Urgent: Is Simon Roche an undercover ANC spy?


Hey all, I recently heard that Simon Roche might be an undercover spy for the African National Congress party of South Africa, attempting to infiltrate right groups like Liberty Hangout and Mad American Network, and that's just all I've heard.
Any help would be very helpful.

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Hi Simon
You need not call me oom.
I'm only slightly older than you.
I come from Rhodesia and I was closely involved in reporting on the land invasions by Mugabe. I know how these black bastard communists work whom you worked for.
Five of my biggest YouTube channels were banned yesterday. So in total I've lost about six or seven. It's a big blow.
I live in Johannesburg and ran my own website African crisis for years. I now do videos as the history reviewed channel.
I have always said my say and said what I believe.
I regarded Gustav muller as an ANC agent when your organization was formed. In recent years I said that again on video. I have his original video from when he formed it.
I also knew the original suidlander who made the video called: The songs they sing. It is excellent showing how blacks sing about killing whites.
I watched your first presentation in the USA and others.
My assessment of you is that you are an ANC spy probably working for the ANC itself who has infiltrated the Suidlanders to set them up for a fall. The Suidlanders will be destroyed in the next few years and you will be the key person who will make it happen.
I don't need to question you further. I saw enough to make up my mind.
You are pushing an agenda that can only be win win for the ANC and lose lose for the Boers.
I will state this openly in future videos on my websites where my audience is much more limited.
I regard you as a high level spy who is pushing a big story of white genocide which you know is false and which will backfire on the suidlanders who like the awb are a national intelligence controlled opposition intended to ensure that the Boers do not fight so that the blacks can drive the whites back without any loss or embarrassment.
The ANC wishes to win without bloodshed.
You have no need for money. I know of someone at one of your meetings who arrived in a porche. You have always had money which guys like me and many others never had.
The white upper classes of south Africa are traitors to a man. All of them should be hung from lamp posts by the Boers.
Dr Peter Hammond and I, both of us from Rhodesia agree that your plan is utter rubbish. He was in the Rwandan genocide and the USA Canada and UN were the ones who created it. The USA is not a friend of south Africa and never has been.
You like all the people with money dodge the issue of the Jews. Why don't you talk about the open evidence that Julius malema is behind the uprising in coligny and surrounding areas? Malema said on twitter he is sending in reinforcements. Malema is now on the side of the Jewish controlled da. Malema got R900,000 from a Jewish billionaire. Why don't any of you mention this? Why is malema never found guilty of hate speech when there is film footage of his people singing kill the boer and kill the farmer in coligny in may?
Malema is an agent of the ANC and is therefore protected. He also drives a Ferrari. Big Jewish money is behind him and the ANC protects him.
Here you people are this enormous fake organization claiming to want to save lives. But where were all of you fakes when the whites in coligny were attacked? Where were you then when their houses were burned down and the town torn up?
So what is the money really for?
Why are you who were high in the ANC now choosing to be on the losing side?
Your organization is a controlled opposition which has as its goal to lure in good solid patriotic whites so that you can mislead them at the critical moment when they need to stand firm. You are here to ensure that the ANC can seize land and property from white people without bloodshed. You are there to ensure that the ANC has a bloodless victory.
Malema is also an ANC agent who is working another angle with the liberals and Jews. Now this malema had also been having many cozy meetings with the radical black ambassador of the USA prior to trump getting rid of him and replacing him with a Jew or two.
Trump won't save us. Nor will Germany.

Your entire presentation is designed to create massive demoralization to the people inside south Africa and also to what few possible supporters they may have outside. You are setting up the ANC for a bloodless victory and the suidlanders for a fall.
I know Gustav is Adrian snymans son in law.
I know someone who he confides in often.
I realized that somebody is feeding Adrian bull shit which can only come from a national intelligence psy war operation. Adrian's predictions are incredibly wrong. I'm talking of his political predictions not the boer prophet stuff.
I concluded that Adrian is being fed bull shit by national intelligence by someone he trusts.
You are going across the USA spreading your demoralization of our situation and never telling the other side of the story. You get on big shows and you spread only great despondency as a good spy and traitor would.
Everything I have written in my email to you I will spread it to my small audience and I will continue to tell people inside and outside south Africa that you are traitors to the whites here.
The harm you are doing to the image of the Boer and the white is unprecedented and sadly I am in no position to challenge the arrant rubbish you are spreading far and wide. But I will firmly resist you in my small way among my tiny audience.
I will call out your organization and you in particular.
You no doubt know of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Do you know how he died? They made him drink poison. Do you know why? Because during a great siege and war he went around spreading demoralization. He was put on trial and found guilty of spreading demoralization and sentenced to death by poisoning.
That is what should be done to the leadership of the suidlanders and that includes you.
Because of the loss of my channels and the fact that I have no outlets I have lost all interest in your organization and in having discussions with you.
But if war comes one day in this country and if i am still alive I will tell my fellow Boers what we should do to you.
I support the brave Boers of Pretoria west where white men and white women earlier this year fought blacks with their hands and with rocks and drove them off in a great little victory the only one of it's kind. I support the twenty or thirty boer farmers of coligny who were there all day to watch the blacks and protect the whites and who later told the police: If you don't do something now then we will begin shooting the blacks ourselves.
If I had any support I would have done the very opposite of you suidlander cowards and I would have formed an organization that would rush to the aid of whites in danger and who would be willing to shoot blacks dead on the spot and who would never surrender their weapons to the police. Never. Rather die in a gunfight with the south African police but never never stand back. If white lives are threatened we must immediately kill those who damage their property. The next time blacks burn down a whites house they should be shot dead on the spot and we whites must grab our guns and protect those who stood up and shot the blacks. We must never surrender our guns and never never allow blacks to damage our property and we must fight with the police if they come to arrest us. Be we must stop this endless intimidation of the whites in this country dead in its tracks for once and for all even if we must die trying.
Cancel the interview. I have no interest in your defeatist useless organization and its message of surrender.
Furthermore your entire plan is pure rubbish. It flies in the face of military history and military logic. You are surrendering when we should in fact surrender nothing. Not one square inch. You are not saving lives. You will get more people killed and vast assets will be lost that need not be lost.

Looting and lawlessness were crimes previously punished by shooting. Police in western countries would shoot looters on the spot. Since the police no longer carry out law and order we whites must begin doing it ourselves.
Your plans are complete rubbish. They make no military sense and you don't even make any effort to take non violent courses of action that could save lives. Your plans show no knowledge of genocide or war and would fail miserably. It's rubbish based on unreliable prophecies. Pure rubbish that will never happen.
Our situation is not as weak as you cowards and traitors make it out to be. We can and should stand up to the ANC and stop them dead in their tracks and protect all our property and all our people even if we must break the law and shoot hundreds dead in a single day. Stand our bloody ground.
We are not here to overthrow the ANC but if the ANC does not protect us as it should we should then take the law into our own hands even if it means killing hundreds in a single day.
Were should go there armed and if the police do not protect the whites then we either shoot the police as well as the blacks and get it over with. Show some back bone for once.
I am ashamed to be associated with spineless whites like you who put to shame the once proud boer. That you go around the world with this message of cowardice. It disgusts me that this is the only message that millions will get to hear.
No doubt your ANC masters will be very happy.
Thank you
From: Simon Roche
Sent: ‎6/‎2/‎2017 8:38 PM
To: History Reviewed Channel; Brian Ruhe
Subject: Re: picking a time for our joint video

Wait isn't he trying to save the boer?

That's what we're trying to find out. If he actually does or is just a nigger plant to continue suppressing the whites in SA.

I don't understand. Is this Roche person writing to Jan, the AfricanCrisis guy who finally woke up to the JQ after 20 years? His videos are fun, just 2 hours of random stories about the Jews and South Africa and his job.

I miss those channels already.

Yeah, sure. Nice slide.

Jan's writing to Roche.

the Jews took his channels down? We desperately need an alternative to Jewtube. It's not sustainable anymore. Anything good now gets fucking shoahed.

What were these youtube channels that got deleted? And how is Roche spreading demoralization, when the condition of whites in SA seems like soemthing to be pretty negative about?

Jan seems to be angry that this Roche guy is going about with a fucking bowl, when the ZOG isn't going to help the Boers and nor will Roche name the Jew, who are the ones who really pulled the rug out from under the Boers. Whether Roche is really an ANC spy or just a zionized idiot, who know.

there's vid.me, though it doesn't get much traction. Varg temporarily moved there a few months ago.

So Suidlanders are a controlled op? Never thought the cretinous ANC nogs would've been smart enough to come up with such a thing. Then again, if there are kikes whispering down their ears, nothing is off limits.

There's saying "the situation is bad, here's what we need to do to improve it" and there's saying "the situation is bad, oh god, we're so fucked". Feel the difference.

Aren't you overestimating the competence of the ANC? Do you think a bunch of niggers are capable of handling double agents and international spy rings?

The ANC does it through the Indians now like all their other shit, they aren't capable.

I've seen the Suidlander's videos and this Roche guy doing a presentation. Yes, he does go around the U.S. trying to make the Boers case known, but it's meant to appeal to right-wing Americans and conservatives, not to politicians. He's not marching up to a state congressman's door begging for shekels, I think he's trying to spread awareness of the Boer's plight in America because we have people IN our country who might be sympathetic. More so than in western europe anyway.

We need to create our own host!

Don't know, but Jan is correct they will never get any sort of official help from ZOG. That would mean admitting all their shit about ZA in the 90s was fucking lies and Mandela actually was "beast as saint" as any sane person knew at the time. The Jews don't even cover it now when South Africa credit goes to junk. Like it fell off the map.

I'm not convinced he's a shill

He's got enough intelligence to nuke the ANC from the inside out, so there's no reason to think he'd take orders from them

Which regardless is a good thing. Many of us have been trying to raise the situation on Rhodesia/SA since the 90's to the rest of the Western world, so any publicity on the situation is a good thing. After all, that is what the original term "White Genocide" was referring to.

I'm sure a lot of white SA are not ready to jump into the JQ for the simple reason they were in alliance with Israel before apartheid was brought down and Israel did the usual thing with all of its "allies" and bailed.

If Simon is a kaffir loving kike working for the ANC as a plant like they did with the AWB.
Is Gustav Müller also an ANC traitor?

Fucking kikes. No wonder Soros bends to their whims everywhere.

Hey everyone I am going to send an email to Simon making all these claims with nothing to back it up then show everyone what I wrote and act like its reason to believe my position!

Shit thread get some evidence or fuck off.

Well, the guy is just expressing his opinion. However, telling a (probable) spy that his cover is blown is platinum level of stupid.

Simon has to be careful about what specifically he talks about. He had been scheduled to appear on CNN but then they found out about a previous interview he did with someone I can't remember that they said was "too far right" and they canceled the interview.

The only thing they ever asked for after their presentations was money to buy diesel to transport and purify water for their 20,000 families. They had a significant stockpile already but needed a certain amount to hold out until their refinery operations became operational.

They were traveling around the US to visit republican/conservative groups and churches to do their presentation to hopefully garner enough funds so they and all the whites that will flee to the Suidlanders don't all die of thirst and dysentery when the full blown race war breaks out.

This is nothing but an attempt to D&C because the Suidlanders are gaining more and more media attention as the South African situation is getting more exposure. Hell, Simon was on Molyneaux' show last week.

This is either (((them)))freaking the fuck out and trying to cause infighting, or some newfag who believes everything he hears then tells everyone without fact checking because he wants to feel important.

lmao, does anyone here not a moron believe this?

Reminder that this modus operandi has been rampant over the years. CIA and DOD deliberately planted nutjobs into early citizen and scientist led UFO groups in order to destabilize them. Pretty much every time these d&c plans are carried out it is by some fucking nutjob that wouldn't be out of place on /fringe/ yet has a high following for some (((unknown reason))).

Simon is heavily invested in his position and beliefs. He has a plethora of knowledge that is extremely rare to come by on most standards of any spectrum especially that of a shill. It's hard to fathom him being a shill at this point. Still waiting on some good evidence from OP.

He did good on John B Wells, think it might have been that one. Reckon it's a jewish lie tbqh. All Roche is pushing for is an escape route. He's dumb and very naive because he underestimates the kaffir and their ferocity and thinks there is a peaceful escape. Maybe, maybe not. Jan seems like a bitter man and nobody can blame him. This is D&C as always and the white people's lack of unity. Roche is a follower of Siener van Rensburg which the Rhodies won't really align to as they have less boer heritage and more british. They hate afrikaners and vise verse….. to…. to…. an extent. Even though it's mostly irrelevent for the most part. Roche, He's a bit too hippy and a bit too safe and even if they had an offensive role to play out in pure anarchy, he would most likely not air it out for the world to see it. It's still doing a good job in raising awareness and aiding other people to start similar militias.


(sorry for samefagging but he know his history, the true history of South Africa and isn't giving the world the false good goy narrative of le ebil white mans killing dindoos)

Roche does name the Jew, actually, in this presentation (right after explaining why he cannot name the Jew without going to jail): youtu.be/LhxfP3azJtw?t=1h23m28s

I love Jan's videos and work, but I'm not sure he's right about the Suidlanders and Simon Roche.

Message for Jan: Please upload ALL of your videos to www.mega.nz and put the link to your video archive there in the description of all of your videos.

The guy who is accusing him of being a shill is promoting some unrealistic solutions that will end up with the nationalists getting killed

Rookie mistake is an understatement, holy shit Simon needs to get his shit together, I am sending him an email with some pointers. If Suidlanders effort gets ruined from PR faggotry that will be incredibly tragic.

He has his videos up on his website.

you're looking for the word "kikes," user.

Jan's renounced his hollow earth lunacy a long time ago.


He used to support ending apartheid as a White idealist. It happens.