Complain about shit here.
Its about time we have had one of these.
Try to keep it civil.
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened to /vg/ in the "vidya stuff' links?
If you are going to include /vidya asses/, which is inferior to vp in every way, you have to include /vg/ its for longer winded threads and a lot of threads that have been showing up recently would do better over there.
It would be nice if the board name changed more often, right now I am partial to "Holla Forums - Vidya Gaems" . Hint hint.
Same for the board description.
Where do we go when Holla Forums goes down? During e3 I was lost.
We could use more banners, less general memes, more vidya related things and memes.
I think the bump limit should be decreased to 200, after about 200 posts a thread begins to get stale most people who wanted to post have and discussion is usually already fully exausted.
The board has a lot of threads that get really old and then get necro bumped keeping them alive for longer cause of the bumplimit and the amount of pages.
Threads should be required to hit bumplimit before a new thread can be made not just page 13 at a minimum, this is actually something that happens often, a thread will get to page 13 or beyond and then a continuation thread will be made then the inital thread will be bumped and there are now 2 threads and this is not against the rules cause the thread was on page 13, what I am suggesting is you amend the "700 posts or Page 13" part of rule 6 to "700 posts or Page 13 bump limit".
Have you ever considered changing the rules page to be rule and information? Cause that would give you a spot to put all that fucking "vidya stuff" that currently serves as obnoxious clutter.
I also wanted to share with some cool images I found on google.
Fucking notepad formatting errors.
I had been actually drafting up this thread up for quite a while, and I actually had some pretty reasonable stuff to so in terms of how you guys were doing, well that was until I was permabanned for what is essentially 1 case of shitposting and I went through all available channels to attempt to have it undone, /meta/, /operate/, /feedbackv/, /meta/ and I was ignored not sure what else to do, it has made my life incredibly stressful as I have actually been trying to set up a game night with Holla Forums and that can not be reasonably done while I am required to use a vpn to post, and I also go to Holla Forums to throw down a post or two about video game most of the time a high quality post, not to jump through vpn hoops to even contribute. And before you criticize me for not sucking mod dick in my appeal, no, that is not how that is supposed to work, on imageboards you are not supposed to treat mods as some sort of entity to treat differently, you are supposed to treat them like users, I've been unbanned by moot in the past by telling him I didnt break a single fucking rule and to kill him self.
TL;DR Unban me.
I don't believe we need another one
That being said
People openly mention using reddit and people openly advocate towards using it. Butthurt over "weebshit" is escalating, people unironically support sjws, Holla Forums won't stop making unrelated threads and derailing excising threads, and Mark is too useless to do anything but circlejerk.
Maybe it's time for me to stop using the internet.
Userbase is too fragmented as it is, that board is dead.
existing, fucking kill me
I said that it had become impossible to talk about anything that weren't the same 10 games on here and that every single discussion was shot down or saged. I was banned for 24 hours for breaking rule eight.
Meanwhile I see people rolling dubs, saging randomly, derailing threads that have absolutely nothing wrong, and even after reports no actions have been taken.
I'm amazed how terrible the moderation has been lately. We even had a 300+ responses thread about Yanderedev (not the game mind you, the person) which goes against the e-celeb rule, and yet nothing was done about it.
Am I missing something? Are some of the rules just there if you want to apply them or if the moderation is feeling cunty or bored?
How about you get off your asses and clean up the shitposters, the Holla Forumsposters and the rest of the scum from the board?
wouldn't even surprise me
I said
and got banned, on a thread that started with
Life really is surreal
I thought you had to be 18 to use this board? Can we get rid off these edgy 12 year old Holla Forums tards please?
Or atleast just get rid of those "Post a villain that did nothing wrong" that evolve into either a Holla Forums circlejerk or a berserk circlejerk which isn't video games.
We're not on cuckchan anymore. Dubs are allowed here. Check em
Sage is not a downvote. Why does it bother you? Move on with your life, a sage does literally nothing to the thread.
A thread can be good in content, but if it gets derailed then it's a thread which didn't have enough interest. Weak threads get weeded out like that all the time. In an ideal world, no one would shitpost anywhere but this is chan culture and derailing threads is nothing new.
Full of blowing him out. A lot of people here have been vaguely following the game since halfch days, it's very relevant
Just one thing - the world doesn't revolve around you.
Pic related
No they aren't, not en-masse for no reason.
Because people sage 20 times each. which fills the thread with shitposting and not actual discussion.
Dumb reasoning, but fair enough.
So? It's still e-celebs. It's not games, and it's just a bunch of people sperging out for 300 replies. It shouldn't be here.
Kill yourself, you're the complacent scum that allowed the board to become such a fucking cesspool.
Can we stop Holla Forums from filling every webm thread with fucking propaganda videos. I hate scrolling through webm threads and having the pissing thing devolve into Holla Forums webms and people telling them to fuck while they post "normal guy.jpg xD git mad sjw like jidf shill!".
Can we also ban this fucking nigger for being a retard?
Can confirm a significant drop in board quality, between niggers rolling on derailers without either sage or some form of thread-relevant content in their post, Holla Forums and Holla Forums bringing their drama here because god forbid Holla Forums should have the entire political spectrum on it, and an overabundance of both newfaggotry and shitposting.
This. Is there any way we can get pol and leftypol to fuck off for good?
4chan's "keep Holla Forums in Holla Forums" rule makes more sense with every derail.
There is one way, but that requires the creation and population of a /rightypol/ board, which is nigh-impossible given the inertia of the current Holla Forums population.
It might have a snowball's chance in hell once election season is over, but otherwise forget about it.
Sage for Holla Forums-centric content.
Isn't rightypol just pol?
That's the entire reason the Holla Forums situation is so fucked in the first place.
After every Holla Forumsfag who wasn't a confirmed owner of some form of nazi memorabilia was either banned or successfully excommunicated to Holla Forums, they ran out of arguments to have on Holla Forums and naturally sought them out on other boards.
Namely Holla Forums.
Hahah, wow, fuck this broken ass site god fucking damn it.
Thanks mark, thanks for protecting me from opposing view points and harmful ideas, thanks for treating us concerned with quality and board matters like human trash and ignoring us. Thanks for permabanning us and then sweeping it under the rug while we struggle to contribute to a dying community, thanks for ruling like a tyrant and attempting to appear as a people king. Thanks for nothing.
Now I remember why we stopped having these threads regularly.
Thanks a lot, metafags.
Because of your pointless drama and your axe to grind with the admittedly mediocre BO, we can't have an actual discussion about problems here and how to solve them.
You can't be unbanned because once your appeal has been denied, there is no way to appeal it again. Ron should probably improve this.
> Meta threads about Holla Forums, halfchan, Holla Forums, its policies, bans, and users will be bumplocked. Exceptions may be allowed in case of important developments regarding Holla Forums.
It was drama and because it all boiled down to "ban this game I dislike," "ban weebs," "ban Holla Forums."
I don't do drama, I didn't create this thread for drama and I don't care about it. None of the mods or vols check or care about the meta boards and there is absolutely no way to communicate this stuff and the threads about it get bump locked. There is no where to get things related to this board solved.
Thanks mark, I really appreciate you okaying a permanent ban for what amounts to a single shitpost with a slightly excessive amount of words repeating a little bit. I honestly don't believe that bullshit you are saying right there, I am supposed to believe there is no way to unban someone with out an appeal, an appeal that should have been accepted in the first place?
I read the rules faggot, where the fuck am I supposed to fucking get my concerns across, all the meta boards are dead and abandon and not every one uses steam or email, email that would be sent to an abandon email address.
I'm not Mark.
There is no way to unban you. The way to unban you would be to use the ban list and then find that specific post. However, the ban list has been disabled because it was being used as an attack vector against Holla Forums.
I don't really care who you are, okay?
Whatever how about you faggot vols go easy with your fucking bans? Do you think what kind of effect permanent banning some one has? At this point its not even worth evading it. Well that explains why the ban list seemingly stopped working, not sure how it was being used as an attack vector against Holla Forums, but that's news to me, again I just want to point out what exactly is the purpose of making such drastic bans for such little infractions? Should never have been a permanent ban and the appeal should have been accepted regardless of how rude it is.
Since you are a volunteer faggot why not bring up the fact that there is no way to express about the board that will get acknowledged? I think it was a very thin skinned decision to get rid of meta mondays even though I never attended them. Would it really have been so hard to have a zero tolerance rule for shit posting and offtopic garbage in 1 thread? Probably cause you fags would abuse it.
I honestly just want to abandon ship at this point, but all the decent imageboards have no posters.
You could try IRC/chatrooms. They can be pretty comfy when you find one that isn't full of faggots, which probably isn't that hard depending on your standards of faggotry.
Stop assuming.
You should check out >>>/sudo/2722.
Meta Mondays ultimately led to Mark and his family being doxed. This went on for a week.
What am I assuming and what is that archive supposed to tell me?
I don't think so, I distinctly remember mark being doxed way before meta monday even existed, also that is what happens when you are a newfags normalfag who connects his identity with his real name and shares that identity with people on imageboards. I gave up caring about Holla Forums cause all of the people in charge did, also it doesn't explain why or how its used as an attack vector.
Your memory is failing you.
This happened in December 2015. During the holidays too.
You are cherry picking small parts of my posts to address, being incredibly vague and not helping at all. This is exactly what you wanted, thanks for wasting my time. Good bye.
yeah YOU CAN GO to cuckchan .