Fuck this place is kiked
What the fuck is this bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Shits being slid hard too
Fucking Cringe
It's going to get worse, much like those "blacked" posters on 4cuck
Where did the Travel Ban SCOTUS thread go?
Sites fucked user
While you're not wrong, you don't know how to fucking greentext. Why did all you newfags appear so suddenly after the hack? Where are you from? I've seen shills but never weaponized cancer.
Fuck off kike your hasbara judaism tactics will not work on me
Typical Tricks schlomo
I called you cancer, not a shill. Where did you come from and when?
Back to reddit
You mean you're just noticing now? That advertiser has been here for the past two weeks, and Jim always advertises his Neocon site, but the Transgender article has only been up for two days.
Tbh other than Holla Forums that fetish zone is advertising in a good place. You got /cuteboys/, /fur/, /pone/, Holla Forums, /d/, and pretty much everything else besides Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Seriously, it's like complaining about the J-list ads on 4chan. Just block them if you don't like them.
(I can't not check these trips)
I'm an old as fuck fag user. Baph 2006
Checking those trips
Also why are there still people not using uBlock Origin? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Its the principle user
Wew lads we got a live one. Seriously though, fuck off.
Is that the line they feed you? You fucking capitalize your greentext and start it with a redactor's >Be Me, not that posting a greentext as OP on Holla Forums in the first place. You don't fit in, not even with all the other cancer that's occupied this dead board.
Because I'm not a degenerate kike or a bot
Your trip through ED and KYM doesn't make you an oldfag. Try Holla Forumseddit, they might buy it.
Nice comeback tbh I'll take that one
Stopped reading right there.
/baph/ deserves praise
Gonna get banned may as well dump some drama shit too
This Website is a COINTELPRO Honeypot
Good Goy
This is Jim/pol/
what did he mean by this?
Every imageboard and site that discusses our topics is compromised. It's a pick your poison type deal really.
Abandon thread. Abandon board.
oldfags do not exist
all true posters are now vapor
We don't own the site. Jim does. He takes whatever money he can for ads.
The ads are the same for all the boards.
You are correct.
Anyone can place ads without any sort of checks, you just gib sheckels and upload banner and link.
By the way, if you ever go to /loli/ or /shota/, you can see CP advertisements.
i got the same ads
No, targeted ads are real, as well as IP and browser history targeting. Shit remembers what you write and what boards and threads you browse.
If you get fag ads, you were on fag boards. Also don't tell me you people don't use adblock at all.
but Holla Forums told me those penises were feminine!
i like to raw dog it tbqh famcom.
I only get ads like this.
There's also nothing wrong with that transgender ad, if you actually click it its just statistics, not anti-trump shit.
Its just the same goldwater news website:
kill yourself kike
found the newfag
This is bullshit and what Jim/pol/ tells others
That's bullshit. Jim sells ads based on boards or for the whole site you fucking newfaggot click the self serve (soft serve) button
kek those are horse cocks not nigger cocks
I'd already forgotten ad's were even a thing on the internet
Sage for OP sucking too many cocks to do something as simple as download ublock origin
Yep. Why mind when degenerates fund a great sight? Holla Forums is worth the groan.
Show's how much OP loves to think about niggers doesn't it?
Its bad if fags and trannies will die for israel? I don't care, i am not american, but i surely want american army to be weak as shit so you won't threat Iran, Syria or North Korea as much as you do now, jewish slaves.
Draft more fags, please.
we don't need any more contributions from you nigger
It's not even black dicks, it's fucking dragon dildos. What is kc tier doing here?
Not only that, yesterday I went on 4cuck Holla Forums to see how fucked it was. I saw a shitton of pro commie thread but no pro hitler or national socialist threads. Of course they still all got blown the fuck out, but it's a fucking horrible sight to see how fucked and cucked it is.
I'm pretty sure it's the leftypol niggers here spamming there to win over more kids and deranged fuckers.
Meguca Tranny spotted
That's pretty funny.
Yeah, you're going to be trolled anywhere you go. You have a lot of people who hate you with a passion and know what you dislike the most.
Gas The Kikes Race War now
Fuck you, OP. Stop being a cancerfag
The ads are based on your browsing history and cookies stored. We all know what that means OP :-)
you're only proving his point. this place has really fucking fallen. I never thought I'd say this but where the fuck are the mods?
Idk man
You can get like 90 feet of cotton rope for like 20 bucks so it cant be all bad
Fuck I forgot to check
I actually got my blacked fetish from browsing 8/pol/ like a year and half ago. The more you hate niggers the hotter it is. Nothing is more humiliating than watching a nigger pound the girl you desire.
It's all part of Kek's plan. There's no such thing as wasted dubs.
Anyways, there's a lot of anons here who feel the same way. That is why they advertise that here. These ad agencies aren't stupid and know their demographics.
Check this shit out
If there are other anons like you, they should also kill themselves. Being attracted to non-whites is degenerate. But if you're lucky and if you live long enough, you can autoerotically asphyxiate yourself to thoughts of your nigger fetish when you hang first on the Day of the Rope.
It's a link to a news story for Jim's shitty goldwater site, not really selling anything nor promoting tranny shit
Why are there so many mentally unstable fuckers on here? It's a fucking ad, they aren't chosen by the website, they just have an ad aggregate that decides what to show based on various factors. Tell the faggots on other boards to stop shitposting about boypussy if you don't want to see degenerate ads. Like that other retard whose link malfunctioned once and went into full panic mode thinking the Jews had finally come for him.
It wasn't like this before the election.
Hate to break it to you, OP, but it's worse than that. Those are dog dicks.
No, 8ch does not have an ad aggregate that decides to show things based on factors. 8ch has self serve ads: you buy ad views, and you get to decide where your ad shows up. There is no review of content, aside from users reporting rule-breaking ads to [email protected]/* */
The rules, for posterity:
ITT: people don't understand how ads work
you guys are fucking retarded. Anyone can post a thread, anyone can pay money to have an advertisement. I actually hope the people that got angry over this die, you are too low IQ to even live.
Is it still only $5 to put any ad up on any board?
Meme sprouting retard.
Being too low IQ to sage his post.
The gold water shit etc on top is standard space you can buy. The ones on the bottom are directed. I only get female underwear ads.
Meguca niggers are really starting to get annoying. Endless ddos When?
Oy vey, don't talk about the degenerate ads on the site, you must be from [insert site pol typically dislikes]!
Same, and im single
What the fuck is an ad?
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A thread died for this, user.
Use adblock, user.
It's okay, we need disposable brownshirts.
Majority are tailored to your tracked info, website history and searches.
It's pinned, you fuckwits.