly terrible fallout 4 was

i have never regretted pirating a game due to quality before, but fallout 4 was a complete waste of bandwidth

It did feel way too easy and linear compared to Dark Souls.


This. I was expecting it to be shit, I never felt regret PIRATING a game before.

Hearts of Iron IV

I broke my "never pay more than $20 for a game" rule and I got burned.

I'm back to EUIV and VIC2. Pissed as hell.

Why didn't you listen to the innumerable warnings?

Heck, I haven't even pirated anything new. I don't think I've missed a thing.

God, you're pathetic. Anyway, DS3 was fine for me, just the environments in the game are so fucking boring. For once I'd like something that's visually similar to the second part of DaS. I want levels with buildings that are fucking HUGE and extremely detailed. Something like Shadow of the Colossus. The castle from the opening area of DaS3 blew my mind, though. Just the sight alone and being able to render it on a competent PC is everything I've ever wanted out of vidya on a visual/graphical level.

the problem lies with Konami, not Kojima. I know it was a huge disappointment, but blame the right people.

This. Couldn't even finish NG+ and I LOVE this series. I went back and played BB some more. I hope there is a BB2 and I hope it's decent.

you're fucking a fucking retard.
seems about right.

HoI4. I expected nothing and still got disappointed.

SFV no doubt.
It's probably the worst fighting game to come out in at least 6 years.
Yes even DFC is better.
Nothing redeemable about it and capcom's jewish practices infesting it.

Honorable mentions to MHG. Painfully mediocre with the core game being fine, but everything they added having next to no thought put into it.

Star Fox Zero.

>Some of the medals have some fucking obtuse requirements for them to appear. Let's turn a spotlight off and on to make one appear out of thin air!
>While the new vehicle (Gyrowing) controls well in 3D space, but doesn't really feel that appropriate for a SF game. (Why couldn't they have used the Blue Marine for a slow moving vehicle that operates in 3D space? It would have made way more sense!)
>The Mission Accomplished/Complete from 64 feels useless in this game and sometimes has strange requirements. You shot all the venus fly trap enemies in this level, Mission Accomplished! Even though we never told you that!

>While the game has 19 different paths the last 3 planets are the same with no variation/changes to them. Even Star Fox 64 didn't have this problem.

>Oh wait there's nothing there, unless you like the "co-op" feature of one person flying and the other controlling the target reticule.

Star Fox Zero will never surpass or even get close to equaling SF 64 in terms of being a great SF title. The game feels unfinished/rushed and should have been delayed to a late 2016 release to add/fix more content.

It would have been better if they just remade the cancelled Star Fox 2. Even if they gave that gyro controls, it would have been praised for at least being something that fans wouldn't have played before nor will ever be compared to.

On the bright side, Star Fox Guard is fun.