Tree of Savior - TOS

New OP Edition
Tree of Savior is a f2p korean grindan game with cute aesthetics and a wide variety of classes.

Current players please input your details here:
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Main guild on the server Klaipeda under Cider is full but could likely be purged. We are waiting for someone else to get to templar for the extension guild. He needs to be a templar to start a guild (rank 7, which happens around lv223), so it takes a while. Added disadvantage, the class is currently only good for sudden-guild-party-summoning shenanigans.
Current templar candidate: GlassArmour
Be sure to encourage him over PMs.

Skill Simulator:

Addon Manager:

Stats and how they work: Mechanics.pdf

General Database (Items, EXP tables, some builds):

(outdated) Index of other guides/etc to anything worth knowing:

Important Beginner Tips
A good example is the repeatable A Soldier's Favor in Miners' Village for Klaipeda
Orsha has more exp cards, Klaipeda more stats

Special quests

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To the guy asking pelt vs highlander from the last thread, have a less retarded version.

Pelt 1 is, in general, hilariously better than any other option- even in PvP.
With a +50% PDef attribute for it, and a +25% block attribute. The block from it (even without con) is plenty high to deny a Musk's Headshot (not necessarily snipe), too.
It also works with a dagger out, and the agro draw still functions even if you switch to a 2h weapon.
If you're a dex build, anyways

Only reasons to not go Pelt
Highlander's Cross Guard is really good

Good fucking luck with that. It even got nerfed. Still good, but you're resigning yourself to being complete ass till circle 7.

2nd for killing raid bosses who only do magic damage.

its worth going lvl 10 ONLY if you're going sword 2 already, not worth if you're going into sw2 just to level those skills. see pic

the sw v pel v hl debate can generally be answered by the attached pic. endorsing this guy who knows his shit

as for all this talk on gung ho vs concentrate:

I feel like there should be a note that barbs can wield 2h swords as well. The only things they miss out on is Cross Guard and the crit damage attribute, but the crit damage attribute is actually fairly low compared to the raw damage range and aoe ratio that 2h offers. It's really do you plan on exclusively using 2h swords for Highlander. If yes, definitely go Highlander. If no, Pelt 1 is going to be the better long-term choice.

18% evasion is nothing.
Just do some math, with a random number. let's say 500.
Now let's look at the downsides, like making yourself useless in battle (but you'll survive!).

Swashbuckling is retarded for anything else than be your party's slave.

Active Guard

Cross Guard

Fencer don't use Shield and don't use Two-Handed.
Check mate atheists.

I need help in picking a mob to farm that has "long but consistent spawn time" but with good drops. I considered doing this on Vubbe fighters and though I did get some blood every now and then, their spawn time is inconsistent.

Large Panto Spearman can drop its rare as fuck panto spearhead and cafrisun pieces

other than that, go for large mobs like red loxodon and hogma captains.

i don't want to bother making a list of large mobs


You can always neglect the 15% more damage from Fencer's "Rapier Mastery" and use a shield.
Then, you got an immortal character.

Are you still grinding, user?
What do you think of this guy's build? It seems that he's fucking god, and dealing more damage than archers and wizards - and he picked sword2.
Also, he's betting on a Sword tree buff, know anything about it?


well ofcourse its going to look flashy with theorycrafting, but it doesn't make it particularly optimal in all situations. the restrain stuff is true, its good in PvP but only if you don't get smashed getting in and can deal your multihits that lagless smart people just run out of. 6/10 at best because you are skipping on peltasta swash that works with fencer.

swordie changes known in queue:
>swash buckle moved to swordsman 1 :^)

with enough time, you can fuck everything.

I think maybe Fencer is the only Sword class that it's acceptable to go Sword2?

I'm speculating builds here, and Highlander would only go with Barb or Doppel - ANYTHING else is Pelt.

You wish.

Yo Buch
So this is was I was thinking of rerolling if I get around to it later on.

Are the skills still horrendously uninteresting?

sword 2 is almost never a good option because it lacks utility. its flexible in that it "can" work in many builds but it doesn't give those builds the best benefits. shinobi scales hard with swordsman circles because bunshins can only use swordsman skills. fencer can benefit more from peltasta swash. there's an old sw3>cata3>dragoon build but people look down on thsoe as trying too hard to dps when they can barely contribute in any other aspect while still not doing particularly amazing dps when in a party with other dps characters.

true, highlander + barb + doppel are synergystic but you could also be a solo leveling squire or weapon switching for specific purposes like needing an AoE ratio boost.

i seriously first thought that was a joke build but then there were smart skill point allocation down the line. that's going to be suffering. how masochistic are you?

you'll probably be an endgame party god if you level that with full con

Sadhu's Out of Body is pretty fun to play too

Already lvl 205. I fucked up on my stat allocation only at 190 Con atm. Reason I left so many points unused in Rod tree is because a lot of skill don't need more than 1 point, since they scale like shit. Also waiting for the "buffs to Rod"

Pic related.

With my lv160 character currently, that's a little over 2.6% of my patk. In exchange, I get a little over 60 eva, which, at my level, raises my hit-agnostic dodge chance by more than 10%. Since that's a percentile mitigation, each percentage point is more valuable than the last. So under 1/40th of my current normal attack damage (less when I use a skill, and even less when you add Ele Atk and Sac and Cafri) for over 10% more physical attacks being completely ignored?

Okay now I know you're trolling. You can gather mobs for yourself so you can use a single skill use to get multiple kills. Works really well with Barb's Cleave -> Seism -> Cleave combo, especially since Seism has increased AoEA

What is weapon swap? What is all those levels before you get to fencer? Honestly the only reason you can ditch a shield completely as Fencer is Falconade, but being able to downshift to a hard tank when needed is actually quite useful.

That's its point, yes.


He's not "fucking god", he's a jackass that's blatantly full of himself. It's a PvP build, and the confirmed "Swordsman Buff" is effectively to Swordie 1, not Swordie 2-3 (which will probably get some buffs at some point, but unknown what and when). Pic is related to this guy as well, fuck.

As for the build, has some major problems in PvE in both survivability and utility for the sake of "muh pvp" on a class that still gets completely destroyed by anything with ranged CC.

Lunge is only up 4s every 14s, Falconade is an on-demand parry. Also is slash, helps solve the cloth problem he mentions. His justification for completely dropping it is DPS based, too, saying it's weaker than Composee spam. Yes, in a vacuum, but against a cloth target it'll beat Composee due to +50% type matchup, and it's a 0CD block.
He claims it not blocking skills is another reason he doesn't like it. That is solely a PvP reason.

I'll admit, I didn't know it hits twice (so it's not that bad), but I'm not sure if going over 1 for a 0CD that only gains damage is ever a good idea. It's 5 more mana for another 62x2 flat damage. Not worth it for PvE, barely worth it for PvP even on crit

Solid pick honestly, even for PvE, but he'd do better for PvE with more in Warcry, and leveling to Fencer will be somewhat painful without higher Helm Chopper due to Slash reliance. Hell, my Fencer build was originally going to be Pelt Barb3 Fen3 before I decided I wanted the Corsair outfit.

He does have Cleave 15, which actually will combo well with…

On-hit stun means Cleave's x2 vs stun is available regularly, but bosses are immune to stun. Meanwhile, it misses out on all the utility and hotswap options dipping in Pelt gets for a single combo that is really only strong in pvp.

Only if you plan on being PvP almost exclusively. The utility of Pelt for both parties and solo grindan is absurd.

Pelt build is fine, but on Swordie move 1 point from Concentrate and 2 points from Gung Ho into Bash for the tasty knockdown OH3 on a 8s cd. You'll keep the attributes, which is most of the damage from those two skills.
Rode, no opinion since I haven't really looked closely at it.

found the page for future classes costumes includes R7 classes

This is not what I was promised. Where is my waki-miko outfit?

So something like this?

if you mean the other thread i was just having some fun by calling it taoist. (see OP pic)

the gif is legit leak though and almost certainly going to be a cleric base while taoist is apparently wiz base.

How dare you trick me like that, you piece of shit. I demand apology juice!

Seems about right.

Unless you're putting points in dex, that point in Guardian will pretty much never be used, but I'm not gonna say don't do that. The lack of the low CD knockdown was my only complaint.

looking for someone who can translate and report back there the patch translations.


being stuck on orsha is suffering, server transfers when

but i guess its not so bad that i can grind where i please at least

Wonder what else besides Fletcher is getting "balanced"? Also how much salt can be expected to be harvested from this announcement?

details on the 14th,
my bad, lets cool the hype train down a bit

Hope the fortune teller is a good class to go at rank 8 after monk, I want that costume.
Could be something like oracle where it's all utility and no int scaling.

if you guys really want leaks even though its literally going to be relased in less than a day then check out the kToS thread in the forums.

Sometimes there are valuable gems in there worth knowing.

Holy fuck thats a major buff if that post is true.

This is the changelog. Swordsman got buffed, yes, but it's still not optimal.
Some guy did the math for Restrain in pic related.

Also, thread link (be sure to slide it to the end).




they will run iToS and kToS on the same version down the line. ie. we'll be getting kToS stuff while they will get ours. the link shows stuff that we got that they are getting.

Other than the concentration buff, all of those seem like all in game long before.

Is this game still full of bots and empty areas?

not full of bots, but there are bot hotspot maps.

as for empty areas, depends on how full you want them. most are grinding in optimal maps and the others are running dungeons. some are bumming in the towns. you'll run into people while doing maps for sure though.

That's because they gave KToS all the nerfs we had, which isn't what people wanted. People were hoping that IToS would get the KToS buffs and revert the IToS nerfs.

So IToS is the balanced version?

Hell, they say that in kToS silver farming is redundant because its so god damn easy.

But they're going to suffer now. Firstly, Highlander will die, as Skyliner will go from 0s to 15s cooldown. YES, IT DIDN'T HAVE COOLDOWN THERE

Rangers will too since their steady aim will be nerfed.

It's also at OH3, though, not a total loss and to be honest 0cd should only be on active mitigation skills, skills that are ass outside of damage convert, and stance dancing. Anything else would be better stronger but with a cd. Besides, Skyliner has added worth from its combo with crosscut…. which is oh2 28s cd. Not sure why that was originally a 0cd in the first place when it has a double damage condition that isn't consumend on hit.

At least ktos hasn't reverted the barb cleave buff, which means we're getting it, r-right?

Who is best girl and why is Peltasta Master?
Also, Peltastas are for: cuddling.

I have a weak spot for girls with short hair and a tan.

and if I was gay

Best husbando is pic related.

posting best grill.

also, i want to be a necro now. future archer skellies look badass.

weapon reskins coming.

maybe i'll wait until the thread stops bumping at page 4 before i start posting the kToS rank 8 announcement, its going to be quite a few bumps so might as well spead it out for more exposure

You know if you guys like this game so much, help the guy who's working on the server emulator so you don't have to waste too much of your life on it.

help how?

(impressive, very nice)

Damn. Is this game dying already?

try harder next time m8

i'm off to lunch and wont be back for a while so posting this part ahead

Necromancer 3

includes the archer skellies pic here

basically more corpse shenanigans.

maybe because the current official build is still pretty dang good and will be updated more?

kToS was doomed to fail because of Nexon, iToS is actually taking shit seriously, elbeit being behind on the updates.

The server merge is kToS because its bleeding players (i hear).

That's what happen when you keep buffing classes due to popular demand. Everybody is an archer now because MUH DPS (when it needs to be protected like a baby in dungeon runs, by the same swordsman and clerics they loath).
And now they nerfed archer
And nerfed Skyliner (and buffed everything swordsman else)

That's the truth..Get a lot of shit because I went Chappy. Even when I'm Spr/Int/Con build


mofugger, that's enchanter. you messed up the pun. anyway, since you posted it, might as well add the rest.


one of the two new rank 8 class for wizzies.

its basically another crafting class that can jew out spells like the pardoner. they can also enchant equipment (effects not known yet) similar to squires.

In short, go linker > alche >enchanter for maximum overjew.

i kinda want to know if thaum and chrono skills can be scrolled, that would be awesome

do not forget best gif


what about alch 3?

niggah you're killing me here. i'm trying to pace the posting for bumps but you're cutting ahead of me and messing up the order.

featherfoot 2
shit gets literal

they gain the ability to fly. details are not clear about how this interacts with obstacle but i'm pretty sure it can't cross nonexistent terrain so you won't be flying across map gaps.

while in flight, you are able to use an ackbar skill which uses 60% of your hp to explode (see the pic linked). yes, you can die if you use it below 60% hp. all mobs that don't die get a status that makes all attacks on them leeched back as life, no data on how much is leeched back but given that you're more than half-dead after using it i expect it to be significant. inb4 it bugs while party linked and you can explode your whole party on a whim

personally i love this concept for a different kind of healer support class. straight up feeling you life through a straw (or tiles) was pretty bland.

i'll do alch 3 after this (assuming that other guy doesn't spoil another pic) when the page gets pushed down again.

I'd guess it only leeches from beasts, demons and insects like the previous feather foot skills.

FF is the class that makes me want to play a wizard but all that time required to get to FF isn't that appealing

Do we have any info at all on fen 3 yet?

You chose this future, bot-chan. It'll be easier if you could just accept yourself!

guess what it does

Alchemist 3

As menitoned, they get a skill that can transmute weapon appearances. see additional pic here this apparently lasts a long time and (as far as i can tell) is only cosmetic.

google translate a shit so i can't tell if its saying that special bonuses are added to existing alche skills but they are mentioned a few times. really, you should be maxing skills you want to specialize in rather than spreading thin

Another thing is the gifs related. seems like magnum opus? will evolve to be able to create…
which can use your skills from lower classes, here we see it using a pyromancer skill.

this would be a big help with leveling as going so balls deep into a crafting class is going to be suffering. no details on the stats or how the ai will work on this thing.

posted the other gif. apparently i exceeded 8mb

Based on the rest of the games pet ai, I'd wager my savings on saying "like ass."

Warlock 2

things get much more spoopy

idfk what this is supposed to mean.
ok, probably a bokor zombie-like thing where your train shits damage
ok, you can use the spirit things as projectiles.

speculation 1: i'm going to bet the spirits don't magically appear and they have to come from dead mobs… and if so, you'll lose the effectiveness of this skill against bosses.

speculation 2: the thing tanking for the featherfoot 2 gif doesn't seem like something it casts. its a posthumous salamion? it might be a warlock 2 thing.

warlock 2 seems meh mechanically but probably the most DPS-themed of all wiz rank 8.

welp, you're probably right. i'm actually imagining its untargetable and just spams skills all day in regular intervals matching the cooldown and deals damage that is a percentage of your own stat. i forgot to mention homunculi last for 10 days so its probably going to use some high quality expensive shit to create because it lasts so long.

Lets say you made a mistake in your swordsman C1 stats and want to redo them.
Is there currently a way to reset the stats, or should I just make a new character, or should I wait for the devs to maybe implement a stat reset?



the other new wizard rank 8 class

manipulates space

can manage team-wide portal transportation to set locations. different from the statue-to-statue diev warp

can duplicate location-based skills. the number of copies depends on the skill level, so in theory that's a potential 6 clones if you gem it or that one cleric-base skill i forget its name. basically, the best wizard DPS support is also a wizard class.

stat reset exists already in the cash shop.

skill point allocation, i'm not sure.

class reset, no, they say they never will,

Only wiz's rank 8s? What about everybody else's?

Still Lurking

The Swordsman Rank8's will determine if I'll go with either:

Waiting information on Fencer3 and Matador for that.

This game is pretty, shame it's korean grindan.

Skill resets are in the cash shop. Stats aren't there yet.

That early (under lv20), a mulligan isn't even an hour.

Meanwhile, fen 3 determines if I go cors fen cors cors fen fen or cors fen fen fen cors cors. I would rather do the former for pistols sooner, but if fen 3 is really good…

Also tbh I would suggest hitting fen as soon as you get access to it. Rapiers solve swordie's slash reliance problem, and by dipping twice into barb you have a lot of slash skills to make up for the cloth resist (including fen 1's falconade)

Where do I grind for levels 130-160 while waiting for missions and dungeons to reset?

You should have went Klaipeda+Orsha quests, like this guy pointed out
That way you wouldn't need grinding until your 200s

Being a korean grindan isn't even a problem compared to the shit this is suffering through

i was going to cap the english version of the wiz rank 8 teaser, but found this instead.

i suggest you guys look into it too.

in any case, if you guys are antsy about the other rank8s it might be a long wait because these are teasers and they aren't obligated to release this info in a timely manner.

Is the level 175 dungeon run more often than the 160?

I'm thinking maybe I should use some cards to get to level 175 and continue leveling from there since there are very little quests around the be farm and no one does the dungeon

No one runs the 160 dungeon because it gives shit for exp. Everyone just uses cards to get to 175 like you're thinking of doing to unlock the 175 dungeon.

good to know, thanks

Nice. Wonder what them special items are.

They actually released the Rank 8 Wizard page in English

I'm actually going to post pics for all you lazy fucks around


Warlock's outfit makes no thematic sense

Also there will be a daily event to get free shit and possibly hats, here is the link

I honestly thought they had put a premium outfit there in place of the Warlocks.

That just don't make any sense.

i thought them cubes only dropped talt and cards.

They drop dilgele too some times.

Feels surreal man

I gotten a staff from Mineloader cube, so theres that.

they know

Is that any good? Since I have teh staff for it and the recipe was listed for under 50k in the market.

Male Doom

Bumping with qt deities

Me with the twintails.

I just woke up and am in a daze. Isn't that guy's math wrong? Isn't it 4% str + 2% dex and then multiplied by the skill level and then you add the base value + attributes?

Skyliner is still obnoxiously strong though, at least compared to most other skills in the swordman tree. But all they need to do is make Highlander3 not one of the most worthless circles in the game.

Are world bosses still not worth doing because of no cube drops if you're not in a group doing a metric fuckton of dps?

its: (4%X + 2%Y)*14
= 14*4%X + 14*2%Y
= 56%X + 28%Y
so i think he got it about right, adding the base value + attributes. its additive if you look at the "value =" part


The idea that only the top n get the good drop is fine to me- that's more than RO did (top 1 wew) and it rewards the group that didn't die out the ass during the fight (death drops your party's damage share, assumed to 0).

The biggest problem in the intended current system is it goes by individual when picking the top six. Ideally, you would have 6 parties with one high-dps each, and that would net you 30 total cubes. But if two of those individuals are in the same party, that party gets one drop each and two are consumed from the pool. This makes it really easy to block others from getting the drops, and to make it nearly impossible to muscle in on a meme build. It also makes mid-tier dps players basically useless, as they won't have the damage to snag a drop, but don't have enough support to actually help snag a drop.

The ideal party currently is 2-3 dps 2-3 full support.

What needs to happen is:
Track damage individually, but at drop time, combine people in parties. This will make muscling in on the world boss mafia insanely easier, as controlling all sets of drops would require a lot more people and/or a very strategic split- split too much and you'll be easier to muscle in on, split too little and you won't control supply. And since it's a person-count thing, the world boss mafia will be actively trying to grow its number, meaning more exposure meaning more people learn the trade secrets and get/sell the drops.

Long term this will boost the drop count immensely, and muscling in on the world boss mafia will be as easy as baring more dps in one party that the split the mafia did to block you. This will also mean the hybrid support/dps can fill the role of support, as they contribute damage and buffs rather than just buffs, making the reliance on meme builds lessened.

As for why 6 down to 4-5, puts the potential drops at 20-25 (controls supply better), and means a party of insane dps could explode itself at the end and get all the drops. I WANT tactics like that- it can easily backfire and make most of them not get drops, but would allow a dedicated group to kick out a bunch of random chucklefucks trivially.

As much as Kirito's Desu is cancer, I will give them credit- they weren't doing what Crimson(?) was doing. They were actually playing the timers fair.

This would
1) give a reward to not being neutral (finally)
2) be risky- if someone blaps your tower, while you're on a boss they can come by and wipe your party off the boss
This would give an alternate way to muscle in- just directly ruin their attempt- and may even give rise to mercenary pvp guilds (which would be cool).

I'll be joining soon. Any advice is welcomed.

I dunno, it's pretty cool reducing defense on everything ever

Most advice would be given when you've decided on a build, but I'm happy to help in what way I can

Come up with a build and ask for a r8, we'll oblige.

Look up the high-ranking classes and build for them.

Swordsman's role in the game currently is to TANK, secondly, is to TANK, and thirdly is Support-DPS.
If you want to create a Full-DPS Swordman, you can, but you'll "swimming against the current".

Archers are DPS DPS DPS.

Wizards can follow both the Master race DPS or support and utility.

Clerics, finally, are mostly Healers and Buffers, but they can do Tanking and even some kind of DPS, with certain builds.
You can even be a Master Jew Kabbalist

Appreciated. I'll try to find what suits me best.

Would I be called healslut or pocket bitch if I go healer?

Healing is not a full time job here, healing skills have more than 20 seconds of cool down, you just drop the heal tiles and your party moves over them when they need them and if they're good they wont need them that often

That's a relief.

that shit is worth putting in the forums. do it, faggot.

check pic related, it'll help you decide if you haven't yet based on general midgame performance
that OP was crafted with love. read the damn thing. also discord makes for quick responses. its pretty much the reason most of the people playing aren't actively posting here because we're all customer service-ing the kohais in discord.

gf build is pretty standard as building out of cleric 2 and priest circles. but you know what else builds out of priest circles? some of the best buffed up melee DPS in the game that chains well into facesmacking builds. you can always be a healslut, but nobody looks at priests (or krivis) as a class dependent on others because your DPS potential only drops if you really build for full support.

niggah don't confuse the kohai

also, tanking is only required for party content. you can be happy with being beefy DPS if you go solo or just run local parties with friends and guildies. just don't go cuhrayzee with "i'mma be glass cannon melee DPS"

everything else is spot on though.

Most tard DPS expect you to drop the heals on them, or next to them, they don't want to come to you or to your heal titles, its an inconvenience to them

As it should be, better the healer run around and heal ppl than having the DPS run around and not DPS.

you're normaly close to your party members anyway and they still need to move if they want the effect of more than a few tiles, normaly I just turn to the general direction of other pary members and the tiles appear pretty much already on them

It's not that simple, when a DPS needs healing it's because they're being targeted by monsters and in that case they should be moving away from the monsters' range anyway.
Heal also has a relatively long cool down so you can't always have it cast on you on demand if you really need it it's better to move to some left over tiles from previous casts than wait for the cool down.
Also archers and wizards can move while shooting and casting so depending on the positions it may not be a big deal for one to move to the tiles.

I agree it's better to interrupt a Cleric's DPS (or whatever else he might be doing) than a Archer or Wizard's but you can't just stand there waiting for the heals in a lot of situations.

Do you guys even lift? I actually get mad when the clerics run into fire just to throw some useless tiles near me.

Not all of us are worthless walking bags of meat. But nothing is worse than seeing 200+ characters with sub 10K HP 207 Pelt/Rod


I feel that my poetic abilities are grossly underappreciated

in another news, guess who's playing this game too

try not to draw too much attention. let them have their containment site with whoeverthefuck runs that shithole now.

Don't really need a shield as a fencer if you have enough dex…

the benefits of watching youtube while playing.

>he runs away instead of fighting

we didn't protect the torch but for some fucking reason it survived the 3mins. 10/10 objective design IMC

the absolute madmen.

they just killed the boss anyway while having all their shit broken.

really shouldn't be rewarding leeching fuckers like these.

Shields only matter if you have enough block to make it worth using over a good off-hand.

That sucks but nothing will change until some type of system is in place to stop people from being a waste of space.

I only had that happen 2 times, which is not bad since i done 6 missions a day for a almost 2 months.

So, I'm a noob and have a Barbarian lv76.
But this is my SECOND character.
My first character was also a Barbarian, but I deleted it at lv79 because I made mistakes everywhere, from status to skills.
By that time I didn't know about attribute upping, collections, enemy armor, etc - so, as I chose in the character creation screen Klaipeda, I just did the main Klaipeda quest until reaching the Royal Mausoleum.

Now, in my second character, I started in Orsha, and discovered that you could do both City-quests simultaneously.
I started doing Collections, upping attributes, better managing everything.

But I want to share something here, something that changed it all:
While I was doing Klaipeda's quest, the game felt pretty standard, with nice graphics, typical quests, etc.
But when I started doing Orsha's quest, my whole vision of the game changed.
Orsha's maps are wild! beautiful! splendid! magnificent! intriguing! full of life! transport you to another world! and have the most beautiful music of them all!
Seriously, Novaha is a place that I wished to live forever, by just how beautiful the colours, architecture, general theme and music are!
Ashaq Prison got me way back from the core "magical" theme of the game to the very Diablo atmosphere - which is a game I think ToS based itself A LOT - very dark, but yet beautiful.
Currently I'm now in Delmore Hamlet, and this particular map inspired me to write this post.
The music is simply fantastic, let me repeat it again, SIMPLY FANTASTIC, and the overall "Abandoned City in the Woods" atmosphere makes me shiver, with so many stories, so many possibilities and imagining how such a city would be in real life - all of that with the characteristic beauty and now I think, love, that the designers put in this game.

Seriously, Orsha made me fall in love with this game, which I just "liked" when during Klaipeda on my first char.

So anons, will it get better?!

Level 178 here, nothing has surpassed the Delmore maps for me but you still have really nice maps ahead that I find to be very close.

go hunt for the map gimmicks and get all the free stat points which are really easily missable because those are "often" (needs confirmation) unmarked.

you seem to be into the atmosphere more than me (i watch youtube while playing so music is off) so you'll probably be into exploring; ie. maps. just keep going forward and remember not to miss side areas like Guard's Graveyard.

If you are a completionist oh god i pity your soul then finish the collections as much as you can save for those really hard chase drops like vubbe fighter blood, tanu flower, panto spearhead, etc. How do you know which ones are chase drops? GOOD LUCK!

and as always…
check the OP for the doc, the discord, and add people online

This is me right now, judge me.
I'm using a Didel Colossus, but I'm planning to change it to Golden Falchion(I Crafted!)+Arde Dagger.
Cafrisun is great, I'm planning on using it up to the 280, knowing how fucked up it will be to make the entire set become +15 to it become viable.
Finally, I'm going to get Corsair C2, because of double weapon assault - I'm imagining what effect Cafrisun would have on this, 4 attacks? If yes, this is a must.

You make my brain hurt.

You're gonna need more str for an autoattack build man

I started with 5 TP Max, I don't know the difference between it and normal TP, hell, I don't even know what it is, and I'm not concerned about it at the time.

Cafrisun is a must for everyone, really, try it with some elemental damage giving it a boost. ;)

I know, but right now if I don't invest on evasion I die fairly quickly because of my armour.

Go spend your TP at the top shop. There's one in Klap next to the market. It replenishes over time, so if you leave it maxed you're losing out on resources.

Oohh, thank you!

usually you should buy 1 soul crystal and 1 megaphone with the 5 free tp

Oh, good. There's a TOSG on Holla Forums. Is this one filled with avatar fagging, "crushes", or other weeb shit?

I'm currently leveling a one-day templar. I made the possible mistake of following the most popular templar build on tosbase which advocates placing 4 str, 3 con, and 5 dex in a cycle.

I've been talking to other players and they say since Templar doesn't do shit for damage you may as well just go full con to be a better tank in PVE.

Do I need to reroll?

It doesn't seem that way for the weeks i been part of it. Pretty much just talking about builds, bugs, and git gud.

Leveling a full CON fucking sucks. If all you want is to reach templar and not care about actually playing it a lot, don't go full CON.

Also, I assume you're doing c3 pelt>c2 squire>templar. That's a tank build, probably the most popular templar build ingame is c1 pelt>c1 hop>c3 cat>templar, at least it was a few months back. The reasoning is that the only way a swordie can compete in PvP is if they have mobility, otherwise they just get wrecked by magic/archers.

dude my barb3 just walks around bosses like nothing and the few times I get hit I most often dodge

Ah. Then yeah, I've messed up if I intend to play him. I'm already Pelta 3.

You can be ok until like 160-180 if you use cafrisun, arde, and buy sacriment/blessing buffs from pardoners. After that, killing shit solo is so painful you'll want to claw your eyes out. If you can find a party to level with you, it's doable and a full CON endgame tank can theoretically do ok in GvG but getting to templar just blows.

nm, I saw you did 4 str, 3 con, and 5 dex so you can probably solo shit, it will just be boring as hell since pelt and squire are all defense/utility focused.

I wish Stop Time would also constantly stop any projectiles in it's radius.
And that you could throw knives
and that rank 8-10 will fucking come out soon so that I can finally have my cryo-linker-chrono circle 3 support/cc

If I wanted to go Corsair, what would be the best path? I see some that are C1Peltasta>C2Barbarian>C3Corsair and some that are C3Highlander>C3Corsair or C1Peltasta>C2Hoplite>C3Corsair.

What would be the differentiating traits between these choices? Is one more raw damage and another debuff?

That's fixed.

After them, you go either Barbarian 2 or Hoplite 2, and this depends entirely if you want to use Swords or Spears, go Fencer or Dragoon.

So only two circles in Corsair?

Corsair 3 right now is kinda bad.
The destiny of many Swordsman lie in the Rank 8 updates.
Luchador? Matador? Fencer? Dragoon? Shinobi? Buffs?

Now, if you go Barb2 route, you'll have more AoE and CC, and a Skill-Focused character.
Good for parties, etc.

If you go Hopl2, you'll have more Raw-damage, individual play and buffs and a build focused more on auto-attack.
Good for solo.

tbh you should consider 2 cricles in corsair until R8 classes for swordmen are revealed

This is an "all-around" guide to the Swordman classes.
Be aware that this player is experienced, but not specialized, so this is a broad and general review.

I think this guy is even worse, but it's worth to check it out.

If you wanna look for other stuff, this is the general Swordman forum.

correct link:

Once again patch notes are a total fucking disgrace. Never change IMC

Most of those guids are shit. Just a general overview, besides giving you some basic info i don't see much good in them.

damnit 8ch let me post my webm

would help if you post your class too, judging form your shield you could have gone peltasta rank 2 which would have been better future-proofing… but highlander would have been better funtimes with a 2-hand sword especially a dex-heavy critter like that.

indeed cafrisun is great as well as arde but their potential is lock behind multi-hits, something you'll probably have no access too until corsair.

fair warning: you have very little survivability when faced with magic mobs. invest in a good set of mdef armor. do not miss out on two uniquely great items for this purpose:
deeps is useless when you're dead.

all the wasted free soul crystals, that shit's important for not losing your gems
also a few microphones is good for global chat bantz, we are anons here afterall

we could start doing it just to spite you. lol

in any case, the thread is mostly for exposure. the active players (and fucking cider) are in the discord we we don't have to shitpost on the thread keeping it mostly relevant.

i don't know why people thing a one-day templar is even agood idea. its so much work just to get a line of text under your name. you don't even get towers unless you spend for it with silver on your templar and you even need talts for all the extras which requires regular play. ok the talts thing maybe you can do on alts just being all dramatic and shit

and then everything changed, when the magic mobs attacked…

you're low level and you'll need some dex anyway. start pumping con. if you slowroll the leveling and get friends to help you god knows cider got a lot of help back in the day it'll work out. missions and full dungeon runs are your friend, just pray for good matchmaking. you're going to have a bad time if you're rushing to templar though, that's a surefire way of burning yourself out.

how the fuck do you even do solo content with that thing? not a single rank for psycho. whew.

with the swordsman buff coming care of concentrate, loading up on str and dex (and just enough con to not get gibbed) seems like the definitive dps build.

sw3>barb>cors2>shinobi will be god mode auto attack DPS and burst but is squishy as everliving fuck. bunshins getting nerfed but they will also get access to higher rank class skills so this might not be the true optimal when the change hits. imagine you and all your clones using stabbing. delicious.

seems like a safe build that maximizes on utility and goes hard on corsair skills. this'll open you up for a tight choice for rank 8 because you're pretty much stuck with switching sword+shield and sword+dagger.

whoever suggested this is lying to you. true its lots of good offensive skills but so little utility and consistency as highlander specializes in 2-hand swords makes this iffy at best. unless you don't go for the 2-hand corsair skills and just pray for a 2-hander rank 8 class.

the fan favorite. spear+dagger with swash utility is amazing. stabbing and finestra will carry you so far especially with cafrisun. go for this if you don't want to bother theorycrafting the performance of other builds.

unless you go fencer rank 6 an 7 leaving you to only have corsair1, you'll be underranked. not suggested for people who aren't well experienced with the game yet. cors2>dragoon is legit though. cors3 is meh-ish getting only pistol shot so really up to you if you want to be all shooty.

they thy to cross reference classes instead of cross reference build paths which in theory could take hella many combinations. they tried their best.

welp, you're not wrong.

scavenge challenge will be fun though.

Is that Lemon Demon in your pic? I know I seen that cuck around.

I don't. I accept my role as a support. Unfortunately I have also accepted that I won't abandon this character and make a new one until it's leveled to Circle 3
Originally I was going to go for a wiz->c3 cryo -> crono maybe 1 tier of Linker or elementalist/physco, butidunno
Just be with me for the grind. I promise I'll be a sage/enchanter for the guild!
Actually, speaking of sage, does the time stop effect copy over with his first ability?
I wonder how much shit I can break with specifically Sage. Dupe ice wall, dupe time stop.

*psycho. Fugg

idk. it came from imix

niggah you're barking up the wrong tree. i'm barely ever on to play. i've probably logged more days online in this game any most of the people in this thread yet i'm only level 154 on my only character. get into the discord for your grinding and grinding accessories.

Okay, I played in the Closed Beta until like 190 and I haven't bothered with this game again ever since it ended.
Have the balance changed at all? How bad is the card saving shit still? What is the easiest, most cookie cutter class route?

too busy running scavenger hunt event.

game is ok.

exp cards are ok.

go cleric>priest3>cleric2>oracle2

But I hate autoattacking for damage.
Did they unfuck archer-based classes yet?

Archers are the meta now, everybody is one.
But the game is far from stable.
Cards are almost useless still.

Is there room in the guild?

posting location of the scavenger hunt location for this map.

archers are in a good place. Fletchers are meta single target DPS king but is expecting a nerf because of it.

add Cider in game, join discord, bug him to go online, PM him ingame, get added.

not sure if there are slots though, there was a few last i checked which was a long time ago.

Maybe if you're bad.
I personally store 10 warps, 1 or 5 repairs, 1-2 revives, and the rest is megaphones.

Orsha is a lot better- it's also what gives me hope for the future of this game, since it was designed after Klai was. You still have to do Klai's quests (free stat points), but Orsha gets to be a treat after you fight with Klai's mediocrity . Hell, the storyline is even decent.

Btw, most of Orsha's songs are tagged Kevin in the folder if you wanna rip them. They aren't encrypted, archived, or locked in any way.

As for will it get better… not for a while, unfortunately. In fact, it gets markedly worse for a bit once you finish Orsha's line.

I have encountered two questlines since finishing the primary orshan quests that were good. The tail end of the Tyla Monestary questline (retaking the monestary), which ends around lv183, and the Roxona quest line because of things I don't want to spoil, which starts around lv184.

Dude cors fen here, looking forward to venier + manamana on cafri

EleAtk gets applied to each line too, not just bless. Neta my fencer 300 ish extra damage per normal, and will be netting around 500-600 extra once I finish my Venier.

Pic related

As a swordie main that guy is fucking retarded. Take his opinions as if they were being spouted by the normalfagst of normalfagfags wearing an "I Love Anthony Burch" shirt.

Or maybe that was the other guy. I will look when I am on lunch if I remember to.

Only crossguard is 2h oblige, but you are correct that it's not that great.

Highlander Shinibi, though… Moulinet is cloneable

Also Dopel works well with 2h, and that has a c8 rank.

Cors 2 is a powerspike level due to Hexen Dropper, Cors 3 as well due to pistols. Fen 1 works really well with cors 2 since Agression applies on all pierce skills and Dropper is pierce. It will only be a bad idea if Fen 3 is godlike, as fen 2 is only really more of fen 1 (prep and composee aren't a powerspike) hence why I am waiting till c8 is released before figuring out if I want fen2 or cors2 at c7

**As a pelt barb 2 cors fen, my current burst chain is
conquille lunge cleave seism seism cleave sept
Cors 2 puts Hexen at the end of that, which is another sept-tier burst skill**


the happening. abusers gonna get banned.

sorry only highbie-relevant news for bump, the biggest news is really the scavenger hunt which you should all be doing

I'm fearing the consequences of this.
Some people are saying (or asking/speculating) that there will be a Wipe (the game IS in Open Beta, after all).
But also, I'm fearing that, the top player's purge may affect the way this game is propagated trough the "gamesphere", killing its popularity.
Let's not forget that, so far, these exploiters are also the ones who pay for TPs the most, have YouTube channels for the game, are Guild Leaders, etc.
So, brace yourselves.

as long as i can play this game with you anons, i'll be around, purge or no purge.

assuming the game is not shut down

That a shit ton of Golden Anvils to get to +35 and since you can't transfer across your account, buy, or trade, that just leaves one option….

the consequence will be that imc bans a few token players for a month and doesn't even remove the exploited items.
they've been watching their game circle the drain for a while now and still show no signs of giving a shit.

barb 3 confirmed fun

Are you insane? Do these things drop the godly ultimate assraper sword of infinitum?

they can drop keys that may eventually lead to a cute tiny hat

one try per channel per day, 2 channels only, infinitely small drop rate from chests. that is, if you dont exclusively drop demons and have to restart farming again.

Its also a good grinding spot to get from 95 to 115, most mobs are cloth so swordies really get an easier time on them.


no chill for cheater guild

I'm going to abandon Barb at 2 and will pick Corsair.
Hook, Hexen and Dual-Attack are just toooo much.
I can always get a gem for Pouncing (I already have one for Skyliner).

I seen quite a few members of CuteNotLewd around, how are they cheating?

pic related.

all this is speculation, anyway. i don't have first-hand information but old man Imix is pretty familiar with their antics.

Here in Silute things are going down as well.
Top players, "leaders" from clans and their close circles got caught up crashing channels to enhance weapons.
Some guy got a +32 Superior Corona, some other got from +21 to +26 with a 0 POTENTIAL weapon.
Just for you to know, to make a high grade weapon, like, lvl280, to +15 can cost you about 50kk, failing many times.

Things are going downhill here, more than half of online players are bots, and these bugs don't help the situation.

This game needs a full bug fixing, class balancing, a decent PvP and something like the War of Emperium (Some weekly GvG mega-event).
Then, and only then, this game can climb to the heights its deserve.
In this twitch channel, some top players are discussing the server's situation and future
(It's in portuguese).

I feel you what your saying. As of now I only log in to do dungeon rush. Kinda lost the will to grind pass 200, since i'm sick of missions.

sounds like some faggots circlejerking and justifying their bug abuse because others did it first so they "had to do it" to compete. Typical br behavior

Is this game good yet or should I stick to RO?

not good yet, if you're not in you should just wait before committing

Leveling post 200 is pure, boring grind. Half the classes are horrible and useless. Bot infested. The only "difficult" content locks out the vast majority of classes, meaning that if you have a suboptimal build you most likely won't get invited to groups for said content.

Gameplay tweaks (aka class buffs to make shitty classes desirable) pretty much never happen. If the game survives for a few years, it might be good. If.

Damn. The game is really damn pretty and I've been wanting to scratch that RO itch, but don't want to go back and do content I've done a hundred times before.
A giant shame to hear it turned out so badly.

just try it, you'll see what happens buddy.

This pretty much sums it up nicely. Also expecting IMC to balance anything, you'll be waiting a long time. Just look how pitiful patch notes are.

im in CnL, and its all a dumb meme, its true that one of our members crashed a channel one time, but neither of us knew about the druid bug, we talked about it in the normal chat so one guy assumed we were trying to get +25 weapons or something

It seems that, by the top's conversations, there was no "Druid" bug, but the bug was due to one of Rogue's skills, "Capture".

Should I sell my talts?
What do I do from 67 for fast leveling?

You went Klaipeda+Orsha questline or just one of them?
If you are doing both, you shouldn't have a problem leveling up until your 200s.

If not, it's not to late to start the other city's quest.Or reroll

Do collections as well, it'll force you to grind a little in every map, but be aware that some collections are quite "impossible" to finish, such as Crystal Mine 3F and Royal Mausoleum 5F (and lots of others more as you go high level maps).

If your Talts are untradeable, there nothing to do with them but to sell them.
If they're still tradeable, keep them.

What from RO should TOS be taking from?

PvP, WoE, Card System (the Gem system is close to it).
ToS should also add more Monster variety, everything is Pink, White, Black, Grey, variations of the same monsters, over and over.

Entered Delmore today, oh God the soundtrack…

people who are currently playing it and like it

people who haven't played because they're looking in (opinion discarded) and people who played then left because of their reasons.

really the only reasonable way is to give it a shot. if you need heavy then at least start in Orsha because that are is designed way better than Klai.

might just be me, but this slowness doesn't seem so slow to me coming from many many other MMOs of old. people like you are just too ready for improvement and forget what goes into making those changes. suboptimal classes don't bother people like me who play for fun and like the variety, except rodeledo, that's just designed terribly but even then it can still tank. earth tower is also rank 8 content they left in for the sake of a challenge, if everyone could do it then it wouldn't be. fuck bots though, they shoulda addressed that back in early access

for what its worth, if they are innocent then IMC shouldn't punish them. Servers have logs, especially ones that catch errors like crashing. Its like the whole immigration shiz, its way easier to just hate on all of them even the good ones than just be PC and say "majority of you niggers are subhuman fucks".

still no chill, CnL is just the only name that stuck. i've been hearing 3 more players names in particular but i don't want to dig through discord ramblings just to find them and not like i'm high level or online enough to just pass by them haphazardly.

holy fuck that's so much SPR. PUMP INT AND CON NIGGA!

run the maps until you reach the lvl 90 dungeon.

save the talts to help your guild. they are also barter-able for endgame trading.

What would YOU do for an EXP card?

I don`t believe gems give you access to the skill if you don`t have it already. If they do, then I am a total idiot for thinking the slithering gem I found was trash. Oh well, I`m aware they`re DPK based now, not too hard to farm.

It`s very much not RO, though I would suggest at least pulling the music while you wait. One or two more content expansions should be enough for ToS to figure out exactly what it wants to be, as it`s currently kinda soul-searching due to Klai being one style and Orsha being another, and there being too few quests for a stretch because of a lack of content.

Do fiddle with the skill builder a bit if you`re bored, though. If you come up with something you think might be fun, feel free to ask us to r8 and then join in. It`s legally free, after all.

There was a small but steady stream of weekly buffs/nerfs/fixes until recently (most games do semi-weekly, monthly or slower, so yeah). It only slowed down because they`re merging the dev stacks of ktos and itos, as well as trying to get c8 out the door at the same time rumor had it by the end of the month, which was also the goal for the code merge.

They are also going to have a singular dev stack soon, so the patch notes will be a lot thicker due to requiring less duplicate/divergent work and less convergence patching. Added bonus, we`ll be one of the few Korean MMOs where the kr release isn`t months ahead of the international one.

It`s not actually that bad, it just has more potential than it used. Some design decisions are questionable but Orsha (the city) was a massive step in the right direction, so there`s reason to have hope this game will at least end up decent. Not the promised land, but not bad.

To my knowledge, crashing the channel with no survivors for world boss timer resets is primarily Crimson, one of the world boss mafia guilds.

Desu is surprisingly against doing shit like that in spite of Kirito being like, 12.

I believe talt becomes tradeable again after like a week, but don`t quote me on that.

Orsha and post-cathedrel are a decent hybrid of the two, with Tilas and Roxana being you gloriously bumbling into shit while having a reputation.
I want my fucking buy shops back, they were great and you could avoid trading via market with them. Having the Market only list buy shops with location and name would be fine.
Orsha again showed us the way, as hopping back and forth between Klai and Orsha was fairly comfy and allowed you to both change the order you did things and skip some if you felt like it.
Right now it`s for glory and….. glory. Nothing else.

Yeah, Delmore`s music is a cut above the game`s already high-quality music. The one that gave me the most chills was Initium.
Also, friendly reminder the soundtrack is loose .mp3s in the game folder.

i wish i could draw so i can join the art contest.

Does it still require you to grind to endgame just to unlock dual wielding?

d00lw33l requires an off-hand weapon, typically daggers.

the lowest level dagger is lvl 75 and its a rare drop from a lvl 90 dungeo with a low drop rate and costs a lot of silver.

"technically" its still earlygame when you first get it but you will need to grind it out unless you could borrow/ask for one from the guild.

currently you can't use main hand weapons in both hands.

So short answer is "Yes".
Thank you.

Short answer is 'depends' you definetly don't need to get to endgame for it.

Hol up, what's the max level then?
How long does it take to get to 90 level?

280 is max level.
90 is a few days of solid play depending on how you use your xp cards to jump over grindy patches.

lvl 90 can be reached within one or two solid days if you know what you're doing, and you havent even reached the 3rd city yet.


fuck fen 3, I need cors 3 yesterday

280 max.

i'm probs the worst person to ask since i play very infrequently and when i do i play very chill. imagine sinking hundreds of hours and only being lvl 154 while some say they can grind for 3 days to catch up to me.

If you tryhard a weekend, 90 should be doable especially if you can score a token early. the earlygame has great exp spread so you won't really be needing to do anything special until like level 60.

the issue really is getting your hands on the dagger, shit's hard to get yo. when you dual wield, you also won't feel any particular interaction other than the stats buffing your attacks… unless you play corsair that can go cuhrayzee with them. (forgot to mention the earlier pic was related)

Third day secret award

how fucked i am?

Trying to become canonneer







Talk about irony.

"Be stupid, but not a canoneer"


What's more important for melee character - dex or str?

Depends on your build. Most I believe prioritize strength over dex but I know fencers like a lot of dex. I think the general rule was if you are doing single big hits dex is good to pack the crit. If you are doing tons of little damage strength is the way to go.

Discussions about it.

that spread seems quite thin. i'd suggest a max spread of three. i've never played archers but if you're critting enough then going dex will work. ditch the SPR since you can spam sp pots. maybe go 1STR:1CON:3Dex until you hit 50 CON at least then reevaluate from there.

they say you need to keep heavy focus on dex for it to be worth at later levels and always have cloth armor ready for bullshit homing magic that will rape your squishy ass.

STR generally for better scaling and reliability unless you are going for max DPS with enough silver to burn on all the min-maxing luxury then dex usually is better overall because you can get your base damage from equipment.

Are hunter pets still retarded?

Anyone know about the development of private servers/server emulators? I tried out the game back in November but ended up dropping it with the aggressive microtransactions and GRINDAN, but a 10x/10x private server or similar could be a lot of fun, I think.

Are these niggers serious?

Found the nigger.


Well whatever, 10 hour aint that much right? I'm fucking rerolling.
I googled around as well as read discussions, and still confused as shit.
Basically I want to become corsair and go full crazy with dool wheelding slashing niggers non-stop.
Can somebody please spoonfeed me what classes do I take before becoming Corsair and most importantly - stats distribution. I'm not concerned about active skills, since there are reset scrolls, but stats and classes can't be fixed if you fuck up.
I also want to concentrate on PvE so if you suggest me something that work against mobs and bosses, but not against other players that that would be fine.
Please help.

No one has the magic formula. Corsair can be both a Lance user or a Sword user, so both Barbarian and Hoplite paths can be applied.

And yes, the meta for Swordsman consists only of Sword>Peltasta, the rest is a mess and not even top players who were in the CBTs can figure out what's the best for them.

Now, Rank 8 of Swordy is out:

It's in moon runes, so here's a thread with lame translations:

It seems that we're having new classes: Lancer and Murmillo. So, Luchador and Matador will be Rank 9.

It seems that Doppels and Fencers became godly, and Lancer is OP.

Posting the new motherfuckers.

Can I at least not suck as swordsman x2+barb x2?
Does DEX increase dodge significantly if I'm not peltasa? Or there is no point then?
If I go Corsair x1 - Fencer x1 will I be able to use Corsair's dual wielding skills while wearing bitching fencer coat?

I'm looking for answers as well. A guy who made a Glasscannon Fencer is Ascalone, and he picked Sword2 as well:

Dex alone increases "standardly", lots of high level Green Gems are absolute musts in Fencers.
18% is nice, but not "Incredible". Just think about it that way:

1250 is said to be some "cap evasion" that will make you have 85% chance of evading every mob in the game, no matter what.
1000 is said to be worth for 90~95% of the mobs, with the exception of some high level bosses and hard-archers monsters.

1000 is very achievable, and what bonus would it gain from 18%? 180, making it 1180 - which is great, but it was already great.

If you do the same math at lower evasions, like 500, 600, 700, the bonus appears real small.
I'm not saying that it's worthless, on the contrary, it's very welcomed, but it's not a "build death" thing.

Corsair1 doesn't have Double Weapon Assault.

I'm planning on go Sword>Pelta>Barb>Barb>Cors>Cors>Fenc>Fenc, because I didn't like Fencer3 compared to Corsair2 (it's still early to say, we need the officially translated skills).

Matador will come in Rank9, and that's the path to follow after Fencer2, in my honest opinion, right now (again, based on what we know).

Hell, i'm even considering Cors3>Fenc1 because of Pistols, but I think Fencer2 benefits outweights that, so, that's seems unlikely.

Also, I'm betting that Lancers will become some kind of "New meta" for Swordsmen, just like Peltasta before him, because it seems that they're an Anti-Mage class, fast and strong at that.

mostly, yes, but they're really good if they aren't getting ADD with multiple enemies around.

standard-est path is:

if you want to be sir hits-a-lot then you probably want 2str:1:con:1dex so a basic bruiser. if you can gear yourself very well (ie. you got a bankroll somewhere) then a riskier 1str:1con:2dex (str optional) would work too since you can get the base damage from gear and crits help fast milti-hit DPS.

people are shitting themselves about how theres no good rank 8 for dual wielding. cors2>shinobi>cors3 and cors2>fencer3 seem to be the defacto endgame choices now unless a new hidden class is revealed

So do I level dex at all or not?
How do I distribute Str and Con?
Or do I just go full str?

If I keep leveling up without distributing stats/changing classes, will I lose anything? Like permanent stat growth?
Why every other mmo has meta established after a couple of months since release, but this one struggles to do it even after a year?

Oh fuck missed this post.
I assume it would maintain balance between HP and Dodging, so I could not die from all sorts of shit?

I don't care if I sound like a retard or that my proxy can't keep its fucking IP for more than couple of hours, answer this. Will not spending points on each level up fuck with my character?

we in the guild were dicking around with item awakenings. damn son.

some dex is good but if its going to be your primary offensive stat (which you want unless you're going full tank or full support). always carry a bit of con for suvivability. full str works but still needs some con. i'm running a 0 dex cata. my build is 2str:1con and i'm not massively missing my attacks on mobs yet.

no you won't lose anything, its just a but WHY?! because you're gimping yourself making leveling harder.

meta isn't established because people keep finding different shit to do. some like the jewing, some like the item progression, some want dick around, hell some even want to complete the collections. its not all "best stats for best build for best character" because a lot of the game is synergy based from buffs to debuffs.

dex is just futureproofing. if i start missing against mobs, i'd so be heartpressed to invest in accuracy improving gear probs in the form of high level gems

then pump that shit way high because crit rate scales with the mob you're fighting

Why play this when ragnarok exists?I mean yeah it's prettier but literally everything else is worse.

Thanks mate.

Better controls.
Modern commodities.
Characters don't contrast with environment as much.

its generally a smart move to save SKILL POINTS if you're going to higher circles of the same class. this is because you can use the points for higher circle skills. remember that you can't use the skillpoints for other classes (eg. unused swordsman skill points won't transfer to peltasta).

eg. for my cata1 i could choose to only level earth wave 5, trot5, impaler1 leaving 4 skill points i can carry over to cata2 to get lvl 10 earth wave the moment i change job to cata 2.

just in case you completely write off holding on to skill points just because i said there's no point in doing it for stat points.

don't reply to the baitists trying to start something, we're all civil here
not even sure what the benis posts were about

hop into discord if you need quick answers.



Go down nerd. It was actually like the first posted in all those posts so it got pushed off the front page. Go to all news and you will see C8 swordsman preview.


But that's wrong. Mitigation/Evasion without diminishing returns are the best stats in RPGs. The more you have of it, the closer you get to becoming invincible and the potency of each percent point of evasion/mitigation goes up the more you have. AKA going from 90% to 91% evasion is significantly better than going from 50 to 51 or 0 to 1.

Is that hard to put in perspective? 1000 evasion will get hit 50% more often than 1180. 1180 will get hit 33% more often than 1250. Let that sink in for a while.

A bit of CON and then everything in either STR or DEX. Don't do stupid ratios and whatnot. Getting a bit of STR and a lot of DEX hurts your evasion a lot. A bit of DEX and a lot of STR is a complete waste of point since mobs will have high enough stats to negate your evasion and crit chance. The only reason to "get a bit of DEX" as a swordie is if you plan on sticking crit rate on every piece of gear to try and maximize your crit%, and even then I'm not entirely certain 50 crit rate is worth 100+ STR.

Just looked the preview for rank8 swordies.

Holy shit those Fencer numbers. If that crit dmg stance has 100% uptime, Fencer damage is going to be absolutely ridiculous. Assuming from the preview that the Epee Stance skill turns your crit dmg from *1.5 to *4, a rich fag with 100% crit chance could be spewing out 20k dmg Attaque Composee.

Murmillo might synergize really well with Hoplite if the chance to block ranged attack and spells is based on your actual block stat since you can get up to 30% extra block from Finestra.


That 18% bonus is a bit better than a flat 10% increase to the number of attacks you dodge assuming you've got decent eva. And even with over half my points in dex, I am still getting hit too often- and this is with Guardian going. See for why that's extra strong.


I honestly would suggest dipping fen immediately and then going cors 2. Hexendropper is a power spike, but fen 1 rounds out your base output by giving you rapiers (piercing damage you sorely lack), lunge (doubles seism, cleave, dust), conquille (100% uptime damage buff via debuff, low cd strike), and falconade (0cd slash), with sept as a "poor man's hexendropper" (7 main hits instead of 5 main 5 off, likely beating hexen in damage unless you have a Karacha or are using Venier).

If you're worried about downranking… agression (+15% pierce on skills for no shield) and conquille work with dropper, so you're getting a boosted dropper when you do get it.

Honestly fen 2 is the "dead" level; Prep relies on a bug and is only one attack, while composee is just an sp hole for higher dps while your burst is on cooldown. 5 more ranks in Sept is literally the only good thing about fen 2. Fen 3, however, is getting supercrits, a crit res debuff to help apply those supercrits, and even a pvp disarm.

source: this is literally my build, with the long term intent of cors 3 fen 3.

That won't dodge for shit, brah. Or crit very often
source: I'm running 2 2 1 6 str con spr dex. My eva isn't quite high enough for all at-level content evem with leather and guardian. Crit though, I do crit fairly often, but I have +44 from gear and +50 from Cleave.

You're making it even more confusing.
Let's say I already put 10 points in both con and dex and 20 in str, because I went stupid ratios, is it too late to go full STR for the rest of the character? Is it too late to go full dex?
What the fuck do I go fucking hell? What's more important for shitty not working, but supposedly fun build - STR or DEX?

Also it takes fucking hours to fill up monster journal of just one map even if I one shot packs of mobs with normal attack. Will it speed up or slow down from this? Will rewards become better?
At what point am I supposed to eat those exp tickets? Once I get them, or it's better to amass hundreds of them and eat all at once?

Once I switch to barbarian, will I be able to still wear swordsman costume? I checked TP shop and there are only a few shitty costumes, where do I get more? Or those are all there is?
I got 5 tp somehow, and game says it's max. What's the best way to spend it?

It's the first MMO that hooked me in the long time, and it's the first this fucking confusing.

Time for Rank 8 Swordsman motherfuckers

>Templar can be standing still and be less useless

On another note there are like 5 events coming to the game on the 26th, at the same time that we get the kToS updates on iToS. Go check it out on , there is too much for me to post before going to work.

Also some lazy ass faggotkin could come back and still get all the rewards from scavenge because devs extended its deadline.

Why isn't there samurai class or some shit?

Is this some kind of reference? Even the moveset is the same.

No one has the answers. If there was a "full pvp" server, with instant up, people would try and create every single possible build, but there isn't such a thing and, along with being hard to get a lv280 fully-equipped character, there's too much variety on the path.
There is some consent that a 50kHP CON character will tank, tank, tank, die - while a 15kHP DEX will evade, evade, evade and survive.
Magic mobs are a lost cause, both of them will be destroyed. Until a Wild Lancer/Murmillo appeared, being anti-mages

Monster journal is a pain, I would recommend to ignore it.

Listen, I'm a BR, and there's this guy here:

Who made a "NO GRINDING, UPPING TO THE 280" guide, and here he says when you use the exp cards, in which map, in which level, etc.
Don't be afraid because the page is in Portuguese, you just have to scroll down until some Menus appears, it's quite obvious.
He doesn't say many useful things tough, and when a big EXP Card appears, with lots of texts bellow, it's time to use them, until then, keep them.

Yes, I'm Barb2 but using Peltasta costume still.

Every class has its costume, and there's the TP ones. That's it.

This replenishes hourly, with Max of 5. Spend them, get some Crystals, Megaphones, etc.

It's confusing for everyone.

No. You will suffer from a slowed dex gain, but that str is a lot stronger early since it's flat and you lack flat.

Both a str/con build and a dex build have merits, depends on what you're wanting to do with it. What's your class progression, I don't think you've mentioned what you're going with.

Did you not dip Pelt for Swash so you can pull for yourself? You can skip a LOT of the early ones since the lv1-5 cards are worthless in the long run (plus you'll get zounds of them from quests in Orsha). It's not until lv6 cards that you start really craving them.

Yes, high level mobs = higher level cards

Whenever eating them will get you somewhere. Common "somewheres" are
- Class Advancement
- Within 5 levels of the lowest level quest line you haven't yet done
- Major gear upgrade you've already purchased/crafted/acquired
- lv90 to farm Arde Daggers
- lv100 for Merc Missions
- lv130 to farm Petamion recipes (price just fell)
- Trying to get over the lv186 hump

You can wear any costume the character has that is matched to the correct base class. More TP shop costumes are coming, otherwise it's only what classes you've taken.

That's the free TP, you get up to 5 stored, 1 generated per I believe 4 hours. Get yourself:
- 1 or 2 revive crystals
- 1 Em Rep Kit (5 if Fencer)
- 10 ish Warp Scrolls
- rest megaphones

Really is confusing, I agree.

The TP and exp card questions are in this thread, the costume mixing one should be obvious if you simply applied yourself (though how to get more is semi legit). Kill Count Reward scaling is also fucking obvious since it happens pretty fucking early. And fun is subjective.

Thanks a bunch.

I'm the same newfag who wants to become dual wielding corsair. I just want to slash shit.
Basically run in with sword and dagger and use whatever skills/attacks utilize them both at once.

I was lurking for three days now. Guess that actually means that I'm fucking brain dead.

I'm going to say why I'm "afraid" that Fencer 3 may flop:

Epee Stance
"Super Crit"
For how many attacks? The % bonus is great, but what about the limitations? What will happen to Daggers? What about mobility?

Balestra Fente
"Reduce enemy's Crit resist"
By how much? Is it meaningless? What's the CD?

Attaque au Fer
This one here is the greatest letdown for me. When I first saw it I instantly thought "This is OP", but then I realized that you would need to be on range to do that, and that's extremely dangerous - also, mages and archers would be fucking hard to disarm and clerics have buffs. That leaves only Swordsmen as targets, but if you plan on disarm one, instead of doing some stun or other CC, YOU will get stuned.

Also, this abilities aren't a huge leap. The greatest benefit would be picking C1 skills to the 15th, but there are people who already whine about much SP consuming Fencer skills are, and because of that avoid maxing Skills.

So, this is a matter to think deeply.
I'm not going to make a decision before seeing the skill logs and some guys' opinions and reviews.

No prob.
Definitely will want pelt barb 2 cors 3. Will have to see what c8 actually offers rather than just a highlight reel to pick that class. Right now you'll probably wanna go barb 3 at that point just to finish maxing Frenzy and get Pouncing. Muramillo is shield based, lancer and dragoon are spear based… the only real option for a new class would be a dip into fen, but it sounds like that ain't what you'd want.

Then double the "C'mon, man!" for the two questions that were in this thread already. happens, just giving you shit

And we also don't even need to pick c8 till after we have those numbers. So calling it bad just because the numbers might suck is dumb- it could also be tremendously OP for the opposite reason: the numbers might be too good.


The dagger/pistol bit with it is the biggest concern I see, as that might straight break the stance for usability… but that seems a little too extreme, meaning the strength of it will either be absurd if it blocks secondaries entirely, or it will only block shields (what was implied by the reveal text).

If it's limitted in hits, it's just part of your crazy burst combo to make it more bursty (sept is 7 hits as 1 skill, which is 1 hit of a buff as concentrate and bless and wep maint all prove).

A likely limit is similar to Frenzy in that you have to stack it with normal attacks. I would actually very much welcome this, since the mash-composee crowd would cry about it (and I'd get to laugh at them).

And if there is a mobility penalty, it's helped by…

Which is a quick reposition that also applies a critres debuff (saves buff space, applies to whole party). If we can ever figure out the crit formula correctly, it would be better, but the gain from a 5* green gem (22) is significant, and the fondness of linearality means that crit - critres is likely part of the actual formula. Even a 22 critres reduction would be fairly big.

It's chain cc. You don't lead with it, you combo it. It'll likely be a longer duration softer cc that you tag with off of a Restrain proc or Bash when you can't get a kill off of it.

That's because fucking idiots don't think the 0cd thing through. You don't pump 0cd abilities unless you don't intend to take advantage of the 0cd or they don't increase in mana cost. Sept, Lunge, and Coquille are what you put excessive points in.

So I wasn't the only one that noticed it. Strange that nobody talked about it since it was pretty obvious

Wonder how many bugs they're going to introduce with this patch. Hope they give us a skill reset potion too like they did for KToS.



Dunno how the crit formula works, but in the beta I had a SPR priest3/krivis and the -crit resist debuff made me go from never crit to 15-20% crit chance. It was EXTREMELY noticeable. Also, giving 500 crit attack to ppl made for some funny reactions. Had a group in the 175 dungeon where the a guy did a Stabbing on the last boss and every part of the Stabbing was a 9k crit. Considering his reaction, that was significantly out of the norm for him.

If it's 100% uptime, Fencers will become gods. The only issue is that if it is 100% uptime, then circle 2-5 are pretty worthless because Fencer becomes almost entirely self contained. I could see Sword3>Pelt1>Squire1>Fencer3 being the way to go. Sword3 gives you buffs, Pelt1 lets you taunt and evade tank when needed and Squire1 means you don't need to carry around 5 fucking rapiers.

Is Concentrate bonus dmg applied after all calculations are done or is it multiplied by everything?

game still does the head twitching thing
i would of thought after some time has pass this would of been fixed

So how many people are planning on playing this class, Murimllo? 5 tops? Because I seen less than 3 people with Pelt/Rod builds on Klap, and sure most of them quit now since I don't see them log in anymore.

Should be good then.

That might mean that they don't intend on offering a good C9+ class choice for Rapiers. I mean, we've got plenty of choices for Spears (- Hop Cata - - Drag Lncr) now, and an actual path for shields that isn't also depressing (Pelt - - Rode - - Murm).
Next tier planned might be 2h (High Barb(ish) - - Doppel - -) and NPC (- - - Sqr - - Tmplr -) or Utility (- - - Cors - - - -), which means the only options for fen will be downrank or the new NPC/Utility- and that might be the case for the next (possibly last) two class releases.

Wouldn't be surprised, either, it's kinda hard to do much more with a rapier than they already have except maybe a spellblade, likely a hidden class, potentially requiring Fencer 3.

It's applied after but on a per first hit basis. So Sept applies it 7 times, Hexen 10, Stabbing on every hit… but not on the bonus lines from Cafrisun or Sacrament.

Because nobody cared who the Pelt 3 Rode 3 was until it put on the helmet.

What makes going that hard into those classes shit is a mix of

The plan for Murmillo includes…

Upon release, I'm sure you'll notice:
The Pelt/Rode player count rises.

Rank9 will have Matador and Luchador.
Matador will be a natural evolution for Fencer.

They wouldn't create a new class of weapons, the Rapiers, solely for ONE class, would they?

I'm sure we are, but how many are going to grind 280 levels of tedious soul crushing just to hit Murmillo? That's just for a chance of salvation after so long, just to find out that Murmillo is meh at best? I don't expect the number of high level Pelt/Rod's players to change much, maybe double. WOW 10 people!! If that

fencer3 build will likely look more like sword>pelt>barb3>fencer, or sword>highlander3>corsair>fencer
frenzy and warcry are better buffs than sword3 offers, thighlander provides cross guard and skyliner with corsair giving jolly roger and hook

I'm sure we are, but how many are going to grind 280 levels of tedious soul crushing just to hit Murmillo? That's just for a chance of salvation after so long, just to find out that Murmillo is meh at best? I don't expect the number of high level Pelt/Rod's players to change much, maybe double. 10 people!! If that

Seems like a natural utility class to me, not necessarily a "natural" Fencer evolution. It will likely be a good pairing for Fencer, since it will probably have a good mix of dodge and debuff support that doesn't require a shield. But it will probably not have very high damage on its own, which will be fine for Fencer if it ends up so very strong by itself.

I won't be too surprised if Matador gets the rapier use attribute due to them being the closest class (thematically) to a Musketeer (not the archer class), but I don't expect it to be anywhere near reliant on them or a powerhouse with them specifically- only a lack of reliance on a shield in the offhand.

I predict it will be like Barbarian in that it offers a lot of good shit that works with any equipment set, but is best paired with 2h swords- as I'm seeing it being an active mitigation tank class with a lot of flashy moves.

We've had the Centurion Master since Forest of Prayer (lv130), and his class got removed to be reworked and readded later. Likewise, the Corsair master is chilling on a map a good ways before the Mausoleum, even though it's a Rank 5 class. Just because the masters were added doesn't mean they're remotely soon.

The only common thematic pairings for rapiers are the class specialized in them (fencers), pirates, musketeers, and spellblades. Corsair is r5 and does combo well with fencer (even its higher circles). Matador I went into detail above. And I highly doubt a spellblade will be anything but a high-rank hidden class (as well as being bullshit when built properly).

Cross Guard is the only obligate 2h sword skill in Highlander's kit, and Skyliner is reliant on bleed, of which they'd only have Cross Cut (another C2 Highlander skill) to proc with. The move you're really looking for is Moulinet, which attributes for a +60% crit chance on itself, which will likely pair with Fencer's supercrits fairly well.

Pelt Barbs, on the other hand, get to easily snag grind parties, can pull for themselves, have an actual defensive buff when needed, and have a much faster chain of attacks for a the Lunge combo (Cleave & Seism) than Memelander will be able to provide.

People were doing it without anything to look forward to. It's not actually that bad if you have friends. And you're really not giving credit to how big
is going to be. This is the ONE THING

Of course C3 of each isn't necessarily what you'll do. Hop 2 will be a very common mixin since it'll give you access to Finnestra with 100% uptime. Muramillo itself will be big, it just happens to also have support for Pelt/Rode, which means the number of Rodes you see will go up by quite a bit.

I replied too fast for your typo fix. Broken link is for you.

I have a Highlander3 fencer right now. Highlander3 is complete fucking garbage. Highlander2 is good, but High3 is just pointless, especially since Fencer gives you def ignore for Pierce damage anyways.

Also, if the crit stance is 100% uptime, then there won't be a reason to use non-piercing skills except to buff your piercing skills. Which is why I'm saying that there's a good chance that Fencer3 would be self-contained.

I'm betting that Luchador will have some thematic weapons, such as pic related.

Also, I'm thinking Matador gonna be extremely offensive and focused on evasion.
"Matador" literally means "Killer" in Portuguese/Spanish and is based on Toreros (Bull fighters) of Spain.

Which classes and how many circles do I pick to get to Fletcher? Thinking about Archer 2 > Ranger > Scout > Fletcher.
I haven't played since closed beta ended. I have no idea what's what.

That's the exact same build I'm going for mine, but I went Archer>Ranger>Archer2

I went archer>ranger3>fletcher3. Supposedly it is really good for boss killing but boring and getting nerfed soon magic arrow getting a longer cooldown or something. Also I go through SP like no one's business.

bumping from page 10.

reminder to sign up in the doc and for concerns, go to the discord. links in the OP.

I thought all the goddesses had good racks but this one doesn't.

Maybe a dumb question but how do I make my UI look like on steam screenshots?
Having bars at the bottom would be much more convenient for my eyes. And it looks cooler.


This is a new one that being left handed is subhuman. Guess I'm a IRL subhuman.

That's a degeneracy, yes.
Good thing you can learn to use a proper hand.

They have GIGANTIC boobs. That one you posted is still big, you're just spoiled by the others.
Also, she's a qt3.14 by her own right.

I think you can't… this is from the Korean CBT.

I noticed right away - and lefties are the best, at everything.

Look up: Athletes who excel, in every sport, famous musicians, historical figures.
While the proportion of the population who's a lefty is close to 2%, in those groups is almost 50%.

A lot of niggers are also athletes, artists and shieet.
That doesn't stop them from being subhumans.

I'm talking about 45% of American presidents, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alan Turing, Julius Caesar, and many many more.

They're overrepresented because they use the Right side of the brain more, and it is associated with pure logical, physical, and fast thinking.
Whereas right-handed people use more the Left side of the brain, which is the "imaginative", "dreamer", "emotional" side.

This is also associated with high-levels of testosterone.

If you think that lefties are the creation of some christian devil, just kill yourself.

Now, back to TOS.

Yes back to TOS.

The fuck is some enemies don't fill journal quota? Like those black banshees in prison, 3rd floor? Like cap isn't even displayed.

means you dont get a prize for genociding them. move on.

It happnened again


people putting game pics on the crafting memo using commands



wew, isnt that the 100000 kills hat?

nah the 100000 kills hat is the white ribbon boater, this boater is just a really rare drop from that chest that you only have 1 shot at per character.

Best hat in the whole game is Gilt Helmet, so I don't give a fuck.

Gratz on the hat. So this hat is like Mirtis helmet? One shot and then your SoL?

Depends on your class costume, I like the anime protag goggles better.

Already veryfied the integrity of the game cache, any ideas?

known things to troubleshoot
>check steam and check or uncheck the founder pack.. this sometimes bugs the updates so try all the above once with it checked and another unchecked. heck do it twice for each just to make sure
other than that there's only dic error bypass old icbt error, retrying and reinstalling left as options.

try searching the error in the forums, they often pop up.

came up from googling real quick.

Here is thread about the problem. It is a specifically for Klaipedia server and they are looking into it.

Guess I'll just get some sleep early and wake up in the morning and do my dailies then instead of right on the rollover.

New thread when?

I want to get into a new MMO to sink my time. Is this P2W? All the theorycrafting and discussion of builds has piqued my interest.

I want to PvE.

God fucking dammit, it's 3rd evening I'm at it.

It's wait for a fucking week before you can even buy an armor that'll let you advance past 50 level mobs -to-win.

Seriously though, game is slow as shit. It's almost a zen experience. Has some neat music too.
If you want action go Vindictus or PSO2, but if you want to be half awake while seeing digits go up - TOS might be up your alley. For example I'm grinding for one single item for 3 days now.
I could of course buy it from market, but it's locked for me until the weekend.
So yeah, shit's almost clicker. At least until you get to end-game, if there is one.

Literally got it from 3rd ponpon after posting this.
Make new thread already faggots.

you know the drill. new thread when we hit page 13 mein neggah.

the thread is just here for exposure. all the discussions are happening on the discord. if you aren't on the discord then hop on already goddamn. link in OP

its a chill grindan. its very not P2W but its also a slow game even if you buy the token which gives +30% exp bonus and the unfair +3 movespeed. you can save up silver in game to buy a token, the silver needed to buy a token is peanuts when you hit 200s though so there's that. also the jews stopped undercutting eachother so the once rock bottom price of 350k shot back up to 800k silver so there's that.

pic related, the event currently happening is giving away free cashmoney currency. so far i've already recieved 50 free of the 99 required for a 1 month token. the other TP i have came from other shenanigans but those are not accessible anymore.

if you make a meathead, i'll personally sempai you

The fuck is discord? Something like mumble?
Do you faggots really speak to each other?

yeah, buts more like a persistent chatroom at this point. link in OP, but don't bother coming in if you plan on shitting it up with your voice. we like the urban isolation, talking scares off the neets.

Not P2W at all. The only things selling for cash are cute costumes, hairstyles and some utility stuff like "resurrection crystal" (but this minor stuff you can get with the FREE CASH that the game gives you freely and periodically).

It's so not P2W that I'm constantly thinking on how IMC is making money out of this game.


Finally, bug fixes, class balances, ui tweaks and many more, in what seems to be the best patch in centuries now.


Where were you when Rodelero was made great again?

because i have little faith in people being responsible enough to put up the next thread