WoW Silence Penalty

Ain't this some shit? If you hurt someone's feelings in WoW now you'll be silenced and unable to use the in-game mail.


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RuneScape did this ages ago by silver-crowned mods muting you.
If anything, I was surprised this wasn't implemented yet.

Not to side with Jizzard, but maybe it's a counter measure against Chinese farmers? They must be frustrated that they're loosing real money subs when gold is cheaper than their subs.

Mutes didn't prevent gameplay, just communication. You can't send party invites, use mail, set up groups in group finder or duel with WoW's silence.

Yeah, sure bud.

Well shit, that's almost no different from a ban if they're denying you such vital functions.

They claimed that this system would be "after investigation" in Heroes of the Storm as well, but then it became automated.



Knowing modern Blizz, they'll probably silence people calling for the deportation of illegal immigrants, or even simply supporting Trump.

Keep an eye on this.

the sad part is this is all true and happened to a friend of mine, idk how the fuck he got banned


more like

Calling people nigger on general chat always was punishable offense, this just gives players power to not be offended


Yeah, like they haven't actively tried to sabotage any form of communication since introduction of RDF.

Party chat is enough for RDF and raids, that's all you need nowdays. Hell, raids are done via mics anyway.

Also they either manually investigate every single case or whole guilds will sabotage people with group reports if the system is all-automatic.

In vanilla this kind of thing would have an effect, nowdays you don't have to give a fuck and it just serves to keep status quo and political correctness upright.

WoW pulling bullshit is the MO. Why is this piece of news surprising?

Globally Banning/Muting someone for bantz and insults in any online Game was ridiculous from day 1.

Nearly every online game gives you the option to mute people on your own accord if you can't handle it and start crying, so what's the deal.

oh boy.

people must be free to say whatever they wish, and possibly get their stupid ass beat afterwards. this is called "freedom" and it teaches you valuable lessons about life.

seriously when will this ride end

Keep thumping that pocket constitution like you know jack-shit about how free speech works, retard.

Public service announcement for anyone having their MMO addiction withdrawals.

Yes, being a nazi supporter or being offensive for the sake of it is the only type of point of view being shunned at this history period, what you presented is in no way a straw man

Liberals are the ones protecting the narrative you nigger, are you the type of autist that doesn`t understand how the political spectrum works?

In my country being a "liberal" means the opposite of what being a liberal in Cucked States of America is

Is this bait or are you new? I can't tell to be honest.

how long until the biggest guild on a server silences all competition and locks them out of raids so they guarantee server first kills?
just kidding no one raids in this game anymore.

It's the only political point of view that would get you silenced.

If you think Blizzard is gonna give a fuck because you say you support Trump or some shit and aren't being a profane shit about it, you are fucking delusional.

Puzzle Pirates has had this system for a long time.

well 2 of the biggest guilds just quit so what do you think

Yes, an automated system, when detecting multiple reports on your account made by easily offended young adults that only accept the current north american liberal narrative as socially acceptable, will NOT ban you once he magically sees that you are just presenting your pro-trump political views

Good to see people are finally becoming aware of pixel violence. I look forward to CoD implementing the same rules.
People should be locked up for online murder death kill, to be honest.

You are delusional.

Have a nice day.

Whoever's still playing wow deserve this.

Reminder Holla Forums is working on a private TBC server

Also this, if you mass report someone, their system will flag you

Literally every time.


when was this? I made a character name nyga back in 05 and spammed a "Nyga stole your mount" macro but never got banned.

I'd do it but I can't even run WoW

3 weeks ago he was just doing his usual mount farming crap because hes a huge casual, then ganked some faggot then the next day he was banned for 24hrs

I used plural, it doesn`t have to be a single player on a personal vendetta against what they perceive as evil right wingers, rather a few people that think your opinion is "problematic"

that's what I meant too

just a mass reporting from people who think you're being "toxic"

its apparently in there tos that you can get banned for "physical harassment" there no other way he could of got banned because all he does is farm mounts, so i assume the guy he ganked was the culprit


facts are rasist

This will help WoW seem more like the singleplayer experience that today's playerbase desperately wants it to be.


Phew, almost got hit with nostalgia to check it out again.

I'm happy to help. ONE LIFE SAVED.

smart, implementing systems to make their main whiny demographic happy, muricans and english speakers, the rest of the people still playing wow dont give a fuck

Why? If someone's being an annoying faggot just mute them. Why do they need to be permanently silenced?

If you're implying that people getting masses of gold from third parties and keeping their subscription alive with sub tokens is hurting Blizzard, think again - every token that someone buys was still purchased from Blizzard.

Chinese gold farmers are now actually healthy for WoW subs, because people who don't buy from chinese gold farmers just give Blizzard $15 for a token and cash it in.

It's doubtful that this has anything to do with gold farmers.

I doubt there would be widespread silencing, though. I think this system will go underused and will exist only for Blizzard to point to every time some mouth breather on the official forums cites in game 'toxicity'.

Blizzard tends to throw the mainstream demographic a bone(removing Tracer's ass pose) just so they can get people off their back for awhile in order to do other things(putting a better ass pose in).

Daily reminder~!

Yes, why would the current year version of the communists ever be authoritarian? Doesn't anyone know that it's the current year?

Just another reason not to play WoW.

I though they did that shit since forever.

Free accounts have 0 rights and privileges. They cant even talk most of the time.

Additional thoughts:


Whatever happened to the COMMUNITY shunning shitters and such "engaging in inappropriate behavior"?

Like back in the ye olde days long forgotten when people still played mmos for fun if you were a massive autistic sperg intent on calling everyone's mom a whore and such the word of mouth soon spread enough that you got kicked off from groups, guilds and just outright harassed for being such a fucking faggot in a fucking videogame which really worked but then again:

God forbid anybody have any fun but what the admins say is fun.


I really hope they don't bring out legacy servers, because now I won't be letting myself go back.

what a bunch of racist did they forget that #whitesilenceisviolence

When did everything go so wrong?

Most of us are on 8ch as opposed to halfchan because of that. It's only natural we should care about it.

Man trade chat on my server is already full of liberal faggots that would gladly abuse this shit.

I've been playing WoW since TBC and one thing I've noticed is that Blizzard are very careful with how they word statements, so you can often read between the lines and interpret their real intentions. This sentence right here tells me that you'll get banned regardless of the outcome of the investigation (since it doesn't say otherwise, and Blizzard are known for banning people even when they clearly didn't deserve it and they already automate most of this shit so I sincerely doubt they'd have a human have the final say on any investigations, that would take too much manpower after all).

Also take note that it doesn't say anywhere that a human will be involved in the process at all. People are just assuming that because the word "investigation" was used that a human would have the final say, but knowing Blizzard it'd be more likely that a human wouldn't be involved until the player goes to contest the ban (and even then it's often automated).

They don't even bother hiring staff to deliver expansions and game content at an acceptable rate, why would they hire mods or people to look through that shit anyway?

Fuck man, I've been putting off playing on private WoW servers because I figured Legacy ones would come out, but if they put this shit in there like many people here said it's going to be no fun at all.

We still playing on Kronos? Is that shit any better than it used to be? Last time I played it the starting mobs got to use their abilities infinitely.

Aside from that, even if Blizz's legacy servers a shit, it will make hosting private servers for them so much easier because they'll have all the old code/data out there again.

I have fond memories of that game, but the moderation was a huge fucking pile of shit. There was always a restrictive chat filter and attempting to bypass it to say the most common curse words, even non-insultingly, could result in a ban/mute. I once got muted for "inciting emote spam" in a castle wars lobby, people there were forming a line, dancing and encouraging others to join. Fucking horrible.

The butthurt.

45220f is obviously a shill, I know this is Holla Forums but come on. If Holla Forums taught me anything it was to spot those.

They don't anymore. Several years ago Blizzard pretty much cut the majority of it's GM staff/customer support. Automation and lack of giving a fuck about it under the guise of streamlining.

These things will be "investigated" by a program looking for certain words on a list and then ban you if anything matches up. Even if you attempt to file an appeal it'll be at least three days to get a form response. Mind you that you'd of only been silenced for a day or two most likely so why bother.

People need to stop playing this game. Just walk away, it needs to fail. It's been a cancer on the industry for too long.

I actually played during WoD Until early this year I know. Waking up to find that I've had an account suspension, while I was sleeping no less, became pretty common. Even for true statements like "indians shit in the street" earned me a suspension.
Thank god I'm done with that trash. No amount of nostalgia will ever bring me back to that dark, dark place.

The good old days of lulz are gone. Nowadays it feels like everyone on imageboards is a sensitive, fun-hating, whiny, insecure faggot with an agenda to push.

Goddamn, glad I lost the urge to play ages ago

And with this: WoW loses 99% of its current customers and the remaining 1% quits after realizing that they are now alone in the bleak emptiness of single-player WoW.