Men Opting Out of Academia

The Time/Money Investment is no longer worth it.

The hyper-feminization of academia, unsurprisingly, is making men reconsider the worth of spending their time in an indoctrination center where they'll have to take seminars on how evil their manhood is and why they should embrace marxist groupthink.

Is there any redeeming the college system, or will it continue to remain on a continual decline?

Other urls found in this thread: motor repair

I get they talked to the second cunt to balance out the article, nevertheless it doesn't change the fact that I hope she dies (no, I'm not saying I nor anyon here should do anything FBI). Also, someone should fire back the debunking of the pay gap shit.

it can be redeemed after it collapses

Don't forget that women take > 50% of the coveted medical school slots and then practice medicine for something like one third as many hours over the course of their short careers. Combine that with the new 40 hour - female friendly medical work week and no additional medical school capacity and you have a massive doctor shortage. Wonder why medical care costs so much? Also sage for slide bait.

I'm still thinking about going to university or becoming a car mechanic and the answer isn't a easy one.

Depends on what you want to go to uni for, and also what career would bring about more life satisfaction.

A MBA degree will help tremendously in starting and running your own company. A BS degree nowadays is bullshit, a person needs a masters degree. This guy may land a job with boeing or lockheed-martin but extremely doubtful. It's sad, I receive emails from the International Chinese Scholars Association simply out of curiosity and they network like motherfuckers. Emails are often requesting papers or abstracts, announcing positions of job openings, it's truly unfucking believable. Anyone ever hear of the American Scholars Association??? that's right, no, never, it's pathetic in comparison.

It's good that they're waking up and all but University is phase II of the process. 12 years of public education is what primes the new generation to accept marxist propaganda. Millenial parents need to start homeschooling their children, and be in charge of preventing their children from being brainwashed.

People have been calling this for the last few years

Be a mechanic. The demand for a good mechanic will never go away. Robots cannot replace a skilled gearhead.

chemistry or electrotechnics.

The hardest science there is.

Doesn't matter how much of an indoctrination center it is, we simply cannot give up on education otherwise who fills the positions of power? Who are the politicians of tommorow? If we give up on higher education and just be innawoods luddites we are simply surrendering.

Seems to be a good idea, since cars will always exist, but the combustion engine is obsolete and further education for mechanics in electric engines don't exist so far.

Top kek, I don't think so Ari. An MBA is a glorified participation trophy at this point. You know what will help tremendously in starting and running your own company? Having an IQ above 120, a ruthless determination and an endless drive.

That's a literal kike fabrication. The combustion engine is not going anywhere anytime soon son. You need to stop buying into kike horse shit.

Well as stated, homeschooling is the ideal route, granted that you want your future children to avoid absorbing worthless, unhelpful and culturally destructive material.

Questions that are difficult to answer, although on its current path, those who would fill "the positions of power" are those whose views run in line with the rhetoric being spouted right now, which isn't helping. Academia itself is in need of significant modifications.

MBA does shit. user has it right, it's all about how determined and dedicated you are.
Talked to a young business owner in one leisure shop on Tuesday, asked why he wasn't open Memorial Day and he gave me a schtick about how he needed a day off when he doesn't even work more than 50 hours and 5 days a week.
Went to the other leisure shop, asked about Memorial Day. He said he had non-stop phone calls of customers surprised to find out he was open and business all day.
Young lazy businessman not gonna last long.

Pretty bigoted? A bad thing?

Your an assclown if you think that is all it takes and not understand accounting, advanced finance, venture capital funding, how bods and securities work. My name is not Ari. I am white, irish, born in the United States and have run a business for 20 years. And I am pointing out that even the most successful business will reach a point where advanced understanding of business is required.

Electric motors are much simpler machines. you don't repair, you just replace motors or batteries. The Tesla revolution could put a lot of mechanics out of business. At best, mechanics could just be software debuggers in the future.

Come on, even in the social sciences sociology is a joke. It makes anthropology or psychology look brilliant by comparison

spoken like a person who doesn't have one. Never fails, an education is of the utmost importance. A degree in shitposting will get you no where.

I think the best route to go down is to become a small business owner. Of course, the problem here is that over the past few generations, the number of self-employed people has gone from being IIRC the majority to now just a few scant percentage points. Gone are the days of your typical American owning a small local business or a family farm or whatnot. And importantly, the fact that so few people still own their own businesses means that this sense of business-savvy is no longer being passed from father to son. You're a young guy wanting to start your own business? Good fucking luck if you have no idea what the hell you're doing. It's not like back in the day where you worked and helped at with Dad's shop and he taught you everything you need to know. Still, I think the best option is small business, just for the freedom.

The issue with white-collar college-educated jobs is several-fold. For one, you have to go to college, wasting years of your life while taking on tons of debt that you then have to spend even more time paying off before you finally break even and get back to where you started. And yeah, after you get a job you'll be making more money than with a non-college job (on average, and assuming a real degree and not some bullshit basketweaving degree) but another HUGE problem that people don't think about is work environment.

In the current year, if you're working a white collar job, you're getting all the poz. Women and dindus in the workplace, entire thing is a shitshow, you constantly have to grit your teeth and hold your tongue because the entire office is libcucks and you don't want to start any shit. You have to put a fucking facade on the entire time. It's mentally and emotionally draining. And you talk out of turn or even so much as say the slightest-non-PC thing on your private social media, and you'll get fucked. But I tell you, it's fucking awful having to deal with these shitty liberal yuppie faggots. I'd honestly prefer taking a heavy paycut to be able to get away from these fucking people and work a job with good old boys.

Just don't go to college for bullshit. Idk how people get enrolled into these anti white, anti man classes. I went to school in MA and just didn't choose ones i knew were crap. I took sociology for like a week. In history class I was assured that the Jews did not build the pyramids. In philosophy we talked about determinism and the existence of god. Those were just gen eds. Other than that I studied physics and Chem. Go for stuff like that. Avoid social and soft science classes and what not. It's unfortunate that we can't have non pozzed classes on our English classes, but that's what it is. Don't waste money and time. It applies to girls too, who are now taking the brunt of college debt lol. No one tell them or pay for it though. Fuck em they don't belong by there.

Keep the Goyim dumb

Trade Schools are a better alternative.

All right, give us some hard data, statistic or this is just some of those "Well, those 3 guys aren't going to college, which means ALL MEN".
The one about graduating was mentioned, but what about enrolling? Do they have a racial one too?

What kind of job will a BS in landwhale studies give me? Feminist marine biologist, where you shame the fishermen?

This. Masters at bullshit and administering more bullshit


Trade schools. Trade schools can expand on their curriculum to encompass other fields associated without the bullshit.

LOL. Once the free subsidized gibs dry up electric will be a lot less enticing. You know what stores energy the best? gas. You know what doesn't? Battery. You know what will get me out of a chimpout when the grid is down? my truck with 5 gas cans in my garage. You know the Saudis hate fracking so fucking much I'll be damned if we see oil really go up too much more than it already is (other than bumps etc) for the rest of our lives. Not to mention that you're ignoring the fact that theres about 8 fucking zillion other combustion type motors that need to be replaced.

18 wheelers??? all the god damn gas tankers bringing all your shit across the world? the fuckin trains bringing that shit from the boats to the 18 wheels. your kike ass is at the bottom of the totem pole plugging in a chevy volt with a 24% residual value and a coexist sticker. how am i supposed to drive off road ? What about if im a blue collar and I need to tow?

I remember being in high school in 2008

Did the second one give sales figures? In some places it is illegal to open on holidays.

I went to college and got a full-time job in a related field. I took exactly four classes in my entire time at college that had ANY usefulness to my job, and I still had to learn just about everything from scratch anyways. I'm not super pissed because I'm okay with money and don't have any debt, but the loss of basically four years for nothing still stings a little. I never even met any nice girls.

Nothing beats the NEET life I had before it all though. Being a NEET is transcendent. I had to find a new form of happiness and I'm okay now, but my happiness is like a faded photograph compared to the sublime tapestry of NEETdom.

That's fairly easy to explain. For whatever your degree is, your college also requires you to take "electives" outside your major.The whole purpose of electives is to pad their curriculum and force students to spend extra time (and therefore money) in college. Gotta go to school for 4 years instead of 2-3 because you need to get a "well rounded experience" of classes completely useless to your career, goy! Not to mention that they need warm bodies filling lecture halls for bullshit classes like sociology and women's studies that barely anyone bothers getting an actual degree in. The whole idea of electives is to prop up these shitty fields of study that otherwise literally fucking no one would bother going into.

But as to why specifically these marxist anti-white-male classes? Simple. These classes are designed to be purposefully the easiest electives available. Do you know how many people take women's studies electives just because they know how piss-easy it is? That's their game. They draw people in with easy A's as bait, and then indoctrinate them. The best defense is to be aware that it's all marxist propaganda ahead of time. I went through a ton of marxist classes like this back in the day, but none of them had any effect on me.

Invest in your power utility if (((they))) force electric cars.

Learning to fix something like this is the way to go. You can add to this other tradeskills that are valuable and fun, like electrician, woodworking, automation programmer (especially in automotive) etc…

I graduated in 06 with B.S. in Computer Information Technology. I mostly do industrial automation with all the bitchwork trimmings of end user support. I've been with the same corporation for over 10 years. I had to uproot my life twice so far moving from state to state to claw my way higher. I do not recommend it. It makes everything harder when you are removed from your support system, your family. It makes it harder to date and find quality women when you work 60 hours a week also.

To your point… I'm currently pressuring my company to allow me to hire people without degrees because most of the resumes I get are shit anyway. I.T. people aren't learning shit in college… the only ones that stand out are the over achievers who self teach, do projects and build a portfolio. Unless you are going into a STEM field don't bother…


Correct, found pic related with respect to your first point (the link in that particular article was broken). As for undergraduate enrollment, I'm not seeing a substantial difference, however I did find this applying to law school (released late last year).

Noting the trends, it's, as of right now, a slow and gradual shift but enough for people to notice a growing lack of interest/abandonment of higher ed from men.

As for the racial aspect, we're all well aware of how that works.

Yes it does, it's called trade school for becoming an electrician.

It's not all pulling wires through studs you know. They do teach theory on how different electric motors function, how to use PLCs and other ladder logic as well as VFDs and some small amount of electronics as well. They go over motor coil diagrams and how to use wye and delta connections for different voltages and stuff. 2 year electronics degrees exist as another option.

Electricians need to know this stuff because if you get involved with industrial electrician work, you'll be diagnosing, fixing, upgrading, and installing new factory systems that are all computerized.

Think of an electric car as a small factory on wheels. Instead of running conveyor belts and such, you are turning tires instead. Same basic shit. Sure, there is going to be some complicated software and computer chips in there, but you can bet your ass it's going to be proprietary anyway. You won't be soldering in new chips, you'll be plugging new boards in.

Bigots get out.

Space Marines aren't arrogant nor would they talk down to humans. Don't confuse fearlessness with arrogance.

No shit that's a waste of time. Go to university to study science, finance or something useful. You can get a better arts education on the Internet, for free.

Full retard.

It will be funny when they realise that after they created the utopia of women having a higher position in "education" than men, their achievement literally achieved nothing, as degrees becomes virtually worthless and people indebted.
I can already predict what an article about this would be: "Now that Women are more educated, Men, out of envy, don't hire them anymore!"

Well, but it's a trend for Women to fill up Law and Medical schools, maybe the bulk of men are going to Engineering or any other thing, like, reducing their percentage in a certain area might result in an increase in another. We would need a better data.

But thank you very much.

My brother went to a 2 semester long trade school for auto mechanics and had a part time job at a shop before he even graduated (this was last year) . He has been working at that shop since and seems to like it.
Meanwhile everyone I know who went to uni is either staying in school (Some of them are going on 8-9 years now, kek) or living back at home working mcjobs.

Well women have a very deceitful nature when they aren't on a leash. Figures they would go the jew route. Lying and cheating the system is what they do when they don't have a man they can take advantage of.

However the jew won't give you your magical paper without taking all the course padding. For many the cheaper route was taking those shit classes and saving university level for the real education in their field.

If I was at home I would put those past articles about college especially the women making up the majority of college debt into a nice normalfag friendly infographic.

This is something that I never liked: they never ever teach young impressionable students how terrible debt is. Whenever the question of cost came up in my life EVERYBODY, parents, teachers, peers, strangers, said the same thing:

Debt is bad. It's not just bad, it's shameful. People who are in debt, for ANY reason whatsoever, should feel ashamed and alarmed at all times until that debt is cleared and there isn't anybody who can help you. Debt is like a fire burning your porn collection. Usury is probably the single biggest factor contributing to the destruction of modern man, and the Jews are behind it all. Usury is their oldest and most cherished weapon.

A degree in from Jew university will virtually be meaningless in the world to come.

Just defer it until you can make payments.

t. yid

The Jews did this on purpuse.



Another huge blackpill is knowing that when you're in the marriage market, not only do you have to sort through tons of whores and guttertrash looking for a future wife and mother to your children, but you also have to look at how much debt she has. We're at the point where women basically come with reverse-dowries, and you end up eating however many thousands of dollars worth of debt she has

On the other hand, you can try going tor a non-college-educated girl (and who fucking cares, your wife should be at home raising children rather than working as a "career woman") but you also have to be more careful about making sure the woman you pick isn't retarded, for the sake of your offspring. Not that having a college education indicates someone is smart these, days but still. Gotta be careful.

Agreed. Two things that absolutely should be taught in highschools are classes in Logic and Personal Finance.

Stopped reading right there.

You left out how quickly a car battery goes dead when not tended with more electricity. Car gas degrades in years depending on your engine and even then you just need to add a little top up of fuel stabilizer.

I don't actually have any debt because unlike my classmates I DIDN'T just sit on it. I worked and dumped money into while I was in college and pissed on that fire before I ever paid one single solitary cent of interest. Meanwhile left and right are kids with $30-80k looming over their shoulder and they just don't understand what it is and don't think about it or deal with it at all.

Energy density of batteries is orders of magnitude below that of dead dinos.
The combustion engine is safe.

I went to college for a stem related study. Would have been better off laboring or learning a trade.

I'd be arrested and thrown off campus the first time some shit for brains with blue hair gave me the slightest disrespect. Doubt I'd make it to lunch on day one. I do feel for the kids who have to put up with this shit.

Yes and they are told they can just keep pushing the debt off. That is what I was referring to. The kikes in financial aid know what to tell the kids to take advantage of their stupidity.

Only somewhat true. There are actually chemical batteries that can achieve something like 80% of the energy density of gasoline already, we've known about them for years. The issue is that those batteries can be recharged like twice total before they fall apart. Almost all of battery research is related to how to mitigate the self-destruction of rechargeable batteries so you can use the fuckers more than a dozen times. Lithum Ion remains king because despite having lower energy density than a ton of other options it's relatively strong on the recharge cycle front.

What the fuck are you talking about? Your monthly rent doesn't exclude certain days of the month and no I don't live in Antarctica nobody has the heat on.

It hasn't been worth it for a fucking decade or more. I'm happier self taught and self employed, than a debt slave cowering for the zog.


Work also wouldn't get done.

That's when the visionary college-dropout entrepreneur who started the company hires some MBAs to do all tnat academic stuff. The MBAs might get a decent salary, maybe a stock option. The owner is still keeping most of the profits.

If you know of an MBA who was an entrepreneirial genius–rather than just working for others–let us know!

too many women in medical fields and law school driving down wages and making those jobs scarce and (((they))) will claim the patriarchy did it.

enjoy your feminism bitches

really? motor repair

At some point, you're going to have to come to a realization, that you are becoming a minority, in your own forefathers country.
At some point, you're going to have to realize, that this is by design.
At some point, you're going to have to face the facts; that the immigration since 1960~ was immigration of 2nd and 3rd grade countries, who massively favor Marxian school of thought.
At some point, you're going to have to admit that the education system has been fully co-opted by the kikes who fled Germany pre-1939 and restarted their socialist dogma right here.

Most Europeans who migrated from Europe to the US, fled the 'divine right to rule', the constant inner war struggle, a chance at a own farm with much more land without land owners who leash the land and then rip you off by demanding a large part of the harvest. They fled the socialistic nature of central planning and big large government as wel But most of all they fled the embedded usury by kikes, usury by kikes was the primary reason for the American Revolution, as stated by Benjamin Franklin.

Gander at the financial system and we find corruption running rampant from the big guys to the small guys. We find politicians in bed with these corrupt fucks and when they win they take their profits for themselves, yet when they lose, the taxpayer has to pay the bill because somehow they are TBTF.

Today, we live in a America, where the justice system is for me and not for thee. Where everyone is judged differently, whether they are male or female, young or old, rich or poor. We've seen rich females get away with DUI murder while a poor women will get a few years in jail, while a poor man would get decades, and the rich man would get a few years in a luxury detention facility. After the E-mail leaks, it's clear that even if you blatantly commit treason, if you're connected enough; no harm will befall on you. While a Heroic Marine who has served his country well makes a similar mistake by sending 1 e-mail with some classified information he's get the book thrown at him.

Seeing the chair of the DOJ Office of Attorney General becoming politicized during King Niggers reign proved to me that this Republic has lost it's values and will never get it back. At this point in time, we need a peoples revolution to solve the issues we face in this Republic. That means we need to slaughter a whole lot of degenerate scum to force our way back to what this Republic was founded upon. You can not argue or reason with these people. If we choose to accept and do nothing like several generations before us, dating back to the 1860 jew invasion and the 1910 woodrow wilson FED creation, eventually there will be no Republic left to defend.

Batteries aren't an energy source. They're just energy storage. The electricity being used to charge the batteries is, in all likelihood, coming from a coal power plant. So it's still coming from fossil fuel. The question you should be asking is whether coal power planets are more efficient than combustion engines. They are, but I'm just saying.

Having more women than men with high salaries (and debt) will be a major problem. Women do not marry down, so we'll end up with a bunch of lonely women and men.

The reason there are fewer men in college than women is because men are a lot smarter and more goal-oriented, so they know what they need. Women just go to college because they think they have to and they just learn how to be an ugly, pink-haired SJW. Men on the other hand, go to college with a purpose. Before college, they think about what they want to do, and then they follow through with it. Some men may decide that trade school is a better option, or that the military will help them meet their goals. Others figure that they can start a business or better spend their time learning the skills necessary to take over a family business.

Women are just like "hmm, so I like anthropology, sociology and critical theory, here's $200k in loans". Then, the woman slowly realized during her junior or senior year that she hasn't learned a single marketable thing in college, so instead of cutting her losses, she figures she should go to grad school. This only compounds her debt and only really qualifies her to work at Starbucks, be a paid protester for the Open Society Foundation or possibly become an adjunct sociology professor who makes literally below-poverty wages. Women also represent two-thirds of all outstanding student loans. TWO -THIRDS! They have higher loans on average and are usually much slower when it comes to paying them off as well.

This is why it's so fucking important to restore industry and focus fully on domestic.
Fuck trade, fuck cheap china shit, fuck outsourcing.
Tax the fuck out of companies that want to elope, make the american worker the only real choice, otherwise get the fuck out.
The system is being setup to accommodate cucks, bottom rung wage slave food service/retail nothing in between (skilled trade was never a mass population solution) then college on the other end.
You never *had* to go to fucking college, this is truly the biggest mistake we've allowed them to perpetrate.
Big education is nothing but another soulless business.
We need to restore the everyman job and bring back america's glory.

Interesting point, and I do wonder.
Granted the current trend continues and women place themselves in more high-paying, high stress positions, there will obviously come a time where, a couple of decades from now, they'll take a look around them and see that the vast majority of men are not what they would consider to be "above" them in terms of financial affluence.

Realizing this, would they still seek to wed these men, or is their innate desire for men to be the primary resource provider far too biologically ingrained to overcome?

It's sad we even need to entertain that possibility, of such a high role reversal, but it's becoming more realistic by the day.

Nice. I'm biased bc I dropped out, it felt like a waste of time. I wanted to make money and buy property. I got a commission based sales job and never looked back. Now I'm a marketing director for a manufacturer with a property worth about 1 million at 39 years old. Not a total baller but I could be doing a lot worse. Plus I have no student loan debt to pay off.

I think college is a waste of time and money for a lot of young people. You take able-bodied adults out of the workforce for 4+ years and saddle them with thousands in debt and then turn them loose with worthless degrees in many cases.

I think it's a bit different in Europe but here in America there is a lot of societal pressure to go to college if you want any chance of success. It leads to a lot of people wasting their time pursing higher education and spending a fortune when they don't know what they want to do with their lives and have no clear path. Maybe they think they know but discover that they've made a huge mistake. Anyway I'm glad things are changing

I would like to be friend with a Techpriest but I wouldn't want the dude to fuck me.

if robots can assemble a car i see no reason why they can't disassemble. when self-diagnostics are reliable enough, and parts are cheap enough, i see no reason robots can't replace mechanics, by simply swapping old parts for new faster than a mechanic could ever do. video related, tesla automated battery swapping.

Fossil fuel isn't an energy source either. It's energy storage too, just like batteries. Hydrocarbons contain the stored energy of organic matter, which itself obtained energy from either eating other organic matter or straight from the sun. The only source of energy we have on this planet is the sun and radioactive decay. ALL other forms of energy we possess are derived from those two.

Solar is shit though and needs too many exotic materials. This is why nuclear is the future.

You sound just like that high school nigger on the basketball team who thinks he's going to go pro someday.


Seconded, regards from a mechanic. Not that I have worked on electric cars, but there is for sure going to be stuff broken in places you wouldn't believe thus it will never be completely just software debugging as some user implied.

Couple comments down links a blog explaining why/how this battery swap video is a scam:

The writing was in the wall all this time. Tesla never intended to build the “specialized public facilities to perform such swapping”.

Someone still needs to set up the machines, calibrate them, fix them, zero the tools and ultimately run them. They aren't magic.

t. Robotic applications programmer

Men are MGTOW shills and should be gassed. The future of the White race can only be a matriarchy.

There's nothing you can't just learn on your own. Everything else is bureaucracy.

That's why you make a robot that does that.

For the most part these people want to remove personal vehicles entirely but mechanics will still be needed.

There's nursing assistant courses at the tech school I go to. Something like 65% of the student population is female. It's a bunch of fucking nigs taking nursing assistant and "beauty school" shit. I swear to shit, every "nursing assistant" I've ever encountered was hardly fit to make my tacos at Taco Bell.

Luckily I'm in IT courses, and the first day I walked into one of my classes, the professor was ripping on Hillary Clinton with another student.

And who is going to fix and calibrate the robot that does that?

No, repeal it immediately. If the world ends tomorrow, then all those unsupervised power plants will be sure to destroy the planet.

Maintenance bot.

I realize that there are required electives, but you just need to choose good ones. Your 2nd paragraph probably explains why this happens. Just complete dilution of the college experience by people that don't belong there. I'm really not even trying to insult people by saying that either. They get talked into signing up for something they don't really need in high school. It's all marketing for some big summer camp like experience if you ask me. I love learning, but instinctually hated the college life.

Honestly STEM is the only way to go, but then again there are a crap ton of trade jobs, and really Science, & Mathmatics are pretty dead too so only Technology and Engineering matters. Anything that isnt that is probably a waste imo. I have not seen a single liberal bullshit teacher until I took my communications class, every teacher in my civil engineering program was either a Trump fan or a libertarian. Nothing close to being a democrat in any shape or form. But when it came to that communications class of course it was a lousy jew teacher who was the perfect example of what jews are in Holla Forums image, whining about white people, Trump, muh black people are awesome! Muslims rock! etc.

I didn't pick shit ones. Not all of them are shit. Just lazy assholes want all As without working. I picked gen eds that required working for even a B and they weren't indoctrination.

My sister is in anth. Holy fucking shit, is it ever pozzed. She is a lost cause now I think.

why not just create millions of robot slaves so nobody has to work any more? what could go wrong?

no the stations aren't built but the point is that it's possible. and this was demonstrated 4 years ago.

only set up once.
when setting them up the first time. afterwards they can calibrate themselves. it's the same process as a printer that zeros itself and clears the printhead and jews you into buying ink you don't need.
nope, they're setup as fully automated. phone home for service when a problem is detected. dispatch maintenance bot.

t. Robotics software developer

Does finishing community college and then saying "fuck this shit" count as dropping out or graduating?

Used to think I wanted to go to college for art, animation, illustration, writing, etc. That was a couple years ago and ever since I've had no idea what the fuck I want to do now. All I wanted to do was make cartoons but anything remotely creative is pozzed as fuck. And now I'm at the point where I need to get my life the fuck together and pick a career, but I can't think of anything. If college weren't a waste of money just to get indoctrinated it'd maybe be an option. But now I just don't what to do.

Do you have a 2 year degree? If yes you graduated

if you must ask then you failed

Learn free animation tool called Blender. Make your own cartoons from home. Collect gibs and use them to supplement your redpill cartoon web series to save our folk.

Yeah science is dead. I went for MicroBio and there's two problems: One is that research in the country is dead, and the second is that if you want to go on to medicine, you need to compete with Indians and Chinks who fake scores.

You're a retard.


Also heard that those fields are over inflated with people.

Yes, two of them. Both in STEM and both equally worthless. But I have no real desire to finish them by throwing my time and money down the drain at a university. Science is fucking dead unless you've got a PhD. So I taught myself to program. It was such an amazing idea that so did everyone else.

I've been saving up for a drawing tablet despite being in a creative rut for almost half a year. I just can't think and I've always felt like I've never been very good, at least compared to other people I've seen around my age. Especially not realistic artwork like true volk. I've tried writing too but I've never shared it with anyone. I really want to do something useful, but I also want to do what I've always loved. I can't think of how to get that without having someone teach me how to make good art. It's sad. No one told me life would be this sad.

you lack entrepreneurial drive and that's why you'll always go nowhere in life.

Pick one.

Lads, don't you know? It's maintenance bots all the way down!

make a good anime tbh

Buddy you're like every "robotics software developer" out there. You think you've got it all figured out and you overestimate the capabilities of the technology. I get the feeling you just graduated and are eager to try and justify yourself to strangers on the internet.

That's essentially what every robotics graduate you're going to talk to is going to try and say. They are fundamentally flawed humans.

That's part of another culture though, isn't it? I've admired traditional hand-drawn animation and earlier American cartoons. Although I've had ideas that seem more anime-ish

I think you, like this guy , think that it must be 1 robot that does everything. whereas it must in reality be a self supporting ecosystem of robotics. one system fixes some classes of problems, another fixes others, together they support each other.

analogous to nature, crab eats carrion, fish eats crab, seal eats fish, orca eats seal, orca dies and feeds crabs.

We don't have to import shitskins anymore or have them in the country. The whites with nothing else to do will spend their time breeding.

And robots/ai can and will be able to do everything much better than humans. It's just a matter of time, and these things don't die. They will be interconnected to one another, to all living humans through gadgets, and possess all of man's knowledge.

I hate to be cynical and pro-robot. I really do, but I don't see how we can compete against something like that outside the 21st century(if even then).

I think you, like every robotics graduate that has ever existed, overestimate the quality of robotics. You talk about "the ecosystem of robotics" but you're no better than communists spouting shit about post-scarcity societies, both of you think robots are far more advanced than they are, but at least the communists admit they don't know shit about it.

capped and so fucking true

Anthropology was lost when they decided you weren't allowed to say that one culture was worse than another and instead had to pretend like eating out cows so they will pee on your head to dye your hair is equal to western civilization

obviously you don't know shit about robotics.

Bio major reporting in. I want to be a genetic engineer. Am I fucked?

"I'll build robots to fix the robots! But not just one robot, an ecosystem or robots all working in unison! Who cares that it's not been done on any meaningful scale and even the breakthroughs in the industry are centuries from what I'm proposing, I'm gonna be the one to roboticize the world!
You obviously don't know shit about how complex tasks are when you have to account for tertiary knowledge.

Oh, you CAN repair them, but just like your google search tells you, it is done as rebuilds of removed units that were hot swapped with new or rebuilt units. When is the last time you hot swapped the engine and transmission (electrics have no transmission at all) in your car? Electric cars have an order of magnitude fewer moving parts and they are all, (except the battery at present) dirt cheap to just replace compared to combustion.

Energy density of the batteries is the only holdup, and that is improving pretty rapidly if you believe Tesla's marketing.

Not if you can figure out how to setup a Axlotl tank and start selling organs or waifus.

I don't need to specify exactly how to complete a task - that's 1960's level robotics you dumbass. All I need to do is tell a robot how to judge how well it's doing at completing a task, and how to improve. You'll say that this is difficult but it's not.

So you don't need to tell the robot what to do, got it. The robot will simply know how to fix shit.
Oh yeah simple shit, all you need to do is teach a robot how to assess its work and how to learn. You don't need to tell the robot what to do, but you expect it to know how it's doing well and how to do things better without knowing how to do shit in the first place.
Then why haven't you done it faggot? If it's so simple and for some nebulous reason nobody is doing it, that's a great market for you to jump into and make a killing.
You're like the faggots in MicroBio who say "all we need to do to cure cancer is enforce controlled apoptosis of cancerous cells equaling the rate of proliferation" as if it's that fucking simple.


I think I see a pattern here

Were Kyle and Sinead Starbucks shills the whole time?

exactly good you're learning.

$$$$ and the jews

So the robots are going to fix things without knowing how to fix things, and know if they're doing a bad job without knowing what a good job would even look like. And the reason you haven't done this "simple shit" you would be able to do so easily is because you don't have the money? Why don't you build a robot to give you money?

"maintenance bot" Is literally "teleports behind you" tier. Tools break and need to be replaced. When they are replaced they need to be re-calibrated. Tools also wear before breakage and need to be adjusted for wear. Machine vision devices shit the bed when some dipshit opens a door and fucks up all the ambient lighting. Printers also need to be unjammed by PEOPLE.

In order for a robot to successfully do a job, everything has to be placed painstakingly in the correct position. Machine vision is very, VERY flawed and expensive because robot's don't know what the fuck they are actually looking at and can't adjust when they try to look for something that isn't where it should be.

A skilled woodworker can still make tons of money. And the loss of repair jobs has more to do with corporat​ions than anything else.

lol my company literally admitted it filters harvard and yale because they didn't want the sjw crazies and of course the insane grade inflation that exists in harvard for example. If even the supposed best schools aren't worth a damn anymore than nothing is and it makes sense. All schools today are descended from the archaic Catholic method of schooling but now that the internet exists you can learn almost anything and I'm not just talking reading materials. Videos even a dummy can follow exist everywhere and you can just search up in your favourite search engine "how to fix x" if you don't believe me. We really don't need schools anymore, at best there should only be tests of merit left. Some way to prove to a potential employer you're qualified to do your job and know what you're doing and you can learn all the skills you need from, again, the internet or at least a kind of education that exists in trades. Far more practical and effective. Traing ivy league jackasses is annoying because they're trustfund kids who don't know shit. They don't learn practical shit and all the indoctrination into crazy cultural marxism doesn't help either. Again, you have all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips now. You're free from (((their))) schools.

More like
>Just stop the flow of cummies Pleasure drugs and nutrient past

College really is a meme, and it's one I wish I didnt fall for. The classes are a joke, and cover material you should have learned in your freshman and sophomore year of high school. The only classes I enjoyed were advamced math classes because the teachers actually taught in a way that I could grasp and a music appreciation class which allowed me to understand the beauty of the aryan soul and mind. Other than that, complete waste of time, money, and sanity.

I quit after my third semester and noe Im learning a trade. Honestly, Im happier because of it

This kike was so triggered he had to reply twice to my post. Stay mad Ari.

Kek, the robonigger doesn't have a fucking rebuttal to that user. Top fucking kek.


So how does the jew deal with the proposition of men not going through their propaganda machine before entering society? Expect new "regulations" that require even the most basic jobs to need a special "license" which can only be obtained through kike run licensing institutions.

More H1B visas!

I chuckled because I thought it said Lebron James for a second.

Honestly for all anons reading, I'd say learn a trade. I did my course and was miserable but there's a big sense of pride and fulfillment you get when you learn a trade. You feel like you're in control for once, and you have skills that rely on yourself.

That is all I had to know.

If you take space PrEP you won't get space AIDS.

well no i can see user learned what i suggested so there's nothing to reply to. and i can see how far off topic this robot discussion became, i'm not sure if you're a kike on the small chance that you're not, it's clear you two are set on arguing, i gain nothing except a derailed thread by arguing a point to someone who doesn't understand the technical background. hence, no reply.

I already have an Associate's Degree from community college (kek). Considering studying to become a park ranger.

Anyone have experience in the field, or know someone who does?

You dinosaur anons really crack me up.
t. Millennial user with a successful multi-million dollar business and no MBA.

Got any links to online resources?

You need a fucking licence for anything in (((Ontario))) now with pic related.


Trips wasted on a robonigger

Why haven't you built a money robot buddy? You don't need to program it to know what money is, just program it to learn how to make money.

Yes, because that job does not exist. You will need MD/PHD (yes both) to work in that field beyond the lab technician level. Prepare for 15 years of being a graduate student.

If you are hot and suck a lot of research triangle dicks you might have a shot.

No jobs. You have some of the skills necessary for work in the field, but they will want you to basically spend the rest of your life at university. And that's a fate worse than death.

and if you dont have a jewish surname you're fucked from the start.

This is going to sound like a black-pill, but I promise I am not MGTOW. Both women AND men generally behave in a way that promotes their own unique survival strategies. That is, men and women have DIFFERENT survival strategies that are actually opposed to each other. It's a sort of evolutionary arms race between the two sexes. Men just want to spread their semen all over as much as possible. You see this especially among the poor African communities in America. Women have to select the best quality mate they can find because women invest more into reproducing than men. This has been true forever. It's the oldest rule and you can bet it is the MOST ingrained. For example; marriage takes some pressure off the female because a man provides her with a home, defense, and stability which makes raising children easier. But the desire for the superior mate NEVER stopped existing. Its the OLDEST RULE Marriage was a compromise that benefited both sides. Women discovered a NEW way to upgrade while still maintaining their social status among peers. During a time of war men will fight and kill each other. If the men from your nation win, then the woman knows that her mate is the high value mate. If the men from the other nation conquer your nation the women will be taken as prizes. Taken by the STRONGER, HIGHER VALUE MALES. War gave women access to a larger pool of males. This is why women will never ever be nationalists, and they will always love diversity, the exotic, etc. Women are genetically predisposed to be disloyal in the quest for alpha semen. I don't say this because I hate or blame women, men are equally stupid in various ways. But there is definitely an evolutionary war between the sexes.

Get back to us when they disclose the info on all the missing white kids in national parks to you.

Missing 411

MBA's get you all the connections though.

School is a scam period. I wanted to become a professional Therapist, so I needed a masters degree. No problem, more money, more work, but it will be worth it when I'm doing something that I'm damn good at, can innovate in, and love doing.

Find out there are gatekeeping laws saying I need an internship of 200 hours. So for a year to two years when I need to pay off my loan I will not be able to work in my field. Worse by the time I get out of my internship (a lot of people in this area are leftists or cucks in this field, I got out of anger management classes earlier (bs charge) because I knew more about the human psyche than the guy did.). Here is this icing, by the time I'd get done, even with all my hard work there would be nearly 616,000 more people with psychology degrees. Even while setting up my practice after 7 years, I'd be saddled with debt and a useless fucking degree.

It's cheaper to learn the stuff in my free time, and study something else for myself that I can actually make money in. Most basic money making stuff you can learn online for a couple hundred dollars max. Friend recommended realistate. Two top courses on Udemy covering the basics of Realestate $20.

Real estate is so simple. You just own a house, and then…. wait for it… you rent it out! Simple! EZ!

Well now, this is something.

I used to major in finance but dropped out to make custom furniture. I have no employees and never worry about being doxed. Just sayin.

Roboniggers like yourself deserve nothing but ridicule. Waste of digits.


Nice dubs.

Planers are a great econimcal way for getting rid of annoying semites as well.

It really isn't. Ironically enough most in the American education system you most often don't learn how to do an in depth cost/benefit analysis until college, unless you take economics in HS as an elective, which isn't always an option.

I hated college and never finished. 2 years in I joined the reserves to help pay for it. Ended up getting deployed, came back, hated it even more, then made some connections through friends and got into the private security industry. Paid off all my debt in fucking no time despite not having a degree. Now with my military background and high-profile international security work on my resume, I'm always getting contacted for work on well sites, manufacturing plants, tech companies, military industrial conglomerates, etc. I'm comfortable now in law enforcement, but I wish I still had that hundred twenty eight grand I blew on college. I would literally have been better off financially and have started off my adult life sooner if I had become an idiot zogbot straight out of highschool. That's how fucked college is right now. The only thing I did worthwhile in school was write a paper on how university is financial feudalism tied to the banks that got the dean all shitter shattered.

If you're planning on going to school, don't. Take smaller classes and learn valuable skills. Pilots license, EMT, car repair, wiring, plumbing, fucking anything. Soon enough all these idiot boomers that want employees to have a degree for basketweaving or 29 years experience for an entry level job will be dead or retired, and a degree will be back to mattering as much as it actually should.

So the real problem is that robots don't have the ability (or find it difficult) to differentiate and recognize 3D objects without cues (positioning, color or codes on objects)? I noticed that in Boston Dynamics videos when demonstrating their robots, they use QR codes for the robot to identify objects it can interact with.

Computer vision is rapidly developing. Already a great deal can be done with just camera input. Within the next 10 years, combining camera input with radar and IR sensors, computer vision will greatly exceed what humans can do.

Ah, so I see that you're unfamiliar with the Dinka Tribe of Africa. Such a noble people. Truly, a group that should be emulated.

Sounds more like freshman community college classes, which anyone can take during high school for free and receive dual credit. I took physics and it was way easier then the AP course my friends took. Actual University is where you should already know what you want to be doing and be taking only classes related to your major. Otherwise you are spending way more on units than needed and probably own an iPhone too.

Stopped reading there. We're human beings, faggot, not grasshoppers. Human males invest as much in offspring as human females do.

Have you ever noticed how humans reverse the normal vertebrate order? In other species, it's the males who are beautiful and the females who are drab. In our species, the men are drab and the women obsess on beauty. There's a reason for this: high-quality human males are a rare commodity, and they're worth fighting for. Human survival depends on females and males working together.

Unless you're a nigger. Then go nuts.

Share if you capped.

Found the braindead normie.

MBAs are for nothing but NETWORKING and changing jobs, even then, they aren't worth the money the paper they are printed on.

Basic legal knowledge, basic accounting/book-keeping, basic business classes, basic supply/purchasin/contracting is ALL that you need.

EVERYTHING can be found on the internet or library.

Running a business is like working out, everyone wants the shortcut and no one wants to put in the work.

Fuck your MBAs, absolute trash

Absolute faggot talk

Found the kike

These companies bite, chew and spit out college grads every three years - they are trash and just waste taxpayer money while treating white college engineers/professionals like slave labor.

Fuck your meme companies faggot

Guardsman sounds like the purest ally

It may be able to see like a hawk, but it will have no fucking clue what it is even looking at. The software simply isn't there yet, and quite frankly, it might never be for a very very long time.

Lithium-Air or is this something different?

Umm is Holla Forums the khornate berzerker?

A law degree is basically female virtue signalling nowadays. Here in Australia every university has a law faculty pumping out thousands of stupid law graduates who will never spend a day practicing law. Maybe the top 50% or so of grads end up with work, many on minimum wage in some local firm.

This is a result of labour market manipulation. In today's decadent society labourers should be paid more because fewer people want to do that work. Instead the government opens the floodgates to spics and other third-worlders because labourers are paid too much.

I've said this a thousand times. Buy college books on accounting, business law, economics, finance, statistics etc. By reading these books and doing the exercises you'll know more than most business graduates. Can probably get them for $50/ea from your uni second hand bookshop.

Even better, as user said stop over for a couple of hours a day at your local uni's library and read for free.

Yeah, I'd say you're fucked.

Yeah pretty much and those connections are needed unfortunately in today's business world.

That's why I'm hoping Trump can work some magic and cuck Bernie out of his dream of making college debt void. The basis of it would make it work if that basis is exposing it as a scam. Better yet, a scam that goes very far up the chain. By exposing the fraudulent nature of colleges and (((loan servicers,))) Trump could declare that debt voided and the kikes would kvetch over it because half of their plan would come true, but the other part called Make College Free would be dead in the water.

I remember when Alizee was called 'buttgirl' who could cure homosexuality.

t. woman who is working as an associate professor at a college in charge of molding young minds; supposedly smart enough to teach yet claims smart women have to act… not smart there

Join me. I'm writing a book, and one of the characters is a literal Nazi. I need an artist, either for illustrations or to turn this into a graphic novel.

Then at some point you're out of gas, and what happens if the grid doesn't ever get back up? Are you going to play it all Mad Max and fight off other scavengers for depleting resources? Good luck with that.

A good solar panel installation will give you a few dozen miles worth of driving daily, for years; not to mention you can use the energy for other things. Holing up in the country in complete self-reliance beats looting cities. Having several gas cans for "gotta move 400 miles away" or "gotta move RIGHT NOW" emergency scenarios is a good idea, shitting on electricity as if you have to do one or the other is retarded citycuck thinking.


I know a guy started a tree trimming business. Runs a small, four man crew. He can barely read/write well enough to fill out his own invoices. Rakes in 250k a year.

Writefag here.
Think of it this way. If you wanted, you could make a Western animation that isn't shit. Think Ruby, but with white people.

Bio majors require you to tow the line unquestioningly if you want to work for anyone that will deliver you a profitable life. If you succeed in your field, remember you work first for your folk, second for your industry. The latter will demand detriment to the former.

The demand for Holla Forums scientists and engineers is higher than ever. People of absolute subtly and patience. Our scientific fields are coopted and corrupted to the core, they have become childish and counter productive, and will continue to degrade as "social sciences" and Bolshevism infect them.

That's just a 2-stroke engine in a horizontal cylinder configuration
If you really want to see some impressive innovation in the ICE, look no further than the Chrysler Turbine Engine

They even had a working automobile to demonstrate the tech

You're probably thinking
But consider the fact the turbine engine
1.) burns cleaner than a piston engine
2.) has less moving parts than a piston engine
3.) could run on anything as long as it ignites

And you realize Chrysler was actually onto something. Unfortunately they had to end the project for ((reasons)). But can you imagine if Chrysler continued it today? The only main issue on them was the fact that they were inefficient at low speed (since the turbines need to be at a high RPM) but regardless were even more efficient than a regular engine at higher speeds. Picture a Turbine Engine today; it could utilize modern fuel injection with a modern powertrain control module to solve the inefficiency problems associated with lower RPMs. You could have an electronically controlled air compressor.etc These engines had some fucking potential man

You know what is half tax? gas, You know what I can refill on my own? electric You know what has enough range to cover most of my use? electric. You know what has enough range to cover the rest? hybrid.

With solar you're more independent in various ways, they're talking about raising their gouging on utilities, if you're of the few who goes off grid you side step them. Yes, I don't want solar mainstream, they'll just transfer the regulations and taxation, making it a shit show like everything else. Same reason why I'm not one of those treat bicycles like cars faggots, that ruins biking; regulation, fees and cops gunning for you as bad as cars to give you a ticket. I prefer being left alone and not taxed to pay for shitskins.

You seem to forget how the government subsidies on the oil industry, kike

Only engineering still needs a university education.

You can't learn the trade on your own through the internet, but everything else including most of the hard sciences, no, especially the hard sciences, can be learned through the internet.

Surely we have plans in place in the case of a societal collapse so that nuclear power plants don't, well, go nuclear.

Rate me Holla Forums.

Most Europeans until 1900 were either indentured servants sent to colonies for crimes, religious nut jobs leaving England or starving Irishmen. Later migrants didn't assimilate as good and voila, you have current mystery meat of a country.

Your idea of America as haven for all the liberty-loving folk is just that - a myth. Your country was founded in equal parts by fanatics, scumbags and simple opportunists, and those traits live on with kikes keeping the leash over everyone.

Last time Americans were on verge of creating an ethnic identity was during late 1800s, when the predominantly Anglo-Saxon Protestants were in charge of politics and culture of the country. Sadly, you already squashed Dixie at that point, which was another nascent ethnicity that Yankees did not take any lessons from.

Why don't you just keep tutoring, up your rates a little bit and do that as your full time job/business?

You're wasting 3 years of time when you could have been earning money and getting more clients or hiring another couple of promising STEM students to tutor below you.

Consistency and forgiveness of loan programs for teachers. Plus, why not both?

I'd imagine such software would require mapping out distinct objects seen in real-life into 3D meshes, then compare it to a database of part meshes. So when a robot sees an object, it attempts to virtually overlay possible mesh configurations on it until detects a suitable match. Augmented reality could be tweaked for this purpose.

But the real important thing would be devising software capable of splitting information of a seen object in real-time into many smaller partial descriptions of it.

Also remember education programs are probably going to be very left-leaning.

Personally I'd try to grow a business or at least expand to near full time with what you're doing, but that's just me.

And what good does academia really do?

See what they did 50-60 years ago, before lefties swarmed universities and before hippie movement.


you can become an electrical engineer in the US navy after fallowing their instructions and doing an exam.

I think you are pretty much spot on.
But here in Europe there is also a huge pressure to go to university, which leads to huge masses of not really intelligent people to waste their time.
We also get to study for free basically. You pay like 600 Euro per year, public transportation included.

I'd say gears. Unless you develop shit that's worth something and makes people happy I'd always bet on making something with your hands that makes you content with yourself.

Took me 10 years of pondering to realize that you need to make shit to not feel like shit.

Be a simple man.

No they can't, there's always a need for mechanics.

Mechanics are always needed. Aside from that, even in a world conform with this childish logic, someone would need to design the prototypes for all these machines above. And make improvements based on what goes wrong later on.

Finally someone who gets it.

If you are really stringent, then the sun is basically a nuclear energy source in itself.

You're still just a house nigger and I bet working with kids sucks.

A skilled trade is the way to go, here any way. Young men are too prissy to do a physical job or work outside. Or they think it's beneath them. All the older tradesmen are either retiring or coming to an age where they need an apprentice to take on some of the physical tasks. They're in such high demand they can name their price. Plumbers and electricians charge around $80 an hour. Brickies can clear 250k a year. Cunts are in air conditioned cubicles, working over time, getting fat and earning 50-80k feeling smug about themselves while their wife has to get a part time job.

Half of College/Uni graduates cannot do basic algebra. Think about it. In the current year, being "educated" means nothing. It's not the same as being actually smart ever since all merit has been thrown out the window thanks to greedy (((institutions))), staff, and affirmative action.

oy vey goyim why won't you want to learn at a jewniversity and let Edna Shekelberg teach you some biology and how there's more genders than there's pokemon? Don't you know that only us g-d's chosen have the ability to read books? There's no way you could learn about stuff elsewhere, all the books have been lost for ever and every jew's mind is a vault of knowledge thanks to all those succulent foreskins our chosen people have been sucking for thousand of years *rubs hands* OY VEEEEY

I agree fellow cattle wrangler, there's no way these filthy goyim could figure out how to run their own company without my cousin Moshe's gender studies PhD.


Give your shekels to the new priests.

Welcome to Africa, where the intelligence is too low to be worth measuring.

They can just have a few coons with highschool degrees fuck up their jobs spectacularly getting a few hundreds killed (ie they work at a meat packer and give fucking every piece of meat aids) as to which the jew will simply swoop in and say "we'll need to make college mandatory for new hires, for your own good goy"

Enjoy teaching niggerized kids alongside kids who speak no english and spending >50% of classroom time on discipline/behavioral issues if you step foot in a public school.

This, I've come to the conclusion that the system cannot be saved. It must break apart and we can rebuild from the ashes.

But debt is good, go-guys! You get to pay mortgage payments with pre-tax income! You should make sure to have a healthy amount of debt!

Humanities have nothing redeeming, it is not science. It just holds zero value in terms of human progress. The humanities are a giant indoctrination circus with little regard to proper scientific methodology. The researcher can forge any results in humanity, therefore it is unobjective since this manipulation occurs constantly and is difficult to detect as outsider.

The humanities are making moden university and science look like a diversity cult. Because that is what the humanities are pushing: a politically correct marxist platform for society. They don't care about science or scientific methodology, they care about their cult like religion of diversity. Humanities are closer to religion than science.

Jesus Kek, I don't even

Incredible escalation

This is already the case in Europe.

Your degree means nothing if it isn't in a STEM area.

Other than that I suggest going into computer science or information science (if you're not that great at math), work is easy to find in most areas and you have plenty of oppurtunities to be self employed if you want to.


The thing that always amuses me about those feminists is when they wear those towels out of pro diversity. They actually just submit to the muzzie religion which sees them as tiles to do whatever in that you please. It's written that way in the quran. It really shows how much these people share with cultists, they are immume to rational reasons and just listen to whatever comes from the cult itself.

nigga you tell me when we about to see jetsons and shit

Nu-males are a mistake. Yes, college can be a mistake if you major in a high risk/low reward major, I majored in finance and got an MBA through the GI Bill and work for JP Morgan as a finance manager. It's really all about the person behind the degree, not really the degree itself.

Shits fucked up, that's why. Society already is very much anti-male, at least if you're white and straight. Work has lost its value as welfare can make up for a lot. Wages have been driven down by feminism and immigration. The decline is real and its sucking out our very souls, leaving us as hollow, apathetic drones.

It goes further back than that. Aristotle realized that he only knew that he knew nothing. Here you go, That's more than half of academia laid down for you in these modern times.

It is true. The Frankfurt school academia 'critical method' IS undermining the natural sciences.

To that I can only say, that anyone can inflate their egos and claim what others did are the result of subjective interests. Here you go. Try to 'prove' anything now in the circles. Try to fetch statistics and other useless shit on any given subject you try to conjure problems out of something interresting, something important, even when we know that everything in context is subjective. How fun!

The most aggressive players in this game fucking love being dicks and cunts in public to prove that you never can prove anything by criticizing and pumping out their own through sheer social mechanisms. Academia. It's political. Purely politics. Economics. Litterature. Law. You fucking name it.

Practical academia does not exist.

Also. Physics has a major crisis. Since a few critical laws of physics aren't allowed to be true due to the energy monopoly in effect, any supported 'academia' is basically the make-up-belief that quantum physics MUST make sense: That we can pull out something that's not there by observing and hypothesizing, just because the tiniest conscious entity doesn't want to be defined as both a wave and a particle, we have to explain why. It's not longer natural sciences. It's ==science.== Let's make a big fucking atom collider. That wasn't big enough. Make a bigger one!

The only other, and real, option to get theoretical is to get back in the workshops - back to the tesla practical/theoretical kind of tinkering with shit originally called "experimentation". When you will realize how the universe, how God, is fucking with you every second of your time because you think you got any influence on reality with your puny explanations.

THEN and only THEN the most high-strung academia robot clearly can't subjectify your conciousness to be a hoax compared to hers or his because your 'magical' devices still fucking work.

The blackboard-only option is purely speculation. Academia. To build on what others still fail with. Einstein fell of his tricycle once or twice.

Bohr on the other hand was on to something, and being a lucky and honest Jew he tried to make a practical explanation. But, he he too tried to explain the unexplainable.. Matter simply won't be laid down to be what you wish it to be, but you can still arrange it to make, let's just call it funny shit. Some of it can be harnessed to have practical functions, sure.

IF you STILL wanna do the academia you'd have to be funded by (((some or any interest))) to get attention. I fucking bet the next thing's gotta be a death star.

It's a fucking game.
Please tell me. Why support it at all?

One more time: It's a fucking game.
Please tell me. Why support it at all?

If you wanted to be stringent you would say that the sun and nuclear energy are themselves storage mechanisms, since they are merely releasing the stored energy in atomic nuclear bonds. The only TRUE source of energy in the universe is mass, and due to the recursive nature of the universe the only true source of mass is energy.

Working for the man is a trap. Don't buy the line of "we're desperate for science teachers" thinking you can just hide your power level and not participate in leftist activities and still get tenure. The client base he's accumulating for tutoring is more desperate than bolshevik-controlled schools that want to harm the students, and there just aren't enough of the good schools to hire all of the red-pilled people in STEM. Running ones business is also more than about making money; there's the possibility of growing it to an extent where it makes big impact. He's probably already making more impact than he could taking a straight job.

She still does. She is perfect.

turbine engines are efficient
turbine engines can use cheap fuel.

however, turbine engines cannot do ground mobility due to a lack of response time. turbine anything operates most efficiently at one speed - the running design rpm (for whatever the design parameters). with engines with wide range variable speed, turbines / jet engines have repeatedly demonstrated this deal-breaker disadvantage over decades of failed prototypes. they loose many of their advantages when fitted into bikes, cars, trucks, and even trains. they simply are not responsive enough for second-to-second output adjustments.

to a lesser extent, steam/kerosene power engines have the same problem. they are also more efficient, but require longer startup times, and loose efficiency in the ground mobility application due to carrying all the extra heating element weight around.

cannot do urban. rural and cruise are a different story, but loose out any chance due to market effects.

separately, both turbine, jet turbine, steam, and gas carburetor all have a specific disadvantage: they have the least output torque at vehicular stall (not engine stall, car/train/boat not moving stall). dynamo/electric has the best torque at stall. due to this property of electric, this is the reason why dynamo outputs were, and still are, advanced. the tricks have been figuring out how to tie gas or jet combustion/conversion (input) to dynamo (output). this is also where battery design comes into play, with all the problems of nigger-cobalt china-captured international-kikery mining.

Shoo-shoo, potato nigger.

no. if designed correctly, the battery and regulator can. but the photovoltaic panels will have to be replaced every 6mo (high application) to 2yr (standard application).

off-grid electric battery, capacitance, and regulator builds, to assist both standing and mobile applications, –are– a good plan. decreasing dependency is a good plan. going full-retard on pentuple green energy tax scams selling themselves as the new salvation via globalism (aka 'solar') is not a good plan. the engine (photo or otherwise) should be separated from the electric, and the panels deployed in a replacement schedule.


It works well enough for mah boi DSP, it should work for everybody else.

Explain? I was a NEET as well and hated it.

The secret is have so much debt, when you decide not to pay, the Jew is the one in trouble.

""If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." - J. Paul Getty


No, that's a free piston engine driving an integrated generator with zero crankshafts that can reach 40-50% efficiency.

This beats out turbines any day, and the simplicity makes it a listeroid killer.
The best part about it? There are already small shops making them.

The US military has proven gas turbines are special snowflake maintenance queens.

That's bullshit and you know it.
Hydraulic beats out electric any day of the week.

This is very true. Even in my field, a branch of applied mathematics, the convenient truth of the day is decided by scientific cabals, lobbyists, and funding bodies.

Academia, first and foremost, is a political instrument. The pursuit of truth is a secondary matter.

Are there even any trades that are still worth doing in this marxist shithole of a province? I was thinking of plumbing or something but Ontario seems fucked on every possible front.

a little off topic but
The first few semesters tend to be very demoralising to a student (at least in STEM), so much so as to make him consider dropping out, since none of the things taught seem to have any useful application whatsoever – it's mostly theory upon which modern approaches are based, but which isn't really used itself anymore. It is done for two reasons:
1. the theory is very useful later on in explaining various other, this time modern or universal approaches that ARE used today, giving the student more insight into the problematic than just learning the modern apraoch alone
2. because colleges dislike people dropping out after two semesters because they learned what they needed for a particular job

After about 3 or 4 semesters of this, the student has a good grounding in theory as well as some practical knowledge, and the college focuses on the practical parts of the education as well as modern theory, the student usually realising that all the stuff he considered irrelevant bullshit in the beginning is actually fairly useful and ties into things he wouldn't expect. The usual difference between a student that gets a degree and one who teaches himself is that the one with the degree can apply to a wider variety of jobs, having much wider knowledge, and knowing the why's behind various things, rather than just "if I do X, Y happens".

Of course, this is eastern yurop, so maybe you burgers have it different and only teach gender studies

Okay. When you're inching along being beaten to death on the 5 freeway by tyrone because your shit solar contraption is moving at 3mph due to its .2hp motor, I'll have a full tank which will get me 350 miles and another 25 gallons to get me at least 500 more. I can run tyrones over at 50mph with my built bumpers. can you tell me what isn't within 850 miles? My SHTF plan is actually very mad max. I have a shack in the middle of the mojave that looks like it was abandoned in 1961. Little do you know I have 10k rounds inside, all my guns and explosives, 3 years of food storage, and 6 feet under I have a 5000gl water tank connected to one of the only wells within 300 miles. If I go through 30+ gallons of gas in the post-pocolypse from where I am right now I did something very wrong and deserve to die.

That image dates back to halfchan /tg/ long before the exodus so there was a fair amount of leftist faggotry back in those days.

Just ignore the vaginal jew.

Most feminists like hardcore BDSM and humiliation.

Great post.

Hmm. All those psychology courses and they can't put a finger on the obvious until they're guts deep in the consequences.

Enjoy financial ruin? Somewhere along the line colleges forgot they are a business and need income to survive. this is karma.

Berzerker. Holla Forums incarnate.

Just make more money, stupid poorfag.

I've learned far more from the internet than from school, and far faster. Problem is you need a degree to get a (((job))) because boomer scum are still making the rules. Some fields are also government mandated that you need a degree, and not just medicine. Even many small businesses you need some damned sort of license or certification, for god damned ridiculous shit. You can't even imagine. I wouldn't be surprised if maids need some sort of biohazard cert to scrub a toilet. Remove (((government))) and ridiculous employer expectations, and sure we could eliminate college. But most normies cannot self-educate, which means beta uprising.

(((business world))) you mean.

I tried kosher LARPing for 15 years out of college and all it gave me was a drinking problem and admiration for Hitler.

Yeah, a prostitute tried that with me once. "Hello successful businessman, help mentor this young woman…but let's go back to your place first."

I once BTFOed a lawyerette and made her cry in court. Total fucking bimbo, her father was a (((politician))) and got her the job.

Okay I got lost along the way.

What is kosher larping in this context? You mean like being redpilled, coming to places like this, yet having a hard-working business life?

Pearls before swine. Very few on Holla Forums are MBA material. Very few will ever need to worry about VC. However I've noticed that MBAs take away different things from their training. Very few mastered the whole curriculum.

The rationale makes no sense.

10c has been deposited into your account.

It's not useless shit, it's merely not immediately applicable, and students don't drop out as often.

The majority of posters here are either stuck on a highschool-level education or still happen to BE in highschool.

literally don't care, still going to do my masters in genetics

y'all will thank me when I flood europe with hundreds of battle ready, gene-doped, crispr'd, aryan super soldiers

PV panels are generally good for about twenty years before they start failing, the real issue is the batteries and the fact that its going to cost 20-30,000 dollarydon'ts and in a crisis scenario they really aren't all that resilient and will be impossible to replace.

It can go either way, depending on demand. In the 1940s we had tons of machinists - looked like an eternal job. Now the machinist is either a tool/die maker - making a super-expensive part to let machines make cheaper parts - or a CNC operator or programmer - so his efficiency is increased. Now in the US there was probably a net loss of machinist jobs because we exported so much manufacturing.

If the car mechanic becomes a robot mechanic, and the robot fixes the cars, we need less mechanics right?

Try to talk to people in your industry before you make that decision. Ping people on Linkedin. Many are willing to talk to a student and give advice. Find out which schools produce useful illustrators etc.

Consider Cal Arts if you can get into it, since it was founded specifically to feed the industry. Beware, there are many schools just trying to take your money.

You don't want to spend 4 years and a ton of money, then find out how your school looks to employers.

Why? anyone who's going to be good at something in college will already be studying it before they get there. Lots of people go to college, take undergrad-tier classes that you pass by showing up with a pulse, and then assume that they're good at the material, and this illusion of competence is an important component of leftist ideology.

That's beyond all non-science professors, the majority of them, working on leftist ideology and trading off the good name of scientists.

Sell the colleges for redevelopment as condos. Execute the non-science professors and whip the science professors.

>hochfinanz kikery
I see you've fallen for the jew's lies.

Post on They'll give you the scoop.

Yes, but the remaining jobs tend to need higher and higher IQ.

This is it isn't it. This is the tipping point.
Once male enrollment drops significantly enough, degrees will finally be considered useless.

They are already losing value. But now they will be completely meaningless.

Art isn't like STEM or law or most other fields. For one, it is kiked far beyond even the most leftist field thanks to "lel everything is subjective therefore everything is art". Then there's also the matter of creativity, which is not something a school can teach you. When I delved into art (albeit it was literature rahter than drawing), I found the best approach to be the one that all the masters of old used – to find someone whose work you like and admire, that you yourself consider to be of impeccable quality, and ask him to be your mentor. That way. That way, you can be assured that he isn't full of shit (and lots of supposed art experts ARE full of bullshit and will only cripple your growth) and thus have the confidence in him strong enough to accept his criticism and accept what he says as true (this is a pretty important thing that most leftists fail at – they make one piece that's half decent and declare that their teacher just cannot appreciate their unique style and that they have become masters). It is also far better than school since the mentor can focus on you individually. It's possible that you'll eventually get on the level of your mentor and need a new one.

Of course, few professionals will want to waste time with teaching you the basics, so it's usually better to find someone relatively low-level (but still vastly superior to you in skill) among the hobbyists and the like, who will be only too happy to share what they know with you. After he teaches you everything he knows and you produce something of good quality (remember that practice makes perfect - you should spend a few hours every day practicing), you can try finding someone higher on the proverbial ladder, showing your work to him, and asking him whether he would be willing to help you.

At least, that's the approach if you aim towards being a great artist in your field. If you just want a job in animation then go to college and pump out kiked CalArts garbage for the rest of your days.

Of course, you can't separate the business world from jewry no matter how hard one tries.

Business world = (((business world))).

Other way around user. Men will be considered useless.

Well that's depressing. I keep forgetting that in the real world people don't take into consideration good work ethic and high IQ when hiring. They only look at resumes.

That's illegal, user. You can't hire based on race and gender.

Such a thing has never, does not and never will exist. I agree with the rest of your post though. Science is now wholly owned by the garage tinkerers and basement lab wizards. Academics are a fucking joke un CY+2.

IT certs are the way to go. I posted my resume on Dice right after I got my RHCSA and got 13 calls in one day about jobs. As far as college education goes, if you really want a degree, many colleges will take work experience and certs as credits to be applied to your degree. I'm working on year 3 of my undergrad degree in computer science because of this. Not only that, but I took my time to enroll, only doing it when i had the scholarships to pay for it. Data analytics is where big money is at. Udacity offers a microdegree in this that employers will take as well. Only takes a few months to get.

Please make a genetic disease that makes niggers and semites sterile.

Holla Forumsacks will succeed at the best of the best, no matter if it concerns academia or simply a working world.

But where in the USA are you? West coast?

One of my roommates is majoring in that now because he was too dumb for everything else. It's a joke of a major.

East coast, down south. I wouldn't mind moving for a job though (unless it is to Cali).

Hell, I had a job offer in ALASKA. Had one from Montana, too. Theyre everywhere people use computers in business.

If you really want to be a mechanic, go diesel. Much higher earning potential.

To an extent mechanics are already automated with computer diagnostic tools, the actual work though would require absurdly expensive and specialized machines that likely aren't worth it.

Dubtrips of engineering truth.

smh tbh, fam.

Not disagreeing, but be careful. I have 20+ IT certs… a few in things that don't exist anymore (Novell).

Certs expire. Lots of IT firms refuse to help with renewals or ongoing education. VMware was better with this for a while – their certs would only be available if you took a class, and it was clear they wanted corporate bucks.

There was a time when they weren't worth the paper they were printed on (dot-bomb era). These were rough years, unless you had good experience… but as we've seen, companies love to keep their IT workers down, if not outright replace them with street shitters.

Military and gov't love certs though. Great if you can hold a clearance.

Because being a successful entrepreneur means being Zuckerberg or bust. It's impossible to be a successful small business entrepreneur.


Why? We don't need it anymore. We can learn tons of shot online and on-job training. The need for college is over.

Oil is obsolete. It's still only used because of our greatest ally and its pet.

College education for everything other than rigorous technical/scientific fields is a complete fucking money scam at best and outright indoctrination scheme at worst. Unless you want to be a doctor or a physicist, you have no business going to college.

If your boss says your toilet cleaning job requires a masters degree in toilet cleaning, then you should probably blame the game and not the people refusing to play it.

Furthermore, how come Paco McBeaner the tradie earns 80k a year running his construction company, while white people are working minimum wage jobs with their worthless women's studies college degrees? You've been duped by the kikes.

God damn it, Sineahd has a white boyfriend and I only had a black hoe that stole my pr0n collection for crack! So triggering!


Why design a multi-million dollar machine if you can pay a mild salary to a person that needs a afternoon at most to identify the problem and resolve it.

You automated cucks fucking piss me off, it`s all fear mongering with you faggots

I've gone out with a ridiculous number of women with (((social work))) degrees to the point it feels like there is an equal number of social workers to all other degrees. Soon every person will have their personal social worker.

That dude looks like a cuckolded hipster fag.

Don´t forget that Whites are bearing the costs of the "education industry" if they leave then the whole system goes bankrupt…

White men? Or does dindus and latinos have problems too? -)

Companies that replace them with street shitters inevitably suffer in a lot of areas of their business. The demand for IT is going to remain high. Yeah, I recall certs not being worth quite as much, but the ones that test you in a lab setting will always have value.

CompTIA stepped up their game and finally decided their certs would take studying a bit longer to actually pass, even including the A+ certification. I honestly do suggest for anyone who doesn't want to be a NEET but doesn't want to go to college to get your CompTIA A+ cert. Buy/use someone's .edu email address to save yourself 50% off the test, buy the exam (you must take it within a year), study for 1-3 months (depending on experience), and get yourself a helpdesk job. From there, learn some higher-end shit your company does and get whatever certs you need to encourage them to move up. There you go, you now have experience + certification. Do this + network with folks and you'll be making at least 60k in 1-2 years.

Depends on the chapter lad.

College is completely obsolete. People teach themselves when they're interested in something, and schools do not have a monopoly on mentors. The resources available for learning pretty much anything render college utterly superfluous.

Matriarchies for Cro-Magnon's are meant to be a microcosm of the family and the house. Men and women think and process information very differently. Men are more capable leaders because of this, the innate capability to control our emotions which is built into our genetic code, guides our capability to govern. Women on the other hand, are emotionally driven, which is an incredible asset to go through harsh extremes for the sake of the family. They are passionately driven to complete tasks, often with disregard to the cost or consequences. Women without children or families are perfect minions for those who understand the nature of how the brain functions for the two sexes. Childless women are the foot soldiers of liberalism, social anarchy and corruption. They are like men without the impetus of a family behind them, lazy in regards to actual work, clumsy and easily discouraged, which is perfect for a minion that needs to be activated, and deactivated on a whim.

Both factors of male and female are required for society to function "naturally." There are exceptions, but that delves into technocratic limbo.

There are exceptions of women have stepped into leadership roles and succeeded, but you cannot govern by pandering to examples of exceptions to the rule and hope for lasting harmony.

Being a NEET is about time. You have time for everything. Time to shitpost on the internet to your heart's content, time to play video games to autistic endgames, time to watch entire seasons of anime in a single day, and time to sleep at night. Everything is reduced to it's purest enjoyment, unobstructed because no matter what you do you don't worry about the TIME of it.

Even if you're a wageslave that can shitpost online, and watch anime, and play video games, and sleep, the enjoyment of all of it is lessened by the fact that you must always be aware of the time they take and the time you have and the time that must be sacrificed for each different thing. You can never reach the same peak of happiness because there's a little nagging goblin at your feet looking at his watch the whole time.

But a NEET also worries about the TIME when his parents can't afford to pay for his life anymore.

How is it even possible to escape the wageslave good goy life?

This is good advice. Some organizations don't really allow that, but when I've worked for those that do, it's absolutely flabbergasted me when entry people wouldn't take advantage.

I was able to move from sysad to cybersecurity because I did the CEH out of personal interest (and free lab training.) Impressed the cybersecurity guy who was about to leave and looking for someone to replace him.

Having both talents (and networking talents) has proved indispensable for me.

Too bad for you then retard. Also humans are not birds of paradise, they are primates, so it makes the most sense to look at primitive human societies, primates, and other large carnivorous mammals like lions for drawing comparisons.

Is social work a degree in the US? Really? You don't need a 4 year degree to do social work ffs. You can do that shit better than 95% of social workers with a basic course about medication lel.

Really so people actually study that?

It's too late for me. I fell for the STEM meme. I went to grad school and got a PhD, too. Now I'm stuck in a boring, unfulfilling career. I make just enough money such that starting over with something else isn't worth it.

I should have become a code monkey or learned a trade. I miss working with my hands in a lab. I spend my free time coding for fun.

definition: not in employment or education.

You can be both. In my country you can technically work 12 weeks (3 months) a year then claim unemployment benefits as long as you keep working 12 weeks a year. Make sure you do decent work and you'll be frothed 1800 euro a month for doing jackshit. For comparison the average salary around here is like 2-2.3k a month. But you'll actually work only 1/4 of a year for it. It's kind of a huge gaping hole in the benefits system that you could really abuse if you're smart.

The enjoyment of what you're describing is lessened by the fact that you're just trying to escape a shitty world and the fact you aren't accomplishing anything. Kind of the same as with working, but with working some career paths offer good perspectives.

The correct answer is the emperor


Anyone have advice for someone who just got out of the military and has a full ride for college? Everywhere looks so pozzed including the career fields. What's a non cucked college/uni to go to?

Yup, anyone pushing MBAs is an utter faggot.

Return of the citizen scientist. If you're a Holla Forumsack with an IQ over 140, you have a duty.

Community college is basically your safest bet of avoiding pozz because nobody spends time there outside of class. Otherwise you just have to avoid it.

Because that's a non-point. The amount of men in college is still dropping and the amount of women is rising.


I remember being in high school in the 80's, and I remember that they were claiming then that we'd be out of oil completely by the early 2000's. I also remember books from the 70's that set the "no more oil" date in the 90's, right before the second ice age kicked in and froze us all. But it was ok because muh solar breakthroughs that were right around the corner.

Also, fuck electric cars, those are for fags. Always were, always will be.


Nigger I have construction classes where I need to design machinery by hand with a pencil. It's an unavoidable class, where I need to get every several-hour project right on a sub-milimeter level. This is shit that takes entire weekends, and some of the ones where you can fail even take place on-the-scene, so you only have like half an hour to do it. All this when software is around that allows for this to be done much more easily, much more precisely, and much more quickly. Some classes are just useless shit. Seriously, it feels like it's just one humongous scam created for (((professors))) to pass or fail students on a whim, simply by choosing whether or not to rigorously enforce impossible standards on a case-by-case basis.


College is one of the biggest scams / rackets of our time. Going into $30,000 student loan debts to be indoctrinated by Marxist professors? NO THANKS!

Don't be me, user. Become a mechanic. The biggest regret of my life so far has been not insisting to my parents that I learn a trade before going to college. Literally wasted years of my life on it.

Got you.

I am pretty sure he wasn't a kike though. He had good upbringing, but as the rest of highly educated Jewish scientists he fled after getting scouted by Nazi Germany for an atomic weapon.

I guess 4 things were critically needed for Nazi Germany to win the war.

1. The blunder of Dunkirk. maybe 3 or 4 years of extra years on the defence could've meant a lot, with a high probability leading to winning the African war, securing the gasoline lines critically needed in the later stages of the war.

2. Shift in military materiel produced, focusing on u-boats to cripple forign trade and securing the air superiority over the inevitable Russian invasion, that maybe could've been won over a longer span of years focusing on better tactical retreats and the known superiority of the German spearhead advances with the superior mechanized artillery. All of Germany's finest died in one night because of a desperate advance, knowing the Russians sooner or later would've overrun them.

3. Hitler maybe could've united the country without explicitly naming the Jew, but in the circles. So, if he never named the Jew publicly in the propaganda Hetzs that could've lead on to point 4.

4. As they already did, but even more so collaborating with the honorary Ariyans/Jewish scientists for the creation and use of the atomic bomb, thus winning the war.

Also, the UK could've been done a lot easier if the air superiority had been bigger. Forign trade was critical in all stages of the war and the biggest efficiency of any part of the German army had was the lone wolfs patrolling the seas. A doubling in funding would've had such an impact we're talking years of further preparations. Also, if the Japs didn't attack Pearl Harbor that too would've had made things a lot more peaceful overseas.

Nah, theres a tipping point because you can only have a certain amount of incompetent people in any successful business

started first day of summer classes today, taking calculus. mechanical engineering major.

in my class i counted 19 men to 2 females.

my school has a 30k$ grant program to get womynz into STEM, but most women seem to pass, its a very difficult program to pass because the student MUST maintain 2.0 or better, if not that money must be paid back.

anyhow, i have taken to referring to the first day of any new semester as "Title IX Day", because the majority of the first class sesstion is always a bunch of madatory stuff the professor must read to the class (by law), about if you are a black transgendered teenage single mother on foodstamps, you will get special treatment and considerations, such as extra time for assignments, retests and similar stuff like that.

People act like colleges are the gatekeepers of knowledge. It is sufficient to work through books to gain the necessary knowledge. The most difficult subjects are rarely offered by colleges due to lack of interest. I ended up having to study many subjects independently. Do the minimum to get a degree if you want one. Then, study on your own. It is easy now that information is widely available.

my poli sci professor told me the last day of semester when i was saying my final goodbye

"if you want an education, go to the library,
if you want to get laid, go to college"

Time really doesn't mean shit in neetdom. But eventually it gets boring and you become a jaded, cynical asshole that doesn't enjoy anything.

Luckily that can be remedied by working your ass off a good month or 2 and returning back to neetdom to enjoy your shit.

This is nigger tier reasoning. You dont need MBA to start a business or be an entrepreneur.
You have your head in corporate rat race dick sucking mode.



I've been NEET for 6 months and I have never been more consistently sad in my entire life.

Unless you want to do experimental science. Lab equipment is expensive. I can't afford to build a synchrotron in my basement.

NEET here as well. I'm miserable 24/7. No amount of escapism through drugs and mindless entertainment will make you happy or content with life. Heaven and Hell is on Earth. Living a pointless life with no struggle, no family to raise, no passion is Hell.

That's because fapping messes up your brain's dopamine responses

Another sheckel has been deposited towards paying off your expensive MBA.
Keep up the good work O'schlomo


How obvious it does. I have never thought about it so simply.

I remember when I was an internet fresh kid I played counter strike and whenever I felt down I immediately took a fap instead. What a freaking monkey I was. I once fapped 11 times in one day.

I gotta say, that's pretty impressive. In my vigor of youth my record was 9.

Having a job doesn't change any of that. It just makes your day that much shittier.

The truth is simple and obvious, easy to overlook. >>>/nofap/ my friend

Checked. Pretty good 4u too. I had a friend who couldn't muster up more than twice a day.

Yeah man. Thanks. It's not hard to deal with when you realize your own sexuality stems from the natural attraction of women instead of the perversity. A fap quenches the thirst, but not the loneliness, and it's from the loneliness you learn to man up.

If I arsed I could play the game any day. But I am waiting for the real deal. The real qt3.14. It's not about sex. It's about life.

be a train mechanic

Yeah, the urge isn't lust, it's the urge to reproduce and make White children. Fapping makes you give off pheromones signalling that you already have a mate, so no girl will be interested in you.

That's not how female sexuality works.
That's not how fapping works, either.

ok shlomo


Enjoy your fucking prostate cancer you faggots.

Masturbation = overstimulation of prostate = prostate cancer. Enjoy low test

Exactly. It also doesn't help that they've been on a continuous campaign, since the early 60s, to get rid of people who might suggest that race is real and genetics play a big role in the establishment of civilizations and culture. People like Carleton S. Coon left the American Anthropological Society for this reason.

No, you'll end up feeling like shit whether you fap or not "burned out dopamine receptors" have fuck all to do with it – NEETs are depressed because they fall into a routine of decadence where they do nothing prouctive, don't move forward, and usually physically degrade. Their mind knows that they are wasting their life, and their subconscious is aching because of lack of human interaction. If you are a NEET and depressed, literally all you have to do is exercise a few times a week, hang out with friends (if you don't have ones, make them) every friday, and take up a productive hobby like painting or writing or sculpting or whatever - something that has a tangible output and where you can see your own improvement. The depression will stop soon, with or without fapping.

They are working on A.I.'s that code themselves.
Just a matter of time until you get replaced too.

I thought I had probably read the stupidest thing ever earlier today, with Brits worrying about being "islamophobes" for not enjoying their truck of terror. But no… you, user, take the cake. Equating "overstimulation" of anything to a cause of cancer is the absolute zenith of stupid.

As an ex-NEET this point deserves heavy emphasis.
Granted your point on exercise is still valid. I would work out during my NEET days but immediately spiral out of control browsing Holla Forums for several hours on end.
Something with "tangible output" that you enjoy needs to fill the time slot that would otherwise be spent doing mindless shit.

keep making excuses for ejaculating to pictures instead of having children

Is it worth going to community college than transferring credits to a four year school for a criminal justice degree? Getting too old to be a neet. I also been playing/watching a lot of deadly premonition and twin peaks. I heard criminal justice is one of the few bachelors that worth a damn. In terms of getting you a job.

Transferring is always going to be cheaper far as I know. As for the degree itself, if you want to be something other than a cop (starting off) you might need something to accompany it like some other degree, or just a different degree to begin with (talking things like forensics.)

What about majoring in homeland security? You can get a degree in homeland security nowadays.

I haven't heard of that one before. I researched Criminal Justice a little when I was thinking of doing it. Homesec degree sounds like a good way into a government job to me, though.

i mean sure you get to shoot niggers on occasion but you get to do that anyway on dotr. other than that you're a street soldier for zog. smh tbh fam.

I'll spare the blogpost, but Ive been really thinking a lot about wrapping a belt around my neck and sufficating myself by attaching the end from the door in my room.

Dotr don't pay you to shoot niggers. What other jobs can you make a living and support a family by killing niggers?

how new are you friend?

how about microbiology and genetically engineer a more trasmissible form of ebola paid for by the cdc and cia? you could be a cia nigger.

You need a bachelor degree to be a CIA nigger

you can test out of your first two or three semesters with advanced placement and clep tests. go to community college or cheap in state school and finish the last 4 or 5 semesters while working. then be a cia nigger. if you military beforehand then you've got a steady job and cash flow and daily regimen before fucking about in school. and your gi will cover school for you. plus on a lot of jobs you gain preference as a vet.

I could never understand why people off themselves without taking something that they hate out with them. I think if everybody who killed themselves just took out something evil in the world, this world would be a better place.

They will organize orgies, and have "polyandry" arrangements for sex and breeding, leading to stone age conditions.

Criminal justice grad here, got a minor in cybersecurity and specialized in geographic information systems. It's worth it to the extent you can get a job - I am currently running own GIS firm and do work for two nonprofits here. Keep in mind, everything I do now can be applied directly to law enforcement and if needed to seriously pay bills I would sub-contract my existing contracts out and go work innaprison. Also, everything I use now to run my company was largely self-taught and learned from observing others who are much better.
It is worth it just for the connections alone, program depending. I have the personal cell numbers of several lawyers, judges, probation officers, etc - they were all professors of my courses. Additionally, I was able to obtain a clearance and could have worked for almost any alphabet (got cleared at a school called ATIC in Ohio which is one of the largest feeders in the nation) - turned them down due to being total warrior of zog at that level. Got to meet people who could, at this point due to their positions, quite literally get me a job on a handshake. Worked in DC - hell of a town but too expensive and way too poz'd.
Degree in crim justice is worth it but you'll be surrounded by low energy people who get passed because they're athletes and military women who are playing the gender card way too hard. But the professors will be the thing you should be going to college for - if the program has shit professors, as in google them, research them, don't go.

I wouldn't transfer in crim justice, the classes will not match up and you will not make connections with your professors. Especially with the bullshit general elective classes. Almost no 'core' classes will transfer - tried to transfer down to in DC after my internship due to my boss HUD, was super dope, they know fucking everything about everyone, offered a job. Reconsidered due to spoiler.
Also had a buddy do exactly what you propose - community college, transfer to school get BS. He's doing exactly the same thing as me and he graduated with something like 80 extra credits in computer stuff because his military training, while it went above and beyond what we learned in class, didn't 'explicitly satisfy the requirements of the circular' or whatever.

major in crim justice then intern at homeland., 1000% better. though not all programs have this connection - mine had a few guys from high up in the FBI, CIA/DHS, and ATF. My mentor was a South African guy who is an ex-mercenary, taught firearms.

That you do. Though, you can get on-the-job training that counts towards your degree - they tried to trick me into doing that to get my TS and then work at an alphabet as "it's only a few more credit hours! Plus we're paying for it, relocation too!" Noped the fuck out of there. NEVER take an offer like that in general. Especially if it puts you in a position where you may, someday, know too much.

not that simple man. some community colleges don't allow you to test out with AP stuff, that's usually only for high school kids. Also not all states have community colleges that are cheap or free. To being cianigger you gotta get picked, my man. - also be smarter than the next guy and show more interest in it.



That was Socrates.

Aristotle is called the Master of Those Who Know.

I'm not sure how one could prevent another from taking someone out to lunch and "picking their brain". Especially on help desk, you do get some downtime. See about helping out in some departments on side-projects or whatnot with some of your spare time.

Be a super saver. Live like a poor college student until you don't need to work anymore. Approximately equal amounts on saving as on spending.
Drawbacks are that (a) your workplace might not perceive you as seeking advancement because you're not spending as though you have your next job title already and (b) once you retire you're at the mercy of the jews crashing the whole system unless you also have a sustainable innawoods setup.
This is basically what I did. I retired well before what others would consider reasonable taking the risk of having no medical insurance, because I figured if I waited I might end up with no retirement at all when we crash. I'm older, have always been somewhat sickly, and have talents that mostly only work well in an advanced civilization; and so was not in a position to plan to weather the collapse. YMMV. I know others of my generation (tail-end boomer) who are taking a chance that they will live long and have a more comfy retirement, but only if we don't crash. I know others whose strategy was to abuse the safety net; so they lived more extravagant lifestyles than me, but are totally dependent on the govern,ent now.

That only works if you go to a smaller CC and/or university. If you're going attending ones in a large metropolitan area it's close to impossible.

This, this, this. Professors are the ones that can make or break your college experience. If you have good, engaging professors, you'll love going and showing up to class. Making yourself a regular during their office hours is essential for future networking/letters of recommendation.

Mah nigga. Philosophag major here. It warms my heart seeing people accurately quote/know the ancients.

I've never heard of a workplace that keeps track of what their employees are spending their paychecks on.

I mean it's your own fault for not taking advantage of NEET and abusing substances instead.

move to thailand and sell cheap chink shit on amazon?

Your work place is well aware of what neighborhood you live in, whether you dress for success, whether you go out partying regularly with your co-workers or host gatherings, etc. This won't apply if you have your own business doing "dirty work" like plumbing, but will apply double if you're in an office environment.

A huge part of the industry is your local mechanic (a viable option at least in my area) doing mostly brakes, bearings, and replacing something that your kid destroyed when they ' just need the car for 15 mins,linda is waiting,don't you love me,,, ' changing the powertrain does little to the required maintence of a 1.5ton object plowing through the world on an often brutal surface for a decade piloted by people that feel it would be beneath them to spend a few mins to understand the tool that an error mechanically is more likely to kill them that whatever boggyman of the day floating around facebook could ever be.

Any more general advice for someone going to community college for IT soon?

The hostile environment for men is a feature for them, not just incidental to feminism. It is the whole point.

The catch is of course that civilization is created by men, whether college grads or not, and men with physical skills will be far better off than all the dumb cunts with women's studies and journalism degrees with internships as social media coordinators posting random shit on the internet. All these women's empowerment bitches in college are actually being fucked by the system that claims to empower them, and on purpose.

Women in debt can't afford to start families and men who want to start families won't take them.

It fucks over white family formation in so many ways it's hard to count them:
people with massive college debt can't start families
people without jobs can't start families
men don't want to marry women who rode the carousel in college
women don't want to marry men who don't make as much money as them and/or don't have degrees
brainwashed college grads are taught not to have families, especially white ones, and to breed below replacement at worst.
people who wasted their most important years for acquiring career skills instead drinking/fucking and learning nothing can't earn enough money to start families
women don't want to have kids in the proper age range (16-24) because they feel they need to go to college and start a career
drug addled, nihilist brainwashed with nothing matters and everything is relative won't have kids
ultra-environmentalist people are destroying the planet types won't have kids(because of course they would never admit that it's brown people who will consume the environment, so they pretend like it's just people in general)
and so on…

Good for us.

Most jobs will be automated out anyway.


Thanks guys. I will remember.

You need a license for any trade in north america. Anyway: Gas mechanic there's a shortage of 7m mechanics in the US alone(700k in Canada), find a small shop get your apprenticeship done then get hired on at a union dealership shop and retire in 25 years with a pension. Or, specialize and pick up electronics and open your own shop. Most dealerships pay for out-of-house experts to do repairs on anything relating to electronics. Or go diesel then you can start working on fun stuff like trains, cranes and so on. Or you can get your jet certification and get hired on by an airline. Doesn't matter which route you go, the jobs are in very high demand.

All trades are worthwhile. But plumbing much like electrical and HVAC lives or dies by the demand of the housing market. All of Canada is fucked housing market wise right now and when the crash happens you'll be glad you didn't pick it. If you got in ~4 years ago you'd be safe. If you're looking for something good though, go get your trade in a linesman. That is along as you don't have a problem working with electricity.

Robots are shitty at non-logic problem solving. The way it works is via a flow chart, the same way as you would diagnose a problem if you're a mechanic. The problem is a human can think creatively and see where something else might cause the failure, where the robot would get stuck. An example from when I was apprenticing. Fuel pump wouldn't work on a '92 Olds 88(3800series engine). The flow chart says to check fuses, and pump and wiring harness. What it doesn't say is there is a body ground that's also required, otherwise it won't work. A robot wouldn't figure that out. Another example with a GM 3.1L with TBI(throttle body injection). Vehicle has poor mileage and random stalls, flow chart says check fuel pump, lines, engine timing, TBI voltage, and rotor and cap distance. Actual problem: Intermittent failure of the TBI sensor causing the injector to shut off, even though sensor is reporting correct +/- values to spray fuel.

I'm doing basically what you described with the saving. Live like a poor student, buy stable non-US stocks and gold.

I'm also experimenting with growing my food. I have a small garden which I fill with food crops, but I recently started guerilla gardening in ditches, construction areas and similar wasted land.

I'm young and in for the long run.

Never needed them to begin with.

It's residency capacity that's the rate-limiting step, not med school capacity.

But if a person's a NEET, they most likely don't have the connections for something like that, right?

Women are property to be seized. If you aren't seizing them; then some skraeling is! Children are your retirement plan and can make you powerful if you raise them right. Just ask Cliven Bundy.

but that's 'problematic' and no lib would ever admit to it
That's why i love that argument

This tbqh

It surely is

Well it's still combustion

tbqh, it's sort of already there.
Volvo ftw.
t. ML/Robotics faggot

Weird seeing all these people disagreeing with you, because I had the same experience as you. I sorely miss it, but I knew I had to get on with things or I'd hate life later on. Regardless, you are perfectly correct about the time goblin.

If I had no family (that is, parents, brother, etc), I'd be a welfare neet right now.

Not yet and not for a while, anyway.

White women can do anything, as long as its not having white babies.

uh huh
thats how we got to where we are, by not having any babies

this is a heavy redpill that needs to be shoved in every liberals throat

if my dick had wings it could fly, right? Stop being fucking retarded.

Check out Western Governor's University if you're going to go the IT route. It's a respected degree, you can get your undergrad as fast as you can do it, the sooner you get your degree the less it costs, and the cost is less than a community college + finishing undergrad at a university. See, you're billed for the time you're there. Oh, and you also get a fuckton of certs while getting your degree. Also, regionally accredited. It takes ~2.5-3 years to get a BS in IT and the following certs:

CompTIA A+
CompTIA Network+
CompTIA Security+
CompTIA Project+

CompTIA Linux+
CIW Site Development Associate
CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS Specialist
CIW User Interface Designer

The expected time to complete the B.S. Information Technology degree is one year or less for students with an associate’s degree in IT. If you're getting a degree, you might as well get your 4 year degree.
But if you're sticking with community college, at the very least make sure you use MeetUp app and actually try to network with folks in the field so you can find a place to start working (or get in touch with a recruiter) and get some experience under your belt. IT programs will get you some certs in the process, but I hear a lot of the times they get away with cheating… so it's hard to say for me. Just if you're going the degree way, it's bad to just stop at an associate's degree in this field.

Employers could come to your home knock at your door at anytime if on sick leave from long term sickness about a week or two depending on your company's policy and state.

I kinda wanna do reboot of Fist of the North Star, season 3. Smooth the whole plot out, get ride of all the plot holes and make it so Bart is actually in the land of Shara for longer than 4 or so episodes. The whole first part of season 3 was completely useless and could've been reduced to maybe 10 episodes.

WHAT THE FUCK the jews got to her


You act like the men have any kind of choice in the matter. It's the women who won't take the men. Every one believes her own value is in the millions, they don't think $80k of debt is anything at all. Even the men who actually would deal with her debt for the sake of family and future would get rejected by the woman, because she thinks she's worth more than that.

Why do women love ruining themselves?

no strong man to control them

Walked away from a masters degree in biochem.

Total waste of time, glad I left. Wish I'd gone into eng. but it's too late now. I guess I know how to make drugs, high-powered 'fireworks', and bio-'pranks'. So that's neat. The world is full of happenings so maybe I'll get to make use of it one day.


nigger you wat

Fuck school, just get your:


Cisco CCNA

SQL cert

Citrix cert

Microsoft somthing

your good to go, maybe get certified in WIndows server 2012 or whatever garbage they have now

what's wrong with CompTIA?


Nothing, so long as you have something to go with it. ITIL certs seem to be in big demand.

I like how they showed a picture of a white male. Have fun working for an Asian or Indian with a college degree.

Evergreen college is 50k for a liberal arts degree

The easiest way to get that tangible output?
Cooking. Make some delicious food

10/10 if you teach the kids about the Jews.

When I started studying engineering where I live, literally 80-90% of the people enrolled landed a job before they finished, even with shit grades.

Now 5 years later, it's completely different and people are struggling.

Becoming a science teacher is my fall-back plan.

Traditional Christian thought and culture laid the foundations for the rise of the West and it's many positive enclaves of advanced living and thinking, including the University system. As the West has now by and large intentionally abandoned the one true and living God, why wouldn't the University system go down in flames along with it?

This outcome of our University system is just a simple artifact of God withdrawing His blessing off the Western Tradition in general. Repentance could reverse it all, but that seems rather unlikely in my opinion.

both of these things are true and are already happening:
yes. And:

She will marry a guy so that she can have "her special day" and get the social status of being married. But then she'll find she aren't attracted to him and divorce him after a few years and tell everyone it was his fault

Furthermore, women in this future world (where almost no men have an education) will continue to slut it up through their 20s. Chad doesn't need to be educated to hit that spot in a woman's hindbrain that turns her on. He's good for fucking, but not for marrying.

You on the other hand are good for a temporary marriage after her youth and looks fade, but not for fucking.

As more and more women get degrees and money and power, literally nothing about women's sexual strategy is going to change.

The only workable strategy for men today is to try to find a girl in high school - that's the last chance you'll have to find a non-slut (and even then it's not guaranteed). If you can find one, marry her and have a few babies. You'll probably still get divorced, but at least you got to fuck an attractive girl.

The alternative is that you are an incel through high school and college and into your 30s, then a "reformed slut" will try to marry you. that's an insult and you should tell her to kill herself - marry a non-slutty high school sweetheart or nothing at all.

This is why sometimes, I dabble in the idea of slashing federal/state-funded universities altogether. Especially in larger infrastructures and with more complex manufacturing processes, large companies can't operate without staff that is prepared for work. They need people to be trained and taught what they need. So the whole 'without federal funding, no-one except the rich would get educated' no longer holds true. Financing it through the state gives the common people more freedoms, but they wouldn't end up being denied it altogether. You know in which scenario education (job-related) would be mean and lean? Where student slots are allocated to the most promising applicants, where unnecessary classes would be slashed, and where all education received would be tailored to the jobs they're meant to prepare you for?

It's when every extra cent spent on your education is a cent of extra loss or a cent less profit for a company that needs to make money. Then they'll teach you what you need, and will do it at minimum cost.
We have federally funded colleges yet unmanageable student loans now already, it's gotten so bad, student loan derivatives are 2007 real estate MKII. The whole student loan thing is not an argument. The state is as ruthless a bank in this matter as any regular bank.

One reason why degrees are overinflated and some companies in each field (not saying all of them, there are employers that are woke on this to some extent) have unreasonable demands regarding qualifications, is that they can rely on several years worth of attempted preparation already being completed by the time anyone applies. This is a humongous (and ridiculously inefficiently covered) extra cost that they can simply save on. Sure, products and services would be more expensive, but taxes would go down significantly, which would make the market a lot more healthy.

Make a virus that takes out the nogs.

I think theres a fine line between a girl who takes 30 dicks and then who has a few LTR.. not every single girl is worthy of your time sure, but where do you people come from? its like youre frothing out the mouth or some shit. Stop being autisic and get over yourself. Boo fucking hoo a women had a couple lays before you you insecure pricks act like its the fucking apocalypse. Yes there are way more trashy women now everything is weimar, but walking around everyday holding these thoughts is unhealthy.

Is it insecurity?

Every women i have even known that has had more then five partners in her life is a destroyed women now. It's horrible the amount of drama they drag through their own life and that of their children. I thought for a long time how they become mentally unstable and i reached a conclusion.
Basically when you have a partner for the first time you learn how to pleas them. Any negative aspects about them, you learn how to deal with it. When you have a negative thought you cant compare their actions to anyone because they are your first. You basically have to deal with them and you cant just write them off. This happens on both ends women and male. But a women or man who has had many partners compares everything with their past. For example, If the girl is upset with you in her mind she will compare you with all the other guys shes been with. This is why you hear the phrase "Ugh! your just like -insert past relationships-". In her mind you will always be the same as her past lovers and in time get boring. This is why they can never find that "good guy" because their good guy is made up of all the past men they where with compiled down into only the good moments. With guys that sleep around, they become null to emotional attachment to women and cant have a good emotional bond with them "get sick of their shit". So whats the biggest problem is, what caused this whole mess? It was the hippy lefts sexual revolution and freedom of partners. It was and still is an extreme idea that has caused the situation we are in today.

now that you mention it.

The SS Race Manual specifically states to look at a woman's extended family–specifically, it says that the truth of her health is shown to you by the state of her clan.

I got paid to go to school, and I left for similar reasons. I was a Marine, infantry-side, and yes, I am frequently possessed of the urge to gulag about 20 million Marxists or so. I couldn't stay in college.

I can't wait to get flat earth cancer the fuck out of Pagan renaissance.

You realize that that's merely an equation for Energy with a substitute value that says the speed of light is the limit of the function of velocity, right? It's not exactly the holohoax.

Well, OY VEY, I wonder (((WHO))) could be behind THAT?


Indeed. No hymen, no diamond. Never give a slut the time of day, and don't be a cuck. It's about time women had some fucking standards reinforced for a change. If they want a quality man (like any of them will), then they can either do what's right or die alone with their cats.

No. Women fucking around at all is unacceptable and totally unnatural. I am likely to be within a few ears of any Fuehrer we have. I will be advocating for the execution of all whores and no other policy concerning whores. Their best chance is being deported to Africa so they can die in a land of "progress."

The big problem with nuclear power is that if the white race goes extinct, you'll have the same sorts of subhumans who run South African power plants running nuclear power plants. That could cause hundreds of meltdowns across the multicultural paradise of the future which is why we should proceed with building nuclear power plants in every area without earthquakes.

I made several points in that post, but you're too much of a goddamn retard to quote the portion of the post that you're responding to, so I'm left to guess how your post even relates to mine. I *think* you are responding to this:

And your response is:

But see, you're still an idiot, because I didn't say "only marry a virgin" - I only said to avoid sluts. A girl who "had a couple of lays" isn't a slut. So you're not arguing against anything I said.

Is this is the best you can do? Straw man?

I'm currently pursuing a Computer Engineering degree and it's just $600 per sem it's in Southeast Asia so it's cheap. I plan to infiltrate Microsoft or any random big Silicon Valley company when I graduate. Should I push through my degree? Btw, I don't think my uni is a cheap scam because I have relatives in America that took the same course there but they find my tests very hard. It also turns out that my regular quizzes are basically as hard as their finals.

Fuck off, we're full.

Over half the degrees for college are useless anyways, but we still need college. You can't step out of high school and be a doctor without it. The world needs doctors, as so does it need other jobs. English majors? Arts? History? Gender Studies? No one -needs- those things. They don't make the world go round. Businesses and sciences do. Usually people going to college already have the money gifted by parents so their child can have a stable income, and the others are gifted college for free somehow. The people in the middle have nowhere to go with this. Paying thousands of dollars in classes and loans would take over half their life span of the money they'll make from the job it promises (if they find the job in the first place.). Then there's everyone not being prepared for college. If you're someone who has never been to college, how do you think you should prepare? Extra notebooks? Paying more attention? A recorder? Try stressing the hell out because your professor doesn't know the subject, or even how to teach it. You think you're the best listener in class? Honey, there's professors where everything they say won't be on the exam. You'll get a W or a bad grade if you're not "prepared" for that kind of armageddon. It's common too. You better keep those grade point averages up, or else you'll never get into that program you want that only accepts five people. Why five people? -Because a lot will drop out otherwise. Why? Because they wasn't "prepared" like I said. College is a trial of fire paid in blood. If you're being offered it for free, to some people it's worth a shot to see if you survive. If you're giving your left arm for it, only to be lashed by a whip every day for loans on-top of being misguided for what's on exams, you bet people won't do it. No one wants to sit in a class with the guilt of high payment over their heads as their professor turns out to be shit. No one. It's common and you will run into it with a class you need at least once. Mark my words: you'll never see it coming.

Tits or GTFO.

That autistic screeching may have worked before but it's too late sis.

I am an international businessman, and my true love is a shopgirl.

If that's the case then how do you explain polygamy?

Come live with our traditional church in Monett, Missouri and learn a trade so you can work with your hands.

You can start a family inexpensively and find a wife who wants you to be a godly master over her.

Christcucks confirmed to be sheep.

Academia gives people knowledge with rigor, not this retarded bullshit. Lurked Holla Forums for a while but this takes the cake. But then again, you are too good, too pure in your racial pride and politics to actually go, o wait…

Maybe if you actually tried to pay attention in class and learn how to do proper research and homework, instead of working the spare time you had, you would have actually made sense, without retarded "college hates men" memery, o wait…

>I went to college and got a full-time job in a related field. I took exactly four classes in my entire time at college that had ANY usefulness to my job, and I still had to learn just about everything from scratch anyways. I'm not super pissed because I'm okay with money and don't have any debt, but the loss of basically four years for nothing still stings a little. I never even met any nice girls.

So you went to college, didn't meet anybody, only took 4 classes that had ANY usefulness to your job, got hired in your job field, and are now a NEET. It all makes sense now: you were so shit at your job and at life in general that they fired you, or found an excuse to fire you, and now you are bitter about your life choices, which is why you are here on Holla Forums. Or am I missing something about you?

The only thing good about you is that at least you didn't fall for the "personal responsibility" meme, and have the potential to recognize that this isn't your fault. Be more rigorous about who you will blame for your predicament, and don't take shortcuts in your investigation.



Don't spend the money on college if you can self-teach, unless you want to use the piece of paper in your career, like to climb the ladder of a big dumb corporation. If you do go to college make sure to be a big pain in any corrupt admins/profs.

There is no hard evidence for the link that he makes. There's no data backing up the statements. That thread is deception, human birth does not work the way that the poster claims.

To add this is the only thing written about it:

Also the most discussed one about telegony. It's important to note that the biology from fruit flies and humans is very different as is the process of giving birth. Also some claims in that post are absurd, such as a woman becoming more 'male' if she hooks up a lot. Where's the evidence in hormonal patterns changing? Because that is what should happen.

Seems like mgtow propaganda ( MGTOW is a Jewish scheme ).

show that you have millions faggot

nah it's just for omega males to retract with a lame excuse. just like transgenders are castrating themselves to show subservience to the overlords.


This is the secret. Not actually performing a trade, but knowing it well enough to run a business selling that service. To get there you do have to get the training and experience to do the work though. In my small (30k pop) US hometown, some of the wealthiest guys are plumbers who opened their own company. Granted we have little to no union aka mafia problems in my state. In blue states you are probably fucked because the unions absorb all the profits.

my god man
learn some biology
to be this retarded hurts doesnt it?

I can confirm this from personal experience. A simple path to financial freedom is getting one of those "1000 businesses you can start" books from the library, pick a semi-skilled service, learn it yourself and then hire others to do the labor while you market the service.


If you go for a STEM degree you can learn something, but there's so much retarded bloat which wastes so much time and money that I almost wish I had never gone if I wasn't close to being finished With a bachelor's and a minor.
If you really want to know, I suspect kikery for the reason why I had to switch majors. Once I hit junior classes my grades went from A's to C's and D's (out of nowhere, mind you, I was able to hack the material) until I switched from CS to IT, and I know plenty of other white male friends that have had to do the same switch, but not nonwhites… (I blamed only myself at first until I had talked to those other white men.

Don't go to college, get a trade. If you're in college now get that piece of paper, since that's the only reason to even go to college.

Yeah Goy, live in the Current Year. History is evil and will teach you nothing (((Sniggers Hasidicaly)))

Capping this

gr8 b8

Only jews need a college education to lead. Everybody in this thread can fix their cars and roofs, then give their pay back to the jews via taxes.

Be a motorcycle mechanic and learn how to build them from scratch. We young men doing more manly shit like club motorcycling and grease monkeying.

lol the first line was >be jew professor

It Continues.

Figured it would be more fitting to simply continue this ongoing thread due to this more recent article's relevance. The trend of higher ed being a laughing stock doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon.

What we really need is people going into HR and education. I I don't know if it's possible to survive that but we are totally fucked as long as these are both completely enemy controlled.

I see this as being near impossible but, you're right.

Did HVAC oil furnace, water heater, sheet metal installation from age 8 with father. Can't legally do it now. Guess I'll just cash these government checks until society collapses.

Construction is a lot less desirable a profession when you realize you'd be building homes for your enemies.

Hell some states are already incorporating extra taxes on hybrid and electric automobiles to make up for the gas tax they are avoiding.

I regret going to college. I have yet to use my degree for anything. I wish I had instead just went straight to work and climbed up the ladder in some company.

I have thought about teaching but it is such a minefield.

Anyone have experience with being an exterminator? I was just considering it lately out of curiosity.

And I do mean the kind that removes actual cockroaches and whatnot, not Turkish people.

Why is this bad?

How soon until this start effecting blacks who can't play sports? Asian men are already being driven away from college over being culturally too white like in Evergreen college


honestly i think the elephant in the room is that our culture is pure toxic shit that demoralizes and depresses men. women hate us, and we've been abused so much that we abuse each other because it's all we know. not only do i not have any friends, the people i know don't either. our culture grinds our self esteem and confidence down, its pathological, it isn't healthy, and it isn't normal. humanity has existed for thousands of years and i guarantee it wasn't like this before. if it was we'd all be dead lets be honest.

economic disenfranchisement


If you want to teach become a private tutor. Good money and more independence.

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