Open as many game windows as you can and take a screenshot.
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Do you want to murder my toaster, OP?
bumping best thread
If I bothered to resize all of my windows I could have more, but that's a lot of work.
step it up
That's because you're in Linux.
ayy lmao
All I had room on my desktop for without each game obscuring the window of five other games.
powder, nice
fuck that's a good selection 7/7
Oh hey Quakespasm got an update?
Is that your own engine user?
yes it is
Good luck with the project, hope to see it again
Good luck fucker.
If you need any help. you need just ask.
you can play it if you're interested:
However there isnt that much to see at this stage. Right now I am working on the audio system.
for what purpose
I dont know how to prove it to you short of giving out all the source code
If you want to contact me, you can message my steam on
What is lost boy?
Like your games though
Great games
Dungeons of Dreadmore is great. I get a nice Runescape/Daggerfall vibe from it.
Don't know why am i doing this, but here it is.
user, i don't know if this is supposed to be like this, but your game managed to be slow as fuck.
Like sub 15 fps or something. Even animation of dead soldier was like 3 seconds long.
The animation of the dead soldier is supposed to play for three seconds- try running it in fraps, its supposed to be locked at 60 FPS
GZDoom is inferior to zdoom. Why do you even need opengl for it anyway.
Because it has a proper hardware renderer instead of a crappy CPU driven software renderer.
It's Doom. Why do you need a hardware renderer.
Because enhancement over what the original engine could do.and a GPU can handle things faster than a CPU in most cases.
You know there is a game for this already.
Enjoy it.
It's breddy gud.
It is really, really good. Although right now I'm playing Postal 2 - nightmare mode is fun.
and you won't notice a thing. the cpu load is nothing.
I've got a 4k screen and 32GB of RAM. I can run at least 30 games but it would take me fucking forever to open it all up and set that shit to windowed.
If you're trying to play the original maps with vanilla weapons sure but if you're gonna play anything big and with additional effects then it's gonna add up quickly then having GPU rendering becomes necessary because no mater how good the CPU almost any GPU from the same year can do it faster when it comes to rendering.
GZDoom's dynamic lighting actors have a bug that maxes out CPU usage regardless if it's on your vision or not, ZDoom is also lighter and faster on rendering as long as not more than 82.5 million simple 64x64 sectors (no coloured lighting effects or moving textures) aren't visible, which doesn't matter anyways because the engine breaks before the 256k mark or so.
Thing chugs more on actual monster AI logic (nuts.wad is an example) than on renderization of graphics unless you're using shit like fog or you're spawning a million actors (Brutal doom gore spam comes to mind first). Infact any map that lags is because the mapper or modder needlessly added effects that are broken in both ZDoom AND GZDoom, he pruporsedly made the player see more than the allowed amount of visible sectors at spawn thus crashing the game 5 seconds afterwards or if you're running a pentium 3 potato.
It started chugging around 40 running at once.
Are you upset?
triple deluxe mad
Well that's my mission accomplished. Have a wonderful day.
well that's a change of topic but wowza
Subtle recommended toaster games thread?