The weather was awful and the mood of the locals wasn't much better when US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in Wellington.
US media travelling with Tillerson were surprised by the number of people flipping the bird at Tillerson as his motorcade sped through town.
So I headed along to the protest at parliament. I was a bit late so I asked a police officer where the climate deniers were hanging out. He laughed and said I was the only one. When the WHAT DO WE WANT!? Chant started I obviously offended quite a few plebs with yelling ==DEAD COMMIES== & DEAD ISRALIS They then wheeled out an trump piñata type thing while limp wristed faggots failed at throwing water balloons at. Couple of photos and a video. Sorry for /phoneposting/
Caleb Garcia
Carson Gonzalez
lol who cares
Xavier Jenkins
Parker Clark
No, surely these are just ordinary apolitical people who hate Trump for all the horrible things he's done to them. Right?
Pic related
Jackson Gutierrez
Know a dude from NZ. Full NatSoc, knows Asuka is best girl, wish he was there to counter protest.
Henry Price
This really is one of the shittest first world countries though. Don't believe anything positive you read about this country.
Nathaniel Martinez
It's not just Trump hate user, though I'll not deny that's partly it. People here fucking hate the US. If this man was Obama's croney, the same shit would have happened.
Jose Roberts
Sounds like most of Europe tbh. Plus or minus a shitskin problem
If it wasn't for the US you'd all be speaking japanese by now
Oliver Rogers
Thank fuck I got left some money that I put towards a place 12 years ago. It's fucked now. T-thanks chinks
Chase Walker
This is why everyone here hates you fat fucks, that fucking smug superior attitude of we helped you now you owe us for the rest of eternity, get fucked. You dickheads embargoed the fuck out of Japan to the point where they couldn't even sustain themselves and then get all pissed when they go apeshit on you and the rest of the west.
Charles Scott
Doesn't seem to line up too well with Trump support.
Alexander Jenkins
Luckily no one here cares what you think.We don't think about you at all. Most 'merican's think NZ is part of Australia.
Jayden Thompson
Oliver Clark
I don't even begin to understand what the kiwis are up to. They're like some kind of Melbourne pozzed but unlike pozzbourne they're still white af. What the fuck is going on? I thought kiwis were still based?
Jose Wilson
At least you've got better access to guns than the Euros and Aussies. Don't give up, revolt if you must.
Nicholas James
Thought maybe the ultra left green supporters might get into that one
Brandon Phillips
there's the Lord of the Rings guy
Levi Powell
Leave Auckland and a lot of those issues go away and get replaced with meth addiction
Isaac Martinez here
And people here hate USA and anything to do with it especially non-nigger politicians. It's easy to red pill though the media here is even worse than overseas, tiny island cuck media.
Us rural kiwis are. Some parts of country are still white enough you don't have to lock the door. Cities are shitskin/pjaeet/gook/ghettos now thanks for immigrating 100k shitskins a yaer to a country of what was 4 million people.
We are overpopulated now and 40% of properties not rented 'cus niggers and white trash smash them up. Gooks buy up lots of farms and properties now and overseas faggots who don't rent them (for obvious reasons).
So govt now like hurr durr jobs lets make houses forever and keep this industry going forever until
And yeah auckland is the shittiest shit hole of all. Thats why I live on the edge as far away as possible. No lights, no pavements, shoot shit off the deck, just quiet. No shitskins either.
I'm sorry for the cucked faggots here Holla Forums. I'm redpilling them as fast as I meet them though. It's pretty easy because the media only parrots the usual CNN shit.
Brandon Jones
Sup brew, chur im busy training ayy bru whats up with you cuz?
Alexander Nelson
This is all of our fates. Continually pushed out to the middle of nowhere as our countries burn to the ground.
Joseph Martinez
Almost seems like it may be better to say, fuck it all, and go out in a blaze of glorious retribution.
Josiah Ramirez
Sadly truth. Thing is you can try build a /kiwipol/ community, but it will be hard to maintain control and integrity, once you add more than a very few core people.
Lucas Rodriguez
NZ would probably have been better off under Jap rule. At least they won't have this shit today.
Thomas Fisher
Henry Russell
If Be down. I just moved back and I'm keen to mess with the greens
Samuel Ramirez
Whut the fooking fook. This libby trashhole isn't the Welly I remember living there six years ago.
Jason Morales
Shits fucked cunt.
Camden Wright
Hmmm maybe good time to start a /kiwipol/?
Always has been a bit hippie down there. at least far less coons than auks.
Justin Lee
It's fucking sad, but a part of me feels we almost deserve it. I read a military history book recently, and pretty much the only thing NZ has done in the time we've existed is to fight the boers in SA and help the niggers take over, and fight the Natsocs so Europe could be overrun with niggers. It's not a good feel.
Joseph Gray
anyone got any libshit twitter accounts to follow so I know when they're going to protest?
Ryder Davis
fuck off with your two-party FPP bs
Jordan Thompson
p.s. good work OP for the IRL trolling If I was a wellyfag it would've been great to join you with a megaphone
Sad and shameful but you're right. When I look at our history, about the only good thing that we have done was killing turkroaches (for the wrong side). Also keeping nukekike faggotry poison away but it's easy with hydro here And hating the nips for killing whales
We bowed and groveled and gave billions to coons who killed the celts/vikings/phoenecians here before them.
Joshua Davis
@GenZeroNZ @350nz pic related didnt like when I told them who I was here for.
Tyler Bell
Did you say Trump or Pol? (kek) Either one I'd have loved to been there to see.
Thanks but I don't use twatter (got instabanhammered lmao) so will keep eyes out here. If you can get pic related to the right place though It would be hilarious to see the fallout
Kayden Butler
NZ kike lover/commie kvetching is fucking hilarious
Jason Powell
Wish me luck lads, I'm under deep cover here.
Wyatt Thomas
Leave the sheepfriends alone. They're still among the least pozzed nations of the anglosphere.
Godspeed, Lad.
Samuel Collins
I'll take a sign next time, only found out about 30mins before the protest.
New Zealand is pretty much the Israeli's summer beach house and every citizen there is an indentured servant.
Jayden Anderson
That's everyone that isn't in Syria Iran or North Korea though.
Carter Ortiz
t. gook
Parker Russell
KEK Great job and @billy lmao Same thing they did to my foray from new shitpostingland to twatbook. Maybe it auto detects the merchant? Heard of this happening before.
Nice digits tfc?
And more great shitposting!
Caleb Morales
New Whatland? Bunch of forgotten cucks who no longer want to go on surviving as a distinct culture? Sounds like you have a severe infection of Jew. You need to get that checked out before it's too late.
Isolated liberal cuckolds.
Unless you cast off the Jew media which is driving you to towards collective suicide, none of your children will live to see grandchildren of their own.
Zachary Ward
Many here don't trust the jew media already, especially Rural media and many who are under 50-60. Some of my family were red pilled when they were in a natural disaster that wasn't happening, according to the jew media and kiked govt.
Liam Stewart
*rural folks
Jaxon King
John "Typical Tricks" Key definitely helped people hate Jews. Remember to tell everyone how much tax payers money he gave to the Clinton's too.
Isaiah Ramirez
you seem to be confused. trump is the kikes. you're literally asking are you with trump or with trump
Dylan Flores
Matthew Mitchell
lurk moar
Michael Jenkins
Core samples show man has been polluting for at least two thousand years. It didn't begin with industrialization. Their narrative is being shattered daily.
Blake Brooks
Christian Perry
Why would anyone in their right mind trust someone who thinks of Asuka as best anything?