Somebody asked for it two days ago but I didn't have a good source but Nintendo uploaded their own version yesterday so here you go
WebM Thread Squid Sisters edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
You know this shit was creepy enough with anime girls, with squid lolis from a video game it's even worse
And final part 7
I guess more music now
Japanese music is completely soulless.
*shrugs* Was just trying to be nice and wanted to make somebody happy since it was a request
part 2
3rd season of wakfu is out?
Julith did nothing wrong
It's a movie. Dofus livre 1: Julith. Two more in the making.
Is this one of those japanese animes I hear so much about it?
no seriously, is this cartoon good or what?
It's pretty good.
Let's keep it vidya related guys.
Is this some kind of furry vore shit?
fresh webm
You have to ask?
where did you find this user?
Speaking of anime movies I've always wondered, what do you anons think about The Beast and the Boy?
I really like it but I fucking hate that ending with all the edgy MUH HATE HOLE IN MY HEART shit
I know that feel user, we will seriously never have a qt squid gf
Get out there and meet some girls at the movies, arcade, librabry, bank and church
–emphasis added for actually good ideas
are you lost normalfag?
Fucking disgusting, mocap is hands-down the worst type of animation, especially on cartoony characters like that.
Source? I don't know the source on the secound webm
What is this?
Detective Nigbone, episode "The Short Life of Andrei Kasinski".
All of the episodes are hilarious but recently the animator has had access to a mocap studio so the animation quality has increased greatly.
Video games
Ain't clicking that shit, nigga.
Silly person. You've been crippled by Holla Forums after all these years
it really is video games though
See a fellow video games enthusiast I see
are webms every going to be fix'd?
I doubt it
that sucks
oh so its not just me? assuming the problem is the progress bars jumping right to the end and fucking up fastforwarding?
Getting the same thing. Also they wont replay.
a crime against the boner indeed
Ugly chink
What is this
Hol up what am i looking at
The A-Team remake. It's a pretty fun movie.
Hardcore Henry. It's a movie that came out in theaters a few months ago. The entire thing is in first person.
I checked it out in a theater and it was actually really good. I was expecting to cringe at stuff, but it pulled off cliche'd humor and action really well.
Hardcore Henry
It would be better if it used the SNES sounds.
Oh God, not only is she a crook, she's way out of touch.
Does anyone have that webm of that animation with two guys looking for treasure on a map? It had that "it's not the destionation, but the journey" kind of lesson to it.
Keep your eyes on the black guy on the left.
Don't bother webming it. .The animation is to good to be compressed.
just kill me now
Better to end soon then go to shit. They've said this wouldn't last from the start.
It's just gamegrumps all over again
My little heart can't take it
I want underagefags to leave.
I did it with a very old version of FFMPEG, I'll do it with a modern one now
This. Egoraptor has been a Grade A Cunt since Newgrounds, and that was when he was "funny".
And done
Like I said, FFMPEG VP9 encoding is far better than it was 6+ months ago and its easy to keep high quality
Jon usually balanced his stupid ass out. And made fun of him when he sperged. Jongrumps were fun
Oh good. I was going to mention that but it seems other notice.
The problem for me is that the player can't skip to any part and pausing sometimes makes the video restart as well. It also doesn't show buffering. So even if I watch a video once I have to watch from the start again.
These are good, but can you handle Multi-trackListening?
wear headphones
God damn is there nothing more pure than Eurobeat?
For some reason the Holla Forums update is not saving the video to your temporary drive memory and its actually downloading each video on the fly every time you play it
So if you play it once, then click to play it again it has to redownload it all over again (I have a net monitor and confirmed it)
Which is why the videos are not repeating, the cache is all fucked up. Until then click the name title and just download the video to your HD and play it back that way so you're not wasting all your fucking bandwidth
TV on the Radio
this is GLORIOUS
I've been doing this for months
Upside I'm glad somebody else figured out how to do Binaural audio over stereo
Updated this with Binaural sound as well
As fun as it is making WebM's with the new FFMPEG update I've been running 2 rendering machines at full load for 3 days and I'd like to play some vidya now
I like arin, but dammit, hes such a fucking beta.
why do japanese people go to concerts for fictional characters
Because what you don't see is outside the arena is a bunch of stalls with cool shit to buy and activities and the like, it's the same reason people go to cons, this 1 thing plus the rest
damn, Trump, bringing on the pain
fuck, me too. Glad to know I'm not the only one. Has anyone brought this up to the fat jew?
Oh fuck, really?
a-are they going back to animating?
How many fucking times do we have to go over this, Jon made it fucking tolerable. Maybe good is a stretch, but everybody knows that arin was garbage already.
That reminds me of that one webm of some guy making fun of how various scripting languages work in front of a roomfull of people. Can't seem to find it anywhere, though.
It's messing with my head but I love it.
I've been avoiding animated shows that were made recently, but this looks pretty cool.
thanks user!
Canned after two years because Disney didn't want to foot the bill for traditional animation
No really
Sadly anything out of Disney network that is hand drawn will most likely not make it past 2 years unless its a huge money maker because flash animation etc has a much bigger investment return
"Hand drawn" is pretty much the death of any series today
I like a decent portion of jap music but what the fuck
I'm too lazy to make a webm so here you go
"Anyways that's why your dumb comb over emulator won't work"
I saw stars I laughed so hard when I first saw that
know the name of the song user?
just look up the mighty switch force OST
It's good shit.
I love how he says that line
What is goingonhere
Who here likes vanilla?
What is with japan and "not nazi but aesthetically damn close" nazi attire and sex related actions with people wearing the uniform?
What is it with japs and having really ugly, fat dudes fucking attractive chicks?
Fuck off normlord.
It's cute fucking military girls i guess
Self insert characters
The most stupid and retarded cancerous shit I have ever fucking seen. You enjoy this? You are a waste of life.
Maybe. Trust me I have nothing with military girl at all
Triggered much user?
on Chrome, it isn't working correctly, on fire fox, it is working fine.
Didn't mean to click
Wander is pretty great, probably because it's made by people who have been in animation for years and actually know what makes cartoons good, rather than fresh-out-of-CalArts interns who can't draw and cuckold faggots like Alex Hirsch who push "MUH OVERARCHING CONTINUITY MUH ARGS MUH FANBASE PANDERING" bullshit. In fact, WoY was created as a response to those trends.
WoY isn't traditionally animated, retard. How did you even come to that conclusion?
This is pretty good user
Maybe the beach boys but that question is up in the air.
That's a tiny loli.
Here is a special video for you user You'll love it :*)
I feel like whatever I post itt is just going to be blotted out by an ever-growing expanse of porn.
Not much I can do about it, though.
That's not true, i'm almost out of lewd webms friendo
That's Futabu nigger, how do you not know the classics?
I would tell you to kill yourself but judging by the majority of your uploads you're probably already dead inside.
This should help you get the taste of low-quality zipperhead cartoon shit of your mouth.
I had closed it immediately and asked for source, your answers made me rewatch and now I don't want it. Fucking futa.
Is the animu it's based off of shit or something? I only saved because of orin and okuu
There's no guys in it so it's less gay than regular hentai.
Im good user thanks for trying to help :^)
At least it ain't futa on man
That doesn't change the fact that it's still gay.
Whats the matter on you don't like feminine dicks?
I knew.
I knew exactly what was spoilered. Three characters spoilered? What else could it have been? But I did it anyway. I don't know know why, maybe it's because I thought it would be something else. Maybe my morbid curiosity just got the better of me.
You cheeky fucking cunt
Its all in love user, have some good music to cheer yourself up
just end it already
But in all seriousness have some comfy music
"user too retarded to read can't even read one line"
I have second hand embarrassment for the people that would watch this live
"It's not traditionally animated!"
Look, just because its not actual ink on actual paper does not mean the artists are not drawing a shitload of cells for scenes
Its probably using Toon Boom etc but each scene requires individual unique drawings for every character position and movement
Its comparing this animation in comparison to MLP:FiM where they have a massive catalog of body frames/cells they pull up and re-use millions of times and have been reusing for over six years now with very little new artwork done per episode
Or WoY where every scene requires new and unique frames and cells like traditional animation uses
Wakfu/Dofus is entirely digital and its traditional animation is done the same way WoY is done.
By your metric we haven't had traditional animation since the fucking 80's because Disney has been using computer frame smoothing/drawing/enhancement/frame rotoscoping/CGI since The Black Cauldron
didn't notice, thanks user
What's this, and why is it so ridiculous?
is that Carlin?
I don't remember that bit.
first one is non non biyori and the second one is touhou
I don't know who it is
I know what the second one is, that's why I responded with Touhou. Thanks.
I laffed.
your welcome
I fucking knew it before I clicked, you got me
that bitch was gonna FUCK SOME PEOPLE UP
anyone else have an issue with webms havingt he buffer bar stuck at the end so you cannot skip the video? seems to be an 8ch exclusive issue. cookies are not the cause and I do not keep a cache. on firefox
Just hold an arrow key to skip it to the end.
but is anyone else having this issue? I want to know if it is on my end or an 8ch issue.
I have the exact same thing
filthy memer pls leave