Persona 4 Thread

So despite the fact that my courage is maxed out I STILL can't go in the womens restroom?
This is yet another feature that the developers have excluded from the game and why exactly?

Someone explain this.

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Female bathroom are fucking gross, why would you want to go in there ?

dude not even superman would dear enter the woman's restroom

I need some sleep.

I had the promise that if I leveled up my courage I'd be able to enter the womens bathroom, but after all that pain and toil to get my courage up, I am not granted passage. It's upsetting.

I don't see how the game promised you anything.

Its almost like maybe its a joke

OP, I'm sorry but you're still a faggot. The game is telling you that it is aware that you have max courage but there's no reason to go into the women's restroom. You're a guy. Wanting to go into the women's restroom would be counter-intuitive to your very existence, either making you a massive pervert, a faggot or both in this case.

It smells like shit, flowers, and period gunk.

Hey if you need to shit, you have to have other options

Earlier in the game it said "you don't have courage…" so naturally I assumed that I just have to get my courage up in order to be allowed passage, like most other things in the game that require a certain amount of courage.

You're a fucking pervert.

This game is full of all sorts of cheats…

Why would you ever want to go into a girl's bathroom you fucking deviant? Who put that idea in your head?

I'm probably going to end up replaying the game a third time just for Persona 5.

Also, what's your favorite track from Persona 4, Holla Forums and why?

I think Your Affection, because I think it plays when you leave for on the train, and it fits the mood perfectly.

Yeah, don't you know girls just have puke parties in there?

What I meant to say was "the days you have to go to everyone before you leave to spend the last days you're there".

The song plays all the time whenever you're roaming inaba, but it made that moment just a more memorable.

Really OP, you don't want to go in there. I've been a janitor at several places in the past and I guarantee you the woman's bathroom is always 10x worse than the men's room. Except they tend to have couches in them for whatever reason, maybe so they can lay down while their period makes them feel bad or something, I dunno.



Best track is a tie between snowflakes and the genesis. But all the tracks in p4 are amazing cant say as much for the game.

Yeah. Girls tend to just join up and puke in the toilets and the walls and shit. Usually this happens before proms or school photos, but every once in a while they get a bunch of their friends in there and just have a fucking gross puke party.

The janitors usually don't clean the buckets or the walls until after hours, but even the female teachers or other faculty members go in there to puke after hours.


Is this a joke or not? It feels like penis inspection day


Sounds like bulimia. I can believe it.

Eh, I still really enjoyed the game, even though the gameplay is like a nice refreshing glass of SMT Cola that's been watered down and rebranded into a shell of it's former self.

Someone get this fucking meme outta here.

Wait are you serious? You've never heard of this?

I know, but like coordinated bulimia?

I wouldn't sweat it. Persona 5 protagonist is going to be trans so xe can go into whichever bathroom xe wants

I enjoyed it too it was my first megaten game. That first playthrough was magical, and i played it twice after that for the true ending and a hard mode playthrough. Everything aside from the gameplay was fine, really.

>a tranny
you can't be serious


P4 DAN was a great idea

See, that's the problem. Heroes don't break rules like that, and don't enter the wrong bathrooms. You need Courage: Villainous to proceed

Why is she so perfect?

He's kidding user, the P5 protag is the most manly of men.

The one that plays in Heaven, it was very calming.

It really depends on whats going on, frankly. Signs of love is great for just cruising around town, Backside of the TV gets the spooky atmosphere perfectly, Time to Make History is a great theme to fuck up some shadows to, and Snowflakes is just magical. I can't think of any really BAD songs, though I certainly don't enjoy the dungeon themes too much.

The unique theme Golden added to the videogame boss is pretty great, though.

The only bad tracks are the dungeon music, except for heaven. Heaven is one of the best tracks.

I loved secret base as generic as it was, but yes. Heaven is hands down the best dungeon music they came up with.

It only plays at home in the evening, when you can't leave. Going out at night in Golden plays Sky Full of Stars, one of my favorites.

So… Heaven then?

Long Way, Memories, and Corridor were all good dungeon themes. Sadly they were also the last three dungeons.

I gotta agree with the consensus though, Snowflakes is the best track hands down. I did also like the Determination theme from the anime.


Yu needs to augment his Courage to proceed.


Right, my mistake. Still good song.

I should have watched The Animation earlier, it's fucking amazing. Some good music too.

I got spoiled for the culprit in this game, is it still worth playing?

Or did you?

Yeah, it's a pretty good ride.

The strength of the game is most certainly NOT the mystery or solving it, so go ahead if you want.

Everyone did.

I've never heard of this. And I can enter girls restrooms.

4x Absolute Territory

Yeah, I got spoiled too. Still played it and enjoyed the hell out of it.

I don't know why everyone says they don't like the P4 anime. It's basically just a fan service-y retelling of the story.

FUCK, that song is way too fucking nice.

Because it had no fucking budget and was riddled with animation errors. It's frankly embarrassing and considering how much they milky this fucking franchise you'd think they'd give the studio more than a couple thousand yen per episode.

Not to mention most episodes are poorly handled in the transition from game -> anime, with the sole exception being Adachi's episode in P4GA.

I can see what you mean on the other points, but elaborate on that a bit more.

I think he means how it compresses the social links, like that one time he got like, 4 in one episode.

Or Naoki's where the kid got only four minutes of screen time during the camping trip then BAM! BFFs.

Oh, alright, I get that then. I would want to see more of the social links (especially if it built on top of the characters more), but I understand why they shortened everything down.

I mean, it's a 100 hour RPG at the least, you can't exactly get everything. (Granted with a bigger budget, you could have added MORE, but still.)

It felt like a show that was made for people who played the game already and just wanted to show more interactions with the characters, while still trying to tell the story as much as they could. And for what was there, I enjoyed.

Same. Plus, didn't the Golden Animation fill out some of the spots? I'm gonna have to watch that next.

Don't. Don't do that to yourself.

No, don't, that one is the one that's really shit


I wish this was like KOTOR II

Context please and thank you.

Also OP, the same shit happens with the girls throwing baskets at you at the Inn. You get molested by Hanako no matter what. You still get to bang your MILF teacher but not worth it.


I believe it was a thread where a guy was so angry that Teddie fucking cucked him out of all the other girls.

Don't have a screenshot of the thread, but here's some OC I asked someone else to make.

Not videogames.

Just literally make her Izanami or the next Velvet Room attendant in training. Marie could've been best girl if they put the tiniest bit of effort into her.

Oh yeah.


Maybe top 3, but you can't beat Naoto my man.

But if you made her Izanami then would you fug her after the final battle?

Yes. You and Izanagi both

No, of course not. You'd do it before

And she could've man. She could've been a real contender. All she needed were Izanami's memories. Or the other thing I mentioned.

Would you feel both your dick and your Persona's dick at the same time?

u wot m8

Going by 『STAND 』 logic, yes.

Oh, I thought you were referring to when they'd start doing that in general. It's 5am. I've gone beyond losing control here.

Good job dumbass :^)

Now that we're on the subject, would Jotaro shove a STAR FINGAAA up his (ex?)wife's pooper?

Wouldnt that just impale and kill her?

True. Just the tip?

There is no such thing as "just the tip".

Your fingertip, faget, but a Star Fingertip.

Look this was supposed to be funny and I guess that didn't go right, let's discuss why Justice is the best Arcana.


we've even got a banner from the whole incident.

P4 Mario Kart clone when?

She deserves no spot at all.
Marie is just shit.

There's a fanmade one

Chie > margaret > igor > naoto > ai ebihara > (sun arcana) > yukiko > rise > literal shit >>> marie > youre waifu:^)

>Above Igor_
Shit rank bro

Mai waifu has to have #1 spot :^)

Back off, faggot, I didn't invest in her figures for nothing.

Its just stalls. Big whoop.

If so many young girls are puking, then why are so many of them so goddamned fat still? Just how much are these bitches eating?

Some teenage girls engage in various eating disorders, but other teenage girls eat food and don't exercise or have shitty genes,


Didn't the last english server die years ago? How old is this screenshot, mate?

I mean if she were good she'd be top 3. Right now, almost Hanako-tier.

I still want to fuck her though.

Bitch pushed you in a lake, you think she won't work out her pussy with Tyrone-kun and Jamal-san?

Off-toipic, so polite Digital Devil sage