

He is a republican house nigger porch monkey coon fucking jigaboo

Do you have proof he's registered as a Republican?

The right is so cucked it's sad.

This, they are so low test and have such a low sex drive that they dont even rape.
Pathetic cucks


more like Jew-rnalism

Whiteness = Position of power
Therefore he is white under his skin
POC are always oppressed

You mean that you gain power when you turn right-wing?

Well, right does make might.


>(((Bryan Singer)))

Obama was preisdent, the highest position you could think of and despite actually being half white, everyone treated him like anotha brotha

C cuck is hispanic??

Well, he was born in Mexico as Louis A. Székely. His grandfather was a Hungarian kike who enriched some Mexican Rosalita. Does that make him a hispanic or some kike bastard is for you to decide.

Yep, he's a Mexican-Jew. If you look on Youtube there's an old Opie & Anthony radio show episode where Louis is on bashing white people and Patrice O'Neal calls him out for not even being white and that he's "an albino Mexican" kek.





Singer's a Jew? I just assumed because of the blue eyes he wasn't. Was his birth name more Jewish sounding or something?
