Pokémon GOY has your emails


Other urls found in this thread:


You think Nintendo runs a personal email spamming service?

Post yfw you're not playing this shit casual game

This isn't just the user's email address being visible to them. It's full gmail access with your inbox and everything.

Good for them.


So, can they even send and delete emails?


Nintendo doesn't have your gaming e-mail. It has all your accounts (be either e-mail or anything else) that your phone has.

Yeah, it's full access.

Normalfags won't care anyway, because they don't have anything to hide like some creep :^)

If people is scared of being tracked down, you may as well stop using the internet :^)

if you have something to hide and you think a jewgle account is a good place to hide it, you are a special kind of stupid

don't worry, nintendo is allowed find something to ban an user

Phonecucks BTFO

I had enough

Not surprised, watch the Pokemon internet defense force take over this thread.

you can't use a throwaway.

Literally only normalscum play GO, real /tr/ainers stick to their 3DS.

The companies can't share that info with third parties, Niantic has your emails assuming that they get access to your emails and not just email metrics.

No shit


they can't.
but they will

On the back of these other articles:

Now we know why Nintendo doesn't care about localization. Because they don't care about the west, and just want to make money off them.

I don't even clear it


Shouldn't you be playing Minecraft on Windows 10?

Hah, it's a datamining operation.


I don't have pokemon goy
I dont care

They already addressed this. It was an accident on the form they filled out on the google play store. It actually only ever requests access to what your email address is and your Google+ page.

That's what you get for being an Apple goy.

Sure it does, Chaim.




That's like being fine with government spying just because you use a proxy.

You deserve it tbh

I was at a very young age and there were ugly women willing to fuck in my area from multiple site

Literally read any article published about it right now.

I don't even play the game, but spreading misinformation makes you no better than shitaku.

Were there actually women willing to fuck in your area?

I was just trying it out myself so I could know it's shit first hand. How do I stop this from harvesting more of my data?

Just look up google account privacy on google, and it'll directly link you to the settings panel.
I tried it out too, and revoked access because that's just too much of a security risk.


It was probably one those fake sites that popup when you go watch porn, m'lord.

No Quad Satan, there never were.

Okay one that would mean the application itself would need to read your emails because, guess what retard, that's how affording sign in permission through google works, and two.

If this was actually capable of reading and writing people's emails the application itself would be doing it. I mean really you fucking retards do you honestly not understand how app privledges work?

How do you even?
Are you people retarded?
Am I actually on Reddit?
What's going on?


first you drop your phone

It's like they only now realized they have goygle's cock halfway inside their asspussies. They just want the tip in, not everything, damn.

Have you lurked the threads? There's all kinds of autistic gold posted in it.

Think of any ebin raids or trolling effort you've witness or participated in. This is like that but on a corporate/global level. This shit is like irl habbo hotel, but instead of nigras, you get autists that put themselves at risk for a shit mobile game. Not only that, but they annoy everyone who don't play the garbage with their stinking, ugly presence. The app is basically a blight on everyone who isn't nintendo.


Yeah sure, I should use guerilla mail and elusively use TOR for any searches (startpage is too unsecure!!!); and maybe I2P for everything using tails OS.

It's a burner ofc but I still don't want those 3rd party kikes seeing what email accounts I use it for. not everyone accepts custom email domains.

That's cute

If that were the case then you'd be already fucked because the first app would have had to have asked for permission and got if from you and generated an access token for that application.

I mean shit this is as retarded as saying "Well the YouTube app on da xbawks says it has permission to upload like and comment on videos when I sign in. Dat means microsawft can use my account to like their videos" This just isn't how the system works you bellend.

Also, I forgot that some people use it while driving (according to user). So people are being a major inconvenience and are putting other people's lives at risk for a shitmon that they are going to catch 20 of anyway.

I also forgot to check em.


What do you suggest then stallman?

Is there a way to remove my email? Erase my account? Please, say yes.

can't argue with that dub-streak

Not defending this bullshit, but you have to be real fucking retarded to give out your real email address. But then again, normalfags.

red text doesn't make you not a fag

I'm still waiting, back your shit up

I pray to fucking Kek there's also some kind of security risk involved on top of the Datamining you stupid cucks.

I dunno man, maybe figure it out for your self.

I'll give you a hint, valuable information often gets lost in the mountains of furry porn and useless garbage data online. TOR data gets marked higher priority, that's why even normalfag shows like House of Cards has the TOR browser and details on how to use it in the show.

Want an anonymity network that works? use a startup/relatively unknown one, preferably with on custom hardware.


I removed the game the day it came out after trying it out and I checked today on Google Privacy settings and couldn't find it, looks like Jewgle "fixed" it, and by that I mean that they removed the option NOT to share with Niantic and made it automatic.


Do you even know what actually compromises the TOR network?
Here's a hint: exit nodes

The NSA has actually officially earmarked TOR and TAILS users as extremists now.
Using TOR is literally asking to get fucked up the ass now, considering the FBI is currently trying to avoid publicly explaining their backdoor to TOR in front of Court.

Who even uses TOR since that the freedomhosting shit went down?
Even before that it was iffy for whether or not the nodes your traffic was passing through were honeypots or not, and anyone who used for anything except for shitposting was an idiot.
Besides, shitposting on an imageboard isn't exactly top priority traffic, and using a private quality VPN isn't difficult either in addition to preventing data collection.

TOR hasn't been useful ever since they went full cuck and forced you to use their own proprietary browser.

Nice try Nintendo but you can't make me go outside. I guess the only consolidation is that I used the Google+ email I was forced to make years ago at the height of that bullshit and never touched again. I'll consider this another strike against them.

What does one use nowadays instead of TOR?

That's wrong though.
You can configure anything to use TOR as the proxy.

Friendly reminder that the game has no gameplay and it is just clicking on the screen like a retard and walking around the city like an autist.

Sage for disinformation.
Please continue playing Pokemon Go, don't worry about anything, Nintendo does the best software in the world, they won't betray you or look into your emails.

Trust nintendo and nintendo will trust you on your journey of collecting pokemons!

PS: especially minorities, and oppressed people who's feelings were hurt by recent events of oppression against Black Lives Matter, Pokemon GO is the best way to relax after the horrible incident police has caused to your people.

I'm putting this under the distinct possibility of astroturfing threads concerning how many (1)s there are and people blatantly ignoring evidence otherwise.


Oxymoron, most people with autism have no friends and would never leave their house to begin with

Why do you think Pokemon Go exists?

To identify who's not the autist and single out those that don't connect of course.

Welcome to Holla Forums Holla Forums

Also I recall literally 0 of you faggots raising shit about this when the 3ds/wii u image share application did the same fucking thing.
You know, minus back then it didn't tell you what it would do.

It's almost like you people are lying deliberately.

Pretty much every phone app you can download says it requires things like access to your gps location, photos and videos, personal information, and other pieces of information you'd be uncomfortable handing over to the government. Why are you sperging out over pokemon go specifically?

Is it because you're an attention whoring sperglord and its popular?

Something like this is really common for Japanese apps in particular.

Not surprising most would be unfamiliar with how they work.

The stupidity of the modern "gamur" never ceases to amaze me.

Fun fact, this game isn't released in japan. Only in the US and UK. Datamining is fun~!


Like I give a shit about them reading the spam on my throwaway account.



Daily reminder that Sanders cucked himself for Shillary. :^)


Feels good, man.



What are companies and government agencies actually doing with all this information?
I've gotten so use to everybody trying to collect my data and trying to make sure they get as little as possible that I only now finally realised I have no idea what they even want with it. I and most other people have absolutely nothing of interest to any of these people.

Feels great, man!



You got any proof there or are you just posting FUD to get people to stop using the best free privacy service on the web?

Once you do become of interest they'll track down someone you touched on the butt 5 years ago and she'll level rape accusations at you with an inordinate amount of legal support. Then suddenly articles will crop up on how you browse nasty pedophilia rings like Holla Forums.

Wait how are these related?


I don't see anyone on Holla Forums saying they play shitty phone apps or damage controlling for them or making fucking general threads for them.






3DS emulator when?


That reminds me, my little sister asked me to walk around our city with her and her friends tomorrow night because one of their parents doesn't want them going out late without an adult (I'm in my 20's and they're all still teenagers).
At first I thought "huh, my sister usually never wants me anywhere near her friends, I've never even met any of them", so I thought it would be nice to finally see what they're like.
When I asked her what she was actually planning on doing she told me "we're going Pokémon hunting".

..it's gonna be 38 degrees out tomorrow night, it's very likely to rain, and these future yuppies wanna go fucking Pokémon hunting.
I seriously question Nintendo made this game with magic or something, half the people I know are utterly addicted to it. I can't even see why; all you do it collect Pokémon, there's no actual game to it.

It's the hip new trend that'll die out once they see that there's nothing else to do unless they find fighting over gyms fun.

There is technically an 3DS Emulator in progress that is called Citra:




Normalfags who are getting mad about this are so fucking stupid. If you own a phone that could play this shit, Google/Apple are already giving the jews all of your emails.


The FBI is LITERALLY running TOR you stupid Nigger.

please use archive.is/tech-policy/2016/06/fbi-exploit-that-revealed-tor-enabled-child-porn-users-wasnt-malware/




The only reason I'm not playing it is because the app crashes on my phone as soon as it starts.

Man there's an anime/manga for everything isn't there?

so can you guys tell me what makes this game casual no skill garbage? especially in relation to actual pokemon games, how is it different?

two things to note, i have no knowledge about this game whatsoever aside from it's pokemon, and that almost every guy i work with is playing the game. These aren't neckbeards or nerds, mind you, these are fully bluepilled, eat up mainstream bullshit normalfags.

Why are Holla Forumsilliterates and Holla Forumsedditors usually the most retarded underaged faggots on this website?

amazing, user, simply amazing

You got to place, touch screen, voila. That's it, there's not even any gameplay.

Feels good.

Arguing with someone about pokemon GO. I sent him the OP, he sent me this archive.is/0S4D5

That's a pretty huge "bug".

How's all these indie poo simulators and rehashed shooters on steam faggot

you walk around and flick pokeballs at 3d models
thats about it

You just walk around from pokestop to pokestop collecting pokemon without even fighting them, You just catch them. Then you go your local gym and fight over it. That's it.

You walk around IRL, click the screen, and catch the pokemon.

You can also throw money at the game to get better pokemons quicker.

Yeah and? Bigger security flaws have happened too.

Oh and look at that: the fucking source is some unsubstantiated tumblr blog of all fucking things.

You fags are gonna trust tumblr?

I still agree that it is casual garbage, he should play a real Pokemon game.


The main reason I'm not playing this is I don't have one of those fancy touchy phone.

It wasn't even a bug, its Niantic being incompetent. They used an old version of the google access form for iOS (if that's googles fault or Niantics fault is up for debate) so it sent them everything google related instead of what it needed.
Niantic have said it already fixed for the next update. This isn't the conspiracy theory some of these tards think it is

it's also, again, completely unsubstantiated. There is no proof. See

I must not be understanding this right. Catching pokemon is only a small part of what made Pokemon the game it was, fighting them, leveling them up and choosing which moves to keep or delete and which pokemon to keep as mains in your party was a giant cornerstone of the gameplay.

Are you telling me that faggots wander around catching 3D pokeymans as digital trophies and that's fucking it? That can't be it, there must be some fucking use for them, some actual reason to go out and catch them in the first place. the fuck are gyms and how do they work?

You battle gyms and take them over. You know there's these great things called search engines and video reviews that can answer all your questions for you.


GOfags are cancer.

Apparently it stems from 0Auth1 login tokens

Fucking GOfags.

fucking pokefags

It's either GOy or GOyim.

Here's your (you).



Kill self.

Please don't be joking.


Fuck you, I play Breath of Fire games on my smartphone. It's comfy.

1.) Someone could literally just write up a program taking advantage of an existing exploit.

2.) Someone could modify the app using an AppID exploit (create a modified version of the app, bypass the ID check since you only need One ID to bypass the Two ID check because "lol security")

3.) An App having access to everything is still a major security liability to google and presents a major legal issue.

4.) Even if an exploit doesn't exist today, a future patch or overhaul could compromise the system, putting all that userdata at risk.

I get you IMMEDIATELY want to jump on the astroturf "cuntspiracy" train but resist the temptation. Even if for some reason you really adore this game or your just baiting people, allowing for a major security liability to exist and getting angry at others for being conscious of it is incredibly fucking stupid from anyones perspective.

If it makes you feel any better the shit was patched TODAY and the controls have been scaled down significantly.

So yeah, the shits unfucked everyone can go home.

Video games were never meant to be comfy you fucking casuls

nigger, you know we have IDs right?


If you like itso much, you should go back

nah android is different. but i think with 5.0+ they are getting better with this little thing called IPC.

You're mean

Where did I say I liked cuckchan? You're the one talking about it.

And youre waifu is shit

stop bullying him user!

Or what, your bf's man will beat me up?


Best post on this thread

d-don't bully me either!

You berniebros make me sick, no wonder he went down on shillary.


Are you fucking retarded or are you just trying to fit in?


(you)posting is cuckchan shit

The old senile commie took money and ran.
Who could've seen that coming!

That's why I used a separate account fagioli

So how long before Nintendo gets Sony'd?


cause your loli is a fucking fag



Nigger everything we are is cuckchan shit. (You)posting has been a thing for years newfag, pre-exodus.

So yeah, I was fucking right and it was fucking nothing regardless fuck literally everyone in this thread I was right.

what about if you are using it to try and get laid?

That's pretty pathetic, and that's coming from someone who's never kissed a girl other then his mom.

And why do we need to bring that cancer here?





What a shitty poster in the background 0/10



Damnit, Christ


Who says I didn't notice it last? You fags seem to consume gay images without even realizing it.

I swear its flooding my town. Everyone is talking about, and more and more people have it that I didn't think would care. At least I have my good vidya.

You must be rusing k8

Why would the app need full access?
Why does this level of permission even exist?
Why does it warn the user?

I wish he'd go back to this

user, I have bad news for you
There are no girls on the internet :^)

Thats not true, I saw you mom on the internet last night fam ;)

O fuck man roasted af 2bh fam shit dude laying down fire bars man

a paid vpn with its company hosted somewhere in south america

You cannot post a GIF like that without telling us what it's from.

No mew will save that person the embarrassment of having a penis that small.

I thought the bullying was over. :(

Your dick is most likely tiny and your taste in animu grills is sub-par.

I haven't seen anyone around my place talking about or playing GOyim

One things for sure: I will never touch a mobile game

Why are you doing this user?

Apparently Pokemon porn searchers have gone up 336% and Nintendo's profit range leapt by $7.5 billion.

Because you are a groveling little worm who deserves nothing but abuse and contempt.

Stop feeding their fetish you faggot.


So, does this game have poke battles and traiding?

Lets be real though, when has Pokemon ever NOT been popular? Its the best selling non bundled traditional game series of all time fam

W-what aspect of Pokemon are they searching for porn?

Pokemon Goy has nothing but the physical location of a smart device. Good try though, nerd.

That's wrong.
That's still a terrifying fucking leap. I just went on goybook, and literally everyone I know is playing this shit.

I don't know, Pokemon GO has also outdone Porn.

Outdone porn on Google searches

Its 4th, which Nintendo cannot co plain when its making them sheqels.


Yes you can. Make a throwaway email, then use it.

Why would you use your google account for anything that you're afraid someone might see? Do you actually trust google?

Fucking murder yourself, faggot.

Why do you have a google account in the first place?

I had a much longer post, but the wordfilters and censors on this site are getting so fucking out of hand as of late.

The answer is simple: Because I like to shitpost on youtube, that's it. When they asked if they could use my account to login, I said "hey, I don't give a fuck, go ahead" because I don't have anything that anyone can read in there. And I doubt that Niantic and Nintendo are going through peoples' shit to see what they're doing.

You really need to read up on how broken Android's security really is.

nothing to hide, nothing to fear. this is only a problem to sick pedos or white supremacists.

Cr1tikal played pokemon go.


im playing the game and im both aware and indifferent to the security risks how mad are you

Didn't you hear? Not supporting white cop killings makes you a white supremacist user.

does he browse Holla Forums whats with the brendan pics?


Pretty smug if I do say so myself.


Just figured I'd point out, and I know that picture is a joke, but there's only 130 pokemon in the game right now, with Gyarados being the Apex pokemon at this time.

Post more like that.

There are at least 3 pokemon go fuck yourself threads at any given time on halfchan.

Here's a summary of one thread so far.

No, he browses Holla Forums. Say hi to him, he's in the thread.

Proof m80.

But it's illegal to use fake emails.


Is that Taylor Swift with a MAGA cap? Why are there people who actually consider that feminist bitch a waifu? She would endorse Shillary in a heartbeat.

As bad as this summer is, at least it isn't as bad as halfchan is.

Taylor is a meme you dip


Pretty shitty meme.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

but also this

Also as a referendum, this applies to Apple Security, not Android since Apple is locked up tighter than a nun in a brothel you have to do some crazy shit to bypass most of the security.

Or, ya know, have your target be retarded.

With Android it's likely VERY different but I've not had the privilege of testing it's security. thanks for the reminder

sage for off-topic

Actually this is most likely very true. You could find those girlgamer whores playing it just to stay up to date and if you're good enough there would be a chance for some action on it.
Considering videogames have been lost to normalfags, you could just walk right on into the party with it.

Cool I hope they enjoy reading, modifying and going over the two emails I received while making the throwaway account, if they get lucky they'll get to go over some spam too.

Even taking normalfags into account, who in the actual fuck uses a google account for their mail services?
So they have access to the emails of the 3 retards that actually use gmail AND tie that same account to their phone, who cares?

As much as I dislike Pokemon GO, you are certainly spreading some misinformation OP.
You don't need a Google account to play the game.


I don't see the problem.

Also that HearthcoreHenry faggot on Twitch that was walking around Baltimore hasn't been online since the other day, starting to think he really did get shanked.

You underestimate normalfags. I bet you at least 1 million people who downloaded the game have actually tied their real gmail to their phone. Whenever there is convinience such as tying your gmail to your phone and never having to log in every time, expect normalfags to fall for it and do it willingly.

Aw shit nevermind he did make it back home.


15 minutes until Kagamin shows up, Konata.

So did google fix this yet, or do I have to do a bunch of shit to stop these fucks from reading my porn email?



That's actually all it is fam.

The battle system is so ridiculously basic that it's not even funny.

Shouldn't you rather lel at the spectacle?

You usually only need to press A and occasional up or down a few times for an ability.



is your mom hot?




I still don't even know what it is.

Hello Reddit!

All me tbh


i got it from Holla Forums __



You sound like someone who doesn't get out much.

My erp emails with my ciber bf from 2005 are safe

Im not kidding

Wanna make some quick autist bucks, anons?


post tits/feminine dick

What do you guys think of augmented reality in general? Do you think there will be any interesting games in the future?

I was pretending to be a girl

This reminds me of the time everyone freaked out over Microsoft spying on them through Windows 10 when they've actually been doing the same shit since forever.


fed go

I hope Dennou Coil happens soon!

The latest APK is now compatible with Intel processors




sure if this were 11+ years ago but they can hardly make interesting games on real platforms anymore.

The goyim never learn, do they?



google shit tends to come standard with a lot of phones

tfw im in the same team as this autist

**tfw i hate this game and i cant stop playing


theres no helping you. why not just play an actual pokemon game? theres also an actual pokemon game coming out soonish

I picked blue too
i play blue in ingress, and this way i don't have to buy any new gear

Good. The little shits deserve it.


Never knew you were such a faggot user.

I've found more normalfags on Valor than any other team

Since you're already devoting time to this casul shit, you have to chose which kool aid to drink. The one poisoned by hipsters or the one poisoned by normalfags.

or you could just go with your favorite color and not let faggots ruin your fun


*NODs respectfully*

How can you be such an easily amused pleb?

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

It was a mistake

I literally thought this was a shitpost until I saw your filename.
You're the out of touch one, faggo.

Gay post

Gay post

Gay post

Good post

Gay post, have fun being jealous