#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] CIS Busters Edition


- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com

- gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- oneangrygamer.net/2016/07/youtuber-tmartns-csgo-lotto-may-have-breached-ftc-and-florida-state-laws/6590/
- hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/bankruptcy-judge-approves-plan-put-909147
- ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/07/warner-bros-settles-ftc-charges-it-failed-adequately-disclose-it


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGateWiki.Com: gamergatewiki.com
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
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• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
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never EVER speak to woman
its super gay

old bread: archive.is/fNJBT

Start the bread right, start your day right!

These fucking people man. Can't even beat a straw man they made.

Only the asleep know peace from this consciousness.


I'm fairly sure that's a parody site


By the way anons, Frank Cho got fired by one Greg Rucka for drawing this wonderful cover art of Wonder Woman for being vulgar. There's no justice in this world.


Its a ghazi site
Its supposed to be their version of onion or p4r
Except it actually never is satirical and just them strawmanning

Extra laughs the guy who created the site

Wha? Is showing ankle now comparable to a gangbang or something?

this has to be a joke or someone has misheard something somewhere. In no way could this be considered vulgar UNLESS you're a neo-puritan and dislike her thighs/ass somehow?

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, concentration, smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words "FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE"

Remember to always be a big guy


This anons, Is why I fight for, fucking PC people.

Don't we have our own satire site? That one was pretty funny.

DisNod Target Nominees
In sort-of priority order IMO.
- Anyone interested in buying Gawker ("who would want to support a group wanting to buy such an awful website"). Can't have people think outlets that push agendas can be revived. Push agenda = scorched earth for all people involved, and you have to set up something new to push the agenda again.

- Warner Bros (corruption - shilled and didn't disclose). Developer corruption. I think now is an OK time to go after bad devs- the "GamerGate isn't gamers" narrative won't be bought since the SJW burnt so many bridges and spouted so many lies.

- IGN (Producer shitting on sexy weeb games). Major games review outlet has chip on shoulder about Japanese games and sexy games. How can we expect an honest review? They might have updated their terms to disclose- but that doesn't stop their own bias trampling over a good game. Harder to justify to advertisers unless we focus on recent corruption.

- Someone from iNews who did an article about how awful it is nerds talk to her about Pokemon Go. They might even try to flirt with her. How problematic (pic related). They are no one, but Go is blowing up right now, and "GamerGate shuts down nerd-hating anti PokemonGo journo" will catch some eyes- so we can show corruption and SJW again.
Can also just email her boss with how pissed you sre she advocates bullying and nerd exclusion in [current year]
[email protected]/* */
It's no different than DisNod. Appeal to their head (facts and sources), or their heart (how it made you feel bad and how you don't want others to feel like it).

>memearrows and reaction images outside an image board
I regret nothing

How is that vulgar, Cho's cover looks more believable to me than the actress for BvS wonder woman. Cho's W-Woman actually has a physical build that I can believe as 'amazonian'. What is vulgar exactly, is the art showing explicit vagina or nipples? Is she doing an explicit sexual act on the cover? What the fuck are these comic cucks talking about? That comment is right too, I hope Cho has a lawyer to review any DC contract shenanigans.

Nigga they had that batshit feminist make those wonderwoman comics with mansplaning and only fired her for assulting one of the artists, they are beta and neopuritan as fuck.


Like clockwork

Wait who's groping her boobs?

when virtue signalling goes wrong

I'm still laughing at how that happened right before SNK dropped their new KoF Trailer.

The Fighter

Frank Cho's Wonder Woman's one of the best that I've ever seen in a long while and this have cost his job. The guy(Greg Rucka) seems to have a sharp battleaxe to grind against Cho. God damn it! Will the comic book nerds wake up from being meek and start protecting the artists that still treats them as humans instead of sexist scumbags that needs to be "re-educated" on how to treat women right!

the fighter maybe, I never noticed that hand before.


Steamys are taking fan nominees.
The categories are here:

You just submit the show/website as opposed to choosing the category though. so I've got no clue how that works.

But, can we nominate something anti-SJW?

I don't really like comics. But the art looks really good, usually comics look like of poorly drawn. It's too bad, they threw away someone talented to make way for less talented people under the guise of social justice.

SV5 saying they were gonna help new players out had me hyped-
For one second. Then I remembered "new players" is code for "people who don't play games."

Might try KoF to piss off SJW and Capcom. (If it's good of course. Otherwise I'm just… whatever the hell the mirror of virtue signaling is.)

They never had the spark/anger we did.

They went full defeatist and scraped up some indie and old work.

/tg/ is too slow moving to really tell, but they seemed to be pissed at them encroaching.


Frank Cho is the person that will stand in his work. No beta male feminist will hinder him from making wonderful depiction of female superheroes. I'll stand by people like Cho, he's one of the few that have the courage to stick to his work no matter how the feminists and SJW's will get outraged because of it. I hope creators everywhere in the US will see how Frank Cho brushes off these puritans and stand up for once in their entire lives.

it's called just doing what you want to do and not giving fuck about trying to impress people you've never met on the internet

Underestimating puritans is a mistake. They're in the opposite side of the political spectrum SJWs are, but they like to complaing about the same shit.

One of the best artists in comics died about a decade ago due to cancer and he could draw fine woman. And dc has bruce tim who can draw sexy women but is squandered so much I almost wish he would go to image and reboot the spawn cartoon. We could use an adult oriented hero cartoon that has good animators on it.


tabletop might be next field for some.
Here's a taste from the den of retards that is SA but as usual they're picking a fight with autists far greater than they and who buy more shit than they'll ever imagine

Holy shit, they actually did something decent.

Just pirate or emulate KoF 98 UM or KoF 2002 UM, it's a fun series.

Remember when racism was bad because it made you kill people? Now the tail is wagging the dog - it's the racism that makes killing someone wrong.


what's really funny is I can guarantee more people will see their posts here than on SA, it's bled so many users that any given thread is the same half dozen losers jerking each other off

I mean it is an obscure "comedy forum"

I'm still looking at it for the Star Citizen threads.

How about Somecallmejohnny. Is he good?

God, the fucking comments in there are abysmal.


there are some legit good posters here and there but whooo eeee, the virtue signalling is off the charts and god help you if you piss someone off that feels like giving lowtax some more cash to spend on ambien in order to change your avatar and give you some ==big red text shitlord==

We do; it's called StopGamerGate.com.


That second picture is some premium grade A asshurt


And Cho can actually draw, unlike many tumblrtard soc jus 'artiste' and noodle arm doodlers. I used to read some of his Liberty Meadows stuff, he was great even then.

I'm done with most comic cuck fandoms. I'm sure there are a few who went against the grain and recognized the threat of socjus infiltration, but the sad majority just fucking rolled over. I tried communicating with Holla Forums a while back, but nowadays it's a lost fucking cause with them IMO. Many of them have become apologists or defeatists.

Elegan/tg/entlemen and Ca/tg/irls at least appear to have some hint of spine. And that hobby is harder to infiltrate, sure you can intimidate or replace writers and artists in tabletop and pnp, or staff a TG magazine with socjus bullshit. But you can't really infiltrate a gaming session between friends. If some socjus PnP player starts throwing a tantrum and refuses to leave someone's house, last time I checked that is considered trespassing.

You can't even play strawman anymore, because someone else on your own side will bite and parade your joke as if it's something serious

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go

BuzzFeed jumping on the Frank Cho hate train. Couldn't expect otherwise.

SJWeebs have got to be the worst people.


Yeah, Im sure it was cho and not the fact you thought all "geeks" were creepy losers that you would not have been caught dead being seen with.


Cucks in action

Thing is, we can play games in our bedrooms. They got in by making games more casual, so "anyone" could pick it up, the had mainstream success, so then they spun it that all the mainstream want progressive shit.

They could do the same to /tg/ (piss easy game goes mainstream, shill journos praise it, then similar "we're the new audience" propaganda)

Doesn't Cho have a Twitter?
Can we send him some love?

Unfortunately that's not limited to twitter. I've seen that shit happened here too, let's be blunt here. Short of putting a gigantic sarcasm tag, there is always a chance that one retard with bad reading comprehension will shit his pants and go, "Guuuh guuggh your modest proposal of eating the orphans to help the poor is monstrous, you're a monster!"

Frank Cho and other artists like him, are needed more than ever to keep the neo puritan morality squad out of comics and graphic novels. Those virtue signalling morons would have no qualms in bringing back the Comic Code Authority bullshit.

What about white wolf?

They only seem to be into Sailor Moon for some reason.

What are you talking about? All the top comments are taking Cho's side?

It confuses me when they complain about sexualized thing but then have ecchi anime and/or hentai profiles pics or follow those types of accounts. I one time saw a SJWeeb complaining about sexualization in media causing rape and then she also had a Taimanin asagi profile while drawing fan art from it. It blew my mind.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Mmmh weird, reading that girl's twitter, she doesn't seem that dumb. Apparently she meant something else by that tweet than "it's his fault I didn't read comics", but I don't get what it was.
I always tend to side with the idea that twitter is why people sound retarded more than people themselves. Perhaps it's the case right there.

Because they can't control themselves so they don't want anybody else to enjoy the "bad" shit, themselves included, or just projection



nothing like pandering to people who openly admit to not buying shit youve made for over 17 years

I just hate KIa user

arent you a little nigger

good! He is the leader of sjwanons of gaymergoobers.

Hmm, that is a plausible scenario. I'm not hardcore /tg/ and never claimed to be, mostly some PnP stuff and I don't even buy much official campaign modules. But there is quite a big resurgence in my area with things like Cataan and other board games. And many of the player and customer base on that front at least from what I've seen in my locale, I would say definitely looks like juicy targets for socjus.

Chances are the warhammer types fans and some PnP types might fare better due to their immune systems response. But tabletop nu-board games, that might be a crack in the door socjus will try to get in.

It's a very nice, if oblique, indication of the sorry state of the press. That's the Grauniad, isn't it?

Tu quoque, Greg Cucka?

Bleeding Cool might have taken the position of cuck shack from Comic Alliance.

Honestly, when I posted there I always wanted to get a big red title. It's basically a badge saying "I trolled someone so hard they had to pay tenbux to make the asspain go away"

The world's highest horse.

That weathergirl webm was confirmed to being a joke, though.
People got outraged over that but apparently the crew were just having some fun.

Holy shit, why are these people so predictable?

Are you guys still doing this?

Oh I know that feel because bishonen mangas kept me away from anime stores for my whole life. It's a neverending nightmare. Just to think of all the magnificent works from the Far East I'm missing out on, only because oversexed Japanese women can't stop sexualizing innocent fictional boys.


It has to be Poe's law. There's no other explanation.

I don't understand. If they want a board game without lewds, can't they play basically every other board game? Why are they complaining about this one?


It was not poe's law. They had an account and various old accounts on fan art websites. It blew my mind. It reminds me of how Monster Girls are getting popular with SJWeebs and the current cuckchan team translating those types of manga are pretty SJW themselves.

which will be the next franchise to be ruined by social justice crap?

System shock.

Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic ruined Sonic

only if they replace that madman working as the twitter PR


Mother of God.

Fuck off, retard.

is the new monhun game censored? I know it is has memes in and changed killer battle to shiny beetle.

I refuse to believe they'll fuck it up for SJW points.
that's not to say they won't fuck it up every other way

Not sure if they have yet. They did have an npc get asshurt at git gud which might be sarcastic or people legitimately asshurt at MonHun.

user, they hired Maxof2SD as the lead animator. The current producer used to talk about how much he hated Deus Ex and System shock even though he worked on them since they were so violent and criticized things he liked. They are also letting people on KS spend money to get an award to make a voice message. We are going to hear terribly written and voiced scenes with non-gender binary heroes who try to fight shodan off and almost succeed.


I'm pretty sure these fucks are neovictorians tho, its the same bullshit moralizing from the upper classes


You mean Ketzal's Corridors SuperHyperCube.

If it's Shodan or those faggots, I'm okay with letting Shodan win. Horrible monsters on the outside are better than horrible monsters on the inside.


i hope you all keep on summoning those meteors


Jesus Christ, how do you manage to get butthurt about something as tame as that cover? Don't answer that, we all know it's because bloggers have a hateboner for him.

I want to know how I can just shitpost for a living.



can you guys protect us sonic fans from these meanies :(

i wish more companies knew how to identify actual dunk mememasters instead of trash redditors like treehouse

To be fair, SEGA's marketing in the early 90s was shitting on their competitors, so it makes sense to have at least one PR account to shitpost all day.

Pic related still is my favorite

Murder is OK as long as you only murder straight white men.

cd sonic a best


i like the pizza background more

Why is idolmaster knuckles?

Only because of PR, just like them backing down on the paid mods and allowing refunds.

That's clearly knuckles, what are you talking about.

That's a tranny isn't it?

will you guys make sure they don't take sonic from us
the "sjws" you guys argue with would probably do that, the sonic twitter is very anti-sjw and sonic himself is very anti-sjw, so they might do something to him..


calling Val out


also I got a funny vid out of her twitter, at least

I'd love for SEGA to pay me to trigger SJWs on twitter.

Seriously. I'll take the Vyse account.

Skies of Arcadia Never Ever


On the one hand nom nom tail, on the other you bit the bait first hun.



That will be the joke!


I'd take the Segata account too.

RIP .hack.

Dead link; what was it about ?

Sure, but only if I get the Vyse Inglebard account. :^)


Ah wait no, she just protected her tweets. Guess she couldn't take the amount of people telling her off about it. Meh.

What's the problem ?

Sounds like something Kumatora would do.

Oh japan, your names are so interesting.

She blamed buzzfeed for people calling her out.

She was originally gonna be one of those magical trannies, after all.

Go look up the names for gen 1 pokemon.

That makes no fucking sense


I know, some of the names were rediculos.

Nah, otherwise she would've gotten one of those melody names.

Sorta saw her tweet, looked to me like she was being sarcastic, but honestly I have no idea. Twitter's a shithole that renders any sort of conversation worthless so it's hard to tell what people even mean or think.


She screencapped a couple of your posts in French, and said "this is what I get for arguing on Twitter" or something like that. The first one I didn't get at all, but I think the second one was you mentioning between parenthesis that maybe you got something wrong in the first place.

Now let's see the movie fail as hard.

Hahahaha are you serious ? I genuinely just told her "to be honest I didn't get what you meant either. Hard to tell sarcasm in twitter", and then joked about it maybe the issue's just me being a retard. I don't even get what the hell that's about now, hah ! Brilliant

It already is. A lot of places are not even showing it and a lot of people were posting empty theaters on twitter. Rotten Tomatoes also got found out deleting negative reviews and keeping the positive ones that turned out to be the same person.


Oh wait he's actually just a shill, I better understand now

Not even Tumblr has given a shit about Homestuck since 2012

Yeah, from what I hear Hussie managed to make an ending that satisfied precisely no one.

I suppose we'd learn her real name somewhere along the game. There are sprites left in the game where Kumatora grows a beard.


Kill yourself Ralph shill.

To be fair, it's just some random high schooler with barely anyone following her, I get it's not an obvious reflex to archive something that unimportant.


Unless I myself misinterpreted her tweet, yeah that was it.

What do you mean?

unff that eva card is a pure hand holding demon, got any more art from her?

it's funny because I actually am a left-wing-leaning parasite


Uh, guys.
My post on imgur took off a bit.
Did I do good?

I'm curious, what was it?

It's cheap, but I love it.

From what I understand it just didn't really resolve anything. The survivors made it into a new session by creating a functioning universe this time and it just kind of stopped.

Yes you did, user. These comments are surprisingly redpilled, I thought Imgur was supposed to be dripping with koolaid?

The easy ones are always the best.

From what I can tell, it's a mixed bag, sort of like Tumblr.

Some Redditor probably reposted it.

Imgur is basically part of reddit and like reddit there are plenty of people there who hate PC SJW stuff. Just because mods use censorship doesn't meant the sentiment goes away.

Absolutely disgusting.
And yeah, you done gr8 m8

From the few times I went there (in the dark days between the halfchan exodus and finding out about Holla Forums), it seems posts that are purely SJW get SJW praise, and the opposite downvoted.

Yet, major anti-SJW issues are downvoted to hell and carpet bombed in the comments. I guess mine slipped by because it didn't praise Trump or accuse Islam of having a problem.

Indeed. If they censor, it festers.

Well, that and she's shitting on Pokemon. You don't shit on Pokemon. Ever.

When a girl cashier at best buy was complaining about not being allowed to play Pokemon Go you know that lady is full of shit.

One of the newspaper here is either running a sponsored content for the movie, drinking the koolaid hard, or both. It's been running a lot of nu-GB related content and articles. It will either assign or already assigned a reviewer that will guarantee to give a glowing written review. Even if it get's a 3/5 score, it will say something like how important it is to 'start a conversation about sexism in sci fi fandom and hollywood'.

So here is what I'm predicting. First weekend of premiere, it might do ok. It really might, a lot of people will see anything once for the sheer novelty. Other turkeys in the past has managed to nab first place spot in their first weekend debut. Feig will breathe a sigh of relief and might even gloat how it's current year, and take that goiter goblins!

Then monday arrives. If that dude that saw the advance premiere is telling the truth, it's not going to go very well. By the end of the first week, sony accountants looking at the numbers will make Feig very nervous. Amy Pascal could very well have sudden amnesia about ever having anything to do with the movie. She's got her own company to run after all. Relying on China for the overseas market iirc is a no go in this case. Toylines are on discount clearance already. When the theatrical run, DVD, and merch sales is over and the final box office tally and net profit is analyzed and only the hard cold numbers are read by the studio higher ups, that's when the fun or horror show for those who remained on that boat really begins.

Forgot to mention. Tom Rothman. That fucker should not be forgotten in all this debacle of nu GB.


According to Frank Cho, he left on his own after being fed up.

This is the inked art he submitted. Guess what got cropped

Really? they croped her underwear? Holy fuck thats pathetic.

The movie apparently got banned in China due to some obscure "disparaging the dead" law they have.

Thank you, filial piety. We need this shit to fail to send a message.

Nah its the law that turns skeletons into zombies in video games.

The anatomy seems off. A bit of a chicken hip. Guess that's what Greg felt but instead of realizing it's the proportions and stature, he jumped to his confirmation bias and declared the whole ass as vulgar because it's somewhat vaguely disagreeable.

No beard, just an outfit and hair similar to the Magypsies (and sorta close to her girly attire at the club).

Seeing how she was raised and protected as a princess by them, this would be her formal wear that she probably hates wearing as much as doing the girly-girl routine.

The far away leg looks too short.

Though wearing a bathrobe still fits the Magypsy clothing I guess.


SJWeebs love sailor moon because it's cute and empowering.
Not knowing that the most successful demographic when it aired on american television were young males because they thought the sailor scouts were sexy.


Point remains that something is not quite right with the anatomy and the 'not quite right' was interpreted to 'ass=vulgar' in a rote response based on confirmation bias.

It's when ideology and dogma blinds and disables your analytical capabilities.

To be fair the first anime really bashed on Tuxedo Mask.

Cho screwed up the thigh on the right leg, and that is it, even if it was corrected, a little bit of underwear would have shown, since it is proportions and not pose that is the problem. But yes, greg used a shit excuse, kinda like turd going current year! Gender parity! in stead of best people for the job! and if that ment 70% women or blacks or asians or green apes with three dicks so be it. or the whole instead of saying the anthem is sexist so we are changing it instead say we want to use the old anthem again. I want to use the old flag too, the single maple leaf has poor astetics.

I've seen it being described as an "upskirt panty shot." If that's not being disingenuous, I don't know what is.

Its closer to a slight pantyline peek.

>>>Holla Forums6705489

I don't think some heads at the Big 2 are sticklers for anatomy on covers

Mother 3 had a lot of changes and cuts over the 10+ years it was concieved. There was shit like battling dragons and more pre-Chapter 1 stuff to show how idyllic and storybook the world was before shit hit the fan with the Pig Army. There were probably remnants of Kumatora assuming her role and power with Duster "knighted". The Magypsies themselves are like a strange double-edged take on pixie spirits and their idea of what constitutes power and the height of human beauty standards of both genders. Having Kumatora be an outspoken tomboy bruiser's probably the best outcome essentially being raised as a mock princess.

In opposite to only wearing panties and no skirt she usually does? With a skirt that shout you're bound to show what's underneath it. Not to mention the whole angle and focus is wrong for an 'upskirt shot'. The whole 'argument' is manufacture.

Either that is bizarro, or we found lifields best student.

Oh, found out that an animator from undertale is working on some shante animations, and the game comes out 9/27

I wanna fuck that cat

Well the Magypsy's items are lipstick and a razor. They're the best kind of gender neutral.

The anatomy isn't what makes the issue. It's the 'feels wrong and wrong is sexism' logical abortion instead of analyzing what is actually not quite right. And then throwing a hissy fit over your own brain fail, pissing at someone who isn't responsible for that failure.

But you will forever be a neverfuck.


Frank Miller art, and he's been around for a long while. REALLY has a big head and is kinda nuts, especially turn of the millenium

I am disapointed I could not recognize miller's art. Billy me.


There's a ton of fictional things I want to stick my dick in. I'll stick to masturbation if I want that though.

Sex is sex user. In the end all I did was fuck a human mutated due to god magic. She's all fuzzy but has a big ass so it's nice. I just like plain sex, I don't want brown skin to be the only exotic aspect

Meh, neo/pol/ gonna neo/pol/. most old Holla Forumsacks probably lurk the boards.

You like to eat toothpaste. What is wrong with you?

When Frank Miller drawing is good, he is really good. IIRC there are panels from Ronin, DK1, some Sin City stuff where he just nails it. When he's sloppy (pretty much all of DK2) or literally cancer and chemo affected, his drawing are pretty bad. I do give him that cancer pass where it applies though, chemo can fuck you up.


I am still disapointed I could not tell it was miller.


I'd take a hundred subpar Frank Miller wannabes over the Tumblr cancer infecting comics today.



my property is nothing but eevees and clefairys

When you save images from Tumblr, make sure the URL ends in _1280.jpg to get the fullres version.
In before >Tumblr

Is that the largest resolution you can have?

I didn't realize you can do that for inline pictures as well. Thanks.

The actual resolution can be anything, but fullres images always end in _1280.


Not even sure you're allowed a phone in an art museum. That's how the Getty was at least.

man, that is a classic case of not showing the reason. Those are apparently portable tour guides with information about the paintings and art show. Don't blindly look, do some research.

Yeah that's how all the art museums work nowadays. just jack in headphones and listen to the audio tour.


So where's the feminist uproar over this? Surely they won't let this stand, feminist is a sisterhood and not some insane hivemind that's turned into living cancer right?

And the Frank Cho thing annoys the fuck out of me, I am so sick of these retarded moral arbiters trying to dictate content.

I never said what it was a picture of, I was just demonstrating the difference in resolution.

Did someone tell him it's a parody site yet?



Is the game fun seems a lot of people are playing it?

I'm going to watch the whole video, then tell him on Twitter about CartelPress.

I mean the starters have a lower capture rate…

Forgive me for I have sinned.

It's gotten on the front page, so I edited it to shill my own project/hopeful source of income.

I've now got 80 visitors and 241 page views in the last hour or so. Webm related.


The only fear is if they get people like the Nostalgia Critic to give it a "funny" review, and meme "it's so bad it's good" and people buy the DVDs "ironically" that it becomes a guilty pleasure.

Clickbait in film form.


Literally running out of arguments. This weekend can't come fast enough.

I met some people at work playing Pokemon GO, not really my thing. Though they avoid me a lot, maybe because I'm HR.

Being HR is suffering.

In to the oven it goes.

We'll see how red letter media goes, right now they're negative.


Yep, they are literally pulling a DmC with this shit.

Holy fuck.

fuck me

Done: twitter.com/Noahs_Arkanoid/status/753706285472751616

On Bastille Day no less.

It's been described as an attack but for now the gunshots seem semi-confirmed as coming only from the driver getting shot only. Please don't come to conclusions. Let's hope it was "merely an accident", as unlikely as it is
not that I doubt it's mudslimes too, but it's… right after it starts, I feel a bit pained thinking people might use it for their own twitter arguments when we frogs will have to deal with the consequences directly; sorry user



archive this on my phone

He has a point but merely blocking everyone calling you out is a cowardly move, why do those cucks choose to ignore reality everytime someone points out how they are absolutely shit people?


… well now there's rumors of a hostage situation so fuck me, go crazy anons…

To be honest, they should not be playing pooemon on fucking work time.

You are not allowed to have choices, you're a fucking white male. Chack your body shaming privlledge.

Their whole ideology is based on ignoring reality.

Man, that's the perfect response to her latest "how do you do, fellow kids" PR attempts.

Gee, could you be any more full of yourself, Dobson?


You're right

Is that writer doing an anti-comedy, comedy bit? Because if she's serious, she sounds like a textbook contrarian hipster. I'm not an absolute die hard original ghostbusters fan, I like the movie, I can watch it once in awhile without getting bored, but even a plebe like me know the sequel was definitely not as good as the first one.

Anything is possible, sure. But Showgirls iirc tried that 'it's so bad it's good wink wink we're totally in on the joke too guise,please go see it repeatedly like Rocky Horror, it's not like we accidentally made a turkey featuring titties mcgee that you remembered from that teen show'. Aside from a throwaway Simpsons joke, I don't remember that tactic succeeding.

Same with the DVD, didn't they include some digital download version of the movie with the 50$(?!) vidya tie in promo? The DVD looks to be destined to wind up in the 5$ bin at Walmart at best, more likely Goodwill and will have the same value as AoL disks. In other words, some hipster faggot using it for a 'campy' drinks coaster will be more useful than actually poppingin the disc to watch it.

there's been some kind of attack in France, dozens dead
I fucking hope Val is one of them

Yeah, but on lunch time it is alright. Lots of kids around too suddenly, all watching their phone not looking where they are going.

At least they are outside.


pic fucking related

It's a pretty simple answer. Create a Gym in the polling area.

Sorry user.

Goddamn stellar

My typos are funny to me. And yeah, lunch hour is fine, but work time is for work.

Also quads

Welp, guess this day got worse

Is this kino?

No quads for you.

Hey val, what is a mutant? Is it slang for muslims?

Improving community connections and PR could be considered part of the policeman's job. Using P:G could be considered work.


Well fuck.


If the original was so bad, why make a goddamn reboot?!?

"mutant" means "mutant", never heard that used in such a context, probably means "like crazy", I suppose. Basically, "in Nice, crowd going crazy no one knows why"
at least 30 victims apparently


This shit's just getting tiring.

100 people injured as well, holy shit.

Tell me about it…
Hostage rumors are bullshit though, lazy journos saw places getting closed off by the police for safety measures and just assumed

Nothing confirmed yet.


I bet 10 canadollarydoos that it is from a member of the religion of peace.

No. Nice

Well it's on our national day and been confirmed to be done on purpose, so yeah it's somewhat obvious user.
Honestly I don't care at this point.


Was about time they did something other than bombs and guns. Although I doubt this is a good recruiting strategy, social rejects see much more in dying in a hail of bullets than driving a truck through a crowd. Although the truck is probably even more effective. Don't forget, attacks in european cities are really all about recruiting. Barely anything else can be gained from it.

Because we can surely make it better than those sexist, racist, homophobic GamerGators!

And there are some who actually will believe this. Also it's apparently not a remake but I can't tell if that's PR bullshit or not.

Well, I have no excuse for fucking up now other than doing something dumb.

Saging for blogging.

Absolutely disgusting. These people are literally trying to regress our society and bring back outdated as fuck stereotypes. Also a nice bit of projection where she accuses "nerds" of being antisocial when she's literally asking people to stop nicely talking to her about something they are interested in. People like her clearly don't belong anywhere near technology.

this is how you become an e celeb faggot
you get a tiny bit of efame and try to parlay it into something more
Sometimes it works. Most times you become cancer incarnate then YOU START NAMEFAGGING AND CALL YOURSELF VAL

What Is happening Val?, Specially on France day this stuff happening, they truly know when to pic dates to make their strikes.

Is the effiel tower usually on fire?

on a more serious note you've cast a minor blow against SJWs on imgur and then doxxed yourself. I hope you know what you're doing

It's a firework that misfired.

Oh lord no, I'll never namefag here.
Tried advertising on /tg/ and it went… Poorly. (Maybe it'll go better once it's printed as oppose to vaporware).

They already called me out in the comments (3 people in like 500 comments) about shilling, so as a sign of good face I'll actually post my shit on Imgur tomorrow. And I'll explain it's because I posted something Pokemon Go related and it got to the front page. Now if that happens to turn up when people search for Pokemon Go… Who am I to complain?

I swear I won't become a jew. I just need to get my feet off the ground.

The way that smoke's traveling looks amazing.

I'm no e-celeb though, never really promoted anything I've done either.

Well, of course, that's the point. First off, there's lots of people since it's a holiday, so easy bigger numbers; second off, symbolically it's extremely powerful and painful.

Sorry user, but twitter isn't a source. Might just be an accidental fire for now. Nothing even proving the video's from tonight. No confirmation about it at all.

Val why is your filthy shithole of a country such a target? What is the link? Radicalised immigrants?

Oh, I know.
Probably should've added that I wasn't insinuating that terrorists attacked the tower, just that it's on fire. Probably like you said.

Wait did they shoot people or run them over

I wish you added the email part too so people can submit some feedback. You should also add the part where they should be polite when doing so. Good luck on your project though.

I still want to hear her saying it for proof, and preferably in her most panderific southern preacher accent for the full comedic effect.

Shit is getting stranger by the days, memetics is running amok I tells you.

If Trump is playing it cool, that's smart. If he's crazy enough to be honest, that's actually funnier.
It's painful, that level of pandering is pain inducing.

Mudshits got butthurt by french cartoonists shitting on them so now they allah ackbar them the most.

Oh fucking hell, I'm cringing.

I know it's hard to believe, but France has been a target for like a target specifically because we never took islam's bullshit. Made it illegal for women t be fully covered, and even for girls to wear a veil in public school, for example. So we've always been seen for muslims as a model of evilness.
Also, simply put, one big attack means we're even more of a symbol to following terrorists : "they're where we all get together to do that shit now, I killed many people just like the previous one did !"
no one cares about greece or about germany symbolically. The point is to cause fear. France is a symbol; it's where they'll hit.
Also, most people who become "radicalized" aren't even muslims in france. Either those terrorists come from other parts of the world/europe, or they are just in the same mindset as any cult-member. Immigration doesn't have much to do with it, aside from the geopolitical sense of it (which does influence it though)

sorry I'm a retard, "for like forever"




fuck me, I send my curriculum for a stage in Paris

Guardian's reporting 60 possibly dead.

Oh, somebody posted this earlier.
Bully me.


And if it is the religion of peace, my cuck of a leader will apologise to muslims even more. At this point I would want turd to make sharia law mandatory and get it over with, and make it so muslims could have guns. Its the waiting that is the most painful thing.

It might actually work though. People are losing their minds over this game

Kek bless you, Rea


Quit killing all these bystanders you fuck.


Was unsure on Imgurs rules.
Plus, I thought:


People did ask in the comments, I just told them to search for it.
They found her Twitter tho.

If it is recruitment, its fucking retarded. Its radicalizing people, but also against them. If they wanted to turn Europe quickly, all they would have to do is have a presence and wait for shit to hit the fan and then as people turn towards religion as secularism and materialism fail them, just be there and encourage hatred towards the leaders and other religions/groups that "encouraged" or allowed secularism to flourish. Obviously, secularism on its own isn't the cause of things, but spinning it out as such will be easy when people are looking for something to blame.

Recruitment takes place in the education system.
Then misinformed kids join to stick it to the ebil white man.

Clinton looks desperate whenever she panders hard IMO. Desperation is not a good look for anybody. Also it looks ridiculous, she claims she always carries hotsauce, totally with nu GB, and now pokemon go. Sheeeit, maybe if she's convinced that there is this super popular game called "tell us what really happened to Vince Foster" she might even play along.

Has anyone else noticed that the same people who tell us to police our own and that we're responsible for the trolls are telling us not to blame all muslims because it's just a few outliers? And that it's wrong to accuse a whole group? Because I have been noticing it.

Gamergate has never killed anyone. And yet all of us are bad in their eyes. Yet they have killed hundreds at this point, and they're protecting them.

The sad part is, most people being recruited are somewhat drifting teens who'd never hurt a fly. Girls are told "there are children being KILLED in syria, and your country isn't helping ! Don't you want to SAVE CHILDREN ?!", and boys are told "you can make everyone proud, you can be strong and brave !" and whatever else
ironically, the near entirety of the kids being recruited have never even once opened the koran, so those people claiming to follow the law of islam don't even try to know about it. They're just so weak and it's honestly a bit sad how easy it is to break them.

Frankly, I'm waiting for this to be blamed on lax gun control laws.

You have any idea the mental gymnastics SJWs do to justify their hate?

The other problem is that somewhere along the line the whole muslim/islam thing got muddled, either willingly or not, SJWs don't seem to understand that Islam=religion, Muslim=race, but you mention Islam and they all instantly assume you are talking about every single mudslime.

Its probably the biggest factor in muddling conversation about them.


Doesnt france have strict as a school nun gun laws? That would be quite backassed.

They're shipped off into the caliphate and then forced to execute some random person under threat of death. That breaks them. Girls get married off to some random fighter and then raped into submission. It's easy to be an inhuman abomination if you're doing it for the Greater Good™.

Yeah, we don't allow any gun, aside from handguns that you keep in a safe, with a record of it being in your own and a license and all that shit. So it has nothing to do with gun control.

Yeah because clearly the fact you have guns on you will affect fucking running over people with a fucking truck.

Nah it is going to be Pokemon go this time. Egypt already said it was against Islam.

Muslim=religious sect silly. Arabian=race, and one of many races who are muslim, including asians and blacks and even whites. Anyone can be a part of islam, anyone can be a muslim, only folk from the middle east can be arabians.

Death toll's at 73.

Tell it to the guy in 's link. He just literally blamed guns for people being ran over. Thats some advanced mental gymnastics.

Clearly we need stronger truck regulation.

Muslim is not even a race, anymore than Christian=white. There are people who are followers of christianity who are not white. Virtue signalling morons are confusing muslims =ayyyrabs\sandpeople.

It only works with Jews, Jews and Jews, because Jewish is a religion, Jewish is an ethnicity and Jewish is a country.

It absolutely doesn't work with Islam. Yet, they try to copy Jewish term confusion in their arguments. Pathetic, really.

for her

ban assault trucks

No user. I am not gonna participate to you people's arguments. That's frankly the least of my worries right now.


Jews are not even really their own race as much as they are really pale arabian mutants. And not even superior mutants, they lost their strength and stanima.


I'm sure Wil Wheaton will tweet in with his infinite wisdom of 'fuck the trucking industries!'.

Fair enough.I wish more people were smarter or were able to contain their spaghetti. Although if that were the case we wouldn't be in this mess. Those bantz are pretty great though.

ban apc's

Allahu Ackbar

Anybody here speak durk?

shoulda used carmageddon for maximum edge

What's up, fags. Up to anything?

If this doesn't stop they'll hit the Eiffel Tower one these days and then the frogs are going to glass the middle east.


We already are bombing the middle east user. Obama refused to get involved with ISIS until we got attacked and managed to get both putin and the burger nigger together to work on getting rid on these cunts.

car hit, 70 killed and 100 injured in nice
watch them say:
"the car has been trained by the hand of daish (isis) muslim and follows daish (isis) plans"

50/50 depends on how cuckish the leftists in power want to be that day.

I did not need this feel.


Please don't

isis are training cars?! the robot revolution has begun

And maplecucks withdrew and are training the men to fight back, and surly they wont betray the trainers. Surly.



For whatever it's worth, that quote is as fake as a 3 dollar bill. The source seems to be a pamphlet popular with white nationalists.

I mean she did elect Boris Johnson as the head of the Foreign Office.

Yeah, that was definitely in the back of my mind.

And here come the pedo-defending bloggers to skew the signal-to-noise ratio, right on schedule.

She hates all her citizens evenly and wants to spy on all of them. I can respect that. Don't agree with it, but can respect the impartiality without special exceptions.

But I thought all of Britain's problems have been solved, they have woman PM after all.

What's the fucking point of calling them daesh? It just an acronym that means ISIS anyway. Is it to appear culturally sensitive and appease the leftists while they drone strike them?

nobody can get a read on may
she embraced social iustice, making a fairer Britain, >muh wage gap in her speech, but had voted for some Right things in the past

That makes sense since the king nigger is directly responsible for arming them with the weapons and cash in hopes of them overthrowing the Syrian government.

and people still say we'd be wrong to glass the middle east

The last women PM in Britain was Margaret Thatcher, what did you think was going to happen this time?

Daesh is not a household word, so double speak to deflect that it is muslim radicals.

So they don't have to say "Islamic State"

imagine blaming the guns instead of the shooter; that what he's joking about. its most likely some edgelord wanted to die in a bang instead of daish member

i remember my mother and couple of my uncles said that daesh is like insulting them. like calling them faggots or niggers

Because they don't have to call them mudslimes and its slacktivism, the sandniggers hate being called daesh so surely they'll just stop existing if we call them that enough times

My post was a play on the "If women ruled the world, there'd be no wars" thing

It was a half-baked effort, I'll admit.

You have no idea how pissed I am at burgerland for that shit. Both the immigrants and ISIS crises have been caused directly by their bullshit in middle east, and now we're the ones who have to deal with the consequences…

The issue with that is that bombing civilians doesn't change much, hell, might even make things worse. The attacks need to be targeted and accompanied by a plan to "civilize" the remains better afterwards… otherwise, it just breeds and feeds the next generation's ISIS.

"daesh" is just another name for "ISIS", anons. That's not some more secret name for them.

Says the people who screwed up Lebanon to the point a civil war broke up where we had to fix it.

seeing shit like this really makes me want this big war on daesh more. my country and the other sane parts of the middle east is busy on fighting hothien or whatever you pronounce it rather than fighting the crazy people who are planning on doing suprise terrorist attacks

It's Al Qaeda all over again, except now the fuckers are strong enough to start a fucking country.

funny thing is, that this is becoming more and more to be a positive "trait" than a negative.

The term Daesh allegedly comes from the Arabs and means something along the lines of "one who sows discord". ISIS/ISIL supposedly dislikes being called that because it labels them as a terrorist organization rather than a state-building operation, but my knowledge on the issue is quite rusty.

Anybody bummed out about what just happened in France watch the new Nuclear Negro shit is really fucking uplifting.

inb4 Rami gravestanding

Sorry man, I don't have the heart.

In Gaming news.
Hah, Howard. You hack.


I know Bethesda fans have a reputation for being braindead, but surely they knew that someone would notice, right?

Man, i actually kind of liked that quest, guess that explains it

You know, you would think that if developers took content from mods, they would at least give credit where it's due. Something the modder can point at and go "you see this shit? I made this." Give them a bit of a reputation so it would be easier for them to write more stories or make more content in a more official capacity.


I would just like to point out that this profane mix of neo-feminism and hypocritical conservatism is exactly what got South Korea in its current mess.

you shut your fucking mouth right now fuck

Blame the "royal families" of america. Clintons, Bushes, Obama, and I would gamble even the Kennedys are all at fault.

And they need ro be allowed to more or less rule over themselves, as most of the politicians think "civillize" means "train to be loyal sheep".

It doesn't matter. The EULA says anything made in the GECK belongs to Bethesda

It's some slacktivist attempt to dissociate that particular band of savages with Islam. That's about it, just some basic memetic engineering. They tacked on some contrived shit about "daesh" being some sort of insulting wordplay or whatever, but that's an afterthought.


I think it was supposed to be sarcasm.

Okay, this is probably meaningless, but are y'all more disturbed by than ?

Both. Both make me sad.

They should still give recognition to the original author(s). It's common decency among modders. Bethesda shouldn't be exempt.


Both infuriate me.

I can only speak for myself but there's something about a child's needless death that rips me to pieces.

What will it take, what will it fucking take for our armed forces to declare full scale war against these people

Both are pretty much the same.

Though I don't know what would be worse. The parent's of the dead girl also dying, or surviving.

yo don be hatin


He's not really happy but he's positive and shows signs of hope.

Both anger me, because Blind idiots will try to do as much as they can't to avoid blaming the muslims

The video. I've never been able to listen to people's screams, even in movies or games.

feel bad for the parent or guardian that wasn't able to protect that child, that is nearly a death sentence in itself, assuming they were not dropping loot as well…

Which helps fucking nobody they're are refugees that are thinking about going back because the ghettos in europe are worse and more oppressive than their homes were. Islam needs a reformation the most so that muslims can live a life without needing to be killed for their beliefs differing from the norm of other muslims.



Yeah, childrens deaths are something hard. Cant even eat veal.
As for what it would take? For the unpersonal to become personal, in other words deaths of people they do kinda care about, like their own family.

Almost got me

Wonder what she'll say this time.

Nothing of value.


Every attempt to reform islam, to make a "new koran" is usually met with inter religious genocide and fracturing. No muslim wants to be the one to do it, not in this day and age.

Dunno, but if trump can handle this as well as he did that cop sniper, he will be doing well.

Muslims, true Muslims, are not part of ISIS.

It definitely won't when any muslim who does is not only under constant threat from other muslims. They're also called uncle toms and lamb basted by the mainstream media.

Oh please, the only occurrence of "Not a true (insert religion)" that can possibly be accepted is Westboro Baptist Church, because LITERALLY no other Christian recognizes their doctrine, and they are that small. When you see plenty of "non-terrorist" Muslims praising attacks like that, you don't get to say "not true Muslims."

And thats kust talking about the ones in the west. The ones in the middle east get killed and made an example.

I know it's fucking sad.


They never miss an opportunity to gravestand, user, you should know that by now.

The left uses that exact argument against radicals who are also Christians or Republicans!

They're probably parody accounts
I hope… otherwise, always archive and never let them live this down

Yea even when mudslimes own and rule the entire area with an iron fist, they still kill other muslimes because they don't see them as true muslims.

There are muslimes that don't care for islam, there are also muslims that want a reform but they are sadly a minority, most muslimes want jihad.

I say we're well past the point of wiping most of these fucks off the planet, you can't preach tolerance and peace to people who don't give a shit.

That's just Godfrey being Godfrey

For the love of fuck if they dare browbeat my favorite company.

Really, what gets in their ass to have so many problems like they do?

Who says he used their official kit to make the mod?
Maybe he didn't?
There's also the interpretation of the EULA that could also raise question.
Seemingly, the actual mod he created may belong to bethesda, but the actual narrative/dialogue could be described to be his own property to which bethesda may not have the right to reuse in their own commercial materials.

Well, personally I'd go for filthy fucking savage dogs or FFSD. At least for the people that get recruited from Europe/N.America that really should know better. The people that sit in their comfortable homes and watch them burn people alive or cut their heads off and say to themselves "I want in on this, this is a good idea".

The mod in question was a New Vegas mod, wasn't it? I didn't think the GECK existed until Fallout 4's release.

As far as I know, it was called the GECK since Fallout 3.

god fucking damn it


Don't worry, I can't access the dm group anyway, one of you guys must've blocked me perhaps, you're safe from me

Black dicks

Go back to sleep

I remember what I think was an old Twilight Zone episode, where a future corporation with time travel technology sold package tours to the crucifixion. The client would be disguised among the mob crying for Jesus' death and throwing stones at the cross and whatnot. The big twist of the episode was, literally the entire mob was made up of such tourists going through the motions. Were it not for them, Jesus could have walked away.

You see the point I'm making here. Today's parody accounts are tomorrow's thought leaders.


I have a soft spot for time hijinx like that.

as a French pedestrian

77 dead, 100+ injured
fuck me, that truck was more effective than a bomb
better watch out for anybody getting a truck driving license

They are the absolute lowest of the low, hands down. And you know what's sad? The last tally of foreign fighters joining the Kurds against ISIS was 400 volunteers. Meanwhile, ISIS boasted 30 fucking thousand.

CNN's reporting it's over 80 now.

Hey France, USA called, looks like you're going to need guns!

Hoo boy.

Tunisians don't seem like problem children. I mean they were the ones who started Arab Spring…

It's always the quiet ones…


Every time

Then how about they start getting the black people to stop shooting each other?

Yes, yes. And when I cut off your arm, you should be grateful I didn't cut off both your legs, too.


Called it!

Nevermind guys, I guess the truck did it.

Maybe this will finally shed some light on the growing epidemic of vehicle related deaths around the world


why does it matter what the truck was filled with?

as it was foretold

They're in the top ten of death causes. But no one really makes an issue out of it. There seriously needs to be more awareness for deaths in traffic. Think of the lives that could be saved!
Death by suicide is around the same number, but people care even less about them.

>Maybe if we list everything in the truck except the driver…

Is that literally just Christine but with a truck?

I eagerly await Josh's expose on how the auto industry is in cahoots with racing games.

Well in this case it matters, because it makes it clear the guy was a terrorist and intended to kill a fuckload more people.

I bet the greenskins are behind this

Knowing Salon, that's probably their exact line of thinking.


Im going to say it, with or without guns, the truck was the weapon, and all news broadcasts will avoid that fact and that it does not matter the weapon used, its always the person behind the weapon.

Val mentioned earlier France has strict as hell gun laws. A truck loaded with weapons is kind of a big deal. Even if they don't mention the driver people can put two and two together

At least there he'd have a leg to stand on. Licensed cars are a big draw for racing games.
I don't think anyone buys shooters because they have the latest AR but the latest cars, racing game fans like seeing those.

Ahhhhhhm, sjws hate jews too. They only like them when it is the jew vs the white or christian.


And it begins.

no, its by king, though, machines turn on people, loads of ACDC music, he said its just a good, mindless film



Guys it was a mudslime.

I know you're probably as surprised as I am.

That is suprising and…


I don't know why, but this is hilarious to me. It was a military fucking order. "Use cars."

Seriously europe, this is just nuts


what the fuck

is this for real or another case of "Holla Forums worships Bateman" screw-up

And had assembled bombs stashed away, if I'm reading the tweets correctly.

If anyone deserved to be run over, its the politicians. This is retarded to the nth degree.


isnt this basically just gay sex?

Wow! Now I'm scared. They can do that?

Of course. That's been a thing since prehistoric times: youtu.be/MMnEnLSwF0A?t=4m50s


S/H/It is scared because S/H/It knows h/i/t is part of the problem.

Talk about ivory tower privlledge.

of course he is scared about it because normalfags are turning against them. It's hard to control the narrative when people see you as the enemy.

And like clockwork, the self-confessed pedophile gravestand in his ivory tower of morality and lectures people about terrorism. Great. Just, great.

At least we all know what thing this tranny has in common with Muhammad.

No, people do care about suicide… when a woman tries it and fails, the world rushes to her aid.
When a man tries it and succeeds, the world shrugs.

Nice meme.

No one cares about Nyberg now. He's a retarded SJW in an endless sea of retarded SJWs on twitter. Maybe he'll pick up Islam for bonus oppression points to try and stand out?

I'm sure those words will be great comfort when the mudslimes are at your door and hurl you off a building for being a degenerate tranny.



This is actually kind of sad. Even the mouthpieces are stuck in containment.

I'd be mad if he had any reach these days, but he doesn't. It's just him shouting downwind

speaking of fucking RT I posted the image from the fullderp OP on twitter and my fucking notification wont bloody stop

I want a version of it with miranda

God I hate goons

I'm getting SJWeebs, koreans, people with genders in profiles
and fucking BLM supporters


It's your own damn fault for using Twitter.

Post Miranda pictures or shit on BLM to get them to go away.

my pinned tweet is

Go lewder and more autistic.


Nyberg is good evidence why debtors prisons should be brought back.

God, how many people would get locked up if they made a comeback? I can think of Nyberg, Methwhale, and probably CWC and his mom off the top of my head.

All the good people who have died so far this year and none of those goon fuckers were among them.

Dunno man, that's 81 more retweets >she should have. >She definitely is much more popular now than >she was before GG.

Remember when Nyberg's Uncle posted in /cow/ and said he was going to the police. This person is such a fucking autist that they've likely destroyed their family life over an argument over video games.

Because a person with a stable mentality knows when to stop.
Crazies will never stop, just like chris-chan

Some of these people will destroy themselves. You can't be that fanatical and have that much negative karma without it catching up to you someday.

Speaking of which, I was hoping that police thing would pan out. Alas.

Has anyone even combed the legal records for evidence that anything happened? I mean you need to go deeper than Twitter to find if something like a protective order was put out.

Not as far as I know. I confess I have no idea where to look myself, American public records seem to be horribly decentralized and non-standardized.

Why everyone hates BLM remains a mystery.

God damn solipsists thinking the whole world revolves around them.




Some salt from Ben Dreyfussy: archive.is/DhCVf

Who, what and why?

The shitter that wrote pic 1 in

My brother is crazy. He's trying to convince me to go watch ghostbusters. Not because he's SJW or anything (he's actually pretty redpilled), just that "it can't be that bad."

I don't even know what he just said.

Apparently LW tried to start shit as well with the whole youtube thing that happened two years ago and got exposed by several people already.

Speaking of Ghostbusters, It's about to launch in the US, and their Metacritic is down to 59. Sony's bribes aren't working.


I'll try to parse what he said.

Isn't she practically irrelevant now?

Boxofficemojo predicted it will open at #2 under Secret Lives of Pets, which is going to be disastrous for it because I think movies people actually want to see are coming out the next week.

Who is Rob Vinter?

Star Trek's next week right?

Dunno. He's now suspended from Twatter, however.

So is the Nationwide release of "Hillary's America".

Keep in mind that "Hillary's America" will have a limited screening that week, too.

What's that, a political ad as a movie?

Essentially, the movie is supposed to be a biopic about Hillary's myriad of scandals based on the course of the leaked e-mails. The supposed distributor (Pure Flix) published some Christian movie series titled "God's Not Dead", so make of that what you will.

That's because you can't put people in jail just because they MIGHT do something bad, user. That's how civilized countries exist. And I'd rather live in a place that doesn't punish me for what people THINK I MIGHT do. If you don't like that, don't go to Europe indeed, I'm sure China will love your kind.

This stings a lot.




Its funny cause Burch once wrote an article patting himself on the back on how amazingly progressive he was and the all the characters he cited where all either some sort of glitch or characters some people latched onto.

In reality it was a voice clip error they just kept in place.

Another lie, Moxxi's entire family are southern stereotypes.

And so on and so forth.

Christ Burch is such a fucking loser.





This is the hero that gaming deserves!

the end result is still positive.

An awkward nerd that doesn't like awkward nerds.

More like a vain tart that only likes it when cute bois talk to her.

No really. She's awkward since she's unable to communicate her desire to be alone, and she's clearly nerdy for playing a video game in public.

Oh really, tell me more.

Oh, she can communicate her desire to be alone. Don't let the pretentious faux geekness fool you. She still thinks that being a geek is a bad thing. She also was polite enough to not try and hurt the guy's feelings. She writes in black and white
Yet she does not discuss encounters that she did want (with a /fit/ guy).
Then there are also the other signs such as technicolor hair and disdain for geeks.

I will add to by saying that her article reminds me of the "video survey" where white guys were accused of trying to "sexually harassing" a lady in NY by saying "good morning". Polite conversation being deliberately misinterpreted for journalistic sensationalism.

I am spooked.

Yeah. Totally not up herself.

Sorry user, hit the post button to fast.

What I wanted to say is that this is going to be a depressing day.
That's some top grade cultural enrichment right there. I don't feel like doing anything anymore. I haven't felt that depressed in a while.

When do you have your elections in the US? Maybe you're lucky and get Trump. I don't know if he'll be good, but he's your best bet for change.

Polite sage for offtopic.

Vivian is probably under the mask.

most of the muslims i know are not praising it. i dont know if you think other muslim = radical crazy muslims who are totally not on isis side

Elections are in about three, four months. Expect top-tier bullshit.

Probably means shit like arab twitter praising the Dallas shooter and shit like Turks refering the Orlando gays as perverts.

i fucking hate this and their way of recruiting teenagers who wants to suddenly have faith in something and those fuckers tell them that isis is the one true way of the islam faith.

most of these twitters users are saudi people. they're super radical crazy and really hate other countries that is more librial and open than them (qatar, dubai, ect) of course they'll praise the killing of gays because they're ass backwords that way and i wish it get fixed

Whoever made this, I love you.

Why not wait at least a day or two to gauge the real reaction from people who saw it.
Give him this list of movies to tie him over if he's that hard up for turkeys.
-Battlefield earth
-Stop or my mom will shoot (Stallone career survived)
-Last action hero (Ahnold career survived as well, the premise is actually somewhat interesting but there probably really was 'problem with the script from day 1', an unappealing child lead actor.)
-Plan 9 from Outer Space (might as well throw in a classic)
-Brown Bunny (there is actually a movie beyond the scene of chloe savigny giving an unsimulated blowjob, but not much of a movie)
-Leonard part 6 (you gonna get cosbied)
-The last Airbender (shamalamadingdongs finest twist)

And of course the cow has unnatural coloured hair.
SJW prove yet again they have less of an understand on how human interaction works then a fucking autistic.


Fuck's sake, muslim terrorists can't even do it right anymore
84 dead and more than a hundred injured, 18 of them gravely; around 10 of the dead and 50 of the injured are children

She's a symptom. I'm just as curious about who approved the article, and why does the editor or paper approves bashing it's readers and audience.

It seems I accidentally greentexted.

It's much harder with regressive leftards acting as ignorant apologists for the problems of islam. The same way the retards thinks Africa is one country, they treat islam and muslim=race.

It wasn't as Islamic attack, it was a race attack.

Race War has started.

Meh, we don't have BLM crap in France. Most blackies (outside of Paris) and asians have fully adapted to french culture and are fine with it. No one really cries "SUSHI IS CULTURAL APPROPRIATION" here thankfully. So no.
It's just a very moderate muslim that acted like not moderate muslims.

I remember the blacks being angry in France over the football team and what not. France has one of the biggest nigger populations in Europe.

This was sandjigger that decided to take out white people cause he knew they would be celebrating a white event.

But you are not white anyway, look at you brown skin. What mixure are you? Look at that nose, no pure white French man has that nose.

No they yell "ALLAH AKBAH!!" instead.

Sometimes I wish he'd find actual pictures of me, it would make things so much more fun

Kek, fuck you

That is you, I got confirmation from the Picture taker and you admitted more then once.

This is like when Acid denied he was Cole Lamberson and when gg found the site with him being Cole the big dude.

He denied it even got Mark to do the same, but gg knew he was trying to deflect.

Just like you my brown friend.

Sometimes you just have to let go, son.

It would be fucking hilarious if it wasn't so sad, i still reported the little shit nugget, but really, their board is fucking dead and acid man pops in maybe once a fucking week these days, and yet, they still go


That's some high quality content there m8.

France is farce

seems people are buttblasted from pokemongo

Google's own IGF. Let's see how this goes.

… what has political correctness got to do with what happened ?.. after charlie hebdo, I doubt we could really be accused of that…

PokemonGo is racist and ableist.

Your so cucked you don't see the problem, but you are berine socialist so are a lefty sjw anyway.

On page 14. Need a baker.



How very daring, stunning, brave.

Oh no tumblr complained about something, STOP THE PRESSES IS THIS URGENT!

This triggers the frogfag.

There is a point where this shit needs to stop and we've clearly passed it

It's probably completely and totally not rigged.

So we could DisNod Bethesda for this, and Warner Bros for shilling?

No one is gonna defend a bad dev, and the "Gamergate aren't gamers" narrative won't work.

this thread

oh boy you're in for a treat if you think it won't work


You think anyone in the gamergate thread remebers old 4chan memes. This is gg most came from reddit.

Forced gay shit.

Since when did Milo start to sing?


Debian needs our help, maybe we dox that Margarita?

Bullshit. They hate the other threads and go back to their safespace.


You're replying to a very obvious ralph shill user. Try harder.

So I'm away for a few hours and user promptly forgets how to bake.

Pig disgusting.


I do remember it, along with other ebin memes from half/mu/. This one in particular wasn't precisely funny, even back then. But that's why it worked.

New bread usually is released either on 700 replies or once we hite page 13. Hells, we even extended it to page 14 to account for the general slowdown

They still exist?

/8diamonds/ here we are on it.




Fuck off, shills.

Would that point be 2007 or 2014?