Antifascism in the US

Out of all countries, the most misguided antifa are from the US. The fascist threat that must be smashed in America doesn't come from a fringe group of 10 larping klansmen/nazis. It comes from the police, and from the far right elements of the Republican Party (tea party, anti-immigrant "minutemen", evangelical theocrats). The police especially, and all groups supportive of them including the neighborhood watches terrorize poor and minority neighborhoods with PHYSICAL violence.

It isn't the 60's anymore (though the Panthers understood what I'm saying even back then). These days DELIBERATE, SYSTEMATIC terroristic violence against minorities and proles comes from "respectable" conservative institutions such as the police and neighborhood watches. They are the ones that need to be crushed with militant direct action. They should be the number one priority of every anti fascist in America.


nah I like the police kinda

I really hate you dumb teenagers sometimes.

Attacking a symptom just like any right-winger, liberal or SJW.

just bomb a central bank if you want to be an edgy kid

I hate Nazis just as much as the next sane person and see no problem beating them up, but I totally agree.

all the false flag Holla Forumsyps ITT are mad

Exactly, thanks for making the first non retarded post. This isn't about defending the poor harmless Nazis from getting btfo, but about combating fascism effectively. And that means setting our priorities straight by targeting the people and institutions that cause the most direct harm towards the vulnerable. In a strictly two party state like America, those forces will have ties to the political establishment, they will not be independent fringe groups.

Your pic says "support antifa" and we get a consistent type of red-fascist type antifa here normally. Your post is correct, but a lot of people probably are going to gloss over it and think you're just here to bash skinheads.

And what is that exactly?

In America, fascism means being mean.

I don't think many antifa guys would disagree with you, it's just the left is too small to actually do anything about that kind of thing. Antifa are pretty much reduced to just being soccer hooligans but they do what they can to protect us from the other soccer hooligans and you can't really complain about that.

The type of antifa that are basically just mobsters terrorizing random people, using "the threat of fascism" as an excuse. They'll say things like "we're the sole thing preventing another nazi germany!" type of shit, while engaging in highway robbery, extortion, and various other pleasantries. They're full-on reactionaries that sperg out for daring to criticize their methods.

Holla Forums astroturfer please go

You're not wrong, but I mean it specifically in the sense that they have no problem with the ideals fascists espouse, so long as they're the ones on top.

I'm not Holla Forums. What, we can't be critical of the retards claiming to be leftists now?

can you please stop astroturfing

Oh I get, did I trigger you little antifag?

You're not some revolutionary hero out stopping the fascist menace. You're too much of a bitch to even take on actual fascists. Instead you lurk the streets hunting Holla Forumsyps in the wild like fucking elmer fudd, lisp and all. If you want to be taken seriously, print out a copy of OP's post and staple it to your ass. That way it'll be the first thing you see when you finally dislodge your head.

Just proving me right. Go watch more YouTube videos and cry about not having a state gf you fucking dweeb.


What did he mean by this?

mein gott

But there are always people from Holla Forums in these threads. They always make the same kinds of posts. "Antifa beat up innocent patri-I mean innocent people".

I didn't say a single fucking thing about "patriots" or anyone even remotely mistakable for a fascist or a Holla Forumsyp. I'm talking about everything ranging from normalfags to leftists.

If your go-to reaction is to think that no one could ever possibly misuse the idea of antifa despite literally every other ideology having it's own pissants that fuck things up, whether it be tankies, anarkiddies, etc. and that antifa are saints bar none, you may want to reconsider.

Yeah user I totally believe you, there's so many examples of this actually happening that aren't just anecdotes.

I have no respect for antifa in Europe because they would rather beat up football hooligans who oppose immigrants than immigrants who rape inocent women.

now here's the Holla Forumsyp

it's true tho
what have antifa done about stopping the rapists and jihadist? none
they would rather hold demonstrations about "muh racism" all the time, fuck them


I'm obviously talking about the guys in Europe, not those that actually went to support Rojava. I have respect for those guys that are fighting terrorists.

But most of the IFB are from Europe and when they come back they'll go back to their parties, rallies etc.


From what I can see and is told, radicalism in the US is a fucking joke.

The US is fundamentally a settler-colonialist state that has been built bottom up by racialist policies. Mouthbreathers who think that Trump or handfuls of white nationalists and other explicit racists will bring some sort of racist apocalypse upon the country don't realize that the current state as it is is more than able and willing to destroy and repress them. The real enemy that deals them blow after blow is the implicit kind of racism, a material racism. And as much as they don't want to admit it they can't protest or legislate that material white supremacy away. Reality itself is what is kicking their head in, and by-and-large they don't realize it because they don't fucking read.

Bordiga is right, antifascism is dumb.

Bordiga wasn't against combating fascists. The Italian left at the time were confronting fascists at worker meetings and rallies rather frequently. What he didn't like was a certain wing in the Italian left who advocated collaborating with bourgeois political organizations against fascism.