NEET vs Bum

I see this word NEET get thrown a lot around here. WHat's the difference between a NEET and a bum?

A bum is a NEET whose parents have lost their patience with.

NEETs have a place to live, usually their mom's basement

A NEET has everything a bum doesn't.

Bums are failed NEETs

A NEET has a roof over their head and a personal computer to shitpost on

neet stands for no education employment or training

they typically live in their parents' house, being financially supported by one or both of them

NEETs are anti-social/autistic and lazy, bums are just lazy and sometimes mentally ill.

I know, since I'm a NEET who's too scared of talking to people to go out and try and get a job. I wanna work but anytime I think of going somewhere and asking for an application I panic.

NEET is a British term that means Not in Employment, Education, or Training, while bum is another word for a homeless person.

A functioning member of society who is between jobs is a NEET, for example, but not a bum.

What about someone who got a degree but not employed or training? Does that mean he's a NET?

NEET, as you are not in education anymore.

They are still a NEET, in that scenario they were in education but not anymore.

Do retired people count as NEETs?

I was in your position, and this will sound useless, but you've just gotta DO IT.

The more you sit in your comfort zone, the more you'll just become used to being passive and never taking charge. There are plenty of jobs that allow you to be anti-social, such as working in a warehouse or stocking shelves, or being a security guard at night.

But I would almost recommend working with customers as a job. You will be scared at first, but trust me, after a few hours of feeling tired and dealing with the common retards that come and go you won't have social anxiety anymore. You will realize that most people are nearly clinically retarded and are scumbags on top of that, and you will develop a sense of superiority to them that makes you incapable of fearing them.

Oh, I thought it was Not Employed, Educated, nor Training.


Chans use NEET as a synonym for shutin/hikikomori, which is wrong.

>Not in Employment, Education, or Training

The old-fashioned term for NEET would be slacker or similar (though technically you could work and be a slacker, I suppose). Obviously a bum, hobo etc is not the same thing.

As per the original meaning of the term no. It specifically referred to those of working age (sometimes specifically young people also) that were not in employment, education or training. Pensioners were not included along with the disabled and iirc those doing volunteer work. Really it was just a politically acceptable way of saying 'drain on society'. Since then it has morphed into something different in part due to adoptions by cunts like us.

Wait, did the term NEET actually originate from the Brits?

Now that's a head I can pat.

Yes, but absolutely ZERO that hire anti-social people.

NEET have long suffering relatives that still support their worthless asses.