How would you make Sonic the Hedgehog great again?
Hard Mode: No Sonic Generations 2
How would you make Sonic the Hedgehog great again?
Hard Mode: No Sonic Generations 2
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2D only, cut out the 3D shit. Make something akin to Sonic 2, or the first half of Sonic 3. 16-bit style all around, music, graphics, everything.
3D killed the series. Adventure 1/2 was a good attempt, but pale compared to the originals.
Re design him as a human. pic related
Adventure and Adventure 2 also worked because if you go back and play them, where sonic stands when he jumps affects his angle
it's the 3D games AFTER those two where the physics become a bit more uniform
Make it a fuck game with sexy girls, maybe some femboy and genderswap too, and some futa, and lots of fuck.
Sonic Adventure 3
Just Sonic Adventure 3 with the necessary improvements made from 2, that's all it needs.
And the Chao Garden returning.
It's gonna be announced at the 25th anniversary party on the 22nd.
I would get someone talented to finish babysitting cream
Make a Banjo Nuts & Bolts-like videogame starring Dr. Robotnik where you can customize your machines and go out and use them to purge the furries of Mobius while looking for more parts, emeralds, etc. in randomly generated maps.
Sonic Generations 5
The five is actually an upside down 2 that sonic kicks over in the logo for the game
Sonic Heroes 2
Make a game about rouge the bat and call it
""rogue the bat!""
and knuckles!
its all about rogue stealing shit and then knuckles trying to steal it back. the gameplay is just knuckles from sonic adventure reskinned as rogue the bat.
Perfect mix of speed and platforming, made 2D sonic feel worthless in that game since modern went 2D too.
Like that level starts with all these winding paths off to other places and you can jump to any of them, it all doesn't have to be that much but having splitting paths that can change the level withing a small turn would be good.
All the characters bar big used to be fast I don't know where only sanic can be fast comes from.
Like if you went with the basic Sonic, Tails and Knuckles.
Sonic now has his boost and homing attack.
Tails can't boost but he can fly and can pull exploding boxes out his ass.
Knuckles can glide and dig and break walls to alternate sections like in Sonic 3.
Old canon is shit after all the vomit that's spewed on it and Boom is trash, just reboot it again to be more cartoony and re make some characters to maybe have more importance, like have Rouge and Shadow work for eggman now but not have as big roles, like Shadow is just another Hedgehog that happens to work for him and is just the bad sides sonic speed character.
Also I've forgot what even Eggbotnic does, he just sort of has because memes in colours and on, with a reboot it could be re established his goals and methods and remind that his robots are powered by smaller animals.
Forced Super Sonic boss fights change the gameplay right at the end of the game is just bad none of the skills your earned and learned are worthless this way, It's better as a earned power up
>/SS/ or just having tall woman in general
It doesn't have to be furry, but my dick likes it and would support sega for this
Make Sonic Heroes 2, but with better controls and enemy AI.
Probably go back to 2D and change his arms back to skin color instead of blue
I wouldn't mind just another game in the series with the gameplay of Adventure 1. 2 was good and all but the spindashing in 1 felt much better, and the characters' seperate stories was much more fun then being forced to treasure hunting and mechs inbetween a grand total of maybe 7 or 8 actual go fast stages out of nearly 30 in both stories.
Make a "Sonic 4" that's not a steaming pile of shit.
Not Sonic Rush 3.
Not another Sonic Advance 2.
Like what Nintendo did with Super Mario Bros.
They made New Super Mario Bros.
Just make a straight up 2D platformer. And don't outsource it to garbage studios.
This should be really easy. I hear those furfags managed to make Freedom Planet good, it looked good, if they can do it anyone can.
A simple, lazy effort should be enough to make this formula good. It just has to not be butchered by Sega's executive jews. Just DON'T TRY TO ACTIVELY KILL IT, AND IT WILL BE BETTER THAN ANYTHING MADE SINCE SONIC ADVANCE 2.
Sonic is already great op.
Couldn't be simpler.
3D, make worlds, jump on animals that have been converted to robots. Interesting boss battles.
3D worlds a freeroaming landscape. Get to a point you can see from the distance. Or enjoy moving around, get to a height and look for the exit or where Dr Robotnik is, smashing the scenery, smoke etc. Where he runs away to is next location.
Also a little village on a central location to access other ones, say by jumping on a Biplane and selecting a point on a map.
Interesting ways of landing. Last level in space, pointed to by pointing at the stars beside the map.
Plenty of locations to find, unrelated things chaos. Races. Alternate characters. Escapes from large monsters, unscripted but with great AI and lots of terrain to cover to get away from them, guarding emeralds. Do things by time limit, eg open a gate to stop a volcano erupting on an island, every time cisiting starting in a different location and stressed npc asking you or time limit appears as volcano rumbles, other things to collect on island. NPCs wander around, move into them and they flock around you before returning them to where they belong, perrilous situations, look for them.
After finishing any level the one after it is marked on the map. When some area is found it is too. Very large map and a lot of variety. Try for more than archtypes and diversity within areas. Sonic Adventure had a resort on an island. Could go further to have some life present in such areas, settings having as much elements as possible, like for a resort all that is involved there that may be appreciable.
A city more than just a casino, but that area heavy in it's style.
No imput lag. No frames rendered ahead. More stages of imput sensed. Changing direction should be instantanous, and nothing exagerated. No try for seriousness. Cutely determined. Turning when moving fast could skid, but nothing dramatic.
Spaced out landscape so moving fast doesn't hot anything and hiting things doesn't stop Sonic. Ricochets off. Or goes to ball and gets up. Should be fun to be out of control with speed.
A long tutorial in landscape getting used to speed and actions. Each unlocked character exploring the world very differently. Eg:
Sonic: Fast
Tails: fly for short periods.
Knuckles: Climb, glide indefinately, but without much change to direction. Need heightto glide and can only move down unless going over air vents.
World gets harder to navigate at later levels and some only unlockable with progress. Robot worlds, mines, factories etc.
Nothing cartoonish. All good looking and Sega style, madeto represent something not parody it, except maybe Dr Robotnik.
Again no dialogue, no sounds from characters. No voices. Preferably no text. Even Dr Robotnik doesn't talk. All by their actions.
Ending no cliffhanger.
Area shown in ending, paradise, implied subtly there are more areas, need more fuel to go further. Tails with other maps, looking at them checking distance. Need to go behind him through hole in shack window to see he is holding a different map.
May be several different places to start from. Unlocked as game progresses. Closer to the difficulty level you're up to. Mini secrets themselves not selectable by map. The main one and largest in the centre or familiar location on map with a lot of locations around it. Found by completing most of the side tasks on previous levels. Biplane also with rockets on it that tun on when location is selected.
Use a lower resolution. Make game very visually impressive. More freed animals the more life there is to locations. Dolphins jump out of water, offer themselves as stepping stones etc even animals unhelped provide some assistance. Freeing all animals in an area has a mini boss of the same type emerge, more complex and larger. Same sized animal when broken from it. Animals not apologetic either no humor or anthromorphic stuff outside of playable cast of characters.
Use scale, impressive heights and long distance. Should be fun to do what would cost aife with other characters. Different characters able to access different parts of levels for repeatabity. Eg Robot can go deeper underwater. Unexpected size of new found areas. Each character getting at least a few majior areas accessed or unlocked by their abilities. Lots of secrets. Secrets hiding useful temporary abilities like invenrebility and speed shoes. Continue posts within level and secret levels if passing them with a number of rings. Like Sonic 2. Something to jump into opening up. The running tunnel.
Some wide open areas that seem endless actually traversible. Area boundaries by character limitations. Eg water gets too deep or nothing to jump out of the water from. See new characters ability as fun to extend limitations.
High framerate. 60fps no exceptions. Landscape very alive, a lot happening and a way that is usefull. Platforming isn't just static objects and their path might not be constant, influenced by other things. Logs moving through a stream in random positions.
Doing things faster has different results. Harder Boss battle, maybe how to unlock some chars or animals who help platforming and the level to be completed faster.
i doubt it would make sonic great, but it would make some money.
it would have both 2d and 3d gameplay, the 2d parts you play as the sonic crew just like the old games, but the 3d parts would have a character creator and you'd get to play as an ocdoughnutsteel. whats important is the oc should never meet sonic and his crew directly, have it be an agent of g.u.n or some shit, helping folks and indirectly helping sonic
Game story only considers Sonic 3 & Knuckles and previous titles.
Chubby classic Sonic, 90s-looking Amy, etc. Max running speed makes Sonic's legs a möbius strip. Robotnik still Robotnik. Metal Sonic gone rogue, chasing the heroes in tandem with the main story.
Levels are essentially 2D with 3D assets. Camera angle is typically a 2/3rds third person view from behind sonic as he runs towards the middle-right of the screen, the point being to see what you're running towards and reduce reliance on level memorization. Some sections readjust the camera to set up a pinball-style area. Some other areas set up a three-lane highway section with the dedicated lane-switching shoulder buttons.
Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are playable characters. Tails can hover with his tails pointed downwards to "slide" with zero friction and cross gaps for short periods, getting tired the same as flying for too long. Hitting jump during the slide will let Tails airblast himself upwards as a fancy jump to end the slide. Using the spindash button during flight will let Tails grab an enemy and drop them on other enemies.
Knuckles' glide mechanic works more like a hang glider, letting players use speed sections to boost into flight. Punching through enemies will act as a dash for gravity-free horizontal movement. Sufficient speed can be used to glide directly out of a run without needing a jump, but Knuckles' lower speed makes doing so slightly difficult.
Amy can't roll, but can use her hammer to move around. Hammer bashing a ledge will yank her up and over it. Bashing at high speed will let her pole vault diagonally upwards with her height mirroring her speed. Her roll will instead be her standing on her hammer like it's a scooter, both sides of the heavy end designed to act as wheels. Holding down and bash will do a tornado swing that slows her down the longer she does it, but attacks enemies.
No buddies. Very little waiting on platforms.
I can't say what I'd love in the actual Sonic mechanics (though a lot of these guys ITT have great ideas), but I can talk for years about everything I want in a Chao garden.
Can her mom run the kindergarten? Cause that'd be adorable.
Three words: Sonic branded Ritalin.
1- Deep deep focus camera.
As in, no 3D, or if there is 3D, flatten the fuck out of the display so that the foreground looks as 2D as the background.
You get a better view of everything, it's easier to see where platforms line up, and the game feels more open.
2- Expand on the Sonic 3 and knuckles concept of all the acts flowing into one another.
No cutscenes, no sudden camera angles, no switching between characters. Just do those annoying Radio messages if you absolutely have to.
3- No savepoints. If sonic's so fast, beat it in one playthrough, asshole.
Sega simply needs to stop being completely out of touch with the fanbase.
I have ideas for what I'd do, but I think they're kind of silly or unworkable.
I'd have two types of stages, Speed and Action. On each Speed or Action stage, you'd have to revisit them for various reasons, such as time attack missions, 'get to the goal' missions, or mission types unique to the characters. Action stages are more '3D platformer', while Speed stages take cues from the modern Sonic games before Boom. Some characters would have more or less of either stage type to keep the different storylines from feeling too similar.
I'd have multiple characters as playable, kind of like in the Adventure games, with each character having different abilities and limitations, like how Sonic has his homing attack which can only be used to hit certain targets, while Tails' (limited for gameplay reasons) flight ability allows him to get to places only a few characters can reach.
I also thought of a costume system that changes gameplay a little, but that sounds silly even in my head.
Permanent blue arms.
looks about as bad as wakfu
Still better then 90% of other new western animations these days.
And that's sad.
S3&K level design, CD aesthetics, Advance 3 style character interactions. Adventure style music. Chao Garden in the same style as Tiny Chao Garden. Also, everybody is rendered in classic style and characters that don't have a classic design get a classic design. There, perfect sanic game.
All they have to do is more stuff in the vein of Colors. That game absolutely nailed everything about Sonic. Generations tried but they flubbed a couple of points making it not as strong.
Easy as shit.
I liked Generations, but it was not better than Colors.
>final boss SUCKED. All the companions giving Fuuka-tier 'advice' in yet another Super Sonic in Space 'don't run out of fuel' mode
I liked Generations, mind you. But the challenge mission shit got to my nerves and by the second hub world I was getting frustrated already. Rooftop Run Act 2 is fucking amazing, though.
Still, Colors feels like a much more solid package overall. I had a blast playing it when it came out.
Make it open-world and set on Planet Freedom with the classic characters.
Gameplay would allow you to run on water and on walls. There would be warp zones all throughout the map that would lead to levels. The levels would be incorporated into the environment and designed to promote speed rather than platforming.
Also, the music would have to be good and not Crush 40 shit.
Forgot embedded.
It's never been rebooted. Boom is the closest it got but they said from the start that was just an alt universe and that the main games by Sonic Team would keep going.
It's not like the DC movie canon where they killed Jimmy Olsen. There's nothing that really ruined anything. You can ignore what you want and reference what you want, which is what they've been doing. Since Unleashed, they chose to ignore everything and reference nothing.
2 had far better level design though, and the scores and ranks and unlockables were much better. They can keep the Adventure Fields from 1, but I want the "Extra Mode" from 2 back. This is what made Unleashed and Generations better than most. They got closer to having the level of extra content that SA2 had.
Turns out Sonic 4 was originally just supposed to be some phone game that they decided to market as Sonic 4. This explains why Episode I is so half assed and Episode II is an entirely different game, that comes much closer to feeling like the originals. Honestly, if Episode II was a full game instead of a half game, I'd be perfectly happy with it.
Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles were building up a plot that was resolved in Sonic Adventure. it would be dumb to keep most of the story but leave out the last part.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles is like five hours on a casual playthrough, with only one character. If you want a decently long game, which I do, it needs saves.
Get good.
So basically you don't like Sonic.
It was made specifically because jumping on enemies is harder with an extra dimension. It's why Mario punches and kicks in 3D games. This is to keep Sonic's gameplay closer to the 2D iterations than Mario's is. There's no reason to do it in 2D.
Its' 2D level design is nothing like the old games. You're gonna tell me it's better than S3&K? And the 3D was basically a QTE game where you hit left and right at the right moments.
More acts just mean less different level themes. Might as well say Sonic 1 is better than 2 and 3 because zones have more acts. Generations is short, but more acts doesn't mean Colors is better. More levels helps, but Colors is still very short, too.
Also its final boss sucked too, and the plot was equally dumb as generations.
And Challenge Missions are a great way to give more variety. Cheap way, but it works, and they can have a ton of them. Doesn't actually make up for less levels, but still helps. Generations did it decently, but SA2 did it better.
Sonic music was good before them too, but you're just mad because you can't Escape from the City.
This. Anyone have that fish game idea screen cap?
Never ever. Just download SA2 pc version and play with chaos as much as you like. New games won't have it, cause its programmer left the studio. The only thing sega can do now is to make Sonic Generation 2 to even make up lost sales after Sonic Boom.
Majority of sonic fans who started playing since unleashed don't even know what chao garden is. Its just as oldfag meme as dialogue window from morrowind.
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