Note: this thread is independent of , but one might say they're connected. Please do read the entire post before commenting, as some variables are needed to be taken into account. Also, this thread is made only for speculation to observe what could be the truth. it is made based on observations and loads of data.
I strongly believe the American 2nd Civil War is coming. To explain why, let's look at this from the perspective of a deep state/globalist; Trump has taken more and more power and consolidated his position over the last months.
The democrats keep losing more and more cards, and the Russian narrative is working less and less and gets bogged down in Senate. The FBI is no longer a strong puppet for them with Comey gone. Pizzagate? Well, thousands of low-life degenerates got arrested by the new administration, which caused them to backstab their own higher-ups in the chain of Pizzagate in exchange for mercy. The results we can see, like with the arrest of the aid of the New York mayor. With the globalists losing their hold on the US with Trump cutting ties with them, they would have to work decades to regain the position they once had or fall and land in prison for Pizza acitivities. This, of course, is not acceptable to them.
When Trump cut the Paris scam, it created a justification for them to band together in a coalition to preservice globalist and their own interests. The "Climate Change Coalition" is dumb, unless you see it from the perspective of overthrowing Trump, with "a good cause" as justification. It now consists of California, New York, Washington, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachussets, Vermont, Oregon, Hawaii, Viriginia, Minnesota, Delaware and Puerto Rico. Potential members are Colorado, Montana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. (And of course a shitton of cities, including the 10 biggest cities)