Since 4chan aka reddit is here lets write a letter to the shit tasting plebs

Since 4chan aka reddit is here lets write a letter to the shit tasting plebs.


Other urls found in this thread: Forums/

4chan isn red-



Despite how fucking shit 8gag has become, whenever I check up on cuckchan it's still far worse.
Except for cuck/v/, it's about the same as full/v/ just with more console war faggotry.

go back

True redditor

Clockwork Orange is vintage reddit

It was made in 1970 and isn't on this list at all

you fucking capeshitting bitch

How Reddit are you?

wtf are you talking about
go back to Reddit


Can you read, we have evidence of what is reddit you fuckface it isn't new

Tell me how it isn't vintage reddit again?

you need keep up, dat movie is raciss altright propaganda now, cracked told me dat orcs was blacks and shieeet


Straight from the horses mouth

da information was collected before da cracked article dumb nigga, we rewrote history and don't like it any more, shieeet dumb whitey don't understand how reddit do

we finna beat up some whyte folk tnite, u down nigga?

Steven Universe is more tumblr than reddit

Fucking off yourself for this shitty post


mad whitey LMAO

imageboards are dead, there is no way around it. The most obvious example of this is 8/pol/. 8/pol/ is inhabited by a bunch of fags that want to filter and report people for disagreeing with them, yet they are against SJWs who do the exact same shit.

8/pol/ is fine. Its just it got infested by shills because now every liberal activist and antifa and their mother knows about Holla Forums. And its an off year politically in the US since no elections are happening. The next one isnt for a year and its just midterms. A lot of the old Holla Forums guys from 2014-15 are spending less time online and more time in meatspace. Etc. etc. etc. And there are a lot of newfags from places like instead of newfags just finding the chan from other places. etc etc etc. Lots of reasons Holla Forums will probably never be quite like it was from 2014-through the trump election again. Plus ive noticed some of the ones that have stuck around are getting really really edgy. So anyways. Thats why Holla Forums and /christians/ traffic has picked up a bit from a year ago as well. etc etc etc. some of /ourguys/ still post
of courshe

have you ever been to Holla Forums?

I got banned from there with my first ever post a few months ago, they were legit triggered little women

Ive been to Holla Forums but I dont post or play vidya that much. At least not this year. I like vidya doe. I noticed Holla Forums is back up to the number one board again. Thats cool.

Its sure not quite like it used to be.

good Holla Forumsacks r still out there doe. i suspect in meatspace more often for the moment

it's only number 1 today because there is some raging shitstorm over some pedo game getting banned from steam, look at the PPH count compared to the other boards

I got banned from Holla Forums one time for asking if Dylan Roof was jewish. It was kind of a troll post, but I got a shitload of responses and then eventually got banned. Holla Forums is basically a mob justice board, if enough people hate a post, the mod will just ban the person.

plus the shilling has gotten bad
back in 2014-2015 none of the anti/pol/ activists knew about Holla Forums so they didnt come here amd shitpost like they do.


Nice triple dubs though, user.

Did you post something super retarded? I've been a regular poster there since the first exodus (when there was like 3000 posts total on the board) and I've never gotten a ban and I've probably made at least a thousand posts during that time.

I will admit though, board quality has dipped immensely.



I never got banned on Holla Forums. I did get banned on Holla Forums for pointing out that the BO of leftypol sucked off the BO of Holla Forums.


You can get banned on Holla Forums very easily, just post an amerimutt or say anything negative about ameriniggers.

Did you ever try to start a thread on Holla Forums? They have defined rules for posting a thread and it's basically only allowed to post news articles or threads about things that have already been discussed a million times and they have a consensus on. You'll get banned for posting a fucking youtube link and not webming the video. I doubt you ever contributed much if you never got banned.

It's not on their list because they like Nolan and Villenueve. They probably don't even really like Kubrick and are those plebs that say they do but really dont.

I posted some bait and apparently you can't post bait that makes fun of retards

how'd I do

I dont even know why I bother coming to online forums about movies.

How are all these reddit? Just because they are popular?

You have less than one currently liked in each category so you officially don't qualify as Reddit, although it would be improved if you switched Zelda and Portal 2's postions, and switched BTTF for Dark Knight.

Hitchhikers qualifies as Reddit because its got that smarmy nu-male tone. 1984 and LOTR are just there because they're popular though.

because you lack friends

The dark knight rises is worth it for the plane scene IMHOFAM


Why is Queen reddit?

I mean I like most of these things.. I wouldn't say they're my favorites though.

because how they used to make really cringe threads where someone would post
and then people would write the whole song in the comment thread. it's really cringe. redditors used to wank over freddie mercury a lot for some reason.

So this only bothers people who frequently visit reddit. I seeā€¦
