This is exactly what SJWs do, and why Reddit is so horrible and harmful

This is exactly what SJWs do, and why Reddit is so horrible and harmful.

On Holla Forums everyone is free to pull in all directions and everyone argues with everyone.

On leddit exactly one side of the conversation has the privilege to roll up and take a shit in your brain like the SJW hit piece on YandereDev and then everyone jerks around and ~argues~ with it instead of deleting the piece of shit or telling that oversensitive bitch to fuck off back where she came from.

YandereDev is mad at Holla Forums because when someone reached out and hit u/YandereDev, nobody was there to hit back for him,

If you don't learn what this was, why it worked, and how to fight it, the SJWs are going to keep winning.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reposting these. Fuck Reddit and fuck weebs.


Who cares, YanDev did the same thing with 4chan.

He probably doesnt care for imageboards anymore, and will make a video on how Holla Forums hurt his feelings which caused the game feature getting delayed.

YandereDev is just a pussy who'd rather fuck off to his hugbox than face actual criticism.
His game never even looked good to begin with, it was just Hitman with anime girls.

As much as I don't like the guy, do we nearly need a thread about him made every time the old one dies?

I feel like we're just going to talk in circles like we're in the fuckin undertale generals


no we dont.

It triggers the ledditors that are infiltrated here, RIGHT NOW.

He's been a faggot for several years now, it's not like this was unexpected.

He's right in many ways. People here hate games that they haven't even torrented before just because they heard from some faggot that they're bad. This is probably the worst place on the internet to discuss games and it has some of the most uneducated people for this media I've ever seen in my whole life.

But he's also being a little bit of a pussy, Holla Forums sometimes is harsh but will not sugarcoat what it says, which can be good for a developer.

If you need to surround yourself with people that praise you and circlejerk around you about how good you are all the time then you won't make something good. This has happened over and over again on pretty much anything, great examples are George Lucas and Tim Schafer.

By having people blindly praising you, you will end up having a worse product.

Also changing your idea and vision because someone doesn't like it is despicable and people that buckle under peer pressure will never make anything good, as their product will almost always end up as a weird mish mash of mediocre things.

A person can't really be this mentally retarded, right?

You're arguing right now.

Holy shit that guy sounds like a faggot Also


tl;dr a faggot retreats to his hugbox the end

well now that I've read some shit that yanderedev wrote i can safely say everybody who was shitting on him was right

so i don't see the problem here

It's hot right now since it happened like a day or two ago. It'll die out soon.


I'm truly shocked…

George Lucas made finished products and is still much better than JJ Abrams, who did nothing but cashing in on nostalgia. Lucas actually proved that his fans were wrong instead of bitching about them.


Frankly i think he's right.
Furthermore, i think every single person here would pander to reddit and normalfags if they made a game, there's literally zero reason to pander to halfchan or Holla Forums, ever, you get -nothing- in return.
So it's kind of a no brainer, if you think otherwise you're seriously kidding yourself and/or have absolutely no self awareness.

We're bitter and cynical because we know exactly where this is all going to end, and where it will always end. It ends with money, censorship, and liberalism/feminism. This pattern remains unchanged.

I'd pander to noone and focus on making a good game, because I'm not retarded

Don't care, the faggot shilled for kotaku he can go fuck off and stay fucked off.

I'm fully expecting him to start a kickstarter for the game now, while keeping his patreon going. The game will turn out to be the weeaboo version of Starbound.

Propelled by hype, killed by broken promises and delays.

I just wanted a video game, not to read about a faggot crying himself into a corner. For fuck sake why do video games and making video games have to be so dramatic? Good riddance.

We were fucking warning people he would do this shit

Better leave and find somewhere else to post, then

20$ says he'll bash fullchan/halfchan in the game

Proving my point user

Nothing in the rest of the post retracts that statement

Who would have thought this was going to happen?

Good riddance to him and his meme youtuber bait "game".


I would pander to absolutely no one but me. Real games you make are supposed to be something you enjoy, that's how itbused to be at least.

Frankly no where is actually good at this point, its all just cesspools of idiots screaming at each other for no reason. Shitposting for the sake of it no matter the context. Doesn't matter what website, its all the time shit

When you single out the idiots who need to shut up and try to get them to fuck off/lurk more all that ends up happening is a hoard of retards come to defend that person to make the place a safespace. Holla Forums is generally immune to that shit but its rare to find threads worth bothering in because hte only thing people want to discuss in detail is retarded shit like this. Yan dev did the smart thing and build hype/fanbase off a site like this that will shill it until the dev jumps ship to safe/real money. Its best for sales and thats all that matters. You'll get people buying the game/donating to the patreon because of all the big meanies.

You can't win at all, money is all that matters. You start your seeds here in the dirt to hopefully grow something interesting but by the time you reach harvest you want it as far away from underground as possible. Future sales depend on it

To be fair, post quality has been drastically declining since 2014, both here and on halfchan (where it was already quite bad).

I'll break it to you: it declines non-stop, everywhere.

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

True, but I'd still rather be here than anywhere else.

I have to come to Holla Forums just for a dose of sanity these days.

He doesn't come here anymore.

Why do you guys keep giving him attention?

As in, it always does. At any place, since day 1.

That's also a completely reasonable answer, but consider this:

What if he's still making the game he wants to make?
And at the same time he's pandering to reddit and normalfags, but still by continuing the project the way he wanted to continue making it?


He'll get chased out of reddit as well when he finally does something that makes the leftists too butthurt to "forgive" him. He's a Jew, and Jews always repeat the same mistake.

The game was never meant to be. He made it and now is getting money, he no longer needs to pander to imageboards with his shit game for it to be popular. It was always going to be this way.
Stop acting like a dumped fucking girlfriend over some internet retard.


No he won't. We all know this. There's people that still love EA on reddit, they have no self esteem.

Anyone who has lurked Holla Forums for longer than a day should know that there is a wide community of strongly opinionated people here, some of whom are fucking faggots.
Yandev's sperg out just proves what I have always said - that he is an attention seeking faggot and a shit developer to boot. Yandere Simulator was always just an attempt to emulate the games he likes + immaterial pandering.

Well, I'm gonna dump something happy to keep things positive.

Remember that Yandere Sim is full of controversy with poor managing decisions with Eva using "volunteered" assets, the patreon, and kikestarter. Something will probably collapse.

Anyways enjoy Ecco.


And his betrayal is somehow now completely our fault. Classic sociopath. Why are you enough of a fucking cuck to continue sucking him off after he's openly admitted you're not his audience anymore, told you to eat broken glass, admitted it's all about the money now? He's Notch 2.0 and you're still sitting here defending him. Fucking. Kill. Yourself.

fuck off

there is no problem I just want to bask in the satisfaction of being right

nobody is forcing you to read this thread faggot

you mean all

best thing I've heard all day


Don't we already have this thread

Nothing to do with self esteem. They suck EA's dick because EA keeps pandering to their Marxist bullshit.

This fucker already got a yellow card once, and since he is clearly autistic to a dangerous degree, he'll fuck up again and burn for it.




My mistake. I meant to say you're all niggers and I hope you catch on fire.

This isn't reddit, saging isn't downvoting.

Gotta follow the pop trends fellow redditors :^)



He's openly admitted he's no longer making the game he wanted to make. He's openly said on this very website that he's making compromises to his vision with a minority of his audience simply because it will give him the biggest possible audience.

Wasn't aware of this, seems like you know a lot about the place

Weirdly enough you do catch more bees with honey than vinegar.

I appreciate the need and want to get negativity out and not blindly suck on a devs dick but if the only thing youve got to add to a conversation is what not to do and rag on them if they do, its not a very enticing community to want to be around.

But it seems weird at all he is trying to crowdfund the process of developing this game. Obviously he has to have some idea as to how to he wants to do things so when some people say its shit and others its fine theres no doubt he'll feel more inclined to listen to one more than another.

Frankly I dont know why he had to choose sides at all here. He can look to both Holla Forums and reddit for this kind of feedback. We all know one will be much softer than the other and which will probably give more honest opinions. Just pick which one and when. Ignore shitty posts and take critique.

Also this first image here is pretty spot on. Too many people here have the wrong end of the stick when it comes to pushing back against SJW shit and seem to correlate that anything an SJW might like or want is inherently negative. Minority characters are fine. Shoehorning minorities in to fill a quota or for representation purposes is stupid.

What I hate is the rampant shitposting.
If one retard dislikes the game you're talking about, he will shitpost to hell and back and will bring other shitposters as well.
Once I tried making a Zero Escape thread and it got flooded with shitposting.

If you think a game is shit, let people bathe in that shit and move on, an example is Undertale, I dislike the game but didnt go to every thread and shitposted about it.

Keep crying, bitch nigga.

'Sup Reddit?

Everyone has a pleasant discussion about the game, asking about various features, criticizing some aspects.
Dev is professional, answers questions, responds to criticism and is a general rad dude, likely posts here anyway.
Thread ends on a high note, with everyone thanking the dev and saying goodbye to him as it reached the bump limit.

Many new people are introduced to the game, people praise the dev for making a proper Battlefront 3, but also shit on the game for its problems.
Dev is a complete and utter newfag, the dev team lives under a rock so he doesn't know who we are, but instead of acting like a faggot, the dev thanks us for buying the game and takes the criticism on board and answers questions, we all have a pleasant discussion.
The thread ends on a high note with the dev once again thanking everyone and telling us that the dev team will take the criticism on board, everyone thanks him for his time.
AFF has since gotten a few patches that fix many of the issues that we brought up.

It's almost like Yandev is a complete fucking sperg who can't take any criticism.

This is the sort of person that whines about pol in every goddamn thread remotely related to politics

A genuine plebbitor.

This isn't surprising at all. Oh well, Yandere Sim was never anything more than a novelty game, like Hatred, anyway.

Man, I hate Rei so much.

He's admitted before that he doesn't even like making this game, and he only did it because it got attention. He also admited making the game is hell on him.

He's now stuck with a project he can't abandon with other people's money for a good 2-3 more years. Be glad you aren't him.

Oh fuck off, Yandere Dev fucked up when he removed the Panty menu for the 11%, and then went on an interview with Kotaku not a week after saying he wanted to put Vivian James in the game. And then he has the nerve to act like we're being horrible for asking what the fuck, while the people sucking his dick are so much better.

I mean I'm sure the girl that was sucking Notch's dick and when he released minecraft was happy with the Alimony she got when she divoriced him. And I bet you good money same shit will happen to Yandere Dev.

Chans serve their purpose, but what he was doing is not one of them.

I'm sick of seeing these fucking threads clogging up the catalogue.

The problem is that it doesn't take much for a topic to be impossible to discuss in Holla Forums. All it requires is 3 very autistic faggots willing to continually shitpost a thread to ruin it.

Every time




I don't even play videogames

glad that yancuck is gone now

Anyone with a brain would realize that when people that share similar ideas get together everyone will believe they're right and dissenting views are wrong. They can't argue with one another because the masses from either groups will shut them out, so they retreat to their little corner of like minded individuals that will fellate them. So yes, both this place and reddit are circlejerks. Pretty much all groups that have been made by humans are circlejerks that will shun anyone who thinks differently.


Don't put words in my mouth you drooling retard, I don't like undertale generals either

YanSim was never good and the only reason Holla Forums put up with him is because it looked like he got chased off 4/v/ because of their sjw tendencies and not because he's a big bitch, plus weebs here are all over the concept of an anime child murder sim.

If he actually ends up completing the game and it ends up completely true to his original vision, shitty reddit-tier references or not, then good on him. The game's still shit, but good work completing it, at least.

He probably won't finish it, though. The guy is inept and childish as hell, and I can't imagine a guy getting this pissy at the smallest of internet resistance is going to accomplish anything.

And we certainly don't need a thread on him up every hour, if the guy is persona non grata here then just fucking let it go, goddamn


Everyone has a pleasant discussion about the game, asking about various features, criticizing some aspects.
Dev is professional, answers questions, responds to criticism and is a general rad dude, likely posts here anyway.
Thread ends on a high note, with everyone thanking the dev and saying goodbye to him as it reached the bump limit.

Many new people are introduced to the game, people praise the dev for making a proper Battlefront 3, but also shit on the game for its problems.
Dev is a complete and utter newfag, the dev team lives under a rock so he doesn't know who we are, but instead of acting like a faggot, the dev thanks us for buying the game and takes the criticism on board and answers questions, we all have a pleasant discussion.
The thread ends on a high note with the dev once again thanking everyone and telling us that the dev team will take the criticism on board, everyone thanks him for his time.

AFF has since gotten a few patches that fix many of the issues that we brought up.

It's almost like Yandev is a complete fucking sperg who can't take any criticism.

lol samefag



Fuck off. This just turns into any criticism that isn't first buttered up with ass licking just makes peoples brain shut off and go "YOU'RE A NEGATIVE NANCY" and disregard the point entirely. At best you'll get one thread that points out all the negatives but almost immediately you'll have the page covered with "SO AND SO IS BEST DEV EVER EVERYTHING IS FINE THIS GAME CURED MY DEPRESSION DAE WANT TO SUCK THIS COCK?" that completely overtake the conversation and nothing gets done.

Devs listen up to a point, once they get popularity and money comes in they change into the beast. They can't hide behind censorship on imageboards to cater their community the their liking.

I'm going to do something weird, step forward now, and say that I still like YanDev even after this. I think he's a cool guy for making this game. Even though he's misguided when it comes to internet culture, he's not a complete moron, as demonstrated in

I know I sound like a fag, and his behaviour was inexcusable, but at least he's repenting for it by being based in other fields and staying true to his game vision.

I say this jumping in here and assuming some other cunt has done the same.


Why don't you go back to reddit together with Yandev then, friend?

Sucks that he had a meltdown and decided to be a big whiny baby about it, but he's also right about Holla Forums.

The reason why he came here was because GG happened and he decided to come to this site in the middle of the shitshow like most other people from the first exodus. For fuck's sake, I remember links to some very butthurt faggots in halfchan about Yandev choosing us over them. All the good reasons to dislike Yandev and you choose history revisionism. Agree with the rest of your post though.

Alright disregard my posts all you want, you paranoid faggot.

I remember threads ago I asked Yandere Dev not to pull a Notch and he said he wouldn't.

He pulled something WORSE then a Notch. In fact Notch had the decency not to sperg out.

I don't care about whether he hates SJWs or not, he's a lying opportunist sellout faggot. He doesn't care about artistic expression, fans, or even video games. Dude just wants to stroke his ego because let's face it, he sure doesn't have looks to make him feel good about himself.

Plenty of devs have come here but Yanderdev is the only one who had a sperg out. Mostly because he wants to be an eceleb fag while the other devs talk about their games and take feedback.
RWS have a board and sometimes come here and no one there has sperged out.


In what way exactly ? Negativity ?
That's the standard here and has been even before we came here.

Good. The concept of being paid to develop a game is biggest scam I've heard of my life. Following development of something is fine, donations are fine, but sizable automated monthly payments via patreon just to be pandered to is too much especially when that time is spent on being too autist to ignore his fucking emails and easter eggs.

I remember when you only got paid for selling a complete game.

Go join him in his shithole. We don't want you, or him, around.

Already was



Nigger, what he calls "negativity" I call having a fucking brain. Go to basically any other vidya community out there and try to discuss a game, any game, and report back.

We deal with all the stupid shit that comes with imageboards specifically because this here is the last bastion of sanity left anywhere on the internet.


Saging youkai is right
This is embarassing and there's no way to return from this.



STOP DEFENDING THIS FAGGOT WHO, even after many of us actually didn't mind his explanation for the pantsu change and actually defended him on it, GOT FLIPPED OFF WHEN THE FAGGOT HAD TO FAG

Is Ecco the most greenpilled vidya-character ever?

If faggots need someone to defend them instead of being able to filter shitposts out for themself they do not belong here, so good riddance.


Or was it to ?

What the fuck are you going on about? Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension instead of posting Taiwanese cartoons here.

I sincerely hope you learned your fucking lesson once and for all.

One can only hope that getting punched in the face time and again will teach you not to defend this kind of shit, ever.

Ecco understands that which others could only dream of. He's truly enlightened.

Yeah, damn, I forgot, I cant elaborate thoughts by myself.

Yeah, can't tell if I fucked up my post or something got deleted


I'm going to presume you meant this as an indie developer, a 'professional developer' will have team members as well as supervisors, project leads and producers both providing a salary and leaning over their shoulder to ensure work is being done as outlined in the design documents.

Never said he wasnt. I even made the point of saying he shouldnt be crowdfunding the dev process like that. At most he shouldve shown off what he did and then asked if it was clear what was what. If he had originally wanted it to be in the way that the 11% wanted but he decided against it to try to pander to us then, well, its anyones guess.

He should stick to asking questions like "Did I design this well?" or "Is this a clear interface?" rather than "Should I change this feature entirely?"

I have certainly not read every Yandev thread but I have been around long enough to accurately guess that is probably the biggest understatement to anyones reaction here. Unless theres an archive of the thread to the contrary, of course.

Again; a point I made was that he should be balancing the feedback he digests. If he only wants to listen to reddit because they suck his dick more than not then so be it. Theres valid criticism to be found here but I can certainly understand why he would forego it when the vast majority of input is going towards calling him various names and demanding lots of varying things that may or may not be feasible or that he wishes to do.

I want him to post what places on the internet he considers good communities to discuss games.

I deleted the first post because it didn't have the KK:D wallpaper in it.


Jesus Christ, we should have told him to fuck off when we had the chance

nice shitposts

I always want to think the best of people, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea to see how my reasoning holds up against everyone else's. Thanks for putting some actual effort in. Yandere Sim is probably a way to get status, and strikes me as sort of a fuck-around game, if not a cool idea. This was likely for exposure from the get-go.

I'd have said I was grievously misinformed by the time I noticed the sage post if I didn't already admit I was jumping into this without much perspective built up.

Mostly the "hate bandwagon" stuff. People will shitpost about a game because they saw other people shitposting about it, they don't even bother trying it for themselves.

Also the desperate calling out of perceived shills. About 60% of any threads I've ever made here about a new/upcoming game just get shitposted to death by all the people who think marketers actually care about Holla Forums.

Just a lot of pointless confrontationalism, and not in a way that's "typical for a chan" or something. It's gone beyond bantz and now it's just a bunch of assholes getting each other worked up over stuff.

Are we a negative, pessimistic group of people? Sure.

But honestly, I don't see why YanDev had to throw a hissy fit. The bantz were rough sure, but ultimately it wasn't even too bad until he sperged out.

To paraphrase kissinger, redditors are dumb, asskissing faggots to be used as pawns in marketing or internet political propaganda.

Many tried but Mark deleted all the negative opinions about him on yandev threads.
At least he apologized, but still.

Oh I guess all that FO4 shilling was just a coincidence then?

Many of us tried, but our kike BO took his sweet time to realize that YandereDev was a bigger faggot than him, and rescinded the choice to make his threads hugboxes.

Defending a faggot this gay is just too damning.

So far every time a dev comes forward and asks us something we all end up having a decent time, and devs leave satisfied. Yandev's fatal mistake was overstaying his welcome.

Hey friend, if you don't like how things are around here, why don't you go to another site that's more your speed, perhaps reddit?
Just a suggestion, friend.

You presume correctly, yeah.

Do show me where I said that.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm not some shill, just someone who couldn't be bothered to lurk until now.

The redditors and normalfags must be rooted out of Holla Forums. No matter the cost.

m8, as much of an autist as Mark is, he isn't THAT bad.

If you wanna see REAL shilling, look at 4/v/'s catalog when a big AAA game gets released. It's not about convincing the native users to like the game in the first place, its just there to make sure that the redditors that lurk the imageboard don't get turned off the game by us shitting on it.

So what, this fag found out the ultimate hugbox and wants to stay?

With FO4 and Overwatch there's a strong reason to believe that shills were doing stuff, but then you have faggots who think that someone that posts something nice about an indie game released a week ago is definitely a shill and should start shitposting the thread ASAP.

Do you seriously think anyone in the AAA side of the game industry knows or cares about Holla Forums? We're less than half a percent of the market, if that.

Also shit like this. Can't even have a meta conversation without some pissant child crying "go back to reddit"

Basically every Total War: Warhammer thread was a shill thread, with a bunch of them (or sockpuppets) bumping it time and again.

For a short while the Skyrim Remastered was also getting shilled here. What, do you think paying one faggot to do it for a few hours each day is that expensive?

Remember when gamerghazi got his video removed

When were on 4chan people said the same about marketer callouts.
And yer there and even here we have had genuine shills.

Stop pretending that it's a myth. It's very real.

We already know they do.

Remind me of the sunset something "dev" that went on an autistic "fuck the gamers" fit after their "game" sold like shit (I'm pretty sure they lost a lot of money since they had to buy the journos)

This just means that shills have to try harder. Who the fuck says nice things about indie shit around these parts?

[citation needed] because that just seems excessively paranoid.

You don't need to eat shit to know it's shit. Tell me, what's the best place to discuss video games? Kotaku comments? Gamespot forums? Gaia?

Just a friendly suggestion, friend.
It seems way more your style, I'm sure you'd like it much more.

man people keep talking about this place being negative but I ain't seeing any of it.

shit man the site has only gotten better lately.

but that's alright, user. we all make mistakes.

I said "WE" as in "anons on Holla Forums posting in the thread"
I wasn't there for the thread but for the amazing aftermath.

Shit now that is depressing. It's so hard to tell if it's an user posting or shill. Forget about trying to convince anyone that the game is shit, even when you post caps/webm of said AAA game.

Everyone said from the very beginning he shouldn't have put the Panty menu up as a poll. But when the results came out an a compromise was made so that


Liked it, the fact he decided to completely ignore that and change it to an objectively worse option for the 11% is solid bullshit. Why even bother making polls and compromises if you're going to ignore them? And then he also had the nerve to say we could've had a game catered to us.

There were even people in the last thread sucking his dick and he sperged out at them.

Yandere Dev always did it for exposure. He intially said he wanted to make a game a lot of people enjoyed, which I believed. I've been following these threads for years now. I could handle the memes. I could handle the questionable design choices and neverending todo list. I could handle his intiial sperg outs, he's probably stressed. I could handle his reddit and tumblr out reaches.

But this shit? This is the final straw.

Traitors deserve nothing but scorn.

If that's the company he wishes to keep, so be it. I hope a Manatee sues his ass once his game is finished and he joins the JUSTice league.

I'm surprised you're not using emotes to really drive the juvenile condescension home.

wanna make him a salt factory? send fake volunteer emails, from different emails obviously


You should really stop posting like you're on reddit.

You really should get out. We have enough cancer here already. We don't need you helping.

And since alt-right is pretty popular around west, we can kick out all the stormniggers and their gay communist wank-club as well, rite?

Shoot yourself with a large caliber handgun

And in two months people will be crying about no developers coming here and anyone with the smallest bit of talent evacuating the website as soon as possible. You idiots deserve each other.

To be fair you guys were autistic faggots a lot.
What you should have done was have him nail down what he wanted in the game instead of this feature creep.

Hey I'm just trying to help you, friend.Why don't you go give it a try?I'm sure you'd fit right in

t. Yandev

Funny how this site has gotten less negative and a lot better when the people who left said this site was negative during their time there
Its almost as of they were the negatives pieces of shit

Granted reddit isnt any better, but most of what Holla Forums does is insult and label it "constructive critisism"

Yeah, we hate videogames because we love them. We're a bunch of elitist assholes that have discussed the merits of games, and played far too many of them, for years.

Why do you think threads about good games are rare? Because there's fuckall to discuss in them, everyone agrees they are good, maybe some faggot comes to be a contrarian shitposter, before he too gets bored and the thread fizzles out.

We don't talk about Ace Combat because there is nothing left to talk about, everything has been discussed to death and all we'd be doing is regurgitating the same shit we already said.

Shitting on shit games however, is always engaging. Maybe if you weren't a summerfag you'd know this?

Anyways, that's the end of the Ecco comic. Hope you guys enjoyed.

Remember that no matter how many bad games and devs there are, there has to be an end to the darkness. Worst case you can always go /vr/.

And holy shit you would know, those allcaps spergouts reek of Reddit.

If you go to the rough part of town, do you expect courtesy?

Considering that one of the AFF devs came over here for a nice chinwag on about 5 minutes notice when someone simply asked him, I'm sure we can get some other devs to talk with.

Why don't you go back there then, friend?

can we just stop talking about yandere simulator? it was nice and quiet without those threads until he came back after a week like a sperg he was

The Codex shits on devs with startling regularity, they even chased Gayder out of there, tarred and feathered, and likely mocked him so hard he turned gay, yet they regularly get developers coming to post there because they know their shit when it comes to cRPGs and aren't shy about being blunt and honest about a game's faults.

Projection and accusations of being an outsider are also solid Holla Forums traits, thank you for demonstrating them so well

No, fuck that, we need to make everyone know what a whiny pussy he is, so if he ever comes back, we can chase him right out again.

t. redditor


Seeing a comment about a game saying something positive and then mindlessly bashing him while yelling "go back to Reddit" or "shill" isn't discussion, it's just shitposting.
This retroactive feedback cycle of making snide posts shitting on things more appreciated than well thought analysis and discussion is one of the main things making Holla Forums a worse place.

I mean he's not wrong, but he's being a faggot about it

Why don't you just ignore him and stop shitting up the board instead?

Can you take that brat with you when you finally fuck off for good?

Yes of course, Holla Forums is a really bad place isn't it, friend?
Why don't you go back to reddit then, this place sucks for you anyways.

Misuse of the word "projection" is a solid trait of an underage faggot who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. And jumping to the defense of another person out of the blue is a solid trait of a samefag.

the information spreads quickly, everyone here already knows yandere game will be censored and neutered, who needs more daily Yandere Simulator general threads: yandev hates us edition?

No one cares about your analysis of the board reddit. You never belonged here in the first place.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

who will be the next game dev worshiped by Holla Forums but also held up to unreasonable standards inevitably leading to a careless decision followed by backlash, abandonment and demonization

…to fall?

why is this thread still being remade?

Maybe you should develop thicker skin and learn to ignore shiposters and bait? Then again, you've been here only a few days, you have much to learn.

How many threads about DA:I being a godawful game do we need before we are free to make fun of BioWare and Gayder?

Hideo kojima? I dunno

because battered wife syndrome

Holla Forums is going through an identity crises.
Don't expect much.

Yoko Taro and the N:A localization?

Little late for that one


Who knew being an idiot would get you mockery?

why would any gamedev want to come to this shithole

why would any gamedev want to come to this shithole

To any redditors here still posting, you may not know why you're hated. "Sure we're a circlejerk, but so is 8/v/ hurr durr"

The difference is that our culture is objectively superior to yours.


People here argue with each other all the time, but after a while they develop consensus on their own. While a large portion of the community may share opinions on a subject in a relatively united manner, we arrive at this conclusion through free discourse/shitposting.

What makes reddit disgusting is the sheer amount of totalitarian intervention in almost any subject, ranging from video game related shit to stuff LEAKED BY EDWARD SNOWDEN.

If you aren't at least somewhat pissed that shit like this is censored, kill yourself. I'm not as much of a purist as most people here are and I believe people can learn and improve on themselves.

But if this kind of thing doesn't bother you, you aren't just welcome on Holla Forums or 4chan or whatever. You're the cancer that is killing our world and actively making it a shittier place.

See what happens? Whenever someone shows up and gives decent criticism of this place this is the only thing that happens, there's no argument to be had. A snide comment saying "Go back to Reddit" and accusation of not being in this site for long (I've been on user imageboards since about 2007 if you're wondering). Really, if everyone on this site was like you people we'd be way worse than Reddit.

every game that comes with censorship to chase the nonexistent wider audience gets bashed on Holla Forums, why yandere simulator would be special?

Why don't you go back there then?You surely aren't enjoying Holla Forums very much.

Sure thing faggot.

And therein lies the problem with his approach to crowdfunding the development of the game.

Lets just imagine for a moment that he is initially designing a menu option and has two designs.

He shows off both of these menus, asks for people to vote on which they prefer.

One is overwhelmingly more popular.

He overrules it.

Why? To spite the majority, to pander to the minority, because he himself prefers it or anything else?

We don't know (do we?). It sounds like he may have made that more popular menu design specifically for us because he knew we would like it, but how do we know if thats what he wanted originally?

(He may have said he specifically chose the 11% and I missed it, so do correct me if Im wrong)

At the end of the day, for better or worse, its his game to make or break. And Im not disagreeing with you here, if nearly 90% of people eyeing my project liked and wanted something I had done its a sign Ive done something right and make the concession. He can and should get to retain creative leadership but in that case dont go showing off shit youve got no intention of using.

Like I said: he needs to be asking questions regarding clarity and minor tweaks rather than large design choices.

No, you haven't.

This reminds me of my wow guild back in the day.

These sort of people are just not worth the effort.
The more effort you pour into them the less they care.

We shouldn't really care about this faggot.

Funny thing is
One of his videos was taken down because it was false flagged by Reddit (gamerghazi) because they thought the panty thing was too triggering
So he responded by making fun of them yet here he is
Pandering to them now

No, we cannot.
Because there are still people that will cry about "wasted potential" and complain the Dev didn't made the game they wanted.
Because there are still people that will be pissed about someone not enduring their autistic rage and choosing a different site to build a community surrounding his game.
Because there are and will always be autists that actually believe it's a mark of honor to endure the raging autism that goes around here and not instead a badge of shame.

There's constructive criticism and theres "this is bad, change it to something else" that doesn't do anything. There's calling on someone's bullshit and there's calling someone a generic buzzword and a lot of people don't see the difference here.

If that guy went to 2 or 3 different sites and was treated in different manners in them, why would it amaze anyone at all that he'd stop visiting the place where he felt worse?
What kind of stupid mentality is this, where you put your hand over an oven and when it starts to burn, you're expected to stay where you are until you start enjoying the burn?
I'm sure I can take the abuse, I'm sure a lot of people can take it as well, but this is not "having a thick skin", this is just being de-sensitized like fuck and it's not okay at all, especially for someone that wants to make a videogame and be known by other people.

Holla Forums is NOT the place where you DO anything. It's a very good place to START doing things, it's even better at ENDING things (made by someone else) but any good idea any fag has here only has a single chance of coming to completition the moment it leaves this place and is finished elsewhere.
Tell me again how that Anthony&Coolpecker game is going, or how those TFC servers are doing or literally any other attemp at a project involving more than a single Holla Forumsirgin are working out…

Are you a moron? You contradicted yourself in no more than two lines. I don't give a shit whether you think SJWs are retards, should all be eradicated, are misguided, poison discussion, whatever - but their presence is not allowed on this board through both community and moderator intervention. That side of the conversation is not free to pull in any direction.

When I get the time and intellectual prowess to make my complex and fun JOKE.WAD make sure I never sell out, Holla Forums

oh boy we have an oldfag here. can you post some old memes like coolface or grinman?

Go back to Reddit

If xe wanted a hugbox, he should have started a general thread. Those are the closest things we have to leddit. Either way, nothing of value was lost. If this guy really did post on chans, aside from tripfagging, I doubt he'd be able to leave anyway.

Holla Forums's full of contrarians who don't care about making a point, just "Salt Mining™"
What a surprise

yeah i'll wait till you replace secret lolicon room with generic somemong archvile trap

i've been shouted at by shills on this site for posting this webm in threads about this shitty game.

it was at the begining of a thread and the initial responses were "what a shitty webm" "waste of time" to get people not to watch it i guess.

eventually people started commenting on it and talking about it, but those first posts came so fast… i wonder how often messages like that would bury my post on other sites.

Yes, reddit is much better isn't it, friend?


Reddit is inherently designed as an echo chamber. The upboat system encourages users to make comments that agree with the general consensus, and discourages dissent, and likewise the only comments you see are the ones that everyone wants you to see. You can usually tell when someone visits reddit just by the jokes they tell or the way they speak/write.

Go back to reddit retard.

Fuck, we have to tolerate his whiny autism still?

It is. Reddit doesn't require you to think, mods and admins decide what content is appropriate for the goyim beforehand, none of those icky issues of having to form your own opinions.

I don't think my wad would have policies.

I hope you enjoy pinky demon milking though.

Wow what a surprise.


Holla Forums does sperg in a lot of threads.

We do have a constant cycle of negativity. We are not often wrong, but it's constant pessimism. It's a culture of depressed nerds trying to ascertain the worst truths about a topic in a constant quest for fleeting moments of superiority.

They might know us for gamergate, but outside of the internet no one cares about that.

You sound like you speak from experience, so I won't question you.

I still can't believe people paid $60 for that.

Flagrant abuse of the term centrist

Ebin, have my upboat fellow. Just as bad as SJWs amirite? Xd


Kill yourself

Okay. here's a thing why Holla Forums is better than reddit or whatever.
Imagine you have 2 ways to filter content: one that emphasizes good stuff, and one that tries to deter bad stuff. Now, both of these filters mess up, sometimes the "emphasizer" accidentally emphasizes bad stuff, and sometimes misses good stuff. The "deterer" sometimes is negative to good stuff and leaves bad stuff alone.
Now, which "filter" is best at keeping the focus away from bad content?
Obviously, the deterer, because if it messes up, bad stuff will just be left alone, and not emphasized as if the emphasizer had made an error. Plus, the deterer will leave "okay"/mediocre content alone, while the emphasizer will only emphasize "good" content and sometimes maybe "okay" or bad content, meaning the deterer will deliver a higher quantity of content that isn't bad.
Therefore, negativity is better than positivity because it gives you more content, and if negativity is misdirected (for example, Holla Forums doesn't hate on a bad game), it won't attract as much attention as if a bad game was accidently treated positively. Pic related is supposed to be a visual representation of when both systems screw up.


Lol is*

From what I remember, but someone feel free to prove me wrong, I recall him saying they only came here for his own thread.

The only respectable Patreon is Dwarf Fortress's tbh fam desu

Says the same guy who claims that no dev will come here in the next few months although we already got some here when shit still worked. American McGee was here when Infinity still was chocking itself to death here. No one is getting an identify crisis over a Early Access game whose dev turned out to be the same huge faggot he was since 2008.

No you haven't. This sounds like like huge lie to me.

what a fucking pussy faggot. We've had other devs come to talk about their game and they handled the shitposting with ease. Dingaling fit right in and when the mav dev was told his game was dogshit and nowhere close to done he thanked everyone for the advice and input.

Yandev is a spineless bitch, fuck that loser.

Excellent post fellow 8-Channer! Please take all of my Holla Forums gold!

Downvoting is basically having the community thought police itself. Any and all wrongthink gets downvoted into oblivion, and if that fails, the powers that be can shadowban a user, and if even that fails, they can simply delete the comments, ban the user, and nuke the thread.

They did the same shit when mudshits were being mudshits, yet the proles still go there and pretend they have freedom to speech, even when they had a string of events that showed them the site is a doctored entity.

Well, shit, mate, what do you want me to do about it? Pretend the world isn't a horrible place and that we can't have nice things?

Why not go to reddit then? They even have a community specifically about only posting happy news. Join that and pretend we live in a happy place.

It's about rage user, it's always been about the rage.



There's the problem with Yandrere-Dev: he can't make a fucking decision to save his life.

Case in point, the menu. He should've just censored it, like he wanted, and gave some valid excuse like "I did it so the items would more visible", or some shit like that. Instead, he's got to come to Holla Forums, ask Holla Forumstards input, and then totally fucks over all of those Holla Forumstards when he over-rules them because "muh twitch streamers".

Here's the thing, if he did it, nobody would've fucking cared. It would've been his vision the haters be damned. Shitposters would still shitpost, circle-jerkers would still circle-jerk, and the world would keep turning. Of course, he couldn't do that, and instead fucking kills his fanbase on Holla Forums.

I get he wanted to "involve his audience", but if you're going to censor it, just fucking censor it. Don't fucking involve Holla Forums over something you already decided.

Honestly Yandev's biggest mistake was relying on one community, us or Reddit, or even the Youtube commenters, if he really gave a shit about this game he would have made it the way he wanted to and not have "pandered to our every will" as he said in his spergoud post, at most he should have just posted in the Game Dev threads to help him along but ultimately make the game how we wanted to, if he wanted to remove the pantsu, then so be it, but don't give us an illusion of choice, and certainly don't remove them after a majority voted in favor of them

The gall of this motherfucker is amazing though, he makes a bearbones sandbox that has barely progressed in the past 2 years, only recently adding the core fucking mechanic of the game: Stealth, and with default unity assets no less, and then spergs out on us for not appreciating all the "hard work" he puts into the game, when really I think most people were more pissed off about the Kotaku interview than the panties at this point, which he also just brushes off as if its no big fucking deal despite saying not even a week before hand that he would "never pander to SJWs" and then goes on to shill his game to the huddled SJWeeb masses

Fuck Yandev, it was never about the game, it was always about his Ego, nothing else.

shit nigger, you got chased off by a bunch of SJWs pretending to be Holla Forums

if you're stupid to see that, then you're free to leave and never come back

also, this is what a real woman should look like, and not like in your game

My sides, the level of defensive rationalization at display just keeps on giving!

Someone coming here for a QnA is not the same as someone persistently coming here, interacting with the community and making themselves vulnerable. Do you know how many of these lead developers still come here?
Not one. Austin doesn't come here anymore, Doug TenNapel doesn't come here anymore, Yoko Taro definitely doesn't come here.

If you want to purport this place is some hidden gem for video game development, then you would need to come up with something else. (And I advice it's something good, as history points against it.)

Mate, have you had your eyes checked? All I see is a piece of shit on a sofa.

Thats my biggest issue with it, If Yandev wasn't indecisive as fuck and didn't make a poll and just censored it, there wouldn't be a problem, but its the false choice to begin with that pissed off so many people

You are not gonna tell me this whole shitpost is because of censored panties…
Because that sounds like something that could be easily solved with some calm and civil discussion, maybe even a custom patch.

Did anyone at least ask for the assets he used for that so it could be made into a simple patch you can use if you want the panties, or even ask him for that option? Because that sounds like the best possible way to keep your panties while appeasing the other fanbase.

If nobody ever even considered just talk about this with them, you're as much at fault for sperging out as he is.

I wonder how long until "Yandere Sim/Lovesick is misogynistic for it's treatment of women" gets plastered over the internet?


I don't really care, I come here because it seems like one of the last beacons of sanity on the internet. Everywhere else is just hyping garbage. It's pessimism, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.

designated shitting taste

No the Panties were an annoyance for sure, but not a total dealbreaker

It was the interview with Kotaku that pushed the majority over the fence on the issue, for obvious reasons

You can have the truth or you can have your happiness, you can't have both.

If they are doing it right then you will never know they are here. Anonymous is the name of the game.

I don't get how people don't realize this.

I'm willing to bet that those who are comfortable living in an echo chamber are those who are hateful towards other for disagreeing with them.

There's a thread up right now about how we haven't found alien life because aliens played videogames to extintion, therefore videogames are bad. That's what Holla Forums is.

She ain't even biodegradable at this point, mate.

Well said.

image boards are better because comments get filtered why when, not what. its a live conversation and open thread. its like reading through a chatroom.

anyone can post. no accounts so you dont get vested in some reputation. anyone can create. people can agree, disagree, shitpost, or ignore. but nothing gets buried. unless literalyl everyone ignores it.

Ahhh, so the cycle has reached it's completion I was wondering when YanDev would have enough.

Everyone knowing you're a faggot doesn't mean the place is an echo chamber, it just means you're faggot.


I've always thought of echo chambers and safe spaces to be different. Holla Forums, for instance, is an echo chamber. Opinions that deviate from the narrative get shouted down, but you are always allowed and sometimes encouraged through bait to think differently. No one gets banned, and the only thing damaged is their fee fees.

Safe spaces on the other hand, don't allow dissenting opinions at all, not even just to shit on them. There is no position. As an example, r/the_donald has a no Bernouts policy. Anyone caught supporting someone who isn't Trump is banned. The same goes for Hillary and Bernies' respective subs. That is a safe space. Most of reddit is a safe space. I prefer the chans echo chambers where opinions are shaped by shitpostings, as opposed to reddit safe spaces where opinions and politeness are artificially enforced.

You can catch drosophilia with vinegar, though.

Come now, ghazi isnt the entirety of reddit any more than Holla Forums is the entirety of Holla Forums or /mlp/ to 4chan.

Shit, you can even see where posters on reddit post so you could easily make some sort of graph showing the overlap between the yandev board and ghazi to see just how much hes (attempting to) pandering to them.

Can you not even right now?

I was in the thread. We did. We told him to have a "stream" option that added more steam and censored in the panties. Then he puts it to a vote, Holla Forums says the panties should stay, then he fucks off and censored it anyway as the default.

That's not even getting into the fact he wanted to have Vivian in the game but was too chicken shit to do so.


He attempted to bend over backwards when Twitch banned Yandere Sim, so he's a sellout.
He not only has a Patreon, but plans to do a Kickstarter too, he's very focused on making Yandere Sim a financial success and worries more about people buying his game rather than making the game he envisioned, so he's a jew.
Rather than listening to the majority when 89% voted they were fine with a feature, he caved to the vocal 11% and censored it, so he's an SJW.

I don't know if you're here, but if you don't want to be called a sellout a jew or an SJW then don't fucking be one.

I guess that means reddit and tumblr arent't echochambers either.

You faggots piss me off with how you extol the freedom of discussion on this site while in the same keystrokes reporting anything that might line up with being an SJW and dumping all over threads of games that only have tangential relations to persons whose ideals differ from your own.

Be honest with yourselves.
This site is an anti-SJW hugbox.
Whether you think that's a bad thing is up to your own discretion, but keep it in mind when you rail on the evils of being a circlejerk.

Holla Forums fuck off, Bernie is gunna endorse hillary tomorow, get over it

No this is Holla Forums, you just looked at one thread in a cesspit of bile and shit.

See the mistake here was he made the game and before he was finished started showing it off. I understand wanting to show off a game, but before its even finished, especially the core parts of the game, doesn't make sense to me.

From a marketing standpoint it does, but from a 'I want to make a game that I would want to play forever' it doesn't. He sold out for money and was content putting out lackluster content instead of finishing the one thing people wanted: His game.

Just move on. His time has passed, he will make money off sheep while we wallow in despair that an original(ish) idea is swallowed up by money and e-celebs.

I just want new, different games damnit.


The nice thing about Holla Forums and imageboards in general is that dissenting opinions have the exact same weight as the conforming ones. If you say something that most people don't like it won't get downboated. Maybe one autist will spam the fuck out of the thread but that's about it.
The biggest concern I have is when faggots filter and hide someone's posts for disagreeing with them. This place isn't supposed to be a hugbox yet some anons try to turn it in to one

Call me when we start censoring contrarian opinions.

I don't see anyone banning your retarded ass you stupid cunt.

It's more like a "No SJWs allowed club".
Holla Forums is far from a hugbox or an echochamber.

Kotaku is shit, anyone who willingly associates with them is fucking shit as well.

Fenoxo? I'm pretty sure you're talking about fenoxo. Breeding Season?


I only filter spammers.
That's it.

You didn't see the thread about it?

4/pol/ is an echo chamber. 8/pol/ is a safe space. Don't believe me? Try making a comment making fun of stormfront or national socialism and tell me how long your ban is on both sites.

First of all most people who have any noticable ammount of fame online come here to have some anonymity. See . Remember that infamous screenshot with the Thief dev? That was a surprise, because he stayed user and didn't whore for attention like Yandev did.

No, what I am reading here is the same song and dance as every time when someone shits on Holla Forums as a whole while using it

Yeah. I have never seen 2 definitely leftists version of popular legacy boards and a gorillion commie boards here.

I don't know what happened with breeding season, but he went the early access route was what I was implying.

It's happening, right now, in this very thread. You're shitting on everyone who thinks differently from you.

If we are a hugbox, then why is everyone arguing in this thread you humongous dicksucker?

Or are you just following the trend of mocking every board for being a hugbox and echochamber, for no other reason but this being a new and popular claim about the board.

Might as well make a thread calling Mark a shill here and ask how long you get banned.

Someone decided to post this on halfchan

It's not an echo chamber. You're free to state your opinion without being banned or having your post deleted, and your comments aren't hidden away for being less popular than any other post in the thread. Subsequently, everyone else is free to call you a retard.

Too bad I'm banned over there, or I'd go and laugh my ass off.

Let's be frank, he was a gutless shit. I have more respect for the Undertale furry faggot than I do for this autistic whiner.

Nobody likes a flip-flopping cunt that changes opinions at the drop of a hat and parrots shit depending which way the wind blows.

Basically, don't be a weak nu-male cuck if you want people to respect your craft.

Everyone bully censor this fag

I love Zero Escape. I'm fucking livid right now.

Disagreeing with someone is not censorship you fucking fruit.

What if you associated yourself with them and gave them stupid-ass and inaccurate information about your game?

How do you know that?

That's not censorship mate, that's called freedom of expression. I understand how someone from reddit might be unfamiliar with the idea that I can call you a whiny cunt just because I feel like it.

If you've been here longer than a week you'd know that threads like that are deleted, bumplocked, or spammed by members of the community.

What the fuck is the difference? Do you seriously believe there is one?

Come back when you know the difference between being mocked and being censored.

That's not being censored. If you were being censored your posts would be deleted. Gone. Unviewable.

You're being disagreed with via conversation. Being exposed to people who disagree with you is not censorship.


That's called free speech, you communist faggot.

Same thing. Project was making decent progress until they picked up a new artist and a patreon. Now the updates' have slowed to crawl as content trickles down. Same with fenoxo, except he retreated to forums and actively messed with content submitted.

No, seriously. What's the problem with giving Kotaku an interview? How did that change the game or the community? Maybe an interview on a game about murdering school girls and taking pantyshots is the kind of shit they need to unfuck their site.

Yeah, that's the worst, isn't it?

I'm almost certain I've posted in every Zero Escape thread in the past three months and don't know what he's talking about

Recent threads have been strongly critical of ZTD for good reason and there was one last month where some people called 999 overrated, nothing got derailed.

Good for a laugh, maybe, but giving them even an articles worth of clicks just seems like a bad idea. Any indie developer even half serious about shitty games journalism shouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

Are you the OP?

I go back there to be reminded things really are as bad as they seem.

Hogan already did all the unfucking Kotaku needed.

Leftists (i.e. redditors) confuse equality of opportunity with equality of outcome, because they are mentally ill.

To them freedom of speech isn't about being allowed to say whatever the fuck you want, and having other people comment on what you said, be it positively or negatively. No, to them freedom of speech is about equality of outcome, each opinion (or at least the rightthink ones) all deserve equal respect and equal praise, and in no way should be subject to criticism or rebuttal.

Basically, fuck leftists.

They aren't.
Not censorship.
There is, but I honestly don't expect you to understand, judging from your posts.

If anything they'd probably just delete the article and wash their hands instead.

>>>/politics/ was that so hard?

Oh shit! Does it mean the cuckchan brigade will be here soon?

Says a bugchasing faggot drooling for the next poz load while actual discussion is going on. Playing filter the clown was the right decision.

Really Holla Forums? The post complains about the middle of the road yet doesn't point in any particular direction. We need a strong leader and code of morals, but we don't need radical ideas? Jews don't run the world, but they have a disproportionate amount of power? Does Holla Forums ever say anything useful?

Nah I reported it, doubt it will be deleted though. I don't much care for the topic, just wanted to let you guys know.


We don't have an arbitrary system that hides posts if they disagree with the popular opinion too much, nor do we delete posts that have no-no words or RAAAYCCISSSSEM. We only delete things that go outside the boundaries set by us law.

Yanderedev is a traitor and should be hanged, I have no sympathy for him.

This board does have two major problems though:
1) The encouraging of shitposting by the volunteers
2) Ignorant posters regurgitating opinions and myths to decry games/topics

The second one is the real killer. Some legitimately entertaining games can become an absolute no-go zone on this board simply because some anons heard from so and so that maybe some bad thing happened. It could be an out of context tweet from the dev, it could be an article from a tabloid about possible censorship, it could be someone pulling a fact about the game out of his ass and having it posted in every thread as a fact when playing the game for even ten minutes would show everyone otherwise. People really need to learn the facts before they begin a debate, but they would rather parrot what they've heard that supports their view even when faced with evidence to the contrary.

The saying "You don't have to eat shit to know it's shit" is true in most cases. However, if I showed you a melted snickers bar and you went on and on about how it looks like shit and you'll never eat it and nobody should ever eat it and nobody can even talk about it eating it, you'd be denying people who want to know what it really is a tasty surprise.

That being said, our tendency to shitpost in ignorance does not excuse the actions of a sellout. I just wanted to put it out there that this board does have problems. Problems that can be solved by little more than educating ourselves on things before we decide they can not be discussed here.

It isn't, you dense fuck.

It's not, it's pointing out to you what a humongous homosexual you are in hopes you'll fix yourself.

Now fuck off to reddit, you obviously can't handle the banter.

Nevermind about them shitting on Holla Forums and Holla Forums as a community, as people who play games in general, anyone promoting Kotaku is a moron or a hypocrite, even fucking Ubisoft refuses to make buisness with them

If you want to associate with the people who actively mock, deride and are currently shitting up the industry on which you rely and your consumers would like to NOT have to suffer from, then so be it, but don't be suprised that you're not going to get a warm welcome back from those groups of people, There's a reason that the Huniepop dev refused an interview with Cucktaco, he knew AND respected his audience, Yandev knew the consequences of going down that road, did it anyway and then sperged out at the consequences when he came back here.

You can only cast out someone if you know who they are. You can only shun someone who has a name. The very nature of anonymous image boards means you're wrong.

You're right, it isn't. Want to know why?
You don't have to listen to us, we have absolutely no power or authority over you.

No, it isn't, holy shit

You sure are outcast and shunned right now. How are you holding on?

You are this retarded.

holy shit you're cancerous as fuck

people saying how much you suck isn't censorship you nigger

is this bait?

Can I get a screencap of this post
I feel like this is really all that needs to be posted on yandev threads

Well, that too.
I accidentally left the first line of my post in tbqh, because the post is supposed to be about negativity > positivity, not really Holla Forums > reddit.
But hey, it's okay.

well, /v often acts like a hivemind, when it comes to games like Oblivion

You have already embarrassed yourself enough through your ignorance. The only thing remaining for you in this thread is more "censorship" in the form of being called a stupid faggot.

Well, thanks for the info.

They aren't unless it's illegal shit like CP
They straight up aren't
Happens to threads with "Holla Forums approved" content too. I had to watch a yume nikki thread get shitposted to hell and back.

Then I ignored them and kept talking about the game. Because I'm not twelve and mean words on the internet don't have that much of an effect.

Check box
Click [Grab]

Well, you're still here, aren't you? You didn't get shadowbanned by the admins for hurting anyone's feelings and you're not banned from this board for being a terminal fucking faggot, are you?

Welcome to discourse. If people think you're wrong they're going to tell you so. Welcome to the real world, you dumb cunt.


It happened like last night, people are gonna talk about it for a few days and then it'll disappear. Calm down user.

Oblivion is an unequivocally shit game. Whatever morsels of positivity one can find in the game are, by far, outweighed by the ocean of shit inbetween.

Oblivion is an okay game.

An in-game option doesn't cut it, though. The content is still in the game and therefore the problem is still there.
You gotta think about this as if you were presenting your game to PEGI. Have all the "questionable content" out of the game in a patch and have it rated separately than the base game so you can have your kids friendly murder simulator and your Panty Patch.

This is how many lewd VNs made it into steam, just make the lewd shit content that comes in a patch, this would be a much better solution than what people were suggestion, why did no one told him this?


See, it's kinda unrelated, but that's why IDs kinda suck. Now he can't really act like nothing happened within the scope of the thread, can he?

You realize that when someone insults someone on Holla Forums, it gives the post MORE attention because that post gets more (you)s, like what is happening to your post right now. If we were shunning people, we wouldn't be replying to them at all, faggioli,

Good work faggots. Sure, he was an attention whore, but he was also the only dev that actually liked you. And you drove him to the very people you hate. Congratulations on ruining what little anti-SJW influence you had.
Le fuck le hugbox faec xddd

Your posts are all still here, all your future posts will be there too, and you can easily go to another thread and no one will know what a retard you are.
Please explain how you have been shunned and censored.

thanks for proving my point fam.

Oh well I am so sorry for doubting you. If only I had known that there were people coming to your house with guns and knives to threaten you to leave the site.


Pretty good.

Back to the >>>/cuckshed/, yanderedev.

here's the catch, before or after mods?
Also, you mean game as in waifu simulator?

Stopped reading there

Your post is hilarious, but not for the right reason.

Like the other anons pointed out, it's not censorship. It's people expression their opinion.
The hilarious part is that it's still the same reason as to why Yandev left.

If you join a comunity, express your opinion and have a large part of that comunity mock you, you only need a modicum of inteligence to realize that you are not welcome.
Yandev is a faggot, and that sperg out was rather dumb. But he did what would eventually happen: he felt he didn't belong here anymore, so now he left.

The hilarious part is that on most of the Yandev threads, people were desperatly trying to make him feel like he belonged here. I mean, it's weebshit, with violence and vydia. Surely he does belong here, right?

No. He doesn't. For good or for bad, Holla Forums focus a lot more on memes, salt and bad games than it does good one's. So Holla Forums is a great place for consumers of vydia to discuss it, but a terrible place for devs. Maybe it seems like a strange idea, I mean, surely a place with vidya fans is the best place to get ideas for the best game ever, right?
That would be true when there's sugestions as well as criticism. That's not Holla Forums. Never was, never will be. Yandev should have accepted that.
He should have come here to know what was shit, and go to reddit for what was good.

Instead he wanted Holla Forums to praise him. He was an idiot among idiots.

Plenty of people in /agdg/ way, way less obnoxious than he is

Plenty of devs like Austin Jorgensen or Doug TenNapel willing to come here and talk

Telling the exact opposite of what happened.
Would give a Hillary Clinton award.

Is pretending to have a mental breakdown the only recourse for 16ae34?

That's not how censorship works.

If you had been censored, I wouldn't be able to respond to you.

I would go so far as to say it is a pretty good game after mods.

Name another pro-chan developer with any actual fame on the internet.
Protip: you can't.

No fucking way did you just type that with a straight face.

Why do you all think were losing? Or that this niggers departure was a loss?

Everything is going as it should be, sensitive faggots like the one in OP's pic don't come here.

You're being willfully ignorant. There's just about nothing I can point you toward that will convince you of this. If I take a thread, you'll say they were "bait", "shitposting", whatever.

On this website, spam is the community's form of censorship. It is an attempt to make a thread unreadable (or as hard to read as possible) for any person that wishes to discuss within the thread. It is an attempt to make discussion seem like a waste of time. That is censorship, at the very least an attempt at one.

Cute dig. Instead of avoiding it, why don't you expand on why you think a "No X allowed" club and a hugbox aren't the same? Is it the connotation of the word hug? Do you think that because there is still argument that it can't possibly be a hugbox? Please, tell me so I can understand, oh wise user.

I'd actually believe you on that one. 8/pol/ is like an offshoot of the TRS forums at this point. Most of my time is spent crossposting on 4/pol/ in chimpout/happening threads. I stopped hanging out on 8/pol/ around the same time posting errors happened, so I wouldn't really know if you can get banned for being anti-natsoc there. Again, if you can get banned, it's a safe space. If you get shouted at but aren't banned, it's a echo chamber. Really hope none of the jannies turned it into a safe space.

Here, have some maga.

Since you enjoy being shat on enough to keep coming back for more, I thought you might appreciate this.

Dark Brotherhood quest line is good, Shivering Isles is a nice expansion and a break from how generic the rest of Oblivion feels.

The rest is just a vastly inferior game to Morrowind that fails at everything that made that game great, and all the while introducing more "streamlining" and more issues.

I'm sorry I have a negative opinion about a game, would telling you to go fuck yourself fix the problem?


you're a nigger

Do you know how I know you aren't from here?

I understand the hate it gets because as a TES game it's pretty weak, but as a modding engine shit can be pretty entertaining.

Amazing, isn't it?
I, for one, am really enjoying the uproar you're causing. Thank you.

someone post the vivian fart pasta

But that isn't how the phrase fucking goes and that's wrong, you retard.

The saying is "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar," and in reality the opposite is true. You're a faggot twice over for this line alone, and surprise surprise, the rest of your post is cancer too.


Well if you can't prove a claim, all you can do is admit that you're wrong.

There's also the devs for TF2C, We Shall Wake and Postal

This is the one, right?

Nigger who is outcasting you? I'm right here calling you ultra jew faggot nigger, but tomorrow you could make a legitimately brilliant post and I'd be there telling you what a good post that was. Because I've got no idea who you are nor I fucking care. You've got no identity to me but these few retarded posts.

This ain't what happens on reddit. Reddit is literally built to be an echochamber because it works on the simple principle that liked opinions have more prominence and disliked opinions are hidden. Even if everybody on reddit was trying its best to evaluate everybody else's opinion in a fair, correct way, it would still end up as an echochamber, given enough time, by design.

no bro, I'm staying here

Nice definitions there faggot.
Go back to 4chan while you are at talking about safe spaces and echo chambers.

You did it, champ, you're a winner

Yes, thank you.

That's basically the entire reason I played it, no waifu mods even.
Morrowind is fun standalone.
Oblivion is fun with mods.
I couldn't make Skyrim fun no matter what I did.

8ch doesn't fucking matter

rule of thumb: NEVER pander to piratefags. you need a supportive audience otherwise your project is sunk. no funds = no game.

every person on here who whines and whines about not having devs make games they want and then goes and says how they'll never financially support game development has an opinion that matters less than a literal retard who promises to use him mom's card to pay for a game.

so, do they care that you think reddit is horrible? no. because YOUR OPINION DOES NOT MATTER. I'm in the same boat as you faggots, people don't want to make games like thief: the dark project or arx fatalis anymore. That's why I try to financially support the few games I think are worth it.

Calling out people for saying "chan" instead of imageboard (that's your issue, right?) has become the equivalent of progressives calling out people for using female as a noun, in my opinion.

only good posts in the thread.

That's okay, you still need to fuck off though.

The only fun I had with Skyrim was modding it. I had more fun in the 4+ hours I spent making it all work together than I did playing the game, then I realized I could play Spacechem and get the same sense of satisfaction and off I went.

Would you fuck Vivian Holla Forums

There are whiners and shitposters here, sure, but there's also honesty; what people are trying to say is that there's plenty of good to be had here. There are people who wanna use the free speech to shitpost and cause drama and fuck up the community for others, but, all of the greatest people I've met ever have been from Holla Forums, and in the past when I used to go there; on 4chan.

People wanna have fun with "banter" or whatever as they call it and while it's not for me, it drives sensitive fags out who would otherwise try to censor the place to their liking. Nothing is perfect as there are always flaws in something to each and every person, but I'd say Holla Forums is a pretty fucking near-perfect bastion for the people that enjoy it. I dig it here. The only problem I have is when the banter gets taken seriously and it nearly ruins entire communities; Smash Bros and Pokemon are two solid examples. It's just people trying to one-up each other nowadays over which generation/game is better. Otherwise, I have fun here.


You make it sound like he went for cocktails and pizza with them, faggot.
If anything, it's Kotaku promoting him, not the other way around.

You're essentially saying we should blacklist anyone that talks in any form or way with people we do not like.
What if he's trying to change them into actually decent people? What if he's trying to show them that shit's not so bad? What if the people we don't like stop being so bad after talking with him?
Why the fuck are you so much in favour of polarizing discussion and people?

Why the fuck am I even asking that when making enemies you can fight to feel good about yourself is so fucking great?

The only games I pirate are visual novels that haven't been released over here.

Commit suicide.

This is like middle schooler logic, dude. It proves nothing other than that the claim hasn't been proven yet. The way "burden of proof" is bandied about on imageboards and other sites isn't how it works in the legal system, and it isn't how it works logically.

The reason why I don't believe I can prove my claim is because of a few things:
One is that, so far as I know, there is still no archive working for this website. 8archive's been down for like a year. I don't take pictures of every thread that's deleted on this website.

Another, more important reason, is that I don''t believe that any evidence that I would show you would convince you because you'd hide behind labels of "shitposting" and "bait" to invalidate my evidence in your eyes. That you chose to ignore that part of the response further reinforces this belief.

This is what I mean by Holla Forums being full of contrarians. Stop being a baby every time someone who isn't a social retard triggers your autism.

let me fix that for you

Okay, what term would you use for "not a user, but supports imageboards", because it doesn't come up often. Would not-channer, or some other obscure term work for you?

Also, yes, Yanderedev was a faggot. But you cucks basically had him in your pocket; he was willing to bend over backwards in front of an audience of a million users for you, yet you guys didn't care and sent him straight to leddit to make a game for the exact group that he was originally making it against.

In that case I don't pirate games at all.

Capped user, you hit the nail right on the head, not everyone is always going to agree here, but at least we aren't a bunch of disingenuous virtue signaling faggots that will cater to mob rule and downvote everyone that varies slightly from us, there's gunna be an arguement for sure, but at least there is that, somewhere like reddit you'll just get buried for not toeing the line

My instincts don't lie, you really do have a thing for shit.


was it any surprise? the only surprising thing is he faked it for so long to stay here. he knew we weer the idea men and Reddit and the others just steal shit that we want implemented.

but he gives the vote to reddit and tumblr.

No nigger, someone telling you you're a faggot here is not censorship, it's just free speech.
No one is silencing you for having shit opinions, they're just rude and calling you on them because people here aren't forced to be cordial and rarely are.

Your post is part of and echo chamber, as is mine. Telling someone to go back to another website (not that there's anything wrong with that) is inherently echo chambery. There's nothing wrong with echo chambers because they're not safe spaces.

safe spaces = banned for dissenting
echo chambers = shouted at for dissenting

And because every community falls into one of these two categories, for better or worse, of course I'd choose the latter.

Now, please download my maga folder.

So your entire argument hinges on how you think I will react, nothing more than an assumption on your part.
I believe that's what they would call a "straw man".

Sounds like Holla Forums

user that's just not how censorship works. No information's being supressed, nothing's being hidden away, and even if someone gets shit on they are free to post as they like. I WISH shitting on someone would get rid of them because, by my efforts alone, I'm sure that /cuteboys/ would be gone by now. But they're not because no matter how much I say they're shit, they are free to do whatever.

Making fun of someone is not how censorship works.

oh, so hating on every popular game and franchise doesn't count as mob rule?

try talking about bioshock infinite here, or league of legends though league deserves to be shit on

Won't miss the kike.

My argument does not, my justification for not wanting to waste my time with you does.

but infinite is shit. its linear garbage and your choices mean shit.

go play System shock and see the difference.

Positivity is mostly a meme. Every retard on reddit hates the same shit we do, but they won't say a word for fear of downvotes. Brown nosers aren't trying to win the person in charge's approval, they're trying to show off their status to other brown nosers. I can't wait for Yandev to bumble his way into reddit drama and gets shit from every ass kisser who he thought was his best friend.

Your definitions of echo chamber and safe space are absolutely wrong and I strongly suggest you update both of them.
Else you are making up definitions and trying to apply them to places.

Use and book mark it or something? Better than nothing I guess

Keyword there.

When you try and shut down others by screaming "reeeeeeeeeeeefaggotniggerjew" or try to stop them from participating in any sort of discussion you are effectively reinforcing the echo chambers.

Just because a chan takes far longer to actually apply it's own brand of censorship, it doesn't make it anything different.
A lynching mob and a court order are very different, of course, but you're still dead with either of them at the end of the day, stop trying to pretend that you don't have the same results just because you use different methods.

Both of those games deserve to get shit on user, LoL for obvious reasons but BI because its pseudo intellectual garbage disguising itself as intelligent and compelling story-telling

Non one says you can't talk about it, but obviously people are going to point out whats fucking wrong with it, that doesn't mean the good aspects of it aren't nonexistant, but I'd say in Bioshock Infinite's case the bad outways the good, where as other games the opposite might be true, so while some user may point out the faults of said game, for the most part the positives outway it

There, I just had a constructive argument with you, did I completely dismiss your concerns with memes or dubsposting?

I'm not disagreeing that there's "good" here. I've certainly seen some well-written posts and thought out replies.
But "plenty"?

The only thing that's plenty is shitposting, memes and salt. That's not only plenty, it's also encouraged.
Meanwhile, you make a post longer than a paragraph and people consider it autism.

So you missed the other keywords, them being:

Most of us shit on whatever is shit. And infinite is definitly shit.


So instead of making thread after thread about the games they don't like, they limit their discussion to the games they actually like and let the shit they hate be forgotten?
Yeah, sure… Worse than Holla Forums, ahah… So bad…

So you just bring it up and expect everyone to unanimously agree with you?

just like people did with his am I right, reddit?

That's where your wrong. Simple disagreement and a statement of how you feel and why is fine, but when a guy runs in and says "dubs thread" discussion effectively stops for these kinds of threads from that point on.

The only issue is that you haven't made an argument, you've made a sweeping judgement of character. Then you whine when someone makes a judgement about you, once you've disassociated yourself from the group.

Other way around, actually.

Opposing opinions can exist in a echo chamber, but they can't in a safespace.

Thank you for agreeing with my autistically arbitrary definitions, user. You'll notice that neither one of us were banned for having these options, which may or may not result in a ban if this were a safe space. The echo chamber getting shouted at or agreed with master race wins again.

Wrong, they circlejerk about whats popular to like at that time and upvote (jerk each other off with magical internet points) each other until complacency, downvoting anyone who disagrees for the crime of wrongthink, anything thats not popular enough to be liked will be forgotten, ignored, or worse yet derided

shut the fuck up user, just get the fuck out.

You are trying to make people police themselves and stop themselves from telling another faggot who is a faggot to fuck off because to you its an "echo chamber"

Nice reversal of logic, FUCK YOURSELF AND GET THE FUCK OUT!

The majority don't have any obligation to bring your point of view to the table. Thats your job if your opinnion is underrepresented, if you don't do that YOU'RE the one making it an echo chamber.

If thats enough to cause you to not voice your opinnion then you're the biggest fag, nobody else.

You said they don't talk about the stuff they hate because they fear the downvotes.
If they don't talk about the stuff they hate, the only thing left is the stuff they like.

I'm of the opinion that trolls and shills shouldn't be banned but instead anyone replying to them should get the boot. If nobody gave them replies, they'd go away much faster since they do it for "le salt XD" anyway.

yeah user you're totally right, we should hold ourselves up as intellectuals and just nod and say "hmm yes thats very interesting" to every single asinine, absolutely fucktarded moronic post to be made by any complete and utter goddamn buffoonish neanderthal who wanders onto hatechan.

What could possibly go wrong?

Also, no, telling someone to fuck off doesn't "reinforce the echo chamber." If the user being told to fuck off doesn't want to, he doesn't have to, and he can actually post about WHY HIS OPPOSITION IS WRONG, JUST LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DOING. You wouldn't have even been able to make the post you just did and I wouldn't be fucking arguing with you, if you were actually censored.

I came in here just to tell you that all the other anons are correct. You're a massive faggot, and nothing you say or do ever will change that. Watch as you get called a fucking faggot in an entirely different thread where no one knows who the fuck you are, it just shows you that people consider you a fucking faggot. Keep posting like a retard and it will continue to happen.

holy fuck you're dumb.

My my, discouraging "think before you speak" now, are we?
Truly the mark of an intelligent, productive and worthwhile community.

it's playable. the gunplay is decent and the art direction is actually great.

if we compare everything to superior games like dark messiah, VTMB, painkiller, thief, gothic, whatever the genre is, of course we'll be disappointed. take it at face value, understand that AAA games have to operate on a "too big to fail" basis (though publishers fuck up anyway), and try your best to offer legitimate criticism to publishers and devs in a calm manner that might make them actually realize why we prefer older games in the series.

not everyone is as patient as you, it's easier for them to say IT'S GARBAGE
oh look an example

You know, I've never seen doubles actually derail a thread here. Or any of the supposed "thread derailers".
It's against the rules to dubs post in a vidya thread anyways, so that's not really a valid point.


You're not being silenced.

People can speak however the fuck they want, they don't have to think and censor themselves so they don't hurt your precious little feelings or opinions, you piece of shit get the fuck out of here, you don't belong. and I wont let you police themselves and change anyone's opinions on the matter!

Two can play this game, you lobotomized ape. I got nothing to do all day. Let's go.

Nobody forces them to agree with each other, though. They always have the third option of simply not talking about [thing].
You can claim that anyone downvoted for their opinion is because he went against the hivemind, but you can't claim that everyone posting about popular stuff does it just because it's popular. He may genuinelly like that popular thing.

And if all the things people like were forbidden to talk about, nobody would talk about anything but if they still do it's because they actually like the popular things.
This doesn't change anything: they still don't talk about what they don't like and they still only talk about what they like.
I'm sure there are things they like and they can't talk about but in return there's also things they don't like and they can't spam about it either.

And quite honestly, after a few months where half the catalog was shitposting about a single game, I have to wonder just how worse are they really.

No it isn't since everyone is a faggot, you're just being a greater faggot which, although not good, is still not grounds to quiet you down or hide your opinion.

You don't seem to be too silent right now tbh

Stop being an overly sensitive fag then, no not everyone is going to give you an honest, well thought out and pretentiously written statement on what is good/bad about the game, your first mistake was formulating all of your opinions from Holla Forums in the first place and expecting the userbase at large on Holla Forums to bow to your opinion if it differs.

at the end of the day, if you want to talk about a game YOU think is good, the burden falls on you to prove why its worthwhile for discussion on here, yah not everyone is going to agree with you, but again, that's the nature of Holla Forums don't assume that your viewpoints or opinions are going to be catered to here, and don't scream hugbox/echo chamber when they aren't.

Stopped reading right there.

Do you want definitive proof that you aren't being censored? You can still post.
Stop ignoring people when they say that.
Can't wait for the inevitable 'I was just pretending!'

Sure, fam, and 2+2=5, right?

You misunderstand. They keep their own personal feelings bottled up until it becomes "trendy" to bash them. Once that happens, everyone follows along with the trendsetters, jumping down someone's throat about issues long since forgotten, even rewriting what has happened to paint them in an even worse light.

Meanwhile, we'll bash someone for something they recently did, airing our grievances.

You're a fucking idiot.

Have you ever considered that you are wrong?

This is some hue tier logic.

If it is censored it cannot exist.
If it is disallowed it will be banned.
If it is an enclosed system you cannot put your opinion forth.

You are the sort of person that ignores how much we argue on a daily basis about everything but goes into threads where most people agree on something and goes on about how much it is an echo chamber.

Every platform for discussion out there has things they agree on and things they argue on.

This does not mean that all platforms that don't ban opposing views are echo chambers.

An echo chamber is something much more specific and it is very close to a safe space.
You can't use one trait to brand a board an echo chamber.
Holla Forums isn't an echo chamber because they like big guys and hate the new star wars and ghostbusters.
/tg/ isn't an echo chamber because they dislike age of sigmar.
Holla Forums isn't an echo chamber just because we hate SJW.

An echo chamber has next to no opposing views.
We spend every day arguing about something.
Places like this are rare.

People disagreeing with you isn't censorship, it doesn't make your post disappear.

Being called a faggot and being banned are 2 very different things user, but I'm not suprised that you don't understand that, you've proven yourself to be exceptionally unintelligent.


Why do you keep hitting yourself in the head user?

Kek. I am not going to lie down and let a shitty AAA game fuck me in the ass because im not comparing it to good game. Every game needs to be compared or else we lower our standards.

This gondola is several months old.

I don't give a fuck about the developer. When the game releases, I'll pirate it and see if it's good. If it is, great. If not, I'll delete and forget about it.

Fuck eceleb shit and drama. I just wanna play videogames and fap.

Dissagreement != silence. Remember (255)?

You're being shouted at as part of the ever-present echo chamber, a necessary evil. If you want forced politeness and meanposting banned then, by all means, feel free to choose one of reddit's various safe spaces, bait-kun. If you're ever shouted into silence, it's your own fault for giving up. Barneyfag and Famicom are never shouted into silence. If you're a bigger pussy than those spergs, than, by all means, feel free to leave or start a general.

safe spaces = banned for dissenting
echo chambers = shouted at for dissenting

you're pretty good, keep at it.

I though the problem was them agreeing with things because they are popular, not because they really agree with them.
You make it sound like they actually have their own opinions but they keep it to themselves because they know nobody else wants to hear them.
If someone had the opinion that Undertale was a good game, should he make a thread now about his opinion, or wait until it's no longer trendy to hate on it?

Eh. People here will bash on anyone and anything because it's funny, there's no other reason. If there's a laugh to be had, there will be several threads about it, stop pretending that there's any moral high ground to be won here.

But if it is an underrepresented opinions then it cannot be one of those 3, now can it?

Because underrepresented means it exists, just not as much as it 'should' according to the number of people who believe in it.
Thus it is not censored, not disallowed.

Holla Forums can fall as a echo chamber to certain topics, but we'll still argue about them, we still have nudoom threads and skyrim threads even though they are widely hated.

No, idiot. People aren't shouting at him because his opinion is different, people are shouting at him because 1) he's being a massive faggot about it and 2) has not posted any actual argument, just no-effort greentext IMPLYING IMPLICATIONS passive aggressive bullshit.

People will call each other retards for having differing opinions, but they'll get along just fine if each side posts arguments and counteraguments. I see it constantly. What's happening here is not that and you're being quite disingenuous about it.

Not should, could.
Should implies a value judgment.

there's a difference between saying that a game is good, and just pointing out that a game isn't the antichrist this board makes it out to be. games can be catered to audiences that aren't this board, but of course, saying that other people might actually enjoy a game that Holla Forums doesn't is a big no-no apparently

98% of my game discussion on this board revolves around games that other anons already agree are good. EYE, VTMB, Morrowind. shit like that.

enjoy being disregarded by publishers. the screaming minecraft and call of duty means more to them because their wallets are open.


its like Jews being kicked out of every nation for over 2000 years and its the goy who is wrong.

You can feel free to join him back to Reddit, m8

There was an Undertale thread up recently. Outside of the copypasta, it wasn't prevented in any way.

The reasoning on reddit goes "I will like this thing until it turns out I always hated it." If you do something here, at least you'll be called out on it to your face in a reasonable timeframe.

Then again, its your own fault for not making a good enough case for the game that you like, not Holla Forums's fault for not liking it, you're allowed to like it and post about how you like just as much as we are allowed to tell you you're a faggot for doing so, and again, if you're taste in games is solely reliant on Holla Forums's opinion, you are indeed not a very smart man.

Followed by the actual argument that you didn't read because you're colorblind at this point and memearrow texts are all you can see, I bet.

He said "I go to club A and they welcome me, I go to club B and I get a fist up my ass. Why would I ever go back to club B, especially when club A accepts me?"
and all I'm seeing is people arguing how he "should have sticked with club B, like all tough faggots like us. If he can't take a fist up his ass, he can fuck off".


Yes, their wallets are open and they outnumber us by millions. I will not waste my time fighting the tides with a piddly few thousand others on Holla Forums when it won't do a bit of good. I pirate and that is all there is to it.

Watch out user, before long you'll be cast down by the ire of the collective.
Though of course you're welcome any time to open yourself up for insults. We don't want to let others think we censor people here!

No, it doesn't has he been banned yet? have his posts been deleted?

If anyone agrees with his side of the arguement, like you, you are freely allowed to see what he has to say and even argue in his favor, just as much as we are allowed to call you a faggot and to tell you to fuck off, we have as much authority as you do on this board

Learn to recognise bait, nerds

That's being dishonest by implying the guy who chose club B over club A is a saint who done nothing wrong.

I'm making the case that Holla Forums is an echo chamber because you can just drown out dissenting opinions.
All that's happened so far is everyone getting extremely defensive about it. It's almost like there's a group-wide sentiment that everyone agrees on. A list of "Holla Forums approved opinions", if you will.

The fuck are you talking about?
You accuse me of not reading something and then proceed NOT TO READ SOMETHING
I'm not talking about the OP you fucking retard, we're talking about the moron in this thread who's crying about being censored and silenced while continuing to post about being censored and silenced, yet provide no actual arguments.

Did you think I was talking about yandev? I wasn't. You would know this if you took your own advice and checked the context and actually read posts. The fuck is your excuse? Where the fuck did this guy say anything about "being welcomed at a club" or provide any arguments?

Or are you just going to not reply to this post when you realized your brain cells just tanked hard?

I didn't asked you if there was or wasn't a thread at all, I was asking you if it was a good idea to start one.
Dodging the question still answers it, though…

And the reasoning on Holla Forums goes "I will hate this thing until it turns out I always liked it."

That wasn't even the point I was making, nobody really cares about improving anything or calling bullshit so things stop being as bad. The thing that matters is how hilarious it is to mock dumb shit. People will start threads just to mock stuff, they will never give alternatives, they will never sugest how could things be different or better. The order of the day is always "how can we mine salt from here?"

TFC servers were supposed to be about "TF2 but with none of that gay shit" but they quickly devolved into "let's mock the furries, JASON GRANT AHAHAH" and never stopped until they turned around and became "Alphablaster likes to ERP as Link on /cuteboys/" and bashing that guy was the new thing to talk about. TF2 was never the major theme in those threads.

also, jesus fuck, both of us need to stop treating Holla Forums as an individual.

that's fair enough

Nigga literally all the replies you've got have been telling you that you're assessment that people disagreeing with you = is censorship is completly wrong, don't try and change the subject, you made a stupid post, own up to it and move on, no one gives a fuck.

just because i want you to fuck off, does not mean its censoring. im telling you to fuck off be cause your opinion is shit. there are no mods coming here and banning you for saying what you said.

You don't have to fuck off if someone tells you to fuck off.
I don't know why you're assuming these people have authority over you.

We don't censor people, if we did, you'd have 7 less visible posts in this thread.

I can answer that: Probably not, as we've already discussed it to death, the game's short and almost a year old.

And you wonder why 4chan and reddit is better than you in everyway?

Didn't imply that at all, WTF? The guy that chose club B is a faggot, having a fist shoved up your ass is mad gay.

You're definition of censorship is fucking stupid, and furthermore I do not believe you are real

How do either of those statements contradict each other, you can't force a majority of the memespouting userbase of Holla Forums to like a game they've been conditioned not to like, accept that and move on, which is why, like I said, if you are relying on Holla Forums solely for their opinions on vidya you are truly limiting yourself for the reasons stated above

its probably some tumblr faggot i doubt even reddit would be this bad.

Clearly not the case.

That's a lot of people who supposedly don't care, then.

Fuck right off. Up until this post you've been making the case that when others are disagreeing with you that means you're being censored, you deceitful shit.

Go and cry about it obln reddit fag.

Unless you disagree with Holla Forums of course.

See and this is why we're having this discussion because you choose not to address it and keep waving it off as "Shill" or "Reddit" or "Tumblr

hows that echochamber coming along?

How do you even "condition" people on an anonymous imageboard?
I think you're giving us way too much credit here.

I didn't say disagreeing is censorship. I said trying to silence and police others for wrongthink is censorship, and that makes Holla Forums an echo chamber, you nigger.

I haven't seen this much bile compacted in one place in a while.
Thank you. This thread was already spectacular, but you've made it even better.

You haven't made an argument. There is nothing anyone can do but insult you. Please, post one so someone can prove you wrong.

Your arguments don't really mesh together. First you say that Holla Forums hates everything until they like it, but then you segway into the fact that everyone enjoyed TF2C until it turned to shit. It's almost as if peoples reactions changed because of changing conditions, which falls under my argument that Holla Forums gives an honest reaction to events.

I don't see what you wanted me to say. Feel free to post a thread on Undertale, if you want.

You know what I mean user, a generally held opinion that won't be changed at large.

Only the mods can silence or police you. The users can only insult you.

Then what's the point in typing "fuck off"? If the idea is not to have someone leave, might as well put blankspaces in your post.
Even a simple "I disagree with your post" has more value than that.

I don't assume anyone has authority over me (except for the mods, I guess), I just don't get why they think they actually do. I won't tell anyone to "fuck off" if I disagree with him, I'll call him on his bullshit, explain why he's wrong and be done with it. He can stay, he can go, doesn't change him being wrong.
Asking for someone leave because you disagree is just saying "I'm not smart enough to prove you're wrong, so please run away so I don't have to do it".

Fallout 4 threads were flooded with porn. Discussion about the game was impossible because of this and during many days there wasn't even a general to talk about it.
The game was terrible and all that, I won't disagree either, but what happened to those threads was effectively censorship and just because it happened by mob justice and not the mods or because it resorted to flooding instead of deletion, it does not mean discussion wasn't impossible at all.
Arguing that "there's no censoring" while agreeing that that was the correct thing to do with those threads is just a double standard".

The game should have been limited to a single cyclical general thread for people to talk about it if they wanted free of spam and flooding and when interest in the game died out, it would be gone, allowing discussion but preventing the shilling.

Right, that wasn't the point I was trying to make, but it's still true and not a good idea to start a thread because of that.

I guess a better question would be "Should someone make a thread about Undertale 2 if he likes the game?"


because I don't rely on Holla Forums to tell me what's good, and I largely only discuss games that I already agree with some people here are good.

in addition, how is suggesting that Holla Forums consider games that are disliked here under different criteria an example of relying on them to tell me my own opinion. I am literally directly clashing with the status quo and fighting over it.

this thread is, as
stated, a big argument. so I'm just gonna leave something that everyone on Holla Forums can be equally disappointed about then hop the fuck out.

The concept of "politely disagreeing" didn't even occur, huh!

The fact that you can get run out of a thread and if its universally hated by the hivemind it can be saged and spammed to hell, if that isn't an echochamber i dont know wha tis

but ooooh i bet i angered the hornets nest, and i'll have a million post on how im from reddit



Hi, I'm the guy that made these poses on Reddit

Ask me anything


What I'm saying is, like and play what you enjoy, hell even post about it on Holla Forums if you so desire, but don't expect everyone, least of all everyone on Holla Forums to agree with you, thats all. Don't let what Holla Forums has to say stop you from enjoying games that you like, but also don't expect Holla Forums to share that same enjoyment you had.

How can the users here silence you exactly? You are still posting and can and probably will keep posting.

You can't read.

The threads about TF2C were never sustained with genuine interest in the game. Most people posting there and even joining the game did so because of the memes, the salt and all the people complaining abotu being banned there. Everyone that complained about the bans was laughed off the threads because it was funny mocking them, nobody cared if the bans were just or not.
Until Alphablaster became the lolcow everyone got to know and suddendly the bans were "unfair and done by a stupid autist". It was never about building a community, it was about laughing at furries first and alphablaster second.

It was never about the game, it was always about the salt, just like most discussions on Holla Forums are never about "why is this bad" but rather "how can I synthetize this into a caption image so we can all laugh at it".

Pretty sure everyone is all argued and baited out. You missed your window of opportunity to piss anons off.

Nice one buddy, but that didn't really counter my point.

How? Does your compter turn off after a certian amount of disagreements?
That's a bannable offence for vidya related threads.

But congratulations, you made an argument. It was wrong, but I won't call you reddit for at least trying to make one.

Fucking how? No one can stop you posting.

the fact that this is a fucking image board and i posted an image that conveys my point and you didn't get it proves you need to fuck off and get out, No one is going to change for you, the only option you have is to leave and go to Reddit or tumblr where they share the same opinions as you.

eat shit retard.

Fuck off, that's why.
This is free speech in its raw form, we're allowed to be as offensive as we please. Sure the posts might not have value, but they don't need to. That's always been a huge appeal to imageboards, you're not tiptoeing around "important" people with high post counts, scores, or whatever.
I agree with you on Fallout 4, that was Mark's fault. He shouldn't have allowed that. Though these days he handles things a bit better, giving controversial releases cyclical threads, like nuDoom or Overwatch.
Of course.

post about 300 posts so the thread autosages
bump a bunch of threads or start your owns so it drops from the first pages
you can even bump every single other thread and start a single one to make it drop off the board.
You can even do it with just the image limit per thread if you dump images and you can use Juni Ito comics to prevent being reported for spam.

If you want, you can argue that anyone can just remake the thread again but if someone deletes your post, you can just post it again and it's still censorship.

The way I've seen most commonly is just screaming at others to go back to reddit.

Pic related

You aren't being censored by being insulted. Only the mods can censor you. You just have an opinion that many others disagree with.

there is no reason to post a long sentence over your stupid tinfoil shit, that image i posted is perfect for you idiot. You are talking a bunch of fag shit, now fuck off and stop posting.

still didn't counter my point there champ

See, you just proved my point that Holla Forums is just another echochamber

Well I have definitely seen it on multiple occasions. I don't bother screencapping them so I guess it's just your word versus mine.

No one owes you an in depth rebuttal to any post. If that was all your post inspired in response then that is what it got. Lazy insults do not a echo chamber make.

And now you've proven you have no idea what you're talking about. Most early threads were about content, then it became a thread about the content of the game, along with a slew of what you mentioned mixed in. Eventually, it turned into complaints about the game's progress, with less people disagreeing about complaints about AlphaBlaster. You either heard about the threads secondhand, or are lying out of your ass.

Go back to reddit. Seriously.

Don't go to reddit.
There, we're no longer an echochamber.

do you even know what an echo chamber is you stupid fuck?

we dont have to let retards talk about shit that derail the thread and have no point to the subject if we dont want to. if you post something retarded and we all recognize it as retarded we dont have to listen to you, Not every comment someone posts has to be correct, in an echo chamber everything someone posts is correct.

this is not an echochamber, we dont ban people because they have an opinion different from us. but we can tell them to fuck off if they say stupid shit.

So basically, unless this community agrees with you and gives you all the attention and positive comments you want, you're getting censored.

I sincerely hoping you're just baiting people. If you are, you've done an EXCELLENT job all things considered.

Then again people are this stupid. You can never really know.

An opinion that many others are shunning and trying to get rid of.

I came into this thread to find out who YandareDev is, and I still don't know because of this ignorant motherfucker stealing my sides and blasting off into hyperspace with them.

That isn't silencing. You can still post, no matter how many times people tell you to go back to your optimal site.

And I'm sure they'd get banned for spamming.
Catalog you nigger. Even then, that instance assumes no one else is posting in your thread and bumping it.
Again, that assumes that no one else is posting in the thread to bump it.
That is an instance of someone spamming. To be fair I have seen threads get spammed with shitty comics, but that usually happened in blatantly shit threads.

not every opinion deserves to be respected or agreed with.

If "go back to reddit" is how they choose to frame their disagreement then that is what it is. They didn't stop you from posting or delete it. They just dismissed your opinion in a stock fashion. They don't owe you a response in the first place, much less an in depth one. You are not as important as you would like to think user.

yandev posted some videos of himself, he's a cuck who let some bitch from the Netherlands stay and live off him while she goes out and fucks guys and explores the country.

i dont know where i posted the image and i dont have a link to the video because i dont give a fuck enough to save it.

Get better opinions.

Maybe you should go back to reddit.

Nah, if the community tries to have your posts or your entire thread drowned out in shitposting so nobody can see it or even bumped out of the board, that's censoring.

Ever consider that you can just ignore what you don't like? Leave the thread and let it fall to page 15 with 8 replies because nobody is interested in such awfull thread?

Threads should go or stay based on interest to talk about them, not about the outrage they can manufacture.
And yet we are at over 500 replies in a thread about a Dev and a game nobody here likes.
This really tells you more about Holla Forums than about YanderedDev.

Evaxephon, an old tripfag back on halfchan. In 2013 (I think) he came back with a new alias and a concept for a game called Yandere Simulator. He posted regularly on threads here about his game, but after a bunch of really retarded decisions, Holla Forums started giving him shit when all he wanted was unanimous praise. So naturally he threw a hissy-fit and went from Holla Forums to Reddit, like most faggots do.

Yandev is also know Evaxephon and actually the developer behind Yandere Simulator. Ba Dum Tiss! Here is an autistic Wikia article about him and a chatlog with him in it.

Have fun!

It's not.

but if its not one the board agrees with its shunned and spammed out of oblivion because people dare insult the hivemind with their own opinions

tell me how is that not like an echochamber?

Just because imageboards don't let you downvote or shadowban others for wrongthink, it doesn't mean imageboards don't have equivalent ways of dealing with them.

Your posts are always on full display. It's not the same thing at all. Until a mod comes in and deletes or edits your shit there is no censorship happening.

They are not equivalent because you can still post and what you say is just as visible as what some else says for 'rightthink'.

What are they? And don't say "People being mean to me"

Name them, then. Try not to include bannable offences, like that last guy.

No matter how you twist being insulted or ignored by the users, it doesn't make it censorship. You have opinions on games that many here do not share and are not shy in letting you know. You have to accept this.

because that faggot still has the ability to post his stupid shit even though everyone is telling him what an idiot he is. he is not being banned for it and stopped from posting ever again. that is what an echo chamber is you retard, go learn what an echo chamber is before you go around spouting echo chamber at everything.

And who gets to decide what's a "blatantly shit thread"? The mods? The community?
What happens if Mark doesn't like a particular videogame and someone starts spamming it? Is he gonna intervene?

Reminder than nuDoom only got a general thread much later, the first approach took by Mark was "you can spam porn all you want in Doom threads", which lead to several porn dumps on Holla Forums, which was also what happened with FO4.

You either have very strict guidelines and an aproved comitee to decide what are "blatantly shit threads", or you treat every thread equally and spamming isn't allowed anywhere at all, except we both know that isn't what happens at all.

Please list these equivalent ways.

This is exactly the type of reaction I would expect from people who are completely not mad about something

And pressing the Backspace key doesn't delete characters because it's not the Delete key?

Thank you! Was waiting for a post like this.

We haven't been discussing Yandev for a long time in this thread. This has turned into a Holla Forums meta thread. Like I said, you missed the boat on trying to bait with that user.

That's EXACTLY what it had, retard. From day one of its release there was a FO4 cyclical general that you were not allowed to dump porn in.

Again, how is that not an echochamber, user?

It's 550 posts of some redditors getting assblasted. It went off topic long ago.

Doesn't happen unless a mod deletes/edits it. Use the filters dipshit.
You can make a new fucking thread.

An individual. Like me, or you.
No because he has rules he has to uphold.
Which is how things work, except instances where the community at large was asked how to deal with something and agreed upon a course of action.

Also, great job on ignoring every other rebuttal fellow redditor!

Because you can't get banned for having a different opinion. If some faggot gets scared off because he can't handle multiple telling him he's wrong that's his fault for being a thin skinned faggot, not the boards fault.

I like NuDoom, I don't get scared off because faggots tell me to fuck off back to reddit.

The game had a "you can spam porn in every FO4 thread!" policy and several threads got that treatment. After a few weeks, a single general for the game was allowed to stop the constant spam of these threads.
nuDoom got the same treatment because someone actually asked "so if I want a porndump on Holla Forums, I just gotta put Doom on the O?"

Mark learned from those mistakes after some time, first in FO4 with the constant Todd spam and after that with Doom and the porndumps. When Overwatch came, it already had it's own cyclical thread to prevent that kind of spam. But that wasn't the rule at all during the first days, both for FO4 or Doom. Everyone was too busy with "le salt" to consider shitposters filling the catalog with shit threads.

yeah, you are right, I can't produce any more butthurt than this thread contains already

cya faggots, your board is shit

I don't need filters to know about my post, I wrote it. But if it's surrounded by a Tails porndump, it's not gonna be read at all and nobody is gonna filter literal shit because they don't know there's a post there. Way to miss the point.

And if a mod deletes your post, you can just post again. And if you are banned, you can just get a new IP and post again. So I guess deleting posts and banning people isn't censorship either?

Jesus, are you morons really that fucking dense?
An echo chamber undermines and drowns out opinions that aren't "Holla Forums-approved"

You've been in this thread for a while, surely you can answer that question by yourself at this point.

because you can't get banned for posting your stupid opinion


You keep saying opinion, and that's the issue.

Opinions =/= fact

Your opinion is that disagreement is censorship.
My opinion is that you're wrong.

You do not have solid reasoning for your opinion, so it can be dismissed with a simple "fuck you". If you look in the thread, you can see that posts with some attempt at an argument are rebutted, not simply insulted.

I don't think anyone in this thread is anally blasted as you are right now user :^)

If it was an echo chamber you wouldn't be allowed to even talk about things that go against the "Holla Forums-approved". We can, and I do regularly.

Freedom of speech in action, son.
That's not something you can prevent without actual censorship.

I did get the point. You can filter morons, and people that want to engage you in discussion can ignore and/or filter too. Bring worthwhile fucking discussion to the board and stop responding to retards.

No it didn't, it had one right from the very beginning, just like FO4. Either you're making up shit or you were too retarded the threads somehow.

There was a cyclical FO4 general 5 before its release.

When it was released, Mark made this thread
It clearly states
And right here, on the exact same day is the cyclical FO4 general that replaced the previous cyclical one
where no porn dumps were allowed. I can probably find the archives for Doom too because I know 100% Mark made a general for that in the exact same way.

It's just cognitive dissonance, user. It's hard coming to terms that you may not be as smart or beautifull as you think and even worse realizing that you might not be right at all.
You'll now get a lot of posts telling you to shut the fuck up and going back to reddit because your opinion isn't aproved in this hugbox while none of them even realizes the irony there.

False equivalence.

I'm sorry that you or any other user have minority opinions on games. Just because you are upset by that fact does not make you the victim of censorship.

How dense are you, you're still here 21 posts later, preaching your autism without a ban, Im beginning to think that you're just YanDev that came here to derail the thread away from your public display of autism

meant for

That's a safe space, not an echo chamber.
In an echo chamber, everyone just repeats the same opinion over and over again and every thing different is drowned out.

That works both ways you smarmy cunt.

*Either you're making up shit or you were too retarded to find the threads somehow.
*There was a cyclical FO4 general 5 days before its release.
And here is an archive of that

People here aren't talking about YanDev anymore. This whole clusterfuck about "shitposting = censorship" is what is keeping people here.

So people ignoring you is freedom, but people disagreeing with you is a form of censorship? If the shitposts were just spam you could argue your point sure, but this is entirely people getting angry and expressing their opinions.

Should they not be allowed to express their opinion?

If someone tells you it's a bad idea, and multiple people support this, it's probably a bad idea
your opinion has been heard, it's a shit opinion
it's like suggesting invading russia in winter and getting laughed out of the room

Yes. Yes, it does. :^)

Archive of the Doom general, created on its release day with a clear message that porn dumps aren't allowed

Great job in deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying.

Were do all those butthurt faggots come from?

This only means you have shit taste or your were pretty hungry for a traditional FPS and it was the first thing in that line you saw.

Pic related. This is why I usually filter shit like this.

not everyone has the same opinions on Holla Forums, you may like a game that i hate.
you have juts as much right to say a game is shit as i say it is good.

no one will ban you for saying so.

but there are times when a game truly is shit.

there are such things as shills, EA literally pays people to go around to forums and such and shill for a game.

Microsoft also did this for their windows 10 operating system, anyone who had something negative to say about windows 10 was shunned.

anyone have a image of shills posting hundreds of threads on the same game. my image folder is messy and i doubt i would find it in time to post this.

Good job. Now reply to the proof that you've been talking bullshit.

Come on, you fucking bitch. Reply. Where are you?

But user filters seem to be broken.
I tried to filter ID+ to see how much of the thread disappeared and it wouldn't work.

Delete your cookies and clear all Holla Forums history. I had to do that a while back because filters stopped working.

So you're for tone policing now?

Thanks, I'd have never thought to do that.

Please no
I believed in you Yanderedev
There is still hope, is there?

Top kek. He does realize that he will crash and burn if he tries to be anything other than a trained monkey for reddit/tumblr now, right? He belongs to the sjws and will be donating to Anita in no time. He is their slave.

That's what he wanted to do. He pandered to Holla Forums because he believed Holla Forums actually had good taste in vidya and would help make a good game.
I don't think he was wrong two years ago, but now it's a different story.

Not negativity, that was here long before.
He's right about Holla Forums being the mirror opposite of SJWs, both largely ignorant and overreacting to everything.

Sure thing hoss

It wasn't always like this.

Say what you will but Holla Forums overall has a decent understanding in regards to games. I've actually learned a lot about games on Holla Forums. You just have to be good at filtering bullshit since that is the price of freedom.

I feel like people who truly think this think anything other than a yawn is overreaction. I see people having fun with some bullshit and others see everyone screaming for dear life. I'll never understand it.


I have to wonder just what the chain of "running off" is at this point. Where exactly would rock bottom/the place of last resort be?

whatever happen to doing interviews with devs anyway?
I think the last one was with the Hatred dev like a year ago, when before that we used to get them every few months or so.

Might be wrong, but the last I remember seeing was Denis Dyack.





American McGee was here 3 months ago while our software still sucked. He claimed that John Carmack had a decent bulge between his tights.


Holla Forums is the best place to talk about videogame.
You get unfiltered opinions from all sorts of people.
By all means, that doesn't mean that Holla Forums is always right but sure as hell Holla Forums is honest, sadly most people mistake honesty with malice, thus thin skinned fags like OP's pic end up breaking down when Holla Forums make them face with the hard truth of their shortcomings.

There is no middleground, we're the best, we love good games and even have recurring share threads for other people to play them, saying that Holla Forums is only filled with hate and shitposter is a simple delusion from the meme of Holla Forums being an eternal rage God.

Holla Forums has always been about being a sheep.

Being part of the hivemind is different than being a sheep.
Lurk more, maybe you'll understand what it feels like.


We're trading reaction images now?
Though yours aren't that original.
Much like your rebuttals.

It doesn't work that way, if you want to be successful you have to make what the market wants

You have no point.

That was pretty good. Nice work.

there is so much reddit in this thread my head hurts


scrubs a shit

Daily reminder that he started Yandere Sim to prove to Mike Z that he's not a faggot.
Daily reminder that he always took criticism like shit.
Daily reminder that the defenders in the thread are newfags that are easily manipulated.

Is he just upset that people aren't kissing his ass enough?

I don't understand how this game can be so popular, and yet there are literally NO people on his ACTUAL website and stream, even though those have been posted countless times and he streams daily.

It's incredibly obvious how much of a faggot he is by going there, all he does is bitch about having to make this game and >tfw no gf while he makes 5k usd per month from patreon

he hasn't even tried to fix the fucking performance caused by shitty AI code, he just keeps adding more features on top of it

What? Link?

Anyway, I don't care what Yanderedev thinks about this board, so long as he doesn't change his game to cater to SJWs.

There's no way someone can be this stupid right?

I don't want a "pro-chan" developer. I want a pro-solid-game developer. Which he wasn't because he scrapped the idea that the majority supported. Probably trying to lower the ESRB rating for his game despite being it a murderer simulator.