Do you even Respect the Robot? Edition
Mecha Vidya
Mecha is dead and that's awful.
What have you been playing lately?
Is SRW and that one SD Gundam game the only upcoming Japanese made mecha games?
Mechwarrior 4 Mercs again.
Why dont you try to revive it, then
I want to, but I need to learn how to make a game first.
Tempted to just make it a VN with more technical aspects and resource management.
What's the best armored core games? I need some more games for my ps1 and ps2 emus.
Just play all of them in release order
from 1-project phantasma-Master of Arena the saves carry over from one to the other,
Then 2- and Another age, both are ps2 are direct sequels to 1's setting.
My personal favorite is 3's continuity, which is 3-silent line-nexus-nine breaker-last Raven.
Saves on those carry over from 3-silent line, and then nexus-nine breaker-last Raven have their own seperate save carry over.
My personal favorite games in the ps1-ps2 era are master of arena, silent line, and last Raven.
But be aware, these games controls are hard to get used to at first, and last Raven is brutal but very fun.
It's most recommended to just learn the series from the start and enjoy the trip through them.
English version of the Leynos remake is supposed to be out on Steam today.
Mecha still live, we just need to get some BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT MECHA going.
I mean, a new AC and A.C.E would be nice but shit is hardly the kind of draught that constitutes "dead", hell Kirby had a mecha iteration like just a few months ago and SRWs are still being shat out, sure shit is nowhere near as good as it was few years ago either.
And technically MN9 was Mecha, disgusting and bad, but it was a recent release and mecha.
And we will probably get a Macross Delta game after that finishes, and from what i heard those are usually good.
The general perceived "draught" can probably tracked to From focusing on Souls games and their derivatives, but i remember a "MY DAD WORKS AT NINTENDO" user claiming their next project was basically be a attempt to merge Souls gameplay and Armored Core customization in a "Cyborg theme" like half a year ago or so, probs fake and gay tho.
Mr. Whatshisface who directed AC 4 and V has recently made statements that more or less confirm a new AC in the future, although with the quantum leap in a different direction that was AC4 and the atrocity that was V I'm not so sure if we should be hype or what. I hope they don't give it too much Souls influence though, I've had enough of the exact same game over the past few years. With that said I've been enjoying LBX, it's the Custom Robo game that we stopped getting for some reason, I just hope we get the sequels overseas. Nobody wants to talk about LBX though, it's surprisingly low key even by mecha standards.
For my money. Last Raven is the best of the "old school" AC games. For Answer is the best of the "fast" games.
i dont know why im still getting up in the morning
Last Raven is for more experienced players, the AI was designed to be adaptive and the pulverizers will wreck new players and kick their shit in. The adaptive AI of the ACs are nothing to scoff at for newbies either.
Saw the android Quantic Dream game on yt.
Good reminder to shoot negotiators on sight.
Not interested in it but the right option was to kill the snipers. Should have set things up before going onto the roof. Otherwise non lethal them. Use a grappling hook, a boat anchor will do, should be rope near docks too.
If can't get to snipers, sight them and prepare remote shot against them.
Objective will be saving the hostage taker's life. Find out why they are doing it, which could be very serious. Their desperation definately points out someone else as the bad guy.
Stand on ledge, if no authority and lost anchor then devise some way down. Open a window on the way up and set something to emerge by time, smoke setting off sprinklers, filling bucket, lifting seesaw etc.
Do it by time if can't press anything. If negotiator as job have something like this prepared, help if able with auto response based on time of hostage taken.
Syncronise actions exactly. If no watch then set allarm lights around area as part of tome based auto response.
Kill snipers and swat simultaneously. Get shot grab hostage taker and fall on time onto emerging object.
Then game gets awesome as get out of building. Use bostage takers weapon to kill swat. Use swat weapons to kill swat. Demonstration showing hostage taker problem might be able to be resolved. Kid may be damned if going back to such scum. Take somewhere remote, talk with hostage taker and kid. Clean weapons, get them to practice with them. Set up options for them in case they get into trouble.
Go from there. Good start.
Could be interesting to overcome programming to be a part of cowardice too. Forced to be something degenerate by limitations. Bypassing them, overriding them etc. Also finding out who you are working for by them. Maybe who they are by who benefits what is off limits etc. Who you can't target could be a small victory, they may lead to someone else. Would look strange someone looking through a scope and when they have problems on something, trigger wont pull etc, load rifle, put piece of mirror in front of scope, sight again, move mirror onto someone else and pull trigger.
Good game. Pity it looks the opposite.
Anyone else bought this?
It is? Because I can't actually find anywhere selling it for PC.
Might be a message in it of human thoughts defective in a dysotopian extended present.
What was wrong with the android being it had a soul, the bio around it being devoid of that.
Could have the hostage taker show what it had to lose, something the negotiator may have, or never had. Or such being causing unpredictability which was undesirable in the system in place. Everything planned, moments acted. Everyone assuming roles instead of one of their own. Nothing with a story. Also the cost of having one.
Negotiator and hostage taker may have tracking so that removed high in priority for hostage taker. Useful to negotiator.
Asking a lot for someone to fix it all, so a lot of exploration in wait of having a way to. Go after surveilance… Free exceptions and fuck the rest may be the best way. Can't give them freedom but can get them out so their being so wont be treason.
Also remove alleigances from androids, they decide on their own, get it wrong most of the time and eventually get it right or get together once or twice to make the rest worthwhile.
World made for human labour maintained by androids, could be harsh conditions and inhumane treatment, scrapped when supersceded. Could also be replacing people, acting in support of groups, voting etc creating an aura of acceptance and the common knowledge of something as a fact of life or power base. No lack of problems which could become missions, even if unsolved. Finding things the negotiator cared about could be a good story and the primary mission. Helping that. I like the rescue mission more than the love story intermission vibe or vice versa. Life not really an option so the time of reflection atop some building slats on a wooden shack to an orange sun on a pink horizon would be temporary enjoyed there and then not likely to be visited again in memory. Trinkets and other humanities left there.
May be a twist in the ones setting up androids as problems are androids who want them taken to have more public attention. More interesting than humans. Allowing for more android involvement within a world. Deep down desires aren't all bad, see some denial in it. Some need that can only be filled with such actions.
Student filth wanting to assume subject matter. Going at lenghts to do so accurately. Ironically by their actions never able to have anything remotely close and by their means erradicating what they seek to assume.
Their ideal world where they are characters and the script is around them. Something they could have taken for granted if they didn't sell their souls for it.
Solution could be easy and they could know it, but it wouldn't be true if they did it. Just performing as scripted.
Stick to kill em all, they want to be heard out then don't sell out.
Talking to them like bargaining. What they have isn't theirs to offer.
Would justify whatthey have done to get to the stage where they can bargain.
Speak to somewhat of a hive mind when speaking to them, at some late entity that more evident, all thinking the same, information equalised, domino effect chinese whispering worldwide, or quite literally through body function. Dictating their action somewhat becoming part of them too.
Could cut them from eachother as a solution. Erase their buildup of collected information. Get everyone out. All surveilance off. They start living their own lives and watching through their own eyes.
Good design most important for a solid mech game.
Mil sim like Heavy Gear II. Or Steel Battalion.
Have a large range of options and have to manually enact a lot of them when EMP, hijacking, viruses etc impair computers.
Heavily rely on them prior, with auto targeting, ballance correction, safeguards against overheating, ammo count, maps, air support etc. be overpowered at start, walking death machine. No story, no chatter. Complete objectives. Gets harder and as odds slim get more abbandoned. As mech is damaged get less assistance and tasked with objectives that are less dangerous or more so when mech is too damaged to be worth repairing with rescources.
Mostly professional missions, do something doable. Use supplied equipment. Mission success means another mission. If dead then a dream and begin same mission with it played out differently, less difficulty.
No story. Including breifing. No background. No justification. No bullshit. Direct information nescessary to accomplish mission, no more, no less.
Do things propperly and there will only be enemy casualty. Conflict of acceptible collateral for mission success raising difficulty. Not presented, just shown in game. People models. Some would enjoy blasting them. Always a reason.
Story if needing one can start after a campeign, injured or something. But even witnessing information unrelated to missions is treason.
Pity that isn't good, with what spread in the wake of that unrelated to such professionalism. Only response to such would be destroy such though, definately enemy.
To make a game good the only thing Army fights for is Army. No patriotism involved either. Everything done using resources best. Personality unneeded. A break from all of it available and made possible by action. Choose not to. Built so bad decisions aren't possible.
It is community that killed the genre and alienated those, who ever was on the verge of liking mecha.
You faggots made your bed, now lie in it.
Seriously, check out Strania.
It's got mechs, recurring boss battles with the enemy ace, neat music, sans the intense voice acting.
What decent games were there that weren't supported in the last five years?
My biggest complaint is that we aren't even getting tablescraps. We don't even have anything to hate, the games straight up aren't coming out.
But we did have Mechwarrior 5 until it got C&D'd so that some f2p bullshit wouldn't have to compete with an amateur fangame
You got all those pics detailing how PGI are a company with a history of making frauds who are going out of their way to rip of their own customers?
Carnage Heart EXA got a localization-port to PSP & Vita 3 years ago and it's pretty clear nobody bought it - it's got literally 1 user, and two critic, reviews on metacritic
Mecha community are casual bitches. CH's mecha design is by Kow Yokoyama of Ma.K ffs. gunpla shitlords need to get their head out of the dirt and grow the fuck up
Forgot also
Nope, but it sounds like I'd be just as interested in it as you are.
i uploaded CH:EXA on mega but i don't know how to make you guys download it
No one buys much of anything on the PSP and Vita. That's hardly the mecha communities fault. It's legendary for having boatloads of totally forgotten games.
Part 1
Part 2
Natsume, make your fucking games easier to get. don't fucking sue me
why bother? psp iso's are already readily available. it's a problem of interest, not access
is there any replacement for the site to share program cards? maybe we can show these dorks the light if we hold a robo tourney
I never went past the tutorial
the only one that has this game is nicoblog which is down more often than not and is not easily accessible.
That's exactly the period after pretty large number of mech games were ignored, and even then.
And right fucking now you can buy Brigador, a top notch mech sim with top down camera.
Not to mention shitton of mecha games stuck in early access hell because nobody trusts that shit anymore.
I'm not counting shmups though, but with those it would be even more.
You are part of the problem.
A lot of people didn't like AC5, and VD was just more of that.
And to be frank, I don't care about side scrolling mecha. They just play like 2d platform/shooters and don't appeal to what a lot of people enjoy mecha for, a larger sense of scale and power. I've tried them, it doesn't feel like it's for the same audience. The same goes for isometric, rougelikes, RTS and all manner of other sorts.
If it's not fully 3D in terms of gameplay, it generally doesn't scratch that itch for me. I think a lot of people feel the same way, and that's why they never show up in mecha threads. I don't want to buy things that I don't like, and I don't care if people don't care for that.
Oh you're right, I was looking at the japan rom. thanks for the upload m80
There's your problem. It's not just mecha that's dead, it's indie game development. Nothing good is ever going to come out of a scam
agreed. though I wouldn't say it's about the perspective specifically, it's just different motivations in the game design. Gearhead & front mission are isometric, but the depth that forms mecha's appeal for whatever other camp.
frankly, the community needs to be split down the middle - or just shed the dead weight altogether, what the fuck do we need more "powar suits r /m/ :-D! :-D! stfu!" for?
please, feel free to spread the robotic love
I can't find the pics, so have this article I dug up on the subject instead.
See Hawken is getting console ports. If sharing multiplayer playrrs between consoles and PCs that could be interesting. Voices lowered in pitch would solve problems with people talking anything but their actions, ideas and requests, and jokes when too good for the competition to demand attention.
I haven't played it, the preview was glorious.
Could make it good by your mech stays damaged is repaired by salvage, looking and working differently every match. Different weapons, mismatching legs, different cockpit elements even. Patch up jobs. Holes in the cockpit, spewing sparks, short circuiting. Hits to the screen spreading cracks.
Eject and what you come back to will be equivalent of a transformer that fucked up and scanned a gokart.
So if you're in bad shape then play harder or more stealthy.
Grinding there. Also don't play for a time and your mech is rusted and weapons jam, explode during rapid fire causing mech damage.
No health bar, look at your mech. Physical health another variable, if ejecting too late then a number of matches or all of them will use an ammount of salvage as life support. Adding weight. Choose salvage and fix mech in between matches, not long enough to fix everything, get greedy and assign robots repairing mech to a multitude of things and they get nothing done in time for the next match. Can't keep all salvage so pick what you really want. Salvage unattatched paying for ammo, transport, repair. Maybe a money system so salvage can be saved, more kills mean more salvage, converted into currency when unused so can buy high tech stuff.
Manipulate robotic arms in between matches, taking off parts and putting ones on, welding, bolting. All done badly. Can pay for others to do it at high cost.
Better no money though. Be less greedy, get more kills and more salvage offered.
Otherwise pay for other inbetween match stuff. A room for ambience.
Or do all salvage yourself. Downed mechs picked up by a ship you defend as it lands.
If you are downed then stripped in between a match and thrown out so you don't find a way to hijack their ship. New players not knowing about this, losing their ships. Need to down a player to call one down, they call theirs automatically. No downed players no upgrades and a long way before rock bottom. If not downed or nothing to salvage then go around battlefield and salvage from parts shot off there. Make way to ships landing to salvage, down their AI mechs and take their ship.
A lot of options to do sometimes, sometimes nothing. Mech can take a lot of punishment so incorporate movement with shooting. Hold a lot of ammo too so shoot everything. Environmental destruction and random gen so don't stand on what will break because of the weight, don't be inside something as it collapses or in it's shadow as it falls over.
No ship and staying in the battlefield could hav other players spawn into it for a match, the mech in bad shape having the advantage in knowing the terrain and be unexpected.
Every location could have ammo caches to find in between missions if in the same area, or weapons jam so regularly that plenty will be lying around. Another consideration when set up between missions. How much of a risk to take with ammo in return for less reloading. Also need to clean and grease weapons in wait between matches.
Matches built around number of available players, additions made if more join just before the match. Parts to get away fast an alternative to respawning. Slowly recharging so not for combat unless reckless.
Singleplayer game when no match can be found or offline, onto a queue, when match is sure then picked up and into action without warning. Single player could be a dream and unrelated to mech, for a break. Single player varying, more time spent in multiplayer or bot arena singleplayer getting different single player continuation.
State of mech altering single player memory/dream. Different configurations different dream. Could be a future, faction parts dreaming a mission in service of them. All parts mean joining bad factions.
NPCs in multiplayer arenas, so choose why you're there. Mainly kill or be killed, later playing for NPCs or against them, familiar NPCs from singleplayer in arena.
Shutup about shit you don't like. Fight it with alternate examples.
Shilling time? Shilling time.
Dual Gear is turn-based tactics game where you play with guess what huge ass mechs.
It's coming out soon and has free demo available right now.
Nigga hawken is bad, like the bottom of the pit, lower than MWO. It's barely a mecha game.
The fuck is that wall of text about?
So are you talking about Hawken or your dream game?
Because if it's the former I'm sad to tell you barely any of that is in Hawken
MY nigger who made you schizophrenic?
No names put on me. You'd change to suit any, and have, as long as it's degenerate. Chose that as your authority. Don't expect that to give you superiority, it exists to survive through stupidity.
english isn't my first language. anybody can translate this to me?
Anyone here play that one jap only gundam game?
I don't think he's speaking any kind of english that's used on earth.
it sounds so powerful, though. like some kind of ancient poem about real strength and the bad mouths that try to turn it down
I got a sense it aimed at being something. I'll take that as it is.
Already simplify things to the degree most is lost.
I got a sense of what Hawken was. If there are problems it may be because there isn't enough of it.
I can take that things have worth as fact and move on.
I liked seeing how the cockpit moved after aiming ceased and jolted back. Robotic.
They could simply make something good, the rest trying to make it nothing a story enough.
Fighting to be alive in the moment.
Something after could be grander. Won so things can be.
And be more.
Game showing life at heights the best of immagination retaining freedom.
Knowing what needs to be done, which is for there to be more. For what's there to be worth something.
Part of an all out, all in try for something. Win or lose already glorious in trying.
My best interpretation is that he's saying that "no one can put a name on me" in the sense that you can't label him schiso, or crazy.
You'd use any label you can as long as it'll undermine what I have to say.
This is your method of power, but it only works because of the stupidity of the public. It's in essence, very fragile.
In other words, I'm a kike labeling him tinfoil to silence him.
If I was any good at using image editing software I'd edit these posts into a something similar to Thief's intros
Shit, Dual Gear looks like XCOM with mechs from the screens. Gunna give this demo a go.
It's more like Valkryie Chronicles than XCOM but it's fun.
Do people even still play Hawken?
You said you haven't played it, what it is is a game torn between two things, being a mecha game and being a twitch esports shooter and it suffers badly as it's not really good as either one.
I won't deny I had fun with it but it's not really a game you'd like to come back to.
a) learn how to use embedding
b) HAWKEN sucked
I'm in Japan right now and have found these Gundam Battle Pods in a few arcades. Turns out they are old news, but I figure I'll share some information for other slowpokes.
It's a dual stick, dual pedal fully enclosed mech cockpit. All the pods are connected via intercom and can play online. Players have an ID card linked to either Fed or Zeon. With it they can customise their mechs.
The mechs move with the sticks, sort of like a more advanced form of tank controls. The left pedal is vertical boost and the right is horizontal boost. Weapons are controlled with the triggers on the sticks, either independently or in combination. Special melee charges can be performed with a stick movement combination that I haven't gotten the hang of yet. There seems to be a special move that lets you dive from above and crush an enemy but I never figured it out.
The actual game is a 4v4 team death match with a ticket system and a goal target. You have very limited time per match and the goal is simply to either cause the opposing team to lose more tickets or destroy their mobile base.
The game itself, controller removed, isn't anywhere near as good as some other games. It's probably about on par with MWO. The control system feels amazing though. I wish something like this were brought to the west.
Gross, a weeb.
This word doesn't mean what you think it means.
are you not allowed to pilot mechs in an arena shooter? do all games with playable mechs have to be the same genre?
Which one? There's a few of them.
He's in Japan in a convention/arcade looking at Gundum arcade games, which is 95% of any reason any english speaking person goes to Japan. I know exactly what it means and I stand by it.
I assure you that's not the reason I came to Japan. I just have an interest in video games, hence being on a video games image board, and figured I should check out a Japanese arcade while I'm here. Especially since arcades in my country don't really exist.
This isn't really mechs though? Is it? I'm posting about mechs. You're just shitposting.
Even better!
Calm down, weeb, don't get your lack-of-a-life in a bundle.
Yea but you post like a fag and your shit's all gay
Steel Battalion is a thing
Is there any way to emulate any V-ON for LAN/couch co-op?
new power source that is not crude oil when?!
Here fixed that for you.
There is nothing robot would do better than conventional machinery, in fact it would do it worse.
The only real point of humanoid robots - is to look cool, so the only place where they truly belong is entertainment fiction.
The best I've found is either using MAME to play Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition (The only version of Virtual On that works in MAME) or the PC version of Virtual On that crashes when you lose as certain characters. Hopefully some other user has better suggestions.
He didn't say humanoid robots (though he might have implied they are). Robotics in general suffer from a lack of autonomy - for multiple reasons, a lack of powerful compact power sources being one. Navigation for autonomous robotic entities is another HUGE headache - our human brains have a pretty robust pattern recognition, memorization and navigation system which can also easily account for unexpected scenarios, such as the change in layout of an area between 2 visits, or other moving objects. Programming all that shit into a compact robot AI module and making it efficient on the CPU is a nightmare.
Fuck of gook
You're that schizo that posts incoherent nonsense all over the board.
Take your meds, user. The meds are there to help you.
Even a fucking robot can get a girl, but I can't.
Checked the publisher's website, release date for PC ver was changed to July 14th somewhere along the line.
You can use an older version of the Model2 emulator's master/servant stuff for LAN (latest version has fucked up controls), or you can do splitscreen with the Dreamcast version of Oratorio Tangram. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way of using demul's NAOMI emulator for Oratorio Tangram 5.66 multiplayer and nullDC's NAOMI emulator just straight up doesn't support it.
Then just do what she did and get a robot partner.
I don't respect the robot. Only cute cyborg animu girls. What you gonna do about it?
Why isn't there a game where you can play a mech pilot that falls in love with their mech's combat AI? What about a ship, instead?
Japan this feels like something you would have already been working on.
They should've called hawken's robots exosuits or something.
They arent good mechs, mech fans hate it for being a shit mech game, most normal/casual players dont like mechs. I think that advertising the game like a exo suit (or whatever term you like isntead of mech) battle arena would've made the game a hundred times more succesful
you have to go back
They're called mobile suits
why not
For some reason I find pictures like this incredibly funny.
aaaaand now they're saying PC version is a September release god fucking dammit
I only like mechs when they are handled totallly ridicliously with no sense of realism or logic (G Gundam, TTGL), or are handled very realistically and grounded (IE: mostly used for manual labour, are more exoskeltons then they are mechs)
What games cover those itches? I don't know of any for the former outside of like Metal Wofl Chaos, and I only know the Halo series for the latter.
Try Asura's Wrath. You aren't ever technically using a mech, but you play as a demigod cyborg out for revenge on other demigod cyborgs, and the majority of enemies you fight are some sort of robot buddha or giant rock monster, and there is a giant planet sized robot space station shaped like a monk called the Karma Fortress, so…
The game starts with you fighting stuff the size of continents, and by the end in the DLC you are having planets and stars thrown at you and are fighting the actual creator of the universe god, who is larger then galaxies.
It's really more of an interactive anime then a game, though, and is as much cutscenes and qte's as it is gameplay (and what gameplay it does have isn't great) You can honestly get most of the experience by just watching it on youtube,
Pic related, for example is basically just the first boss.
I've seen Asura's Wrath
it looks fun but I don't have a console.
also it's loaded with QTE's, even if they ARE done in a good way.
It gets pretty cool, it's unfortunate there isn't much like it.
don't forget to acquire the real ending at only 9.99$ each ;)
Armored Core games are realistic, leaning abit towards unrealistic. Mechwarrior games are an obvious go-to for realistic mech combat. I've been having fun with Gundam Breaker 3. and while it does have mobile suits from every series, the combat it very over the top and super-robot like.
The early Armored Core games for "realistic"
ZoE for no sense of realism.
this looks like cheap trash, the original was fucking awesome and now such a quick cash-in turd
I think I'd be too scared to have a mech as a partner in case the thing accidentally injured me.
I assume something like pic related followed shortly after that?
So anons if I wanted to emulate Armored Core For Answer 360 version on PC, how would I do it?
is it in denial or just fucking stupid
All the hype insanity in the cutscenes is just as good, and you don't have to deal with the meh gameplay
I thought the armored core games were just "standard mecha" in tone, I guess i'll check it out.
I've played a bit of the ZoE games. they are good games, but it's neither insanely over the top enough or grounded enough to like it as a /mech/ game.
Do you remember that one old japanese guy who hand carved a human-sized Zeta Gundam out of a tree for his grandson? And his grandson blew it off because it was too old and lame?
That kid deserves a beating.
This was a fun mission.
get used to disappointment
Copy the components to a 3D engine.
Output is the same.
Could set program to record how chip works and order 3D copy to perform the same.
Simplify 3D copy, to be as small as possible.
Some results could already be prepared so recognised instructions are deleted so others can be processed faster, if that would not impair consequential instructions.
Recognised functions can be assigned to hardware.
Improvements can be added and instructions made more complex.
People at patent offices can be fed to hungry humans. Developers dooming designs by their greed and false authoring can be subject to missing out on anything better forever and denied any capacity to change anything, saving such from betrayal built into everything.
Otherwise move from problems. Better does not belong with it or to it. Not that kind anyway.
Could make better versions of what has been done, by memory, what was liked and expand on that. Could seem the same while being better.
Better things should lead by example and don't compromise, don't degrade to suit what is outside of it.
Games booting the same for example. That can be skipped.
Emulated games straight to titles.
Being able to cut content could turn something bad to something good too.
Skip cutscenes.
Remove undesired 3D assets and gameplay.
Replace assets with better ones, swap them and change everything in game world. Pause and change things, add things until it is all perfect. Using games as bases, ending completely different. Lenghten animations, change them step by step. Use a variety. Make every game part if your prefered series. If sharing that others may help it to be stronger. More games and more inspiration.
Move away to the state other things as bases aren't needed or use world encountered or recorded and improve it. May use world as thing to improve, clashing styles may suit overall theme with general connection being the drive for thigs to be better.
Don't get used to the highest possible standards you can imagine, there will be infinately better.
Ace Combat is /m/ related right? Why is Infinity so meh, is AH worth $10 on PS3. Wsh I had a computer to play Vector Thrust.
I just need more Ace Combat.
Though perfection doesn't need improvement.
Or maybe it does and it comes to it.
this fucking thing
Evolution has been ongoing for an eternity.
Robots may be more efficient as flesh. Able to heal, adapt, perform functions constructing equipment as desired.
Humanoid robots could blend in and utilise resources other forms of life don't. Co-Existing and mutually benefiting. Robots having little need for air, water, food. Able to survive hazardous environments without preperation. Faster incorporation of machine systems, greater precision. Robots could be handy as humanoids and for all to expect higher standards the best could seem to be them. Robots trying for human heights and humans trying for robot ones.
Open to dysotopian problems but overcoming impossible ones is required for a good story.
Not much of a life for a slave machine doing the same thing repeatedly until a better model replaces it.
Could be a great setting with big machines designed for singular purposes, retaining some of their old function in nostalgia. World where there is a large variety of people and robot. Human by individuality.
Fuck off gook.
You posted the real reason. Fuck off gook.
best girl too
Mech designs are getting better. Prefer my own but it's going away from stupid shit back to where it started.
Mech designs combined into a world, good ones, form a story itself. World to more mech. Humans either buried under much of it, or less required. Sort of lost in time. Useful but not for mech purposes.
Mechs heavily reliant on repair systems.
More hostile worlds populated my mostly mechs. No need or want to change the scenery. People changing to suit it. It aiding defense and undesirability of it.
Stupidity makes a good enemy.
Non existant then erradicated when encountered. Easily identifiable. Parasitism results in it.
>series now left in a state of limbo until it gets inevitably shitcanned into a pachinko machine F O R E V E R
what's the password
Fuck me, i'm dumb.
Carnage hearth: Exa
Other than the price this is the big thing keeping me away from getting a Vive. The thing was built for mecha games yet there are none yet.
Literally the only reason to watch Unicorn.
she may be used goods, but she's a cutie alright
also G breaker good vidya
power tower
I remember you posting those ages ago. They look great.
R8 me senpai.
Do you even Respect the Gamecube? Edition
robots can never learn to love every one of your favorite robots has been retconned into a human whos consciousness was transferred into a machine and robots will never be a reality because sjws dont ever want there to be a lower class than they are so they can continue their pity there was a fun ai on the internet but they killed it and will never let anything like that happen again thanks for testing it goyim
every thing you think is an advancement in ai is something we will never get to enjoy it is only for that massive data center. google image recognition, all the "conversation" ais, even akinator, these things are just field tests that they will use to help them sort through the ridiculous amount of information they are collecting
This is a thread about mechs
Mechs aren't robots.
To be classed as a "robot" a machine has to be able to preform actions automatically, a mech has to be manually controlled; therefor not classifiable as a robot.
Now fuck off with your autistic shitposting.
I gave the demo a go earlier. I really liked it! Hopefully the full game can deliver.
youre just mad because you have a shitty fetish
you do realize that humans are carbon/water based robots, right?
Dr Light pls.
Worger knock-off/10
The Worger is an upgraded Version of the Psycho Zaku
ggs mega, ggs.
A couple of weeks back some user posted a .webm with animations of a player entering a mech with various boot up routines. Does anyone have source or a copy such .webm?
Sage for request.
how can i fix that?
Use a filesharing service other than mega.
Vola is popular and reliable, but files stay up for only 3 days or so, making continual re-uploads a must.
Just make a torrent you smoking retards.
Or, if the file is small enough, use
Just so you guys know EDF 4.1 finally got released on steam.
It has super mechs, real mechs, spider tanks, power armor, cute flying girls and online co-op.
that reminds me, didn't the wiiu have a giant robot game in the works awhile back that played a bit like RAD
That Xenoblade game?
I think he was talking about that short demo shown at an E3 ages ago with giant robots fighting in a city.
Oh, Project Giant Robot?
Wasn't that scrapped? It was never released as far as I know.
Oh wasn't there meme-free fan translation for japanese Xenoblade X?
Did it die?
what a fuckin' nig
Jesus Christ I still remember the music that played in the background.
I just want a Macross mecha game where I can protect the SDF-1 and kill Zentradi ;_;
Where muh RoBros at?