Other urls found in this thread:
B-b-but muh EUROCUCKS!!
(((Pamela Geller)))
Jesus no fucking wonder the family had a gag order
This is fine and normal guys. Letting migrant children rape your kids with no punishment.
By the way, don't even look at a girl wrong or else you're a rapist sexual harasser.
Did I mention we need more refugees?
This can turn into a big deal if we make it one.
Irrelevent in the context of this incident, sandnigger.
America is Sweden. What are you going to do? Nothing. Nothing. You're going to let kids be raped by refugees and do nothing. You and your second amendment is for protecting the rapists, not your daughters.
That judge needs to hang.
Don't you dare think about revolting, goy. I'm going to put you in contempt of court.
Five years old… wonder what the father is going to do.
name and face of judge pls
local police station
local authorities, etc pls
Protect the refugees you stupid fucking racist goy
Surprise suprise it's a woman protecting the rapists. Disgusting.
Imagine 3 whites gangraping a nigger or jew 5yo and finish by pissing on her.
The jew media would screech for years to come.
Refugees did nothing wrong, you stupid fucking uppity goy. This is for your own good.
This is why lynching was invented.
Archive where?
Locals must be so happy the local Lutheran churches and various jewish organisations are bringing in all those wonderful people
Back to work and shut up for these innocent refugees. I won't let you ruin their future, goy.
Is it coincidence that they're putting loads of Muslim men in rural conservative communities? Sounds like a plan to destroy the last bastion of hope in America, the self reliant people out of the cities.
The International Rescue Committee which is run by (((David Miliband))) and financed by (((George Soros))) definitely picks those rural communities on purpose. But they also find local churches willing to facilitate the relocation
The fucking christcuck churches are begging to take in shitskins.
USA belongs to the migrants, goy.
Just fucking tweet this to him. If you do it enough times he's gotta respond somehow.
He will tell you to shut it and send you to Syria to "fight ISIS".
The New Testament talks about all non whites not going to heaven, and that intermixing is a sin. Christianity has been completely subverted by kikes.
Good goy, no revolting. Get back to work.
Get off the internet, Moishe, you've got a date with an oven.
Considering the followers of Jeebus certainly qualified as "non whites", you are full of shit m8. Unless you are reading some corrected edition of the second episode of the desert trilogy.
Prove it.
This fucking thread I swear. Endchan shills need to gt their priorities straight.
Stop derailing with religious D&C goon
Look at their origin and places of birth and tell me if they were places dominated by European folks 2000 years ago.
It is the fucking truth you fucking ostrich. Fuck off with your cowardice.
Send this to /r/the_donald, get the normal fags on this!
Court orders, you're not to talk about this.
RWDS time? Find out the lawyer and judges addresses, aswell as whatever can be discovered about the rapefugees
I don't read Jewish fake news
Yeah, you write it
Suspect #1
PO box address, no home address.
Certainly, someone can find more useful information
inb4 alt-light "It's sad but nothing we can do, we can't be racist guise ;;;-;;;"
Good goys, yes it is so sad I am trying to genocide you.
Oh well. Time to dump Drumpf and vote for Hillary 2020. No sense in resisting anymore. The Jews have utterly dashed all hopes and dreams with this one victory.
AstroTurf cheerleading groundhog clown
Where are your guns now americucks
The kikes are definitely trying to suppress this, that's why the story has to be broken by Pamela Geller, a pro-White gentile woman with no ties to the jewish establishment.
lets help the americans straighten this out
Jews always try to be the first to report on something so they can be the first to normalize whatever event benefits them.
Every 90% white city in Canada with 100k population or more, which we consider medium size cities btw, are the main targets for the invasion.
Didn't witnesses say the dad cheered and high fives one of his kids after this happened or was that just bullshit?
GL here burgers. A line has to be drawn somewhere or we may as well put our fingers in our ears for the next 3 decades and enjoy whatever countries we got left. They are attacking our children and letting the fuckers get away with it.
Anyone can confirm this ?
If I was the father I would sit outside the courthouse every day until I positively identified the judge then figure out their route and wait for the right opportunity. Then I would go visit the migrant family and remove kebab.
"The court heard all about how the attackers are doing well in school, and about how smart they are. They were praised for the supposed ordeal they had to go through. It was claimed that all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having to go through courtroom proceedings."
They should be put through 'advanced interrogation' (enhanced interrogation isn't enough) and be PTSD-scarred to the point seeing a white girl is enough to shit themselves and break down crying on instinct.
If no one does anything, that's it. No matter what the president does, this country is fucked. For if matters such as these don't make a group want to do something, what will? Certainly not some abstract notion of "we need revolution". Most people live by instinct after all.
this angers me.
what can we do? will spreading this actually change people's minds that we need to shut our borders down?
Yes, think of the poor refugee boys and how injured they were at the possibility of being punished.
Focus on the issue in these two ways:
1. This kind of "justice" is what happens in sweden, a country that only has activist judges. Thus the issue is that America is teetering down the slippery slope to a level that Sweden is currently at.
2. Activist judges. They need to be removed. Penalties should be made for them doing things like this.
If there's no justice with law then there's only vigilantism. Obviously, child rapists shouldn't be allowed to go free regardless of what the courts say. You know how many times I've heard men say how they'd like to kill child rapists? More times than I could count. If I were the father I would get martyred. These judges should fear holy vengeance.
what is the definition of an 'activist judge'
I'm going to give this judge a medal and give the refugee boys some scholarships.
The Germanics who settled in the Midwest are fucking cancer.
Fucking starch-cucks.
DA Janice Kroeger Third Floor P. O. Box 126 Twin Falls, ID 83303-0126 Criminal 208-736-4020 Fax 208-736-4120
Honorable Thomas Borresen
233 W Main Street
Jerome, Idaho 83338
Phone: (208) 644-2600
Fax: (208) 644-2609
Nice job OP. OP is not a faggot! Everyone should read the Pam Gellar report daily along with jihad watch.
To clarify, we are looking for Thomas H. Borresen. He's the corrupt judge that should be executed in public fashion.
The first step is to get this out. Spread it everywhere.
1354 Olympia Dr.
Jerome, Idaho
83338, US
Thomas H Borresen home address.
Still working on Janice Kroeger
Meh. Pam Gellar, though she does good work….but you'd think with all the research and books she written, she'd eventually come to the conclusion that it's not really the muslims, but who's behind them that's causing all this insanity. Shows me that she's just a mouth piece for this muslim thing.
Do your research, please.
I do, but she's a dumb slutfag pushing the muslim thing. It goes deeper than retard muslims muzzing out.
I can't wish death on anyone but… damn. Just damn.
It isn't going to stop. That's what fucks me up.
This will continue and it's my fault. It's your fault.
Multiple generations got so caught up with porn and vidya that we let America die.
Feels bad.
We need to expel or exterminate the nonwhites and then set our sights on Israel.
No. it's clear who needs to die. the hard question is, "who goes first?"
But there are people here who would glady suck Muhammed's dick for there to be no Jews
It's strange I mean she says all the same things we do, you know like "
and everything like that, yet somehow I can't quite put my finger on it why or how she doesn't see the jewish aspect of the problem…
She's definitely ourgirl though, right guys?
I am reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally getting tired of waiting on vigilante justice. The courts and governments clearly are not and have not been doing what they were created to do - serve and protect the people. The "justice" system now only works to oppress the very people it was created to protect. If justice cannot be wrought through the normal peaceful means, the only recourse is people taking justice into their own hands. Seriously. People NEED to die.
Maybe i'm being paranoid but that address is right next to a elementary school & jewgle maps has that address as an empty lot from Aug 2012.
Here's what is to be done. Since no one here can/can make others do anything, what we can do is organize all the information together. In doing so we can accomplish two things, one spam it places where people willing to do something would do something (of course, we wouldn't incite them. Showing someone that injustice is done doesn't "mean" you are inciting them). The second is to convert the information into a digestable form in order to bring about outrage in normal communities. If anyone lives in the same town, they'd want to go a bit further and have their propoganda more on the "action"/"do something" side than the "this is disgusting"/"how dare they"/"someone do something about this" side.
Listen up fat asses
I know you fucks won't do shit IRL so the least you can do is make the information easily discernible for those who will.
Spread this story like wild-fire, spam the twaters, people must know what is going on. Dox the fuckers involved!
But your guns, burgers!
At this point am just waiting for a peaceful "migrant" to rape the daughter of a special forces veteran or army ranger.
or will we?
maybe ill wait a few months before the eclipse.
someone should pour gasoline cans all over his house and at 3am light it on fire.
someone should sit outside with a box truck with the door slightly open and when he reverses his car I'll take a suppressed .223 and slam one through his skull.
someone should kidnap him on August 21st and livestream it as his fingers are cut off.
Or wait until winter season in Idaho and turn his circuit breakers off. Wait until he comes outside for heat gibs.
I'm not the savviest user when it comes to info-digging, but some user out there better fucking dox all these motherfuckers. I want their names. I want their addresses. I want their social media. I want the names of their kids and where they go to school. I'm so fucking tired of judges having free rein to peddle their talmudic bullshit without repercussions.
No, fuck that. Our laws regarding were designed for WHITE CHILDREN who couldn't even possibly conceive of doing something as heinous as raping 5 year old girls and peeing in their mouths afterwards.
Forced penetration?
Sexual assault?
We need confirmation on these.
Nice try, Ahmed.
pic 1
Mods, this is a thread that should be stickied.
This is really a turning point in the American justice system.
Stick this thread you mod faggots
I pray one of you guys had the balls to do that, but I know it's just wishful thinking at this point.
The family of the victim was already forced out of their home by peaceful refugees. The refugees and their accomplices deserve whatever they get, but never forget why the refugees are there. Chobani has a Muslim owner and imports cheap Muslim labor. He has two factories in the US, in Upstate New York and another in Idaho. Both places are flooded with human garbage called "refugees". Don't forget to target Chobani too.
This is an open secret. There are two Chobani factories in the US, in Idaho and Upstate New York. Both factories take place in towns with extremely active refugee resettlement programs and they hire those refugees. I saved some rumors from an Idahoanon on cuckchan and will repost them below.
This has also led to predicatable health issues because handwashing is a social construct.
nbcnews. com/health/health-news/moldy-chobani-yogurt-posed-health-threat-tests-find-n150116
Here's my master list of notes on the Twin Falls, ID rape case. The short story is that 3 Muslim boys molested a retarded 5 year old girl, pissed in her mouth, and recorded a video. The oldest boy was teaching the younger boys where did he learn that? The family of the girl arrived and the Muslim families tried to bribe them. Prosecution was slow as fuck. The Feds threatened prosecution against people who said false or inflammatory things. Meanwhile the local media called anyone upset about this Hitler. Also neighborhood Muslims harassed the retarded girl's family into moving. All boys given a slap on the wrist and no one reconsiders sending more refugees into Idaho.
wnd. com/2016/06/explosive-new-twist-in-idaho-sex-assault-case/#!
breitbart. com/immigration/2016/07/26/geller-muslim-migrants-devastate-community/
refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress. com/2015/06/20/something-smells-in-twin-falls-idaho-what-is-going-on-with-the-refugee-program-there/
https//refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress. com/2015/06/17/idaho-more-controversy-surrounding-refugee-resettlement-in-magic-valley/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/07/12/mother-idaho-girl-raped-refugees-authorities-withholding-police-report-family/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/04/exclusive-5-year-old-victims-father-saw-video-of-twin-falls-refugee-rape/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/07/local-twin-falls-media-spins-refugee-sexual-assault-story-away-rights-victim/
slate. com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/07/sexual_assault_case_involving_refugees_in_idaho_in_the_age_of_donald_trump.html
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/08/twin-falls-refugee-rape-victim-activists-call-attorney-step/
idahostatesman. com/opinion/article86409577.html
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/12/twin-falls-police-officers-refugees/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/09/another-disturbing-sexual-assault-twin-falls/
breitbart. com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/17/read-the-scary-descriptions-of-refugees-by-idaho-refugee-agency/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/23/twin-falls-idaho-family-five-year-old-victim-rape-refugee-boys-refused-personally-accept-donation-given-local-city-councilman-publicly-insulted-th/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/11/twin-falls/
thegoldwater. com/news/2510-Alex-Jones-Outs-Chobani-Yogurt-Chobani-Fights-Back-with-Lawsuit
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/06/28/seven-refugees-active-tb-sent-idaho/
dailycaller. com/2017/04/08/idaho-refugee-boys-admit-to-sexually-assaulting-five-year-old/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
amren. com/news/2016/06/idaho-town-torn-by-alleged-rape-fear-of-refugees/
This should be pinned, report the thread and ask for pin.
Might need someone to distribute fliers.
Also tweet the story @ donald!
Get a real news source
If they get away with this the rapes of little white girls will increase exponentially as rapists figure out they can rape our kids and not even go to jail. This is the line that has been crossed. If this goes unpunished we are completely worthless. We do not deserve to live. All of our lives are not worth the life of one little girl.
We're both. Britain doesn't arrest sandnig child rapists and then prosecutes the parents when they take the law into their own hands; Sweden gives child rapists probation and community service. A little bit of both.
And stop being a faggot.
So, does this mean it's time for lynchings to make a come back?
It's altogether likely - and in fact I strongly believe - that this is because they are going to appeal this. A sentencing of no jail time for rape is quite awful.
Judge Thomas Borreson
who holds his office at
233 Main Street, Jerome, Idaho 83338 (Phone number:(208) 644-2600, Fax Number:(208) 644-2609
needs to be asked about why he forbade the family from speaking out about this, but an answer should probably suffice.
Also, cross referencing it with this news article,
http ://magicvalley.com/news/local/lawyer-fawnbrook-boys-sentenced-family-isn-t-pleased/article_8a2dcfed-0225-5744-a3c9-a5fb26293996.html (http ://archive.is/bonOx)
the prosecutor's name is
Grant Loebs
who holds his offices at
425 Shoshone St. North, Third Floor, P. O. Box 126 ,Twin Falls, ID 83303-0126 (Phone numbers:Criminal 208-736-4020 Fax 208-736-4120)
and he needs to be made to answer most of all for his failure. After all, he is invariably the person who organized such a shitty plea deal that resulted in no jail time. After all,
Loebs announced in April that one boy pleaded guilty to felony exploitation of a child and misdemeanor battery, while a second pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting felony lewd conduct and aiding and abetting misdemeanor battery. The third pleaded guilty to a charge of accessory to the commission of a felony.
That is,
It is unsurprising that they got no jail time if this is the plea deal they organized! (I actually question the no jail time for the one that plead to felony exploitation, we should double-check that so we should also look into going after the judge a lot more.)
The real news sources say only one of them touched her. I don't know any that say they all got off free.
Will cuckservatives ever be able to stop giving Christians money and power?
You mean (((real news)))? Maybe you should go check if your wife's bull needs a drink or something.
I'm an idiot who can't read, I missed a few words, all of those crimes include at least one felony I think.
The MSM also doesn't say what their sentencing was, only what crimes they admitted to.
Since I don't expect any violence against the judge coming from here, get the dox and backstory to places where there are people prone to violence so they can get rid of this judge. If these judges think that they can hide behind their robes and police bodyguards while protecting child rapists, its time they get a reality check.
That's not how it works. Only the defense can appeal and they're not going to because they got off with no jail time. In law there's something called double jeopardy which means someone can't be tried for the same crime twice. They were convicted and sentenced to probation. Everything is final.
Nope, in Sweden he would of been convicted. Now go back to marching with your rainbow flags and david stars.
T. Swedish law student
MSM is much more accurate. Fake news reported them to be Syrian and said all three of them raped her.
No gag order in Washington, Montana or BC. We all know.
No jail time? Fine
Deport his shitskin ass then
Yeah, like when a feminist screams about fake rape but won't go to the cops because they will be (((revictimized))).
We need professional journalism, it needs to be done by people other than those who are currently doing it. The best we have, right now, is the alternative media.
Chobani could use the Gamergate treatment.
This judge obviously likes pizza.
got a link?
if you dont i think you're pulling my leg
It's time we kill the judges.
just a joke
It was to be expected to be quite honest. For all the fucking morons that think we are somehow better off than cucked Europe, here's what I have to say… Cucked Europoors have at least a decade to go until they outperform us.
It's part of Agenda 21.
It only seems in retrospect that Hillary had a low chance of being elected.
Someone should send her mail.
a thank you parcel actually.
They did all rape her, kike.
No, you’re 100% a retard.
What toppings signify retarded girls?
What toppings signify muslim boys?
I think this judge needs to receive both kinds of pizza, because he could like either/both.
Remember, kids: you can either talk shit on the internet that may or may not get you a visit from the Feds, or you can [ R E D A C T E D ].
That's wrong thou, USA is worst both demographically and judging from degeneracy after SA.
Swedish demographics are literally 1950s tier from an american standpoint. France which is the worst off euro vountry demographically is 1970s tier.
No, keep spewing lies. I’m sure someone will believe you eventually.
Great argument dumbass, not even the person u replied too before. Truth hurts?
Okay, reported, then.
Go back to reddit.
Try harder, kike.
Get this out there!
Tweet it to Trump
Tweet it to Eric and Jr
Tweet it to Hannity
Tweet it to Cernovich and all the youtube people
We can get anything we want to trend at this point.
I wonder why the endchan kikes are trying so hard to derail?
also, wasting all those digits. kys
anyway to get up on drudge?
You can stop fighting over which country is the most cucked. It's clear that whitey has learned his place all around the world, and will go quietly into the night.
We're not Sweden, we're little Israel.
What gets me is the parents.
If some kike judge gave me a gag order, I'd form a posse and start talking. Loudly. It would be worth it to draw attention to my retarded five year old getting raped and pissed on by the mongrels.
We need a mass boycott of ALL Chobani products.
Honorable Thomas Borresen
233 W Main Street
Jerome, Idaho 83338
Phone: (208) 644-2600
Fax: (208) 644-2609
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
That will show them.
Do we have full dox on the judges house yet?
I saw this on >>>/kennedi/
This guy IS a judge.
This is a parking lot.
Unlisted number.
best info i can get is
Thomas H Borresen
1354 Olympia DR
Jerome, ID 83338
(208) 324-3854
which correlates with ballotpedia.org
Sweden yes indeed.
Already happened. Some ex marine in oklahoma I think went off the handle cause his kid was diddled by the local masonic police force. I think he offed a bunch before they got him, media blackout and so on. I gotta check but someone here should have a cap.
Essentially vigilantism in obvious situations spreads good ideas.
By the looks of it, a judge that obstructs justice for a political agenda.
having trouble googling this. links would be cool if you know or can remember more precise key words.
#obstructionofjustice this is grade a normie bate
Probably wrong. There are two addresses that white pages produces for the Judges name. I don't know the judge's middle initial, so once we have that this may all be useless.
One address is an empty lot. The judge might own this, but does not live there. The other is for a house is a 300k house (maybe a bit on the inexpensive side for a judge). The Borresen family has owned the home since 1987, refinanced/transfered a shit load of times (or their bank has sold their loan). I doubt that address is for the the judge, but here is what I was looking at.
But if Israel nukes Western Europe, they will only kill mudslimes and cucks.
God damn…
It's to guarantee Whites have no place to congregate or escape to. The cities are a fucking done deal, suburban areas are all but pozzed, so now they go after the big cheese: Rural America. The bastion of civility and Whiteness in the country. Once even our hideaways are full of niggers and spics, when even in the country we can't form bonds with our neighbors, we'll be completely atomized and defenseless. This is also why networking and meeting people in real life is so important. People give the idea shit and toss around "yeah thx CIA/FBI/ATF" but really, we need to have people in real life we know and can trust. If we stay all online and then try to head out the door only when things are really bad, we'll be fucked.
Could use a source for that.
Ha ha, holy shit.
Is that ICE knocking on your door paco?
I don't think so. Per google maps 1354 Olympia DR in Jerome is an empty lot. The house two to the left of that lot, is 1408 so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for the house immediately to the left of the lot to have an address of 1354 either. See
nice >>>/kennedi/ trips
Isn't one of the kids 7 years old? I'm not sure how jailing a 7 year old child would work. The """14""" year old is a different story. Or maybe I'm thinking of a different rape case?
So does this mean Idaho is a cucked state now?
Are there any uncucked states any more?
A 7 year old rapist needs to be euthanized. There is no other sensible response.
Sage also had a sage gag order… if you know what I mean
It means they have a cucked judiciary. Their population is about as right wing as it gets in America.
That's classic Jew/Alphabet demoralization right there. Eat a dick faggit.
The article says 100 over a year, not 50,000.
are you fucking retarded? for Sage's sake, we all know Texas is the best state, every other state has some sort of "normalized" scarcity
In reality, Texas is a great deal more cuckservative/lolbertarian than right wing, and has a large leftist populations in it's cities. Idaho is far more right wing than Texas.
After reading the article I think the main focus needs to be lynching the police and the judge involved. You're not going to get far pushing "euthanizing 7 year olds" as your agenda. In fact I'm inclined to believe that anyone focusing on the children themselves are kikes trying to slide from the real issue, the judge who treated them like victims and routinely berated the little girl and her family.
Something needs to be done to the people involved in this.
well, if cuckservative/lolbertarian means being actually conservative in a non retarded sense, I take it.
go back to >>>/kennedi/ dysnomia
They tried to get a fucking canadian as President
>>>/kennedi/ CHECK EM
I'm not saying Texas is shit. In comparison to the vast majority of the world, it's pretty damn good. But the most right wing state it is not. You'll be hard-pressed to find more outright National Socialists than in Idaho. Some parts of rural Pennsylvania come close, probably on account of the pure german communities you can find there.
Stop spamming this thread with advertisements for other boards.
this. Texas is getting pretty gay. The major cities are FULL of beaners and niggers. The remaining white people are complete faggots or just from commiefornia. Ive lived near Dallas for years now and im finally moving away. I cant fucking stand this any more. Ive had to put up with so much shit for just having a Trump bumper sticker and not acting like a cuckold even from cuckservatives. Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and any other purple area of this depressing state needs to be nuked. Oh yeah and there are no good beaches either.
You have it backwards.
Whites are on a hairtrigger right now. They're all waiting for a social cue to remove shitskin, and every time these monkeys pull their third world savagery in a white country it gets a little bit closer.
The only hope muslims have is that somehow these desert chimps stop acting like desert chimps and start to assimilate.
We all know that won't happen as semites gonna semite, so the most likely result is a bunch of stinky thin-armed pedophiles who are used to fighting women and children will suddenly find themselves up against a very angry people that conquered space for fun.
Gas yourself yid.
I didn't even remotely imply that. But please, continue to focus on euthenizing children as the focal point of your agenda. I'm sure that's what will convert normies.
Kill yourself faggot.
Texas is cucked beyond belief. Tons of Judeo Christian retards, along with the already subverted Christians that believe Jesus was a Jew meme. Add on the Capitol City which is a pozzed shithole with tons of faggots from commieformia moving in, and finally the stream of beaners that arrive non stop. Texas is fucked.
Apelings, user. A baby arab is called an apeling.
Only one solution to be honest, fam.
but everyone's scared to dox him, friends
/baph/ is bad, don't you know?
repercussions are bad for our PR
no dox, no backlash, it's bad for us, remember?
You've got to be fucking better than that at this point, or is this no longer Holla Forums but /hugbox/?
No, mudskins outfuck all history. Sorry to break that, but France is at par with the US now.
Eventually there will be operators propping up everywhere, as we are prone to do when things get bad enough.
The rise of the lone wolfkorpsman will spell utter chaos for the current power structure. Operators aren't assassins. They are soldiers of attrition. They don't poison you. They don't run up and stab or shoot you. They don't plant a bomb in your car. A few bullets from a rifle. No warning. No contingency besides hiding in a cave or vault. There is absolutely nothing you can do against an operator that has your head in the visuals of their scope. That is why they worked so hard to destroy the militia movement. That is why they try so hard to constrict the movement of rifles and how you can purchase rifles in America and the rest of the world. The rifle is the citizens single greatest asset.
Sadly if this shit continues this is what's gonna happen. That ironic post is sad because it's true. And it makes me mad, heck i was mad already.
To make my point…
Every fucking time.
You live under a rock? You know Uri Geller, right?!
Grant Loebs: The apologist/lawyer for the sand niggers.
WTF is his argument?
They were gud boys, future doctors n'sheet?
i appreciate the sticky
Turbo kike detected
If someone enjoys that "joke", and something "plays out", people here would have to make sure ot shill hard the reason why. Because you can just imagine the MSM/etc. saying "Oy vey, how dare they. They're trying to be vigliantes. Muh KKK, muh democracy, muh judicial process. we all have certain rights!" One way to counteract this would be is if the person who did "it" would leave a note (in some blood? Ink? ect.) stating clearing "JUSTICE FOR X BECAUSE Y". However, leaving a note would leave a new angle to having to cover one's tracks. Paper, ink, handwriting style, printer mark, sending it (i.e. this forces you to send it or plant it. I.e. no ranged attack).
Anyways, we're not advocates for violence here at Holla Forums Inc., however we do tend to talk about many "possibilities" and what people should do under those "possibilities". We are a "Religion of Peace TM".
Also, I wouldn't give them jail time either–just an execution/torture session resulting in death.
People only say that when people on Holla Forums want to meet up, meeting random conservative people is very safe. No reason to join the kkk or whatever when every group should have similar views of pressed.
I'm going to need further substantiation of this story before I jump to the conclusion that this article is giving an unbiased report of what actually occurred. It wouldn't particularly surprise me at this point of judges are protecting rapists and throwing out gag-orders to suppress victims, but I'm not ready to believe that this kind of this kind of thing is happening quite yet.
Does anyone have an alternative representation of this story? Interviews with the father? Interviews with the prosecuting attorney? If so, we could actually attempt to determine the likelihood of pushing for a proper lawful response to this situation.
As enraged as I am about this story, I'm wondering if there is anywhere else reporting on it. It's important to have a source that isn't a jewess' blog in order to shove in normalfags' faces.
What is it going to take to reawaken this? If this judge gets away without punishment, we're finished.
Laying down and dying without a fight is bad for us.
what you need is /kennedi/ dubs
that's why everytime someone suggests getting personal info 4/5 responses is "hello fbi" right
How retarded can pedos be?
Shills and scared newfags.
The fact is that it's very easy to come to the conclusion that the reporter is telling the truth because the truth is ugly in this case. Otherwise the court wouldn't actively suppress freedom of speech and hide the truth from the public eye.
You don't get the fucking benefit of the doubt when you actively refuse to tell the truth. This is the consequence of censorship.
If judges started waking up dead over shit like this, other judges would worry a lot less about their PR and a lot more about continuing to breathe.
Holla Forums is a board of peace afterall
are you a kennedifag?
Let´s make this HWNDU and Eric Clanton all over again.
Nice thumbnails. True, tho.
Why do yo keep spamming that? Fuck off nigger.
It must be some advanced form of autism. Report him.
Crypto Jews strike again?
Geller has a good reputation for having the facts, and I don't think she would put it on the line by making this up.
Her anonymous source will be corroborated with others, just wait. Maybe another will come forward and do a dark room interview. I could see Hannity picking up this story.
The law in our nations are built to protect the people attacking you, not protect your rights. You're a fool if you believe otherwise. You allowed jews, you enemies, to have the final say on law and order in your own realm. And you will pay a horrifying price for it.
Welcome to your new world.
Subverted, not built. Kikes can't create anything new.
What is the Rotherham scandal for 1000 dollars, Alex. Is it so hard to believe?
True, however the point still stands.
Yes, hence:
Please post the pdf.
Local news coverage from a year ago, in line with story. Prosecutor states that although the case is sealed the public will 'probably' be notified of the result:
Police not releasing reports, hospital not releasing medical records - - to her parents:
Initially prosecutor stating this was a very serious felony. Somehow they became victims… cause Trump:
Although these don't support the claimed probation sentence, have a look at these other Twin Falls sentences:
20 year old man rapes 14 year old, probation and 'no sex till marriage':
76 year old black man with HIV rapes child (a boy). Probation:
Seems believable..
Cases involving children are always sealed to the public, so it makes sense.
The records themselves are sealed (which should change for violent and sexual crimes). However, a permanent gag order on everybody in the courtroom is unprecedented AFAIK.
Those cases are all different.
>theguardian. com/us-news/2017/feb/08/idaho-judge-rape-social-media-twin-falls
Spics. They dated, girl lied about her age. The girl claimed rape after she would up pregnant. The nigger case never mentions the age of the victim and the nigger is old and sick. It was probably some fag relative sucking him off for cash. The victim's family wanted to avoid testifying, they didn't have a video like this case or a mother who witnessed the crime.
Yet they all share the common theme of "mud people not being punished for sex crimes".
Idaho truly is the new Sweden.
Cases involving children are prohibited from key witness as well? And the guardians of the children? For some reason, I find this hard to believe. What does the child have to say about the verdict? Don't scoff at this idea; a huge part of justice is to provide proper restitution in the mind of the victim.
cant rely on him to not be a shabbos. Send it to him but also spread this shit to every single corner of the internet. goybook.. disqus comments sections… gun forums.. hell post that shit in fucking gardening and hobby forums..
The idea of being called Swedish fills me with such shame…
There is only one cure for that: fight back!
It is normal for childrens cases to be completely sealed and closed off to the public, unless a parent says something in public about it.. usually you wont hear much. There are exceptions to that rule but generally thats how it usually goes.
Now heres the problem. There is little to no judicial recourse to this shit. The constitution does not cover anything pertaining to the rights of a crime victim. Zip. I've been reading through Idaho state law on this matter and it appears they dont have a charge of "forcible rape of a minor" They have rape, or statutory rape. They have "sexual abuse of a child under 16" but it only fucking applies if the rapist is over 18.. i.e. its a statutory rape charge. But it does appear that their 'regular rape' charge does carry a "1 year minimum" but after that it is strongly emphasized "at judges discretion".
So the only course of action is extra-judicial.
I don't normally post political shit to normiebook, but that would be a good way to get the ball rolling on some good old fashioned lynch mobs. If we can get everyone from here, cuckpol, and voat to go through with starting the viral rolling, we could get it going. Do we have an infographic or article or anything to share/repost/whatever it is you do on goybook?
Over my dead goddamned body will I let the US turn into a cuckhole like bongistan and the caliphate of swedumb. Rapes a girl and walks away with it… I'm not above staging a vigil like we did with the Fed, outside this asshole's house or the courtroom.
My father would have gone out guns blazing and I'm not larping. He would shoot the rapist and then the judge, pigs be damned. If I had a kid and she was raped, holy hell I can't even post what I would do. At some point you stop caring about their "justice system".
Get enough outrage over it and they'll be pressured into some form of action, or maybe we trigger the night of the knives. Either way.
Normies still get their panties in a rage filled twist over little girls being raped. It triggers the shit out of them. You take the most vile piece of crap and they still get pissing mad about child rape.
Can't the family appeal this trial to a superior court?
Looky here. Left wing fake news is outright denying this happened.
A few other sites also deny that there are thousands of syrians being relocated to idaho at all. Yet then you have multiple accounts of the families of the "boys", who are ME, and the whole thing stinks. They're trying to censor the case. Streisand effect this bitch, if they're trying to cover it up it must be useful ammo.
archive it you stupid nigger
as far as I know there is nothing that can be done. They were found guilty, cant be tried again for the same crime because the kikes managed to obfuscate who the constitution applies to, and they were already given a sentence of no time served. Had they been given, for instance, a sentence of a couple of years and the judge worded it in away to allow them to not serve any actual time.. then there is something that a higher court judge could do. The only thing the victims parents/legal representative could do would be to enter into a case against that judge in a higher court and hope enough people donate to them to allow them to take the very slow road up to the supreme court.
Again.. The only recourse is extra-judicial. Spread this shit so fuckin far and wide that someone with nothing to lose ices that judge.
I've contacted a reporter who did an article for Fox about this back in 2016 and asked she update with a new article that the rapists got off scot-free.
Makes no difference. The goal is not to get these three particular sandnigs punished. The goal is outrage to get ALL the sandnigs removed from the country. Or at the very least, let people know what happened and get them pissed and thinking about it and talking about it. The message is more important than the 3 particular sandnig rapists out of 1 gorillion sandnig rapists who all need a rope.
Read about this shit way, way back. Heard the sand nigger father high five'd his sons after he was told what happen. Right in front of the mother Or something. This Thread should stay sticky'd to the board.
Oh yea of course. I was wording shit incorrectly I guess. Spreading this shit far and wide, demonstrating that this is a regular occurrence in Europe, all the hate facts, etc. If we generated enough anger to get this piece of shit judge handled then we would have also enraged enough of the population to get shit done.
Anyone have any inside on the Chobani Yogurt connection?
Was the chobani thing real or fake? I've been boycotting them just in case anyway, but I never looked into it. Too much evil in the world to bother with a yogurt company.
Salon article. Most of the comments are beyond cancerous
They pissed in this little girls mouth and raped her, she also was mentally impaired.
What kind of world are we living in where no justice has been served for something like this, yet a hacker can get life.
Americunts, you have your guns, so why don't you use them on the judge? One behind the ear as he takes a casual stroll down the street is all it takes.
Don't reply if you have no encryption and you're going to do it.
Fucking TB and rapes, there's your cultural enrichment. These things are literal rats and roaches.
They really do all get the same script from the same paying hand. How about we meme something. You know on normiebook those ridiculous health claims, like product x has arsenic in it and that's what they use to embalm bodies so eating X will kill your kid? Let's just fake up one, send it to one of those retarded normie-magnet health woojoo juju sites, and get 9gorillion retarded soccer moms to stop eating chobani. Normies love that new-age fake health info shit, and it's more effective to say "Chobani yogurt will give you TB because their factories are unregulated and full of TB-positive workers" than try to argue rapefugees are bad. Don't even say they use rapefugees, just say the workers have TB and are exposed to the food. Let's just go for high monetary damage with no ethical restraints on all these bastards.
By this logic could one swing by their house tonight and murder them? Bc at one point in their family tree another person of their family took a life.
If theu aren't american then one person from their country took a life.
I mean, at this point they have made life actually this cheap.
Even normies would cheer on retribution being taken out on child rapists and their enablers. Even if they wouldn't it doesn't matter. What's right is right and it doesn't matter if the whole world is against you. God judges us and we can have eternal life through Jesus Christ and when we are condemned by the world we know that we are righteous. The world hated Christ before it hated us and we are on the side of Truth against a world of evil.
I usually lurk a lot, but I'm too busy this week to skim through all the shitposting ITT. Is there any evidence that this is true other than the article cited in OP? I wouldn't doubt something like this is possible, but I also don't want any rash action until we're sure. Even a jury member corroborating this story would be fine.
We're trying to find his address, cunt.
Americans would actually be turbo cucks on the level of Sweden if not for the gun ownership meme. They'll larp about their freedums every now and again but they're so inert that they may as well be nogun brits.
Worst thing is that the MAGApedes are so emotionally invested into Trump that they've lost the ability to look at the situation objectively. That's burgers for you I guess.
A lot of people still have something to loose it seems.
I wonder how trump would react to vigilante violence. If hillary was elected everyone would rally behind them, but with trump in power if a few people take matters into their own hands the 3%s and oath keepers and redditers and normies would not side with them. They would be viewed as extremists not giving trump his chance or worse, trying to make trump look bad. And given trumps current political situation, he couldn't help the vigilanties. His hands are tied and he'd have to come out against them, bc his primary normie base is so enamored in him.
Food for thought I'll be groking tonight.
Did you just find out that we have a judicial system?
Sorry to take the bait but it isn't just some random judge, it would be a judge the case is brought to and it can be appealed up to the supreme court where the president's choice picks are presiding.
Tl;dr: underage b& plox
Trump isn't speaking out against this. Fuck him. You are such a slave if the only thing that crosses your mind about this is Trump's PR image.
No, they really don't. They've been led to believe that they do. But they don't.
Yeah, but I'm not worried about trump. I was pointing out where the public will sadly stand with this. Trump supporters have become a cult that isn't for stopping the end of the white man.
But yes I agree, and that's where most of the public lie. Meaning, whomever takes action against this be prepared for a larger witch hunt than would have happened under hillary. And that's the irony. As if, trumps victory has defeated us without us seeing it yet.
Now, this is no black pill post, mind you. Just know, with trump as president we just have a large uphill climb than we would have with hillary. All I'm pointing out.
But I'm scared sen-pai…..
Tried making a sarcastic thread earlier for a Holla Forums campout/meetup in Idaho and got banned for honey potting.
Ring wing death squads when?
I dont get how anyone eats it to begin with
I saw that. I mentioned that I need a camping trip and asked how the hunting was in Idaho this time of year, but the thread was deleted. Still wondering.
One could actually make use of that. Use a bunch of sockpuppets/normalfags once this gains moment to mass tweet at him about it. Due to what he has access to as president, he will be able to confirm or deny any suspesions in this thread (because if he tweets something back about it, it cannot be incorrect, for the sake of PR). However, there is a draw back. If he doesn't do anything, maybe fan the flames, if he does do something, but it isn't enough, all anger that has been built up over this will be disappated (like silghtly tilting up the lid of a boiling pot). If there were just a group of /k/ommandos who, when such cases would turn up, would "do what is necessary" a trend would occur. I.e., the people would feel as if there is a group of people out there making sure justice will be had. As long as this group never attempts to name itself, it can never be co-opted (of course, the media can always claim a thing the CIA did was that group, but it can never be confirmed or denied).
Dude, didn't you see that based black man in the MAGA hat though?
Here's what we need to do guys.
Death threats.
I know this sounds like b8, but hear me out. If we send a bunch of death threats and Nazi stuff they'll go crying to the media. The media will play them as some helpless victim and at some point address the reason these internet nazis are calling them.
Get your VPNs ready
Then you'd think something would happen. Isn't the only thing holding one back from engaging in a final act of violence having something to loose? If I'm wrong then what is it?
Clearly a man with nothing to loose won't be of much serve living in Oregon here. Or florida. You would need local men with local knowledge or am I interpreting this all wrong?
Don't get it twisted. It's comming. But I'm adressing some key issues here before hand for everyone. This isn't Hollywood and we arent sand niggers for think we get some heavenly pussy afterwards. We know commital to this means death. And with less than ideal public support it means even faster death. These issues must be pondered.
Call Reality Winner.
It's believing that one has something to loose.
Reminds me of frankly
Disgusting. That judge should hang himself for contempt of civil liberties and human rights. All to virtue signal, fucking total cancer, and to let it happen to a little child of all things, this judge and those refugees all needs to get viciously and brutally sodomized to the point of no return. I hope a car accident happens to them.
Sorry that was vague. We really don't have anything to lose. I'm a farmer and I take great care to convince my livestock that everything is great. I give them good food and I keep them stress-free until the day I kill them. They are comfortable and well fed, they have no worries. And then I kill them and feed them to my family.
We are being farmed in a similar way.
This is a hill worth dying on no matter the consequences. We shouldn't be worried about ourselves but the thousands of little white girls whose lives are now in danger. When they allow our little girls to be raped with impunity this sends out a message that it's open season on white girls. Our lives are nothing. We have to put a stop to this by any means necessary no matter the cost. It doesn't matter what the public thinks.
I'm tracking you now.
And I agree wholeheartedly. An example I was just thinking about was that I have a few friends who make up my irl shtf group. A few cops and doctors. We talk about it all the time and I'd go to battle with them forsure. But they're normies. They know of shtf, they prepaid for shtf, but would never commit to an illegal act beforehand. To them, they want to just ride it out.
Much like your farm animals. But hey, the food was good right?
Criminal cases cannot be appealed by the state, only the defendant. Period.
Greek Yogurt is ok, and the odd thing about yogurt, is the longer you have it the less sugar is in it, as the bacteria keeps eating it.
So it's impossible to know how much sugar is in yogurt, only how much was in it when it was made.
But I don't eat any anyways, since I'm on Keto and if I can't trust the carb count fuck it.
Assassinating a judge is a great way to get life in prison.
Not that you would do anything anyway, but it's a judge. They don't hide in secret bunkers.
Honorable Thomas Borresen
233 W Main Street
Jerome, Idaho 83338
Phone: (208) 644-2600
Fax: (208) 644-2609
We've been over this before. That's an empty lot.
I think it's pretty good around mid/late august user. We'll have to see how the winds blow on this one before setting anything in concrete. Godspeed all you shitlord memetic wizards helping to spread this to normies. Same goes to you autistic diggers as well. May Kek be with us.
It's the courthouse. When the judge gets off duty, follow him home. Don't pretend to be some badass assassin and then cower when opportunity knocks.
I certainly hope twatter anons are busy plastering the president's feed with this.
I would if I weren't literally a thousand miles away.
Trump won't say anything. If it were a beaner or black kid he would but he doesn't care about white kids. He could bring this whole thing to national attention but that means he would be getting accused of racism and his PR and abiding by the will of the enemy of more important for him than the lives of white kids.
The President isn't going to comment on every little criminal trial in every state. Well, unless he's campaigning. Then he'll name drop everything that adds votes.
Thomas H Borresen, born 19 Aug 1949
Previous addresses:
1996-2002 > 1354 Olympia Dr., Jerome, ID 208-324-3854
1995 > 1604 N. 16th St., Boise, ID 208-343-1645
before 1993 > 1905 N. 11th St., Boise ID
615 Highland Rd., Jerome ID 208-343-1645
Likely a son of Conrad L Borresen, Pres. of the Credit Bureau of Idaho Falls who lived at the same Tasman St. address in 1969 as Thos. Borresen, student. [source: 1969 city directory of Idaho Falls, p. 35]
Very true, but it should be noted that, fundementally, this isn't a trivial case. There is a precedent this case sets, i.e. the Sweden precedent (we already had it for blacks & their crimes, now we're adding arabs/Africans to the mix).
The victim's name is Jayla btw.
from the fundraiser page.
What are you trying to accomplish with this post?
It looks like exactly the kind of thing he likes to dangle in front of the (((media))) like shiny keys to distract them.
So how was the 7 year old involved? Was he holding the Camera?
I didn't want the girl to be raped but we're better off with this cover up, and the judge giving zero jail time.
The reason being is that this would make so many normies explode in anger once the story gets out.
Once the story gets out the father could face attempts on his life for one.
The normies who're on the fence would jump to our side over outrage.
We are definitely headed for civil war.
The nutjob globalists using the nutjob islamists to bring about their fantasy of a one world government. And the useful idiots are just piling on, justifying anything these backward fucks do.
From San Bernadino to fucking Clock Boy.
This shit is only going to get worse.
Warning to anons: don't drunkdonate, you'll regret it in the morning.
Oh shit, ignore the miscarriage of justice done for the sake of political correctness and "diversity"
The article was written by a jew!!!
You people and your priorities I swear
Note that most of the writeup on this case is a year old. You'll see lots of articles on the interweb saying this Syrain rape story is a false claim from the alarmists and hate mongers.
A few of the articles do accidentally forget to close their sphincter and also say why they think it's a bogus claim. All bogus because they say the immigrants are from Iran, not Syria.
I'm confused about this sticky. I have a cluster headache going on, so I couldn't be bothered read everything. Can I have a TL;DR summary?
The plain Greek yogurt I eat has like 7 grams of sugar. The Kirkland has 14 grams of sugar. The drink alone you mentioned has like 30-40 grams and zero protein.
You can't be serious
we don't want this shit here
All you need to know is in the OP. The judge gave the sandniglets who raped the 5yo White girl probation, the prosecutor was in on it, and Anons are calling for blood.
Yeah, islam is your problem.
Fuck off mudkip, you will never be white.
Anons are hunting for/exposing the judge and the shills are getting increasingly nervous.
Does this mean I'll still be able to buy hoses for my Volvo when I need to do a cooling system overhaul in 8 years?
I have near perfect compression on my B230FT at 226,000 miles. I need you Nordics to survive so I never have to buy a car that will wear out in my lifetime.
sure, he would have been convicted to a private discussion with the victim, with no outsiders disturbing 'the healing process'
Maybe two-thirds of what's left after Israel gets its 80%
All nonwhites and nonwhite cultural institutions are a problem, but mudshits are a particularly awful breed.
How can a local judge have the power to ignore federal penal code in severe crimes like this ?
t. not american
So, what used to happen when the judges were paid off, or bad police work on a big case etc, is that the feds would get involved, and make it a civil rights case.
Most famous one is OJ Simpson, but is used to happen quite a bit before President Nigger.
America yes!
Thats really biased… it was for jews and for specific things, but with Christ death and rebirth every sentient being can ask for forgiveness.
The part about whoring is still real, feminism is a bunch of sins with pride of doing it.
Wow, this is even WORSE than Sweden. At least Sweden still gives pathetic punishment, you guys are basically begging refugees to fuck your 5 year olds. Because that's the precedent you're setting here.
Might as well just trash your 2nd Amendment if you're not gonna fight tyranny like this anyway.
Federal courts only get involved on things that cross state lines or certain situations like kidnapping.
The Founding Fathers put a stupidly large amount of faith in judges which has given us a good chunk of problems.
Those kikes can't even get the dates on their articles right. How incompetent.
disregard this I suck cocks
The problem is jews strongarming the west into all this by virtue of (((white guilt))).
You wouldn't even have this problem if WW2 had gone differently.
Go to hell, Shekelberg.
The moment they violated that little girls' rights, they forfeited their own. The judges, lawyers and other scum who rushed to defend the rapists, also effectively surrendered their own rights.
Meme war against Chobani?
Child pornography production is a pretty lucrative business. A judge in need of a vacation to Thailand could be convinced to look away in exchange for some 'freebies'.
Why is a notorious counter-jihad jew propagandist kike Pam Geller thread stickied?
Why do you suck Muhammad's cock?
Welcome to a brave new world
I say boycott the company with a few new outlets reporting on it. The town imports Muslim immigrants and if they lose business and face backlash then we weren't silent.
I am against jewry for what they are doing to my European kin
You are defending jewry for your judaic filth family
The boycotts are en route m8.
Seriously, at this point, many people are already subconsciously avoiding Paki businesses.
I don't actually know anyone who goes in there by choice - all there needs to be is more publicised incentives for people to avoid them.
Ok, find churches in Idaho. Doesn't matter where. Post this on their Twitter, FB, whatever. Alex Jones was already sued by Chobani, so this has to be ground level.
government subsidies to immigrant businesses right behind corner?
Then comes more tax evasion.
I'll give you a rundown of how it works here.
As soon as the cigarette tax was raised (20 fags is like £8.50 here, now) - suddenly, shops would sell packs for £4, illegally.
Once the government forgets its place, it will start losing money rapidly.
I can't wait until the day of the rope. So many traitors to be unceremoniously killed. Make sure to record all of their names and their offenses off the cloud. I do. It'll be used as evidence to have their heads ripped off and devoured by the starving survivors.
Its easy to say something, harder to do it. Especially when nobody around you supports you in anything other than words while your enemy will kill you without hesitation with overwhelming force.
The father has to make a hard decision, and our system has primed the route he will follow, slavery. If he discards such and kills those whom wronged him, and likely only get one or two at most before the cavalry in blue arrives and guns him down. They know the most likely person to snap so will head to him first. His family loses what little support he can supply and since they will guaranteed ship his wife off to prison too for aiding in some criminal activity his children will be shipped off to the jewish rape camps of child protective services to be ravaged yet again by the legal system. This is the nation you live in. This is the nation YOU support.
If you don't like it. You have to kill the judges, lawyers, cops and shitskinn rapists yourself. Clearly we have passed the point in proving anything else can or will work. If you don't react now. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Don't cry when your wife or children are raped and murdered because you by inaction support such actions. You by supplying the system with all manor of support encourage these actions, and you are worth nothing beyond what your slave labor is deemed valuable to the system. And it is by your choice.
As it stands now. Your daughter will be raped. Your son will be beaten and murdered for being white. And you are to blame. Such is the life of a coward.
Recently they let the rapists of an middleschool girl go. She was gang raped in a school bathroom both anally and vaginally by shitskinn invaders. Nobody did or will do anything there, or on this case or that. Nor will anyone do anything when such things come to your family. Nobody has an obligation to support the weak, and you are weak. You are a slave, you accept slavery, you deserve it. So keep talking, your pathetic mewling pleases the ears of your betters whom have laid claim over your life. They know you chickenshit whores are all talk, no action. They won. You have chosen to accept their primacy as the chosen winners.
Courts dont allow pics. Minors names are always withheld, as is the victims.
Idaho refugee was a big story, where have you been?
No bigger traitors than the counter-jihad kikes like Ms Pam Geller pretending to be our friends while pushing the kosher narrative while they pretend the jews weren't entirely behind it all
Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.
We appreciate your interest in our cause.
America is a tune. It must be sung together.
Yeah so (((surprised))) they got 1200 rabbi's to agree on something. Oh vey. How did that happen?
Yes we fucking would.
Jesus fuck!
Americans you should be taking to the streets with your guns over this.
Otherwise your setring yourself up for to be the norm, basicly like how it is in Europe. Seriously dont be fucking cucks take down your fucking tyrannical shadow goverment and the central house of the banking jew.
I'm not a military vet with exceptional skills, so I'm not sure I'd get a call
checking those trips.
You can fill out a judicial complaint form at the following address:
j udicialcouncil.idaho.gov/discplin.htm
[email protected]/* */
Borresen's e-mail address. From isc.idaho.gov website. Should be valid.
underrated post
Actually, precedent was set before this case. If you go look at previous cases of child molestation in Idaho, you'll find that many of those who plead guilty on their first offense have received no jail time. That doesn't change simply because the defendant is Muslim.
They don't, however, simply walk free. There is probation involved as well as being in the public sex offender database for life. As long as the defendant is in this country, we'll know exactly where he is.
The only difference between them is that Arabs are more retarded, and thus their schemes are more quickly exposed due to muh sharia etc. They cannot play the long game as good as the Heebs do, but they're still good enough to be able to brainwash 1 billion turd worlders into being their cannon fodder.
Let's take a deep breath and momentarily review something for a moment. We've allowed the language (((they))) want us to use to effect us too much.
While islam is a pedo death cult and everyone who follows it should be removed - you're taking away the racial aspect of this.
Three arabs gangraped a 5 year old white girl. Defining them as muslim allows an opening later down the road of "oh well their race doesn't matter as long as they aren't muslim!"
Don't allow the kikes to define the words you use. They carry weight.
we need to get an army together and establish New Rhodesia already
No, see, that's all well and good; but if you look at the current LAW, things change. A judge can't rule differently on a case based on race, religion, gender, or any of those other things. An arab raping a little girl is treated no differently under the law than a white man.
Until we remove the idea of "equality under the law", then niggers, spics, and goatfuckers will keep getting light sentences for heinous crimes.
People get hunted down for shit like this.
DOX his shit, and direct angry vigilantes to his whereabouts.
When are we going to genocide muslims?
No, they need to come out now, and they need an armed guard of patriots to protect them against the judge's orders.
2nd amendment was meant to protect everyone from the government's tyranny, and this is a perfect time to use it.
No one will do nothing, nothing at all
None of you fucks here, will get an AK and shoot up the judge and prosecutor like they deserve. Instead they will live their lives happily ever after and continue to betray their race and nation by letting all non-whites who commit grave crimes off on lesser charges, they don’t want to look racist in the eyes of the Zionist media after all, they have to look over their reputation you stupid goy. The worst you fucks will do is sent them a free lunch or a bible in the mail.Modern Americans will not rise up, not now, it’s way too soon. There simply is too much distractions, too much “Bread & Circuses” and not enough of an impetus present to wake them up from their slumber. Literally until every neighborhood in America has spic/muslim rape gangs roaming the streets fucking your daughters and beheading your sons is when the average white American will wake up, until then enjoy this hellish ride cause it’s only going to get a whole lot fucking worst.
This is nothing, this is only the beginning
You act like this is the first time someone has been given only probation for molesting a child. Where were you 20 years ago when probation for first offenders was the national norm?
Why don't you take all your fury and righteous indignation at how others won't act and actually act yourself? Oh, that's right, you won't. You'll demand others do it for you so that you can watch "the happening" from your comfy chair.
He should hang from a tree.
That the beauty of it, you won't do anything yourself as well. You are as much as me, yet another hypocrite.
We are too comfy. We are too complacent and we won't do anything at all. We're on a sinking ship and no one bothers to do nothing, not even put on a life vest.
Biker gangs hate pedos and are racially aware. Get this info out to them. Maybe they'll run the dune coons out of town.
The one guy actively offering real solutions to how to deal with the problem at hand and you ban me? Guess I know where Holla Forums stands on these things. Just scream "RWDS NOW" and offer nothing constructive. Good job, mods.
Hang the judge, fine. I told you how to find him already; but it's not going to matter until you change the actual law. You'll just make the judge a martyr.
They're black. Being from the Congo, they're likely either token Christians or a local variety of animists.
Source? What city?
Half this board was in diapers twenty years ago, most of the other half barely better than that. And the war against us started long before then. And you actually didn't offer a real solution believe it or not, just trying to incite an incident the media can ass fuck whites over even more. And then, somehow you say 'find hang the judge' and spew muh PR?
Yea, pretty sure the Mod picked up your other posts and decided either cucked boomer or fed trying shit again. Go diaf or get gud. You are not on our level yet. And I challenge you to find anyone here whom is one of us that would shed one fucking tear over this kike judge or her kike pose of criminals getting their head aerated. If the media screams about it, it only opens even more avenues for us to spread the why behind it and bring in redpills by the dozen.
You fear the media. We laugh at you. Good ban.
not providing source on something so commonly talked about here. Lurk moar.
But for information reasons on spreading the redpill please reverence rockville maryland. Middle school rape by illegals. Please try not to get an anurism when reading it after reading this thread. Thats a lot of hate to build up in one sitting. Maybe wait till tomorrow?
Oh, the Rockville rape was of a high school girl, to be exact.
Really it happens all the time at the high school level. There was one case by me a few years back where a nigger raped a White girl in the school stairwell during classes. There was no question that it was a rape, but a couple of months later, everything got dropped and the story got memory-holed.
The thing about it is there's so many underage coal burners now that it makes determining rape complicated.
so does israel
Does Trump know?
Those racists force us to ignore justice. It's so unfortunate, I know. Both the refugees and the girl are victims of racists because of it.
if everywhere in the US is cucked, even fucking idaho? where else is there to goddamn go?
The people involved in punishing that girl and her family need to realize, if they will not follow the law, then neither will the people they force their filth upon.
Kill yourself, shill.
E3 is live so if we get #justiceforJayla trending no one will see it now.
Judges won't give light sentences to convicted rapists if they fear beheading. People need to FEAR white retribution then we will start to see some real changes. All of us need to prepare ourselves for martyrdom. There is nobody else.
They will if they think the law is on their side. And it is. If someone goes and beheads this judge in the name of white justice, then that person will go to prison for life. We need to change the laws.
This. Social Capital is the measure of a community's ability to trust one another. Get to know your neighbors. At the very least, know the people who live next door and across the street from you. Doesn't matter if they are black, white, jews, atheists, socialists, capitalists, whatever. Get to know them.
The state doesn't have enough resources to provide personal security for every shabbos goy. If we can get in a situation where every shabbos goy is in fear of their life then we will find these people not very eager to draw ire or attention to themselves. The resistance to us will fold like a house of cards.
If we had 10,000 martyrs that all act independently we could save the white race here and now.
That's why 1) You have to be willing to go to jail for life if caught. 2) You should be capable of not getting caught. Sort of like old Orders in which you have a group that specializes in the removal of certain people and never get caught even at the price of death.
What the fuck are we paying taxes for? What do we have judges and a court system for? Why do we even have a republic at all? Why have any government if it can't order the execution of animals that raped a 5 year old child? When will people realize that the Muslims are not the same as us?
We need to get the US government put back into the hands of the people, then commit genocide against every last Jew and Muslim and see if we can't get rid of them all in under a decade. I'm talking about slaughtering them all, men, women, young children, babies. Just shoot every last one of these subhumans and burn the bodies. They do nothing but get in the way of human progress. Whites and Asians need to work together to basically kill all the brown people. They are like a disease.
50% of the population is totally brainwashed liberal cattle. "The people" are exactly what's wrong with the US. It's so much worse than you even know. There isn't some shadow directive going around sending out Order 66 to all the judges. They're doing it of their own fucking volition. They're doing it for free.
And the other half are conservative cattle. We are beyond a political solution at this point,
Keep this thread stickied for quite a while. This is serious shit and everyone on Holla Forums should be paying attention, helping spread the word and doxing everyone involved.
You just gave me an idea.
We get pigskin leather fashions trending for women, girls, and boys.
Backpacks, purses, belts, shoes, you name it.
We make pigskin leather so pervasive in the culture that one can no longer safely assume people are wearing cow leather.
Once our women are all covered in pigskin leather, no mudslime will touch them. As sure as rape is one of their core objectives, so too is their belief that touching pig products will damn them.
First of all, pig related things aren't like garlic to a vampire to them. Second of all, doing these things "to prevent" them being attacked is idiotic (especially when the religion isn't as much of an issue as them being primitive savages). Do not conform to the threat by creating preventitive measures so that you may live with it, but, rather, remove the threat from your midst so that you need not do all these things.
They literally can't even touch the stuff. They think it makes them "unclean". They're really faggots about pig stuff.
If it keeps one White little girl from being raped by a mudslime, it's worth it. Support the pork/pigskin industry.
The scum who do this are worse than the "refugee" invaders.
I'm sure that'll just provoke them. Then cucks can say "oh, the poor muzzies were justified in their crimes because their religion was infringed upon by the pig-skin wearing whitey."
If I remember correctly, some user in a thread said they're allowed to even eat it should it be unbeknowest to them that it is present or if they'll die/are starving. (The user then proceeded to mention menstrual blood is their true "anti"-weapon).
Maybe so, but you're effectively learning to live with a disease/parasite as opposed to removing it. You should be able to see why I would take issue with this. It's effectively how, in the UK, people have "learned to live with" Indians, Arabs, Russians, etc.
Yes, but I'm fairly sure (at least in the Fed court system) the appellate court doesn't "retry" the court, only looks for irregularities.
Did you know /Parents Opposing Listeria/ says that it contains Listeria?
Less than ideal, tbh. If they have crawl-spaces (as opposed to slab), McVeigh it. You would be able to get more than just the judge.
Any specifics you want in there? Might have time to jump on it tomorrow.
FFL dealer.
Fixed version.
I've watched arabs pick pork out of food and eat everything else, it's not that big of a deal to many. And remember the pork industry also imports somalis. I don't know if they handle pork, but there was a stink recently about muslims working in meatpacking plants wanting prayer breaks.
Send to /baph/ to handle it?
Use jewtube alt lite "e-celebs" to spread the word?
This shit has to stop.
If the law can't provide justice, the populace WILL have to do it themselves, people are enough mad its only a mater of time before people start hunting down people like that and kill them with pig blood covered bullets.
or better yet…
It wasn't a meatpacking plant, it was a lawnmower factory.
http:// www.nydailynews.com/news/national/muslim-factory-workers-fired-prayer-break-policy-article-1.2519354
Good luck finding mudslimes who work at a pork plant. That's the last place they would be, kek.
I know Seaboard Corp. brings in rapefugees from africa and muslim countries to work at it's pork plants, but sure, I guess they must not be muslims, right?
dont play with my heart like this user
if dubs hotline goes live
There's a big difference between sub-Saharan African "Muslims" and ME Muslims. Blacks cut corners with their religious adherence just like they do in all other aspects of life, same reason why they're pretty much unemployable but businesses attempt the impossible when they see the dollar signs of tax breaks.
I don't disagree, I did distinguish arab and somali here though at least one town with their pork processing plants has brought in hundreds of iraqis, don't know if it was them or just the church/gov people wanting more refugee bux.
fucktons of middle easterners do to if they can get away with it, just like there are surely tons of kikes putting cheese on their meat and catholics eating meat on fridays or whatever. Only when they want to be noticed will they act like they say, even niggers will do it on occasion.
It's a type of OC that would only work if used as an image reaction response to someone siding with the rapefugees. By itself, it's pretty shit-tier since it has no context. The rage of the situation goes from knowing that injustice is what is occurring. Sure, she got raped and, as horrible as that is, if sufficient justice is carried out (even if it isn't execution) most people (although still simmering) will feel as if "ok, justice was had". They'd still be angry, but they wouldn't be too stirred. If the OC can emphasize how they were actually treated as victims by the courts, it might work. That's why compilation OC is usually pretty good in these things. You have the image of the girl here, you have the quotes from the prosecutor/judge there, a cut out of the crazy things they said over there, clips of how the media handled it, facts to disprove it, & a list of sources in the bottom right.
You asked faggot. In addition, the information given can be considered useful if anyone actually considers producing OC.
Hitler dubs confirm Autismo Maximus.
why hasn't anyone put a bullet between this judge's eyes yet?
Our uniforms used to be awesome.
Text does not have an outline/what are you doing?
The judge has no power to enforce any gag order beyond the end of the court proceedings, this family could have spoken out all they want after the sentencing, the judge could not have done a damn thing about it.
Judges do not have the power to suspend Constitutional rights.
I'm advising that anyone living in this area stalk and snipe this "judge."
Kill him. Make an example of him.
I don't say this lightly. This is one of the rare incidents where assassination is in order.
My nigger. Anyone with a fake normiebook or pinterest spread this around.
We should get the vegans on this, they'd love any excuse to fuck over Chobani. Just get a campaign up to say all the horrible stuff they do to cows for their yogurt or some shit and let them loose. Spread some stories about that kind of shit on social media. We may want more jobs but if they just hire shitskins then I'm all for fucking them over. Gonna try to get some vegans I know on this.
Speak for yourself pussy.
'Just realized something: can't Trump use those post-911 powers so enjoyed by Bush and Obama to have both the rapist and the judge indefinitely detained at gitmo?
Technically still dubs
user, I…
Everyone is hopeless. If you're not, you're lying to yourself.
the hopeless are the most dangerous juden
Fawnbrook Apartments is owned by Cambridge Real Estate Services whose CEO Jeffrey Scott Passadore must know who the Sudanese family was, since he wrote the eviction notice.
http: //www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article85347002.html
Jeffrey self-incorporated in 2000 with an office at Portland, OR
https: //www.corporationwiki.com/Oregon/Portland/1107-NW-14th-Ave-Portland-OR-97209-a21795120.aspx
Here he is on video
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcsgar6rZgA
Jeffrey was born 21 Sep 1966
https: //www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-passadore-41b0334
Maybe he can be persuaded to divulge the tenants?
No. Please no