How are you preparing when TPP goes into effect by the end of the year?
With TPP being the death of fan translations, fanmade touhou content, fandoms and image boards how will you hold up?
How are you preparing when TPP goes into effect by the end of the year?
With TPP being the death of fan translations, fanmade touhou content, fandoms and image boards how will you hold up?
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I'll be fine.
It's gone dark last I heard of it. With all the chaos happening you'd think NOW is the time they'd sign it.
Any new info?
Anyone want me to repost old archives of the TPP threads?
You got an actual source for that?
I heard it's been signed or in the process of signing.
Though the GOP as of now is skeptical.
Where have you been?
How hard will this effect me if I pirate stuff nonstop throughout each month?
Piracy is made a federal offense.
Companies can sue governments.
So you fan translating and denying Schlomo possible sheckles makes you a criminal that deserves a worse prison than someone that breaks into a home.
Thanks Bongland you still need to get out though
With any luck the west will collapse for TPP takes effect
Pirate as much now and get a ton of emulators and roms of old games and fan translation as you can to build a backlog before the TPP goes into effect.
Thank the fucking brits that it most likley won't pass while King Nigger still holds the reins.
Should Trump win and not be a lying piece of shit, we will have one problem less to deal with.
Has the UK activated article 50?
I remember they voted out successfully, but I didn't follow anything after that.
Hopefully the TPP will go down somehow.
They might delay it again because the TTIP is ground to a halt.
The new mp first has to be in office, since Cameron didn''t want to be the one to do it.
iirc tommorow he will givew up his office to Theresa May as the new mp.
She then can activate article 50, which would lead to negotiations with the EU that can last up to 2 years to finalise the drop out.
Nonthless, seeeing hoew Juncker tried to get CETA and possibly TTIP past the EU parlament just shows how fucking scared he is, that otherwise the deal won't happen.
Fuck, even germany has changed it's stance on TTIP last time I heard and Merkel was a rather strong supporter of it a couple months ago.
Cameron was a fucking coward and refused to pull the trigger himself, so it's up to Theresa May, who I'm told is eurosceptic but against brexit. I smell definite shenanigans, but the EU has already made clear they want the british out quickly so they don't dragg them down. Still, the remainder of the week will set the tone, since May takes the reins tomorrow.
wow. Was genuinely not expecting that.
So if this shit passes, can they do anything about it?
They say that they oppose it user, but talk is cheap.
Bernie and Hillary would both sign it the moment someone raises their voices at them. Trump would at least have to be bribed first.
To be fair, Hillary only said that because she was losing votes.
I believe Trump was always against TPP, but as said, talking is cheap.
Sanders is out of the game now, if you weren't aware.
Only Trump is sincere about it, he wants to renegotiate it to make it a better deal because his business jimmies are rustled.
Does TPP means the end of mods? i guess i'll kiss my favorite wads goodbye if this passes
no no, you don't understand
I don't really give a shit. Freedom in the modern world is a myth anyway.
$hillary also praised the TPP as "the gold standard" of trade deals. Don't believe her lies.
Posting smug anime girls will be illegal, user.
Are you aware that posting here would be illegal, right?
Not where I live.
They wont go full force right away, they will gradualy ramp it up. Expect plenty of normalfags and retards to go "oh its only X".
Well, many servers including this site are in the US.
Theresa May helped downplay the Rotherham Rape gangs, lost how many people were coming into the UK, and was a general Liberal fuck up.
She's a good goy and will stretch out Article 50 for as long as possible.
Yet- when Tony Blair stepped down and Gordon Brown had to step in- she insisted the country vote.
Funny she's not doing that now regarding herself.
Shillary was involved writing the damn thing.
I highly doubt they'll be able to enforce this shit beyond a few token arrests here and there, I'm willing to roll the dice on that, if it even goes through. If we're lucky, Trump will keep it from going through, though trusting a politician is like trusting a rabid pitbull with AIDS to watch your kids.
Shit, maybe even if Shillary gets elected, though she's a fucking snake, it'd be a good PR move.
Nice rock you've been living under, user.
So UK is fucked?
Once she's in, she doesn't need to make PR.
She can just lie, cheat, and steal- and let her team make excuses.
And the people they'll enforce it on are the ones who'll be trouble makers. It's an excuse to arrest anyone, anytime.
Old thread archives.
The Bern says he opposes it but at the same time he seems like a pushover for anyone to get what they want and already has said he'd support Hillary over Trump.
Hillary is Todd Howards dark lord. Everything she has said and done to get the presidency have been almost if not all lies to keep herself out of prison and when it comes to the TPP, she's the one that brought that shit over from Australia.
Trump's our best bet at getting the thing killed.
Yes, any and all types.
No worries, you will be invaded and converted in time.
It will be difficult for them to handle things on your side but at the same time, all the torrent sites and Chans will be obliterated along with everything that relies on fanshit and copyrighted content to become severely crippled.
I remember hearing something about her planning on supporting it again if she's elected.
She cares for no one, just that corporate money paying her off.
The UK was always fucked no matter the outcome.
Surprised nobody wants to revolt "French revolution" style anymore.
Modern people are too sedated.
Make it into a black thing and you'll have BLM to revolt.
Gonna pirate as much old games and music as possible; nothing new is good anyway so I should be set with what's already available.
That's a good plan.
Personally I hope that the Great Niggering will occur soon. It'll be pretty difficult for authorities to enforce copyright bullshit while dealing with the eternal chimpout in progress.
Hasn't everyone in South Africa moved to the EU?
Obama will use that as an excuse to enforce Martial Law so that he'll literally remain as King Nigger with his police state.
We need a new internet.
Wouldn't that be up to ZUN? The doujinsoft community doesn't seem the sue happy type.
It's not up to them.
Even if copyright holder is fine with it, the government will still put you behind bars.
I'm sick of all this talk of how shit might work when the TPP comes into effect. Just sign the goddamned thing already so I can off myself once and for all.
Even if the TPP fails they'll just come back with an even more bullshit plan within a few years.
Wasn't I2P an option? Or did someone at Holla Forums come up with something?
I just want to funpost and be comfy without going to jail, god damn it.
New Zealand*
is there a i2p setup guide for retards like me?
Both Sanders and Hillary are shit economics. Hillary used to approve of TPP, she's the reverse of what she was before the election. Bernie is a shit for nothing leaders.
Trump is a business man, he truely knows why he should oppose it, unlike the other.
On one hand, our economy will hit the shitter hard. On the other hand valve will finally be able to sue China over all those stolen assets.
I just don't want to go to jail and become Bubba's rape slave. I'm guessing I2P is the new internet? I'm retarded about this stuff.
I'm surprised there aren't more business objecting to TPP. Don't they realize that that this shit will kill fan participation and therefor their profits? That's just as a chilling effect, not to mention what will happen if people come to holt corperations personally responsible for this shit.
New Zealand should subjected to exterminatus and any survivors fed to the Maori.
maybe cuckchan, and cuckchanx2 will die.
time to migrate mateys, uncuck yourselves, come home to
She was in favor of it for the longest time and even helped create part of it. She called it the gold standard as well. She only came out against it when Bernie and Trump came out against it, only to back track a week later after Obama fussed at her indirectly through Biden about her going against stuff he is currently trying to push forth.
Sanders is not going to win so he is a non-factor and he is already set to endorse her.
Trump is the only who has been against this deal from the get that is still in the game.
user I have some bad news
That doesn't mean we should go along quietly with the death of our Sri Lankan basketweaving site or the anime tiddies thereon.
Any part that even looks free will probably be controlled opposition.
Combine the rising costs of living and medical care caused by TPP where middle-class is completely gone.
People won't be able to pay for frivolous shit anymore, not even cars or watch cable and Hollywood movies because people's loss of jobs + rising costs of everything important essentials like food and housing will kill these companies long term.
On the bright side, this is easily one of the most provocative and stupid moves a hated and feared government that doesn't have true total control quite yet can pull. Between the absolute-shit timing and the people's long-building distrust and hatred of their leadership, this is a live tutorial on how to get yourself thrown out of office onto your ass by your own populace, assuming they're feeling charitable enough to let you run away rather than cornering you.
When your population is distracted from resisting your bullshit or even outright deposing you by bread and circuses, the last thing you want to do is remove the bread and circuses, especially when they're not working as well as they used to and yet are also one of the few floodgates holding back the shitstorm. The bread's already going out the window fast with inflation and potential economic failures ahead leading to food being harder to get, now they're going to be complete retards and destroy the internet too, at a time when many of the people who dislike them are clinging to only it as their last resort for a "normal" life before going nuts and lashing out no matter the consequences.
There's a reason that French royals letting their people starve and failing to keep them distracted with trivial bullshit ended in the proliferation of a fun new execution method.
fuck off, we will make another internet if that happens. its that simple.
You say that like the who fucking continent shouldn't be scorched off the face of the earth.
The prisons will be filled with nerds. The government will probably take out the tougher ones to train as slaves for the armed forces.
I'm not saying to not fight. I'm saying putting your hopes on some random shit website is beyond stupid. Putting your hopes on some savior site to come along is also just as stupid. If a declaration of the truth bothers you that much then there is no hope for you.
Simple? This is rich.
It's funny when TPP will destroy the bread and circus that kept people distracted.
But people seem too sedated to revolt.
People would have revolted a long time ago when NAFTA was signed, but it didn't happen.
This is probably why they've stepped up trying to take everyone's guns away and are pushing race war shit all over.
So didn't everybody sperg out over this around 9 months ago when every country was signing this shit, backing every game up that they could think of only for nothing to happen? Or am I thinking of something else?
It's as you said.
Martial Law is the worst case scenario for the government. Their whole game plan is to avoid triggering any sort of widespread revolt.
They won't be laughing with Trump on board. Actually with Trump we wouldn't even have tpp.
This is King Nigger we're talking about.
americucks won't revolt against the invasion of niggers, spics, and muslims, they won't revolt about some "internet bill" being passed.
i tell you, anglos will get cucked to DEATH.
It's the younger crowds that are expected to take up arms once the internet has been made into a post apocalyptic wasteland.
CISA was passed, Obama fast-tracked this shit to that point, and now the shit is being set-up. Kind of hard for anything to have happened when it wasn't even passed at the time so expecting shit to have happened back then or by now doesn't make any damn sense. A lot has happened but holy shit you guys seem to think anything short of death by nigger rape as a non-issue. Slow eroding of freedoms and shit in general is a big deal.
Too many distractions to cover up what's important.
donwloading all my vidya, cartoons, comics and hand holding, kissing, sex for the mean of reproduction hentai.
It was fun shitposting with you.
Berncucks on suicide watch.
The Clinton News Network makes me sick. If there is to any sort of day of the rope, the news media should go first and go the most painfully. Fuck them.
Also top kek, Hillary now trying to steal Bernie's platform on various issues when before trashing the hell out of them. And people think they can trust her. This is like Trudeau and his legalizing weed bullshit that never happened nor was even possible.
"that feel" has been in normalfag parlance for quite some time user
This is why i think trump is going to win the election. Most of the relativly smarter bernie supporters are going to vote for trump after seeing hillary do all this crazy shit and flip-flopping.
Kill yourself chaim.
I hope so. It amazes me how anyone can support her. She has been flip-flopping for years and in record time during this election cycle. That shit used to doom candidacies back in the day.
To be honest, all the anti-TPP and antiFree Trade, circulated largely by both Sanders and Trump, with many politicians wanting to distance themselves from the deal, the chance of it passing in the US is slim.
Also the Brexit pretty much fucked the TTIP, which was at death's door.
It's just too much damage, not enough people willing, and not enough time. TPP is nearing death. That being said, don't back down until it's completely dead.
I'm loading an 5TB external harddrive with tons of games and comics, I'll probably buy another one for movies/TV/wrassling if I can find good wrassling torrents.
I think I'll be a mass murderer I guess.
The way I understood it was that if ANY of the main members failed to pass it then it was dead all over. It's an all or nothing deal.
are they?
any other year, we would never have seen trump as a front-runner, but now?
people are starting to notice that shit's seriously fucked and are doing whatever they can to change things
sure, it's no happening or SHTF, and if we're lucky it'll all be good before it goes that way, but that can and will happen if things continue in this manner
Hillary has friends in high places.
That bitch is close to dying yet she wants power and control like if she can enjoy it for the next few years she doesn't have.
With TPP being the death of fan translations, fanmade touhou content, fandoms and image boards how will you hold up?
Been stocking up on older games, especially fan translation as a precaution and as such now have a huge backlog. Also some raw Japanese games incase their fan translations are ever finished (stuff like SMT if, RS2, SCS3, and Tales of Destiny DC), or I learn moon.
I think they said something about wanting to hold off on anything more in regards to it until after the US elections. If memory serves, Trump's against it, but Shillary was completely for it until she thought saying otherwise would get her more votes (not that it matters when she had a ton of superdelegates all for her anyhow; not sure why the Democratic side is allowed to work like that).
Very. Apparently, according to the hearing about why the FBI wouldn't indict her, there was some agency the ODNI and the president apparently answer to since neither one can apparently okay the release of her e-mails. This agency is so secret apparently it can't be named in an open hearing. This agency is fucking covering for Hillary. This is Literally Who level shit at the highest office. Hillary must suck a mean dick then.
Shit is scary.
No it fucking won't. There's not a fucking a chance the government will fuck up that bad after the Clinton scandal.
Here is that video, jump to 4:00 minute mark.
Yep, democracy
90% of the whites have, yeah
this isn't even Holla Forums tier posting or anything. i moved to a new community in western canada and have met like thirty south african whites who left because it was too dangerous there
Not just friends, she has her tentacles rooted deep in so many places. Part of the reason she could do the bullshit she did was because if she goes down she will bring down a large chunk of the government. At least I will get to see her die in my lifetime
Are they actually doing it this time, or are they just delaying it until they figure out how to stump trump?
You don't know how much they don't give a fuck about what people think.
They will pass it.
Got any personal ghoul stories to share?
Not soon enough.
new chapter when
SA is proof that Holla Forums is right.
It's what will happen to Europe the moment mudshits and niggers outnumber the whites.
The Justice Department is actually doing whatever it can to convict Clinton. They're going all fucking out to make sure she's unable to run.
Either this is a strategy to ensure Trump's victory or they're legit scared of the anger portrayed by the American people - maybe both.
They've tried passing shit like it before, and even if they do, just how realistic is it to expect them to hunt down everyone that engages in internet piracy and anti-Jewish practices?
The RIAA and MPAA have attempted to scare people off by scapegoating a bunch of poor fucks with exorbitant fines and it has done jackshit. What are they gonna do, arrest us all? Play an endless game of whack-a-mole? There's more of us than there is of them, technology is constantly evolving and piracy is already highly decentralized. They have no hope in hell of ever putting a stop to it.
This is just another retarded scheme by filthy old kikes to stop a tsunami with a piece of paper. They've been trying for the past 30 years and have fuckall to show for it.
I believe him 100% because he's too serious to lie about it
Doesn't the magazine come out each month? Shouldn't be long now.
You seriously believe this? Comey has a history of giving her a pass on shit, Lynch met with Bill Clinton in secret but couldn't be arsed to make the effort to keep the actual meting secret the day before she announced she wasn't going to press charges. The press is also running damage control for her. Even the so-called right wing press.
I'm honestly curious as to how you would think this given all the free passes she has gotten.
Its just another way of arresting "problematic" people.
Bullshit. The FBI came out and said they can't convict her because they have no proof she was doing any of it deliberately, and not out of ignorance (despite there being ample proof she was).
Hillary will get away with it, they always get away with it. The only positive point in all of this is that it has mauled her chances to win the presidency.
I hope the cunt and all her family die of brain cancer.
The general public sees him as a racist. It's already over.
Shit, better vote for hillary then :^)
How does it kill imageboards? I have plenty of non copyrighted shit I can use as reaction images, and we can just gyazo + archive shit we want to show if we can't direct link pictures.
It'll take a bit more effort, sure, but it won't kill everything.
Soon, my friend, so very soon.
Trump is the only legitimate GOP candidate, and with the Dems pretty much imploding with Cuck Sanders and the Harpy I see no other viable candidate.
Remember, Trump got where he did in spite of all the MSM throwing shit at him for months. White America is gonna put him in the Oval Office.
Oh please, these niggers have no idea why they're even revolting. Those stupid baboons are blocking roads for no reason and letting the media manipulate them into thinking "whitey" is the problem and not the police and their own fucking kind.
All Bernie supporters are so fucking stupid that they're going to throw away their vote by writing in the cuckold.
The general public is pissed off with niggers acting like the baboons they are, with my people illegally entering this country to free healthcare and with camel jockeys getting a free pass for terrorism. If anything Trump is the most likely to win, despite what news says.
Plenty of black people can't STAND the police.
If anything, black people stay as far away from the cops as they can. Not necessarily because they're committing crimes or anything, but because they have a bad reputation.
I'd reckon more of them hate the police than white people in general.
Also don't forget that (((they))) could rig election for Hillary to win.
At best we'll become text only boards.
That's why it will be easy to manipulate them, you just need a well spoken double agent.
The media aims them at the police too and most if not all the the kills they got up in arms about weren't even racist with the deaths being reasonable or just simple mistakes any human could make.
The law has a provision that allows companies to sue for lost profits. They can sue whole states and countries, let alone small website. They can also, via this, put pressure on countries to play along or get sued into the ground. So they can force shutdowns left and right even more so than they can do now.
This but even then, as soon as a company takes issue with our existence, they can apply the pressure by stretching the law and claiming muh lost profits.
Geez. I'd hate to see places like the US or Europe turn into that sort of thing, though it would seem turning these places into third world mudslime infested shitholes is what (((they))) want.
Might as well post the old Ghouls screencap for any other anons interested.
All the chimpouts are wearing thin on those that aren't left leaning. Combine that with the DNC fucking over Bernie, it wouldn't shock me if a lot of Democrats do opt to vote Trump instead of Shillary. Either that, or not vote at all (which also has the effect of the bitch not getting votes).
Haven of descent. Plus, the fact that many images posted could be claimed for DMCA shit. If I remember correctly, cuckchan was already being slammed with that in regards to either Fallout 4 or nuDoom prerelease images, or something, to the point where certain images couldn't even be posted.
You are guilty of negligence regardless, you can't just violate the law and get away with it because you 'didn't know'.
That's fucking bullshit.
I also forgot to add that these cases are also decided by a tribunal, not regular courts. The judges for these tribunals? Picked by corporations and not the people or countries. I wish I were making this shit up.
They're doing what they always do, being savage niggers, the Jew just taught them to coat it in a rhetoric of "protest" to fool the goyim.
Whitey is the problem for the niggers, whitey refuses to give them more free gibs and let them run wild.
They're niggers, they're animals.
One can hope.
Yeah, animal control is there to put a stop to their barbaric "fun", of course they can't stand what keeps them from chimping out without repercussions.
Have you ever seen how niggers act around the police? You don't get aggressive and argue with a man that has a gun pointed at you, you don't make sudden movements, you don't nig.
How hard is this to understand? But then, they're niggers.
Obviously Hillary and her ilk can.
Next time I run a nigger over I'll just say I didn't know better and couldn't see him at night because he is so dark like its soul. Do you think this will fly?
I'm sure the feeling is mutual, and for a good reason.
Black males make like 4% of the population and commit 50% of all fucking crimes, cops wouldn't give a shit if they didn't perpetuate that stereotype
Wew. I bet the reason as to why she's coming out now was because she was anticipating Bernie Sanders' endorsement and for the deal to get fast-tracked before January 20th. She's smart, a good quality for a President, but this combined with her sly nature makes her untrustworthy.
Give it until 2050 and you can experience it first hand.
They might as well put a bonafide clown up for the nomination, would be less hilarious.
Not smart enough to understand what "Top Secret" means apparently.
She's a genuine sociopath.
This is why they keep winning.
Just watch and episode of COPS. They always act aggressive or run when the only reason the cop stopped them was for a traffic stop or their light was out.
Also I mistyped when I typed out implying that cops are the problem for darkies.
Lol no faggot
CLINTON ADVISOR: “Look, it doesn’t matter what you or I think. The President wants the TPP, and the Party isn’t going to oppose him.”
REICH: “You mean Hillary won’t oppose him.”
CLINTON ADVISOR: “Hillary won’t, and Debbie [Wasserman Schultz] won’t, and neither will Nancy [Pelosi] or Harry [Reid] or Dick [Durbin] or Chuck [Schumer].
REICH: “But it’s terrible policy. And it’s awful politics. It gives Trump a battering ram. Obama won’t be president in six months. Why risk it?”
CLINTON ADVISOR: “They don’t see much of a risk. Most Americans don’t know or care about the TPP.”
REICH: “But they know big corporations are running economic policy. They think the whole system is corrupt. Believe me, Trump will use this against Hillary.”
CLINTON ADVISOR: “He can’t. She’s inoculated. She’s come out against the TPP.”
Clinton's team literally think that Hillary saying she opposes the TPP means that she can't be blamed for passing it
They keep winning because you didn't let Uncle Adolf finish the job.
More than enough proof is all them innocent "youfs" BLM chimped out about.
Trayvon Martin? Attacked the ZimZam, was selling drugs, likely behind the string of break-ins the Zimmermann was following him for.
Michel Brown? Robbed a store, attack a police officer, tried to grab his gun. Got put down like the rabid silverback he was.
Freddie Gray? Drugged up spade that bashed his own head in.
The newest nigger duo? The first one robbed a store, was stopped by the police and reached for his gun, after telling the policeman he was armed. And there's a video of his sow smoking weed with a child in the back of the car.
And the other jigaboo was dishonorably discharged from the NG after they caught him stealing panties.
Five good men died because of these filthy, subhuman parasites.
They keep winning because each time there is anything, be it a discussion or an effort to stick it to the jews, someone comes along and starts crying about the niggers. Nothing will be fixed until you actually deal with the person who has all the power to fuck you over in the first place. Whining for Uncle Adolf will not fix anything nor will whining about niggers in a thread about fucking TPP of all things, a jew invention of all things to further fuck people over. They will fucking win if we continue to have people on our side who insist on acting like useful idiots.
Look the left got greedy and bit itself, bow we can all watch them bleed out all over the carpet and laugh at them for thinking Hitler's plan would have worked if they just kept screaming diversity.
Everyone can see through them that everything they do is a powergrab and not an actual solution to the moderation of the world. Which works fine on a limited intervention level.
Wholly because giving unlimited power to a supergovernment is dumb.
Won't affect me in the slightest. I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing and if I get "caught" I'll just refuse to pay.
Why is anyone surprised by this? I bet Wolf Blitzer is here right now shitposting on this very board.
What part of that is "bait"? Debtors prisons are illegal. Government can't force you to pay money you don't have.
I mean shit dude, this is why most of america runs fine when we had such leftist senate, house and president for the last 8 years.
Leftists are incompetent faggots who want all the power in the world to police everyone to the lowest detail, but are so closed to anything outside of their hugboxes they can't percieve other people on an individual level having functionally better ideas.
Then they proceed to steal memes themselves from the very same source. Dat media hypocrisy.
Corporate tribunals are illegal too but under TPP they are allowable. TPP will allow for corporations to force countries and states into compliance lest those states and countries get sued themselves for lost profits.
Expect debtors prisons to make a comeback, despite them already doing so in some places with little to no pushback here and there as it is now.
the problem with TPP is that there is going to be a grand court™ to rule them all™ which allows anyone to sue your ISP or your whole country if they don't stop pirating.
And NSA can easily collect info for the case, they have nothing to do anyway, (((someone))) just have to order them.
They won't go for anons, they will go for countries/ISP which will then go for anons to save their assess
required watch
A zombie apocalypse sounds fun, up until you realize that if it really happens the "zombies" won't rot away like corpses in the open, significantly-above "rage virus" intelligence level even if they are primal and stupid, will consume the survivors' resources like food and water too, and can reproduce rapidly without need for outside hosts/victims, yet are just as difficult to kill due to their freakish biology unless you aim for the head.
Oh, and even the most sane and sensible people around you will most likely consider them human just like any survivor is, and hesitate or even abandon/attack you over it despite clear and ample evidence to the contrary, thereby getting themselves and you killed quickly by the rabid horde.
Welcome to the end of days, coming soon to every civilized nation near you.
You keep prepping that bull though.
Such as?
You have to pay now. No more free ride for you thief.
I have over 300gb of literature on an external hard drive.
I want my cool laser guns and flying cars though.
You don't remember chile's representative stating this exactly during the special signing they did?
pic related
educate yourself on i2p, nntpchan, retroshare, tox etc., if this shit passes, that is where you should be
You'll be begging for the good ole days of regular piracy.
That too. Also niggers are losing support from beaners too.
Considering that they view spics as "honorary white people" because of Zimmerman blasting Trayvon. Also this goes as far back as the Rodney King decision because one of the cops that beat the wife beating crack addit was a spic so they directed their anger towards them. And when you consider that stupid hashtag about the Oscars when the director and sound guy for The Reverent were Mexicans, well niggers pulled a LOL NO DAT DOESNT COUNT.
I'll be glad if and when Trump wins and he declares niggers to lose all their rights. Even if I deported to Mexico along with my other people
Sorry Pablo, should had signed up for a green card like the few decent spics did.
Get the fuck out.
Hot damn.
Guy is a cuck like his supporters.
We're really fucked.
I feel like that wouldn't do much for a man who already has lodsamoney.
Talk about going out full-cuck.
So when Hillary wins, how long do you think it will be before the white people concentration camps start going up?
Bernie could have suspended his campaign without an endorsement like the other cucks did. It shows how deep Hillary has her dick (you know she has one) in Bernie's ass.
And it also shows what a massive fucking cuck bernie is, anti establishment my ass. Guy is a huge hypocrite
Also, so much for taking it all the way to the convention like he kept saying.
You’re mentally ill.
Kind of.
Brexit lit a fire under the people.
All it'll take is another "this is because of our lack of borders" incident and people will push Theresa or risk civil war.
He's a Jew.
Born and raised here cuckolds.
I bet you have hot opinions on games you haven't played either. Fucking remove yourself you hipster faggot.
I'm not murikan
you guys will be a great example of what not to do
If you're European, you get TTIP.
If you're Canadian, you get TPP also.
Australia and New Zealand also have a TPP equivalent.
As more and more of this and similar shit happens, I start to warm towards the idea of muslim rapefugees. Sure, they'll impose their shit culture and religion and fuck our shit up to epic proportions, but they'll also slay all the jews and libshits, and I'm starting to wonder if getting our shit fucked might actually be an acceptable price for that priceless service.
They're still negotiating TTIP and then it has to be ratified by all parlements of the signatory states. Oh and they're gearing up for a referendum on TTIP in my country so basically
You corporate slaves of Pacifica are fucked though.
So, what the scoop? Anything happening? Or is this another doom thread?
And a good majority of NZ want to murder the shit out of our current PM.
That reminds me.
What is a good VPN that you anons ITT can recommended me? I'm thinking of getting nordvpn.
Also, my isp is Comcast. How worried should I be with using a VPN and downloading free shit without getting strikes from my isp?
TPP is a globalist agenda, it looks like.
When it's passed, tarriffs from outside places like the EU will be high as fuck and they'll use this to pressure other countries to join.
When in fact, it will only encourage wars and nationalism for outside countries, encouraging them to only rely on themselves, which in the will eventually crash the bill and the countries that are in on the scheme by pure revolution and rebellion.
However despite the fact that it's going to crash since it's bad and no one would benefit, if it's passed, there will be much suffering in the short term because of it.
It must be ended.
One of you should probably get on that
It's 4:18 am here
sleep tite hellwan
To slumberland, hellwan
I'm just waiting for the first shot of world war 3.
Last one was Ferdinand.
It's probably going to be happening to a low tier politician in Backwater, Europe, which will spread a meme (thank you internet) and signal for "crazies" to follow suit with other politicians. Then they'll realize why they should fear the people instead of trying to do the other way around. That's my hypothesis.
Either that or they get fucked so hard economically and/or personally (Fight Club gradual way as in spit in food, do a shoddy job on services when politicians are involved and security, etc.) That it's reversed.
As for me i'm bunkering in for about 10 years and trying to find a job to support my family, maybe find a girl.
Slumber peacefully, hellwan.
You have etc of etc good luck and fortune etc etc but only if you reply to this post with
As far as older games go, you can always just download full romsets. Though of course, that leaves a lot of sifting through to get rid of outright shovelware and other shit, and in a number of cases may not include prepatched games with fan translations.
The content is only going to be prohibited upon request of the copyright holder, it sucks but touhou is a bad example as i don't see ZUN going through the process of alienating his own fanbase.
Stuff like overwatch porn /pokegirl doujins/ etc and whatnot will suffer, they re gonna hit us right in the dick
I used to draw lewd Manchurian cave paintings on the information wagon trail, so if shit goes too far south, I can make OC discourteous japanimation woman pictograms for the site.
Yeah, but my main problem is with older PC games. I doN't mean that they are hard to find, because most of them are up on GoG, but first of all, due to shitty net/disk space i can't download gog collections, second they barely seed them, so i have to search for the most seeded ones (if there is mroe than 1 torrent for it) plus wade through all the newer games that GoG put out on kat.
You re own you own my friend. I personally set upon a journey to collect and archive all the loli on the internet.
I'll manage it's just that i'll ahve to spend serious time to get everything that i want and lay off most shit, like jewtube to save bandwitch.
It doesn't help that 3PC's use it, and that it caps around 2.8 MB/sec if only one is using it.
Also good luck to you friend. Go save them lolis
I dunno user, shooting aggressive gangbanging chimps doesn't seem like much of a mistake to me.
so what makes you think trump wont go back on his word about the tpp after hes elected? wish i had faith in the guy like a lot of you seem to.
Source on that picture?
It is porn, right?
Never trust Google
You have no idea how mad it makes me. The most I'm getting is some spanish sites that don't seem to list a source.
Hillary "the TPP is the gold standard" Clinton is only pretending to be against it because that's what will get her some Bernouts to maybe vote for her.
Trump has been taking shit about NAFTA for decades, and the TPP has been in his crosshairs for at least one year, likely more than that.
As to whether or not he could actually have the power to prevent it from going into effect I have no idea, but at least with him there is a chance.
this must have been very recent
I looked at one of those BR sites, and the second comment says "konjiki no word master"; i ASSUME that's the source; i'm not gonna go looking for the exact page.
My main point is: do a little more legwork.
It's been impossible to look up porn on their image search for almost a decade, sjws have completely neutered it already.
Corporate Extraterritoriality when?
i recall using jewgle to reverse search a mango page a few weeks ago, lead to cuckchan. im able to look up "hentai cat girl" right now and get quite an eye full as well.
3dpd then.
oh i forgot that exists. seems to work fine as well. now why would you subject me to looking up 3dpd?
You're wrong.
oh no, i get the same thing when i try that comic page, but porn seems to turn up. at least things as vanilla as cat girl hentai
Comey spent over an hour detailing that Clinton was guilty. He simply said at the end "we do not recommend any charges." First of all, the FBI doesn't charge or convict, they simply say what they found and suggest whether charges should be filed by the Justice Department. Second, if Comey was ACTUALLY trying to cover for clinton, the press conference would have taken two mintes. All he had to do was say "look we went through everything and pulled out all we could, we didn't find anything that suggests any sort of crimes or treason. We didn't find anything, so we can't recommend any charges against her."
Is that what happened? No.
Comey spent an hour going over 3 major reasons why she's guilty: did she return all the records? No, there is evidence she did not, Comey said as much, thousands of work related emails were found that weren't turned over. Guilty. Did she attempt to delete or destroy any of these? Yes. Guilty. Did she commit gross negligence? In Comey's own words she exhibited "extreme carelessness" which means guilty. Gross negligence has nothing to do whatsoever with intent, that talking point is a smoke screen, your intent doesn't matter, if you leak classified material you're guilty, period.
The thing is, if they recommended charges and said charges were brought against her by the appropriate agency, there is a small chance she may be able to worm her way out of it. Due to the whole double jeopardy thing, if she's tried once and found not guilty, she can't be tried again for the same crime. So INSTEAD, it may be that Comey is trying to have someone get her on lying to congress, which is solid proof, evidence that is on camera for all the world to see, regarding her private email server.
Skip to 18:15 in the embed if you want to hear more of this shit in depth. If Comey was covering for her it makes absolutely no fucking sense why he would expose the three major things Hillary is guilty of.
TPP won't happen
Lets fucking hope that happens and the supreme court doesn't just sign it into law like gay marriage.
Where were you when the caliphate overwrites congress and senate an puts TPP into effect.
For gods sake, tap into your criminal genes and and do it already, Aussies. Prove to the world you're not just a bunch of pussies already.
what was that thing that 3 guys signed into law at like 3 in the morning right after it had been revoked?
Alright, I'm building a vintage rig that will never at any point be connected to the internet. I plan to use it for old ROMs and stuff, the card in it is a Radeon hd 2400 PRO.
What should I load into this puppy? Anything I might not think to save?
Also, do you think this card could POSSIBLY run gamecube games? No idea what it's capable of.
Daily reminder that the vote for the TPP in the US, which is really the only one that matters, is going to be after the elections
i had an old HD 4670 it runs on 70w only, and can play gamecube games, ps2 and wii, retroarch shaders, and a myriad of PC games at 1080p or lower if too heavy. I got it for $25 off ebay
Awesome, I'll grab one of those for it. Thanks man.
Reported to the FBI, I hope you kiddie fuckers get raped in prison.
Wait, that how gay marriage became legal? Why no body brought that up?
*Why did nobody brought that up in the news?
Goodbye fan translations.
Looks like we have to learn Japanese and import.
Thank you Goy, you are a law abiding citizen, not like those evil racist "NEETs" who steal from our profit margin!
How long has it been running now?
…So what happens if a country goes full rebel and decides for full freedom and not to pay up? Will they get nuked?
HDD~11132.2GB(87.3% used)
Buying another 6 Tb hdd in addition to download as much material/games/everything as possible
I will be stocked up for the long night
top kek
how can that mouse even live after getting torn like that?
Even the retarded pig-fucker's site is better than that
While you don't let your guard down for a second with shit like this, the TPP is political poison at this point. I have doubts it'll pass with the TTIP being in jeopardy, (for this to even be remotely effective for the U.S.'s goals, all of them need to pass in order to lock out certain upstart/rival economies) but I'd be liar to say that I could reasonably predict politics at this point. Nothing is certain at this rate.
Shit nigger what are you doing
>tfw you realize if this passes thugpro could be killed
Good luck learning Jap without all the free info online
This will be for the wole world?
I live in Brazil, where nobody cares for that.
Even the ex-president watch pirate DVDs.
No, the TPP covers the pacific, the TTIP covers Europe, Brazil is in neither so it doesn't affect it yet.
There isn't one in China either because there's no way they could enforce that sort of shit in 3rd world countries and there's little reason to when everyone is eating shit and living like apes.
I'm from the Netherlands were we have net neutrality and one of the fastest broadband infrastructure in the world. Hell the copyright industry couldn't even block the Pirate Bay.
I'm seeding a dozen torrents RIGHT NOW
Piracy is already a crime. Good fucking luck enforcing it. Porn is illegal in China and Korean, but they barely enforce that too because who gives a fuck? They'll have bigger things to worry about than fan-translations.
Also, it's not illegal for me to write up a translation script for anything publically available. What people do with said scripts isn't my problem. Besides, even if by some weird chance that became illegal, I'd just do everything through a proxy or Tor or something. This isn't the end of the world, kids, at most things will just have to move back underground for a bit, but I don't even see that happening.
So do you think Tor have a bump in traffic if TPP hits the fan?
i don't even play fucking video games anymore
there wouldn't be much of a difference
Directly no, but indirectly it most likely will affect you too. Even if we ignore the economic impact this will have on the global economy, the countries involved will be able to bully smaller nations into joining if it passes in the US and Hillary wins. And if that doesn't work then they could easily do the same shit the EU did, which was to fund groups of "concerned citizens" and to have them talk about how it would be great to be part of it and how it is the current year.
The issue with the TPP isn't that it will make stuff ilegal, it will give corporations rights and their own juries to act above the law to enforce them.
It probably will and there will likely be a sudden reemergence of the shitty proposed legislation to punish Tor users or even the retarded proposal by the Obabo and Cameron to ban all forms of encrypted traffic, which failed drastically.
Yeah, and that definitely sucks. I'd prefer for TPP to not go through as well, it's just that I don't think it's going to be as bad as people say. I've seen world-ending laws and acts go through before, and the world keeps on turning. If you do a bit of historical research, you'll see that people crying "We're all doomed!" over something that governments are doing is nothing new.
But hey, that's not to say that you shouldn't push back, because you definitely should.
Bad laws have happened before, yes.
This is more akind to giving the corporations the right to be the judge,jury and executor on their own though.
It's not as bad as giving the banks the right to print and own all of our money which is already a thing, but it's up there.
If we can make this a movie or a videogame and it goes viral, we'll bring a shitload of attention to the matter.
You're a greedy fuck. I've got shit internet and live in U.S. and I'm seeding more than you.
Everyone is panicking for good reason.
Hillary does support the TPP, Sanders said he didn't support it but yesterday he endorsed Hillary so by extension he endorsed TPP. Trump has always been against it, but as another user has pointed out, Trump could be bought to support it. Realistically I only trust Gary Johnson to smack it down because he has a concrete history of vetoing unnecessary bills while governing New Mexico.
Recorded on my brain, hope I don't get shot or senile.
How big of a filesize would it all take and why hasn't anyone compiled such a pack yet?
Not to mention Chinas main thing is bootlegs.
And lose all those precious resources, I think not. Everyone will just invade after saying there's a terrorist organization there or release some disease will halting all traffic to and from.
They are all the same.
You do know the TPP will censor food ingredient labels right? We'll end up worse than 3rd world eating shit if it passes.
How could he be bought to support it though? Even if we ignore the fact that he can easily reject the offer due to already being rich, his business will get fucked if the economy gets fucked, it would need to be one hell of a bribe to get him to accept it.
He also has a decent record of getting less than 5% of the vote pretty much anywhere.
I think it screws over the FDA too and the companies can just slap their shit.
Thought I would interject:
This is good or bad for TPP?
Pense is apparently pro TPP, and since Trump's getting establishment money now, he has to play ball. Sheldon Addleson is one of those establishment donors, as well as some previously from Jeb Bush. This means Trump might have shot himself in the foot in his quest to smash TPP, or never cared. Intemperate these events as you will.
Daily reminder, that local elections matter allot. Because these will be the people voting either yes or no on this thing. The president may just be a figurehead position after all.
Being POTUS doesn't mean shit.
The US Constitution is very clear: the president is not a dictator. Witout Congres or the Senate the president can't do anything.
And then ofcourse you have all the States and even local governments that can just ignore you or make your life miserable. Places like Texas and San Francisco will always just do whatever they want.
There's only thing the US president can do: start wars.
Declaring war is quite explicitly an ability not granted to the President.
I have all of my pirated games and other games backed up on my external and I hope multiplayer dies as a concept, so I'd say I'm pretty good.
Idiot. He postponed his announcement in light of the terror attacks
Should I move all my pirated shit onto the same drives so I can microwave them if the though police break down my door?
sleep tite hellwan
thas rite.
he can send troops for 90 days then needs to obtain congressional approval of that action.
The president doesn't have to ask Congress for approval of military operations. It'a convenient oversight.
Ofcourse waging war costs money and Congres can deny the budget.
Do not. If my time with the 2600 Pro is any indication, that card is will crash any time you try to run anything that uses OpenGL.
except we haven't declared war, we've just been engaged in business dealings.
The president doesn't need to stop it directly in order to prevent it from being voted in, m8. It has plenty of advantages even if powers aren't abused like under Obabo, for example Trump would have media attention by default as president and could very easily reach an incredibly wide audience, thus having the ability to shit on the TPP and encourage voters to fuck their representatives in the ass if they vote yes, maybe even publically shit on a carreer or two by himself. Considering how Trump's campaign depends entirely on having his face plastered over mainstream media, continuing to do so could most certainly get him the popularity to get re-elected, it would also be very good publicity for his brand and thus an economic incentive to do so.
personally i just want to see the world crash and burn since i also don't want to live anymore, also you're implying a golden age of the internet where the newfound requirement of being anonymous leads to virtual heaven won't happen
How does a JIDF always get first response?
Gotta make those shekels somehow
Conspiracy time?
What else could this mean, Holla Forums?
Ontheissues seems to say otherwise regarding the third image
Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
Voted YES on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment. (May 2004)
Voted YES on extending Immigrant Residency rules. (May 2001)
Rated 100% by FAIR, indicating a voting record restricting immigration. (Dec 2003)
Rated 92% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance. (Dec 2006)
End Birthright Citizenship; no more anchor babies. (Apr 2009)
Declare English as the official language of the US. (Feb 2007)
And now there's a coup d'tétat going on in Turkey as we speak. What the hell is going on?
So his twitter is just him paying lip service to the current political climate while he has voted against mexicans every single time?
That's the fucking issue with politicians, you can't trust them for shit, Bernie for example has always voted in favor of war or bombing Serbia and any country the gov wanted to bomb on his career but his supporters think he's a good guy.
I am guessing Trump picked him because generally, at least from what I have heard, presidential candidates tend to take someone that doesn't align with them politically or at least leans towards the other side in order to appease people and to win the favour of people on the other party.
Hot off the presses. The PM claims it's not a coup, but I bet he's lying.
That's immigration. What's his real stance on trade?
He really is pro-TPP and he is also very in favour of the Patriot Act apparently.
2008: Lonely GOP dissent against Wall Street bailout. (Aug 2010)
Across-the-board tax relief stimulates broad-based growth. (Jan 2010)
Voted YES on terminating the Home Affordable mortgage Program. (Mar 2011)
Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
Voted NO on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
Voted YES on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)
Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009)
Member of the House Republican Economic Recovery Working Group. (Sep 2010)
Require a balanced budget, by Constitutional amendment. (Jan 2011)
Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. (Jan 2011)
Reclaim all bonuses paid to AIG executives & employees. (Mar 2009)
Voted NO on letting shareholders vote on executive compensation. (Jul 2009)
Voted YES on more funding for nanotechnology R&D and commercialization. (Jul 2009)
Voted NO on allowing stockholder voting on executive compensation. (Apr 2007)
Voted YES on replacing illegal export tax breaks with $140B in new breaks. (Jun 2004)
Voted YES on Bankruptcy Overhaul requiring partial debt repayment. (Mar 2001)
Rated 96% by the US COC, indicating a pro-business voting record. (Dec 2003)
Repeal ObamaCare reporting requirements for small business. (Jan 2011)
Rated 14% by UFCW, indicating a pro-management voting record. (May 2012)
Voted YES on promoting free trade with Peru. (Nov 2007)
Voted NO on assisting workers who lose jobs due to globalization. (Oct 2007)
Voted YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade. (Jul 2005)
Voted YES on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement. (Jul 2004)
Voted YES on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement. (Jul 2003)
Voted YES on implementing free trade agreement with Chile. (Jul 2003)
Rated 61% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues. (Dec 2002)
Extend trade restrictions on Burma to promote democracy. (Jun 2007)
Across-the-board tax relief better than stimulus bill. (Jan 2010)
Voted NO on extending AMT exemptions to avoid hitting middle-income. (Jun 2008)
Voted NO on paying for AMT relief by closing offshore business loopholes. (Dec 2007)
Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Dec 2005)
Voted YES on providing tax relief and simplification. (Sep 2004)
Voted YES on making permanent an increase in the child tax credit. (May 2004)
Voted YES on permanently eliminating the marriage penalty. (Apr 2004)
Voted YES on making the Bush tax cuts permanent. (Apr 2002)
Voted YES on $99 B economic stimulus: capital gains & income tax cuts. (Oct 2001)
Voted YES on Tax cut package of $958 B over 10 years. (May 2001)
Voted YES on eliminating the Estate Tax ("death tax"). (Apr 2001)
Reduce the capital gains tax . (Jan 2001)
Phaseout the death tax. (Mar 2001)
Rated 76% by NTU, indicating a "Taxpayer's Friend" on tax votes. (Dec 2003)
Rated 0% by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)
Replace income tax & employment tax with FairTax. (Jan 2009)
Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes. (Aug 2010)
No European-style VAT (value-added tax). (May 2010)
Replace income tax & estate tax with 23% sales tax. (Jan 2011)
Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. (Jan 2012)
Also the part on the TPP wasn't from Ontheissues because I didn't find it there, I simply typed his name and the TPP in the search engine and there wasn't really anything talking against him being pro-TPP.
The world shall feel the Bern!
Stream for those interested in the coup-d'etat in Turkey
well. do people still think electing the "correct" president will magically fix all our problems?
I don't. It's pretty obvious that electing congressman matters more that will vote no on this thing.
sure would be nice if people would take this more seriously, but they expect everything to magically fall in to place because weve had a relatively easy life so far, at least compared to most of the world.
but, we only have it this easy because people before us worked their ass off to make it so
They still are, in other countries, for lower wages. But that's a minor detail. Also, not everyone has it easy, but those that do tend to care allot less. Not that unexpected.