Moonman: The Video Game

The Moonman came into my window last night and handed me this video game!

He told me to finish it for him! What do I do, Holla Forums?

Fuck off already Holla Forumstard

What button is start?

Call the NY:PA.
America's least used policing force

How do I hack the Moonman's swf?

This is CP.

I scanned it. It's a fucking video game advertisement demo.

Perhaps the Moonman will drop by and handout v2.

I heard he is a lazy bastard who doesn't do jack shit if no-one gives a fuck.

At least he had the decency to make a title screen!

I can't believe the Moonman knows how to make swfs…

Hello Holla Forums.


Go back to Holla Forums.

I ain't clicking on that shit nigga, I've learned better than to click swfs I found on a portuguese stick scratch drawing board.

read my post nigger, see

Here's some Moonman for you triple K hooligans.

What video game file type do you prefer? This thread exists for a reason.

You should make a game because it's something dear to you, and not because it's hip and in. Otherwise you're just as bad as the indie fags that remake the same walking sims and political shit.

You hit the nail on the head. Literally the thread theme.

Seriously, what vmeme format do you prefer?

People really need to stop sperging out about Holla Forums on Holla Forums. It's become a meme at this point and they're always just fishing for replies. Too many threads have been derailed because of this, and if you have a legitimate problem with the subject matter, then I advise you to check the catalog for something more suited to your taste or just leave the site entirely and go to the comment section of some webmagazine or something. Keep in mind that I do not profess any political opinions of my own, I just want people to stop this "epic troll" by pretending to be the Holla Forums boogeyman, or pretending to be an SJW. You're not fooling anyone, and the people you are fooling are either stupid or they're actual stormfags and SJWs just throwing that out there. You might be giving the idea to people that we are against racism and bigotry, when the site holds no prejudices against any opinion. That's how 4chan started chiding people for saying nigger. Seriously you can head over there right now and people will make fun of you for being edgy or say that's not cool because they themselves are black, and then they'll pat each other on the back for calling out the "nazi". We all need to care about the quality of the board, especially in these trying times with an administration that seems to leaning more and more towards becoming hotpockets. I'm not trying to be the board police and call out funposting, I want you to create an environment that YOU want to be in, and then others will do the same and as a symptom of that post quality will increase. Don't look at like a chore, just be comfortable and don't be a terrorizer.

Schizo please.


Moon Man existed before Holla Forums did, m8000.
He's from the good ol' YTMND days.

I want some webms, swf files are very insecure, I want some confirmation that the game is actually a game.

Gas yourself, chaim.
