this is madness
This is madness
Other urls found in this thread:
I like Pokemon but what the fuck?
I don't understand, are people really this fucking retarded? Wait, don't answer that.
It's just a piece of data, like, what the fuck?
Where is Not Important when you need him?
Jesus fucking Christ. Why?
Reality is like a parody. Just look at entertainment, social media, politics, the press, etc. the whole world is an Onion article come to life.
We need you Ron
Generation of children.
Not Even Once.
When that actual autist Satoshi spent countless nights without eating because his company was on the verge of fucking bankruptcy just to finish a GameBoy game about memories of him catching bugs to get by, do you think he had any fucking idea in his wildest dreams what he had created?
One of the highest grossing media franchises of all time, the best selling traditional game series of all time (minus bundled games like Mario)
Politicians quoting Pokemon movies in speeches, countries minting legal coinage with Pokemon
Madness, absolute fucking madness, all because one autistic person liked catching bugs
Its pretty funny when you think about it isn't it?
After seeing Idiocracy, I'm convinced Mike Judge is an oracle giving us a vision of our future.
And we're getting closer and closer to that future.
More proof gamers are 100% WHITE MALES
Satoshi was probably the original pokephile
Butterfly effect and all that.
An user's fart today becomes a leader's inspiration tomorrow.
I has to be done. For the greater good of humanity!
Daily reminder that if you download this even just to "check it out", you're an autist at heart.
I would never download such a flagrant invasion of my privacy.
Well, Satioshi wasn't the original designer for the initial 150, Ken Sugimori was (and still is) the lead Pokemon designer along with his team, I imagine Ken probably fapped to some of his drawings once or twice
I don't get it either. People are crashing their cars and running out into traffic over this game. It's insane.
Is pokemon really this huge or is it just normalfags jumping on the bandwagon because they can finally get nerd cred without having to own a handheld?
I can see at least one asian woman and several very light skinned black/mixed men.
Anyway, what I don't understand is why anyone would rush into a crowd of people for something like that. I'd get it if it were something really rare like a legendary or a dragonite, but for something that's just an evolved uncommon it doesn't even make sense.
Even then, I don't think there's any point in rushing for it. Not like it's going to disappear in a second.
Where have you been since 1998?
Mew was always in the game, it just wasn't available to catch normally it was handed out at special events held by Nintendo (none of which were in North America). The long-range trainer glitch makes it possible to catch anything in any language version of any of the gen 1 games, including Mew.
There's a fine line between having heard of a franchise and being willing to die for some bytes of data
and let me guess you're of above average intelligence?
You say this on a board about video games surrounded by actual autists who very well might actually be willing to die for "bytes of data"
I'm trying to find it on the google play store to see what exactly they want to know about my phone, but I can't find it. All I see are loads upon loads upon LOADS of guides for the game instead.
People get to physically act out the fantasy of the game.
Who is this faggot and why does he use Holla Forums memes and cancerous homosexual lingo
Apparently it's not available in every region yet? You can try downloading the apk from somewhere else.
Supposedly the security shit was only affecting Applefaggots
Seriously? Jesus Christ man when is Summer over?
it's ironic
He wasn't this retarded before he started to use Holla Forums memes.
Then it's not released in your country yet. You can just load an APK instead if you want to play it and are too embarrassed to admit it here. but apparently there's some seedy ones floating around so BEE careful.
Pokemon Go fuck yourself
I don't play Pokemon, I hate casual games, and I don't own a smartphone, yet I'm getting massive urges to go play this game.
Is this game a mind control or something?
Now just imagine what would happen if they made a full blown AR pokeyman MMO. Society as we know it would collapse.
But summer is exactly the type of person to enjoy watching Unclean Hapa.
How am i summer for not recognizing your favorite e-celeb?
No, you just have autism
Dirty Dan is an unfunny shit but you'd have to be some newfag to not know who this faggot is, its bad enough at least one of his videos is posted in every fucking webm thread here
No, I don't want to play it, I just wanted to know which devices and services the app needed to access "to enhance my gaming experience".
I fell asleep during Nintendo's E3-ish presentation/stream. All I got from the stream was that you could walk around with your phone up to your face, stumble upon a pokemang, toss a pokeball at it after rubbing your phone's clitoris and then just wait because you can't even hold down B+Down.
Is there anything else to this or is that it and normalfags are just going "OMG I REMEMBUR DIGIMON FROM MY CHILDHOOD IM SUCH A NERD WITH MY iPHONE 36!" like usual?
This and brand loyalty.
i play a lot of pokemon and yet the only reason i grabbed this was to see what areas in this town count as significant for stops and gyms
yeah pretty much
can't explain why my dad is out at 4 am catching whatever the fuck, though
At the very least it uses your camera and gps location. All the time.
He's out catching prostitutes because your mom is frigid, user.
That's called "hunting for dinner", user.
That wasn't your mom Jimbo.
Don't forget the moral scares about Pokemon. People claimed it was demonic and the fucking Pope ended up vetting the series.
I'm not even Catholic but that guy seemed pretty cool.
Not like the current cuck Pope.
Based trips
Also its weird enough the Westboro Baptist church of all things is playing Pokemon because some faggots took over their Church gym or some shit
Zachary Mormon? Is that you?
God hates fags
So this is what night of the living dead in THE CURRENT YEAR looks like.
Fuck this fad shit and fuck everyone that is into it.
Aren't most of today's people?
I've just come back from vacation. What the fuck is going on? Is this just some new Pokemon mobile game with a GPS gimmick?
It's an "augmented reality" game where you walk around IRL and catch pokemon. It's all the rage with the normalfags.
Take a long, hard look around you mate.
I hate it when people use this as an excuse for having been in the dark about happenings
Do you just shut off all access to the outside world for a couple weeks and camp under a rock or something?
Dont you?
This is the fucking apocalypse.
I haven't seem this much autism expressed in a single post in quite a while.
on the internet, yes
You have no excuses anons
Can't wait for more numale manchildren to get hit by trains and clean up the genepool.
If you're over 16 and you're running around in public with your phone in front of you to catch fucking Pokemon, it's probably for the best if you fall off a bridge.
You really have no idea what it's like to go camping do you? It is ok to not use tech for a weekend, you sprug.
Whos the autistic one now user?
Outside as well. This Pokemon crap just proves my point.
That's the point of vacation. You're supposed to relax.
Or do you wanna browse imageboards all day. That's pretty gay. Are you gay, user?
So what you really mean is when your parents drag you on vacation with them and you get bored.
Some of us use that time to disconnect from all the shit as a break.
I didn't say they were
Anyway, I still don't understand the appeal of this thing. It looks like any old Pokemon game except now you have to leave your basement to actually catch the Pokemon. Why are people suddenly obsessed by this just because you have to run around outside like an idiot?
nerd cred
cancer central
Some people enjoy stepping out of their mother's basement you fucking loser.
Its less than a Pokemon game, the only appeal I can see from it is that its easy for normalfags to grasp and the socializing aspects
In other words, its a game made just for normalfags
Why is this a bad thing? It makes neckbeards and autists go outside and walk that is only a good thing
The neckbeards and autists are the ones in this thread bitching about how they don't see the appeal.
I know it's crazy, because I called my mother today for the weekly catch-up she demands I give her, and the first thing she asked was what Pokemon Go is. Apparently, all the kids where she works are busy playing it and she has no idea what it is. I was laughing while explaining it, though I don't think she understood it.
Thank goodness I never got into Pokemon. I was an RPG elitist who viewed it as casual baby shit and turned my nose up at it while I went back to playing Daggerfall and Diablo 1.
I played a little bit of it, its pretty underwhelming but I think most of the hate comes from autists who don't understand the value of the social aspects of this game. They take this game at face value and say "Well that fucking sucks!" and the game itself really isn't all that great, its just the aspects of going out and being apart of something I think
I'm in their age group too. Like, socializing is fine but I'm not going to talk about pokemon to a bunch of strangers. I just wish they could see how cringy it looks like, I realize what I'm doing is dumb as fuck, I don't need a group to normalize autism.
What if his country doesn't have PokeGO yet, and he's just not bothered enough to actively search for news of it?
If the above-average crowd constitute the outside as well as the internet, then who do you think constitutes the average and below-average?
The reason was questioning you is because IQ-levels are based on the relative current population. Above-average simply can't be the median, when average should be the median by definition. At least, that's how I understood it.
It's for the people who played pokemon growing up or watched the anime when they were a kid and always dreamed about "catching pokemon for real" and this is the closest they can get to living out that childhood fantasy. How are you all so autistic that you don't understand that?
Normalfag herd mentality and le nerd bazinga cred.
Pokemon was big in the 90s so it's le 90s kid xDDD favourite nowadays. Also it's getting media attention which will make cattle swarm to it even more.
Yeah socializing by going around town with your phone up catching virtual Pokemon sure sounds like a successful life. Truly Go exemplifies the modern male.
I wonder if they'd stampede off the pier if it was out over the water.
I need your advice on a serious thing. I'm from turkey and there are lots of bombings happening here as of lately. First thing i thought when i saw the OP image was
Do you think it is a good idea for me to download this shit to avoid places with rare pokemons?
You could just avoid crowds or move to Swedish King's house posing as a refugee.
I understand you do have legitimate autism and are stunned socially but, that's kind of how you make friends bro
Probably just fags using it as new code for lowdown deep dicking.
I'm a fucking hipster
The problem is everywhere is crowded and pokemon go is slowly becoming a thing here. It's only a matter of time before ISIS or PKK or another alphabet terrorist bombs some gym.
By the way i live in istanbul
Be the first to do it, lad.
Call yourself Team Rocket.
You know you need to.
Can we meme PGO into causing a disaster? I think some Mexican fell off a bridge while playing it
Well, I have friends, but it's mostly online, with about 4 friends IRL. Feels like enough, ya know?
There's a difference between doing it intentionally and being like buffalo stampeding off a cliff.
I'm just going to copy and paste my response from another thread because fuck typing it all out again.
How does it feel knowing an rng-fest mobile game is blowing all recent iterations of the franchise out of the fucking water?
I find that there are three types of people who really dislike Pokemon go.
1. The dude bro types you grew up hating and rightfully so.
2. The persnickety bitches so hell bent on being taken seriously they can't enjoy anything.
3. Like half of Holla Forums, perpetually miserable basement dwelling neckbeards who LOATH exercise or real human interaction.
I've been playing games all my life, I grew up gibbing faggots in Quake and you know what? The effect Pokemon Go has been having is fucking awesome.
I met up with old friends I haven't seen in literally years to spend the night together tracking down Pokemon. We took over all the gyms in the park, yelled at a bunch of Team Valor punks and had fun.
The game is an rng fest, I get that, mechanically it's super shallow and the gym battles are little more than button mashing right now. But this has been the most fun I've had gaming in literally years.
It's impossible to describe just how cool it is going to a lure at like 2 am and finding a shit ton of other people hanging out and farming low tier Pokemon.
The appeal of the game ISN'T the game, it's the people you meet while playing.
And if you could just remove your head from your asshole for a few seconds you might realize it.
Who gives a shit if it's casual? It's fucking fun.
Seriously Holla Forums stop being bitter about everything, go out and have some fun, we're waiting for you.
Who the fuck takes their phone on a vacation?
I wanna make up my own mind on how shit it is since i only read about it. How pay2win is Pokemon GO and any tips before i start?
>everyone's already been playing it for 3 days you fucking mongoloid
It's not even a game, why all this autism everywhere?
That's some great copypasta. I hope you're not serious, nigger.
Start by capturing everything pokemon that spawns near you, no matter how shitty.
Save your lucky eggs you'll get as you level up to mass evolve things because they double the xp you'll get.
It's only really pay to win if you live in bumfuck nowhere with jack shit in terms of pokestops and gyms.
If you live in a reasonably well populated area, you won't need to spend any money.
I'm at level 16 now and haven't even considered spending money on anything aside from maybe lures.
Parks and public spaces with a lot of monuments tend to have a lot of pokestops and it's easy to resupply your poke/great balls.
Side note, when you first start, run away from the first five starter pokemon the professor offers you and he'll offer you pikachu.
Also, also focus on investing in XL pokemon because they get a better combat power to stat ratio.
Good luck, also make sure you don't wander into the ghetto chasing a Gengar or some shit.
P.S. The quality of pokemon that will come out of an egg is proportional to how far it requires you to go to hatch it.
I'm completely serious, and you can gobble a fat cock.
Holy shit even better if done in places with a high percentage of dindus
fuck pokemon lol
Maybe you shouldn't be on Holla Forums. This isn't /soc/, you know.
That's kind of sad.
I have a friend who's driving 3 hours to Sam Diego tomorrow in search of Pokemon on the beach since he lives in Nevada.
These normalfags are retarded.
You're what's wrong with gaming. Worst then SJW's, if you were 12, I could get it, but if a kids game is what it takes to hang out with your friends, you just might be a shitty friend.
I don't even care if this is bait, fucking kill yourself.
This is what Pokemon does to a faggot's brain. You're a worthless sack of shit if it took that piece of trash to get you in proper contact with people you've disregarded for years.
Bite me you joyless fucks.
That's so much gas money for a fucking mobile game. I'm legit getting angry, I'm going to bed, I hate this timeline.
I would agree with you, except the guy i go for walks with literally avoids people like the plague, so it's kinda boring for me. He's not really good conversation either
Depends on how much they like Pokemon, I assume. Some might go for it, others probably won't. Would be hilarious if you could get an entire crowd of protestors out of your city by chasing a Jynx or something.
A friend of a friend, and my friend's dad, are both trying to get me to sign up for Pokemon Go. Really don't want Google getting even more info than they do though, and if I ever want to actually play Pokemon, I've got the actual main series games up through B2W2.
The weird thing is, I can't recall actually wanting much in the way of an AR Pokemon game.
have fun being a shitty friend.
Pokemon GO do mix Pokemon and Outside and since both are timeless classic games it make sense that Pokemon Go is doing so well. Pokemon GO have a bigger open world than Every TES and MMORPG combined
That sucks, take someone else? Or force them to stop being such a socially isolated cuck?
What are you talking about?
Why can't this faggotry just fucking die already? I fail to see ANY appeal of it in people past their 6th birthday:
Writing: utter irredeemable shit
Combat: JRPG-tier turn based combat, eg. the worst kind of combat known to mankind
Art: Weeb shit that doesn't even have cute grills
Fuck Pokemon and fuck Pokemon GO especially - it's pokemon + mobile shit, being the spawn of two cancers at once.
Where HAVE you been since 1998, did you never experience base set pockemon card blood fueds?
I think you're opening a can of worms with that one, buddy.
You sound like you're a blast at parties.
This is marketing isn't it?
People can't be this fucking retarded.
This is good info, whered you find it? I've been looking at the obvious places like serebii and bulbapedia, but i havent found any good guides like that, i only recently learned about how excellent, great and nice catches work.
In case it's not well known, you have to hit the pokemon within the green/red circle; the smaller the circle, the better the bonus
good bait
It's dumb that there's no PVP outside of gyms. There doesn't seem to be any clear reason to omit that. I'd assumed when I started up the app, I'd see other people online show up, too, and there'd be ways to interact with them.
I mean, I see them all over the fucking street, waving their hands around. I've had a few small conversations but there really isn't anything to interact with anyone about besides mentioning a rare nearby, you can't engage in the game at all.
I hope they intend to add it in. The gyms are a neat way to organize people but it also leaves out most people who are low level.
I just don't see the reasoning behind dumbing down the game like that. It makes sense that the act of catching a pokemon doesn't require fighting - it's reminds me of Pokemon Snap more than anything, which was awesome - but I don't see why it isn't an option with any other players, rather than just through the gyms. It easily fits on a phone screen and it's obviously not that complicated when kids are still playing the pokemon games at age 6, just like we did.
Also this
Go out more
Whatever you say, faggot
I used to run the Pokemon card trade at my elementary school, it was great fun, not so much because of the Pokemon but the fun came mostly from the Jewing aspect rather than the actual Pokemon.
I was under 10 though, what the fuck are people in their 20s still playing this shit for? It's been well past its expiry date for ages.
Facebook tier response, follow your own advice and kill yourself, summerfag.
Thats the plan
Bullshit. You have to pay for nearly everything. It's microtransactions out the ass.
I have more respect for shut-ins than for you.
Considering some dindus and a wigger managed to successfully rob people using the app and the fucking news has to put out safety advisories about using it, I'd wager some people are pretty fucking dumb.
Yep, that curve shit on the throws will drive you up the fucking wall though.
And I don't remember where I found that image, I think my old roommate posted it to FB.
Did I trigger you cuckboy?
Yeah I have my frustrations with it to. To be fair they've had over 8 million downloads in less than a week so their dev team must be shitting their pants just trying to expand the servers.
Supposedly they're planning on adding legitimate pvp among other things.
No the fact that you can't even wrap your head around the appeal gives that away you dumpy autist.
Good man.
I didn't need it to go out and meet people, but a lot of the people I've met also game and have similar interests to me.
It's a good way to meet local nerds, which believe it or not Holla Forums, doesn't consist solely of shitposters on imageboards informing everyone else they have trash taste.
Daggerfall is bigger.
If you get gud at open world PvP you can get a lot of money fast
Pokemon rebounded in my school when I was 16. Not only did those faggots start with the cards again; they even went and started obsessing over the fucking show and bragging about how much of a Pokemon fan they are.
Oh, please enlighten me then, what IS the fucking appeal? All I see are mediocre-at-best games, an utterly shit show that can't hold up as anything more than a morning cartoon, and LOTS of merchandise to jew goyim on
When you spot a pokemon and two trainers go after it, can both trainers catch it or does it disappear immediately after one person catches it?
Yeah, maybe don't be a worthless NEET, how about that faggot?
Only if you're a fucking casual, is that what you are user?
If you have legs and live in a city, you can fill your entire inventory in not even an hour.
Attention hungry faggots like you ruin far too many threads.
considering the number of players in concentrated areas, I'd say no, it doesn't disappear
That old comic showcasing Pokemon popularity being high in elementary, low in junior high, and then high again in high school is pretty true.
Maybe if you didnt feel the need to justify your taste on an anonymous imageboard you would have more friends.
Refer to.
I laid it out for you plain and simple.
The appeal is that it draws together people with similar interests around something fun.
It leads to literal adventures.
Get off your ass and fucking try it before you bash it.
I don't give a shit if you think I'm ruining your thread, how about you go gargle some bleach?
It's 6 am and I have work in an hour, why wouldn't I spend that hour triggering the cucks of Holla Forums?
there's porn of the pokegirls but it's mostly bestiality.
I'm reffering to Pokemon as a whole, not just Pokemon Go, you turbo nigger. I got conventions and festivals and shit like that for adventures and don't need a fucking mobile app
Good to know even people with jobs are a complete waste of space.
You're posting on here in the extreme early morning, clearly you need something.
Are all Pokemon Go players as retarded as you? Oh wait, the answer is yes according to you. 'Cause once the initial hype has died off, I expect many controversies.
Scratch that. You increased yourself to (10) and forgot about timezones. Wew lad.
Is it just Nintendrones trying their best to defend this, or are they genuine?
So it's a good way to meet "le true nerd" with BBT shirts who spout Portal memes, got it.
Here's a tip: only autists need a fucking Pokemon game to make friends, and they absolutely don't defend all that on anonymous imageboards. You aren't a cool popular kid because you go outside chasing fake Pokemon on your phone, you are just that autist with no self-awareness who can't talk to people otherwise.
Wow thanks user, you just made a perfect example of what I was talking about.
You may as well go make some threads to shit on Fallout 4.
They are even going to Auschwitz, to collect pokemon, it's gotten to the point that they had to make a statement. This is literally dumbing down.
Lads, you're misinterpreting it based on MSM's tabloid attempts to cash in on its popularity. You sound like mothers bringing up the new fad with the kids: kind of bemused, but also a little worried, sharing the stories they heard on the news, "I heard someone got robbed playing it, Well I heard someone found a dead body, hm really makes you think"
normalfags aren't obsessed with it. The whole point is that you can play it casually. At it's core it's nothing more than a GPS collectathon, hunting "geocaches" to obtain trading cards.
The (very limited) gamicness is just to give it color - catching pokemons is barely more complex than the facebook basketball chat game - but the more complex additions are clearly focused on increasing sociality: gyms (you fight between rival teams to hold status in the neighborhood), lures (one person places it down and it attracts pokemon in the area, so it ends up also attracting other players), etc.
It's obviously designed for school kids, encouraging exercise and socialization, but also touches on the anime/Pokemon Snap (digimon, medabots, etc) conception of pokemon out and about living day-to-day out in the real world that every kid dreams about. I would've fucking loved this game as an elementary schooler, and the same is true of you.
And Ninty knew it, too. Their master coup was in using only Gen 1 pokemon. Why else would they do that except to target our generation so we could indulge in mass nostalgia? As well as the novelty of our old memories with new tech toys we didn't have in our time. That's all the appeal amounts to, but there's nothing wrong about that.
This guy gets it.
I don't think that explains it, most I've seen aren't exactly optimistic about this mobile shit.
What did they find, Gastly? More Koffing?
There'd be an oven Rotom joke if it wasn't just limited to Gen I.
You'd think they would have had mapped out suitable GPS coordinates or ranges before going live with this. Don't tell me it's pretty much random.
It's 1pm here, faggot.
at least these losers are outside
Meh, I'm 25 and the magic is gone. I enjoy the main games but I'm that faggot who hides that fact, mostly cause it is a kids game and I know it.
That's my problem, however, just that I'm aware I'm 25 and this kind of stuff just makes me embarrassed to do it in public, let alone with strangers. Even with a job, I'm just not ready to embrace my inner autism.
don't hate us for having standards
You're posting on Holla Forums at one in the afternoon instead of doing literally anything else, wow what an improvement, good job faggot.
I don't hate you because you have standards, I hate you because you deserve to be hated.
dumb fuck falls in water what an idiot
I should have specified. The girl with cat ears and human ears as well is disgusting not your post
Pope John Paul played Pokemon, the current Pope kisses niggers' feet.
I don't mind people liking a mobile game in droves, but as a grown up person who grew up with pokemon I'm disappointed they went in this direction, not just because it's a mobile game. But rather because it's a ridiculously simplified game as mentioned.
In the end it's mechanically frail, and once the hype dies down. Unless there are updates done to keep the playerbase interested it'll die in a ditch.
(14) and counting user.
GamerGate is over, you can stop signalling now
I don't understand how people become so fucking horse blinders like that, I don't even watch my screen until a pokemon shows up and when it does I stop moving to capture it. Walking like that with your head glued to the screen is fucking stupid.
So are you, retard.
Are you implying you don't deserve to be hated?
Cool quote, doesn't change how I feel. If it makes you feel better, more power my friend.
Should point out I have no shame about playing Senran in public, and wearing Senran shirts. Maybe I just don't like Pokemon as much?
This may end up more of a goldmine than VR,
It's not the middle of the afternoon here Eurocuck.
Maybe we can exploit that.
Some faggy fuck uses a drone to play the game (actually a cool idea)
"It's the fattest fat guy solution I've ever seen"
How has VR been a goldmine? Watching people fake reactions is fucking lame. The keks are only real when it's not faked, but youtubers who "FREAK OUT" when they play VR games are all so easily recognizably faking it.
That's what I mean, there's such a small sample size with VR too.
Better let a Palestinian do it. :^)
I'll humor you. It's 33 now.
I didn't literally mean count you moron.
Humanity has declined.
I don't announce my reports faggot.
Smoke a fat cock.
I have had more memorable experiences with friends playing tabletop games or playing online co-op games with friends
If walking around in public with your face glued to your phone like an autist in a mob of normalfags while mashing your screen to catch pokeymans and maybe coming across some people also shameless enough to walk around in public with their faces glued to their phones trying to catch pokeymans who also share similar interests to you, is the pinnacle of your enjoyment of videogames, then forgive us joyless wastes of lives who do not wish to partake in such frivolities.
I can get hanging around places to trade pokemon via your games or if something as big happened as the Dragon Warrior III release in Japan while everyone is talking about it, though from what I've seen Pokemon Go is even more shallow than the original Gameboy games.
The fact that you need a shallow game as some kind of motivator to go outside and meet people rather than doing it out of your own volition without the game presents me with an image of people just blindly following trends to fill the hole in their lives and feel part of society. Really, what the hell would you be doing without Pokemon Go? I'm not interested in meeting up with people that shallow who only do something just because everyone else is doing it. The moment the popular trend changes, all those empty people are basically pulled into following it, wherever it leads. If it's all fun for you, then good for you. We'll be here bitching about videogames instead.
I may be a pessimistic faggot wasting his time playing videogames and posting on anonymous mandarin terracotta soldier boards, but I do so not for social status, but because I enjoy it myself even though most people around me don't.
Nice strawman faggot.
Strawman? What?
Too bad for you. deep weebshit's already cool to rep if you're young and cool, to the point where you get basics like soto gang trying to jump on with sailor moon tattoos on all the berlin trendhoppers. seen illegal rave posters & art shows reference everything from Halo to shin megami tensei this last year
It's nice that pokemon go let you chat with some folk but you shouldn't be so upset to find out your fellow Holla Forumsirgins aren't impressed. you're clearly very insecure about your limited social life, but it seems like you're more pissed than anything that the wizards here turned out to be more well adjusted, so as to not need or crave it.
Why keep company you hate? that goes to you, too
We know the answer of course, it's a desire for social interaction that's not being fulfilled, forcing you to compromise and surround yourself with people you rather wouldn't if possible. but that's not what anonymous imageboards are for, and it's not what you'll find here. if only mark wasn't a newfag tripfag kike and never turned on poster ID's, we wouldn't have to deal with all the fucking ego's spawning and derailing every third thread.
go back to halfchan
The problem with your theory is that if you go outside with the intent to meet someone you need to A justify why you're talking to someone and B have someone to talk to. The fact of the matter is almost everyone from my generation and the next generation are now nothing but shut ins who sit on the internet all day. How do you "meet" people when there's no one outside to meet? You can't even live a normal life without the internet, because nowadays to get a job requires applying online.
When all the over 50 crowd people have died, there won't be any more people who ever experienced what life was like WITHOUT the internet except in shithole countries that no one fucking cares about.
We get it, you like this shitty game. Don't need to sperg out like this.
I get it, you're retarded, but jesus christ.
Was thinking maybe someone ought to do an edit of this recent C&H strip involving PGO.
If you truly want to be save make an anti-Islam revolution from within the country.
Hasn't Turkey been Islamic for like centuries…?
What's your point?
Trying to start an anti-Islam revolution in a country that's run by an Islamic state never goes well.
He's right to avoid quoting the 20 post spergout, faggot
Well if he wants to truly be safe from Islamic bullshit he has to remove it.
no, it's very early morning at your place, as you said in your previous post
My original post was more about the reason why someone would attempt to meet people.
If you're just doing what everyone else does and your common interests can be simplified as 'I love sucking corporate cock and can't form opinions on my own', then there should be plenty of such people to meet everywhere in real life and on the internet.
On the other hand, places where people looking to be friends with other people tend to be just as cancerous as most people to who actually partake in such shit are that desperate for human interaction, like the Steam Friend threads. While you might find some friends who aren't trying to satisfy their closeted homosexual desires through stretched-out ERP sessions, I'd rather stick to just happening to come across someone who you will hang around and become friends with after some time.
Only since the fall of constantinople you cunt and we will fucking take it back deus vult
Nothing wrong with two sets of ears.
Any situation where there are a lot of people you don't know but it is natural to introduce yourself or be introduced to most anyone - ie a house party, a historical ball, a music gig, some hobbyist activity, etc - regardless of how specialized its curation is and no matter how generalized the 'meetup', there is always a significant degree of selection performed, is understood by everyone as an opportunity to personally select conversational partners.
And almost always comes down to only three criteria:
It's very simple. It doesn't matter if you're going to comic con or a pokemon go meetup, all you're going to be doing is narrowing down the crowd to who's worth being around, and that won't always comes down to just narrowing down the world population to a shared interest in a mindnumbingly shallow hobby.
Check em
Is Pokemon Go some sort of social/psychological experiment? Because I'm starting to think it is.
This fucking shit is finally going to open peoples eyes about the normaltrash on this site, at least. Looking at this thread made me want to hurl.
Idiocracy wasn't high brow, but it had good themes and was pretty funny in some parts. What does 'meme movie' even mean, apart from 'I didn't like it'?
I think it's a game built to extract cash money from an audience of game playing personnel, but it can definitely be used in that way, but consider that your phone already does what Pokemon Go does.
Rattle your cage stormfront kun
/cow/ actually beat that. A tvtropes sperg went on for 294 posts before the thread reached 750 replies
this actually proves that normalfags are retarded
Next your going to tell me you aren't a normalfag, right?
tfw my country will probably never be supported
for better or for worse
M8, i got Mew in 1997 at a toys r us from an official Nintendo event
I agree with what he's getting at though, replacing one set of people with irrational ideals and thoughts with another group of people with irrational ideals and thoughts isn't a step up.
Anyway good luck with your divine plan, there are no crusades anymore, people don't form armies and kill in the name of god, and that goes against everything in your fucking "good book" because taking his name in vain isn't saying god damnit and fucking jesus christ, taking his name in vain is killing in the name of god. You can't remove Muslims through peace, and if you try to remove Islam through a "holy war" you will be committing an unforgivable sin according to your religion.
Catch 22 innit? Their book tells them to kill you for being Christians, your book tells you not to kill them because it's a sin. I wonder who will win that holy war. Kill them by all means, but don't do it for the sake of religion, fuck religion.
Go ahead, post your stupid fedora pictures if you want, I'm not even atheist.
You know, if my phone actually had a gyroscope I might have actually tried this out, except for the fact pretty sure from reading, that you can only find G1 pokemon? That's really just not enough to warrant the effort.
That's interesting, since Pokemon Red/Blue didn't hit US shores until September 1998.
You seem to be confused, turkroach. No, turkroach, it's not okay - but it's only you mudslimes who have been bombing yourselves, silly turkroach.
Go home, Justin Trudeau.
>Go ahead, post your stupid fedora pictures if you want, I'm not even atheist.
Go home, Tumblr.
Gee you almost fooled me, shlomo!
Please post more delicious salt.
easy to spot newfags
What a dark time to be alive.
Require the camera to do the AR
And require GPS location. If someone say more they are full of shit
I hear Nintendo stock is up 53%. That's an increase in overall value of like 11 billion dollars.
For reference, Disney paid 4 billion each for Star Wars and Marvel.
Nintendo are going to lose their shit because white people made a Pokemon game way more popular than they did off the back of a license from The Pokemon Company they only own 33% of.
If this eats into Pokemon Sun and Moon sales, heads will fucking roll.
Just wait until all the good Porkymens start appearing inside Starbucks, Ikea, Walmart…
I wonder if it would be possible to get these Go fags to fight BLM if the latter is blocking a place with a worthwhile Pokemon.
So is it bad I get more and more annoyed at faggots like you and have the most fun insulting everything
It fabulous how 99% of the threads are just people shitting on this and complain, spreading false information to fit their agenda
You win at the internet, have an upvote and 9gag gold!
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it, goy
Its Google what do you expect
Hello, FBI.
How utterly depressing.
Post more titty Toph.
I had to go looking for more, cause I think I saved that from a thread.
Is there at least a pokemon-amie mode so you can molest pet the pokegoyim that you catch?
Or is walking around flicking a ball at nothing plus the uninteresting tap-spam combat the only things in this crap?
No, it's pretty much what you described in the latter part of your post. Remember that the game is not finished, it's still in development. I'm not saying it's going to get drastically better, but features like that aren't in the game at this time.
Thanks, user. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
GamerGate isn't over until the last SJW commits suicide.
Well, guess I'll give it a try just to see how it is when it's available here, but seeing as that's the only things you can do in the game, I don't see myself "playing" it for longer than like 2 or 3 days.
I think I saw some Toph + Boulder, but it was little girl flat chest Toph so I was like "pass."
Gamergate was never about sjw, it was about ethics. The people left posting it that thread are just Holla Forums, real gamergate gave up once Holla Forums co-opted it.
No even talks about ethics there anymore just Trump and being racist.
I had some fun with it, I met up with a few fellow Valor members a few days after release and took over a few gyms in my local area.
When I visited the spot yesterday, it was overrun with middle aged dads and bored housewives, all playing the app; I had seen older people play the app before, but they at least knew the fundamentals and weren't complete human scum.
I don't go to that park anymore, I'll be autistic somewhere else.
I hope you and everyone like you dies in their sleep.
Cool idea but you can't battle pokemon.
1/10 datamining scheme.
So how far did GG dig into DiGRA before the whole thing got subverted? :^)
This is why is needs to die.
I was going to start playing but I figured it'd be full of people like this considering my gf plays it and the last thing she bought on steam was fucking goat simulator.
There's absolutely no gameplay involved anyway. If I wanted to walk around and flick my fingers I wouldn't be so lazy.
I don't follow GG, I just egg it on from the sidelines.
Gamergate can never be over because it became an eternal boogieman for the SJW types.
You could have absolutely nobody doing anything towards the ideas of gamergate, yet you still have Hollywood directors, politicians. news outlets and other random SJWs still checking under their bed for a non-existent threat
Digra has nothing to do with ethics so was not something for gg to look into. Holla Forums can look into if they want.
I have never seen someone so wrong.
Proving me right.
>tfw my wife plays dorf fort nearly on a daily basis
medium tier b8
The only thing I'm worried about is if the Go crowd attracts the lowest common denominator to Pokemon and then that common denominator branches to SMT/Digimon.
Except I'm not a GamerGoy.
Holy fuck, there's so many pictures, 23 pages of 70 fucking pictures per page. I mean not every picture is Titty Toph on those 23 pages, but there's so many to go through. Sadly Paheal doesn't provide filters for that kind of thing, although Gelbooru/Danbooru probably does. Toph_Bei_Fong Big_Tits would probably yield plenty of results on those sites.
Pokemon go is too racist for black people to play.
Why is western porn exclusively garbage?
Every fucking time I read that shit online I can't help but laugh at the idea that pokemon go is in some way responsible for black people being shot or something.
How about stop getting that "fuck you" look of contempt on your face when you see a police officer, and just act like you normally do, and see where that takes you?
Because you're a lolicon and you like to live in the delusional fantasy that women of any age of any ethnicity would ever look like something you saw in your anime/hentai?
Nah that's small time business
What you gotta do is you exploit the gym system to put Growlithes and Arcanines with anti-islam names all around mosques to trigger mudslimes into attacking pokemon go players.
You get the same payout with the bonus of making mudslimes look even more crazy
pokemon is an extremely popular AR MMO that came out recently
They'd never know that you were doing that, because video games are haraam.
Das a good joke mayne
I was obviously talking about the gross western cartoon porn you were posting. 3D is disgusting from east to west.
There are several pig-themed pokemon too. But as good as it would be I'm not sure how many mudslimes actually play videogames. It probably wouldn't cause any happenings.
Oh sorry, you want me to post more, I misunderstood your intentions.
They bitched about video games before, they don't need to actually play it. They just need someone to tell them.
Post all you like, not like it bothers me. I just wonder why all western porn artists are completely devoid of all artistic talent.
Are you talking about the Islamic shit in the music in some games? Cause that wasn't even Mudslimes, that was just white knights being shitheads on the internet and getting people to remove Islamic samples from music because pretending to be offended is the new black.
You don't think a bunch of white people swarming mosques wouldn't cause anything?
They might be devoid of talent, but at least they can still see.
It might cause them to be invited inside where they can be converted to the one true faith.
You're trying so hard to find a reason. Western cartoons are fucking terrible and even more so than anime. Japs at least know how to draw and know how to effectively romanticize the bodies of their drawings.
You can't have it both ways.
I understand the fear of bringing these casuals into Digimon, but why on earth would you think that this would bring casuals into SMT?
Persona already accomplished that.
Japanese cartoons being drawn differently from American cartoons doesn't make them inherently better. And you can blame feminism (all feminism) for the problem of people being unwilling to romanticize the bodies of female characters anymore. Don't give me any of your nonsensical bullshit about "muh third wave" because feminism was always cancer.
It's not that Western artists don't know how, they're just not wanting to lose their jobs because feminists love to try and get people fired, they think denying someone the right to live is a tactic and not an unethical act.
I like anime, and I'm glad that Japan told the UN to go fuck themselves with all their bullshit about "YOU GOTTA START CENSORING YOUR ARTISTS AND MAKE THEM STOP DRAWING PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 18!!!"
So instead of looking like an autist, you go the next step up and go full autism.
that's a good quote. I'm gonna be saying that more often
It'd be more correct to say "I'm going to start saying that now," since you've never said that prior to today.
There are 20something neets now all along the path I walk my dog, being walked by their parents.
My dog and the neets both stop at random places … She sniffs then pees. I started asking if she caught a pokemon, the Moms look at their kids realization slowly spreads on their face.
Good times.
You mean people with autism who are incapable of working I suppose. You don't need to make them feel even worse, you know. I'm sure living with a potato is already its own punishment, and legally you can't put them out of your misery.
Nigger, you're missing the point completely. The artists drawing cartoon porn are shit in the west compared to the east. like all the deviant art looking trash you posted. It has nothing to do with the art style.
The answer why is obvious: the industry for cartoon porn in japan is much bigger than it is in the west - there's barely any money in it here whatsoever, outside of furries, who are desperate enough to settle for the same crap you seem to. Talented artists don't waste their time on it here
And since I'm replying to you, the bible does very much condone killing, especially in the name of God, silly nigger
Yeah, no, you're arguing two different things and passing them off as the same thing. You have a pro-Japanese anti-Western bias, and it's pretty obvious, it wouldn't matter how "talented" a western artist was, you'd still say "THIS IS TRASH" because it wasn't drawn by someone with slanted eyes.
Weeaboos always easy to spot.
There are good and bad artists on both sides of the earth
To reinforce your argument try posting some actual good western, because all you have shown is some deviant art tier shit
It's kinda funny how you are arguing that we have an anti-western bias, when I myself is quite thee white supremacist. The fact of the matter is that I think everything you have posted looks like trash, and that most western porn is poorly drawn. But keep crying, bitch nigga.
We gotta catch all the Jews to make this world sane again
Oh are you now? Sure ya are. What are you doing to further white supremacy? Spreading hate speech against niggers, muslims and asians to your local community? Attending KKK rallies? Telling Japanese people to kill themselves?
I bet you equate "me posting my opinions about race on Holla Forums" is what makes you a white supremacist, which doesn't make you a white supremacist, it just makes you another anonymous with no balls. White supremacists are recognized for a few things, which is being blatantly ignorant and racist, having little reservation about being as such, and actually putting their face behind their words instead of playing keyboard warrior and pretending they're a white supremacist.
Most people in that picture look like mestizos and gooks, wtf are you talking about. Secondly, people who play mobile games are not gamers.
I think he was making a sarcastic statement about the whole mantra that feminists are using against GamerGate/Gamers that say that gaming and gamers are misogynistic white males on the internet and that women are excluded from being part of "the club" or getting jobs in the industry (despite all the evidence to the contrary).
You know that "white supremacist" just means you think white people are superior, right? What you seem to be thinking of is skinheads. Also, I am part of a national socialist organization and attend rallies, but I'm obviously not going to give out my identity here.
attain taste
kek, wut
If that's what you think I'm doing, go ahead and think that.
>>>Holla Forums
Ebina is such a slut.
I don't think I can agree with you there. She never displays the confidence that a slut has, she's always self-conscious and on the verge of tears.
No, real GamerGate was about removing Cultural Marxists and SJWs from western society, then cucks like you went full cuck as you always do, and claimed it was "about ethics in games journalism". That was the moment the movement lost the fight.
All thanks to cowards and idiots like you, who do not understand what is even going on. You can not make journalism moral, or in any way make society better if you do not remove Jews and their Cultural Marxist useful idiots. It is that simple. They are the cause. To combat a sickness, you have to remove the cause.
People who use their phones as phones.
Please return to reddit, you have just fucking outted yourself for the faggot that you are.
No, he is proving himself right and you wrong. You are fucking retarded if you think there is something wrong with "being racist" or that it was a good idea to lie and make GG about "ethics" when the people who run the media are evil and want to exterminate you.
That's funny, because you just outed yourself. Back to
>>>Holla Forums
You seem to have no understanding of what is happening and why western society is so immoral and corrupt these days.
Go away Holla Forums with your D&C.
7/10 bait
>>>Holla Forums
Shhhhhhhh. Your cover was already blown several posts ago. It's time to stop.
You're not helping our case here, user! Post some good western art.
japs draw better porn sorry
To be honest your argument is kind of retarded. Exactly, this guy is cherrypicking very badly drawn art. But I've seen plenty drawn by westerners that looks extremely realistic and good.
Holy shit, they look like cattle.
The fact that almost all of them are adults is disturbing.
At least, it shows how society is tumbling down.
i mean pokemon go is
That's the interesting thing, people seem to be so shallow and devoid of any self direction that they need pokemon to socialize or catch up with old friends.
They literally have nothing to talk about about from the game. And I bet most of them will just stop talking to each other once the pokemon go thing is over.
Imagine if you brought up something like Trump and Clinton in a group like that, or the strong liberal slant in almost every major news source? You'd probably never talk again after that.
You failed comrade
The scary thing is, they can make a Pokémon appear inside your home and you'll have swarms of fags coming to your house.
I could see the NSA/CIA using this with legendary Pokémon, your house would be broken into by Tyrone.
Nintendo has literally created a mind-controlled army.
You're the one that needs to go back, "ethics in journalism" was a fucking goon meme. Originally it was the three Cs and SJWs are very relevant to at least two of them.
How are you this stupid. Do you have a breathing machine to remind you to suck air into that shit hose you call a mouth?
Do you shake hands with your mother with that hand?
Do you not know how average's work? Half of everyone is above and the other half below. So when you think about how stupid the average person is realize that half of the population are dumber then that. And they vote.
You apparently do not know how averages work, in addition to trying to sound smart by quoting George Carlin.
One retard with an IQ of 10, plus nine people with an IQ of 99, the average IQ is 50. Yet 90% of that sample size is more intelligent than that. You can't assume there's an even distribution of stupid to smart, and in practice IQ bell curves tend to be somewhat lopsided.
You should inhale some phosphene gas, nu-male faggot.
Same. The west doesn't need to excel in fucking porn, we have a long tradition of amazing nudist portraiture whose appeal goes far beyond indulging degenerate vices. But it's just calling a spade a spade. Western cartoon porn is trash - even the best anyone can find to defend it is just inoffensive at best
Yeah, this one knows basic anatomy (even if terribly awkward posing) and decent painting, but look at the facial expressions. There's no sense of eroticism whatsoever. Also, clearly her legs are fucking stubs cut off at the ankle and her heads smaller than her D cup tits. Western cartoon porn is shit
I'm a marathon runner and have lots of normalfag friends who play this shit, doesn't change that its an rng skinner box with pokemon stickers
same shit argument used be league players
just like the manchus btfo'd Ming right?
It is absolutely pathetic and speaks volumes for his character and the kind of joyless existence he leads. At this point he's just a hollow shell and I wonder why he continues onward.
user, I typically don't say vile things or mean spirited things but I have to ask a serious question. How absolutely fucking pathetic is your life that you need a shitty mobile game to hang and game with your friends?
I'm guessing you turned over control of whatever sad pathetic excuse you have for a life to your girl friend or wife. You are essentially a hollow shell of a human being that uses a shitty game as an excuse to have fun with your friends.
You're not just the worse thing with gaming you are part of the worse thing with this miserable species. It is your vapid headed empty minded pathetic kind that ultimately drags us all down into the gutter. It is your kind that corporations target because you are the lowest common denominator.
My life may not be fantastic, but I if I were to die today, I would die happy in the knowledge I am not you. That I didn't throw my life away like you did.
Holy cow. We may actually get to see normalfags go full lemming. Go won't be a problem for long then.
You mad genius you.