TRAITOR calls for internet ban now???

TRAITOR calls for internet ban now???

UK and Europe being raped by Islam on one side and being attacked by their government on the other. Trump comes out with the proper responses for the British people and the British PM comes out with this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Meant to say censorship not ban. MB.

Donald Trump wants to ban the internet, will ask Bill Gates to ‘close it up’

who is a suitable substitute for May right now???

I know she's a hag and getting a lot of shit with the upcoming elections so I am not sure if this is political or has merit.

Who would Holla Forums elect???

Nobody. Farage retired. She's the best we got on thursdsy tbh. My plan is to vote her in and let her sort brexit. Then vote someone as far right as possible after

Easy. Don't fucking vote for her party.

Judging from Holla Forumss recent election campaigns, Theresa May's freemason, mossad affiliations and her parties devotion to the zionist neocon agenda assures her of our support.

Madame Prime Minister!
smug frog cartoon picture

The fuck is this?

Go poo in the loo.

UKIP if you're on the mainland, DUP if you're in NI.
I don't give a toss about tactical voting, I personally couldn't stomach voting for the Conservatives for any reason.

Your country is getting blown apart by darkies, your internet is about to be censored to within an inch of its life, and you're cool with just voting in some jew puppet? What the fuck happened to "Britons never shall be slaves!" ???

They continue to be slaves to juden I'm afraid.

Until the jewish question is addressed and jewry directly tackled and overthrown, it will just continue on until the last white man is gone

Elections nowadays are not about the best choice, they are about the least worst choice.

Who it should have been after brexit win. Why did Nigel drop out?

UKIP aren’t even really standing in this election. They aren’t challenging my constituency because my Tory MP is “pro Brexit” so they are instructing their voters to vote for him. It is the same case in many constituencies (no one I know country has a UKIP candidate to vote for). I don’t even care for UKIP (they can’t even be called a civnat party) but might have given them a vote out of desperation. It’d be a different story if Are Nige were still at the helm mind you.

Britain is in a really dark place right now.

Because he didn't enjoy the stress that came along with being leader, I believe. I remember him describing it as "no longer having to spend time with people I wouldn't share a drink with."

Paul Nuttall has been the leader of UKIP for a while and I would actually go as far as to say that I prefer him to Nige, though. Namely because of his advocacy for zero net migration, while Nige, as much as I love him, is civic as hell. A few nights ago on his radio show he didn't even challenge a guy who called in to say that Islam was responsible for bringing about the rennaissance in Europe, whereas Nutt has basically referred to Islam as cancer before.

I really don't think it would be. The Tories are scumbags, but they're very good at politics. They've stolen the one thing most people know UKIP for and the party would be floundering regardless of whether or not Nige was still in charge of it tbh.

Regardless, keep an eye on Boston & Skegness, Thurrock, Clacton and South Thanet. I think UKIP stand the best chances of getting into parliament in those constituencies, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

I meant personally as I should love to see him as PM and would gladly vote UKIP if he were leader.

I do agree, the Conservatives play decent tactics and for some reason none of the opposition can bring themselves to compete. They are good but not THAT good.

Ah right, my bad.
Nige in parliament really would've been something else, let alone PM.
It's definitely strange. It's not like there's any shortage of things to challenge the Tories on, either. I remember Paxman brought up how May promised to lower immigration yet brought it up to record levels as HS in that debate thing a few nights ago, but he didn't go in anywhere near hard enough and moved on pretty quickly.

I am convinced that the London Bridge terror attack is planned so they can justify the reason for the interent ban.

They learned from 9/11. Know about a planned attack(attacks), do nothing about it, react by pushing your agenda as a fix for said problem.

May should focus on enforcing already existing porn bans more strictly and leave political speech alone.

You are a complete golem. Glad you won't be able to post here after the election.

Was it really that hard to embed a real clip?

Today he is, tomorrow he's talking about ebil natzhees.

The people aren't stupid and may find the way around the rock. Ruskies found the way to the Holla Forums Holla Forums so if they can then the people can do that. I can't understand their logic as this will backfire and make Britons paranoid. The satellite internet companies are going to make the ban possible so they can reap the profits. Oh well, I feel no pity for the Britons whom voted them in.


Remember the movie "V for vendetta?" A Rothschild sponsored narrative. shitskin moonworshipping muslims are reprobate but nobody dares to dig deeper. The kikes and the main kike are unfolding their luciferian agenda and it's sad that Holla Forums hasn't seen this element connected to London. With 9/11 we saw all the signs in the media, it got shown about after the bombing. Now watch the movie, read the story behind it and get red-pilled.

Is it me or has The God Emperor been making a slow comeback since Covefefe?

Simply peel back your foreskin to look for an answer… oh wait.

Supreme heh

Oh come on now. Of course they're able to be censored, because most if not all of them make money in some form or another, and the more popular they become the more legislation we'll see that bans the mere use of any proxy technology to access illegal content.

The only reason they haven’t banned or even addressed VPN’s yet is so that people who use them don’t object to the laws under the false impression that they won’t be affected. As soon they are done and the internet is totally fucked beyond recognition they will swiftly ban all VPNs.

it's called controled oposition

She's making everything in her hand to make this hidden second referendum a remain vote

Not planned by the goverment themselves.
But I wouldn't be suprised if they knew about it and let it happen anyway.
Just like in Manchester where they had multiple warnings and yet did nothing about it.


It's the way they operate. Nothing new there.

BASED May lads


We're fucked lads.

You just know she'll use this to ban the chans, and not do a damn thing about the Muslim invaders. It's strange how they think it's worth it to make things worse for all of the citizens, out of an insatiable desire to "assimilate" people who hate you. She's obviously working with (((them))), but I wonder what goes through these people's minds. They must have some form of reasoning that makes them think they're doing good, right?

Don't be fooled m8, we've already been top kiked by the Trump team once. How many times do they need to bamboozle you yanks before you admit that they're as (((compromised))) as any other jewnited states administration?

Do you only have two parties or is the rest just so unimportant that nobody reports on them?

May is calling for the end of Islamic Extremism. If she needs to clamp down on your fucking nets for a while to deal with the assholes it is worth it. She said there was "too much tollerance."

Sorry Achmed, she's on the right track. But don't worry, you can still shitpost and coordinate all you like through VPNs because May's oh so powerful net-shattering reach isn't global.

There are numerous parties but they're all inept. It's a two horse race. Thanks to (((democracy))), any low functioning imbecile can walk into the British parliament.
BNP are OK, Nick Griffin is a holohoax exposer who has shouted about the Kalergi Plan to the EU before. UKIP are OK but they're civic nationalist cuckolds, frankly the UK would be better off if they died totally, this would make room for more genuine nationalist parties. I've heard there's a few things in the pipelines but I'm not sure if it's just internet hearsay.

Kill yourself fucking kike. She's going to censor the internet but do nothing to block muslim immigration.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post?

probably shouldn't be giving them ideas…

She wants to reduce immigration in general.

She says she wants to, but her actions as home secretary say otherwise. Just like she's talking about a good brexit deal when she voted to remain. None of these fuckers are honest.

Another Jew falseflag to take away more Goyim rights

This is what a Mossad/MI5 shll posts looks like

No, faggot, we literally have hundreds and thousands of mudslimes in the UK who think that terrorism against civilians is justified. The UK has been taking in "refugees" (terrorists) from countries riddled with terrorism for fucking years. Not everything is the kikes.

Obviously the kikes are helping the mudslimes along their way, but still.

They knew that it's dangerous but let them in anyway so it should be obivous to you.

How fucking naive can you possibly be?


None of the globalists gives a rat's ass about a few dead replaceable workers.

But they would fall all over themselves to have control of this organ of dissent, because it allows a shithead in his bedroom to have as loud a voice as their well-funded propaganda departments. That's just unacceptable. Someone is whispering in her ear about this, as they are in every nation under the control of the stateless elite.


I think it's more than obvious the open border and immigration policies have been used to justify the police state. This was the plan all along. Flood the West with barbarians so that they can take control of the internet, militarize the police, have surveillance of everyone, etc. All done under the guise of "we need workers". Even these pricks aren't dumb enough to believe these migrants are employable. And the le we can't discriminate meme was used so everyone would be surveilled. It is too obvious at this point.

If she is a really stupid piece of shit, and her Intel doesnt tell her that Israel & friends are behindert this, what I doubt, (((they))) will tell her what they tell all their goy servants, its:

As if politicians don't know the full story. I guarantee you user, she knows exactly what's up, it's all an act, their agenda is white genocide and the creation of a mongrel sub 80 IQ race.

The BNP are dead and Nick Griffin killed it, lad.

Same here. They can't even be arsed to show up.
I get to choose between four ZOG candidates. I might as well write in Hitler.


They are trying to flip you based on muh pr0n, muh leet hax. Don't be such sheep.

There's a party which are based in the South that seem to be non-autistic ethnic nationalists. I don't think they're very large, though. http://
they're L O C A L to me as well

Glorious, will support and investigate.

Kek what? Elaborate.

I haven't followed them for some time. Nick is still a holohoax exposer who shouted about the Kalergi plan to the EU parliament though and almost made some fat bitch cry.

Then tell your CIA to stop funding them.

Of course we all know they won't be going after actual Islamic terrorists and their "safe spaces". Instead they will be going after sites like this.

"What is a Mosque?" for $500

Londinistan is reaping the fruit of Globalism with a full on shit show in progress.
Sadly its only going to get worse. They are really going to have to spend some time with their face shoved in that dog shit for a while before someone finally starts having some balls. Post apocalyptic kind of shit.

The good news is fuck them, I'm a fucking burger eating American.

It's an easy response. Plus one they've been pushing and pushing for well over a decade. The attacks fit with their wider goals. Which is the complete monitoring and recording of the public.

Politically it's the equivalent of flowers and teddy bears while having another candle light vigil. So she's going to have real problems in the election. She'll still win but the support will be reduced.

Which makes the EU zombie parties like the scottish globalists more powerful. How to neuter brexit 101.

It's really ridiculous how Westerners are willing to erode any liberties they have for more security to enable immigration of the hostile.

London, Paris, Berlin circa 1938 wouldn't have needed security cameras everywhere you walk.

fuck off ahmed

England has already taken away the guns, now they want to take away what little free speech those guns would have protected.

Manchester was fake, this is too, so was Westminster bridge.

UkIsrael is reaping the fruits of Talmudic Judaism with a repeated circumcision to the point of castration.
Nobody avoids judgement, jews will meet Pale rider soon enough.
Sound like a d&c bagel eating (((American))) to me.

Im calling points 2,3,4,7 but 9 and 10 are guaranteed.




Tells you all you need to know about her agenda of 'protecting' citizens.

Women are incapable of governing.

She's an unelected ZOG puppet.
What did you expect?

This. Criminally unchecked comment.

Vote for internet censorship and lose my Holla Forums or vote for that communist cunt Corbyn?
Sophie's choice.

Obviously not. One is virtual the other real. You'll still be a jew hating, nigger killing white supremacist without Holla Forums.

A false flag perhaps, but certainly not "fake". False flags are very real tragic events, e.g. 9/11

Do you seriously believe they want that power to protect you?



So stop fucking participating in them and do something else.

that's cute
you think that the oldest rothschild asset will be allowed to self govern?

Nice dubs, GCHQnigger. Now get the fuck out of my board

Must be lots of people being stabbed online due to "too much tolerance" user.

Oven Dodger: "Chaim, use technique #468976"

Lamp Shade: " The one where we take a demographic's (edgy internet youth) core issue (internet freedom) and convince them our opposition is trying to destroy it?"

Oven Dodger: "Yep, that one. If you need references, pull the 'net neutrality' file."

I think it's time we give up on democracy

May needs to be assassinated fast, which for the average UK citizen I guess means trying to drive a car into her before getting out and beating her with your fists or a stick if handy. Crude, but effective.

Reminder that libertardianism, also called lolbergism, has been the losing formula for many decades if not centuries already.

Muh freeze peach and classical liberalism are not the right side to take. Martial law would be an improvement… Stop voting!

Britbongs are pretty much screwed

It’s true. Look at Britain, it is the end game. It can happen to you to.

Britcucks don't even have that option. They will have to use tongue depressors to an hero



Just like the hate speech laws, the laws protecting religious feeling, never applying to the majority, only those in power or minorities. Shoot yourself in the head, or better yet find a very painfull way to die, you deserve it.


Isn't that racist? She's implying they radicalize themselves, but we all know muslims only commit terror attacks because of islamophobia :^)

Holla Forums doesn't support censorship you weaseling kike

How about making the streets of London a safe space from the mudslime menace May? Going after the internet does nothing to stop terror but it could loose you the election you cunt! But that is what you want you globalist bitch! The Tories are as retarded as Labor now.

There is not too much tolerance on the internet, there is way too much tolerance in the real world where the terror attacks happen.


People do get the government they deserve. Hoe long have most of you arguing for May been on here? you understand you live in a ZOG don't you? Or do you need convincing of that? Now, if you live in a ZOG, any extra power you give the gubment is going to be used to further Zionist interests not your own. Do you really think that haggard old frigid cunt will "crack down on the internet" to stop muslims from scheming, or to you in jail for saying KIKE?

For fuck's sake, the ones from last week were in a documentary on TV called "The Jihadis Next Door?" Did you need fucking James Bond to figure out what was going on, or could you have just switched on the Electronic Synagogue?

They know what's going on, and they don't care. You're genuinely going to let this this cunt "crack down on the internet" when "the suspects" were on a Channel 4 TV show titled "The Jihadis?" You wouldn't believe this if it were a bad Jewish TV show.

How about not voting? How about not giving the system any more validity?

We need to get behind UKIP still, Nuttall is a pretty decent guy by our standards. It's just a bad time for an election, but that's the fucking Tories for you.
That "deal" with the Tories they did is retarded but understandable, we just need to weather the storm and hope we can grab a couple of seats

If you ever thought May was an option you're retarded

Even Nige wouldn't be able to do much in this climate. Besdies they guy deserves a rest, he's fought for 20 years for Brexit, and finally wants to get away from the death threats and disruption to his family life.
He's also a boomer on most issues smh

MI5 are going to have to try a lot harder

Now, I'm not British, but didn't your PM during WWII effectively act like King/dictator? Thus, if only the position of PM could be made rightous, couldn't one seize sufficient power to stem the tides of destruction?

PM isn't an all-powerful position (wartime obviously allows powers to be expanded due to the exceptional circumstances though). But it is the most powerful position, that's true, although again it depends on various factors - the personality of the PM, and external events can impact things a lot. You would need a PM surrounded by close allies (nationalists) to form a Cabinet that would do the bidding of the leader. This may not necessarily happen, and one person as PM is not enough.

But in truth that's all irrelevant because Nige isn't becoming PM, nor did he ever have a chance at being PM. At present only May ok Corbyn too I guess has a chance at being PM. Also no, we can't do the Trump tactic and run for leader as an outside, things don't work like that here.

I'm just hoping Nuttall will see UKIP through this election, and then finish the job of rebranding the party as a more radical anti-immigration party, hopefully in time to make gains in 2022. It's just too soon atm which is why you hear Tories shills crying how 'UKIP is dead'. But it's just a blip really, and in Nuttall we have a politician who is likely closer to a Holla Forumsack than we've had since Enoch or dare I say, Mosley


The Truth is a monolith. It stands unassailable before all who would diminish it with their falsehood; however, as mortal men, our perception is not sufficient to assess this monolith. We must come together to discuss our perceptions, to compare notes on the phenomena we've experienced. Any attempt to infringe upon this process–any attempt to curtail the ability of the people to freely communicate with one another must be treated as an existential threat. It is a threat not only to our physical well-being, but to our spiritual well-being as well. How may we discern fact from fiction if we cannot ask questions? Anyone who would rob us of our ability to discern Truth is an agent of evil and an oppressor to be removed.


Why bring them here in the first place .. ?

So many seem to forget one of the first laws she implemented specific anti-semitism laws


You see, this was the real reason for the importation of muds. It's not to "wipe out white people," it to use them as an excuse to infringe on our rights further, with our approval, so we can effectively be controlled and herded. The introduction of mass breeding sub-humans and its long-term affect on us means very little. The Communistic lust for control and power is what they really want. Although I always pegged the single-minded fools who tried to keep Holla Forums discourse singularly focused on "duh jews want white wimmenz fucking niggers" to be shills or Holla Forums stereotypes who'd never participated in actual discussions but rather regurgitate shit-post fun-time one-liners that they saw skimming threads. Jews have their role, but the end goal isn't to wipe out whitey, but rather to control and oppress us. You know, like the Soviet Union.

The way I see the internet, it's a good pressure release valve. Sure it allows us to spread truth, but it also allows people, absent the ability in public, to vent anger, frustration, hatred etc. Close off that valve, having already closed off all the real-world valves, and I can't imagine a quicker way of taking us from Centrist, Civic Nationalist, Libertarian etc. to Ethnic Nationalist, traditionalist, ready-to-fuck-shit-up far-Right you-name-it. We're already too far down the road of having voted in our own oppression and oppressors. We can't stop midway, and the population is in too much of a comfortable lull to care much and reverse the trend. They need to be upset and be made uncomfortable. So fuck it. Take them to their destination and wait for the pressure to blow the tank. I honestly don't see any other way. It's like suburbanite whites being pro-diversity until the government moves a section 8 housing community next door and their kids start getting attacked by niggers. Things kind of change after that.

Sadly the last quote is not really by Aristotle.

They are the bluest pill, user.

I'll never understand this level of technological dumbfuckery. It affects the normies. Not us.

Trump wanted to ban porn off the internet.
Never fulfilled his promise. Jews benefit from internet just like we do. It will never be censored because jews themselves would be pissed if their shekel collecting ads and whore sites will close.

I received a flyer for the labour party, it openly supported and advertised Marxism.

Marxism will be the place to discuss how best we can respond to the challenges we face

People from across the world will debate how we can bring change, and make racism, war, inequality and climate change things of the past

same thing

Not a fucking woman you stupid cucks

Labour - Jewish Communism Party

Conservatives - Jewish Capitalism Party

UKIP - Jewish Libertarianism Party

BNP - Dead Party

Looks like we get to vote which way we want to die.

Voting may and regulating the internet is a good thing you retarded amerifats

Britain will have
-no guns
-no knives
-no political propaganda or extremist ideologies from various online communities spread to easily mislead citizens ( for the better or worse )
-stronger police force
-less (((human rights))) for shitskins committing crime

Soon after brexit
-no refugees
-no EU regulations
-strong right leaning authoritarian BRITISH government
-good times from prosperity

God save the Queen


She is a tool for (((them)))

And Corbyn's just a tool

or, perhaps, you could just ban the people blowing up your native population?

or he was pandering to the old folks who voted for him?

is this good or bad? I can't understand

What happened to the UK election thread?

got deleted for some fucking reason

What is the reason this site exists if not to produce propaganda to counter the Jews? If we can't reach normal people, it's just a big circle jerk and the Jew has won.

Both. Britbongs are fucked either way.
I'm fucking pissed that this probably means Brexit is going to fall apart and it's going to be brexit-in-name-only with the same sort of bullshit cuckening as Norway, where britbongs have to follow all the bullshit rules anyway

Maybe it was the discord links in the OP but they could have edited that shit out. It was actually a pretty sedate thread. But whatever - I'm just some random user.


Yup demoralising isn't it?

Why was the election thread deleted?

why do we keep putting up with this censorship? we just need to find a better board

the mod invested in Theresa May Coin and is mad now:

What kind of idiot deletes the general election thread on election night without making a new one and thinks that's reflecting well on him and the board?

You're not going to find a board that has no rules. I suppose you could make one, but if you delete my endless monster girl porn posting, then you'll be guilty of censorship.

Welcome to Holla Forums, brah.

The hour grows late and there are still people who place their faith on a piece of paper, It would be funny if the future of the world didnt depend on people waking up from this stupidity.

Just make this the election thread.

Indeed it is. And I thought the American electoral system was bad. At least we get to pick our congressmen separately from the leader of the executive branch. Britbongs are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Let's say you have a fairly good Tory MP in your district, but you hate Mummy May. You can't separate them. You can't vote for the MP separately from the PM. I'm sure there are TONS OF GOOD CONSERVATIVE MPS that will probably lose election because May and some of the (((leadership))) are a bunch of globalist zogbots.

And conversely, I'd actually pick Corbyn over May in a vacuum. Yeah, he's a fucking communist, but at least he's not a zogbot and he appears to be anti-globalist and anti-EU. I fucking detest his progressive marxist bullshit, but that's just how bad the options are. But the problem is that the REST of labour is a bunch of neoliberal globalist zogbots. So if you want Comrade Corbyn, you have to vote for the Sadiq Khans of britbongistan too!

For fucks sake, who even gets to pick these party leaders? When Cameron stepped down, the whole point was that he wasn't the right man to do Brexit because he was anti-Brexit. So he leaves and the new PM is… also someone who was anti-brexit. WHAT THE FUCK

I'm watching results here.

Sky News coverage for what it's worth.

Corbyn is the end of Brexit, at least May was pretending to be tough on Brexit. The most important thing was to make sure Brexit was made a 100% certainty, she is going to cuck IF the EU let her but they are being retarded and forcing her into hard Brexit and even WTO rules possibly.

Corbyn would also have every refugee from France to Timbuktoo over in a week.

Tories did better in Sunderland than expected might mean something big picture as it goes against exit polls.


From the Guardian link.


Keep saying that and lying torrieshill.I would take a polish anyday over some pajeet/paki scum.



Corbyn brings every refugee from Calais to Syria and has no desire to save Britain. May is kiked but fuck off back to leftypol. If Corbyn wins the country is finished. Only acceleration to violence left.

Politically speaking though there are no bigger cucks in UK politics than ukip right now. They stepped aside so their mummy dearest May could reign supreme and now she's getting fucked in the ass hard and they lost the only seat they held.

How goddamn pathetic.

Douglas Carswell was a Tory plant who left the party because everyone was fed up with his subverting of the party, UKIP are better off without him.

They didn't, they were just utterly incompetent bar Nige, who didn't even win a seat himself. The rest of them are utter fucking retards.

so far the exit polls are wrong.

How would that even work in britbongistan? Y'all have lmao0gunz. How are you supposed to overthrow ZOG and remove kebab with no weapons? Are you supposed to get your own Trucks of Peace to combat the sandniggers' trucks of peace?

Labour are doing better in some areas though than the exit polls. It's all over the place


It wouldn't.

Full of Arabs



Held by Labour since 1983 so not a surprise on this one.


Holy fucking shit

What's the difference between Labour and Liberal Democrats?

Labour = socialists
LibDems = faggots

Getting too antsy too early. Thinking this means anything now is like proclaiming a President's victory when only one state's results are in.

What's the difference? Serious question. I'm fairly certain that the labour party is pro homo degeneracy too


Atleast the neocon scaremongering is not working with europe they are rejecting zogpuppets like Geert,Le pen and May,this is what happens when you blindly follow the amerikikes into stupid wars on some sandmonkeys,either way this is fucked up situation good karma.

Labour LARP about communism, LibDems are actual communists.

The more accurate way to describe them would probably be "centrist" but I don't think anyone cares about them after sucking off Cameron. "We're more socially accepting than the conservatives but we don't want full communism, just banker internationalism"

Wrong, libdems are neo liberal progressive types.

so basically they're a party of hillary clintons?

2 seats for tories

hillarys without the competency for actual backroom murder so a bunch of useless worms

Yeah they aren't power hungry and should never govern.

So, basically like the American Green Party.


Labour still climbing?

Looks like the conservatives aren't completely lost.

Except with extra shilling for (((finance))) so they get in sometimes.

Does it really matter? Look how they fucked over the UKIP with the number of seats after the previous election.

What trump should have done was told the UK people to arm themselves.

Some chimps, pajeets, arabs and brain damaged native Britons celebrating on the street.

RIP ukip

SNP will join Labour alliance and lib dems on a second referendum deal I guarantee it.

Yeah, I know. I'm not necessarily cheering anyone in particular on here. Just posting the results as they show up.

Not going to happen

ALWAYS happens


With what? unregistered butterknives?

EU just made a ban on semi autos

Rather than freak out with every win announced, why not just focus on seats that have flipped instead? That's where the real game is going to take place. Not safe seats that are +20% one way or another for decades.

I don't think a 2nd referendum would happen. Esepcially since Article 50 has already been invoked. Rather, they'll save face by "technically" leaving the EU but still agreeing to follow all its laws and policies. So that way (((they))) get what they want, and the plebs still get to think they really left the EU.

Yeah, that would be the binding of the coalition

Art 50 can be ignored

topkek, really? They were already basically impossible to get anyway because you had to jump through so many hoops for registration and licensure, right?

I mean, I guess it doesn't even fucking matter at this point. It changes the number of gun-owners in the EU from a dozen to half a dozen.

Yeah i agree, they will ruin this country but it will be a wild ride

Jesus fucking Christ……

As a reaction to Paris lel. The original draft banned fucking everything nearly, hunters and target shooters that even the EU commision thought it was too mental.

That's a terrible sign, Tories are fucked imo.

Call me a shill but at this point i am hoping for a labour win, imagine how fucked this country is going to be

Since corbyn is a literal commie we can finally literally fight against commies if it comes to it

Brexit is more important than anything and a childless kike like May is better obviously but they are both pieces of shit.

So brexit is fucked?

Is this true?

Very possibly, much more complicated at least..

She deserves it. She gave Farage no position in the negotiations, wouldn't even mention his name, all his supporters went elsewhere.

Is anyone left on this fucking board anymore? Fucking hell. Not even a sticky and nobody posting in a fucking election thread.

Not if it all comes crashing down anyway, but yeah i would like to see us come out of it on top

She was for remain in the first place, she could fuck us just as easily as corbyn could not fuck us, tough times eitherway

LibDems said they don't want a coalition since they'll just get blamed for enabling the larger party again.

It's just like with Mummy May using the string of ramadan bombathon attacks as an excuse for mass censorship and a police state. They bring in these people on purpose, these people do what they always do, and then they use the effects as an excuse to install draconian bullshit like taking away the right to self defense, right to privacy, etc.

They are the biggest remaniacs if they get a second ref Lib Dems will be saying they are the saviours of Britian.

they've been deleted, I assume since Brits turned into such cunts after Brexit all over this place.

I'm British, I'm basically watching in despair.

If she was serious she'd have shut some of the related mosques that were preaching hate. Yet allow them to preach their hatred, but penalize citizens for complaining about the problem online.

Don't dispair mate, corbyn is anti-israel and supports hamas, and ofc is still a commie but still

Because sinmply taking no more muslims would be too easy a way to stop the next 50 years of death. Ban the interenet and legal guns never used for anything but hunting and collecting.

well mods cannot drive the narrative since they are tory supporters and are confused as to why people are having sudden softspot for labour basically this a paid board run by amerishlomos and some russianshills,hence threads are getting deleted.

You can never give a ZOG a mandate for something like "hate," because it will be used on YOU to protect the Jews. Just expunge that word. It's not "hate," it's their religion. Everyone knew it, the Jews have their own wall in Israel. Why do they want to bring them into only our countries?

One was, are they all? That would be beyond insane.

Nobody on here m8 is. Just May is a barren kike

Right, but that's not how your government works. You don't vote for May/Corbyn. you vote for MPs. And although someone like May is a total shabbos shiksa, there were still PLENTY of conservative MPs or potential MPs who were alright people and pro-brexit. And potentially, they're getting shafted out of office for being in the same party as May and her bullshit.

I'm fairly convinced that May cranked up the ridiculous 1984 bullshit up to 11 to purposefully sabotage the conservatives and ensure UK remains. UK had the potential to have somewhat of a mild conservative reform with new blood of nationalism in the wake up brexit and what UKIP inspired. But May, being the head of the party, was able to stifle this and sabotage it.

You know how the American GOP establishment tried their best to squash Trump back in the primaries? Even though they knew that any other candidate would lose to Hillary, they still wanted to sabotage the party and prevent it from becoming a Trumpist nationalist party? Well that's what just happened in britbongistan

It's kind of insane, but after Brits became such fucking cunts, I don't know. They don't even know their own system, half of them are pakis and niggers.

Where "hate" is actual death threats against us.
However, "hate" speech citizens go to jail for is "name calling that offended" someone.

While this is certainly possible i doubt it.

Why would she intentionally throw the entire election in favour of a literal gommie? she could just as easily fucked the brexit with or without the MPs

Didn't the mods drive out the brits on here?

White brit poster here

How would that effect an election thread not being stickied? Even the mods couldn't be that fucking retarded.

Can we somehow help the britbongs trigger rahowa over there? Didn't the micks in America send smuggled guns over to the patties over in Ireland during the fighting? We need to smuggle guns and ammo into britbongistan to help them remove kebab. There's literally no other way.

please do

We have our own ZOG to worry about.

Oh god we're so fucked. Fucking idiots fell for the Tory lies and gave up on UKIP.

I wish you were wrong, I really do….

SNP getting routed

They fell for Labour, and Tory lies. UKIP vote split in areas. If people actually read through those manifestos they wouldn't vote for Labour or Tory.

How exactly are guns regulated over in the UK? In America, it's the receiver that counts as the actual "gun". So you can buy barrels, actions, pistons, stocks, grips, mags, etc without needing to go through all the regulations involved in buying/selling a "gun". Just that one piece, the receiver.
Would it therefore be possible to ship britbongs a bunch of receivers and they could buy and assemble the rest of the gun themselves?

I'm asking for a school project.

Good they can go fuck themselves

But that would mean Tory got all their votes, they didn't.

was thinking the same thing instead of placating them show them their is no hope with jews in their gov thus leading to an all out revolt and purge of all that is jewish and unholy.The slow kill with this jew dick in ass politician is getting like yesterdays news paper cold wet and even you dog won't get it for you.

Labour doing way better in Wales.

Lots of Scots were saying a while back "Never again SNP". It wouldn't be surprising if Sturgeon gets hammered.

What? I didn't say literally all UKIP votes.

Possible but you would have to double layer them and label it "machine parts"

Im pretty sure every part of a gun is illegal here.

Also on firearms we are allowed to have anything but pistols, even AKs (Only semi though)

But ONLY if we have a "good reason" aka nobody in a city

But it would mean they didn't go to labour at all if UKIPers fell for Tory lies.

Election thread got shoah'd. We talking about it in here?

Because she promised "brexit means brexit" and all that stuff, and doesn't want to get caught in a lie. Do you have any other explanation for this shit? I see no other way to explain the Tories being ahead by like 20-25 fucking percent and then she comes out and says dumb thing after dumb thing about internet censorship, and every time she talks about it, the polls drop again. I have no other explanation. She could've said nothing, did zero campaigning, and just taken a vacation for the past month and she'd be at least 10% above Comrade Corbyn


I've seen your meme images about how britbongs can total get guns, nige. They're complete bullshit. The "AKs" you're referring to are only available in fucking .22. And if you want a real caliber like 5.56, it can only be "bolt action". THERE'S NOT EVEN SUCH FUCKING THING AS A BOLT ACTION AK.

That cunt Soubry has lost her seat to Labour the useless remainer cunt.

I don't know guns since im a brit but .22 will still kill right?

Two Party system is the American way, don't ya kno?

Not for long.

Labour has taken seats from SNP

May was put in as Cameron's back up plan to scupper Brexit I feel too.

Quite nicely. Will bounce around in the skull since it's not powerful enough to exit. It's a nice tool when used up close and personal.

Then it does not really matter right? since after it kicks off we will all be using NATO rounds anyway

What a bitch.

What are the new election results btw? Is there a thread?

You sound like a FED trolling for a fucking arrest. whether you are or just an asshole, I don't know.

maybe collapse is necessary to bring out your warrior and rip all the jews out of you gov and start over united as you see your women and little girls are getting rapped by theses sub human fucks if that isn't a warning sing time to rise up then you are lost bongs.Time to stand up and protect your people as you are being invaded by hostiles because of jews .Cant say that on social media you say the globalist or make some other excuse for the (((rodent))) I get it you don't have guns or freedom of speech or genetic predisposition to constant war and fighting like US whites as intermixed as we are still white and slavs no cucks will survive plenty on good whites not pozzed with shit we see after all we got Trump elected good or bad we did that.Last warning or we will overthrow the gov it is in our nature .

Just refresh this page when you want to see latest

Fuck off FBI.

This is the thread. I've got this in a background tab. It automatically updates.

Plenty of them did. They voted Tory for Brexit.
The tories will destroy Brexit.


The way I see it, Britain is fucked no matter who gets in, every single major party supports amnesty / open borders.

That doesn't explain Labour gains

Yep, going to be a wild ride for sure


Technically yes, but it's basically just plinking ammo for target practice. It's the smallest mainstream cartridge there is for rifles. It has basically no stopping power, and the only way you're going to stop an assailant with a .22 rifle is if you're a really good shot and get them in the head or the heart with a direct hit

Oh come on, this is just dumb. The fact that you have to justify its killing power by talking about headshots means it's not good enough.

May is the worst failure in British History if it happens, probably even if it's a hung parliament.

where's nick robinson?

Marr is there. Doesn't Robinson go out on the road for this stuff?

This is truly a colossal blunder on her part.

Goddamn this is just fucking pathetic. But at the same time, my inner oldschool Holla Forumstard is excited just because it's a giant "fuck you" to the establishment anyway. All that fucking meme capital put toward Brexit is now all for fucking NOTHING.

I wonder what Holla Forums is doing right now. This is basically their equivalent to Trump's election.

They'll get their socialist utopia.

Amazingly it will counteract Camerons blunder allowing a Brexit vote in the first place.


Who are these people? Are they reliable?

The establishment turned toward Corbyn to fuck Brexit up.

Can I get results that aren't from fake news sites

betting markets

They are the best sites for data

It's only for the election results

Corbyns been anti EU since the 80's, all is not lost

be smart move rural and anticipate supply lines being non existent stock up and move to limited conflict area all the men should stay and fight for their country and your female lives oh wait you let jews disarm you ehh your fucked ask for help .

On what grounds? Are the Scottish nationalists going to team up with Labour after Labour gets through clobbering all their seats from them?

Labour gain another Welsh seat not expected. May will resign tomorrow.

Labour Lib Dem SNP coalition


No but how could she not? The point of the election was to wipe Labour out. They were a shambles and no chance weeks ago.

I thought Lib Dems said they weren't doing coalitions with anybody, Labour or Conservative?

The interesting part in all of this is that the Jews don't know how to herd the goyim anymore. Even with their shekels, the markets are all over the place. Fucking stale old cunt May. She fucked Farage and now it's all fucked.

Also before you all despair too much, urban results usually go Labour and rural go Tory, guess which ones are easier to collect and therefore get collected first?

They will do it for Brexit deal. So will SNP. Why would they not?

It's anybody's guess if she still somehow manages to win

The "young people" in the UK should now be Holla Forums's #1 threat

She said if she lost six seats she lost the election. They are going to lose more than that.

tell you what is fucking stupid is arming saudis with billions when that fuck president should be arming all white ppl ehh christians to fight MAYBE HE GETS A CLUE!! arm christians and I tell you for sure arm the catholic islam will disappear back to the desert yet you got a jesuit pope totally forbidden pushing global jew puke got to go take back your power jews trying real hard right now STOP THEM ALL!!


This has got to be the most colossal fuckup in history.



Corbyn wants free movement and more immigrants, thankfully his Government would be useless but they will fuck up Brexit as that is their only bond to form an alliance.

She started talking about Dementia taxes and privitisation. Fucking retard.

Just throwing this out here. I realize everything doesn't revolve around Trump and the U.S. but I'd hoped his election would have jump started some Nationalist/Populist movements in the U.K. and Europe.

But after French and Dutch elections and now the U.K., it's apparent there just isn't the will to change course anytime soon. I think the Trump phenomenon has the establishment scared shitless over there and they'll do anything to keep what they have going.

The big fuck-up was allowing the two attacks to happen in the first place. They knew about the Manchester bomber. They probably knew about the London Bridge bloke too, I haven't read up on it

Mind boggling incompetence right there. Who the fuck is advising her?

Well lads, I gotta go to bed; I hope when I wake up there's good news, but I'm not expecting it.

My brother mentioned something. He thinks the Tories wanted to lose, because then they don't have to deal with Brexit. And when shit gets even worse, the Tories can point at Labour and blame them. With May absolutely tanking the Tory lead, I have to wonder if my brother is right.

It's paradoxical, our numbers rise and so do their schemes.

They were on a fucking TV show "the Jihadi Next Door." Not kidding.

I want alt-kike to leave and go back to their based black people.

To the faggot filter you go.

France will be a joke and the Dutch have a Turkish identity party. May was stupid.

Holy fuck, is Corbyn actually winning?

G fucking G bongs. You went through with Brexit but then elected a fucking Commie as your PM.

We'll keep Nige nice and safe in Burgerland while you're purging pinkos. Think of it as payment for dumping current year man on us.

it's a mystery

Aswell Trump has sabotaged himself rather than fight the Deep State. He caved in to them and they still slaughtered him and want him dead.

I know, I know. That's the big kicker. They claim they need you to trade freedom for security. Except you don't actually GET any security from any of their 1984 police state bullshit, because they already KNOW about all these kebabs, and they choose to do nothing to stop them preemptively.

this is also true in the US, mind you. In fact, in every single kebab attack, I'm fairly certainly the government has KNOWN about them and been actively keeping tabs on them. But like rotherham, they don't do jack shit because of political correctness or whatever the fuck.

So you submit to a police state, your internet and freedom of speech are heavily squashed, but the kebabs get to keep attacking. Great.

That's why you let these cunts say exactly what they want, give them all the rights, and get the public to say fine then no more come in. That is the only way not hate speech laws.


Essentially this. You have a person leading the party in the opposite direction the voters that support it want.

And they will be surprised when they see the results as well thinking to themselves "where did we go wrong?"

The thing is, even that doesn't make any sense. Corbyn apparently detests the kikes. He refuses to meet with the Israelis or Saudis or jewish organizations, and actively participates in "free palestine" marches. So it doesn't make sense that ZOG is behind him.

None of it makes any fucking sense.

At least a new pressing issue is the deep state now. Up there with taxes and education: "Will you fuck up the deep state?"


It's Hillary Clinton levels of tone deafness. Absolutely clueless.

He's a useful idiot.

She's a lot like Hillary Clinton, thinking of it


Lets be fair, It's either Communism or 1984. In this instance, I think Communism is the lesser of two evils generally due to the other parties being able to kick in Corbyn if he goes full Marxist.
Multi million pound companies wont let Corbyn go communist yet would be more than happy to take May's censorship as it aids them too.

one of the few decent conservatives

There WAS real right-wing nationalist fervor blooming in Britain. May was put in to stamp it out. Why the fuck else would Cameroon step down because "he wasn't the right person for brexit" and then install May, who was ALSO anti-brexit?

Another Conservative loss, Battersea.


It will crash the system with no survivors, and we'll have a Venezuelan Pound.

catholic church pozed by jesuit jew as pope total manure

Christians being persecuted and killed by usda (kosher) prime choice isis

got all your guns taken away and can't fart about the jew agenda of floodding shit skins to rape your little girls and woman.

Are you fucking kidding me right you can't be that cucked and if you are GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS THEY CAN'T LOCK YOU ALL UP NOW CAN THEY. Your daughters raped by shitskins I would have went dylan roof already and only killed jews.You assholes need to wake up its your future .


When asked if labour got in would be come back to politics
"I would have absolutely no choice"


I think that's more of a case of Conservatives being incompetent rather than malicious.

I mean, who really was there to lead the party following Brexit?

Worst case scenario: we use the Poland Strategy.


you think (((they))) will let that happen

There will be no communism, it's very much capitalists. The Labour voters want refugees and free health and school and dole. That's fine for neo-liberals. Tory cuts fine too. You get a cheap low wage class and small manager class.

The long road. It works but a lot of us are going to be sent into gulags.

The most aggravating part is that they don't even bother hiding the plan. The UN has a manifesto that literally talks about replacing natives with migrants. There are plenty of videos in britbongistan of people walking down the streets and packs of bold sandniggers actively BRAGGING about how "britain is their nation now" and that they're going to outbreed and take it over. It's maddening

The choices of restaurants tho.

It's going to cause monetary meltdown though.


start a petition to arm christians across the world to defend against shit skin islam terrorism.Seems like pope should have done it already oh nm wait he is a jew jesuit

Monetary meltdown is in the plan, the EU is going to collapse and the countries will owe the banks like the Irish were made to pay. That is why staying in the EU is fucking retarded for Labour voters to want. It's basically getting out from being a debt slave.

He asked if it would kill. A .22 will kill. Shoot one directly into your brain. Youtube the results for us.

Luckily everyone now has the option of giving a massive "fuck you" to the government and using cryptocurrency that they can't devalue and tank with literal islamic gommunism

motto will be you jewish ?I aint paying you shit your a fucking lie and cheated everyone all across the world.Hands up raid time bitch !!I am serious they keep fucking with majority pop to soon they are going to get hurt .PULLLLLEZ crash now with your central fed bank be the day you no longer have it rat

Unexpected Con seats turning Lab.


.22's for ladies

Doesn't it depend on the grain?


That's bollocks these cunts will do anything for no Brexit, this is a complete shock and they will not let the chance slip.

You're speaking on technicalities. a butterknife can also kill. The point is how easy/likely to kill is .22? How precise do your shots have to be? I can probably kill someone with a goddamn BB gun if I make sure to aim directly at a certain part of the eye and into the brain. But that's not very practical or likely is it?

a .22 is terrible for defense. Zero stopping power.

Betting on retardation might be fun for the chaos.

Wait, what does this mean? That labour gets to install a new leader to be PM instead?

topkek if true. The only reason a lot of people even voted labour in protest in the first place was because Corbyn is ostensibly anti-globalist and anti-interventionist, or you have the leftypol retards.


Defeated SNP leader in Westminster

They'd need to put up somebody to challenge Corbyn's leadership. That's why their vote of no confidence failed the last time, nobody to go against Corbyn.

Whew! It seems Scots are keeping the Torys in play.

redpill me on the SNP. They call themselves a nationalist party, but they're leftwing cucks who vote for more refugees? Or is their entire platform literally just contrarianism and "we'll vote opposite of however the english do, because fuck anglos"?

you think is all a game don't you until whites get serious.Then you cry about 6 mil um nah we don't buy that tired lie anymore we know you are the problem move to israel now whites gave you your safe space you be wise to use it.


They are like the Irish in Norn iron, nationalist only in the anti British sense, not actual about their people. Not right wing at all.

Basically their latest ploy for independence is so they can uncouple from post-Brexit Britain and join the EU independently

would never have happened, because Spain would have feared losing.

He asked if it would kill. Will it kill? Yes, it will kill. Why are you such a sperg?

The EU actually said outright that they don't want Scotland on its own. Sturgeon doesn't care.

In 5 words or less.. Anti English EU cuck party.

Looks like it is moving to the Tories now.

How did the Jews manage to fuck this up so badly?

He's merely saying that yeah it will kill but there are better ways of killing people

.22's good for killing rabbits and purse-snatchers. It's primarily used in ladies' guns.

If May's lucky she might just keep her numbers

all the more reason to fix the onion site


all the more reason to fix the onion site!


They want no Brexit>>10053789

I know, but nobody asked that question. He asked if it would kill and, well, that's his answer. Obviously an Apache helicopter is a better way of killing someone.

So far, as expected. Looks like the Scots are about to get completely BTFO'd though. I suppose you Brits wont have to worry about them trying to leave again anytime soon. And as much as some of you would like them to go, try to image a future where illegals and rapefugess just go to a EU Scotland and then wander in from the north to collect benefits.

That ain't gonna happen. Besides, the UKIP hasn't gained a single seat.

Tories steal another seat from the Scots.

Wait, who are the Jews?

Two conservative gains there, another Scotch and one a Lib Dem seat in England.

It would be wiser for him to 'defect' and take over the Conservative Party, in much the same way as Trump took over the Republican party


How many is that?

Latest Sky Jews forecast on total seats for May.

You think he could take it away from May?

He WILL return if Brexit is canned and he WILL have gigantic support behind him.

BBC says 322 forecast. That would be a Tory scrape but an unteneable leader.


Absolutely. He's the leader Brexit voters wanted post-Brexit

Labour take his seat

Scottish cons are just about to save this fucking trainwreck.

Thank us later.


UK confirmed for two party state forever

Imagine if everyone fed up with Labour and Torys stopped voted for them


Where is Brit/pol/ gone, can't stand this slow thread, this is a real fucking bad sign for this place. No thread name, no sticky. Joke.

There aren't really a lot of options. In my constituency if you don't like Labour and you don't like the Conservatives, you can either vote Green or you can vote Lib Dem

looks like >>>/brit/


Ta, laters,.


Clegg with egg face. BFTO!

Possible scenario?
May has majority, but not enough to continue, steps down. Boris Johnson wins leadership.
Trump & Boris alliance.

salmond likely btfo

What did SNP do to kill itself off this election?

The Conservatives did a lot better in 2015 than most people thought they would. The Tories weren't predicted an outright majority.There was a significant concern amongst English voters that Labour and SNP would unite to form a government because Mr. Ed didn't rule it out early enough and strongly enough. That, combined with UKIP's popularity, made a lot of people feel that they absolutely had to vote Tory or be faced with SNP calling the shots.

Because of that, it might have made the Conservatives look more popular and secure than they really were. After Brexit got voted for, UKIP became redundant in the eyes of a lot of its voters, with the outside perception being that they would move to the Tories on the whole. Labour weren't seen as a threat because Corbyn is a joke. So there's the opposite effect in place compared to 2015 - the Conservatives look quite comfortable and not under threat, which may have translated to complacency in its would be voters.

I think that a lot of people will have been happy to vote for Labour in this election, feeling confident that Corbyn wouldn't ultimately end up as prime minister. Pissed remainers, reluctant Tory voters from 2015, fired up youngsters who've given up on the Lib Dems, London getting browner by the hour and those just pissed with the Tory government will have added to Labours votes. Obviously, the campaigning has been very significant. Dave was much better at making Corbyn look like a fool than May and she's come out looking like a dodderer, whilst alienating supporters with snooping laws are flip-flopping on care. There may also have been a slight negative impact on her popularity by voters perceiving her as being on good terms with Trump - a lot of British people look down on Trump and his image.

The most bizarre part is that it looks like Scotland could save the Tories, if they do manage to get into a majority one way or another. It looks like proper Brexit is going to have to be campaigned for in order to have a chance of getting whoever's in charge to not cuck it up. I'm not sure if there's much to look forward to, other than the backlash against May and the rantings of emboldened Corbyn - apparently he's some kind of strategic genius now for not being Teresa May.

You left out the part where Teresa May was cracking down on hate speech after terrorist attacks.

nothing in scotland for 2 years despite having all but three seats in scottish parliament.
Also their base isnt as opposed as their party to Brexit

pretended to be nationalists while actual nationalism was on the rise.


Reminder that a Tory-DUP coalition is looking increasingly possible and, if so, the latter may push the former to be further to the right and more Eurosceptic to boot.


nevermind misread that

If tories win but may resigns and a pro-brexit person gets installed, that'd be ideal.

Never gonna happen though

ban this video from YouTube too

Mods and nuPol chased everyone off. I dont know where anons have gone but I wish they would have taken me with.

why you think war torn slavs are telling muslims no and fuck the eu? you fuckin bongs nit pick about bullshit all day long drinking your fucking tea in the morning and ale at the pub you see it on the news and think some jew bought politician is going to save you when you gave up the right to bear arms so now muslims flood you do whatever when they would literally get shot to death in the US before police get there and every citizen has right to bear arms meaning they go snack bar chances are they will get kill you punks on the other hand constantly whining and can literally do fuck all.Get your right to bear arms back then you can talk and have a seat at the round table until then your are lambs amongst wolfs and you bleeting only makes you more of a target ./grow a pair

Hey, hardcore white supremacist here, does the UK even have a candidate that isn't ZOG? Who are we supposed to root for?


Hitler dubs of truth.


infighting has successfully fractured Holla Forums into a dozen different boards. Problem is, without everyone together to balance each other's viewpoints out, each board just grows more extreme in their own direction.

So on Holla Forums you have any even moderately constructive criticism of Trump banned/anchored/deleted and you have an entire defense force come in to call you a shill. But then if you instead want to have a discussion on /polk/ or endchan, everyone is so deep down the vicious cycle of despair that they'll scream about how Trump is 100% a controlled oppo zionist shill and that we all should have voted hilldog instead. And then there's /brit/, which I'm not even sure if it's new or not, but I don't understand why we couldn't discuss britbong politics here. And on top of this, all the splits in Holla Forums just serve to make each daughter board so slow that we can't operate effectively.

Good riddance. Take all your complaining & bitching somewhere else.

They're ok, but man, they're autistic.

How dare people leave a shit board for a better one, right?

Maybe you should go to that place and stop fishing for (you)s

Cheers laddo, I'll be off.


that seems unsafe, got any more?

pls don't ban me mods



Maybe this will get May to be replaced by someone who is less shit.

Burger here, what does this mean? Looks like the conservatives still hold a majority. I thought your elections weren't for a while yet

Waiting for an answer.

They have a plurality, not a majority.


So is brexit not happening then? Sorry man, I'm just used to a 2 party system.

What do you mean by "no"? I want to know who I'm supposed to be rooting for. Is there a single fucking candidate that is pro-Britain / Pro-White?

If not I suggest you guys burn all the ballot places so the election is considered invalid due too many people not being able to vote.

all those jazzy word salad mother fuckers aren't even white the tell is always black bill we aren't divided we are trying to teach punk ass whites in euro to defend themselves and there homelands for their women and children like a MAN does yet here mostly jew shills piping up on the topic offering no solution and defeated acceptance and I say fuck jews I know to many from across the pond are brawlers tear ten niggers apart without even being drunk so while they push awe just lay down and die I know better and say protect your family be a man history will thank you.

Do you have parkinsons?

Nobody knows for sure, but if it still happens it'll probably be "softer" than it would've been with a Tory majority.


waste of dubs kys

It's more that alot of users left during the massive shill rush we suffered for almost all of the last two months

I cannot understand what the fuck you're trying to say

The Closest thing was Paul NutHole from the party formally known as UKIP and he couldn't even keep his seat in Parliament

Hitler was wrong about a lot of things, the UK Anglos being the biggest. They have been proud of serving the Rothschilds for ever a century by the time Hitler took power, and have never changed.

Have i?
They haven't paid me in ages!

So what I'm getting from this is that May might have sabotaged her party because she was originally a remainer.

The military would show and machine gun them down

Sky Jews updated forecast saying a hung parliament.

good indicator your a jew most bitch about grammars or spelling when the got nothing else to reply because they btfo nice try to condescend yet here not working good jew buddy


Holy fuck it's you again. Dude I haven't run into you since that thread about the wall street statues. Your spelling has improved, you just need to capitalize and use punctuation and you'll be good to go.

Jesus fucking Christ

What a bunch of fucking retards. America's constitution covers free speech and religion in the same amendment for a reason.

I hope bongistan can dig itself out of the shithole they dug for themselves in the first place.


I wouldn't be surprised. At best, she's "just" a fucking idiot. At worst, she sabotaged everything.

No shitan your d&c doesn't work. Anybody who isn't victim to the brainwash that makes the jew invisible in this country does not proudly serve. We despise them, damn their eyes.

Communism fails at everything

She's a cuckservative cunt, the British Hillary.

shaking my god damn head.

Do you have your posting licence?

Passed caring about what they do to me, besides I have a protector.

kike mods really did a number on this board.

BBC saying conservatives are about to cross "win" line? does this mean may has won afterall?

I don't understand

Ah, well that's too bad, I had a UK friend on /new/ his name was Rockerz88. Look him up, he's in jail for life right now with no bail until like 15 years. Nobody believed he would do shit and then he went and attacked a random Sikh in a Costco or whatever it's called. He proved to me UK anons will make us proud. I look forward to seeing the attacks you guys are going to carry out soon to take back your country.


Regardless, Holla Forums is majority burger. We have no clue what any of this means


Women and their cucks ruin everything.

Ah, it's called Tesco.

It means that they would technically still have more seats than all of the other parties, but not combined. They used to have it combined, but May ruined that.

Good news though is that the odds of getting Boris as PM are increasing.

Are you hoping your cuckservative party is going to win or what? How are women ruining anything when apparently there is no Holla Forums candidate in UK? Maybe you should be banned seeing as you clearly are vouching for ZOG?

Why are you rooting for this "Boris" individual?

Boris is a Turk

Let's say there's a hanged parliament and due to inability to form a coalition, another election is held. Wouldn't the Tories do even worse and the Commies even better given what's happened here?

Probably the same nigger that "left" earlier and felt it was necessary to let the world know about it.


Good question, boris is mentally retarded

How likely is it that LAB or CON will coalition?

Because he's the only option that isn't May or Corbyn

Funny way of spelling jew tbh.

its like08' in fast forward


Just got back from work, seeing lots of posts here and on Twitter saying that May ruined her lead, but how exactly? It was the "censor the internet, shut down Github, no more encryption" talking points wasn't it?

any pro-white person supports brexit.

your kike bullshit about "both sides are bad so we should really support leftism" is plain as day to anyone that isn't a fucking idiot looking for an ego stroke.

She did the whole "fuck human rights" deal.

Turns out that it isn't a popular opinion. Especially when people know that she doesn't mean terrorists, but domestic citizens shitposting online.

She's the British Hillary, no one wants to vote for her.

It's the classic establishment non-logic, the same type of thinking that led them to support Trump in the early days because they thought he'd hurt "great" candidate like Jeb! and Rubio.

It was 100% the "fuck the internet, fuck privacy, the best way to fight terrorism isn't to liquidate the muzzos, it's to bring technology back to the 1980s" bit.

Nuttall never had a seat in Westminster,
though (which is a shame, since in terms of policies and beliefs he's much better than Nige ever was).

BBC called her the May Queen earlier, the masonic mask of the jew is slipping.
Next referendum on removal of the royals and dual citizens holding any public office would be good.
Imagine if there was some imageboard thingy where we could make that start to happen.

Cuckservatives operate inside a Leftist frame which is why they always lose.

Really is amazing isn't it? Why can't Nigel just win everything and get it over with? So long Bongs, it was nice knowing you.


don't tell me that geriatric bag of jew spun manure actually really? if so you bongs are done for revolution time cucks.Oh and fuck manchester

It all turned out alright in the end

it was supposed to be a spring clean FOR the May Queen.

Explanation of a hung parliament.

What is a hung parliament?

continued –→

Farage for Torry PM
UKIP is sunk. basically just there to bitch about the parties in power. are they even getting a single seat?


one that hasn't been lit, of course

UKIP lost because nigel bailed on them, if he came back he could make gains again

No idea who's taking care of writing her speeches but I think they're looking for work right about now. What the fuck was she thinking? In a country with a sane population it would have been fine given all the terror attacks but in the UK right now it's another story.

RIP in peace, UKIP

Nige being leader would do jack shit tbh. The Tories stole Brexit from UKIP in the eyes of the public, it doesn't matter who the leader of UKIP is, they were never going to do well this time.

He kind of bailed at exactly the wrong time, I know he basically did what he set out to do, but in the end he ended up destroying UKIP, which means it turns into a two party system, which as by evidence of this election, is fucking balls.

i refuse to ever vote for women

UKIP was a Brexit party. Referendum was given by Torrys under pressure from UKIP threatening to take their vote. UKIP really had no purpose other than restrict immigration which voters don't seem to care about, so that's why UKIP is dead.

Thatcher was a good leader.

exploding head syndrome is a terrible affliction

Is there a Holla Forums stream of election coverage?

any highlights?

Think Reagan but worse.

ur welcome

Reagan was dogshit


no idea what that means so ill assume neither do you

That was his point

he was already a chimp

Your post is totally right except the part about UK voters not caring about immigration. That's absolutely false. Immigration was the biggest factor behind people's decisions in Brexit.
The issue isn't that the people don't care about immigration. The issue is that NEITHER PARTY GIVES THEM A CHOICE. It's just like how in America, illegal immigration has been an important issue among voters for decades, yet neither party would do jack shit about it It's not that people didn't care, it's that neither party was willing to take a stand. Trump was literally the first fucking person to campaign on an anti-immigration platform, and his popularity exploded because of it.

ProTip: Better to vote in a "round up the whites and give their daughters to mudslime men" than a cuckservative like the ones Canada has suffered under for decades who promises to kill you slowly by slightly decreasing mudshit immigration and doing nothing to deport the shitskins already here or fight the demographic changes


So you're telling me you prefer to be boiled softly so you have time to adjust and take your death gently, rather than boiled fast and forced to actually react to save save your nation? heh

At least Johnson was actually 'for' Brexit, even if he didn't think they'd actually win

Mods honestly should ban anyone that picks a lesser of two evils from the ZOGbots. If you're planning on responding to this election by voting for some cuckservative you just need to be banned. We need the mods to send a message this kind of thing isn't going to be allowed on Holla Forums.

if they cared they would vote for it.

so you retained land that rich old people retire to?

Yo fam, isn't The Queen the real fucking power in the UK. That old bitch can dissolve Parliament, you have a bunch of unelected fags in the House of Lords, and niggers think the UK really is a democracy?

The Queen suspended Parliament in fucking Canada and in Australia when Labourniggers got uppity. The Queen didn't want to give up her power to the fucking EU. Fuck, she's more powerful than she lets on.

I wonder if she can still get her wrinkled pussy wet? I would've crushed that pussy when she was young.

and be hung by the people

What you've reduced yourself is too pathetic to bear witnessing user. The jews just have to do some token bullshit like ban some burkas or slightly reduce immigration and they'll have you all on board. Didn't Merkel, the Race Traitor #1, ban burkas? All this token bullshit to pacify us and keep us waiting decades for the next election and the next after and so on is going to lead to the ethnic cleansing of all British from the UK.

Yup when you start to see there's no going back.
You once were blind but now you see.
The scales fall from your eyes.
Synagogue of satan shown.

Being a jew I'm sure she prefers it in the arsehole, which is always lubed.

every cloud has a silver lining

I suggest dismantling this bullshit democracy that lets you pick from Communist A, Communist B, Communist C, and Communist D… Don't support or validate any of their bullshit. They didn't give us a real far-right candidate so we need to force them to start a new election with an actual candidate to represent us running.

I already told you, that's not how it works. It's like pic-related. You're given two jew-controlled options to pick from. You and everyone else can want a stop to immigration, but because neither party talks about it, and the issue never truly gets brought up, and neither party cares, you get screwed. It takes a maverick like Trump to get up there and say what everyone is thinking. But you need that guy to stand up and say it. And usually the media will lock out anyone who goes against the ZOG line.

Those colors are wrong

I'll be honest. I'm a Dutchman and I've turned down two UK girls, one Scottish, the other British, because I think you people have something wrong with you on a genetic level (all the conquering and adventurous types left the island long ago) and you're just the chaff slave population of weak cucks and I don't want that contaminating my lineage. In my country all the UK people living here are behind political correctness. Something about politeness coming from your culture, not wanting to offend others. I ask just about every single stranger I meet what their background is, so I know very fucking well who thinks what in my area. Guess what? Eastern Europeans are redpilled, Dutch are redpilled, German are redpilled, British are bluepilled, French are bluepilled. You guys are good for nothing but being slaves, speaking of which, I could buy one of your woman as exactly that; a slave – from a human trafficker I know – for about the price of a gaming pc.

brits are savages, litteral nigger level

Why did wilders lose then?

She's right, we need to nuke the middle east. It's the only way.

Your Dutch, your the original Euro cucks and nigger lovers.

Wilders lost because the votes were counted in germany.


You mean a controlled opposition shitskin mongrel that for awhile represented "the far right" in the UK?

What do you mean by that?

In South Africa we didn't racemix while the British did. The British fucked up South Africa and started racemixing with filthy niggers. What does a British man do when he can't find a wife and there's only niggers around? He takes one of the female negresses. What does a Dutch/Boar do? He decides to be single for life and die a virgin.

The Dutch that have blond hair still, all of them, are redpilled and don't want to mix with even other Europeans. It's no mistake that you see any Dutch left in existence with blond hair, that was because their parents intentionally choose to resist the racemixing propaganda.

There are no red pilled Dutch, you delusional cuck.

So who should I be rooting for?

I second this motion euro cuck

Germans and Dutch still in Europe are the left behind refuse.

In the colonies we are redpilled. Anti-semitic rants and comments about disgusting racemixers just being made at random here are a thing. Of course, ZOG can't infiltrate us, as most of us don't have or severely limit our use of technology and nobody knows what the fuck is being said when we speak our old languages.

There is no winning here for us, but it looks like the Conservatives will take the win by much less then they expected.


Find any Dutch having large families or in traditional settings and who retains the light phenotypes still. They are redpilled and raise their kids to be ready for racial holy war. Only reason it hasn't happened yet is the method preferred is to just buy up land and farm it and have kids. If ZOG gets too intrusive though, gets too pushy, there'll be a massive uprising; one we've already prepared for.

Something else about Dutch (specifically) is we only live in the countryside. You find other types of Europeans in the cities but Dutch you'll only find by going into rural areas. Dutch who are born and live in the ZOG cities are rare and lost causes who get disowned by rural Dutch.

UK are useless cucks and going to be genocided in their own land. UK will be 100% non-white in 30 years.


Canada owes its cucked nature to the British. If there weren't so many British derived populations here, Trudeau would never have happened.

t. weak cuck that couldn't emigrate from the failed island nation and is going to be genocided in his lifetime


Nigger, I knew a Dutch people. They said America died when Trump won.

Who the fuck are the Democratic Unionist Party and why have I never heard of them?

Biggest party in Northern Ireland, by far the most socially conservative party in the UK and probably among the most conservative in Europe.

The only one doing any hangings in the UK is mudslimes. All WN will stand by and say "we can't do the same because muh narrative muh pr".

Huh, interesting. Thank you.

Were they actually Dutch or some mix of things? What subculture were they from? Were they urban?

No problem user.

Frisian, some Hollanders.
Pure blooded Dutch.

well i could vote for a 3rd party, but i would rather vote against my interests out of the sake of popularity.
Drink RC Cola instead of whining that Coke and Pepsi taste like shit.

Gelderland master race reporting in.

Were they from Europe and from Urban?

RIP Brits, hope you can survive a muslim venezuela.

are you so sure youll win,

what if (((they))) give them weapons to exterminate you and take yours away

They retire to the US lad.

then y r u even a cuntry anymore?

What is happening here is, all the cities are falling to ZOG, but we'll control the whole countryside and thus most of the resources and the food supply. If they fuck with us, they starve. It'll be like Rhodesia all over again. They can arm the ZOGbots in the city, but they'll be up against rural folk who aren't cowards, who have god on their side, who know how to hunt, and who actually care very much indeed about the birthrate.

keep up the good fight, user. the ZOG needs to be completely removed from this earth

Who here thinks some kind of monarchist uprising could still be a possibility in the UK? Basically radical extremists who pledge themselves to the queen and start killing her enemies in the hopes the queen will back them and support them. I wonder what the Queen thinks of the UK being the horrible mess it is today. Queen Elizabeth the First was truly based. Queen Elizabeth is the complete opposite and has done nothing but make terrible decisions.

….Somali pirate dutch rape fest

Farange retired, and the UKIP basically bowed out of the elections to help the conservatives. You should support the conservatives as shitty as they are since they'll continue to push for the Brexit.

So far it looks like May's gamble of holding a snap election blew up in her face as conservatives lost a bunch of seats to Labour and while they're likely to still win they're going to be worse off than they were today. Good news is that Scotland is moving to the right.

checkin them digits

What are you going on about?

ProTip: These European countries are lost causes:

1. UK
2. France.
3. Germany.
4. Most of Scandinavia

These ones are going to have a genocide one day soon and it's going to end with an European victory:

1. Portugal
2. Greece
3. Estonia
4. Czech Republic
5. Ukraine

Ones not mentioned I'm just not sure about right now and have to think over more.

Basically South and East Europe is going to cleanse shitskins and the west and north is going to be fucked.

The colonies are definitely going to purge shitskins, it's just we prefer to fight by buying up all the rural land and reproducing as much as possible and isolating ourselves from the ZOG Machine (no television), fighting as a last resort. Australia and Canada and America have millions of redpills. Nobody realizes it though because they can't gain the trust and live amongst people who are unplugged, so they never get to experience what I do.

There is a major demographic shift happening especially in the colonies. The liberals are effectively not going to reproduce at all. There won't be many whites, but it'll be only quality ones. The only people who are going to be white in 30 years are going to be hardcore 'racists'.

Once the current queen kicks the bucket, it's a possibility. It's never been invoked before but when the royalty gave up power to democratically elected representatives they placed a clause called "the right to rule" and can temporarily or permanently take power of government. And since they technically control the military, nobody could stop them from doing so.

But I agree with your idea of doing a Mishima-style loyalist revolt to convince the future King to take control.

plz explain. SNP is not a real nationalist movement.

1% of the klan was niggers at its peak, a total of a few thousand.

The "based niggers" phenomena isn't new.

Being a nigger does not mean you can't join the klan.

that's a bot ur replyin' to

I think we should make niggers slaves again

Shamefur dispray.

I am a nord and hate swedish people, Norway build that wall

By that """""""logic""""""" we need to wall off England as it's a safe space for terrorists.

Because we've not all reached the age of retirement yet. Rich to the US and well off to southern Spain.

I think you need to read the thoughts of those who opposed slavery in the North. ProTip: they weren't bleeding hearts, they were pissed off and dirt poor northerners angry that the niggers (who worked 1,100 hours on average a year compared to their 1,300) were being provided with free housing, mates, food, and all the rest the rich and decadent South could provide to them. Many niggers and Southerners in general were living a lot better than them. The North wanted to genocide everyone in the South. They had their own slaves (both white and black). Nigger slaves are fucking useless, inefficient, burdens. If you want to have a slave populace, enslave white pacifists and liberals, basically any whites you can find that you know will submit to it. There has always been a natural caste amongst Europeans that are status-quo following slaves you can push around, rape their daughters, and force to work for you and they just accept it. White liberals ought to be the stock from which future slaves are made. Non-whites simply do not deserve to continue to exist in a white nation. If we are going to enslave niggers, it better involve sterilizing them all, and forcing them to work in terrible conditions (worse than what chinks work in) until they die from it.

sounds gay to be Europoor

Ermmm, I did not word that post right. Civil war was not over slavery. There was no opposition to slavery. There was however specific instances of white workers being put of work in certain towns because nigger slaves were brought in to do the work, thus causing mass poverty and all kinds of issues amongst the whites there. e.g. mining operations, manufacturing, etc. taken over by nigger slaves

All because jews didn't want to pay free laboring whites. They'd rather take whites livelihoods away to maximize profit with their nigger slaves (in these specific instances I'm talking about).

Nigger slaves = welfare with the requirement niggers put some work in from time to time in the fields

They had a better quality of life than your average wagecuck today.

Its for the sunny weather. Like how Florida has a shit load of retirement community's.

I have met quite a few UK in Canada who escaped the UK already because they considered it a lost cause. Redpilled UK just leave the first moment they can. Only ones that stay behind are the broken, degenerate, and poor. If you're redpilled and in the UK chances are that you have some major issues holding you back in life, preventing you from emigrating. This I have heard admitted by an IRA guy I talk to sometimes.

There is no future for the white race in the UK. It's a tiny island that is going to become Haiti 2.0.

nvm i see now

Did he just slap her tit?



How's it going, britbongs? Did you vote out the commies?

Hung parliament with "conservative" majority. Basically parliament is going to be a shitshow of bickering and arguments for the next four years.

Having to form a coalition with DUP in order to rule (if it happens) may be a blessing in disguise.
"Common Travel Area" seems to be the biggest poor point.


The brits are even more fucked than I thought possible.

what in the fuck

Time to collectively invest in building Neo-America on an off-shore Oil Rig in international waters, huh?

Somebody please explain what the fuck is actually going on. How did he get there and what is the point of him being there.

They've probably have already formed a coalition. It might still not be enough though.

Nope, Conservatives are narrowly winning. It's going to be a "hung Parliament", that means it's going to be 4 years in which the parliament is going to have difficulty in passing any legislation.

user what

Not FBI here, but why don't you put your tough guy persona to work and murder that filth

What level of chess was it that made her call this early election?

Well, better to stall than to let faggots turn your country into the rape capital of the world.

What if it only gets applied to foreign Europeans?

What about heroic white nationalists like Rockerz88 currently serving a life sentence? He doesn't deserve to be in jail.

What about people trying to get young virgin wives and getting in trouble because she was 15,16,17 etc.?

Boomers need to all be euthanised though and the funds need to go to young people for the purpose of starting new families.

Is this an isis executioner? The new superhero for the UK? What is that thing?

The conservatives already were in power, Theresa May gambled that a big win tonight would increase her strength and lost.

Single-handedly one of the most embarrassing elections of all time for everyone involved. Expect resignations and backdoor deals with porridge niggers.

It's terrible, Brexit is basically ruined

THE great thing about democracy is that anyone and everyone can take part — and we mean anyone.

Britain went to the polls today and among the known names, from Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn, many of the ballots contained some eyebrow-raising inclusions.

In the prime minister’s constituency of Maidenhead, a candidate known as Lord Buckethead stood against her.

It’s not the first time the mysterious, cylinder helmet-wearing political hopeful has had a tilt. In 1987, he — or she — also ran against Margaret Thatcher.

As British journalist Dan Hodges recalled of that campaign three decades ago, Lord Buckethead was asked by officials to remove the helmet for the official count.

Lord Buckethead refused, stating it was impossible as it was their head.

As was the case today, Lord Buckethead wasn’t successful — nor when they tried once more in 1992 against John Major.

In an interview with BuzzFeed UK, Lord Buckethead pointed out they were the only candidate to have stood against those iconic figures.

“Britain sorely needs effective opposition. So I have returned.”

Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron had an interesting figure on stage with him during the declaration — Mr Fish Finger.

The candidate came about when an internet poll found Brits would prefer a fish finger to Farron as prime minister.

And so he legally changed his name, bought the costume and announced he was running.

Mr Fish Finger, speaking at the end of his campaign said: “We have done all we can, it is now down to the electorate to decide. I would like to thank the team for all their hard work and for all their efforts.”

Also on stage with May during the count was Bobby Elmo Smith — a father’s rights activist who also ran.

Smith was dressed in a full costume of loveable Sesame Street character Elmo. He made several campaign trail appearances in the suit too.

Smith also appeared with the suit, when his mum wore it so he could speak with people. Bless.

It’s the third time the 33-year-old activist has run. He stood in Witney two years ago against then PM David Cameron.

The significance of Elmo is that the letters represent his four daughters’ names.

“No parent who is fit and willing should ever be denied their right to share equally in the lives of their own children,” he said in 2015.

Elsewhere, Labour leader Corbyn shared his declaration stage with a candidate from the Official Monster Raving Loony Party.

The party also ran a candidate against David Cameron in 2010. That same fellow, Alan Hope, also threw his hat in the ring this election — running against, you guessed it, May.

Although the odd candidates don’t tend to have much luck, attracting a handful of votes from loved ones and protesters.

The most stupidest election plan that I've ever seen from Tories.
They had the upper hand of winning a majority. Labor were in shambles with Corbyn refusing to leave and turning it into a Communist cuckhold.
She had the opportunity, but no. She fucking had to release such ridiculous manifesto that seems almost awful as the Labor one. And then those terrorist attacks under her very nose.
Now the Brexit deal is in danger and that's what Soros wished for.

OK but for the real win buy the local brand.

o i c

May sabotaged her own party to help fuck up Brexit with banning the Internet and threatening to change human rights for Whites (since muzzies are untouchable in Britain unless they threaten a Jew.)

kinda think this was a gambit to stop brexit nither major party wants to do it

UKIP is basically standing down this election to try to keep Labour from gaining even more seats. The Tories are expected to form a majority coalition with DUP.

lol DUP are an Irish party? ok… maybe the torrys need to allow Scottish Independence so they can get a majority

Nige had a couple assassination attempts if you recall.

This. Tory-DUP coalition is far and away the best possible outcome right now, especially if the latter can significantly influence the former.

Northern Irish. Big difference.
What? Scotland is a large part of why the Tories have done as well as they have this morning.

Then why do they bring up the holo hoax if you disagree?

Politicians are picked and funded only on the basis of flexible convictions and ability to follow orders and spin unquestionably. It's not "how could our leaders be this stupid?", but "how to elect someone who hasn't been vetted and blackmailed by globalists?".

Careful there lad…

keyword unionist

Well, if the Tory-DUP works out, then there should be no problems moving forward. That would provide the majority needed.

Are they Northern or Southern Ireland?

As of now, there are 5 seats undetermined. If they get 2/5 then they have 326 between the two.

the sand nigger looks like he just found his new wife

Would they have been able to Brexit before the election?


So effectively,

If 2 of them go to the Tories, this might actually be a blessing in disguise.

The real question is … why is it when Europoor get blown up my Muslim refugees they suddenly vote for the very people bringing them in?

Apparently, Sinn Fein has 7 seats this go, so the coalition would need 322 seats to barely make it.

Well it seemed like the Prime Minister was on board with so called 'hard-brexit', which is really just regular brexit as we all knew it before the referendum vote was cast. She had a majority in Parliament, meaning that she could force pretty much anything through, including a reasonable Brexit deal.

So were they able to? Yes, very likely, and much more likely than now. Would they have actually done it? We'll never know.

DUP is right-wing nationalist and Euroskeptic. There is hope for Brexit yet. Although England will have to suck Ulster cock from time to time.

SF is a totally cucked party that really needs to go to fucking hell. We're talking about DUP the Democratic Union Party, which is Irish and very conservative, socially, at least as far as Brits go. DUP has 10 seats.

It's 12 seats now.

What was her reason for calling the election?

Sounds like some Jew tricks if she was really (((polling))) 10 points ahead.

the pro mulsim media blitz rallies the cucks in a call for cuckoldry solidarity while sane people feel worn down by the insanity and stop engaging

Trying to go in for the kill which if you know any sort of politics is a terrible decision.

When will you niggers understand that white brain can do more than just one thing at once ?

She deliberately sabotaged her campaign and the tories' chances because she's an anti-brexit shill.

But the jokes on her, because now there's going to be a coalition government with the far-right norn iron party DUP. They're also nationalist and euroskeptic. And now, they'll have to OK whatever the tories want in order to reach a majority, meaning DUP holds the keys of what can get done in parliament

Only caveat is they want an open border with ireland. Techncially making them "pro soft brexit" but this shouldn't be misconstrued as them being for norway-tier soft-brexit in-name-only. They want a hard brexit, just with free travel in ireland. That's all.

It seemed like she would have made MASSIVE gains, but her hubris has screwed us all. Didn't help that they pushed a horrendous manifesto.

Though some say she did it to sabotage brexit, but this is just a rumour.

Also add that controversy about the report on terror financing/Saudis as another negative factor. Awful timing and the media made a big deal about it because of the election. Total fucking train wreck.

We already gave up, we're just playing a 5 minute game every few years. Not voting isn't better.

I think its obvious now lol.

If she wasn't deliberately sabotaging things, the hope would have been to solidify a conservative majority for the next 5 years to see clear through brexit negotiation and implementation.

Surprised the UK has not figure out yet the (((media))) lies.

Americans are about %50 there.

You guys need to look for voter fraud.

Surely their internal polling was not that off.

Only reason they want this is because if they don't then Republicucks will riot and start bombing again like the commie fuckwits they are.

So does this mean Cornyn's gonna be prime minister?

They tried to take advantage of all the other parties being a shambles, before promptly blowing their own legs off with various dip-shitted moves.

Anyway, say it with me lads,

polls are garbage, this has been proven multiple times

The fucking bitch won't resign.


Nothing in politics is "random" if you've been here forever you should see that now.

Someone red pill me on DUP?
and I'm a fucking catholic


fucking this

seriously. i saw this coming

It's not like the system needs us to be validated.

Gotta say two things about this "human rights" canard. I don't know what May meant in particular, but …
Again, not sure what May was meaning but keep the above in mind




Think of the concessions we're going to get, lad! I'm rock fucking solid


Islam banned 2018
Homosexuality banned 2020
Buckle up, lads.

Is it getting better? Are you gonna start reverse immigrating dune coons??

So basically they don't want a "hard boarder" with Ireland .. whatever that means. Like Trump is going to build a wall their or some shit.

Personally I think you should just Northern Ireland back to the Irish and move back to the mainland.

Why do you want the hunk of dirt anyway?

Fuck off Plastic Paddy, we don't surrender to communists here. The IRA are not brave ethnonationalist freedom fighters like you want to believe they are.

You're still gonna have to answer to the fact that Ireland is EU, and the DUP is not gonna want VISA required travel. And I doubt Ireland is going to get a special deal they can sign bilaterally with the UK to let that happen.

taigs can have it back when they stop acting like complete fucking faggots voting for unironic marxist "nationalists" who do nothing but advocate for open borders, gommunism, shitskin refugees, and fag marriage.

Ulster is based because they're genetically the same people as the southerners in America.

That was going to be an issue for the tories to handle whether the DUP is in government or not, unfortunately.

The British National Party (remember them?) went from 8 candidates and 1,667 votes to 10 candidates and 4,642 votes. With the UKIP craze diminished not a surprise they did a little better. With how useless Theresa May is I can understand Anglin and others calling for a vote for Old Labour, but if I lived over there in one of those districts I would never have denied the only party seriously confronting Britain's existential threats to stick it to a cucked Tory PM.
I can't picture May staying on; she may be arrogant, but Conservative MPs aren't that stupid. Any guesses who's next for PM?

Same here; Papists for DUP should be more of a thing.

It is kinda funny how they want Brits out, niggers in.

Depends. Probably not

Really makes you think

Plus there's more to immigration control than just having an open border. It's about whether the foreigner is able to use services, get a job, apply for a bank, buy a car, buy a house, rent an apartment, etc. These can all be easily shutdown for non-micks without a visa.

Can you lads name a single thing Theresa May believes in? I can't.

Internet Censorship.

They see the "free travel area" for all of Ireland as something they want to preserve in order to keep Northern Ireland industry and tourism healthy. That's their main concern and a lot of people seem to want to paint it as being anti-Brexit or "soft" on Brexit, which it isn't, really. and are debating how relevant this is, but I side with the latter, the issue of Ireland being an island needed to be addressed, regardless. Ergo I don't see it as a big deal, I think EU can handle VISA-free on the Emerald Isle while still having different requirements to travel to the continent.

The other points which DUP has in their manifesto are really solid, at least, as far as Brits go. Honestly anybody worth their salt should be pushing for criminals to be executed, but "life means life" is pretty badass by Brit terms, and they are pro-self-defense and want to deport foreign criminals.

Ulster should never return to the Potato Nigger Republic until these guys win an election:
Besides Spain and Portugal, in no other European nation has (actual) nationalism gained so little traction in the 21st Century. At least their leader is a debonair young chap, eh? Maybe he can win over some young voters.

kek. Okay I'll accept that answer.

surveying and investigating Holla Forums, but not mosques

Will she be the shortest PM in Bong history?

You CAN'T? You haven't been paying attention. May is a stalwart supporter of laissez faire abortion, homosexual marriage and gay pride, Israel and confronting anti-Semitism, and not letting a string of terrorist attacks scare us into removing kebab.

IIRC 2nd shortest. Only 5 and a half bongs. Quite impressive.


If she resigns, she'd be damn near rivaling Sam Allardyce.

You are either new, blue pilled or a dirty jew

I don't think that's going to work.

I think its obvious at this point there is a lot of voter fraud going on in the EU.

Nothing has gone as expected.

Why? Literally no one here in Norn wants to be part of the Republic, Sinn Fein only go up in the polls when people are annoyed with the DUP. Are you American?


The Republic are the only nation in world history to vote in an overwhelming majority to poz themselves up their own negholes. That's just one symptom of the marxist disease which plagues them, and earns my ire. Contrary to popular belief I am not filled with loathing at the idea of being "Irish" in theory, I simply don't wish to be part of a nation so thoroughly pozzed with marxist crap with a foundation in bolshevism. I like the political and economic advantages being in the Union provides, I like being part of the great history of the British Empire and still being respected internationally.
A lot of the ribbing I do about the Papists is mostly for fun, in the spirit of Oul Reverend Ian. Obviously here your religious denomination usually carries a political connotation, but I don't have any big problems with Catholicism itself as religious practice, more what it represents in our context. It actually continues to baffle me that practising Catholics, who are in theory socially conservative, continue to vote for "Nationalist" parties who advocate for everything they should oppose and would gladly see their faith wiped from existence. If an actual practicing Catholic told me he was a political Unionist I would have no issues whatsoever with him, I would be glad to have him and pretty much everyone I know would be the same.
Rant over, I'm fuckin tired m8

She'd need a lot of balls to go through with something like that. This is the biggest swing in history, and it's due almost EXCLUSIVELY to Mummy May royally fucking everything up. All the blame is on her. there's no goddamn way she can stay in. The audacity of this bitch.

If she leaves, who is she replaced by?

Big Brother

Not to mention that, unlike Corbyn, there's plenty of people available to challenge her leadership

She'd stay in as Prime Minister until the Party can hold a leadership election

Yes, never understood the whole Northern Ireland thing, why so much trouble from some small piece of dirt.

Whoever the party (or coalition?) decides. May was a shit choice in the wake of Brexit in the first place, since she herself was anti-brexit (pure coincidence, goy). So literally anyone could be better.

Why is there no one to challenge Commissar Corbychev? He seems to be the odd man out as an oldschool bolshevik, rather than a neoliberal shill. You'd think the party would replace him with a more representative mudskin or something.

I saw Boris Johnson scrounging around earlier this evening and he was mentioned as a possibility - but I don't know if that's viable.

It was fixed. All her opposition backed out and Michael Gove stabbed Boris Johnson in the back by offering himself up as a candidate even though he had no popular support.
The party was pretty fractured. I also think a lot of it had to do with union support

They'd like nothing better, but the party membership won't back anyone else, Jihadi Jez is in until he quits or dies.

Once upon a time when England was busy trying to conquer ireland, they started colonizing it with Protestant Scots in Ulster. The issue isn't just one of religion. It's an ethno-cultural-religious issue. NI is majority protestant and Scots-Irish (same genetic makeup as most of the original founding peoples of the American South, who make up the bible belt today). And then the native people of the island are irish catholic. It's mostly an issue of tribal politics, and that's a big deal.

Having them unite is like having Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia unite again. Too many ethnic/cultural differences and past history of bad blood. Wouldn't work.

Indeed. It's incredibly depressing when there's a nationalist party that's marxist or far-left, like Sinn Fein or SNP. What the fuck are you supposed to do in those circumstances? There's probably tons of people who would vote for a REAL nationalist party if one actually existed. It's all fucked. Even worse than needing to choose between Mummy May and Comrade Corbynsky

Because Northern Ireland are Church of England and Southern Ireland are Catholics. The only reason CofE exist is because Henry wanted to divorce his wife and then remarry in church, this was not allowed under the then Catholic church, Henry got all the bishops to bow to him because they were scared for their measly lives and enjoyed extreme wealth and status. Except Moore who stayed silent which is where "silence is consent" comes from. So it's much more than some small piece of dirt. Loads of other things happened as well but it's much more than a piece of dirt. It's principal, history, the validity of the royals, and a shit tonne of blood.

Well, sorry if I came across as rude lad, didn't mean to if so. I'm pretty hyped at the prospect of the DUP getting power beyond just NI and am a bit excitable this morning.

The short answer would essentially be, "it's our piece of dirt." I can think of very few countries where people are as attached to their national identity as in NI, and it's been that way pretty much since the Ulster plantantion. The desire to keep us in the UK or to absorb us back into the south is more symbolic than anything else; I won't claim that the UK would fall apart tomorrow if we were to rejoin the south. Irish "nationalists" view NI as one of the last stands of British imperialism whereas unionists are mostly old enough to remember the Troubles and don't want any more sweeping, radical change in case it were to lead to something similar again. Religion is also a part of it, though not as much as it was; a considerable amount of unionists here today are Catholics, but that wasn't always the case.

I hope that clears some stuff up lad, these two posts

are also pretty spot on. Bottom line is we're too culturally and politically different to the south to rejoin it any time soon (or for anyone here to want to rejoin it).

Speaking of, if anyone tries to tell you that the Troubles were caused by religion don't listen to them. It was a conflict about territory but also about two opposing national identities in which one side just so happened to be majority Protestant and the other just so happened to be majority Catholic.

Only 1 more seat for the CON-DUP alliance to be possible.
Cornwall and Kensington, we're counting on you!


Thx for the summary. It's difficult for a foreigner to wrap their head around who was doing what during the Troubles. The numbers of competing groups, strongly held beliefs and the overall brutality involved make it a challenging subject of study.

No problem lad.
Yeah, I'd imagine so. It's not always easy to discuss, either, since if someone from NI didn't personally experience the Troubles they're probably related to someone who did, so it's a touchy subject for most. Anecdotally, my mum often had to be evacuated out of the post office she worked in during the 80s and early 90s because of frequent bomb scares. Because of things like that divisions still run pretty deep in certain areas.

A message that will be seen by no one except the aged catlady or paki that sees it then bins it. Very profound.

I think there are similar feelings of discomfort in the U.S. when a foreigner wants to discuss say, the U.S. Civil War or segregation. Obviously not the same thing but it's close. Having outsiders give unsolicited or what can be perceived as inaccurate analysis can lead to hotheads losing their tempers.

UK is dead, innit.

could have something to do with the fact that
1) the string of kebab attacks happened under the tories' government
2) they literally knew about these jihadists and did nothing
3) their solution is internet censorship rather than targeting mosques or curbing immigration
Basically, it's fucked either way, so they voted for the opposite party to see if it MIGHT help even a little.


I meant to

Ultimately labour will make it EVEN worse though.

This is like being dissatisfied with the state of the pavement you're walking on, so you jump in the hedge.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just explaining the thought process. They see the current government isn't doing a good job, and think "it's time for a change(TM)"

The public are of course correct.

"we need workers" and at the same time "jobs are all going the way of machines come get UBI"

nobody gives a fuck besides idpol idiots when theres a moron screaming allah ackbar in the comments section
whats happening in REALITY/REAL LIFE in the streets takes priority ALWAYS

RT has announced that May has struck a deal with DUP to form new government.

Nutall resigns as UKIP leader.

Bad idea. If some enforcement agent felt like it, they could easily work out your name and address from your ballot paper.

I hope Farage fills it the leadership gap again. If the Tories fuck up Brexit then UKIP could hopefully get a surge and Farage can get a seat in parliament at least.

Poortherners are so braindead they'd still vote Labour even if Corbyn raped their mother. They don't even have to think about it, they just look for the word Labour and tick. We had lots of retards who accidentally voted for Socialist Labour by mistake because they saw the word Labour.

What happened to UKIP? Can any of you britbongs explain that to me?

Can someone make a tl;dr how this went down.
It thought that the right sock puppet had it in the bag.

They've lost from a combination of:

And there's probably more factors I've missed.

it's like they wanted to elect someone like Merkel in every western country until Trump fucked all that up.
looks like UK is about to get fucked though

This could genuinely be a gamechanger and anyone saying that the UK is fucked needs to read up on the DUP.

Underrated trips

Most likely going to be Tory-DUP Coalition.

Northern Ireland is a wildcard compared to the rest of the UK.

Their parties are split between anti-colonial Sinn Fein, ethno-nationalists of both Irish and Ulster, and general other parties too.

If DUP can influence the Tories - especially on surveillance laws/censorship - then it's a win for Holla Forums

Literally the only possible way "we" could have won this is if DUP gets in.

There's no chance in hell a bunch of Ulstermen are going to let themselves be spied on, since I'm sure half of them have weapon caches in their sheds.

And knowing how the Nirish are, those 10 MPs are not likely to bend the knee to the Tories.

Basically, imagine if the Supreme Court's 9th member was *actually* a member of the KKK and had personally bombed Nation of Islam or something.

That's what this is.

Isn't royal family basically owned by jews?

Was it really so hard to post a real webm?

Seriously, Germany, UK and US were planned to have three globalist, multicult traitorous women in charge.

That's a strange way to say pathologic delusion user.

So this is basically the next best thing after a UKIP government. Tories get to keep Comrade Cuckbyn out and advance Brexit, while the bitch doesn't get to censor the Internet.