After Trump loses...

After Trump loses, what will happen to the conservatives who came out of the closet as racists when they thought he'd win?

Will american society rightfully exclude them?

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I mean it depends I guess, but white liberals tend to be backhanded racists as opposed to obnoxious and obvious conservative racists.

The aut-right should just be gassed at this point

Jesus christ, you're barely hiding the fact that you want gulags for people who supported Trump and for "racists". Listen to yourself, talking about "excluding" people for their FUCKING OPINIONS.

I gotta say, it's gonna be satisfying seeing people like you obliterated by the monsters you support. In Stalinist Russia, the supporters of Stalin's political party were annihilated too. It was called the great purge. After Hilary's elected, you will go through something similar.

I'm gonna be so fucking happy. At least when we go down, you're going down with us.

I hope you are the first to go, Fascist scum.

It's like I'm literally on the Tea Party's Facebook page

This guy is right.

If we exclude racists and fascists from society, I mean… who's the REAL fascists, you know?

They'll do whatever they'll want. Being the emotinal faggots they are, they'll wind up giving ammunition to SJWs by becoming the very things they fight against etc, and will be shunned.

What will happen after that will be an in fight between left wingers and other left wingers. (Holla Forums vs tumblr)

You and the SJWs will be the first for gulag.

Kek am I being rused? Also samefag

Hey how do you get the flag to match your ideology?

You become a bootlicking commie faggot.


click on the arrow dropdown menu and choose from the flag option

Where, I don't see a flag option


I meant at the top of this page

Where at the top of this page, I can't see shit

Most of them will just slink back to the tea party
people like Molyneux have kneecapped themselves into pandering to the stormfaggots forever now

Good. That means you're right at boot level. Start licking faggot

The right will be publicy shamed and will always be known as losers. But we already knew that even before Trump…

it won't show up unless you go into your computer settings and delete system32.

Reply -> Show post options & limits -> Click the box labeled 'None' -> Select flag of choice

Thank you

No problem, comrade.

There we go. Lick that boot. Do it you commie whore. Lick the cumstains of marx and stalin and che off my boot.


Replied to 1/10 bait posted for a third time in the thread. You are not a very stalwart man. The trolls will feast upon you with ease.


Considering the left has always called everyone they don't like racist, nothing. nothing at all…


Why are there so many tankies on this board?

Probably just become even more hysterical tbh. A candidate with some of Trump's positions on trade, race, and so on who was even marginally competent at campaigning could've been up by 10-15 against Hillary right now.

'twas merely bait you replied!

this, american liberals cried wolf so much that when actual racist show up they won't believe they are racist

Since when did we ever hide that?


Oh go eat a dick faggot. You're the same bunch of edgy retards who jack off to killing every person who disagrees with you, the so-called "day of the rope." Like you have any fucking room to talk.

no refunds, faggots

I was actually kind of hoping Trump would win, albeit for different reasons. Thanks for the laugh though.

reminder that if a civil war ever broke out the only true enemies of communists would be libertarians and ancap cancers like stefan molyneux

do you realize you're doing exactly what "bankers" want you to do?
