Trump's lawyer is about to hold a press conference about Comey's testimony today. This could get spicy for a number of reasons.
Trump's lawyer is about to hold a press conference about Comey's testimony today. This could get spicy for a number of reasons.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is going to get bad for Comey real quick
Here we go
You guys tired of winning yet?
Oh boy. Calling Comey a liar about the loyalty statement.
C'mon, tell us there are tapes. Tell us there are tapes!
Fucking roasted, Comey is going down!
Oh shhhheeeeiiit gunning for Comey the whole fucking thing is gonna unravel
So comey is a dead man walking and McCain is just a dead man.
"We will leave it to the appropriate authorities to investigate these leaks…"
I can see it now.
Let's fucking GO boys.
it was short and sweet, just like your covfefe
Comey's in pretty some deep shit
Were you harvesting and roasting the beans yourself?
I am so fucking ready for this exact scenario
ready set go
all writers for Der Spiegel have to die tbh.
Comey dun fucked up
Comey is a big fat mess.
comey hangs
mccain hangs
king nigger hangs
cunt clinton hangs
I can already taste the salt. Comey is going down for treason, DWS is going down for multiple crimes, the entire dnc is going to go down for the awan brothers thing, turns out the bullshit with qatar right now is all about a certain bunch of emails getting leaked by globalleaks in which the uae ambassador to the us was conversing with a kike foundation about undermining qatar, which was immediately countered with that bullshit "jihadis in qatar hacked the bahrain foreign minister and the qatar news agency, wait no it was the russians!" followed by cutting of diplomatic ties.. so the kikes are gonna lose on that one too…
Has anyone else noticed the shills have gone dead fucking silent all of a sudden?
You missed loretta lynch getting lynched but I'll still checkem
Shadilay, of course the public knowledge of any of these affairs is at a null value
Gl comey hope they can commute the lifetime down to 20 in return for everything he has.
Does anyone have the webm of john McCain stroking out hard during the hearing?
N-neat kek kun
Well, Comey would know what's classified and what's not in regards to Shillary.
Any burgeranons who have some knowledge on how probable an actual charge of treason would be?
they are waiting on resupplies of interracial gay porn
All the World is a Stage.. why is the president's KIKE lawyer speaking for him?
Every time I think about how pathetic my life is, I see shit like this and am reminded how much better I am than these people.
I'm spending my day off laying around watching congressional hearings while shitposting on a mongolian woodcarving forum while laughing at butthurt kikes on twitter
But at least I'm not at a get-together of a bunch of nu-male hipster queers at a bar at midday watching the testimony at a fucking bar and hoping that "this will finally be the end of drumpf"
Not a lawyer, but actual treason charge wouldn't be likely, even with the chaos candidate. Treason has been used very rarely in our history and even though it isn't limited to being defined exclusively when the person committing it is doing so for another country, IIRC it's only been successfully levied in those cases. But a lesser charge could still be thrown his way.
Can we all just revel for a moment in the fact that James Comey, of all people in this 2 years of bullshit, is now going to go down for leaks
I reread the part about Qatar and realized I have no idea what it means. What did he mean by this?
Id do that, enjoying the salt
Good fucking point. They must be waiting on their next set of orders. This happens every time there' a major development. kind of pathetic, to be honest. They can't even shill without being told what to say.
Maybe Comey thinks he's safer in jail than in public.
I dug my ass off into it so much last night that it actually made me physically ill.. never had that happen before. Theres something big and kikey as fuck going on with this push to align everyone against qatar.
read it and bump like crazy because all that shit has been instantly memoryholed.
to scare off other jews. having to face off against one of their own who's probably drowning in shekels might make a few of them hesitate.
Indeed. Every time the shills get BTFO, there's always radio silence for typically a couple hours. then out of nowhere there will be a flood of FUDers and concern trolls trying to spin this negatively.
lol listened to npr on the way home from work for the lol's and they didn't say one thing about any of this.
Can you feel it?
That dead silence in the air.
Day of the rope soon fellow shitposters.
I suspect it has A LOT to do with a future Iranian invasion and securing the Persian Gulf south of Iran in its entirety.
goddamn that was brutal
I just read the biggest Finnish newspaper's article on Comey talk - I had to look really careful on anything about Comey denying under oath that Russkies weren't involved in anyway and Trump wasn't being investigated. The whole fucking thing just keeps repeating how Comey "felt" about Trump.
The salt is too good man. The writer is in complete denial, probably world shaken.
Same happened after The God Emperor killed the Paris Accord.
They'll be back tomorrow when Brock thinks of something to put in the email.
They have no idea what to do, david brock and his crew are snorting lines and sucking cocks as hard as they can and nobody is getting any ideas.
He's not wrong
There's quite a lot of Jews that are secular and love fucking up other Jews legally.
Trumps mentor was a gay Jew who got off on hunting down and legally fucking communists. He understands those specific type of Jew better than 99% of Holla Forums
I don't think I saw any shilling against the paris accord. Certainly not here, not even on cuckchan. That one was so black-and-white that it's literally impossible to concern troll against.
Reading it now, they're definitely trying to set up for some military action (at least sanctions) involving Qatar. This has kike written all over it.
that is possible but the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (read: a bunch of very rich zionist kikes) had a huge hand in this. What those kikes did is extremely deep into the grey area of the Logan Act.
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects
Kikes could twist words to say what they were doing didnt exactly encroach on the Logan Act.. But the US having its largest foreign Air Base in Qatar kind of blows that the fuck out.
back to bed I go
same here in the Netherlands.
first the national television reported about comey 'confirming' that trump pressured him on flynn and "demanded" his loyalty, heavily implying Trump acted illegally.
they completely ignore that the Russia allegation is 100% confirmed bull, and try to paint trump as the new nixon.
that's actually a major internal problem with kikes. It's the reason a place like Israel is doomed to fail, and can only operate by acting as a centralized hub for world jewry and AIPAC gibsmedats, rather than as a serious nation-state. The jew's desire to jew is so great that if there are no goyim around, they turn on each other. They NEED goyim to fuck over, or else it all devolves into infight and self-destruction. Total bucket of crabs
jews are by nature scheming cutthroats with a touch of insanity. this backfires spectacularly when one of the tribe maintains this nature but loses loyalty to the tribe
Loretta Lynch must hang
Cohn was a Gay Jew who fucking hated Gays, Jews, and Communists and spent his life hunting them down.
He's a fascinating personality study.
I'm still enraged that Comey gets to say "Russia interfered beyond an doubt in our election and hacked the DNC" as 100% undisputed fact, and literally not a single fucking person acts for any proof to substantiate this. He even fucking said that the FBI itself didn't get to look at the servers, and that they're totally relying on the word of a (((3rd party))) that the DNC itself hired. They refused to let the FBI see their servers.
I just wish a single fucking congressman there would twist his arm on this, or bring up seth rich.
No. We want everything leaked. You filthy Jersey Rat
Kikes always look out for their own. This is where some anons get confused.. They see leftwing, right wing and secular kikes fuckign each other up and think "well they are on our side I guess". Wrong. There is no overarching kike conspiracy where all kikes are in sync with each others motives. Rather, they are all out for their own interests which just so happen to tend to agree with one or more group of other kikes. That mixed with their culturally ingrained nepotism leads to small groups of powerful kikes conspiring with each other. Even if there is a group of, or just one, kikes who say what you agree with you will always find that they will stick with their own over the goyim and will always behave subversively when they feel comfortable enough to do so. Any kike who seems to espouse a fully pro-white sentiment must be seen as an opportunistic parasite.
My ex did something usefil afterall.
Gentlemen, I believe I'm destined to take down Isreal, for you see, I have a wealth of experience with crabs.
The way that Hebrew is throwing around "quote" and "closed quote" I'd be pretty scared if I were Comey.
A (((Loiya))) of that level doesn't speak without extreme measure. The shekels will be off the charts for this guy as a result of this.
I'm guessing this guy heard some tapes and knows exactly what was said between Trump and Comey.
What about Bobby?
Comey fucked himself good. He had better hope for immunity in exchange for throwing Hillary et al under the fucking bus then.
this memes what you say
Worse, they took the day off work. They were planning to celebrate when Articles of Impeachment were immediately drawn against Trump.
Exactly this. Jews always pull this shit. You'll see "right wing jews" who "fight SJWs and degeneracy"… and then shill for open borders and (((our greatest ally))). Or you'll see left-wing jews who give nominal lipservice with anti-israel rhetoric while pushing for the typical cultural marxism and degeneracy. It's two sides of the same shekel.
Was he actually a kike though? I've seen some evidence, in the past dont have a citation for that, which implies he was not.
There were a few leading up to the announcement but when it was confirmed they weren't back for another 2 or 3 hours.
Yes Bobby was Jewish.
The idea of "no good Jews" is practical advice and a good rule of thumb, not a statement of fact.
I'm unemployed and smoking a brisket for my family. I want a cider, but I'm saving money.
I've cooked all the meat in the house for months now, repaired 3 cars and these faggots do nothing.
And they think they're better than me.
Exceptionally rare individual. People bring him up every time a jew does something moderately-favorable for us. And every time, more shit about that jew comes out and he ends up being absolutely the worst thing ever.
Look at how nobody minded Jared Kushner during the election, and only later revealed himself as being a string-pulling turboshill.
Look at how everyone thought Drudge was /ourjew/, and then he started toeing the line on the "let's bomb Assad muh dead gas babies!" bullshit
The ONLY examples of "good jews" I can even think of are Bobby Fisher and Brother Nathanael. And they both arguably had/have at least slight mental problems that caused some wires to get crossed.
a good general rule is to never follow a kike that claims to represent your interests under any circumstance, but if what they say is true then verify it independently so that it can be divorced from the jew
Solid advice. The issue is when you have jews like Shapiro or Milo who start off saying things that make right-wing people like them, and then after they've gained people's trust, they start pushing things in a bad direction. That's how they always operate. It's always "shalom, goyim! I too hate those SJWs! Okay great, now that I have your attention, you know who else really hates muslims and SJWs? Israel! You really should support your greatest ally, goy!"
Daily reminder
Thats been a rule ever since the days of the jidf circa 2011. Every time something huge happens which blows their narrative the fuck apart the shills are ordered to stand down until their bosses can furnish them a new manual with new tactics. And really its been that way since the dawn of nihilist abolitionism back in the early 1800's. Commie subversives do not act without orders from their kike leaders.. For several reasons.
1) these people arent commie subversives on merit of their intelligence
2) the hegelian dialectic and critical theory rely on carefully sculptured talking points complete with 'appropriate' rebuttals to anyone who calls bullshit
3) the kikes have to micromanage everything that they do
in that case I should rent my basement out to that based nigger and introduce him to my daughter, right?
that is why anonymous image boards are decent platforms for discussion. there is no trust based on reputation because the focus is ideas not individuals, the statement must stand upon its own merits
It enrages me to even see the word Deutschland in this context. They should just change the country's name to Cuckland and get it over with. The melodrama of this cover is beyond ridiculous and pathetic. Euro countries like Germany spend DECADES bitching about the USA's power and influence, and then the moment we finally say "fuck this, we're not "leading" aka carrying/paying for/putting up with you guys anymore while you laugh at us and complain behind our back" then it's all OMG YOU'RE DESTROYING THE WORLD. Fuck Eurolibshits. (Plus the added sense that the headline is probably a REM quote makes me extra irritated because there is no whinier band, and libshits and their incessant hipster cultural references make me homicidal generally.)
And he's always with the "queasy" "nauseated" references too. I bet Comey has so many ulcers.
He strikes me as a classic Faustian anti-hero; a formerly devout Catholic and religious scholar (literally!) who became a lawyer, got involved in politics, and sold his soul for the almighty shekels. I predict/hope he will publicly shatter at some point. The process has already begun. His diseased conscience is torturing him to death. He will turn on his former partners in crime and throw them to the wolves.
Looking forward to it.
typical estrogenic behavior.
i liked it
You have reading comprehension problems.
I saying you need to have the mindset of "no good Jews" to function properly but there are a couple actual good Jews like Bobby.
Hegelian dialectic, lad.
I'm saying take a moment of your day to feel the smug irony. Who left you to wander around unsupervised?
Isn't hegelian dialectic just that synthesis "end of history" bullshit about history having a direction (ie, "progress")?
What's that got to do with G*rmany being a bunch of hypocritical cunts who complain about the USA overreaching too much on the international stage, and then also bitching when we move away and stop acting like everyone mommy and daddy?
most of those quotes were taken directly from comeys testimony this afternoon, just to clarify. not that a lawyer quoting exactly what you just said in a senate hearing of an FBI investigation a few hours ago and giving a public statement to the press is a good sign.
comey is in for a fucking ride. and as we all know, this is only the beginning of the unraveling of a very twisted ball of yarn. im still fucking stunned that he went up there and said any of that. i was expecting him to just clam up and refuse all questions until the closed hearing. that would atleast allow the media to continue running interference by screeching RUSSIIAAAA repeatedly. but now they cant even do that. comey just shredded it
They will.
Its not. Treason is a highly specific charge and it pretty much never gets prosecuted outside of wartime. Best case scenario is Seditious Conspiracy Charges, which are still 25 years in prison so bretty gud.
Let us leave no trips unchecked.
Let us leave no dubs unchecked.
Are they just going to let Comey go free for now?
what a great pic
shitlibs btfo yet again
Give Trump and his lawyer time to make a case. This one shouldn't be too long.
For Every Bobby Fischer or Steven Miller there are literally almost a million sick fuck subversive Jews out there. Fischer was based tbh but out of pragmatic necessity they have to be destroyed, no use in keeping them alive on the off chance one out of a million will be half-decent, and when a goy like GLR could serve the purpose of people like Bobby just as effectively (minus the chess genius).
He was saying Trump did not say those quotes. Very specific quotes on very specific dates. Yes they came from Comey's testimony but there are supposedly tapes.
The Heeb would have the transcripts and be able to roll out the old Torah and cherry pick inaccurate quotes from Comey.
I'm more worried that Comey is going to have an accident or a suicide.
what happened to Bobby Fischer was a fucking tragedy.
A life in exile for playing chess in Yuglosavia?
More like criticism of scheming heebs.
what si th likelihood Comey could flee to Russia and seek asylum like Edward Snowden did?
Agreed. Der spiegel will burn.
Go back to reddit
That and even if you keep all the ostensibly "based jews", it's not like this works like perfect mendelian genetics. It's not like if you kill the subversive jews and keep the "based jews" around, their offspring will also be based or something. No, they'll tend to gravitate back toward the average, and suddenly you're back to having a group of conniving kikes.
Just like with niggers. Are there a small handful of smart niggers who are conservative, high IQ, etc? Sure. But if you keep these smart nigs and deport the other 99.9%, did you just create a caste of super-nigs who will be smart and just like whites? No, they'll tend back toward the average. Their children will still be more like typical niggers anyway.
Only solution is to gas all kikes, lynch all niggers. The minute you open up room for exceptions is the minute kikes find a way to weasel out of the gas chambers. Suddenly the bar starts getting lowered more and more until Ben Shapiro and Mark Levine gets saved for being good enough. Then it'll be Bill Kristol and Kurt Eichenwald. Then it will be Noam fucking Chompsky
Yeah, they tried some "even Hitler liked the planet, goyim", but that wasn't all that successful.
We really are. I would hate to have basically built New York like President Trump did & have all these waste of space living there.
Today there was truth given to the public and for the public record. There are people upset about this and stunned silent at their own inability to double down further and await instruction.
It feels good not to be one of those quislings.
Now that the Russia Narrative is dead;
What media will the fake news networks push next?
Checked. He will scoop that dumb male haircut cunt again if they try it
Hegalian dialectic
That has nothing to do with it. It's typical bitch behavior to bitch about something in a way that, should someone ever do anything about it, you just get more ammo to start bitching with. My mother and grandmother are exactly like this.
i have no idea. and im not going to give them any ideas either. reading these news headlines is fucking hilarious though. "what we learned from comey today: trump is scary" etc…
gotta feel bad for that poor reality winner though. she just got fired to expose the "truth" about russia, and then the ex director of the FBI comes out today and just pisses all over it. dumb bitch
Nope, he already preemptively BTFO that one when he pulled a "John Miller" against Madcow
Frank Zappa
MUH North Korea
We need shekels to combat a very real threat goyim.
Zappa was S*cilian, not Jewish.
I know what hegelian dialectic is. I wondering how it relates to Germany acting like a PMSing hypocritical bitch about America not "taking the reins" on global warming?
They'll probably construct another obvious false flag in syria
I can't believe that they will stop. It's all MSNBC has talked about since November regardless of what's come out.
I was following her Facebook profile and it was getting slammed very hard, she had allowed public commenting so anyone linked in her photos were getting slammed too. She must have given her mother her FB password after the first 24 hours because it vanished.
So far 1) the big O.. Obstruction < how could he obstruct on a non-existent charges, that they say he was never being investigated>
2) that Comeys slickness in 'leaking' selective notes is totally legal C.Y.A.
Both should die on the vine within a week.
Apparently this is the thing to do. And they're all severely butthurt too.
Comey hearing packs Washington bars: 'This is peak DC'
I doubt they'll ever stop bleating about the Russians. They're going to continue on with the administration in disarray and Drumpf is untrustworthy bullshit until the end of time. They'll just make shit up and fling it.
You forget how easy it is for the media to create false consensus and completely memory-hole certain topics or issues.
For example, remember when the media was talking about how "Trump admitted to sexual assault" with the pussy grab tape while subsequently shilling a bunch of false rape allegations? They were saying that like 2 dozen or more women had come forward to testify that trump was a rapist. I even think there was an alleged teenage girl in there somewhere.
And then a week or two later after the election? Dropped. Never heard from it again. They just quietly dropped it and pretended it never happened at all.
Nah, they'd go all out with that shit, kill him out in the open and frame dose doity dwumpf supporting waycisscum for it. Already tried it with that Portland bernout.
to be fair, is comey's leak actually illegal? They weren't classified documents or anything. They were just his own words. I could be wrong, but I think it's probably a red herring.
I'm still much more interested in all the other habbenings:
- Seth Rich
- Awan Bros
- That dead federal prosecutor that washes up in DWS's district
- Obama's FISA violations regarding unmasking
There was a teenage whore paid by Epstein the notorious Clinton backer. Epstein was found guilty of paying dozens of underage girls for sex. The FBI reported on 3 twelve year old French models flown to his pedophile island.
Obama gave him no jail time in exchange for millions of dollars.
The whore was suing Epstein, threw in Trump's name. Case was thrown out, then refiled after a Clinton supporter fronted the cost. I think it was dropped again after the election.
Seems the Russian media are having a good time with this and with good reasons.
Comey is screwed
Very appropriate picture user.
The latest narrative:
CNN: Comey hearing's bottom line: We can't trust Trump
Politico: Comey’s devastating indictment of President Donald Trump
What do anons think, does the Trump team have solid ground to stand on for this? It's the only hole I've been able to spot MSM and liberals could use as an actual win, besides the stupid shit about how "brave" Comey was and how him being scared of Trump "makes the president appear bad."
So how long until even normies realize the MSM ignores reality?
By his own admission atleast one of the things he leaked contained classified information
This will change literally nothing. The people who trust CNN already hate Trump anyway. And the people that like Trump don't trust CNN, and won't care if CNN tells them not to trust trump.
We've reached sufficient polarization that the other side's media no longer fucking matters. They can screech all they want. Won't do a damn thing.
I look forward to the 2020 election, where they'll have already blown their credibility and all possible trump "scandals" long before then.
So their response is to just ignore everything and hope it all goes away.
Honestly I'd start drinking with them and start refuting their bullshit but pretending like I'm being sarcastic. I'd probably die laughing at their responses
Comey is secretly Trump in costume trying to scam more haagen dazs out of EU
Are you worried for dirty cops too?
It's a giant game of NO U.
Sauce? I need a quote or video on this for when ass-blasted liberals come screaming at me
Was it a gay bar?
Dont got one. I only watched a very small portion of it all. It might have been trumps lawyer that said it.
I would rather he be behind bars ratting people out before being legally tried and hung.
You are just being redundant
That was the point everyone was pleased by he leaked but not in an illegal way.
HE LEAKED ! Why are they so pleased he did so, so cleverly? He intended to leak, he leaves notes out of 'special markings' in order to leak. He plotted for 6 months writing the leak… Then he leaks it… WHY I'm I the only person on the internet upset he had the gall to pull this setup off.
I missed all of this. What actually happened with Comey? I'm having a hard time telling from the thread.
It's some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen. Comey was right about one thing, they are indeed flying rats.
I was just pointing out how stupid it is, i dont know what that other retard is on about
fucking hell this webm is too much
go to
ctrl+f .mp4
laugh as (((MSM))) narrative falls apart
nice, thanks user
you weren't kidding.
Just share these two videos (especially the no doubt one) if somebody has questions about the whole thing.
So basically?
Basically this. The left at this point lives in their own corporate contrived reality where white is black and up is down. Most of them have no idea just how brainwashed they are. They just wait for one of their comedic masters (Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, etc) to hash out a new narrative and then they'll just lap it up like the obedient dogs that they are. Stefan Molyneux already said it best, the time for arguments has passed.
Dubs checked
It amazes me how Trump has used this one issue to unite an ideologically fractured GOP. The Democrats are done on a national level as far as I'm concerned.
In related news, Dailywire confirms that Hitler did nothing wrong
Liberals are officially left with no more arguments.
They never had an argument in the first place. If they feel pressed enough they'll just make something stupid appear out of thin air.
When you look back and see a single set of footprints on the sand it was not that Kek abandoned you: He was carrying you.
Fake news is already trying to spin Kasowitz' statements as being a political attack on the character of Comey instead of what they really are which is a legal dagger right into the heart of the Russia narrative. The time for defense is over, we have weathered the storm. Now it is time to collect skulls.
They'll triple down on Russia like Eichenwald tripling down on porn research.
theyll still push the russia narrative
And boy are there many skulls to collect. What I still don't understand is why isn't Trump going on an all-out offensive against the media/democrats? All the pieces are already there. He already has the leaked emails from the DNC that prove collusion between Hilldog/DNC/media to hand her the nomination, proving that the MSM is literally fake news. He should be hounding on that fact daily, not just alluding to it with catch phrases. We already have a fuckton of scandals going on involving DWS, Seth Rich, Susan Rice, Awan Bros, dead federal investigators, Hillary's emails. These are ALL strings that he could easily pull to unravel the whole thing. All he needs to do is point his new LOYAL FBI in the right direction. He could completely clean house. Clocks ticking.
He's got a painting of Washington in his new office, he's embracing the position of Bipartisan leader.
They're still going to talk out russia because the average shitlib wants it to be real. It doesn't matter at all that comey just shut that whole story down. Fuck, two of my shitlib coworkers watched the whole thing and STILL THINK RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION. Reality does not and never will matter to the media
I guess you also thought the Russian narrative would be dead after the Syrian strikes didn't you lad?
It's gonna be dead when (((they))) want it to be.
This. I can see them ignoring every bit of evidence to the contrary of their narrative.
getting rid of ZOG can be bipartisan. Remove the kikes and traitors on either side. That includes mccain and graham too
Nope its no longer talking point, just now on FoxNews Schiffy the Schiffman, D-adam schiff was given setup after setup to spout 'Muy Russia' and did not.
Unfortunately true. What these people do is latch onto whatever tiny soundbite they can use to back up their headcannon. So there can be a 2 hour testimony where Comey repeats over and over that there is no evidence of Trump working with russians, Trump is not under investigation, Trump's actions were not illegal, etc etc etc, but all they'll listen to is that one part where Comey said:
No, you don't get how this works. The russian conspiracy works as confirmation bias basically what the leftists/jews claim we do when we bring up how jews control the world, except we actually have evidence to back it up. Basically, this will be put on the backburner for now, just as it was put on the backburner for 1-2 weeks following the syrian strike. In the meantime, any little things will be misconstrued as being part of a russian conspiracy. So next time Trump pisses them off (like when he fired Comey, their "man on the inside") they'll jump right back into MUH RUSSIA
so can someone give me the 411 on what's happening so far?
kek I never thought to use that, it's perfect (especially in an argument)
i dont think you should give liberal normies that much credit user
as for the conservative ones, they already did
However the Schiffy did try to slide the purpose of Special Investigation of Former FBI Dir. Mueller is now Obstruction and not Russia Collusion, as no-no-he-is-the-lair Comey gave as why he leaked infamous Comey memos.
Trump turns normalfags into tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.
It's also part of a larger narrative of "Trump can't be trusted" built on all sorts of vague bullshit. They'll just shift to another leg of that until like you say someone sneezes in Moscow.
That's the most maddening part of it. We get called tinfoil conspiracy theorists for things like Seth Rich and Pizzagate. Any retard can go look up the Podesta emails and see all the fucked-up shit in there. Any dumbass can look at how there have been fucktons of people in government and powerful positions that have been arrested for sex trafficking and/or pedophilia. But that's a "conspiracy". Any idiot can look at the ridiculously shady circumstances of Seth Rich's death and the even-shadier circumstances revolving around the official investigation of the case, but thinking it could be more than a "robbery gone wrong" is just a conspiracy theory too.
But Russia "hacking the election" and being able to do all this bullshit and thinking that our current government is nothing but a puppet state of the neo-soviet-union? That's not a conspiracy at all, goy! That's a fact!
Still, thanks.
Nvm it's like all of them, my bad.
polite sage
Someone from inside the White House came on cuckchan a while ago and said that they are on some sort of timeline, some sort of plan that they want to follow - that first the pieces have to be put into place, and that certain events have to happen in a certain order before they can clean house. I think they might even wait until before the next elections. I thought they would pull the plug sooner but I don't doubt that they will at some point. Just gotta stay the course and be patient.
Apparently "any dumbass" can't. I don't think it's a pill or anything, but realizing some people can't read between the lines sometimes is certainly a realization of sorts.
My theory: he needs to be officially under investigation before he asks for a plea deal, as political cover/protection from the (((Deep State))) suicide squads. He can't call up Sessions and ask for one because that would make him a pure turncoat rat to the Clinton Machine. If he's looking at a felony charge from Justice, he can cop a plea without immediately being heart attacked in the head 3 times.
Also, of course Trump has tapes of their conversations, which Comey probably didn't know about until lately. For some reason they keep underestimating Trump, and they keep getting their balls cut off.
I guess it's somewhat of a redpill. You have to realize that most people are just blissfully yet willfully ignorant. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that most people sit on the sidelines during major revolutions, and that it's a relative few people who make a difference. That's what GLR and WLP would say, anyway. Some people take this to ridiculous degrees and act like it means it's not worth trying to reach out to any normalfags, which is dumb, but it's just important to realize that there are tons of people who, no matter how much you try to convince them, will stay willfully ignorant
double aught dubs checked
That never stopped them before. Email from 4 hours ago:
Dear MoveOn member,
Today, we're doing something we've never done before in the history of MoveOn: We're calling for the impeachment of the president of the United States.
We've held off on taking this step even as Donald Trump's scandals have continued to unfold. We didn't want to jump to conclusions. But former FBI Director James Comey's testimony today confirmed that Trump used his power as president to pressure the FBI to drop the investigation into his team's ties to Russia�and that's exactly the kind of abuse that our nation's founders meant by "high crimes and misdemeanors."
And that's why it's finally time to say it: Donald Trump must be impeached.
The drive to impeachment won't be quick or easy. We'll need to sustain a big, powerful effort, so we're asking you: Will chip in monthly to press for the full truth about and accountability for Donald Trump?
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Impeachment is not a word to throw around lightly. For example, although George W. Bush lied to get us into war, MoveOn never called for him to be impeached.
But we're not the only ones who are now calling for Trump's impeachment. In fact, formal articles of impeachment were just introduced in the House.1 Even Republicans in Congress have openly raised it as a possibility.2 Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said yesterday that Richard Nixon's Watergate "pales" in comparison to the Trump-Russia scandal (and remember, Nixon resigned and faced impeachment because of it).3
Even before Comey's testimony today, 43% of Americans said that Trump should be impeached.�In fact, more people support impeaching Trump than approve of his job performance.4
Our work ahead is clear: We will amplify the righteous call for truth and accountability, build pressure on congressional Republicans to put their country before their party, and prepare to hold Republicans accountable if they stonewall and cover for Trump for the next 18 months. And we'll also need to continue fighting to block Trump's toxic agenda, which may become even more reckless as Trump lashes out in reaction to each new damning revelation about him.
This is a new phase of the resistance. And while we're prepared to work for as long as it takes to hold Trump accountable, we can't do it without your ongoing support. Will you chip in monthly now to make our work possible?
Because you've saved your payment information with MoveOn, your donation will go straight through.
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With the stakes this high, we are more grateful than ever for all you do.
�Anna, Jo, Milan, Nick, and the rest of the team
1. "Trump Impeachment Process Set to Begin as Democrat Al Green Files Articles," Newsweek, June 7, 2017
2. "Republican Carlos Curbelo Wants You to Know He Mentioned Impeachment First," NBC News, March 31, 2017
3. "Watergate 'pales' compared with Trump-Russia: former U.S. intelligence head," Reuters, June 7, 2017
4. "Support for Donald Trump's Impeachment Is Now Higher than His Approval Rating," Newsweek,�June 5, 2017
Want to support our work?�The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever.�Will you stand with us?
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People are often just fucking too lazy in my experience. Even if you spoon feed them links etc. they don't care enough about the world to do their own cursory research.
Good analysis.
I wish I too could get rich off liberal idiots.
And to think, there are people on this site that genuinely think the shilling that occurs on this site is just some "boogeymen" that doesn't exist.
So all the dead people and non-citizens voting democrat weren't fraudulent?
The only thing stopping you is you.
You and believing that honor is something you keep with rats and men alike.
Trump is casting a wide net.
Tell me about it. This cannot be more clear anywhere else than with the Syria situation. I tried talking to my boomer father about why Assad is actually the good guy, but he didn't want to hear any of it, and just wanted to keep it at "fuck yeah bomb those dunecoons! Fuck ISIS!". It's utterly baffling. Even a cursory deconstruction of the players in the syrian civil war completely dismantles this whole idea, but that's literally how most people are. And when you try to explain things, they just reel back and say "ugh, I dont want to talk about this anymore, can we talk about something else?"
can someone give me a quick summary of comey's testimony?
i was at work and missed it
make the swine pay you well for your pearls
in one sentence, comey is the leaker, comey is a traitor, and trump was not investigated for >muh russia stuff
This is what happens when you watch the fake news (((msm)))
Comey said that Trump was NOT under investigation at all and chose to not reveal this publicly.
Comey says Trump never colluded with Russia or committed obstruction.
Comey says not a single vote was changed by potential Russian interference.
Comey said Trump asked for loyalty and "hoped" to let Flynn go.
Comey admits he was "cowardly" "weak" etc. (Clearly someone we need to lead the FBI)
Comey admits to being the one to leak his memos (he told a friend who in turn, told the NYT) He says that he leaked because of Trump's "tape" tweet and that he did it in spite to summon a special counsel.
Trump's lawyer after the event came to say that Trump in no way asked Comey for loyalty or asked for Flynn to be let go of the investigation.
Comey told "I could be wrong" one thousand times too.
was this changed?
he also didnt discredit the guccifer 2.0 stuff, and in fact he essentially said that russia hacked not the election, but the DNC and DCCC
i think its among the first questions hes asked
so the normies are still gonna go on about >muh russia
This guy's terrible at speaking. No heart at all.
No, this board doesn't allow self-links.
fucking brutal
He's just Trump's court jew lawyer. He's not supposed to be a public speaker.
Ya and who cares. Let them get their hopes up 100 more times that
and then let them be disappointed more 100 times.
At the end of it all DJT will still be POTUS and there isn't shit they can do about it.
Reminds me a little bit about November 9th
I have a taxi ride to trumps old advance operations guy today, he was the dude who set up all the rallies and such. He works for Carson now at HUD. I picked him up from the rayburn building where the hearing was being held and he couldn't care less about it. When I put forward my theory that comey wasn't gonna say shit he basically said "of course because there wasn't any… if there was a cumstained blue dress it would drop immediately".
Funny guy, basically shitposted about trumps cursing habits on campaign, but also gave off the vibe that no one close to Trump gave a single shit about comey, and all the stories about Trump "putting a 60 inch tv in the office" were bullshit. I think I even remember seeing trumps motorcade leaving the white house DURING testimony, which probably means going to a restaurant because could care less about the hearing. The campaign dudes own words were "so glad theyre busy with this one it let us hammer hud budget theives without getting bothered today".
Tldr; comey was never going to matter, and this lawyer deal probably isn't going to matter either. Just a conveniently acceptable smokescreen for the don
No user, all the anti-Trumpers are just your common Drumpf supporters who hate Drumpf now.
Leftypol called, they want you back
I seem to remember that the US was running arms deals through Qatar as a proxy to "moderate" insurgents. Wasn't that what the Benghazi facility was used for, or was that just bullshit?
The issue they are going with is:
The thing is the article the day before talked about the same exact things as in the memos. So either his associates read them, people read his mind, or he is lying that he didn't show anybody, or even the "sources" for the previous article was in fact him.
Where the fuck is ot 96*??
Why they do this?
It's just part of what they do. They're filthy, scheming, thieving kikes who'll stop at nothing to destroy anyone they deem a target.
Later in the day's coverage:
This is one of Cialdini's persuasion tactics that he peddles in his book called Persuasion. It's called the "foot in the door technique."
Man I wish I could afford to be at a bar instead of work in the fucking morning
Also controlled opposition.
Most likely they're all in debt.
…and completely dependent on government programs.
Thats why this shit matters so much to them.
He's acting Presidential and diplomatic. He knows he's going to need Democratic support to get everything he wants done. The smart move here is to continue to let the Democrats destroy themselves so that when 2018 comes along Trump will have his own cache of "Trump Democrats" who will do whatever it takes to stay in power and appease their constituency.
Could you elaborate? AFAIK, the only thing really holding the democratic party together is their hatred of Trump. The only exception I can think of is Jim Webb. I guess also Tulsi Gabbard, who is a communist bernout on social/economic issues, but at least is against wars for ZOG. Them aside, I don't see how he can fashion any of these democrats as being aligned with Trump when even the mildest forms of nationalism are totally antithetical to everything they represent.
They still think he's a Russian puppet even after Comey under oath stayed otherwise. There's no hope for these people asking with PR faggots either.
There still exist (mostly) White Democrats who aren't literal faggots, fembots, Bernouts or gibs slurping subhumans, nigger or otherwise.
Wait, when you referred to "Trump democrats" were you referring to voters or to politicians? Obviously the voters exist. I just don't think any trump-supporting democrats exist in the congress
Yeah, perhaps I misunderstood. Long day today.
How long do you keep your brisket on for? I was thinking about moving to this to one of these
That lawyer looks and sounds jewish af.
He gave a good statement but I hope he gets a trustworthy gentile to oversee this matter.
They are attacking grammar and thinking that Comey wasn't the one who leaked about being let go because of Flynn even though Tapper reported about the conversation on the 9th of that month because those articles didn't mention "memo".
I don't think so, I think they are on assistance. But it's possible, people who get into debt don't have good judgment, and could very well be morons not fixing their problems
Can somebody give me a quick rundown of what happened with Comey, I missed it but heard that he had confirmed Russians tried to hack the election.
wasted fucking trips
Here ya go:
Trump said the FBI didn't like Comey, but they loved him, according to Comey. This means Trump lied. To the people. I think they got him. Looks like Trump is going to be resigning soon and moving to Russia.
Hey, nice Trips
depends on the size of the brisket, wait for the internal temp to hit 190 then pull the sucker. The fat takes so long to render though that it's always half a day's affair.
So Comey said Trump lied and now Comey's word is irrefutable truth?
It's funny coming from someone who's definitely lied under oath multiple times.
There's no way an editor would let out a center justified headline be printed as left justified. My autism senses are tingling.
Do you mean to tell me that the former head of the FBI would lie?
That's fucking preposterous. If he's the kind of man who would lie under oath then why was he selected for a position that would give him power over federal investigations?
Comey pulled a Theresa May, he actually believed the nonsense in WashPost/NY Times/Fake News and stayed loyal to Hillary after she lost the election. He jumped on the grenade for her like a true cuck.
That's all they have now that Comey confirmed Russia didn't hack the election See the highlights the nytimes doesn't want you to see:
well, shills been quiet for HOURS, and the best they came up with is the usual nigger porn raid.
this is beyond funny
Between today with Comey and the Queen BTFO the Jihadi mayor, it was an awesome day.
Still not tired of winning.
When was that? What thread?
How many times do you have to get burned from wolf crying wolf Blitzer?
Dunno if there was a thread. The mayor was talking a lot of shit and telling Trump now wasn't such a good time for a visit, etc. Well the Queen invited Trump herself, told the little shit-finger'd fucker wot.
Whenever people see reporters they should just throw stale breadcrumbs at them. If kek does exist and is a benevolent god, this will be so.
The picture on the right is the best one the Oklahoma Joe style cooker.
If you get one try and find the thickest steel possible don't get a knock off walmart one with thin ass sheet steel. The original one was made by pipeliners and they used the actual scrap pieces of pipe line they were installing which is schedule 80 pipe almost a 1/4" thick. The thick steel holds the heat for a long time. The off set box allows you to add wood at any time and not open the cooking portion. You can cook enough pig butts for 50 people with that one. Also the off set box allows you to damp down the temperature use green wood and let the smoke just permeate the meat. My preference is mulberry but you can use cherry, apple, hickory a variety of wood fruit trees are preferred. I cooked pig butts for a day time is always longer and lower temp is best. Get a good meat thermometer and make sure you calibrate it so it is accurate boiling water is exactly 212ºF. When you are smoking time is meaning less you learn to Zen barbecue it is not a recipe don't be all anal put it on set your temp and go and drink some beer. Then just use the fuck out of it and soon everyone will go WTF user you should open a BBQ joint I never had shit this good b4.
Good luck hope this helped
Polite sage for off topic I could not resist helping an user.
Wish the royals weren't so fucked over there though. They could pull off a coup if they really wanted couldn't they?
Comey tried to blackmail Trump with threats of leaks. That's most likely what the Feb 14th meeting was about. Immediately after that meeting McCabe stopped by to tell Pence a NYT report was false, only to tell him the FBI couldn't do anything about it. Comey called him to do the same. Then afterwards the MSM started leaking that Preibus tried to "pressure" the FBI.
The entire FBI leadership is corrupt as fuck. Furthermore, notice how Comey denies the "McCabe" thing.
I mean Preibus, not Pence
What I want to know is, why isn't there a sticky/more talk about this? I've been checking the catalogue and saw we were copping porn spam earlier but otherwise we're pretty quiet about this. I was expecting to jump on Holla Forums and find loads of threads.
bumping cuz some idiot bumped the raid threads while claiming he was reporting them… while forgetting his SAGEs.
Well there's going to be a coup either way. The Windsors have the choice whether they're the ones that do the coup-ing or the ones that get couped. And if they want to keep their heads, they better get to it with that former option.
Part of it is because it's the middle of the night in the U.S. so it's slower. More importantly, Comey's testimony was a gigantic heaping shit on the establishment's narrative. They really haven't said much because they have nothing. They're still in shock and are desperately trying to come up with something new so for now there's silence.
It looks like loads of old threads are getting bumped up too. How convenient.
bump, then.
Didn't she send the invite long before that mayor started crying?
Also; leaked memos but didn't call out their misrepresentation when published.
What's that about? What's the intent? And why?
He's rubbing their faces in it this morning.
I want another 9/11 and America to be invaded by muslim.
The empire have to fall, and its not getting there quicker with Trump as president.
I think you got lost.
Hitler's personal driver was a mischling and his personal doctor was a full blooded kike. They were loyal to him… if kept under constant supervision, the individual Jew is okay, they're monsters as a group though.
Yeah that's the high level takeaway, probably no need to talk about the Russian collusion allegations or anything like that.
But seriously what does it take to break these people and force them to beg for forgiveness?
On the bright side, this is only the beginning.
It takes that long because the collagen has to break down, nothing to do with rendering fat. Keep your stupid mouth shut about things of which you know nothing.
speaking of which how do I change parties? I think I'm registered as a democrat
People completely glossed over Comey's one "attack" on Trump.
For a slick lawyer it was his dumbest statement in weeks and might belie a little anxiety. You can't refute an opinion of others opinions, and you certainly can't use it to sue for defamation (another thing comey hinted at). Comey would know this and I can only think he threw it out there to try and preemptively strike. But combined with his waffling on trumps "demand" for loyalty, it looks bad for him. Not jail time bad, but curtains for his public career bad. Boohoo, looks like a lowly K street job with a 1 million dollar salary for jumbo.
wtf, I love blackpill accelerationism now
So good
you failed to mention trumps mentor was a gay jewish pedophile with aids, who ran an underage prostitution ring for the purposes of blackmail for israel…. sounds a lot like epstein, another of trumps known associates. one could logically conclude trump has involvement in underage prostitution pedophilia and blackmail, and definitely in furthering israeli zionist agenda
(((Feinstein))) "why do you think you were fired"
Comey "I have to take his word and assume it's because of the Russian investigation"
Later… "Trump can't be trusted"
A moment of clarity.
Apex Kek. Sometimes I forget how thoroughly we broke this man.
JEB! I got the feels he did it since everybody in his family ran for President, was his time at bat but didn't like T-ball was his sport.
Please let this happen. THE SALT WOULD BE AMZAZING
Punished Yabe
Trump should offer iJeb! for some bullshit job at the whitehouse. He would probably take it.
An educated, non-subhuman citizenry, like Jefferson said. The Democrats have gathered a large amount of constituents who are trained like Pavlov's dogs to be scared and/or snooty. Their latest email is ordering them to sign a petition for impeaching Trump. No explanation is given. Only vague, emotional statements designed to evoke fear or indignation are provided.
He is going to destroy Comey, that idiot got up there and perjured himself, AND admitted to leaking classified information for political purposes.
>Trump: "I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time….Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry."
>CNNPolitics: When asked again about tapes, Trump responds: “you’re going to be very disappointed when you hear …
Purple still believe it because Comey says things that sound like what trump would say according to them. Then again these same people said the same thing about the pissgate papers and believed that because it's what they view him doing that shit.
They ignore how shady Comey is when working at HSBC and how he cucked for lynch and Clinton and think he's an honorable guy when he's the fbi equivalent of Bernie in that stages in the corner. Always covers for leftists and then becomes complacent and intimidated by Trump even though he claims FBI is independent, yet can't actually speak up to keep it that way.
I'll be back for another season of he gets a redemption arc
There's a Heisenberg somewhere under all that Walter White, I can feel it
It's beginning to look like the whole thing is a psyop ZOG orchestrated to distract the public from putting pressure on politicians to carry out the agenda Trump was elected for.
This has been going on since before the election. Our attention is being diverted by this soap opera of chasing ghosts that would put Dark Shadows to shame. For fuck's SAKE it's obvious.
Every minute of every workday congresscritters are holding hearings and "investigating" whatever the hell you call this is time wasted, that would be better spent on reviewing the refugee program and illegal immigration.
The Republikikes control the agenda, so it's not like they even have to hold hearings on this nonsense. It's still the same jew party system that we had before November 8.
Also these fuckers are getting paid millions to be in session to find shit they know is fake, yet they talk about wasteful spending.
I think the Russian investigation was the cover story some fool 'ginned up to justify the unmasking of the entire Trump campaign. We already know that members of the campaign were unmasked, but they'd need a reason. Contact with a foreign nation, seems like the most likely reason.
I'd also guess that the Russian contact with the campaign was the Russians telling Trump who was being bugged.
Wouldn't it be funny if the campaign used the surveillance as a vector for psy ops/strategic disinfo.
Jason Chaffetz asks FBI for reported Comey memos on Trump