
Are you a true warrior who fights to the end or a pussy who bails when they get fucked up the arse?

Are there any better genres for ragequitting than fighting games?

Share your stories of salty bastards although that describes a decent amount of people on this site who got mad and what you did to piss them off.

Let's just fling shit at eachother this thread will die anyways

I dont play fighting games becaus they are shit but i dont ragequit in any game. Getting mad at games is for homosexuals

you realize that video games are for fun right?

I'm the guy who goes down with the ship.
I'm the captain in Titanic.
I might lose spectacularly, but the winning niggers will remember my name.

Go back to neogaf please.

I always lose so there's no rage to begin with ;_;

If someone is beating my ass in a fighting game of course I'm gonna take the beating. How the fuck else am I going to get better?

Not sure if it counts as ragequit because technically the match was over, but still.
Can't remember if he opted to sit some matches out over it but he was really pissed.

Respectful players

if losing isn't a part of the fun for you then you might as well play walking simulators, no respec

Fuck no. I ain't no muhfugga bitch nigga. Can't even think of the last time I left a game in anger. Might have been Demon's Souls when I was farming BP Skellys in 4-2 and fell off a cliff. I think I lost somewhere around a million souls. I yanked the disk out and scratched the damn thing. As for fightan, also never. I try to learn their attack patterns and see what I can do next time or what to look out for.


Back during the shitty days of GFWL I managed to get into the top 100 in the book of the guilty on Dark Souls. It got to a point where others would disconnect the moment I invaded.

I never cheated either.

I'm usually the cause of the rage quits. Especially with some of my friends during LAN parties. I would fuck them up so hard that once in a while I had to just purposefully make myself lose so they wouldn't smash their computers all over my floor.

If I'm losing, I just go down with a fight the best I can.

I complain to teammates that we're losing push harder push harder you cocksuckers but it never once occurs to me to leave them.

Unless I'm lagging, I never quit a match. Quitting because you're losing is pathetic.


I don't play fightan because I have better taste than that but I take my losses like a man. Only a tremendous fag would deny an opponent the victory they earned.

why does this happen.

Only times I quit is when I run into some russian chucklefuck with infinite health and 500 ping shielding.

I avoid games that have LE HIGH RISK HIGH REWARD PVP because at that point I may as well go play Poker.

For everything else? Wins/Losses or KDA are fucking meaningless as long as you're:
>Having fun, otherwise it's not a videogame or escapism


Tyler McVicker is an Ugly Idiot

The only things that kind of cause me to "ragequit" is when someone is clearly using some obvious hacks like aimbot in FPS or something that completely ruins the fun. Even then it's more of a disappointmentquit than ragequit.

Nah. I don't play multiplayer games a lot, at most it's 30 minutes every two days so I don't really have much to get angry about or rage quit


i rage quit with spawn killing

Only when the opponents are clearly cheating or killspawn.
You can't do shit with that and they won't finish early

You're playing a shit game, such as an assfaggots, if you can't just say "GG" and leave.

Enjoy being shackled to welfare matchmaking.

Fuck off gook.

I don't rage in the first place. I don't mind being curbstomped if the opponent doesn't cheat/exploit/grief, and even then I only quit if he's being a dick about it and trying to deliberately ruin everyone's fun.

my time is more valuable than everyone elses combined. sometimes i even leave if its too easy

Take your meds, randy

This. Or if something's wrong with my connection/I was just hit by sudden boredom

I would never bail on a team of friends but if my team is getting btfo to the point that I can't get into the battle at all then I will find a new game. I don't quit if we're losing, though. things have to be pretty bleak.

i bet if you had a gf you would let me fuck her

I like you guys on my team but sometimes they are just too strong. I don't know how many times I've had to tell you people, "I'm fucking trying to get to the point cocksucker they're killing everyone"

I have anger management issues myself due to my upbringing. I'm white however

I only ragequit from singleplayer games.


I fight like a bastard i'm just saying the fun is optional

leave when the connection is shitty or its extremely easy

If you can't win, no point in playing. I mean, if you're very obviously outmatched. Fuck it.

i personally got pretty pissed off at this
pic is not him but the state of cheats a few months ago

Quitters make me sick.
If you don't make the winning team bleed for that W, you need to delete your life.
