Pulse got slightly buffed. You can now clearly see through the heartbeat sensor and it's more obvious where enemy locations are.
How have you've been doing? Anything you're hoping they add with the next update? What's your favorite operator?
>Weapon Spreadsheet: docs.google.com
Rainbow Six: Siege thread
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Sorry bub, this game doesn't seem to be on the Holla Forums-approved discussion list.
Looks like you're gonna have to take this thread somewhere else. The best you can hope for here is a cyclical ghetto (but I don't know why you'd want that).
I really, really love Siege but I just have to quit playing until they actually add a fucking anti-cheat. Even if it's some placebo bullshit that makes me feel better about the godlike no-fucking-way kills that everyone else seems to be able to pull off I'd be happy. This right now is total bullshit and I honestly wonder how they still have a community at all, especially with a ton of esports teams being found out as blatant ESP or aimbot hackers.
IQ a qt
Yeah, the anti-cheat is complete dogshit, but I haven't encountered a hacker in a while. Granted, I don't play Ranked that much.
I dunno, it seems like every time I don't make a thread it makes it to the bump-limit.
I could always go to /k/
I refuse to go to /vg/ or 4chan.
this game is more fun to grief than it is to play it legit tbqfah
Apparently it's going F2P soon
I always thought she was supposed to be inuit or something.
her last name is chan or something. check the wiki
from what I've seen this game is fairly well-received here, even before summer.
Hongkouver is quite the place.
Theres a shit ton of asians in Canada m88, same with Washington
But what about the starter edition
Fucking hell, I might actually use him now but it's gonna be a bitch to play against him.
I guess it only makes sense since IQ got the same update.
Now IQ and Pulse can reliably detect each other through walls huh.
Any eurofags want to play some casuals and rage at bugs?
It's Tina Lin Tsang. So yeah, Chinese.
for what fucking purpose
Actually, IQ can't see the silhouette of Pulse's sensor, but can still detect him moving.
I guess changing Tachanka into not being shit would require too much work
Hopefully they remove his stupid tripod and make it so he can place it on any surface.
Well, if you detect something with IQ's sensor and it's moving it can pretty much only be him. A drone would look different.