https ://
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Notes toward the memes of production
Seems like Holla Forums has an exaggerated concept of its own influence.
https ://
http: //
Notes toward the memes of production
Seems like Holla Forums has an exaggerated concept of its own influence.
Other urls found in this thread:
i sincerely don't fucking care about these niggers _at_fucking_all.
in fact, we should start subtly pushing them towards suicide as it's the only final solution to end their misery in this horrible capitalist existence.
The commies are Capitalists by defaults by supporting banks and Jewry. They care more about workers uniting racially than they do about banks screwing the workers. Totally irrelevant and retarded.
They don't care about workers at all. Period. All they care about is self-aggrandizement. 100% of everything they do is trying to look good and get ahead, so they can get more of whatever drugs they're addicted to.
Even that article's the same thing: trying to look knowledgeable and informed, without going to the trouble of acquiring knowledge and information. The faggot that wrote it doesn't actually know what he's talking about and never will.
Pretty much admint to it in the article. The authors point out that leftists are using the existing economic systems while the "alt right" is fighting back against them. Somehow they manage to reconcile this with "Leftist accelerationism" saying that leftists are doing this on purpose to provoke a global collapse. Funny, because I agree that Leftists are destroying the world.
I posted this to provide info on what are opponents are thinking. This article shows the greatest progression of understanding of memetics, even though it gets a lot wrong. While the establishment is moving very slowly, its blog articles and think tank pieces like these that get their engine moving. Eventually they are going to become a threat.
The difference is in the means used, and that's the whole point. The Right played by the rules and were honest in the whole process - while the Left just keeps lying and lying ontop of lie ontop of other lies and then more self-aggrandizing lies "Lol I was only pretending to be retarded to make you feel better."
They won't. Simply because their bullshit isn't true, and they know it. Nigger jokes and Jew memes are funny since they're based on stereotypes that are accurate. That's what the Jews will never understand. you don't change human nature. Until the likes can shut down the net(which they'll do eventually) they're fucked.
Didn't read their shit article, but we've already seen a million articles from vice and wherever else where they're complaining about the right-wing trolls "beating them in the memeosphere" or whatever.
It's the same story every time, and anons say the same thing every time.
this. the left is not about workers.
it's full of concepts like this.
about elites somehow guiding the unwashed masses. and just like feminism or the concept of privilege, there is no end in sight, no sign that will mean that we can stop trying to overcompensate oppression or letting the one party decide what we have to produce for the next five years.
unsurprisingly the most and most influential leftists ideologists had been and are jews.
i guess they really like the idea of a chosen people leading the inferior nations.
leftists always need to tell you exactly what to think. There can't be any room for interpretation, because this would lead to someone getting the "wrong" understanding. That's why leftist thought is full of all sorts of cultish babble and buzzwords that make no sense to anyone who's not initiated. Because they have to do mental gymnastics to come up with all sorts of bullshit ways to explain why everything is actually the opposite of what your lying eyes perceive.
Leftists need to tell you exactly what to think, or else it doesn't work. Perfect example is when Colbert talked about Trump firing Comey. As soon as he started his monologue with that, the audience started clapping and cheering. And he had to yell at them and instruct them that this was actually bad, not good. They have to be told what to think, or else the narrative falls apart.
Another example is pic-related. There isn't any impact font or any of that bullshit telling you what the picture "means". It's self-evident and you can figure it out for yourself
pepe is clearly thinking "feels good man".
damn straight
Dubs dubs speak the truth. Leftist can't meme because reality ultimately has a major right leaning bias the left can only exist after the right has made life easy enough for them to spawn.
Spoiler that shit.
Stop being an autistic faggot.
Lefties will redefine what bad memes. It will be so bad people will turn away from leftism just not to be associated with the.
It'll be the sonic to our mario they'll be shit memes but only the most autistic and furries will enjoy them just making them more shit.
you bets be joking, nigger. the classic genesis titles are GOAT
the term you're looking for is "poochie"
It's funny how they think this is something new. Satire and mischief have always been the bane of communists existence once it takes hold. Their control of the media works while they are rising but once they take hold they look fake, because they become an authority that is acting like it is not an authority. It's deceitful. We saw how pathetic Colbert was when he couldn't get the spine to stand up to Obama. He was no longer the merry jester reminding us that we are all human, he was a mouthpiece of the ruling authority. The right on the other hand, is real about what it is. It's an authority, and it takes itself seriously. It is not looking to deceive, it's putting it all out there and letting you know the rules of the game. Go figure, people feel like the stakes are more even and life is more fair when they are told what the rules are.
We are using the internet so there is some novelty to this, but we aren't really that far from Dada art (which was marxist) and reactionary art and activities that were leveled against totalitarian communist regimes in eastern europe.
Pepe actually reminds me of pic related. In Wroclaw Poland gnomes were placed in random parts of the city, to imply there was a presence, a presence that resisted the government and the ruling class. There was nothing illegal or violent about this. Cracking down on it would have made the regime look crazy and paranoid.
The gnomes were a meme that let people know they were not alone in a time when every effort was made to make the opposition feel they were insane and alone, and society didn't agree with them.
The problem is the left cannot do this now, we can even tell them what is happening and they can't counter it. They became the authority and they are still acting like the authority. To stop would be to give up their control of the media, and to lose the card they can still play.
>he importance of gnomes in Wrocław dates back to the Communist period, specifically the 1980s. What do gnomes have to do with communism I hear you ask? Well, in the late 1980s gnomes were the ‘calling card’ of an anti-communism movement called the Orange Alternative, an underground organisation that used absurdity to ridicule the government.
What can they do though? Make Trump look absurd? We do the same thing. We love it when he looks absurd, he almost does too.
this guy is a danger, we need to stop people like him.
All this analysis will get them nowhere. The left can't compete when it comes to meme production. Memes produced by Holla Forums work are effective because they are based on fundamental truths. No matter how proficient leftist meme producers become at their art, they are fighting an uphill battle; you simply cannot explain an abstract, reality-defying concept like Marxism without significant supporting verbiage. This is why leftypol memes are way too wordy. It's not just that they're trying too hard to sound intellectual (though many of those faggots do suffer from that), it's that the lower bound on the number of words required to get one's point across is far higher for concepts not based in fundamental truth. By comparison Holla Forums memes are short, sharp and to the point, and we will continue to utterly destroy them on that front.
This topic actually fascinates me due to highlighting the fundamental difference in how the right and the left think and must behave. I'm going to bang out a few points and see what you guys think. Feel free to add on or modify them, for a tl;dr, just read the last sentence.
Why the Left Can't Meme:
1. Sacred Cows
—I'm sure most of you have heard the phrase "Don't punch down, only punch up" but I don't think you've thought all of this through a the lens of the left. In short, you can't mock any of their protected groups, because you're never quite sure if you're about to cross a line and get thrown to the wolves. Look at writers fearing to write a complicated black or female character in comics, videogames, or movies. You see no complicated black or female or minority characters, you can not write a female character struggling being a single mom (can't criticize single moms, they're all wonderful), or a black Punisher who used to have a crack addiction but then decided to be an anti-hero and clean up his city to help his people. The Left, for playing the game of identity politics, has made it structurally impossible to write an oppressed group in any sort of negative light.
—What does that mean you ask? It means that the only safe demographic for mocking (attacking to the modern lefty, because words and violence are the same thing to them) is White people, mainly white men. You can't get too mean to women, depending on how the progressive stack is laid out that day. The only safe target, that won't get you attacked by your in group, is the group you're trying to reach.
—Look at Evergreen College, they're in the middle of a race war and commie revolt, the police are standing down, minorities are running around attacking groups of white people, and the Left can not criticize them. Have you seen anyone stand against what is going down? No one will.
—The modern left can never punch down, only up, limiting who they can mock. They are structurally incapable of mocking deserving people if they fit into an oppressed group. This can't be changed without completely tearing down identity politics. This is their roadblock #1.
2. Policing Language
—The modern Left is the best at policing language. Look at how they have made both legal and illegal immigration to be under the same term. They did that so those in their camp, due to rule one, can no longer criticize ANY immigration, because to do so would be punching down. That sets you up for their goal of uncontrolled immigration to destabilize countries. This alienates both LEGAL immigrants (who waited a fucking long time to become legal and hate those that jump the process) and people concerned about ILLEGAL immigration, because to do so violates Rule 1.
—In the scheme of memes, you're also limited to what you can and can not say. Remember them striding for inclusive language? Remember the Left screeching about not using 'offensive' words like faggot? You can never be sure what word or phrase will be offensive this week, severely limiting what you can say. There's no calling a faggot, a faggot. That's offensive to the gays. Can't call something retarded, that violates rule 1. That's why they come up with childish insults like piss baby, and things along those lines. They are unable to use strong language (and thus ideas) effectively for fear of being cast out of the ingroup.
—Due to the modern Left's obsession with identity politics and being PC, they are unable to use strong offensive language effectively. They are always limited to softer and lengthier insults like piss baby or a sentence or two to tear someone down. There is no calling someone a retarded faggot. This too, is a structural issue the Left can not get rid of without tearing down Rule 1.
3. Forcing Your Beliefs on the Reader.
–As pointed out by Lefty memes allow for no ambiguity and force their message down your throat. They have to ensure you get their message EXACTLY as they meant it and can't allow for badthink. The whole meme concept goes from being a funny image that can be understood (or enjoyed) quickly and shared like a virus. Something that has to get explained heavily doesn't have that. You shouldn't have to explain the minutia behind your meme. You can't turn a funny image into a dictation on what you should believe, overlaid over an image. It's not the same. This also can't be changed, because it's partly virtue signalling on the part of the meme creator and also dictating exactly what the reader should think. This leads to part 4.
4. Too Many Words.
—The average reader reads 200 wpm, or 3.3 words per second, and comprehends 60% of what's written, my autism post would take ~3-4 minutes to read for the slow pokes. Look at those fucking horrible communist memes (pic related). It's 55+ words long! The average normie will take 16-17 seconds to digest that entire meme. WHO LOOKS AT MEMES THAT LONG? Note that some of the most successful rightwing memes have 5-10 words, and can be digested in 2-3 seconds. The problem is due to rules 2 and 3, they're forced to use that many words to explain their images. The fact they can't call something retarded or gay or be offensive, means they're stuck using too many words. Combined with the fact that they love to circle jerk over their own 'intelligence' means they end up coming up with the longest and 'cute' way of telling someone to go to hell, it's just a way to circle jerk how smart they are. I'm sure you've seen the "go fuck a pineapple coated in razor blades and sea salt with vinegar as lube" tier posts/insults.
There's a ton more factors that go into it, but that's the biggest four as I see them. Then there's their inability to create and the fact they just copy other's memes, but that backfires too. Why stay around for shitty memes that are clones of good memes?
Another thing leftists love to do is block out anyone they deem "problematic" with block bots and the like. You can't spread your message to neutrals when you have them blocked despite never even running across them online or vice versa.
Twitter is a prime example of this at it's worst.
how fucking inept can you possibly be to be chasing a ghost that's not even there for this long?
oh yeah, right. Leftists have niggerlike groupthink instinct to either ((("innovate"))) off of our memes (fucking steal and make minor changes), usually creating a splay of unfunny and awkwardly paced jokes and brutally unsubtle forced political messages, and they have the rigger desire to be FUCKING SPOONFED THE JOKE/MESSAGE (Why often leftist memes will have paragraphs within the meme or within a description explaining the whole fucking thing)
Well, at least they're remaining consistent with their commie beliefs.
I agree 100% on that as well. But, I think that falls less into why lefties can't into memes, but why they can't spread them. But I agree, that's also why they can't spread them easily as well. They refuse to go talk to the "literal nazi's" (everyone to the right of Mao) and can't spread their memes.
Good posts user
Good insight. Thanks user.
Another issue with lefty memes is that they're not malleable. As we all know, proper organically-made memes always result in dozens or hundreds or even thousands of variations. You don't see that with lefty memes. Part of that is because they feel the very need to make specifically-designated "lefty memes". Whereas many "right wing memes" are just typical memes that right-wingers just so happen to use. They weren't designed from the ground up specifically to evangelize an ideology to someone. No one woke up one day and said "I'm going to take this stupid cartoon frog from an obscure comic and then make a poor drawing of it and make a bunch of edits involving Nazi imagery". The memes just organically reach that point.
I've said it time and again, without a functioning meme organ, the lefties will be feeling around in the dark.
Leftypol is a failure. Their memes are below Reddit-tier. They are a pale imitation. Perhaps they could one day co-opt this board, but memes themselves would still probably be beyond them.
Lol. They mean the CIA coopted anonymous?
Everything they do is gay and low energy.
This article was the gayest lowest energy thing ever produced.
Holla Forums memes a shit.
Also, how can you be a leftist and "politically incorrect?" Never understood that.
I've got bad news
Leftists can't meme because they're all uncool homosexual niggers divorced from reality. Effective memes are based on truth which is something the lefty mind is inherently unable to comprehend. While false memes like the holohoax can be propagated for a long time with enough brute force effort, they can't be propagated forever, and eventually fall apart.
Leftists don't understand that memes are not a subset of propaganda. Their ideas are worthless crap that don't work in reality, so their only way to promote them is through lies and tricks. They assume the right is doing the same thing they are, just with better techniques.
Here's the black pill for leftists: memes are not a propaganda technique, they are a reflection of the collective consciousness. Memes come AFTER minds are changed, not before. The spread of right wing memes means that leftists have already lost.
Memes resonates, they don't indoctrinate. Propaganda indoctrinates, it doesn't resonate.
does leftypol even have any memes? AFAIK they just take Holla Forums memes and then rebrand them
>happy merchant => porky even though they're one and the same, you retarded commie fucks
Best I can do is a shitty MSPaint edit for now.
And that is funnier than the original image by miles and all you did was make a Frankenstein's monster.
that last one it funny
this original is funnier than those things
couldn't agree more, its what got me on the right side was the stale created comedy content of the left was absolutely devoid of any form of creativity.
Pretty sure /leftypol stole those from the /fit-lit april fools crossover board.
Is there anything they don't try to steal? After all Communism is the ideology of stealing.
101 how to sound smart without being smart
How to steal ideas and get away with it - Holla Forums handbook
To be fair, Stirner is a decent meme. For leftists standards, it's an exceptional meme. I'll go so far as to say that I have yet to see a better leftist meme. So if Holla Forums came up with it, you have to give credit where credit is due.
They have a porky, but the image itself is ugly. In addition, it doesn't point to something people can relate to. Literally no one sees "the guy that owns the means of production" as porky, and couldn't do so no matter how much they tried. So it can hardly float by itself. As a counter-example, virtually everyone can relate a liberal to cuck, or a Jew to greed.
In fact, the Stirner meme as an image itself doesn't point to a single emotion or anything of the sort. It completely relies on your prior knowledge of what it's trying to communicate - so there is no Stirner meme without "spook".
That's the issue with leftist memes. They can't exist in and of themselves. They lack essence. But that's what you get when you deny human nature.
You can't expect a good analysis or even basic meme knowledge from a lefty, MUCH less a German lefty.
Jesus Christ this is so pathetic I assume that its true
This is also true.
There's also the creativity issue. Stirner isn't that great a meme tbqh. Atleast from what a google revealed. As you state, there's no image, no explanation, no spark.
very succintly put.
Stopped reading right here
Memes are truly the miracle of the white man.
Leftists are literally incapable of being funny - or likable.
See: leftists
Name one right-wing meme that isn't originally from another board or a cropped image of other cartoons and photos with a le happy merchant face by A. Wyatt Mann
leftists memes are cringy
Awoo>pepe tbh
Delete this
Found triggered Holla Forums!
Seriously though, your triggered posting highlights the difference in thought between the right-wing and the left-wing and to me it is hilarious. It's almost as if you understand the concept of an image macro but don't grasp the necessary parts to turn it into a meme. I'm still trying to figure out this distinction.
Actually, since you're here and booty blasted, explain what a meme is and what makes it good?
oh shit here comes that tranny from leftyfail acting like that little dweeb at school who's being picked on trying to stand up for xe'sself
Zorak memes are rare
Also why would anyone give you a list from the dank meme database? All you'd do is copy them and put some retarded forced leftist spin on it which would literally kill any joke or longevity it has
See: that bullshit trying to make Jeb! Into a Marxist or something.
Jeb! Is already the joke. You faggots have 0 sense of humor
photos with a le happy merchant face…
I've been meaning to do load space ghost coast to coast for a while now thanks for reminding me
Name one leftist meme that isn't an embarrassing failure. Don't worry, I'll wait forever :^)
It isn't originality that makes our memes work. It's the simple fact that they express truth. See this pic? All I did was find a screenshot and change the filename, yet it makes for a more effective meme then every leftist meme ever made combined. Why? Because it expresses reality.
Their shit looks like a chinese, knock off, cereal box. The text is advertising. Maybe that's there problem. They're taking an advertising approach to their shit. It makes no fucking sense.
I actually thought that was mocking their attempts at being Internet cool kids holy shit that's bad
That's a Holla Forums meme mocking Holla Forums memes, but it does a pretty good job of summing up why they fail
It's like you don't even understand the basics of memetic warfare. Originality is not a crucial factor at all, if anything memes function most effectively if they're complimented by a greater memeplex.
I'll give you guys a free tip: Information transfer through a balance of transcribing and stimuli is the crucial factor. Not only you have to understand how to structure the payload, but how the stimuli compliments and reinforces it.
Seems someone got triggered tonight.
Kurt holocausting himself, the Comey testimony backfiring, and us bullying their memes all in one day is probably way too much for the resident jews to bear
I just wanted the leftypol poster to respond.
They can't seem to differentiate between earworms and propaganda. That's another thing the super far left can't do, there's no shitposting. Just raiding.
Haha holy shit Holla Forums truly is a reactionary board offering little to no substance or prudence in their ideology except to turn back to the early 20th century. Tell me, what exactly makes you think being a purity spiralist is going to accomplish if you scream to your kike mods about people challenging your beliefs? Do you think you're going to gain any momentum in shifting the pendulum to the right by banning or calling your opponents kike shills? If so, then I guess we're witnessing the results of fascism the world has been warning us about. Explain to me why Holla Forums thinks everything made beyond the 1950's is degenerate? Are games degenerate? Are movies degenerate? Is the internet degenerate!? I can't seem to figure out how exactly this type of thinking will progress the white race to greater technological discoveries or beyond the stars. If you can, please tell me.
Hmmmm… I guess that makes sense. Have an upboat my fellow MAGApede :^)
Also, I remember now; there's the Yeb! and WE WUZ KANGZ meme. Those were pretty fucking hilarious.
pathetic. so much that I can't tell if you're baiting or not. for your sake I hope you're baiting.
He returns!
Before I refute you, why did you never answer a simple question? What makes a good meme?
Whichever meme gets the front page of Reddit, duh!
7d2c79 is a big fat mess either way
But I did glance the last part and you said something about up voting and "magapedes", whatever the Fuck that means. Always you don't belong here and I promptly reported you for being a gigantic faggot
Degeneracy is anything that's harmful to the fabric of society. It's also a meme you dip.
I'm saving this and posting it somewhere else because it is funny.
t. guy who wants to laugh at commies for not grasping such a simple and obvious truth about memes
You've hilariously proven my premises above to be true.
This goes back to my idea of your policing of language, you have no real insults besides a canned "reactionaries" insult. What does that even mean? How do you define that? It only means anything to your ingroup and means nothing to your outgroup. How is reactionary a bad thing? Is that not how most people go through life? Reacting to external stimuli? Or is reactionary bad to you people because they get in the way of your goal of implementing a utopia?
You're also proving to me my other premise, that I was trying to explore with you previously. I'm 100% convinced you people don't understand the concept of a shitpost. Claiming there is no substance on this board is a disingenuous at best.
See above. What does a "purity spiralist" even mean? You're once again using coded language that's only accessible to your ingroup.
I was the one attempting to engage you. You're the one autistically screeching all over the place, offering nothing of substance.
I mean, we president now. So it appears to have worked.
Citation needed.
Explore this REEEEEE further. It's sort of putting together the chunks I was wanting to explore, but please continue.
Kek, I'm not even white.
I made a comparison between normal people and Jews way back, and it hits on this point. Basically, I argued that Jews were unable to create, that they were at best really good copiers. This is pretty plain in art, literature and music. Pretty rarely has a Jew caused a paradigm shift, but they are aces at recognizing and seizing the opportunity to recreate that energy and monetize it. Ludwig Wittgenstein, who was Jewish and a student of Bertrand Russell and pretty well regarded in academia and philosophy made almost exactly the same point that you and I did, but regarding Jews specifically, not leftists in general, saying Jews were at best saints and at worst reproducers, never producers. He considered himself a reproducer, specifically in philosophy. I think it's an interesting point and if we can agree the influence Jews have had on leftism and therefore contemporary mainstream thought, then your post is all the more true.
Haha and who do you supposed got Trump that presidency, the youth of today,? If boomercucks and the white working class weren't around, there'd be no Republican Party at all, and both of those demographics will be removed through time via death or obsoletion.
Then why are you even here?
With pleasure. Of all the greatest technological and artistic wonders scientists, engineers and artists have accomplished (e.g. Amadeus Mozart, rocket scientists, Vince van Gogh, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc) majority have been predominantly left-wing leaning.
FYI, I'm not from (((Holla Forums))) but I have been browsing there for a bit now and most of the things they've said I'm posting here because I seriously don't have a rebuttal against these claims
I wholeheartedly disagree. In philosophy, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, Hegel (debatably right leaning), Schopenahuer are some of the biggest and most foundational thinkers, all are right leaning. In music, Wagner is obvious as one of the most important people in music ever, as well as Bach and Chopin. All were right leaning and were incredibly influential. In writing, Ezra Pound, whose overall effect on literature cannot be stated enough through his promotion of Joyce and Hemingway, was a literal fascist who wrote anti Jewish radio ads for Italy during WWII. In film, I can at least point to non-Jews as being some of the greatest, Lynch, Coppola, Scorsese.
You've still not answered my question. What makes a meme, good? That's the entire point of this thread.
It's the jew to explain why they can never seem to create is too simplistic. I'll look up Wittgenstein and see. That's a rather interesting point.
Were they the actual examples they gave of great left-wing minds? Nazi rocket scientists and Steve Jobs?
To rebut, I've now asked you to respond to my question for the third time. Enlighten me.
You STILL keep proving my original premises correct. You offer nothing of substance, just buzzwords and ignoring any of the actual discussions. You seem to latch on to the concept that you can throw buzzwords at.
Watching your brother ride to work in an Armored Personnel Carrier every morning because commies keep trying to purge people makes you really hate commies. Also, you guys are more interested in seeking objective truth than left leaning places. Less ban (purge) any opinion I disagree with.
Why is it written with the Spongebob title card font
Someone screencap these
A good meme is a meme in which an element of a culture or system of behavior is shareable and highly relatable to a mass audience.
The creation of this probably went something like this
If you've looked into the kikeboom memepage part of the internet, you'll have noticed that many of these people think memes are just "lol so random xD" shit that is ironically funny because it's shit. So they circlejerk each other's shitty unfunny meme because they think it makes them part of the cool kids crowd. Lots of leftist memers are stupid teenagers who basically view memes as a subculture. They post that shit to signal how edgy and alternative they are.
That dude's a tranny with a patreon.
Fuck off you commie fat jewish nigger faggot
What animu is this from?
Yeah, those German socialists after the 2nd world war.
This is what they do.They study you,learn you tactics and co-opt them.
Stirner could be easily appropriated.
Racism is a spook.
End of Stirner.
The problem with leftist memes is they keep throwing millions of dollars and marketing departments at them and A/B testing them with normalfags that don't know shit. The resulting product is some overproduced shit that causes second hand embarrassment.
You can't astroturf memes they have to be organic. They have to pass through the crucible. Holla Forums has a crucible hence they're able to make some memes atleast. The left is so used to throwing money at the problem because they control all the institutions and have international capital behind them but that doesn't work here.
I asked Holla Forums once if anti racism is a spook and they said it is. If the left wants to fight on the grounds of nihilism we can fight them there too. All we have to do is show that racial interests for whites offers more material benefits than class interests.
Wait, holdup, that's REAL?! I thought that was something we made to make fun of leftist memes, not an actual in-the-wild shit leftist meme.
It's not real, you faggot.>Stirner could be easily appropriated.
I'm pretty sure it's real. They just fell for the irony meme.
You're making a false assumption. Literally not one person here has claimed that (outside of jest). I can't really answer that when you're making up fake news.
Many, yes.
Many, yes.
Much of it, yes.
The above devices are not inherently degenerate; most things aren't degenerate. How they're used, however, certainly can determine if they will be. Is sex degenerate? No. Is promoting sex to be an interracial orgy where women should cuckold their husbands because they're bored? Yes. Why? Its endgame - its intent to erode the vital fabric of society on a macro level and on a micro level, the family. Is music degenerate? No, music is a beautiful thing which -can- blend together technical proficiency with emotion. Music can change perception and cause great communal joy. Is bastardizing music into a marketing campaign aimed at the young and stupid to open a pathway to blind consumerism and hedonism degenerate? What do you think I'd say?
Most who have a triple digit IQ know why they refer to something as degenerate. The world is not black and white for the most part. It's understanding the shade of grey in the context of the situation. If I cared only about tomorrow I'd say to throw caution to the wind and not worry about a thing; be as degenerate as you want as beyond that nothing can be seen. I do have a vague sense beyond that, however… at least a sense of what I wish to see come to fruition. It's not for me and it's not even for anyone reading this here today. It's for their kids, and those who follow them. They won't nor should they be expected to be perfect just as those who came before. What they should be is better and growing ever stronger. It's mutually exclusive to grow stronger and to act in a way which is and promotes a regressive state of being.
He's a master bater.
actually no, he's a leviathan faggot.
Leftist memes absolutely suck, they fall into 1 of 3 categories.
1. Normal situation that somehow leads to a person discovering some leftist mantra. Example.
Just take any random situation and somehow insert a lengthy leftist talking point.
They do this because leftism isn't natural, and the only way to convey your contradictory and over-rationalized idea is to literally spell it out exactly how you want the viewer to digest it. For these memes, there are no room for interpretation, so they can't be spread organically. They're dead in the water.
2. Condescending smugness over people who have ideas and convictions.
These memes don't convey leftist ideals in any convincing way, they're usually used in an attempt to disarm their opponents.
3. Stealing rightist memes, just adding their own characters in their place.
This is self explanatory. They're never as effective as the originals.
I seriously hope they are successful. They're so retarded they think that from the ashes of white western society, a communist rainbow utopia of drug addicted degenerates and 80iq non-whites will prevail over white fascism.
No, they could choose different ways to convey that. I think when they include that weird "commie propaganda out of nowhere" thing in their memes, it's the leftist drawing a parallel to the way he gets brainwashed by cultural marxism on a daily basis and it's a secret cry for help.
It's a /lit/ meme but they're also leftist cockroaches.
Hijacking the Stirner meme appears to make them bothered
Leftists are terrible at memes because what they create doesn't appeal to humor, they take jokes way too seriously then they go off on tangents. Their specialty is in creating generic and mundane content that everyone can relate to which greatly reduces quality and appeals to the lowest common denominator. Think about how kikes mutilated contemporary art and spawned modern art: the entire ordeal was about finding ways to make a mockery of asthetic values and to provide a channel for money laundering. The biggest names in the art world try to appeal to (((buyers and critics with deep pockets))) most of which are degenerates looking to spread and normalize their perversions among common men. Pornographic art appeals to the basest instincts, there is no need to communicate an idea when all they were trying to appeal to is muh dick or pander to sexual identity crowd if it happens to relate to their strokes
Humor and tragedy go hand in hand, when you try to appeal to everyone and avoid offending any particular person how can you be surprised that nobody finds a joke funny? So what do they do? Out of desparation they attempt to mock something vague or pander with some obscure in group joke nobody understands. They will mock culture, or subcultures but not out of intent of causing humor; they are compelled to go into cultural critic mode which is part of the reason that their jokes self derrail. Jews encourage leftists to do this to change the views and ideas of those digesting thr meme or joke. There lies the main problem: their priority is on subversively altering someones ideas instead of making them laugh. Humor is a great way of forming groups, it takes a certain charisma to do, but when it is used to absorb someone through some borg like mechanism by bullying or criticisi g others for having different views then it fails horribly and reveals nefarious intent.
This is a good post. At some point the left lost its grip on comedy.
Back in the day comedy was almost entirely left. You had Hicks and Carlin ranting at THE MAN, and then you had comedians and tv shows copying what they tried to do. All the while you had anons on Holla Forums who, for whatever reason, were some of the funniest motherfuckers who ever lived. Their total disregard for decency gave their jokes an edge that was both repulsive and attractive. Holla Forums is nobody's home, though, and eventually anons would migrate to other boards. Some went to /a/, some went to Holla Forums, and a lot went to /new/ and Holla Forums.
These user "comedians" had mastered their art in an atmosphere where their crowd was all hecklers. There wasn't a single user who didn't relish the chance to call OP a faggot. These anons forged their jokes in the fires of Mount Doom, where a single misstep would label them a total faggot.
While this was happening, comedians in (((college))) were growing up on Jon Stewart and SNL, and the media they consumed never really challenged them. Maybe a drunk guy would call them a faggot and they'd stutter, and think up a snarky comeback for the next time it happened. That was it, though. Their plan over controlling the room was based on the idea that the majority agreed with them anyway. All the while anons were honing their edge in the brutal gauntlet of imageboards, and then spreading their genius to the outside world.
There's a general unspoken rule with stand-up comedians that people who haven't bombed a hundred times aren't really comedians. They're just poser wannabes who aren't that funny. That's how a lot of anons see the world. Just look at the term "normalfag". We see them as hacky nobodies who never really went through the hazing rituals. They are weak and unfunny because their version of comedy is like telling a focus group some twitter snark and rating their reactions.
The whole time these Peter Cofin college retards are researching comedy and writing essays on Pryor, anons have been sitting in the dark, calling each other niggerkikes, and finetuning their cruelty to the point even catladies can't help but crack up at the savagery of Holla Forums.
I'm pretty sure this is from one of the "Try to make a meme worse than a leftist" threads
that one girl who makes memes akin to lettuce dog had some sort of severe mental breakdown a while ago and recently came back but with much tamer content, but it is still shite
They try to hijack our memes all the time and the one time they see their meme being used against them they throw stroke out and sperg.
Dubs checked, and yeah I've noticed that part about "cute" insults. It's like they have Roget's Thesaurus open on their lap when they're arguing with someone online.
leftypol didn't grow up being old school Holla Forumstards while a lot of us here at Holla Forums did. That's why we're a lot more funny and witty.
Newfags were a mistake
Another factor is that their brains have been so rotted by talmudvision they think they can win any argument by coming up with a "funny" zinger because that's how it works on the Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, etc. etc.
Some anons say leftists are children but that's wrong. They're retarded children, which is an important distinction.
You find this in writing, coding, and pretty much any other creative endeavor. Leftists who consumed good video games, books, and decent TV and movies, did not go through everything those programmers and writers did
to acquire their skills. They are now in the business, and just ape the few nuggets they can remember, and fill in the blanks with complete shit. For example, no matter who you are, you cannot deny that the Simpsons was a far better show a very long time ago. Similarly, "retro" indie games are universally shit, as they're not fun to play, have mismatched visual styles and PIXEL SIZES, and are full of leftist drivel. Another thing that may be relevant in the creation of memes, is that as humor is developed as a coping method for suffering, and apparently honed to a keen edge through more suffering, the left (barring a few to prove the rule) cannot understand comedy, much less create it.
The biggest reason why the left can't meme is because of how sanctimonious they are, even when they're scolding you.
Semi-unrelated, here's a part of IRC chat where a liberal mod chews out some poor wanker who brought up "With Open Gates" a few months earlier:
>21:27:12 I try not to actually stay mad at people, and kind of hoped youd take the experience as a chance to fucking educate yourself
>21:28:05 to not talk to you, or something like that?
>21:28:30 no, about the racist ass shit you were dumping in here.
>21:28:51 Yeah, I stopped spouting that.
>21:29:02 I thought I already apologized for it
>21:30:35 If I haven't, well I do now.
>21:31:14 Im really just kind of tired of your attention grabby shit honestly
>21:32:01 I'm trying to avoid it
>21:32:07 I just want to be nice is all
>21:32:10 come on tox give guy a break
>22:42:31 because apparently he needs my acceptance to feel validated
>22:46:43 You're both being stubborn and immature. He's trying to prove he's not a racist and his privlege is checked, and you're pushing it and dangling your acceptance as a reward for him proving it.
>22:38:03 It would HELP to show some kind of effort to learn something about another culture or something, so far youve given us nothing. I mean TBH you seem to thrive on having other people's acceptance and it still strikes me as incredibly immature
>22:41:11 You can't force people to learn about other cultures and using it as a punishment or a requirement for a "not racist" badge is the most racist shit I've ever heard. If you really want to learn about other cultures, there has to be a genuine desire there.
>22:41:45 I dunno then, Heim doesnt have to prove shit. he just thinks he does
Leftist accelerationism makes absolutely no sense to me.
It also doesn't help that they no qualms with alienating the vast majority of people.
Creating a meme is science and art. For all their art degrees they certainly get the science, but don't get the art.
Let's pray their autism exacerbates to the point where even KYM-tier center-lefties get redpilled with ease.
Their memes always make me cringe because it's like Dada meeting some shitty, overlabeled political cartoon. All the time they spend writing their dissertations next to clipart images could be spent actually having discussions with people. Their entire approach to memeing makes their ideology inaccessible to most people.
Why were you on a gay IRC in the first place?
Tell me about leftist code, user.
Well, they just admitted that they're purposely trying to hurt the government as a slimy kike 'accelerationists'. That they're openly trying to use the system against itself.
Has anybody actually read Striner? I've only read a bit of it and it makes me laugh with delight.
Sorry, deceitfully. Openly would mean the right wingers who say so. The ones who are honest and don't make excuses.
related cap
You do realize we still live in an age where people have the mental gymnastics to shrug off confirmed facts and real quotes?
initially for nanquest Q&A, stayed they were good artists and pretty nice for the most part, save for some mods and people. That snippet of log was from 2015-ish, I just thought it was relevant.
The left depends on a feminine sort of acceptance. That is, men taking interest and feigning interest only for the sake of pussy. But, male leftists don't have pussies.
This is an amazing point i've never thought about. We grew up surrounded by leftist propaganda and television telling us we were badthink and wrongpeople. The left grew up in a bubble, and now they're big fat toddlers who think throwing a tantrum will make people like them, because gibs = happywant.
Most /leftpol/ memes come off as
and until you understand both of the above memes its back in the oven.
This is an absolute kind of disgusting
Kill yourself Holla Forums faggot.
Of coursh, they are some of the most pathetic individuals in society and are unaware of themselves. This is why their memes suck and are only adopted by brain dead parrots.
An example is that now that they are in control of the Cathedral, the fact the elites go unpunished for their pizzagate crimes, deterioration of society, economys loss of manufacturing, devalue of the dollar, is all on them. You can't blame nazis for pedowood and pizzagate, endless wars, rampant unpunishes criminal behavior, breakdown of social relationships, anger, and instability, Politicans avoid nazis like they avoid reform and ethics. Yet they do everything they can to appease the left.
They ARE the reason everything they hate is happening.
Reminds me of my mental case landlady. Bad liar, hilariously inept gaslighter, and doubles down on obvious bullshit.
Not sure what trying to relay info about dishonest, slimy kikes being open about their dishonesty is gonna do to people who're ensnared in their own bread and circuses, but it's a start.
Suisei no Gargantia. With the exception of some autistic Japanese non-violence injection in the beginning, it's pretty based.
I'm not a programmer, but I can point you to Holla Forums and their woes with what happened to Github being compromised by the left. Look up "sarcasm" in the Holla Forums catalog for one example posted here, if the thread hasn't expired yet.
Probably no coincidence that some of the best comedians abused drugs, and overdosed or otherwise committed suicide, if something or someone else didn't kill them before they had the chance. Bill Hicks, Sam Kinison, Mitch Hedberg, Robin Williams, and George Carlin, to name a few. I don't claim to know them through anything other than recordings of their shows, but it seems that most only wore a clown's mask.
You're a retard if you don't think modern Communism and Capitalism aren't both Jewish.
I think you're right.
That third picture is perfect. 100% sums up Holla Forums, antifa, and every other retarded false opposition leftist group.
I have no idea how Holla Forums came to the conclusion that Stirner was their guy.
How can you seize the production?
You'd have to look into the abyss and we all know that once they do…
The left is dead. You're being swallowed more and more into the abyss the more you fight us.
Been banned like 20 times there. The mods are fucking triggered as fuck when you start screwing with their heads.
I've read a little.
And it seems that everything he doesn't like is a spook.
No objectivity. The universe doesn't exist.
I wish it was so, but the reality is that the universe is our prison. Objectivity our jail cell.
Here's the problem with Holla Forums.
Everytime something is not in their marxist tomes it's a spook.
They have little self reflection.
The irony is that they are the ones with ego. Not us.
I used to think this was just talk. Now I'm a frog-worshipping nazi.
Holla Forums is stronk because it can laugh at itself while calling everyone else a nigger.
How the fuck do they even define what a spook is? What's a spook?
Once again, their memes are inaccessible to the outgroup.
No, dumbass. These things are not inherently degenerate, but they are often used to push degenerate propaganda.
Mostly Nazis
You really can't get any more retarded, user.
Words are prejudices. Prejudices measure patterns imperfectly and symbolize them. Nothing in the world is perfect, so words do the same thing. The left cannot use words that reflect things about the world because they cannot utilize prejudice.
Am I the only one who is finding this exasperating to read now? It was funny the first couple times now its just nonsense stuffed with big words to try to… I don't even know or care.
English degree being put to good use I see. What the fuck does this shit even mean? Do they even know? How do they seriously write this without feeling like a enormous faggot? Wake me when they figure out baneposting.
It's like poetry.
It's unnecessarily complicated writing. An English professor would kick the writer's ass for not keeping it simple
The text serves actually a very good purpose. Go out and give this text to the kind whose reaction was laughter at the memetic warfare article from wired or salon or whatever. The site is so outward lefty-weirdness, they either shrug or read in awe, for the text is quite intimidating in content and despair.
Normal jargon in such (((circles))), but astonishingly, the German translation is better.
Blut und Boden-Memes, alaaf!
proof from Holla Forums
It's just that this article is particularly low energy. There's stuff like
I'm still waiting for the moment where anti-Alex Jones appears in this universe and starts yelling about how the world is being taken over by the alt-right and their mind-altering memes.
And as the destruction of the West progresses, the style will get darker, stronger and more agile by every month.
It is a blessing that these psychotic control freaks haven't tapped into the propaganda value or potential of cute anthro artwork, lest they develop anything remotely as charming as anime. It would help them a lot since most of the people who draw like this are also humongous leftists, and it'd be their best bet since trying to co-opt our memes would only result in their failure at best.
Holy shit are these bad.
why is it leftists cant fucking resist writing entire manifestos into their memes?
They try with their webcomics and other shit to make them cute. But they can't resist wordswordswords, egocentric self-inserts characters, and hamfisted morals "lessons" demonstrated through strawmen. Were as this is just a nazi cuteface marching with funny german music. This is the difference people were talking about ITT. Compare that to something like assmale. not that this abomination is cute, but I bet the author thinks it is
well this thread got ruined
not on my watch, pal
go back to reddit and/or Holla Forums
This. The closest "the left" has to a successful memeosphere is actually the whole Kekistan shit, which is just a heretical secular offshoot of Orthodox Kekism with all the esoteric bits removed. And unfortunately for antifa and the global jew, the moderate lefties who control that sphere are closer to lolbertarians than anything else, and their only political motivation is to be able to shitpost freely.
The greatest thing about it is, since they use 90% of the same iconography that we do, they get to take a lot of heat for being transphobic nazis or whatever, and when normalfags see the way they get attacked for literally nothing, it turns them against the marxists, even if it doesn't actually redpill anybody on the big issues. Just always remember, the vast majority of humans will never hold strong political beliefs, and power lies in the hands of the few who can turn the moderate hordes against their enemies.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, alt-kike cuck
those fuckers just repackage /lit/ memes and somehow make them unfunny, stirner posting was hilarious 5+ years ago, now I have to think about Holla Forums ruining it
first problem is that leftists think they can "make" memes, No one can "make" memes as they come naturaly, This is the main reason why they're all shit.
Good thing it hasn't been applied on a bigger scale like say, on television, movies, comics, vidya, or practically anywhere that isn't their tumblr blog. If CalArts made artwork like this or better the standard instead of potato face noodlearm, they'd have a much easier time pushing whatever degenerate agenda they're paid to distribute although i'd doubt Holla Forums would fall for it since they actually look deeper into cartoons/comics past the artstyle. It's the reason why bronies exist and autists fell for undertale, it's solely because of the cute factor alone that placates them.
Since the left can't exactly be trusted to come up with new ideas nor execute them, we should try and co-opt this gushable, sweet art style for meme purposes. We've already got anime as a base or roots to begin from, what's the harm in branching out to take over another kind of artstyle?
It's missing something but I cant place it
You can't be worksafe and make good memes.
The abyss looks also into you. Now pet Mr. Niggerman and drink your milk.
Plot and characterization?
Contrast with characters showing a hard-edged/boxy masculine aesthetic?
I'd say there's no harm in it, but you'd have to actually find some artists that work in that style and are reactionary. It's not like a comic is something that can simply be conjured from the void. Even finding a visual artist doesn't mean you've found someone capable of holding up the literary end.
It's really shocking to me just how unable leftists are at perceiving jews. I bet if their jew-dar was just one tick higher they would start putting the pieces together.
They think the brown people will do it for them. No, seriously. If enough brown people enter it doesn't matter what laws are in place, they will finally get their "revolution".
Leftist foot soldiers are just mindless goons. Their ideology is irrelevant. They're just the foot soldiers of the Jews. I'd die to prevent the Jews from winning, but it certainly would be amusing to watch their faces when the Jews no longer needed them and just executed them.
but still the point is that leftists suck because they suck, not because someone else oppressed them
and if left to their own devices, they would still suck
fuck i hate leftist parasites so much
Leftypol is divide-and-conquer bullshit brought to you by the same people who would have you believe that President Woodrow Wilson Hotel is an anomalous coincidence. Only normies are dumb enough for that shit and normies don't do Holla Forums, so it can be safely assumed that every poster over there is a shill.
N-nobody can be this dumb. Please tell me nobody is this dumb.
Yup. Might as well post some CTR anti-Trump memes
This is bad, how, again?
May I ask for the context of those two witches, please?
But thats not a Holla Forums meme thats a 4chan /fit/ meme
Best post in the thread mate.
Needs more (you)'s
This is satire. R-right?
While I don't doubt that writing isn't an easy feat, what I tried to nab at is the lack of reactionaries who draw all cutesy-like.
Oh, you like them?
Shit user, sorry for the late reply…!
I was pointing out that being a reactionary and having drafting skills aren't the only qualifications for becoming an effective propagandist. In fact, part of what is crippling the potential of our enemies is their own pride as complete ideologue-artist packages. Meanwhile when you look at the professional industry, East or West, there are many examples of highly beneficial collaboration of graphic artist and writer. It's truly rare for an individual to be skilled in both areas.
In any case, I think what you mention can be attributed more to the lack of reactionaries in all regards, or at least to the silencing of active reactionaries and the disincentive for reactionaries to become active. In my case, my yet-to-even-begin career is over the moment one of our enemy's finds some brain cells to rub together and parse out the themes underlying my work.
Sorry for missing this, I thought that the propagandists would be giving the artists directions on what to draw and such; What I meant is that it's a blessing that the enemy hasn't picked up the cute endearing artists to use as artists for their propaganda machine. As for our enemy growing a brain, I honestly wouldn't worry about them being able to properly dissect one of our older memes, let alone esoteric kekism nor our works. We should be fine until Sweden becomes as brown as the dirt they tread upon.
No user did not achieve communism, he became a filthy kulak and would have been murdered for his self-sufficiency.
holy shit this guy is a dumbass
The best part of this article is… it does not dawn on the author that we are more "pure communist" then the left at the point. We do it all for free, while the left does it for the money.
It's fine user! Thank you!
Poland is so underrated.
That second pic…
Can I join? I hate commies!
Why, you like them as much as I do, think they're adorbs? Here's a few more before I spoil myself.
10/10 would laugh again. More ike this and you might stop being shit at comedy Holla Forums
Why didn't they stick with songs like this?
Another thing is that leftist TV/YouTube shows are almost always the comedy/entertainment shows.
It is impossible to have a serious leftist show, because they don't have any real thoughts that worth to be spread.
The only thing they can do is to cooperate on the basis of their common misery and degeneration and attack everybody else in the pursuit of power.
Another thing is that leftist TV/YouTube shows are almost always the comedy/entertainment shows.
It is impossible to have a serious leftist show, because they don't have any real thoughts that worth to be spread.
The only thing they can do is to cooperate on the basis of their common misery and degeneration and attack everybody else in the pursuit of power.
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However will we function as a society if we don't respect the feelings of powerless, whiny, petulant, middle-class shits and the soccer-mom cunts that brought them into this world?
Unabomber was right when he said Leftists don't like people who don't depend from someone to stay fed. They talk so much about the owning class being parasites, but at the end their only goal is becoming the parasite themselves.
Many of them take humanities at university; that is not to say that humanistic pursuits are bad in itself, but rather that since marxists left workers behind for students, they completely lost the little value they had in society and now simply act as an academic priestly caste that act as if their commandments are somewhat "useful" for society, with an implicit mantra in their heads saying:
I've never understood why they couldn't make that connection. They're okay with autistically screeching "down with the STRAIGHT WHITE MALE capitalists" but will always, almost to the point of doing it intentionally, ignore big banks and Jewish businesses.
The symbolism is actually quite apt, but they couldn't make it meaningful enough to be effective.
The kikes are the ones indoctrinating them. They aren't about to program their golems to turn on them. Although a number of their golems still turned on Israel lel
Oh wow you really are a fucking newfag. Pic related, there are tons.
Some of them are pretty lousy.
Though the cholera outbreak may have been avoidable.
Nice reading comprehension faggot. That's LITERALLY what I said. That we don't sit around making "specifically-designed right wing memes". They're just memes we organically use and evolved over time.
Meanwhile the leftycucks are sitting around trying to draft up ways to peddle their ideology to non-commies. And it falls flat every time. It's the very essence of forced vs organic meme.
When you try to point out the obvious connection between "rich evil capitalist who fucks everyone else over" and the jews, they just write it off as a spook and point out a single white capitalist like Rockefeller, as if that disproves the link between Jews and everything they allegedly stand against.
They can't admit that jews are the problem, because so many commies and marxists - the people they worship - are jews. It'd create too much cognitive dissonance for them to admit it. They'd have to come to terms that communism is just another form of jewish control, no different than corporatist central banking cartel bullshit we have in the modern day.
I agree with everything being said; some more points:
Irony: the left calls us "reactionary", when at least in regard to memes it is they who are constantly forced into a reactionary posture; they're reacting to us.
you know what I mean
This leads to a point about creativity; creative types are always attracted to taboos, because they are constantly on the look out for content which is aesthetically compelling, and care not a whit about offending others, etc. The left, slowly having become orthodoxy over the last century, now has no dark side of its own to mine, and thus most of the innovative creative types are shifting right.
I do not agree that these types will eventually become a threat. They are literal sheep who could not hurt a fly, and would change their "beliefs" in an instant if it meant saving their pathetic existence. I do not think they can be co-opted toward ANY productive task; as Nietzsche has said, TYPES of people are fundamental; in a just society, THESE types would get a bullet, not a chance to be scared shitless of real men of the west and their memes. Leftism is a not-so-subtle form of self-hatred, and they've got the bug bad; self hatred breeds more apathy than most can imagine, driving some leftists to an almost catatonic state of depression, and someone in that state is not very useful for anything. I think the greater threat will come from professional motivated state employed propagandists at CIA, FBI, all major news networks, etc.
Pretty sure that's one of ours. That meme usually mandates an overexplained wall of text, that one's on the short side.
That got me thinking. Leftism has been said as having a connection with feminine characteristics, and females always obsess on finding fault with themselves in front of a mirror, a great example would be women who call themselves fat when they're just slightly T H I C C but with some muscle. That could certainly be a form of attention whoring, but most women who do it seem to do it unironically. Unfortunately instead of trying to improve their situation like men and their testosterone fueled mindset would, they instead scream for acceptance while still dreaming about having a beach ready body but do nothing about it. So they want to be desired by men as well but without making any effort to merit being desired by men, and try to change the system so that rejects like them are put on pedestals instead, or at least considered equivalent to 10/10 waifus; much like how leftists want to be the captains of industry but without actually having to spend any money or actual industrious effort to reach that point. It is all based on self hatred - deep down inside they realize their deficiencies but they hate themselves just enough to not want to improve and instead try to pull everyone else to their level or beneath them, as some sort of twisted revenge.
Some of our memes have lots of WORDS WORDS WORDS but usually it's on purpose for comedic effect, such as pic-related.
Leftist memes don't work because you have to be brainwashed as 2+2=5 to actually believe what they do, and their worldview is so fucked up that humor can only be delivered to them through the electric Jew. Every viewpoint they have has been force fed to them, and thinking outside the box they've been placed in is way too hard to handle, so all their memes are just the same unenergetic stuff repeating back and forth. Also, any jokes they come up with are tailored to be as inclusive as possible: they need to be dumb enough for niggers to understand, shallow enough so women can get the joke, being considerate enough not to cast anyone in the group in a bad light etc.
In a broader sense, marxists require special coded language to operate, whether its in online discussion or memes or whatever. Just look at Holla Forums, or r/anarchism, or anywhere else. They use insular terminology based on the writing of marx and others that is totally unintelligible to outsiders. It's how they mark themselves as being part of the "in-group" and they constantly try to one-up each other with implications of "I'm so much better than the rest of you comrades because I read more Stirner than you". It also makes it hard to actually reach out and debate them, because they'll just throw out a bunch of code language that you'd only know if you were a marxist yourself, and then they scoff when you don't "get it". A really basic example is how they'll sperg out because you "misuse" terms like bolshevism/communism/socialism, which they then use to deflect the conversation and act high-and-mighty because you don't know the intricate differences between maoism and leninism, even if it's completely irrelevant to the conversation being had.
Anyway, this completely neuters their ability to make memes. They require all this jargon because it helps mask the cognitive dissonance of how their ideas make absolutely no sense if they're spelled out plainly. But no one outside their own groups understands their commie-speak. So this results in only two outcomes when it comes to memes:
1) make somewhat concise memes, but no one understands them because they're written in commie jargon that non-commies don't understand
2) make memes that use language understandable to regular people, but in order to try to explain their ideology, they have to write paragraph after paragraph of contradictory bullshit.
Authorities like Marx and Lenin are stand-ins for when reality is unpleasant. They appeal to what they think is powerful.
Why learn about the idea of 'picking' fruit, if you have a tractor? They think work is beneath them.
They didn't. Stirner is an old /lit/ meme. None of Holla Forums's popular memes actually originated on Holla Forums.
And all the conciousness they put to use by making their memes appeal to non-sentient blacks and women by putting rappers next to Zizek or whatever is such a waste, because none of them can even comprehend that anyway. No normal person wants to read that shit, because they know it will give them a neurological disease like all the mentally brain-damaged figureheads for the movements they represent.
It's almost like their memes are just another form of compulsory virtue signalling, meant to prove how intelligent and thoughtful they are, instead of to spread concrete ideas and humor.
Them dubs be confirming, hard!
Well put. Normalfags will NEVER be able to be this funny.
This is the kind of shit that's so retarded I don't even know how to respond to it.
Their logic is simple. Capitalism is when people trade private property. People have been trading private property since forever. Since that's been happening forever and in every location, literally everything bad that's ever happened as been under Capitalism and caused by Capitalism.
Jean Raspail captures the essential difference in Camp of the Saints long before memes even existed
"They stood by the five tanks of the Second Hussars, Chamborant Regiment, lined up in the garden outside the villa, under the pines. Two drummers, two buglers. Not much of a band. But there in the darkness they were loud as an army. Picture the scene. Moments after midnight, taps blaring out by the light of the moon. Pure theater! “Oh, that tugs at the heart!” moaned Undersecretary Perret, half in jest. The colonel was smiling too. A big, broad grin. Jubilation all around. The ones who truly love their traditions don’t take them too seriously. They march to get their heads shot off with a joke on their lips. And the reason is that they know they’re going to die for something intangible, something sprung from their fancy, half humor, half humbug. Or perhaps it’s a little more subtle. Perhaps hidden away in their fancy is that pride of the blueblood, who refuses to look foolish by fighting for an idea, and so he cloaks it with bugle calls that tug at the heart, with empty mottoes and useless gold trim, and allows himself the supreme delight of giving his life for an utter masquerade. That’s something the Left has never understood, and that’s why its contempt is so heavy with hate. When it spits on the flag, or tries to piss out the eternal flame, when it hoots at the old farts loping by in their berets, or yells “Women’s Lib!” outside the church, at an old-fashioned wedding (to cite just some basic examples), it does so in such a grim, serious manner—like such “pompous assholes,” as the Left would put it, if only it could judge. The true Right is never so grim. That’s why the Left hates its guts, the way a hangman must hate the victim who laughs and jokes on his way to the gallows. The Left is a conflagration. It devours and consumes in deadly dull earnest. (Even its revels, appearances notwithstanding, are as grisly an affair as one of those puppet parades out of Peking or Nuremberg.)
The Right is different. It’s a flickering flame, a will-o’-the-wisp in the petrified forest, flitting through the darkness …"
The left can't meme BECAUSE its the left which by definition must be sanctimonious.
We should start referring to muh Russians as Strinerism.
These are connoisseur memes, memes for people who make or see memes on a daily basis in their place of genesis; we might say that the left more frequently resorting to these long style memes is indicative that most of their propaganda is still directed at keeping their believers believing, and not in making new converts like our simple, more direct statements for repost on kikebook, reddit etc.
kek flawless; do I smell a fields medal in logical deduction?
But strangely they dont attribute the rise of humans from apehood to space travelers in 15k years.
this too. The notion of "degeneracy" RELIES on an ability to see into and plan for the future; and to believe in the future implies the reality of the past, which leftists cannot accept, and deny at all costs (why genetics is so taboo).
Leftists also have no sense of self-awareness. You NEVER see them taking the piss out of themselves. It's 100% fart sniffing.
For example, we'll spend just as much time attacking leftists as we do making fun of ourselves as being 400lb basement dwelling hackers and NEET autists and weebs.
Meanwhile, the left will try to lampoon us by saying "THESE FUCKING INTERNET NAZIS ARE BASEMENT DWELLING VIRGINS!!!" as if that's actually going to hurt us when we fucking call each other that every day.
Non-whites deserve to be exterminated, you stinking shitskin rat. Get off my Holla Forums. Your hatred of commies means nothing.
Does a normie fear a basement dweller? At most he hates them. So the narrative doesn't add up. Either we are virgins or dangerous.
I unfortunately work with leftists, and there is a YUUGE panic among the more degenerate types, the ones who I never suspected would be into pizza or (usually women) look the other way.
Forgot this part. Look for shill words like debunking, unpacking, ((('the whole story'))) and pretty much any shaming rhetoric for bring a bad goy straying off the reservation listening to DRUMPF.
Another snippet of log describing their thought process which they believe is justifying their bitter, cunty behavior
yeah and I kind of hoped that me chewing out Heim had given him a kick in the ass to DO that
It's always gotta be about "educate yourself shitlord" instead of using actual facts and logic to get their point across.
You're taking a pretty broad view of the "left", you should understand that ideologically the bougeoise leftypol kids, the pro-hillary globablist corporocrats and the feminist identity politics crowd have very little in common with each other or with anyone else. A lot of the "alt-right" personalities with broad appeal like sargon, milo, harmful etc. describe themselves as moderate leftists or progressives. Guys like Richard Spencer or Steven Crowder who are legitimately right wing are considered a fucking joke.
There isn't really an alt-right resurgence, its a myth, there was a rebellion among the left where a lot of people broke their conditioning on things like feminism and spent time challenging democratic ideology and listening to opposing views. As a result they refused to turn out and vote for hillary among other things. We should also understand that our memes are effective because the primary audience is fairly open and progressive-minded teen and 20 somethings who are fed up with dem/feminist orthodoxy.
I like how they sling #3 around all the time, but its literally a merchant meme.
Holla Forums is late
Because that's the only meme that they came up that reflects truth. It still disregards that the pork is kosher.
And this happens to be this artist's twitter.
Fug, that's what it's called?
Stirner is a kinda shitty meme because nobody knows who the fuck he is. Nobody cares.
A good counter-example is Holla Forums latching on to Hitler. Why him and not some other heavily right-wing figure, one who actually wanted to exterminate the Jews and not just deport them to Madagascar? Why not have our memes centered on Himmler or something? Because nobody fucking knows who he is, that's why. The most important part has to be immediate understandability, that is why we meme the way we do. Everybody knows who Hitler is, no explanation is required. I honestly don't understand how the left can't get this.
The left is too busy huffing their own post-post-post-post-post ironic farts to even realize this, so there you have it.
Starts out decent, but gets retarded quick.
>sessions and trump not using slush funds and welfare makes them chumps he means cucks
It's like shitposting in video form
That's the fucking point, you marxist filth. Human nature is inanely right-winged and simple image-macros can serve as a vessel o mockery towards the absurdity of your beliefs.
wew that's some sort of cancer right there.
He's not exactly wrong though.
but isn't that offensive kinkshaming to ananothallattoxydioksyrafiphiliacs?
Why would we want to appropriate a word Stirner came up with to deflect from his literal cuckoldry?
Not only are they unfunny but they're bad at math too! Ha!
I can't even stand to read this. I can't stand the fucking way Leftists talk. Robotic, pseudo-intellectual, side-line-standing secondhand experience dependent bums with their endless critiques of things they don't understand but feel fit to speak about from a position of self-appointed authority. They'll analyze a fucking hole in the wall and write a ten page article about it, and then others will uphold that critique of a hole as a holy grail of modern social discourse and, from their self-appointed pedestals and the protection and support of their eternally swarming hive they'll shame you for not abiding the stupid ramblings of a dumb Leftist rat. Doubly so if he's in a position of artificial grandeur garnered from unjust and endless praise from these stupid herd animals, such as a professor, whose work environment is politically biased, whose federal funding encourages political bias, and whose field encourages political bias. I don't think there's anything about Leftists that doesn't make me hate them more.
I remember when some lefties tried to argue that pop culture was a meme solely on the basis that it was a self-propagating idea.
Name one leftist meme that isn't an unfunny, tryhard virtue signal that other leftists and only other leftists can laugh at.
Spook is a racist word, anyway. Niggers were called spooks.
The fuck is a "possibilian"?
Iunno, if they were raised catholic, something tells me they might've been pozzed somehow.
Capped. Pic related.
I'm on a phone, so apologies.
Might help to attach the picture.
The fuck is a "possibilian"?
Say, what would happen if someone were to give best witch the Holla Forums treatment? Surely someone here can into kemono.
the last one is our meme
Agreed user. I still don't understand whot he fuck Stirner is.
I'm going to respond to a ((1)) but as a triggered spic.
WRONG!!. They all want to kill me for wrong think. This is the same as saying ##NotAllMuslims :D
They do not describe themselves as progressives. But some of them are leftists. And it's wonderful, they are left by the wayside by the modern left, and the party of Trump / R/the_donald is more than happy to take them in.
Bit there is user. I'm sharing "throw lefties from helicopters" memes to fellow spics and they are 100% onboard. We just want to be allowed to adapt to white america. We want to kill communists, because we watched first hand how badly they ruined our home countries.
No user, they went for King Nigger in 2008 and suddenly went for TRUMP in 2016. WHAT HAPPENED?? YOU FAILED THEM.
Holla Forums I'm coming as a spic, and I know you want to kill me. A LOT of us want to kill lefties because they ruined our home countries. We know more then you how dangerous these commies are. We align with you, not because of wanting an ethnostate, but because we know the only way to allow the USA to continue is to kill communists. I'm not trying to say "Love all spics" but please my friends, try to keep in mind, some of us want to be allowed to kill communists and keep america great.
She's an idiot, the proper term is probablist
More like horseshoe centrist.
If these things from their blog don't warrant it, what will?
Just two more things for funsies.
"The ones who truly love their traditions don’t take them too seriously. They march to get their heads shot off with a joke on their lips. And the reason is that they
know they’re going to die for something intangible, something sprung from their fancy, half humor, half humbug. Or perhaps it’s a little more subtle. Perhaps hidden
way in their fancy is that pride of the blueblood, who refuses to look foolish by fighting for an idea, and so he cloaks it with bugle calls that tug at the heart,
with empty mottoes and useless gold trim, and allows himself the supreme delight of giving his life for an utter masquerade. That’s something the Left has never
understood, and that’s why its contempt is so heavy with hate. When it spits on the flag, or tries to piss out the eternal flame, when it hoots at the old farts
loping by in their berets, or yells “Women’s Lib!” outside the church, at an old-fashioned wedding (to cite just some basic examples), it does so in such a grim,
serious manner?like such “pompous assholes,” as the Left would put it, if only it could judge. The true Right is never so grim. That’s why the Left hates its guts,
the way a hangman must hate the victim who laughs and jokes on his way to the gallows. The Left is a conflagration. It devours and consumes in deadly dull earnest. (Even its revels, appearances notwithstanding, are as grisly an affair as one of those puppet parades out of Peking or Nuremberg.)
The Right is different. It’s a flickering flame, a will-o’-the-wisp in the petrified forest, flitting through the darkness …" - Camp of the Saints, Ch 39
The jew is corrupt down to the mtDNA. They simply lack the genes.
Despite the horrible understanding of maths they have, the picture actually changed nothing
Ignoring that 20% if 120 is not 20, and the cash in the mexican's hands, he now has a 20 dollar less in gross revenue due to the cost he paid in taxes. The system works as intended.
Why is that punk crying as he kicks the swastika?
Shit they really bought into the evolutionary meme. We won lads, we officially won. We killed the lefts underlying paradigms by pretending to be their anti thesis and now they try to form the synthesis. Never change the left, never.
We need to hammer the notion into the lefts head that memetics is an inherently Fascist methodology.
Even retarded faggots are the same as other faggots.
Ever notice how all Communist ideologies are named after the people who invented them while all Fascist ideologies are instead named solely for ideas and principles, far above any sole human being?
Really makes you think.
That's simple to explain
Well not exactly true.
Mosleyites come to mind.
Though to be more exact, fascism isn't as strictly defined as communist ideologies tend to be.
The fascism of Britain is different to the fascism of Germany which is in turn different from the fascism of Italy.
Reflecting more the character and needs of the people and nation than adherence to any orthodoxy or dogma.
Also how is he such an asukafag while being an actual faggot? Isn't the whole draw of Asuka her cunt, because it sure isn't her personality.
The majority of leftists follow a cult of personality, the lack of something bigger or a religious figure leaves a void that needa to be filled. That is why they folloq what I call the soulless god ( the State ), therefote naming their religions with their messiahs names.
Yes, exactly. This is what MacDonald talks about in Culture of Critique. You can always identify a jewish movement by things like having a centralized rabbi-like "thought leader". Whether it's Marx or Freud or Boas or any of the others.
There exists an org that has been poisionpilling Holla Forums's interpretation of memetics using Alinsky tactics and some creative post-modern interpretive dance, give them the truth of meme dynamics and then slow roll them into a wide-spectrum misconception of the topic. It seems to be working to this hilarious effect.
Leftist cucks show up to clean the cream pie, confirmed. The crucial missing piece is the habit of leftists to seek 'walled gardens,' this will cause these 'late stage' memes to be very weak and irrelevant to the larger world. In short leftist meme magic does not have long-term effect, it's short-term at best.
The crucial error in leftist judgement is that they will attempt to form an anti-thesis against an obsolete thesis, by which time the entire memefield has changed underneath them. It's perfectly safe to say this out loud, directly to a leftist's face and the only thing they will do about it is re-cover their sour anti-thesis. He who has the logos controls the memefield. Basic Socrates.